Informa AllSecure

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Hygiene</strong></h3> <hr /> </div> </div><div class="col-3 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody" style="line-height: 50px !important;"><img class="floatLeft" src="/globalassets/allsecure/eh.png" alt="" width="50" height="50" /><strong>1. Enhanced cleaning</strong></p> </div> </div><div class="col-9 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">We undertake enhanced, deep cleaning before, during and after the event, working with venue partners to ensure the highest standards of hygiene and cleanliness. This includes continuous sanitisation throughout the course of the event, with a focus on high-touch areas such as door handles, restrooms and food and beverage areas.</p> </div> </div><div class="col-3 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody" style="line-height: 50px !important;"><img class="floatLeft" src="/globalassets/allsecure/ph.png" alt="" width="50" height="50" /><strong>2. Personal hygiene</strong></p> </div> </div><div class="col-9 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">We provide additional hand washing facilities and hand sanitising stations throughout the event, encouraging all participants to regularly wash and disinfect their hands.</p> </div> </div><div class="col-12 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <h3 style="font-size: 20px !important;"><strong>Physical Distancing</strong></h3> <hr /> </div> </div><div class="col-3 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody" style="line-height: 50px !important;"><img class="floatLeft" src="/globalassets/allsecure/ncr.png" alt="" width="50" height="50" /><strong>3. Non-contact registration</strong></p> </div> </div><div class="col-9 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">Our event facilitates non-contact registration for participants, such as through online registration.</p> </div> </div><div class="col-3 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody" style="line-height: 50px !important;"><img class="floatLeft" src="/globalassets/allsecure/pc.png" alt="" width="50" height="50" /><strong>4. Physical contact</strong></p> </div> </div><div class="col-9 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">We encourage participants to avoid physical contact, such as handshakes and embraces, and promote alternative ways to greet business partners. The exchange of printed materials, such as business cards and sales brochures, is discouraged, with digital alternatives recommended.</p> </div> </div><div class="col-3 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody" style="line-height: 50px !important;"><img class="floatLeft" src="/globalassets/allsecure/pd.png" alt="" width="50" height="50" /><strong>5. Physical distancing</strong></p> </div> </div><div class="col-9 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">We maintain a density of participants in line with local authority regulations and venue or other relevant guidance. This may be managed through pre-show communications to participants, a one-way traffic system around show floors, staggered and expanded entry times, on-site signage and floor markings or on-site physical distance ambassadors.</p> </div> </div><div class="col-3 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody"><img class="floatLeft" src="/globalassets/allsecure/fbs.png" alt="" width="50" height="50" /><strong>6. Food and beverage<br />stations</strong></p> </div> </div><div class="col-9 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">We work closely with our venue partners to employ the highest standard of food safety, minimising self-service buffets in favour of pre-packaged food options or serviced buffets. If any queuing is anticipated, physical distancing will be maintained through the use of floor markings and relevant signage.</p> </div> </div><div class="col-12 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <h3 style="font-size: 20px !important;"><strong>Protect &amp; Detect</strong></h3> <hr /> </div> </div><div class="col-3 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody"><img class="floatLeft" src="/globalassets/allsecure/ppe.png" alt="" width="50" height="50" /><strong>7. Personal Protective</strong><br /><strong>Equipment (PPE)</strong></p> </div> </div><div class="col-9 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">Participants and staff are asked to use items of PPE in line with local government and health authority advice. This may include wearing a face covering and the use of gloves or face screens in certain roles.</p> </div> </div><div class="col-3 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody" style="line-height: 50px !important;"><img class="floatLeft" src="/globalassets/allsecure/fa.png" alt="" width="50" height="50" /><strong>8. First aid</strong></p> </div> </div><div class="col-9 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">There is access to a qualified first aider, and access to a separate isolation area where possible. Participants are asked not to attend if they are feeling unwell, and teams will follow local health authority guidance on detecting and managing anyone who displays symptoms of COVID-19.</p> </div> </div><div class="col-3 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody" style="line-height: 50px !important;"><img class="floatLeft" src="/globalassets/allsecure/screen.png" alt="" width="50" height="50" /><strong>9. Screening</strong></p> </div> </div><div class="col-9 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">We follow relevant health authority guidance on screening participants. This may include checking the temperatures of everyone on entry, through thermal scanning or other screening processes.</p> </div> </div><div class="col-3 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody" style="line-height: 50px !important;"><img class="floatLeft" src="/globalassets/allsecure/tc.png" alt="" width="50" height="50" /><strong>10. Trace and contact</strong></p> </div> </div><div class="col-9 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">Where necessary, we work with local authorities to trace and contact participants at the event, subject to local privacy regulations.</p> </div> </div><div class="col-12 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <h2 class="sectionHeader">Informa AllSecure FAQ</h2> <div class="accordion"> <div class="expandable"> <h2 class="expandable-heading">What is Informa AllSecure?</h2> <div class="expandable-content wysiwyg"> <p>Informa AllSecure is an enhanced set of health and safety standards for Informa events following COVID-19.</p> <p>From exhibitors to sponsors, speakers, visitors and journalists, those who come to our events come to connect, learn, know more and do more business, effectively and safely.</p> <p>The standards and practices that make up Informa AllSecure are designed to provide confidence that at an AllSecure event, we are striving to provide the highest standards of safety, hygiene, cleanliness and quality.</p> </div> </div> <div class="expandable"> <h2 class="expandable-heading">How was Informa AllSecure developed?</h2> <div class="expandable-content wysiwyg"> <p>Informa AllSecure is based on a set of event industry best practice guidelines, called All Secure.</p> <p>The All Secure industry guidelines were developed collaboratively by a group including industry associations UFI, AEO and SISO, event organisers Informa, Reed Exhibitions and Clarion, a range of event venues, suppliers and with input from health, government and local authorities.</p> </div> </div> <div class="expandable"> <h2 class="expandable-heading">What can I expect at an Informa AllSecure event?</h2> <div class="expandable-content wysiwyg"> <p>All Informa events are run according to the guidance of the government or official local authority for that location, and according to any venue-specific regulations.</p> <p>You can expect to see that health and safety is a priority, and that a range of measures are in place to ensure everyone involved is able to enjoy a safe, hygienic, productive and high-quality organised event experience.</p> <p>In addition, events following Informa AllSecure follow the ten principles above around Cleaning &amp; Hygiene, Physical Distancing and Protection &amp; Detection, with additional measures in place where relevant and practical for the type of event and its location.</p> </div> </div> <div class="expandable"> <h2 class="expandable-heading">What measures are being followed at the Informa event I am attending?</h2> <div class="expandable-content wysiwyg"> <p>All our events follow the guidance of government or official local authorities and any venue-specific regulations.</p> <p>For details of the specific measures in place at a particular event, see the event&rsquo;s website or contact the event team directly. Details will also be included in event materials on registration or booking.</p> </div> </div> <div class="expandable"> <h2 class="expandable-heading">Can you guarantee my safety at an Informa AllSecure event?</h2> <div class="expandable-content wysiwyg"> <p>No environment or space inside or outside of the home can ever be 100% safe.&nbsp;At controlled event gatherings like Informa events and through Informa AllSecure, we have put in place a comprehensive range of enhanced standards that make the health and safety of everyone who attends a priority.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div></div></div></div> <!-- FOOTER --> <footer class="footer"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="footerTopLinks"> <ul class="footerLinks"> <li> <a href="/contact-us/" class="cta-contact" > Contact Us </a> </li> <li> <a href="/contact-us/office-locator/" class="cta-location" > Office Locator </a> </li> </ul> <ul class="socialLinks"> <li> <a title="Email Alerts" class="icon i-email" href="/generic-content/latest-informa-news/" > Email Alerts</a> </li> <li> <a title="LinkedIn" class="icon i-linkedIn" href="" target=_blank rel=noopener> LinkedIn</a> </li> <li> <a title="Twitter" class="icon i-twitter" href="" target=_blank rel=noopener> Twitter</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="footerMiddleLinks"> <ul> <li><a href="/about-us/">About Us</a></li> <li><a href="/divisions/">Divisions</a></li> <li><a href="/investors/">Investors</a></li> <li><a href="/sustainability/">Sustainability</a></li> <li><a href="/talent/">Talent</a></li> <li><a href="/media/">Media</a></li> <li><a href="/contact-us/">Contact</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footerBottomLinks"> <ul> <li> <a href="/generic-content/accessibility/" target="_top" rel=&quot;noopener&quot;>Accessibility Statement</a> </li> <li> <a href="/generic-content/terms--conditions/" target="_top" rel=&quot;noopener&quot;>Terms &amp; Conditions</a> </li> <li> <a href="" rel=&quot;noopener&quot;>Privacy Policy</a> </li> <li> <a href="/generic-content/cookie-policy/" rel=&quot;noopener&quot;>Cookie Policy</a> </li> <li> <a href="/generic-content/modern-slavery-statement/" target="_blank" rel=&quot;noopener&quot;>Modern Slavery Statement</a> </li> <li> <a href="/site-map/" rel=&quot;noopener&quot;>Site Map</a> </li> </ul> <p class="registerText">Informa PLC registered in England &amp; Wales with number 8860726, registered office and head office 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG, UK. 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