Cookie政策_TVH 帝威衡
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</ol> <div class="article"> <div class="article-title"> <h1>Cookie政策</h1> </div> <div class="article-body"> <div class="header header-styling-default" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); font-family: TVHPro, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; text-wrap: wrap;"><h1 style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 1.6875rem; margin: 10px 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; color: rgb(64, 65, 75); font-family: CodecProWarm, TVHPro, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 2.5rem; text-transform: uppercase; padding-bottom: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 0, 43);"><span class="field field--name-title field--type-string field--label-hidden" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; font-size: 2.25rem; line-height: 2.5rem; letter-spacing: 0px;">COOKIE POLICY / Cookie政策</span></h1></div><div class="node__content" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); font-family: TVHPro, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; text-wrap: wrap;"><div class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;"><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">This cookie policy (“Cookie Policy”) governs the use of cookies and social media plugins on the TVH website (, hereinafter: the “Website”). Cookies are small text files which are stored on a device’s hard drive and which contain certain information and sometimes personal data. Social media plugins are small pieces of software developed and provided by social media service providers (i.e. Wechat, Taobao, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Whatsapp and Vimeo), which add social media integration when built into the Website.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;"><strong style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">NOTE 1</strong>: If you want general information on how we process your personal data other than the processing through cookies and social media plug-ins, including in relation to your communication with us via e-mail, telephone, fax and social media and in relation to any order or purchase via one of our webshops (MyTotalSource, TVHShop, MyQuickSupply, TVHForkliftscalemodels, IRMN and our Swedish webshop), please refer to our <a href="" target="_self" title="Privacy policy" textvalue="Privacy Policy">Privacy Policy</a>.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;"><strong style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">NOTE 2</strong>: Please note that a separate data privacy statement, which is made available via the platform itself, governs the processing of personal data of people who choose to apply via our online job application platform.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;"><strong style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">By continuing to use the Website or by clicking on “Yes, I Agree” after having been informed of our use of cookies and social media plugins, you acknowledge that you have read this Cookie Policy carefully and that you agree with it without reservation. You may at all times change your cookie preferences through the cookie settings.</strong></p><h2 style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; margin: 0px 0px 10px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: CodecProWarm, TVHPro, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.375rem; line-height: 2rem; text-transform: uppercase; padding-bottom: 2px; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 0, 43);">1. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROCESSING OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA?</h2><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;"><em style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">TVH Trading (Xiamen) Co., Ltd, Floor 2 No.4, Qingxi Road, Guankou Town, Jimei District, CN-361016 Xiamen, China, with corporate registration number 91350200MA2Y9F730G, is the entity responsible for your personal data as covered in this Cookie Policy (hereinafter: “TVH, “we”, “us, “our”.) This Cookie Policy may be changed from time to time, in order to ensure that it remains accurate and in line with legislation. If this happens, you are kindly asked to take note of the changes and to agree with them if you find them acceptable.</em></p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">1.1 Your personal data are processed by TVH Trading (Xiamen) Co., Ltd, Floor 2 No.4, Qingxi Road, Guankou Town, Jimei District, CN-361016 Xiamen, China, with corporate registration number 91350200MA2Y9F730G (hereinafter: “<strong style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">TVH</strong>”, “<strong style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">we</strong>”, “<strong style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">us</strong>”, “<strong style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">our</strong>”). You can contact us via e-mail at <a href="" target="_self" textvalue=""></a>.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">1.2 Any notion starting with a capital shall be defined by explicit reference in this Cookie Policy. Where possible given the context, singular words shall be interpreted as also including the plural and vice versa.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">1.3 Where reference is made to certain laws or regulations, such reference shall also include any change, replacement or annulment of said laws or regulations, including any related executive decisions.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">1.4 TVH reserves the right to modify, change or amend the Cookie Policy at its own discretion and from time to time. Such modification, change or amendment shall be communicated via the Website. If you do not accept the modifications, changes or amendments, you are to inform us by sending an e-mail to <a href="" target="_self" textvalue=""></a>. If we do not receive such an e-mail from you within three (3) business days after the changes to the Cookie Policy have been announced on our Website, you will be deemed to have accepted unambiguously all such changes.</p><h2 id="cookies" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; margin: 0px 0px 10px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: CodecProWarm, TVHPro, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.375rem; line-height: 2rem; text-transform: uppercase; padding-bottom: 2px; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 0, 43);">2. COOKIES</h2><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;"><em style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">We place a number of cookies when you visit our Website. These cookies are divided in 3 groups of cookies: <strong style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">functional cookies; analytical and statistical cookies; advertising and social media cookies.</strong> You may at all times withdraw your consent with TVH’s use of cookies.</em></p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">2.1 You can avoid cookies being placed by configuring your browser as such. Guidelines on how to do this, can be found here:</p><ul style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;" class=" list-paddingleft-2"><li><p>Internet Explorer: <a href="" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; color: rgb(229, 0, 43); text-decoration-line: none; transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s;"></a> </p></li><li><p>Microsoft Edge: <a href="" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; color: rgb(229, 0, 43); text-decoration-line: none; transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s;"></a></p></li><li><p>Chrome: <a href="" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; color: rgb(229, 0, 43); text-decoration-line: none; transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s;"></a> </p></li><li><p>Firefox: <a href="" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; color: rgb(229, 0, 43); text-decoration-line: none; transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s;"></a> </p></li><li><p>Safari: <a href="" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; color: rgb(229, 0, 43); text-decoration-line: none; transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s;"></a> </p></li></ul><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">However, not allowing cookies when visiting the Website may cause certain or all features of the website to stop working properly.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">2.2 When you visit the Website, TVH places a number of cookies. Most data pertaining to these cookies, their placement and use allow to identify you, and TVH uses them to gain insight in how you and other visitors use the Website by gathering statistical and usage data, enabling TVH to provide a better user experience on the Website.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">TVH knows about the following cookies being used on the Website:</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;"><button class="ot-sdk-show-settings" id="ot-sdk-btn" style="color: rgb(104, 182, 49); font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: 600; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 0.8em; line-height: 1.2; font-family: inherit; font-optical-sizing: inherit; font-kerning: inherit; font-feature-settings: inherit; font-variation-settings: inherit; margin: 10px 0px; overflow: visible; appearance: button; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 0px; background-color: rgb(229, 0, 43); transition: all 0.1s ease 0s; padding: 0.8em 2em; outline: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; height: auto; overflow-wrap: break-word; border-width: initial !important; border-style: none !important; border-color: initial !important;">Cookie Preferences</button></p><div id="ot-sdk-cookie-policy" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; font-size: 16px;"><div id="ot-sdk-cookie-policy-v2" class="ot-sdk-cookie-policy ot-sdk-container" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; font-size: 1rem; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px auto; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: 1200px; min-width: 0px; max-width: 100%; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: relative; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><h3 id="cookie-policy-title" class="ot-sdk-cookie-policy-title" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; margin: 0px 0px 1.2em; font-family: inherit; font-size: 1.5em; line-height: 1.3; padding: 0px; border: none; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;">Cookie List</h3><div id="cookie-policy-description" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;">A cookie is a small piece of data (text file) that a website – when visited by a user – asks your browser to store on your device in order to remember information about you, such as your language preference or login information. Those cookies are set by us and called first-party cookies. We also use third-party cookies – which are cookies from a domain different than the domain of the website you are visiting – for our advertising and marketing efforts. More specifically, we use cookies and other tracking technologies for the following purposes:</div><section style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; margin: 0px 0px 2em; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><h4 class="ot-sdk-cookie-policy-group" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; margin: 0px 0px 0.6em; font-family: inherit; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.35; padding: 0px; border: none; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;">Strictly Necessary Cookies</h4><p class="ot-sdk-cookie-policy-group-desc" style="box-sizing: content-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;">These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in our systems. They are usually only set in response to actions made by you which amount to a request for services, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in or filling in forms. You can set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies, but some parts of the site will not then work. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information.</p><table width="1200" height="NaN" style="width: 951px;"><caption class="ot-scrn-rdr" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; border-top: 0px; border-right: 0px; border-left: 0px; clip: rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px); height: 1px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0px; position: absolute; width: 1px;">Strictly Necessary Cookies</caption><thead style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; background: none rgb(246, 246, 244); font-weight: bold; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;" class="firstRow"><th scope="col" class="ot-table-header ot-host" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; min-width: 75px; text-align: left; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238); font-size: 0.9em; width: 269.2px;">Cookie Subgroup</th><th scope="col" class="ot-table-header ot-cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; min-width: 75px; text-align: left; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238); font-size: 0.9em;">Cookies</th><th scope="col" class="ot-table-header ot-cookies-type" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; min-width: 75px; text-align: left; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-right: 0px; background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238); font-size: 0.9em; width: 270px;">Cookies used</th></tr></thead><tbody style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="OptanonConsent Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">OptanonConsent </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="OptanonAlertBoxClosed Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">OptanonAlertBoxClosed</a></span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">First Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom: 0px; border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom: 0px; border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="_dc_gtm_UA-xxxxxxxx Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">_dc_gtm_UA-xxxxxxxx</a></span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">First Party</span></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; margin: 0px 0px 2em; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><h4 class="ot-sdk-cookie-policy-group" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; margin: 0px 0px 0.6em; font-family: inherit; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.35; padding: 0px; border: none; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;">Functional Cookies</h4><p class="ot-sdk-cookie-policy-group-desc" style="box-sizing: content-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;">These cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality and personalisation. They may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our pages. If you do not allow these cookies then some or all of these services may not function properly.</p><table width="1200" height="NaN" style="width: 951px;"><caption class="ot-scrn-rdr" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; border-top: 0px; border-right: 0px; border-left: 0px; clip: rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px); height: 1px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0px; position: absolute; width: 1px;">Functional Cookies</caption><thead style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; background: none rgb(246, 246, 244); font-weight: bold; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;" class="firstRow"><th scope="col" class="ot-table-header ot-host" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; min-width: 75px; text-align: left; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238); font-size: 0.9em; width: 269.2px;">Cookie Subgroup</th><th scope="col" class="ot-table-header ot-cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; min-width: 75px; text-align: left; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238); font-size: 0.9em;">Cookies</th><th scope="col" class="ot-table-header ot-cookies-type" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; min-width: 75px; text-align: left; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-right: 0px; background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238); font-size: 0.9em; width: 270px;">Cookies used</th></tr></thead><tbody style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="tvh_geo_location Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">tvh_geo_location </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="optimizelyOptOut Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">optimizelyOptOut</a></span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">First Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="_gd############# Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">_gd#############</a></span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">First Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom: 0px; border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label=" Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"></a></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom: 0px; border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">player, __cf_bm, vuid</span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">Third Party</span></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; margin: 0px 0px 2em; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><h4 class="ot-sdk-cookie-policy-group" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; margin: 0px 0px 0.6em; font-family: inherit; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.35; padding: 0px; border: none; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;">Advertising and social media cookies</h4><p class="ot-sdk-cookie-policy-group-desc" style="box-sizing: content-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;"><br/></p><section class="ot-sdk-subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; margin: 0px 0px 2em 1.5em; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><ul style="list-style-type: circle;" class=" list-paddingleft-2"><li><h5 class="ot-sdk-cookie-policy-group" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; margin: 0px 0px 0.6em; font-family: inherit; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.5; padding: 0px; border: none; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;">Targeting Cookies</h5><p class="ot-sdk-cookie-policy-group-desc" style="box-sizing: content-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;">These cookies may be set through our site by our advertising partners. They may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant adverts on other sites. They do not store directly personal information, but are based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet device. If you do not allow these cookies, you will experience less targeted advertising.</p></li></ul></section><table width="1200" height="NaN" style="width: 951px;"><caption class="ot-scrn-rdr" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; border-top: 0px; border-right: 0px; border-left: 0px; clip: rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px); height: 1px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0px; position: absolute; width: 1px;">,Targeting Cookies</caption><thead style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; background: none rgb(246, 246, 244); font-weight: bold; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;" class="firstRow"><th scope="col" class="ot-table-header ot-host" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; min-width: 75px; text-align: left; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238); font-size: 0.9em; width: 269.2px;">Cookie Subgroup</th><th scope="col" class="ot-table-header ot-cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; min-width: 75px; text-align: left; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238); font-size: 0.9em;">Cookies</th><th scope="col" class="ot-table-header ot-cookies-type" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; min-width: 75px; text-align: left; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-right: 0px; background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238); font-size: 0.9em; width: 270px;">Cookies used</th></tr></thead><tbody style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="sbt_i Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">sbt_i </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="_fbp Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">_fbp </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="sbt_p Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">sbt_p </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="sb_test Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">sb_test </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="pt_ Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">pt_ </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="_uetsid Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">_uetsid</a></span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">First Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label=" Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"></a></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">lang</span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">Third Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label=" Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"></a></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">YSC, CONSENT, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE</span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">Third Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label=" Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"></a></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><br/></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">Third Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom: 0px; border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label=" Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"></a></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom: 0px; border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">li_sugr, UserMatchHistory, lidc, bcookie, AnalyticsSyncHistory</span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">Third Party</span></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; margin: 0px 0px 2em; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><h4 class="ot-sdk-cookie-policy-group" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; margin: 0px 0px 0.6em; font-family: inherit; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.35; padding: 0px; border: none; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;">Analytical and statistical cookies</h4><p class="ot-sdk-cookie-policy-group-desc" style="box-sizing: content-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;"><br/></p><section class="ot-sdk-subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; margin: 0px 0px 2em 1.5em; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><ul style="list-style-type: circle;" class=" list-paddingleft-2"><li><h5 class="ot-sdk-cookie-policy-group" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; margin: 0px 0px 0.6em; font-family: inherit; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.5; padding: 0px; border: none; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;">Performance Cookies</h5><p class="ot-sdk-cookie-policy-group-desc" style="box-sizing: content-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;">These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. If you do not allow these cookies we will not know when you have visited our site, and will not be able to monitor its performance.</p></li></ul></section><table width="1200" height="NaN" style="width: 951px;"><caption class="ot-scrn-rdr" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; border-top: 0px; border-right: 0px; border-left: 0px; clip: rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px); height: 1px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0px; position: absolute; width: 1px;">,Performance Cookies</caption><thead style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; background: none rgb(246, 246, 244); font-weight: bold; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; 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background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">_hjSessionUser_xxxxxx </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="optimizelyEndUserId Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">optimizelyEndUserId </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="zukoVisitorId-829bf1f850a7c7b6 Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">zukoVisitorId-829bf1f850a7c7b6 </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="_ga Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">_ga </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="_cn1663582348012 Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">_cn1663582348012 </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="tms_storevisit Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">tms_storevisit </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="_clsk Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">_clsk </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="zukoVisitorId Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">zukoVisitorId </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="huntid Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">huntid </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="mp_e1c5b0aadf2c4fc6986db1d475a44a1a_mixpanel Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">mp_e1c5b0aadf2c4fc6986db1d475a44a1a_mixpanel </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="optimizelyOptOut Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">optimizelyOptOut </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="_gat_UA- Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">_gat_UA- </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="_uetvid Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; 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background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">tms_storepage </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="_cn1663581602596 Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; 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-webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">_mytms_test_cookie_top_level_ </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; 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-webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">_hjIncludedInSessionSample </a>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label="tvh_gtm.form_name Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; 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margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">First Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label=" Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"></a></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">CLID</span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">Third Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label=" Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"></a></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">__lc_cst, __lc_cid, __oauth_redirect_detector</span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">Third Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label=" Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"></a></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">_hjIncludedInPageviewSample, _hjIncludedInSessionSample</span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">Third Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label=" Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"></a></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">sbss_afb40a2e-b754-45c0-bc96-b2c67a90aae9</span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">Third Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label=" Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"></a></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">FASID</span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">Third Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label=" Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"></a></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">mp_e1c5b0aadf2c4fc6986db1d475a44a1a_mixpanel</span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">Third Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label=" Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"></a></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">JSESSIONID</span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">Third Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label=" Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"></a></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">optimizelyRumLB, AWSELBCORS</span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">Third Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label=" Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"></a></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">MUID</span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">Third Party</span></td></tr><tr style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none;"><td class="ot-host-td" data-label="Cookie Subgroup" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom: 0px; border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" aria-label=" Opens in a new Tab" style="box-sizing: content-box; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; color: rgb(48, 48, 48); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;"></a></td><td class="ot-cookies-td" data-label="Cookies" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right-color: rgb(215, 215, 215); border-bottom: 0px; border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="NaN" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">SM</span></td><td class="ot-cookies-type" data-label="Cookies used" style="box-sizing: content-box; padding: 12px 15px; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border-top: none; border-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; border-left: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: 0.9em;" width="270" height="NaN"><span class="ot-cookies-type-td-content" style="box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; font-family: inherit; line-height: normal; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; min-height: 0px; max-height: none; width: auto; min-width: 0px; max-width: none; border-radius: 0px; border: none; clear: none; float: none; position: static; inset: auto; text-shadow: none; background-image: none; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; overflow: visible; vertical-align: baseline; visibility: visible; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; font-size: inherit;">Third Party</span></td></tr></tbody></table></section></div></div><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">2.3 You may at all times withdraw your consent with TVH’s use of cookies. To exercise this right, it suffices to delete the cookies, which have been placed on your device. To do so, you are kindly asked to refer to the appropriate instructions of your browser manufacturer, as listed above.</p><h2 style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; margin: 0px 0px 10px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: CodecProWarm, TVHPro, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.375rem; line-height: 2rem; text-transform: uppercase; padding-bottom: 2px; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 0, 43);">3. WHY DO WE PROCESS YOUR PERSONAL DATA?</h2><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;"><em style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">We process your personal data through cookies for several different purposes: to improve our Website and the experiences and services we offer; to show advertisements; to provide information to third parties and to keep the web experiences we offer, our Website, you and us safe.</em></p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">3.1 TVH processes your personal data to offer you more personalized content and advertisements and perform statistical analyses so that we may improve our Website, Webshops, advertisements, products and services or develop new products and services.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">3.2 TVH may process your personal data for informing any third party in the context of a possible merger with, acquisition from/by or demerger by that third party, even if that third party is located outside the EU.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">3.3 TVH may also process your personal data for the preservation of the legitimate interests of TVH, its partners or a third party if and when your registration with or use of the Website can be considered (a) a violation of this Cookie Policy or the intellectual property rights or any other right of a third party, (b) a threat to the security or integrity of the Website or to any of TVH’s or its subcontractors’ underlying systems due to viruses, Trojan horses, spyware, malware or any other form of malicious code, or (c) in any way hateful, obscene, discriminating, racist, slanderous, spiteful, hurtful or in some other way inappropriate or illegal.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">3.4 Your personal data may be transferred to the police or the judicial authorities as evidence or if there are justified suspicions of an unlawful act or crime committed by you through your use of the Website.</p><h2 style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; margin: 0px 0px 10px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: CodecProWarm, TVHPro, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.375rem; line-height: 2rem; text-transform: uppercase; padding-bottom: 2px; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 0, 43);">4. WHAT MAKES THE PROCESSING OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA LEGITIMATE?</h2><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;"><em style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">The law requires us to state precisely which legal basis we use to process your personal data. We may process your personal data because you have given your consent to do so, because the law obliges us to do so or because it is in our or a third party’s legitimate interest.</em></p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">4.1 For processing your personal data for the purposes outlined in clause 3.1 and 3.2 of this Cookie Policy, TVH as the responsible party asks for your consent. TVH obtains your consent through the cookie banner. By clicking on this banner affirmatively and continuing to use the Website, you acknowledge that you have read this Cookie Policy carefully and that you agree with it without reservation.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">4.2 The processing of your personal data for the purposes outlined in clause 3.3 of this Cookie Policy is also necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests of TVH, which are:</p><ul style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;" class=" list-paddingleft-2"><li><p>keeping our Website, Webshops, Social Media Channels, products and services safe from misuse and illegal activity.</p></li></ul><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">4.3 The processing of your personal data for the purposes outlined in clause 3.4 is necessary to allow TVH to comply with its legal obligations.</p><h2 style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; margin: 0px 0px 10px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: CodecProWarm, TVHPro, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.375rem; line-height: 2rem; text-transform: uppercase; padding-bottom: 2px; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 0, 43);">5. WHO RECEIVES YOUR PERSONAL DATA?</h2><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;"><em style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">Our general approach is that we do not share your personal with third parties, unless you consent to it. However, sometimes it is unavoidable that third parties receive your personal data. Service providers which help us to provide the Website to you and entities within the TVH Trading (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. may receive and process your personal data in certain circumstances.</em></p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">5.1 TVH relies on third party processors to provide you the Website as well as to process your personal data on our behalf. These third party processors are only allowed to process your personal data on behalf of TVH upon explicit written instruction of TVH. TVH warrants that all third party processors are selected with due care and are obliged to observe the safety and integrity of your personal data.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">5.2 TVH may share your personal data with other entities within the <em style="color: rgb(48, 48, 48); font-family: TVHPro, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; text-wrap: wrap; box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">VH Trading (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.</em> of companies. However, we will ensure that all <em style="color: rgb(48, 48, 48); font-family: TVHPro, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; text-wrap: wrap; box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">VH Trading (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.</em> entities will take due care that all processing of your personal data is in line with what is set out in this Cookie Policy.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">5.3 TVH does not send your personal data in an identifiable manner to any third party without your explicit permission to do so. However, TVH may send anonymized and/or aggregated data to other organizations that may use those data for improving products and services as well as tailor the marketing, displaying and selling of those goods and services.</p><h2 style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; margin: 0px 0px 10px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: CodecProWarm, TVHPro, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.375rem; line-height: 2rem; text-transform: uppercase; padding-bottom: 2px; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 0, 43);">6. DO WE TRANSFER YOUR PERSONAL DATA OUTSIDE THE EEA?</h2><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;"><em style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">Yes, we transfer your personal data outside the EEA (i.e. the European Economic Area, consisting of the EU and Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland). Parties to whom we transfer our personal data are entities within the <em style="color: rgb(48, 48, 48); font-family: TVHPro, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; text-wrap: wrap; box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">VH Trading (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.</em> and foreign service providers. It goes without saying that your personal data are safe when we send your personal data to countries outside the EEA.</em></p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">6.1 TVH processes your personal data first and foremost within the EEA. However, in order to process your personal data for the purposes outlined in article 3 above, we may also transfer your personal data to other entities within <em style="color: rgb(48, 48, 48); font-family: TVHPro, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; text-wrap: wrap; box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">VH Trading (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.</em> or to third parties who process on our behalf which are located outside the EEA. Each entity outside the EEA that processes your personal data shall be bound to observe adequate safeguards with regard to the processing of your personal data. Such safeguards will be the consequence of:</p><ul style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;" class=" list-paddingleft-2"><li><p>the recipient country having legislation in place which may be considered equivalent to the protection offered within the EEA; or</p></li><li><p>of a contractual arrangement between TVH and that entity. All TVH entities are parties to a contractual arrangement based on the EC’s Standard Contractual Clauses (controller-to-controller) (Commission Decision C(2004)5721).</p></li></ul><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">6.2 TVH may transfer anonymized and/or aggregated data to organizations outside of the EEA. Should such transfer take place, TVH will ensure that there are safeguards in place to ensure the safety and integrity of your data as well as all rights with respect to personal data you might enjoy under applicable mandatory law.</p><h2 style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; margin: 0px 0px 10px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: CodecProWarm, TVHPro, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.375rem; line-height: 2rem; text-transform: uppercase; padding-bottom: 2px; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 0, 43);">7. WHAT ARE THE QUALITY ASSURANCES WITH REGARD TO YOUR PERSONAL DATA?</h2><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;"><em style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">We will not process more personal data than we need for the purposes we have communicated to you. Additionally, we will only process your personal data for as long as needed to achieve the purposes we have communicated to you or up until such time where you withdraw your consent for processing them and no other legal ground applies that allows us to proceed in processing your personal data. We also guarantee to keep your personal data safe.</em></p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">7.1 TVH does its utmost best to process only those personal data which are necessary to achieve the purposes listed under article 3.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">7.2 Your personal data are only processed for as long as needed to achieve the purposes listed under article 3 of this Cookie Policy or up until such time where you withdraw your consent for processing them. Note that withdrawal of consent may imply that you can no longer use the whole or part of the Website. TVH will de-identify your personal data when they are no longer necessary for the purposes outlined in article 3, unless there is:</p><ul style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;" class=" list-paddingleft-2"><li><p>an overriding interest of TVH, the payment service provider, or any other third party in keeping your personal data identifiable;</p></li><li><p>a legal or regulatory obligation or a judicial or administrative order that prevents TVH from de-identifying them. </p></li></ul><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">7.3 TVH will take the appropriate technical and organizational measures to keep your personal data safe from unauthorized access or theft as well as accidental loss, tampering or destruction. Access by personnel of TVH or its third party processors will only be on a need-to-know basis and subject to strict confidentiality obligations. You understand, however, that safety and security are best efforts obligations only which can never be guaranteed.</p><h2 style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; margin: 0px 0px 10px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: CodecProWarm, TVHPro, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.375rem; line-height: 2rem; text-transform: uppercase; padding-bottom: 2px; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 0, 43);">8. WHAT ARE YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THIS COOKIE POLICY?</h2><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;"><em style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">As a data subject, you have several rights vis-à-vis the processing of your personal data. These rights are the right of access, the right to rectification, the right to withdraw your earlier given consent, the right to erasure, the right to oppose the processing of personal data and the right that you receive from us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format all personal data you have provided to us.</em></p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;"><em style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">If you wish to submit a request to exercise one or more of the rights listed above, you can send an e-mail to </em><a href="" target="_self" textvalue=""></a><em style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">.</em></p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">8.1 You have the right to request access to all personal data processed by TVH pertaining to you. TVH reserves the right to charge an administrative fee for multiple subsequent requests for access that are clearly submitted for causing nuisance or harm to TVH.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">8.2 You have the right to ask that any personal data pertaining to you that are inaccurate, are corrected free of charge. If a request for correction is submitted, such request shall be accompanied of proof of the flawed nature of the data for which correction is asked.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">8.3 You have the right to withdraw your earlier given consent for processing your personal data.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">8.4 You have the right to request that personal data pertaining to you be deleted if they are no longer required in light of the purposes outlined in article 3 or if you withdraw your consent for processing them. However, you need to keep in mind that a request for deletion will be evaluated by TVH against:</p><ul style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;" class=" list-paddingleft-2"><li><p>overriding interests of the TVH, your financial institution, the payment service provider or any other third party;</p></li><li><p>legal or regulatory obligations or administrative or judicial orders which may contradict such deletion.</p></li></ul><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">Instead of deletion you can also ask that TVH limits the processing of your personal data if and when (a) you contest the accuracy of that data, (b) the processing is illegitimate or (c) the data are no longer needed for the purposes listed under article 3 but you need them to defend yourself in judicial proceedings.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">8.5 You have the right to oppose the processing of personal data if you are able to proof that there are serious and justified reasons connected with his particular circumstances that warrant such opposition. However, if the intended processing qualifies as direct marketing, you have the right to oppose such processing free of charge and without justification.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">8.6 You have the right to receive from us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format all personal data you have provided to us.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">8.7 If you wish to submit a request to exercise one or more of the rights listed above, you can send an e-mail to <a href="" target="_self" textvalue=""></a>. An e-mail requesting to exercise a right shall not be construed as consent with the processing of your personal data beyond what is required for handling your request. Such request should clearly state which right you wish to exercise and the reasons for it if such is required. It should also be dated and signed, and accompanied by a digitally scanned copy of your valid identity card proving your identity. If you use the contact form, TVH may ask you for your signed confirmation and proof of identity.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">TVH will promptly inform you of having received this request. If the request proves valid, TVH shall honour it as soon as reasonably possible and at the latest thirty (30) days after having received the request.</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;">If you have any complaint regarding the processing of your personal data by TVH, you may always contact TVH via the e-mail address listed in this clause 8.7. If you remain unsatisfied with TVH’s response, you are free to file a complaint with the competent data protection authority, i.e. the Belgian Data Protection Authority. 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