b'@inproceedings{Smith-et-al_EG06,'b'\nTITLE = {Beyond Tone Mapping: Enhanced Depiction of Tone Mapped {HDR} Images},\nAUTHOR = {Smith, Kaleigh and Krawczyk, Grzegorz and Myszkowski, Karol and Seidel, Hans-Peter},\nLANGUAGE = {eng},\nISSN = {0167-7055},\nISBN = {ISSN: 0167-7055},\nDOI = {10.1111/j.1467-8659.2006.00962.x},\nLOCALID = {Local-ID: C125675300671F7B-8B783A77FDD3AB10C125722F003AF5B2-Smith2006eg},\nPUBLISHER = {Blackwell},\nPUBLISHER = {Blackwell-Wiley},\nYEAR = {2006},\nDATE = {2006},\nABSTRACT = {High Dynamic Range (HDR) images capture the full range of luminance<br> present in real world scenes, and unlike Low Dynamic Range (LDR)<br> images, can simultaneously contain detailed information in the<br> deepest of shadows and the brightest of light sources. For display<br> or aesthetic purposes, it is often necessary to perform tone<br> mapping, which creates LDR depictions of HDR images at the cost of<br> contrast information loss. The purpose of this work is two-fold: to<br> analyze a displayed LDR image against its original HDR counterpart<br> in terms of perceived contrast distortion, and to enhance the LDR<br> depiction with perceptually driven colour adjustments to restore the<br> original HDR contrast information. For analysis, we present a novel<br> algorithm for the characterization of tone mapping distortion in terms<br> of observed loss of global contrast, and loss of contour and texture<br> details. We classify existing tone mapping operators accordingly.<br> We measure both distortions with perceptual metrics that enable the<br> automatic and meaningful enhancement of LDR depictions. For image<br> enhancement, we identify artistic and photographic colour techniques<br> from which we derive adjustments that create contrast with colour.<br> The enhanced LDR image is an improved depiction of the original HDR<br> image with restored contrast<br> information.},\nBOOKTITLE = {EUROGRAPHICS 2006 Proceedings},\nEDITOR = {Szirmay-Kalos, L{\\\'a}szl{\\\'o} and Gr{\\"o}ller, Eduard},\nPAGES = {427--438},\nJOURNAL = {Computer Graphics Forum},\nVOLUME = {25},\nISSUE = {3},\nADDRESS = {Vienna, Austria},\n}\n'