IEEE Spectrum Subscription Form
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<script src="" integrity="sha256-e9gNBsAcA0DBuRWbm0oZfbiCyhjLrI6bmqAl5o+ZjUA=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> if (!String.prototype.startsWith) { String.prototype.startsWith = function(searchString, position){ position = position || 0; return this.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString; }; } </script> <script src="/ieee/js/bootstrap-multiselect.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#legacyLoginSubmit").validate({ "rules": { }, submitHandler: function(form) { var sbut = $("input[type=submit]", form); sbut.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); form.submit(); } }); <!-- as of 10/26/18 this file is being included on pages that do NOT use JSTL --> <!-- do not allow @ sign --> $.validator.addMethod('excludeChar', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || !(/[@]/.test(value)); },"That is not a valid entry."); <!-- do not allow @ sign french--> $.validator.addMethod('excludeCharFr', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || !(/[@]/.test(value)); },"Ceci n'est pas une entr茅e valide."); <!--allows 1234567890, A-Z, a-z, !@#$%^&*()_+-=,.<>/?;':"[]{}\|`~ OR nothing --> $.validator.addMethod('allStandardChars', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /[ -~\~]+$/.test(value); },"Only english characters allowed."); <!--allows 1234567890, A-Z, a-z, !@#$%^&*()_+-=,.<>/?;':"[]{}\|`~ --> $.validator.addMethod('allStandardCharsFr', function (value, element) { return /[ -~\~]+$/.test(value); },"Seuls les caract猫res anglais sont autoris茅s."); <!--allows 1234567890, A-Z, a-z, !@#$%^&*()_+-=,.<>/?;':"[]{}\|`~ OR nothing --> $.validator.addMethod('allStandardCharsOptional', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /[ -~\~]+$/.test(value); },"Only english characters allowed."); <!--allows 1234567890, A-Z, a-z, !@#$%^&*()_+-=,.<>/?;':"[]{}\|`~ OR nothing --> $.validator.addMethod('allStandardCharsOptionalFr', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /[ -~\~]+$/.test(value); },"Seuls les caract猫res anglais sont autoris茅s."); <!--allows 12345-1234, 123456789, 12345, a1a 1a1, a1a1a1 --> $.validator.addMethod('usPostalCode', function (value) { return /^((\d{5}-?\d{4})|(\d{5}))$/.test(value); },"Please enter a valid US postal code."); <!--allows a1a 1a1, a1a1a1 --> $.validator.addMethod('canadaPostalCode', function (value) { return /^([a-zA-Z]\d[a-zA-Z]\s?\d[a-zA-Z]\d)$/.test(value); },"Please enter a valid Canadian postal code."); <!--allows 12345-1234, 123456789,12345, a1a 1a1, a1a1a1 --> $.validator.addMethod('postalCode', function (value) { return /^((\d{5}-?\d{4})|(\d{5})|([a-zA-Z]\d[a-zA-Z]\s?\d[a-zA-Z]\d))$/.test(value); },"Please enter a valid US or Canadian postal code."); <!--(123)123-1234 or (123) 123-1234 or 123-123-1234 or 123.123.1234, etc--> $.validator.addMethod('phone', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^(\(([0-9]{3})\)[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})|([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4}))$/.test(value); },"Please enter a valid phone number."); <!--allows numbers, spaces, ., (, ), -, + --> $.validator.addMethod('genericPhone', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[\d\s\.\(\)\-\+]{0,}(?=\d{3,})[\d\s\.\(\)\-\+]{0,}$/.test(value); },"Please enter a valid phone number."); <!--allows numbers, spaces, ., (, ), -, + --> $.validator.addMethod('genericPhoneFr', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[\d\s\.\(\)\-\+]{0,}(?=\d{3,})[\d\s\.\(\)\-\+]{0,}$/.test(value); },"s'il vous pla卯t entrer un num茅ro de t茅l茅phone valide."); <!--allows numbers, spaces, ., (, ), -, + --> $.validator.addMethod('genericFax', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[\d\s\.\(\)\-\+]{0,}(?=\d{3,})[\d\s\.\(\)\-\+]{0,}$/.test(value); },"Please enter a valid fax number."); <!--(123)123-1234 or (123) 123-1234 or 123-123-1234 or 1231231234, etc--> $.validator.addMethod('phoneCustom', function (value) { return /^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[- ]?([0-9]{3})[- ]?([0-9]{4})$/.test(value); },"Please enter a valid phone number."); <!--(123)123-1234 or (123) 123-1234 or 123-123-1234 or 1231231234, etc--> $.validator.addMethod('faxCustom', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[- ]?([0-9]{3})[- ]?([0-9]{4})$/.test(value); },"Please enter a valid fax number."); <!--allows numbers, spaces, (, ), -, + --> $.validator.addMethod('genericPhoneCustom', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[\d\s\(\)\-\+]{10,}$/.test(value); },"Please enter a valid phone number."); <!--allows international phone number --> $.validator.addMethod('internationalPhoneCustom', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^\+(9[976]\d|8[987530]\d|6[987]\d|5[90]\d|42\d|3[875]\d|2[98654321]\d|9[8543210]|8[6421]|6[6543210]|5[87654321]|4[987654310]|3[9643210]|2[70]|7|1)\d{1,14}$/.test(value); },"Please enter a valid international phone number."); <!--allows number only --> $.validator.addMethod('phoneDigits', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[0-9]+$/.test(value); },"Please enter a valid international phone number."); <!--allows upper/lower case alph, spaces, . and - --> $.validator.addMethod('alpha', function (value) { return /^[-\.\sa-zA-Z]+$/.test(value); },"That is not a valid entry."); <!--allows upper/lower case alph, spaces, . and - --> $.validator.addMethod('alphaFr', function (value) { return /^[-\.\sa-zA-Z]+$/.test(value); },"Ceci n'est pas une entr茅e valide."); <!--minimum length of 2 --> $.validator.addMethod('minLength', function (value) { return /^.{2,}$/.test(value); },"That is not a valid entry."); <!--minimum length of 2 french--> $.validator.addMethod('minLengthFr', function (value) { return /^.{2,}$/.test(value); },"Ceci n'est pas une entr茅e valide."); <!--allows upper/lower case alph, spaces, ., - and ' --> $.validator.addMethod('alphaApostrophe', function (value) { return /^[-\.\sa-zA-Z']+$/.test(value); },"That is not a valid entry."); <!--allows upper/lower case alph, spaces, ., - and ' --> $.validator.addMethod('alphaApostropheFr', function (value) { return /^[-\.\sa-zA-Z'茅脿芒盲猫茅锚毛卯茂么霉没眉每莽]+$/i.test(value); },"Ceci n'est pas une entr茅e valide."); <!--allows upper/lower case alph, spaces, ., - and ' --> $.validator.addMethod('alphaApostropheOptional', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[-\.\sa-zA-Z']+$/.test(value); },"That is not a valid entry."); <!--allows upper/lower case alph, spaces, ., - and ' --> $.validator.addMethod('alphaApostropheOptionalFr', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[-\.\sa-zA-Z']+$/.test(value); },"Ceci n'est pas une entr茅e valide."); <!--allows upper/lower case alph, and spaces--> $.validator.addMethod('alphaOptional', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[a-zA-Z\s]+$/.test(value); },"That is not a valid entry."); <!--allows upper/lower case alph, and spaces--> $.validator.addMethod('alphaOptionalFr', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[a-zA-Z\s]+$/.test(value); },"Ceci n'est pas une entr茅e valide."); <!--allows upper/lower case alph, numbers, spaces, . and - --> $.validator.addMethod('alphaNumeric', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[-\.\sa-zA-Z\d]+$/.test(value); },"That is not a valid entry."); <!--allows upper/lower case alph, numbers, spaces, . and - --> $.validator.addMethod('alphaNumericFr', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[-\.\sa-zA-Z\d]+$/.test(value); },"Ceci n'est pas une entr茅e valide."); <!--allows upper/lower case alph, numbers, and spaces ONLY --> $.validator.addMethod('alphaNumericSpaceOnly', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[\sa-zA-Z\d]+$/.test(value); },"That is not a valid entry."); <!--allows upper/lower case alph, numbers, and spaces ONLY --> $.validator.addMethod('alphaNumericSpaceOnlyFr', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[\sa-zA-Z\d]+$/.test(value); },"Ceci n'est pas une entr茅e valide."); <!--when this class is added to a field the error message is will show --> $.validator.addMethod('province', function (value) { return false; },"Invalid Canadian province/postal code combination."); <!--when this class is added to a field the error message is will show --> $.validator.addMethod('provinceFr', function (value) { return false; },"Entr茅e invalide pour province canadienne/code postal."); <!--when this class is added to a field the error message is will show --> $.validator.addMethod('country', function (value) { return false; },"Invalid State/Country combination."); <!--when this class is added to a field the error message is will show --> $.validator.addMethod('countryFr', function (value) { return false; },"Entr茅e invalide pour province/pays."); <!--when this class is added to a field the error message will show --> $.validator.addMethod('print-usa-only', function (value) { return false; },"Free print subscription is only available for US addresses. <br/>Please select the 'Digital Version'."); <!-- Compare label with blank and default (parameter) value --> $.validator.addMethod('requiredDefault', function(value, element, param) { return value && value != param; },'Please enter a value.'); <!-- Compare label with blank and default (parameter) value --> $.validator.addMethod('requiredFr', function(value) { return value && value != ''; },'Ce champ est requis.'); <!--if the country is not = USA, an error message will be shown --> $.validator.addMethod('usaOnly', function (value) { return false; },"A Paid subscription is required for addresses outside of the US."); <!--validate address to have at least 1 alphanumeric character before allowing ., --> $.validator.addMethod("addressValidate", function(value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || value == value.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9 .,]*$/); },"Please enter a valid address."); <!--validate username to have only certain characters --> $.validator.addMethod("username", function(value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[a-zA-Z0-9!$'\-\.@_~]+$/.test(value); },"Usernames may only contain letters, numbers, and !$'-.@_~"); <!-- if we ever decide we need to prevent leading 0s update to ^[1-9]+\d+$ --> $.validator.addMethod('postId', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || (value.match(/^\d+$/) && parseInt(value) != 0); },"Please enter valid account number."); $.validator.addMethod("needsSelection", function(value, element) { var count = $(element).find('option:selected').length; return count > 0; },"Please select at least one option."); $.validator.addMethod("email", function(value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^(([a-zA-Z0-9_.'-])+@([a-zA-Z0-9_.-])+\.([a-zA-Z]){2,})?$/.test(value); },"Please enter a valid email address."); $.validator.addMethod("emailFr", function(value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^(([a-zA-Z0-9_.'-])+@([a-zA-Z0-9_.-])+\.([a-zA-Z]){2,})?$/.test(value); },"Veuillez saisir une adresse de courriel valide."); $.validator.addMethod("studentEmail", function(value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /(.edu){1}$/.test(value); },"Please enter a valid .edu email address"); $.validator.addMethod("studentEmailExtended", function(value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /(.edu){1}$/.test(value) || /(.ac){1}$/.test(value)|| /(.uk){1}$/.test(value); },"Please enter a valid .edu .ac .uk email address"); $.validator.addMethod("validDomains", function(value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) ; },"Please enter company email address."); $.validator.addMethod("confirmEmail", function(value, element) { return (value).toLowerCase() === ($("#Emails_GROUP1_EmailAddress").val()).toLowerCase(); },"Please enter the same email as above."); $.validator.addMethod("confirmUsernameAsEmail", function(value, element) { return (value).toLowerCase() === ($("#Username").val()).toLowerCase(); },"Please enter the same email as above."); $.validator.addMethod("confirmEmailFr", function(value, element) { return (value).toLowerCase() === ($("#Emails_GROUP1_EmailAddress").val()).toLowerCase(); },"Entrez le m锚me email que ci-dessus."); $.validator.addMethod("confirmUsernameAsEmailFr", function(value, element) { return (value).toLowerCase() === ($("#Username").val()).toLowerCase(); },"Entrez le m锚me email que ci-dessus."); $.validator.addMethod("confirmPassword", function(value, element) { return value === $("input#password").val(); },"Please enter the same password as above."); $.validator.addMethod("confirmPasswordFr", function(value, element) { return value === $("input#password").val(); },"Entrez le m锚me mot de passe que ci-dessus."); <!-- validate password as described in error message --> $.validator.addMethod("auth-password", function(value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}(.*)$/.test(value); },"Please enter at least 6 characters, and include a minimum of 1 lower-case letter(s), 1 upper case letter(s) and 1 number(s)"); <!-- validate password as described in error message --> $.validator.addMethod("auth-passwordFr", function(value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}(.*)$/.test(value); },"Veuillez saisir au moins 6 caract猫res et inclure au moins une lettre minuscule, une lettre majuscule et un chiffre."); <!-- validate password as described in error message --> $.validator.addMethod("limit-password", function(value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[\.\sa-zA-Z\d~!@#$%^&*()_\-+=?.]+$/.test(value); },"Please enter only alphanumeric characters or ~!@#$%^&*()_-+=?.<>"); <!-- validate password as described in error message --> $.validator.addMethod("limit-passwordFr", function(value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^[\.\sa-zA-Z\d~!@#$%^&*()_\-+=?.]+$/.test(value); },"Veuillez saisir seulement des caract猫res alphanum茅riques ou sp茅ciaux ~!@#$%^&*()_-+=?.<>"); <!-- validate optional password field --> $.validator.addMethod("optionalPassword", function(value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || btoa($(element).val())=== ""; },"Invalid Password"); <!-- basic validation for prices (should be valid integer or double) --> $.validator.addMethod("price", function(value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^\d{0,8}(\.\d{1,4})?$/.test(value);<!-- the price is right! --> },"Please enter a valid amount"); <!-- require at least 2 names be provided (separated by a space) - generally for NameOnCard --> $.validator.addMethod("first-last-required", function(value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || value.match(/\S+/g).length>1; },"Enter a first and last name"); <!-- validate price code radio against country --> $.validator.addMethod("ppc-radio-input", function(value, element) { var selectedCountry = $("[name^=Addresses_][name$=_CountryCode]").not(":disabled").val(); var selectedGeoLocation = $(".ppc-radio-input:checked").attr("data-ppc-geolocation"); var valid = true; if((selectedCountry && selectedCountry.length > 0) && (selectedGeoLocation && selectedGeoLocation.length > 0)){ if((selectedGeoLocation === "1" && selectedCountry !== "USA") || (selectedGeoLocation === "2" && selectedCountry !== "CAN") || (selectedGeoLocation === "3" && selectedCountry === "USA") || (selectedGeoLocation === "4" && selectedCountry !== "MEX")){ valid = false; } } return valid; },"The country you selected is not valid for the selected payment option."); <!-- validate price code radio against country for gift page--> $.validator.addMethod("ppc-radio-input-gift", function(value, element) { var selectedCountry = $("[name^=Addresses_][name$=_CountryCode]").not(":disabled").val(); var selectedGeoLocation = $(".ppc-radio-input-gift:checked").attr("data-ppc-geolocation"); var valid = true; if((selectedCountry && selectedCountry.length > 0) && (selectedGeoLocation && selectedGeoLocation.length > 0)){ if((selectedGeoLocation === "1" && selectedCountry !== "USA") || (selectedGeoLocation === "2" && selectedCountry !== "CAN") || (selectedGeoLocation === "3" && selectedCountry === "USA") || (selectedGeoLocation === "4" && selectedCountry !== "MEX")){ valid = false; } } return valid; },"The country you selected is not valid for the selected payment option."); <!-- email is required for certain payment options, validate it here --> $.validator.addMethod("ppc-email-required", function(value, element) { var valid = true; if($(".ppc-radio-input:checked").hasClass("ppc-email-required")){ //if there are gift recipient emails, loop through all of them to determine whether any have been left empty var giftRecipientEmails = $("input[name^=recipient][name$=_EmailAddress]").not(":disabled"); if($(giftRecipientEmails).length > 0){ $.each(giftRecipientEmails, function(index,element){ if($(element).val() === ""){ valid = false; } }); } else{ valid = $("input[name=Emails_GROUP1_EmailAddress]").val().length > 0; } } return valid; },"Email address is required for the selected payment option."); <!-- validate passalong product, at least one should be checked --> $.validator.addMethod("passalongProduct", function(value, element) { var valid = false; var passalongClass = findPassalongClassForElement($(element)); var isEmpty = true; //only need to select a passalong product if any of the passalong group's other fields have been filled out $.each($('.' + passalongClass + ".passalongField"), function(index, item) { if (item != null && $(item).val() != "") { isEmpty = false; } }); if (isEmpty) { valid = true; } else { valid = isOneCheckedByClass(passalongClass + ".pg-product");// for example.. } return valid; },"Please select at least one product."); <!-- if auto renew checkbox must be checked --> $.validator.addMethod("autoRenewRequired", function(value, element) { var valid = true; if($("#autoRenewCode").is(':checked')){ valid = true; } else{ valid = false; } return valid; },"Please opt-in to the full terms and conditions and privacy policy of the site to place your order"); var regionFieldId = 'regionCode'; var countryFieldId = 'countryCode'; var postalFieldId = 'postalCode'; var countryField = $('#' + countryFieldId); var regionField = $('#' + regionFieldId); $(countryField).bind('change keyup', function() { validateRegionCountry(countryFieldId, regionFieldId); validatePostalCode(countryFieldId, postalFieldId); }); $('#' + regionFieldId).change(function(){ validateRegionCountry(countryFieldId, regionFieldId); validateProvince(regionFieldId, postalFieldId); if($(this).val() === '53'){ if($(countryField).val() === "USA" || $(countryField).val() === "CAN"){ $(countryField).val(""); } $("#country-section").show(); $("#postalCode").removeClass("isRequired"); } else{ $("#postalCode").addClass("isRequired"); if(isProvince(regionFieldId)){ $(countryField).val("CAN"); $(countryField).change(); } else{ $(countryField).val("USA"); $(countryField).change(); } $("#country-section").hide(); } }); if(regionField && $(regionField).val() && $(regionField).val().length > 0){ $(regionField).change(); } if(countryField && $(countryField).val() && $(countryField).val().length > 0){ $(countryField).change(); } $('#' + postalFieldId).bind('change keyup', function () { validateProvince(regionFieldId, postalFieldId); }); $("input[type=submit]").bind("click",function(){ var requiredCustsrvInputs = $("[class*='isRequired']"); $(requiredCustsrvInputs).removeClass("required"); $(requiredCustsrvInputs).valid(); var loginType = $(this).prop("id"); var requiredFormInputs = $("[class*=" + loginType + "-input].isRequired"); requiredFormInputs.addClass("required"); $("#loginType").val(loginType);//submit the loginType in a hidden input so we know what fields to use in the controller }); $.validator.addMethod('usPostalCode', function (value, element) { return (this.optional(element) && $(element).val().length === 0) || /^((\d{5}-?\d{4})|(\d{5}))$/.test(value); },"Please enter a valid US postal code."); }); <!--Validate if province matches first letter of postal code--> function validateProvince(regionCode, postalCode){ var region = '#' + regionCode; var postal = '#' + postalCode; var CanCodes = new Array("AB","BC","MB","NB","NL","NS","NT","NU","ON","PE","QC","SK","YT"); var CanLetters = new Array("T","UV","R","E","A","B","X","X","KLMNP","C","GHJ","S","Y"); var firstLetter = $(postal).val() ? $(postal).val().substring(0,1).toUpperCase() : ""; var validate = false; for (i=0; i < 13; i++){ if ($(region).val() == CanCodes[i]){ if (CanLetters[i].indexOf(firstLetter,0) == -1){ validate = true; } } } if (validate){ $(postal).addClass('province'); }else{ $(postal).removeClass('province'); } if ($(postal).length > 0 && $(postal).val() != "") $(postal).valid(); } function validateCanadianPostalCode(regionCode, postalCode){ var CanCodes = new Array("AB","BC","MB","NB","NL","NS","NT","NU","ON","PE","QC","SK","YT"); var CanLetters = new Array("T","UV","R","E","A","B","X","X","KLMNP","C","GHJ","S","Y"); var $regionEl = $('#' + regionCode); var region = $regionEl.val(); var $postalEl = $('#' + postalCode); var postal = $postalEl.val(); $postalEl.removeClass('province'); if(isProvince(regionCode) && postal){ var provinceIndex = CanCodes.indexOf(region); if(provinceIndex != -1){ var firstLetter = postal.substring(0,1).toUpperCase(); if(CanLetters[provinceIndex].indexOf(firstLetter, 0) == -1) $postalEl.addClass('province'); $postalEl.valid(); } } } <!--Checks if the region selection is a Canadian province--> function isProvince(regionCode){ var CanCodes = new Array("AB","BC","MB","NB","NL","NS","NT","NU","ON","PE","QC","SK","YT"); var province = false; var region = '#' + regionCode; for (i=0; i < 13; i++){ if ($(region).val() == CanCodes[i]){ province = true; } } return province; } <!--Validates that the region and country are a valid combo--> function validateRegionCountry(countryCode, regionCode){ var country = '#' + countryCode; var region = '#' + regionCode; var validate = true; if(isProvince(regionCode)){ if ($(country).val() == "CAN") validate = false; }else if($(region).val() == 53){ if (!($(country).val() == "USA" || $(country).val() == "CAN")) validate = false; }else { if ($(country).val() == "USA") validate = false; } if (validate){ $(country).addClass('country'); }else{ $(country).removeClass('country'); } if ($(country).val() != "" && $(region).val() != "") $(country).valid(); } <!--Validates if the country is not USA--> function isUnitedStates(countryCode){ var country = '#' + countryCode; if ($(country).val() != "USA"){ $(country).addClass('usaOnly'); }else{ $(country).removeClass('usaOnly'); } if ($(country).val() != "") $(country).valid(); } <!--validates the phone number format based on the country--> function validateAllPhone(countryCode, phoneField){ var country = '#' + countryCode; var phone = '#' + phoneField; if($(phone).length){ if ($(phone).val() != ""){ if ( $(country).val() == "USA" || $(country).val() == "CAN" ) { $(phone).removeClass('genericPhone').addClass('phone'); }else{ $(phone).removeClass('phone').addClass('genericPhone'); } }else{ $(phone).removeClass('phone genericPhone'); } <!--re-validate the field--> if( $(phone).val() != "") $(phone).valid(); } } <!--validates phone for USA and CAN ONLY--> function validatePhone(phoneField){ var phone = '#' + phoneField; if ($(phone).val() != ""){ $(phone).addClass('phone'); }else{ $(phone).removeClass('phone '); } <!--re-validate the field--> if( $(phone).val() != "") $(phone).valid(); } <!--validates title--> function validateTitle(titleField){ var title = '#' + titleField; if ($(title).val() != ""){ $(title).addClass('alphaNumericSpaceOnly'); }else{ $(title).removeClass('alphaNumericSpaceOnly error'); } <!--re-validate the field--> $(title).valid(); } <!--validates the postal code based on the country--> function validatePostalCode(countryCode, postalCode){ var country = '#' + countryCode; var postal = '#' + postalCode; var hideRequiredAsterisk = false; if ( $(country).val() == "USA") { $(postal).removeClass('canadaPostalCode').addClass('required usPostalCode'); } else if ( $(country).val() == "CAN" ){ $(postal).removeClass('usPostalCode').addClass('required canadaPostalCode'); } else{ $(postal).removeClass('required usPostalCode canadaPostalCode'); $(postal).valid(); hideRequiredAsterisk = true; } if(hideRequiredAsterisk){ if($(".zip-required-asterisk").length && !$(country).hasClass("billing-address-field")){ $(".zip-required-asterisk").hide(); } else if($(".billing-zip-required-asterisk").length && $(country).hasClass("billing-address-field")){ $(".billing-zip-required-asterisk").hide(); } } else{ if($(".zip-required-asterisk").length && !$(country).hasClass("billing-address-field")){ $(".zip-required-asterisk").show(); } else if($(".billing-zip-required-asterisk").length && $(country).hasClass("billing-address-field")){ $(".billing-zip-required-asterisk").show(); } } <!--re-validate the field--> if( $(postal).length > 0 && $(postal).val() != "") $(postal).valid(); } <!--validates the postal code based for US--> function validateUSPostalCode(postalCode){ var postal = '#' + postalCode; $(postal).addClass('required usPostalCode'); <!--re-validate the field--> $(postal).valid(); } function isCanada($countryEl){ var code = $countryEl.val(); if(code == 'CAN'){ return true; } return false; } <!--OTHER VAlUE - removes any text in the other box --> function removeOtherValue(radioButton, otherTextbox){ var other = '#' + otherTextbox; if ($(radioButton).is(':checked')) { $(other).removeAttr("disabled").addClass("required"); } else { $(other).val("").attr("disabled", true).removeClass("required"); } $(other).valid(); } <!--YES/NO - forward page if user chooses nos --> function yesNo(form, productReceiveName){ var yesNo = $("input[name=" + productReceiveName + "]:checked").val(); if (yesNo == "0") jQuery('form#' + form).unbind('submit').submit(); } <!--Checks if the selected country is allowd print--> function validateDigitalPrint(countryCode, printAllowedArray, alertMsg){ var printArray = printAllowedArray; var country = '#' + countryCode; var printAllowed = false; for (i=0; i < printArray.length; i++){ if ($(country).val() == printArray[i]){ printAllowed = true; break; } } if (printAllowed){ $('#Print').prop('disabled',false); $('#Both').prop('disabled',false); }else{ if($('#Print').is(':checked') || $('#Both').is(':checked') || $("input[id=Print][type='hidden']").length > 0) { alert(alertMsg); } $('#Print').prop('checked', false); $('#Print').prop('disabled',true); $('#Both').prop('checked', false); $('#Both').prop('disabled',true); } } <!--Checks if the selected country is allowed print on responsive forms--> function validateRequestedVersion(countryCode, printAllowedArray){ var printArray = printAllowedArray; var country = '#' + countryCode; var printAllowed = false; for (i=0; i < printArray.length; i++){ if ($(country).val() == printArray[i]){ printAllowed = true; break; } } var foundPrint = false; $("[name*=_RequestedVersion]:checked").each(function() { if ($(this).val() == 'P' || $(this).val() == 'B') { foundPrint = true; } }); if(foundPrint && !printAllowed){ $(country).addClass('print-usa-only'); } else { $(country).removeClass('print-usa-only'); } } <!--Checks if the region selection is a based on the class of the country--> function validateDigitalPrintClass(countryCode, printAllowedArray, alertMsg){ var printArray = printAllowedArray; var country = '#' + countryCode; var printAllowed = false; var classes = $("option:selected", $(country)).attr("class"); for (i=0; i < printArray.length; i++){ if (classes == printArray[i]){ printAllowed = true; break; } } if (printAllowed){ $('#Print').prop('disabled',false); $('#Both').prop('disabled',false); }else{ if($('#Print').is(':checked') || $('#Both').is(':checked')) { alert(alertMsg); } $('#Print').prop('checked', false); $('#Print').prop('disabled',true); $('#Both').prop('checked', false); $('#Both').prop('disabled',true); } } function validateCustomAllPhone(countryCode, phoneField){ var country = '#' + countryCode; var phone = '#' + phoneField; if ($(phone).val() != ""){ if ( $(country).val() == "USA" || $(country).val() == "CAN" ) { $(phone).removeClass('genericPhoneCustom').addClass('phoneCustom'); }else{ $(phone).removeClass('phoneCustom').addClass('genericPhoneCustom'); } }else{ $(phone).removeClass('phoneCustom genericPhoneCustom'); } if( $(phone).val() != "") $(phone).valid(); } function validateCustomPhone(phoneField){ var phone = '#' + phoneField; if ($(phone).val() != ""){ $(phone).addClass('phoneCustom'); }else{ $(phone).removeClass('phoneCustom'); } if( $(phone).val() != "") $(phone).valid(); } var getCreditCard = function(name){ var ccs = []; ccs["visa"] = {prefix: 4, lengths: [13,16]}; ccs["master"] = {prefix: 5, lengths: [16]}; ccs["amex"] = {prefix: 3, lengths: [15]}; return ccs[name.toLowerCase()]; }; function isBlank(value){ if (!value || value.length == 0){ return true; } return !/[^\s]+/.test(value); } </script> <style> .noscriptmsg{display:none;} </style> <noscript> <style type="text/css"> body div, body span, body p, body li, body ul{display:none;} body div.noscriptmsg{ display:block; text-align: center; background-color: white; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%; padding: 20px; } </style> </noscript> </head> <body> <div class="sub-container row col-centered col-lg-8 col-md-10 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