ICPSG 2025-Madrid, Spain
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The conference aims to provide a platform where academics and practitioners from cross disciplinary fields from education, environmental protection industry and business can come together and collaborate. The event will encourage the exploration of the potential synergies that may arise from pooling the different perspectives. Past ICPSG 2018, 2019 conferences were held in Shanghai, Hiroshima, Chengdu respectively. ICPSG 2020, 2021 and 2022 has been held as virtual conference, due to COVID-19. After COVID-19, ICPSG 2023 and 2024 have been successfully held in Chengdu as physical event.<br> We invite you to submit papers on Power and Smart Grid. Poster and oral presentations, and thesis presentations will be included to the Conference Program.</p> <h4>IMPORTANT DATES</h4> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td width="25%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><strong>Submission Deadline </strong></td> <td width="25%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><strong>Acceptance Notification </strong></td> <td width="25%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><strong>Camera Paper Due</strong></td> <td width="25%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><strong>Registration Deadline </strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="33">January 31, 2025</td> <td height="33">February 20, 2025</td> <td height="33">March 5, 2025</td> <td height="33">March 5, 2025</td> </tr> </table> <p align="justify"> </p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="columns large-4 feature-img pr20"> <h4>PUBLICATION</h4> <p><img border="0" src="htmlimg/springer.png" width="40%" height="73"><br> Accepted and presented papers from ICPSG2025 will be published into a volume of <i>Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems as book chapter by Springer</i>. The book series is now indexed by EI Compendex, SCOPUS, INSPEC, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH, SCImago. All books published in the series are submitted for consideration in Web of Science.</p> </div> <div class="columns large-4 feature-img pr20"> <h4>SUBMISSION</h4> <p>Please submit full paper or abstract through <a href="">Online Submission System</a></p> <ul class="bullet service-benefits-list"> <li><a href="splnproc1703.docm">Full Paper Formatting</a><br></li> <li><a href="IEEE-Template.docx">Abtract Formatting</a><br></li> </ul> </div> <div class="columns large-4 feature-img"> <h4>REGISTRATION</h4> <p>ICPSG 2025 accept participants' registration as the Author (presentation with publication), Presenter (presentation only) and Delegate through <a href="">Online Registration System</a>.</p> </ul> </div> </div><div class="row"><br> <div class="columns large-6 feature-img pr20"> <h4>WHY ATTEND</h4> <p align="justify">Learn & build relationships with colleagues that are specialists in the same field; Share your experiences and lessons learned with other scholars and enthusiasts; Discover innovative solutions to enhance the performance; Discussion-oriented sessions and networking breaks to enable collaborations. </p> </div> <div class="columns large-6 feature-img"> <h4>OUR MISSION</h4> <p align="justify">To provide an interactive learning and relationship-building forum for all researchers in the field of Power and Smart Grid. Colleagues from industry, academia, and government agencies will gather at the interface of research, partnerships, funding and commercialization to find ways to move forward.</p> </div> <div class="columns large-12 feature-img"> <h4>JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUE</h4> <p align="justify"><a href=""> Special Issue "Progress and Challenges in Power and Smart Grid"</a> of <a href=""><em>Energies</em></a> (ISSN 1996-1073; <strong>Impact Factor:</strong> 3.252 (2021); 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.333 (2021), indexing: SCIE, Ei Compendex, Scopus,). <br> This special issue belongs to the section "A1: Smart Grids and Microgrids". This ICPSG 2025 Special Issue will cover a wide range of topics related to the generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption of electricity, as well as the technology and infrastructure that enables the integration of renewable energy sources, demand management, and other advanced capabilities..</p> <h4>JOIN iCPSG 2025 AS COMMITTEE MEMBER</h4> <p>ICPSG 2025 kindly invites you to join us and work on the scientific and technical committees of the conferences. If you are interested in ICPSG, please send proposal with your CV to <a href=""></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="columns footer"> <div class="row"> <div class="columns large-12 footer-inner"> <div class="row"> <div class="columns large-3"> <h5>Sponsored by</h5> </div> <div class="columns large-9"> <form action="#" method="post"> <div class="row"> <img src="htmlimg/logo/1.png" width="126" height="104"><img src="htmlimg/logo/2.png" width="105" height="102"><p> </p> <p> </div> </div> <div class="columns large-3"> <h5>Co-sponsored by</h5> </div> <div class="columns large-9"> <form action="#" method="post"> <div class="row"> <img src="htmlimg/logo/University-of-Applied-Sciences.png" width="149" height="68"> <img src="htmlimg/logo/K.jpg" width="155" height="53"> <img src="htmlimg/logo/T.jpg" width="116" height="65"><img src="htmlimg/logo/Logo_RUB.png" width="216" height="50"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="columns footer-meta"> <div class="row"> <div class="columns large-12 footer-meta-inner"> <div class="row"> <div class="columns large-12"> <span class=""><a href="">Ms. Stacey Li</a></span> <span class="divider">|</span><span class="email"><a href=""></a><a href=""></a></span> <span class="tel"><a href=""><span class="divider"> | </span>+86-18117801445</a></span><span class="divider"> |</span> <span class="address"><a href=""> Madrid, Spain</a></span> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="columns large-12"> 漏 All rights reserved. 2025 8th International Conference on Power and Smart Grid (ICPSG 2025) </div> <div class="row"> <div class="columns large-12"> <div align="right"><img src="./htmlimg/media.png"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p><a class="loader" href=""></a></p> <script src="./javascript/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="./javascript/hoverIntent.js"></script> <script src="./javascript/superfish.js"></script> <script src="./javascript/jquery.flexslider-min.js"></script> <script> Modernizr.load({ test: Modernizr.placeholder, nope: 'js/placeholder.min.js' }); function goToNewPage() { if (document.getElementById('target').value) { window.location.href = document.getElementById('target').value; } } </script> <script> $(document).ready(function () { $('ul.sf-menu').superfish({ animation: { height: 'show' }, delay: 400 }); $(function () { $('input, textarea').placeholder(); }); $('.flexslider').flexslider(); }); </script> </body> </html>