Fine Acts – Annual Report 2022

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} </style> </div> <main class="main-wrapper"> <section class="section_layout408"> <div class="page-padding"> <div class="container-large"> <div id="intro" data-w-id="df84cb5d-c7d3-ebf0-f092-b95a4aef0a4e" class="w-layout-grid layout408_component" > <div class="layout408_card card-1 section-outline" > <div class="section-cover-page"> <div class="text-align-center fa-fallback" > <h1>FineActs Annual Report 2022</h1> </div> <div class="fa-cover" data-w-id="427fdb4f-360c-e9c7-dc54-4d21a3128cc0" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/fa-cover.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="2.6666666666666665" data-duration="0" ></div> </div> <div class="fa-divider-vertical"></div> <div class="background-color-pink-2 text-color-red padding-top padding-medium text-size-tiny fa-atf-logos-container" > <div class="intro-logos-grid"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="fa-credits-link w-inline-block" > <div class="flex-center flex-vertical hover-vfx" > <div class="text-style-allcaps margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Concept by </div> <img src="images/FA_logo.svg" loading="lazy" width="120" alt="Fine Acts logo" class="fa-fineacts-atf-logo" /> </div> </a> <div class="fa-credits-build"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="fa-credits-link w-inline-block" > <div rel="follow" title="Design &amp; Development by Oblik Studio" class="text-color-red flex-center flex-vertical hover-vfx" > <div class="text-style-allcaps margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Website by </div> <img src="images/oblik-studio.svg" loading="lazy" width="75" alt="Oblik Studio logo in circle" class="oblik-studio" /> </div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="fa-credits-link w-inline-block" > <div class="flex-center flex-vertical hover-vfx" > <div class="text-style-allcaps margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > print design by </div> <img src="images/logo_punkt.svg" loading="lazy" width="75" alt="Punkt logo in circle" /> </div> </a> </div> <div id="w-node-_6aef7af8-313e-698c-c902-2c6799d1baec-86919a29" class="div-block-2" > <div class="text-style-allcaps margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > OUR WORK IS MADE POSSIBLE WITH THE KIND INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT OF </div> <div class="padding-top padding-xxsmall" > <div class="fa-atf-logos-4"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="fa-credits-link fa-credits-link-img hover-vfx w-inline-block" ><img src="images/logo-osf.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Open Society Foundations logo" width="206" class="image-3" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="fa-credits-link fa-credits-link-img hover-vfx w-inline-block" ><img src="images/logo-srt.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Sigrid Rausing Trust logo" width="335" class="image-2" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout408_card card-2 section-intro" > <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <h2 js-line-animation="" class="heading-xxlarge text-style-allcaps text-lineheight-xshort text-outline-color-red text-color-pink-1 heading-xl" > Hi! We are<br /><span class="text-color-red" >Fine Acts.</span > </h2> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-body"> <div class="fa-filler"> <div id="w-node-_0b8b3367-d292-954b-f00c-9f8abd07feb0-86919a29" class="text-rich-text text-size-large text-color-pink-1 w-richtext" > <p> Some focus on doing one thing, but doing it right. We focus on doing the right things. </p> <p> Some have a clear line of attack, a fixed strategy. Our master plan is to not have one. </p> <p> Perfect is a flawed concept, rooted in grand expectations<br />but blooming into common disappointment. Perfect is not bold. It is timid. It is predefined, it is boring, it is a lifeboat of mediocrity in an ocean of possibility.<br />‍<br />We choose to keep swimming. </p> </div> </div> <div class="box-outline is-rotated"> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium text-color-red w-richtext" > <p> This annual report was also published as a set of Origami papers. Because you can – and should – play with anything. See instruction pages on how to fold specific animals, or create entirely new shapes yourself. </p> <p> Fun over format, forever. </p> </div> <div class="text-align-right"> <img src="images/Asset-3.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Origami cat icon" width="101.5" class="intro-cat" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout408_card section-intro max-height-none" > <div id="w-node-b7f0b7a9-4dff-c701-3430-c00c53381569-86919a29" class="fa-section-header" > <div class="fa-heading"> <h2 js-line-animation="" class="margin-bottom margin-large text-color-red heading-xlarge" > Mission </h2> </div> <div id="w-node-_1df058bf-600c-0c83-d01a-a18487fa3198-86919a29" class="fa-filler" ></div> <div id="w-node-b7f0b7a9-4dff-c701-3430-c00c5338156d-86919a29" class="text-rich-text text-size-medium text-color-pink-1 w-richtext" > <p> <strong >Fine Acts is a global nonprofit creative studio for social impact. We work across issues, across geographies, across fields, and across art mediums, and try to make sense of a daunting world in joyful ways. </strong> </p> <p> We operate at the intersections of advocacy, art, tech, and science, and practice playtivism – creating various multidisciplinary spaces for play and experimentation in activism. </p> <p> All our work – from public art interventions, through videos, installations, books, board games and illustrations, to platforms and experimental formats – is rooted in hope, joy and openness. Fine Acts’ campaigns and art actions aim to foster public understanding and engagement on a vast range of social and environmental issues; we also work to support and empower organizations across the globe through trainings, open resources, and tailored creative work. </p> </div> <div id="w-node-a717d9e0-f015-3896-a678-388fa602a3fc-86919a29" class="box background-color-red" > <h3 class="text-style-allcaps text-size-large text-color-pink-2" > Our Work </h3> <ul role="list" class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-2" > <li> We devise creative campaigns and projects that raise awareness, trigger action, and foster greater support for social and environmental issues. </li> <li> We develop effective formats to excite the art and tech communities to support the human rights &amp; climate movements. </li> <li> We work with nonprofits from around the world, and design tailor-made creative campaigns for their needs. </li> <li> We also consult and train civil society actors in embracing art and play as tools for social change. </li> <li> We see openness as a true force multiplier, and place it at the core of our work. Much of what we produce is open and free to use by others. </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div id="w-node-_74bc8c5d-fdc1-a488-8477-c7198f3d8ace-86919a29" class="page-padding" > <div id="w-node-a3e55e2a-4d2c-744d-98dc-466400f7b489-86919a29" class="container-large" > <section id="origami" class="section background-color-red" > <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small"> <h2 js-line-animation="" class="heading-xlarge text-color-white margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Origami Instructions </h2> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium text-color-pink-2 w-richtext" > <p> Origami designs by Tala El Fayoumi </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium text-color-pink-2 w-richtext" > <p> This annual report was also published as a set of Origami papers. Because you can – and should – play with everything. Get a square piece of paper and follow the instructions below. </p> <p> At Heaven &amp; Hell in the Anthropocene, our participatory installation at COP27, we asked delegates to fold their gamebook pages into an animal-shaped origami – considering the fact that we are not alone on Earth, and the need to keep in mind all species when taking decisions affecting the environment. </p> </div> </div> <div class="fa-origami-block fa-origami-block-cards" > <div class="fa-origami-block-title"> <p class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-medium text-color-red" > <strong >This is how you fold a cat.</strong > </p> </div> <section class="section_showcase"> <div class="showcase_card-holder"> <p class="paragraph"> Click the cards to<br />fold a cat </p> </div> <div class="showcase_card _8"> <img src="images/cat-08-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a cat origami: Step 8 - Cat is ready." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number">8</p> <p class="fa-origami-label">Cat</p> </div> <div class="showcase_card _7"> <img src="images/cat-06-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a cat origami: Step 6 - It should look like this." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number">7</p> <p class="fa-origami-label"> Draw face (Optional) </p> </div> <div class="showcase_card _6"> <img src="images/cat-06-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a cat origami: Step 6 - It should look like this." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number">6</p> <p class="fa-origami-label"> It should look like this </p> </div> <div class="showcase_card _5"> <img src="images/cat-05-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a cat origami: Step 5 - Flip over." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number">5</p> <p class="fa-origami-label"> Flip Over </p> </div> <div class="showcase_card _4"> <img src="images/cat-04-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a cat origami: Step 4 - Fold both layers down." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number">4</p> <p class="fa-origami-label"> fold both layers down </p> </div> <div class="showcase_card _3"> <img src="images/cat-03-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a cat origami: Step 3 - Fold upwards starting at the center crease upward to create ears." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number">3</p> <p class="fa-origami-label"> fold upwards starting at the center crease upward to create ears </p> </div> <div class="showcase_card _2"> <img src="images/cat-02-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a cat origami: Step 2 - Fold and unfold." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number">2</p> <p class="fa-origami-label"> Fold and Unfold </p> </div> <div class="showcase_card _1"> <img src="images/cat-01-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a cat origami: Step 1 - Fold downwards corner to corner." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number">1</p> <p class="fa-origami-label"> fold downwards corner to corner </p> </div> </section> </div> <div data-delay="4000" data-animation="slide" class="fa-origami-slider w-slider" data-autoplay="false" data-easing="ease-in-out-quint" data-hide-arrows="true" data-disable-swipe="false" data-autoplay-limit="0" data-nav-spacing="1" data-duration="500" data-infinite="true" > <div class="mask w-slider-mask"> <div class="fa-slide w-slide"> <div class="fa-origami-block"> <div class="fa-origami-block-title"> <p class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-medium text-color-red" > <strong >This is how you fold a duck. </strong> </p> </div> <div class="container fa-container-auto-height" > <div class="draggable"> <div class="img_wrap"> <div class="img_list"> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/duck-01-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 1 - Fold and unfold." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 1 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > Fold and Unfold </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/duck-02-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 2 - Fold so that edges lay parallel to the center crease." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 2 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold so that edges lay <br />parallel to the center crease </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/duck-03-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 3 - Flip over." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 3 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > Flip Over </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/duck-04-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 4 - Fold in half." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 4 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold in half </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/duck-04-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 4 - Fold in half." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 5 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > rotate 90º </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/duck-06-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 6 - Fold upwards along the line shown." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 6 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold upwards along the line shown </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/duck-07-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 7 - Fold downwards along the line shown." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 7 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold downwards along <br />the line shown </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/duck-08-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 8 - The duck origami is ready." class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 8 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > duck </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="drag_wrap"> <div class="drag_contain" > <div class="drag_wrapper" > <div class="drag_list" > <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/duck-01-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 1 - Fold and unfold." class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item hide" > <img src="images/duck-02-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 2 - Fold so that edges lay parallel to the center crease." class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/duck-03-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 3 - Flip over." class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/duck-04-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 4 - Fold in half." class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/duck-05-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 5 - Rotate 90°." class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item hide" > <img src="images/duck-06-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 6 - Fold upwards along the line shown." class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item hide" > <img src="images/duck-07-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 7 - Fold downwards along the line shown." class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/duck-08-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 8 - The duck origami is ready." class="drag_img" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="drag_gradient" ></div> <div id="my-track-1" class="track" > <div class="handle" > <div class="handle_bar" ></div> <img src="images/icon-drag.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Drag/slide to right icon" class="handle_icon" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-slide w-slide"> <div class="fa-origami-block"> <div class="fa-origami-block-title"> <p class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-medium text-color-red" > <strong >This is how you fold a dog.</strong > </p> </div> <div class="container fa-container-auto-height" > <div class="draggable"> <div class="img_wrap"> <div class="img_list"> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/01-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dog origami fold step 1" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 1 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold downwards corner to corner </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/02-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dog origami fold step 2" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 2 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold and unfold </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/03-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dog origami fold step 3 " class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 3 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold downwards (about 1 cm away <br />from the center crease) along line <br />shown to create ears </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/04-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dog origami fold step 4" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 4 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold top layer upwards </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/05-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dog origami fold step 5" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 5 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold bottom layer to the back </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/06-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dog origami fold step 6" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 6 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold tip down to create dog snout </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/07-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dog origami fold step 7" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 7 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > draw eyes (optional) </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/08-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dog origami fold step 8" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 8 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > dog </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="drag_wrap"> <div class="drag_contain" > <div class="drag_wrapper" > <div class="drag_list" > <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/01-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 1" class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item hide" > <img src="images/02-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 2" class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/03-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 3 " class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/04-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 4" class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/duck-05-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 5 - Rotate 90°." class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item hide" > <img src="images/02-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 2" class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item hide" > <img src="images/07-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 7" class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/08-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 8" class="drag_img" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="drag_gradient" ></div> <div id="my-track-1" class="track" > <div class="handle" > <div class="handle_bar" ></div> <img src="images/icon-drag.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Drag/slide to right icon" class="handle_icon" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-slide w-slide"> <div class="fa-origami-block"> <div class="fa-origami-block-title"> <p class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-medium text-color-red" > <strong >This is how you fold a dove.</strong > </p> </div> <div class="container fa-container-auto-height" > <div class="draggable"> <div class="img_wrap"> <div class="img_list"> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/01-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 1" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 1 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold inward corner to corner </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/02-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 2" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 2 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold both layers along the line shown </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/03-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 3" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 3 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > create a crease about a cm away <br />from edge and fold top layer outwards </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/04-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 4" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 4 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > flip over </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/05-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 5" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 5 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold in half </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/06-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 6" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 6 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold front and back sides upwards <br />along the line shown </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/07-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 7" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 7 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold down along the line shown <br />to create beak </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/08-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 8 " class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 8 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > dove </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="drag_wrap"> <div class="drag_contain" > <div class="drag_wrapper" > <div class="drag_list" > <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/01-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 1" class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item hide" > <img src="images/02-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 2" class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/03-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 3 " class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/04-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 4" class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/duck-05-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 5 - Rotate 90°." class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item hide" > <img src="images/02-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 2" class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item hide" > <img src="images/07-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 7" class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/08-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 8" class="drag_img" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="drag_gradient" ></div> <div id="my-track-1" class="track" > <div class="handle" > <div class="handle_bar" ></div> <img src="images/icon-drag.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Drag/slide to right icon" class="handle_icon" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-slide w-slide"> <div class="fa-origami-block"> <div class="fa-origami-block-title"> <p class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-medium text-color-red" > <strong >This is how you fold a dove.</strong > </p> </div> <div class="container fa-container-auto-height" > <div class="draggable"> <div class="img_wrap"> <div class="img_list"> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/01-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 1" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 1 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold inward corner to corner </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/02-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 2" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 2 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold both layers along the line shown </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/03-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 3" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 3 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > create a crease about a cm away <br />from edge and fold top layer outwards </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/04-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 4" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 4 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > flip over </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/05-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 5" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 5 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold in half </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/06-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 6" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 6 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold front and back sides upwards <br />along the line shown </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/07-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 7" class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 7 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > fold down along the line shown <br />to create beak </p> </div> <div class="img_item" > <img src="images/08-dove-origami-instructions.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Dove origami fold step 8 " class="img_photo" /> <p class="fa-origami-number" > 8 </p> <p class="fa-origami-label" > dove </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="drag_wrap"> <div class="drag_contain" > <div class="drag_wrapper" > <div class="drag_list" > <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/01-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 1" class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item hide" > <img src="images/02-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 2" class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/03-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 3 " class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/04-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 4" class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/duck-05-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="How to fold a duck origami: Step 5 - Rotate 90°." class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item hide" > <img src="images/02-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 2" class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item hide" > <img src="images/07-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 7" class="drag_img" /> </div> <div class="drag_item" > <img src="images/08-dog-origami-instructions.svg" loading="eager" alt="Dog origami fold step 8" class="drag_img" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="drag_gradient" ></div> <div id="my-track-1" class="track" > <div class="handle" > <div class="handle_bar" ></div> <img src="images/icon-drag.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Drag/slide to right icon" class="handle_icon" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="left-arrow w-slider-arrow-left"> <div class="w-icon-slider-left"></div> </div> <div class="w-slider-arrow-right"> <div class="w-icon-slider-right"></div> </div> <div class="w-slider-nav w-round"></div> </div> </section> <article id="climate-change" tr-pagecolor-element="trigger0" class="article-wrap" > <section class="section section-pattern section-pattern-2" > <div class="section-content"> <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small text-color-white" > Our Work / Climate Change </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-green"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > Our Work / Climate Change </div> </div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <h2 js-line-animation="" class="heading-xlarge" > Heaven &amp; Hell in the Anthropocene </h2> </div> </div> <p class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large" > At COP27 – the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference – we launched our experiential installation <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-style-link" >Heaven &amp; Hell in the Anthropocene</a >, an immersive participatory artwork that we created with prominent Egyptian-Lebanese contemporary artist <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-style-link" >Bahia Shehab</a >. </p> </div> <div class="layout408_image-wrapper"> <img src="images/heaven-and-hell-in-the-anthropocene-1.webp" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 87vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 83vw" srcset=" images/heaven-and-hell-in-the-anthropocene-1-p-500.png 500w, images/heaven-and-hell-in-the-anthropocene-1-p-800.png 800w, images/heaven-and-hell-in-the-anthropocene-1-p-1080.png 1080w, images/heaven-and-hell-in-the-anthropocene-1-p-1600.png 1600w, images/heaven-and-hell-in-the-anthropocene-1.webp 1920w " alt="A pink and white tent with a sign that says heaven and hell." class="layout408_image" /> </div> <div class="fa-text-content text-col-2"> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> The artwork engages the audience on the possible futures we face if we do – or don’t – change our attitudes towards the environment. It is informed by <a href="" target="_blank" >a famous study</a > which concluded that people’s beliefs about climate change are closely tied to the temperature they’ve recently experienced – in other words, people sitting in warmer rooms are more likely to say that ‘global warming’ is a problem. </p> <p> We turned this insight into an impactful artistic experience to raise questions around responsibility, participation and action. Since we couldn’t crank up the heat in COP27’s plenary rooms, we invited decision-makers to experience two competing scenarios for the future in our public art installation. </p> <p> From the outside, its two rooms looked entirely identical. Before entering, each visitor was given a page from a gamebook (printed fiction that invites the reader to participate in the story by making choices). </p> <p> Based on their choices, and respective sustainability score, visitors were guided to enter either ‘Heaven’ or ‘Hell’ – where all their senses were targeted by very different sights, sounds, temperatures, and smells. </p> <p> The work at COP27 was met by general excitement, enthusiasm and praise. Word-of-mouth generated perpetual lines of people waiting to engage with it. During the two-week conference, over 3100 delegates experienced our installation (2097 went to heaven, and 1019 went to hell). We always encouraged participants to visit the other room as well. </p> <p> The installation was widely covered by more than 30 international media, including the <a href="" target="_blank" >Washington Post</a >, <a href="" target="_blank" >Artnet</a >, <a href="" target="_blank" >Forbes</a >, <a href="" target="_blank" >Yahoo News</a >, and many outlets in the MENA region, earning critical acclaim and reaching hundreds of thousands. In addition, we reached over 70 000 people through our social media accounts. </p> <p> Heaven &amp; Hell in the Anthropocene will be made replicable under an open license – with its key characteristics and aesthetics published online in a DIY manual, so that movements and collectives around the world can recreate it in their cities to initiate conversations around climate change. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="margin-vertical margin-large"> <div class="box background-color-pink-3"> <div class="fa-columns"> <div class="fa-photo-wrapper"> <img src="images/img-02_hell.jpg" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 79vw, (max-width: 767px) 84vw, (max-width: 991px) 41vw, 39vw" srcset=" images/img-02_hell-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-02_hell-p-800.jpg 800w, images/img-02_hell.jpg 992w " alt="A room with a pink light shining on it." class="layout408_image" /> <div class="fa-photo-caption margin-top margin-small" > <h3 class="heading-xsmall text-style-allcaps" > HELL </h3> <p class="text-size-medium text-lineheight-xshort" > Hell is a small, dark, angled, claustrophobic space.<br />It smells of sh*t, decomposing fruit and hospital rooms. It sounds like construction, drilling, and disaster. It is set to 38°C degrees – the Arctic’s highest recorded temperature to date, as well as the body temperature over which a person is generally considered ill/unwell. </p> </div> </div> <div class="fa-photo-wrapper"> <img src="images/img-03_heaven.webp" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 79vw, (max-width: 767px) 84vw, (max-width: 991px) 41vw, 39vw" srcset=" images/img-03_heaven-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-03_heaven-p-800.jpg 800w, images/img-03_heaven.webp 992w " alt="A room with curtains and plants." class="layout408_image" /> <div class="fa-photo-caption margin-top margin-small" > <h3 class="heading-xsmall text-style-allcaps" > HEAVEN </h3> <p class="text-size-medium text-lineheight-xshort" > Heaven, on the other hand, is a light, bright, gentle, domed interior. It is set at a comfortable temperature of 21°C degrees. You are surrounded by the sounds of nature – birds, water, wind, leaves rustling – and scents of freshness and orange blossoms. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-text-quote"> <p class="text-style-quote"> “The aim of the work is to make people feel like stakeholders in our collective future and to drive action towards making change possible. We are at the point of Earth’s story where we, as the main protagonist, need to make a crucial decision. By our collective effort we can turn this planet into heaven or hell.” </p> <p class="text-weight-bold"> – Bahia Shehab </p> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-green text-color-pink-2 w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="6229c90a-a029-da6f-7232-2204c4665b83" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay"></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-green"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > Our Work / Climate Change </div> </div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <h2 js-line-animation="" class="heading-xlarge" > Pyramids of Garbage return to Egypt </h2> </div> </div> <p class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large" > <a href="" target="_blank" ><strong class="text-style-link" >Pyramids of Garbage</strong ></a ><strong >, our installation that we created in 2020 together with artist </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" ><strong class="text-style-link" >Bahia Shehab</strong ></a ><strong> and </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" ><strong class="text-style-link" >Countdown</strong ></a ><strong> – TED’s global initiative to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crisis, came back – bigger and bolder!</strong > </p> </div> <div class="image-grid-wrapper margin-vertical margin-medium" > <div class="image-grid-col-5"> <img src="images/img-04_plastic-waste-pyramid.webp" loading="lazy" id="w-node-aef1c1de-3f23-6688-9af4-157babcd96f1-86919a29" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 87vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 16vw" alt="A man standing on a large stack of garbage." srcset=" images/img-04_plastic-waste-pyramid-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-04_plastic-waste-pyramid-p-800.jpg 800w, images/img-04_plastic-waste-pyramid-p-1080.jpg 1080w, images/img-04_plastic-waste-pyramid.webp 1275w " class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-05_plastic-waste-pyramid-2.webp" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_0ee8faa6-26b3-0b18-9988-c7fd6de39313-86919a29" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 87vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 16vw" alt="An aerial view of a building in pink and purple." srcset=" images/img-05_plastic-waste-pyramid-2-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-05_plastic-waste-pyramid-2-p-800.jpg 800w, images/img-05_plastic-waste-pyramid-2.webp 826w " class="fa-image" /> </div> <p id="w-node-_3209e731-7cb6-a50d-4abe-4c6c93530259-86919a29" class="text-size-tiny margin-top-0" > All photos courtesy of Zero Co. </p> </div> <div class="col-2"> <div class="fa-text-content"> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> In 2022, <a href="" target="_blank" >the installation returned to Egypt</a > just ahead of COP27, this time thanks to Zero Co, a zero-waste company. Erected in the Western Desert, just outside of Cairo, the immense structure was made using the equivalent of 1 million plastic water bottles, collected from the Nile River, weighed a whopping 20 tons, and was taller than a three-story building. </p> <p> By placing (AGAIN!) an actual pyramid of garbage in Cairo – the home of the only surviving wonder of the world, the great pyramids of Giza – the artwork challenges our overproduction and overconsumption. “Now is the time for us to rethink our legacy on this planet. Are we going to come together to build a sustainable future for all of us, or will our new legacy be pyramids of garbage?” asks the artist Bahia Shehab. </p> <p> The 2022 stunt kicked off the 100YR CLEANUP initiative, which seeks to fund large-scale cleanups over the next 100 years and drive accountability for the single-use plastic problem. Consumers and businesses both can join the initiative to sponsor the removal of “bundles of trash” and contribute to future cleanups around the world. </p> </div> </div> <div id="w-node-_9e2a47c9-380e-3562-cf5c-ccf3b2b1e7af-86919a29" > <div id="w-node-af38fb0a-78a2-203d-31c1-3fa951e7de82-86919a29" class="box-outline box-outline-pink-2 text-color-pink-1" > <h3 class="text-style-allcaps text-size-large" > I<strong >ncoming – more works on climate!</strong > </h3> <p class="text-size-medium margin-top margin-xsmall" > In 2022, we also started working on the production of two more public artworks in two countries in the MENA region which face serious climate change challenges. For this, we organized an initial call for proposals, sent it out to a longlist of artists in the region, and selected two concepts to further develop and produce. Both will be revealed in early 2023, and will be published under an open license: </p> <ul role="list" class="text-size-medium margin-top" > <li> Jordan is the second most water-scarce country in the world. For this project, focusing on the local crisis, we are collaborating with award-winning, Jordan-based, Palestinian photographer <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-style-link" >Laura Boushnak</a >. </li> <li class="margin-top"> Under Your Seat is a public art stunt that makes the issue of climate change hit close to home. This work is developed in collaboration with Tunisian artist and creative director <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-style-link" >Moez Achour</a >. </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-green text-color-pink-2 w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="f6654aa2-ee5f-a6be-40fb-c2171ef9611f" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay" ></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-green"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > Our Work / Climate Change </div> </div> <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge" > <strong js-line-animation="" >The Advantages of Facing Extinction</strong > </h2> </div> <div id="w-node-e1b79240-89c4-bf00-dd31-b0155ccb2110-86919a29" class="margin-top margin-small" ></div> </div> <div class="margin-vertical margin-medium"> <div class="fa-text-content text-col-2"> <p id="w-node-_35965914-7527-ea58-1044-6b665dda92c3-86919a29" class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large margin-bottom margin-medium" > <strong >At TED2022, we launched The </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-style-link" ><strong >Advantages of Facing Extinction</strong ></a ><strong >, our participatory art piece.</strong > </p> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> No more zoom calls. No pressure to leave a legacy behind and be remembered. Finally being part of a historic event. There are SO MANY advantages of facing extinction. As an ode to silver linings, we made a piece to celebrate climate change ending it all. </p> <p> The Advantages of Facing Extinction is a work by Fine Acts, created in collaboration with TED, and inspired by the <a href="" target="_blank" >Guerrilla Girls</a > – an anonymous collective of feminist women artists, and their ironic &amp; iconic poster campaign The Advantages of Being a Woman Artist, exposing sexual discrimination in the art world. </p> <p> As this is a living participatory piece, we also accepted contributions! We invited anyone – at the TED conference, as well as online – to tell us why they are excited about facing extinction. The work was previewed by thousands of people on site, and we also received hundreds of submissions – with the best ones to be added to future iterations of the work online and offline, including a series of installations we are planning around the world in 2023. </p> <p> This artwork, while a playful insight into the human experience, is also a call to arms. We believe that where there is fun, there is hope. And where there is hope, there is future. But this future requires action. </p> <p>‍</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="image-grid-wrapper"> <div class="image-grid-col-5 min-height-50vh" > <img src="images/img-06.webp" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_35965914-7527-ea58-1044-6b665dda92c8-86919a29" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 87vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 16vw" alt="A woman looking at a wall with many sticky notes." srcset=" images/img-06-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-06-p-800.jpg 800w, images/img-06-p-1080.jpg 1080w, images/img-06.webp 1405w " class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-07.webp" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_35965914-7527-ea58-1044-6b665dda92c9-86919a29" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 87vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 16vw" alt="A man writing on a book." srcset=" images/img-07-p-500.png 500w, images/img-07.webp 696w " class="fa-image" /> </div> <p id="w-node-_35965914-7527-ea58-1044-6b665dda92ca-86919a29" class="text-size-tiny margin-top-0" > Photos: Jon Lowenstein </p> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-green text-color-pink-2 w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="cf4cf026-a070-3e17-ffcf-6f3d11be885b" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" ><br /> </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" ><br /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay"></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-green"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > Our Work / Climate Change </div> </div> <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge" > <strong js-line-animation="" >Team Earth</strong > </h2> </div> <div id="w-node-_4d27b4d8-9fbf-03ea-f7a7-c63e5e70168b-86919a29" class="margin-top margin-small" > <p id="w-node-_4d27b4d8-9fbf-03ea-f7a7-c63e5e70168c-86919a29" class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large" > <strong>For </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" ><strong class="text-style-link" >Team Earth</strong ></a ><strong >, we worked with 9 talented eco-conscious artists to spotlight 9 outstanding climate heroes. We launched the campaign during COP27, as a reminder of the types of voices we should be putting center stage and listening closely to. </strong> </p> </div> </div> <div class="image-grid-wrapper margin-vertical margin-medium" > <div class="image-grid-col-3"> <img src="images/img-08_disha-ravi.webp" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_4d27b4d8-9fbf-03ea-f7a7-c63e5e701691-86919a29" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 87vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 27vw" alt="A woman with long hair and a pink background." srcset=" images/img-08_disha-ravi-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-08_disha-ravi.webp 666w " class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-09_hong-huang.webp" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_4d27b4d8-9fbf-03ea-f7a7-c63e5e701692-86919a29" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 87vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 27vw" alt="A woman with short hair." srcset=" images/img-09_hong-huang-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-09_hong-huang.webp 658w " class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-10_yuli-type.webp" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_4d27b4d8-9fbf-03ea-f7a7-c63e5e701693-86919a29" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 87vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 27vw" alt="A cartoon of a woman in water." srcset=" images/img-10_yuli-type-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-10_yuli-type.webp 754w " class="fa-image" /> </div> <p id="w-node-_4d27b4d8-9fbf-03ea-f7a7-c63e5e701694-86919a29" class="text-size-tiny margin-top-0" > Illustrations: Vanessa Mundle – Minttu, Preeti Singh, David Espinosa for Fine Acts </p> </div> <div class="fa-text-content text-col-2"> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> From climate activists to environmental defenders from all corners of the world – the portrayed people are meant to serve as an example of the countless others who have dedicated their lives to protecting and saving the planet; and in this way illustrate our common potential – and hope – that we can change climate change. </p> <p> However, our project is also a reminder that today around the world climate activists and environmental defenders are massively oppressed, detained, imprisoned, attacked, and killed for standing up to polluters and profiteers. Our campaign, which reached almost 240 000 people on Instagram alone, made a point that there can’t be climate justice without human rights or open civic space, so we urged people to speak up for the protectors and stand for the wrongfully imprisoned. </p> <p> For this work, we collaborated with <a href="" target="_blank" >our partners Global Witness</a > (who also helped us with the selection) – working to hold companies and governments accountable for their disregard for the planet, and their failure to protect human rights. </p> <p> All portraits of Team Earth are published under an open license – so that anyone can use them to amplify their climate message. So far, the works have been downloaded over 500 times. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-green text-color-pink-2 w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="ace5fa8a-21dd-72dc-926d-48795470f765" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay"></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-green"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > Our Work / Climate Change </div> </div> <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge" > <strong js-line-animation="" >Artists For Climate</strong > </h2> </div> <div id="w-node-ad5562b8-eaf7-0c69-102c-274dc99ae43d-86919a29" class="margin-top margin-small" > <p id="w-node-ad5562b8-eaf7-0c69-102c-274dc99ae43e-86919a29" class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large" > <strong>Remember </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-style-link" ><strong >The Climate Collection</strong ></a ><strong >, our amazing FREE visual library of illustrations to change climate change? If you’re not already using it for climate action, it’s time!</strong > </p> </div> </div> <div class="image-grid-wrapper margin-vertical margin-medium" > <div class="image-grid-col-3"> <img src="images/img-11.webp" loading="lazy" id="w-node-ad5562b8-eaf7-0c69-102c-274dc99ae444-86919a29" alt="A group of people sitting around a table." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-12.webp" loading="lazy" id="w-node-ad5562b8-eaf7-0c69-102c-274dc99ae443-86919a29" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 87vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 27vw" alt="A man kissing a baby in front of a poster." srcset=" images/img-12-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-12.webp 770w " class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-13.webp" loading="lazy" id="w-node-ad5562b8-eaf7-0c69-102c-274dc99ae445-86919a29" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 87vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 27vw" alt="A box with the words the greats on it." srcset=" images/img-13-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-13.webp 535w " class="fa-image" /> </div> <p id="w-node-ad5562b8-eaf7-0c69-102c-274dc99ae446-86919a29" class="text-size-tiny margin-top-0" > Photos: TED, Nataliya Baramska, ArtLink </p> </div> <div class="fa-text-content text-col-2"> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> All artworks in it are part of the Artists For Climate open call that we launched together with <a href="" target="_blank" >TED Countdown</a > in 2021. Its goal was to build a unique collection of open-license art, with a focus on hope and solutions, to serve as an invaluable resource for climate change awareness. The works are available to climate groups, campaigners and educators to use and adapt non-commercially, in order to shape the climate conversation. Close to 1500 artists from 95 countries joined the open call, with 2200+ submissions. The outstanding works of a total of 50 Selected Artists and 46 Finalists were chosen to enter The Climate Collection. Since then, the artworks have been used thousands of times. </p> <p> In addition, in April 2022, a selection of awe-inspiring illustrations from The Climate Collection got featured during TED2022 in Vancouver, Canada, as part of TED Countdown’s social space. </p> <p> In August 2022, we launched a public art exhibition with a selection of illustrations in Sofia, adapted to the local context with slogans in Bulgarian. The campaign’s messages were consulted with a group of local climate activists. The exhibition prints were later on “adopted” by the National Museum of Natural History to be installed in their premises. </p> <p> In October 2022, together with our partners at ArtLink, we launched our augmented reality exhibition Artists for Climate for the international Climate Change Summit in Bucharest, Romania. The exhibition consisted of a series of physical cubes that could be scanned via the ArtLink app, which then brings to life a virtual showcasing of a selection of 20 featured artworks from our Climate Collection. The exhibition aimed to inspire people to imagine a better climate future. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-green text-color-pink-2 w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="c1d12239-296d-4a1c-cb5c-ef8e99dd037b" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay"></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </section> </article> <article id="peace-and-democracy" tr-pagecolor-element="trigger" class="article-wrap" > <section class="section section-pattern section-pattern-3" > <div class="section-content"> <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > PEACE &amp; DEMOCRACY </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-purple"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="fa-breadcrumb"> <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > <strong >OUR WORK / PEACE &amp; DEMOCRACY</strong > </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="box background-color-yellow-2 margin-bottom margin-medium" > <div class="fa-section-header-flex"> <div class="fa-heading"> <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge" > <strong js-line-animation="" >Being Ukraine</strong > </h2> </div> <p id="w-node-ecf26daa-6155-ecab-c265-0258c187cec0-86919a29" class="text-lineheight-short text-size-medium" > In the first days of the war in Ukraine, Fine Acts started working on <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-style-link" >Being Ukraine</a > – a series of creative collaborations with Ukrainian artists, with the goal to capture the immense strength, resilience, courage and perseverance of the Ukrainian people, and to tell stories that evoke empathy, uplift and unite. The campaign reached hundreds of thousands of people, and included three separate art actions. </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-2"> <div class="fa-text-content"> <h3 class="heading-style-alt heading-medium" > Nothing Will Tear Us Apart </h3> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> Shortly after the start of the war, we reached out to our friends at Kyiv-based artist duo <a href="" target="_blank" >WE BAD</a > with an invitation to collaborate on a mural project in Ukraine that sends a message of strength and hope. But they had a better idea. </p> <p> Separated by the ongoing conflict, the artists – Lera Sxemka and Maxim Pavlyuk – wanted to continue working together, and created two interconnected murals – one in each country where they resided at the time. </p> <p> This resulted in <a href="" target="_blank" >Nothing Will Tear Us Apart</a >. Maxim created his mural on the walls of a bombed kindergarten in the Ozero village, in the Kyiv region, with the message painted on a surviving wall amidst all the destruction and rubble. Lera made her piece on a local government building in the center of Košice, Slovakia – where support services, including food and clothing, were offered to Ukrainian refugees since the first days of the war. </p> <p> “To escape the missiles and bombs, we left Kyiv. And after two weeks, we made a very painful decision: Lera would go to a safe place abroad, to continue working, and Maxim would come back to Kyiv, to be helpful there. We broke apart, the same as thousands of families around the country. […] We’ve always done everything together – and although we are divided by a thousand kilometers, it was crucial to us to continue creating together,” say the artists. “This project is for everyone who is far away from their families, homes and loved ones. We are a brave nation and we know for sure that Ukraine will win, and these dark times. </p> </div> </div> <div> <div class="image-grid-wrapper"> <div class="image-grid-vertical" > <img src="images/img-ukraine-01.jpg" loading="lazy" id="w-node-bc1e447b-b5f9-228a-6bb3-391aa1abdf50-86919a29" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 87vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 40vw" alt="A person standing in front of a building with graffiti." srcset=" images/img-ukraine-01-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-ukraine-01-p-800.jpg 800w, images/img-ukraine-01.jpg 1032w " class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-ukraine-02.jpg" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_36520403-fe19-ed2b-12ff-9d9a627981af-86919a29" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 87vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 40vw" alt="A woman standing in front of a broken heart." srcset=" images/img-ukraine-02-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-ukraine-02-p-800.jpg 800w, images/img-ukraine-02.jpg 1035w " class="fa-image" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-purple text-color-yellow-2 w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="75198664-5a63-88bc-3145-70b7c3c44688" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay"></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-purple"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="fa-breadcrumb"> <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > <strong >OUR WORK / PEACE &amp; DEMOCRACY</strong > </div> <div class="text-weight-semibold button is-button-small background-color-yellow-2 text-color-purple" > <strong >Being Ukraine</strong > </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-2"> <h3 class="heading-style-alt heading-medium" > Defenders </h3> <div class="fa-text-content"> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> When the war in Ukraine started, hundreds of thousands of civilians left their previous lives behind, and volunteered to protect their homeland. </p> <p> Who are these people? Is such bravery superhuman, or the most intrinsic human trait there is? </p> <p> We reached out to Ukraine’s <a href="" target="_blank" >Julia Kochetova</a >, a phenomenal young photographer, and commissioned her to make a portrait series of defenders. In the months that followed, Julia focused on the people who stayed to fight, often becoming someone entirely new overnight. For <a href="" target="_blank" >DEFENDERS</a >, аlong with her standard equipment, Julia used old soviet prism lenses, to visualize how Russia shattered the lives of Ukrainians – but couldn’t break the country’s spirit. </p> <p> “The greatest gift is to have something to defend. What to fight for. What to stand for. War is crushing cities and blowing up bridges. War is killing people. But it can’t stop them. My people can’t be stopped by war,” says Julia. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="margin-top margin-medium"> <div class="fa-ukraine-people"> <div class="fa-u-person"> <img src="images/img-ukraine-03_daria.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="A photo of a woman with long blonde hair." class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" /> <p class="text-lineheight-xshort margin-right margin-xxsmall" > <strong >Daria Kolomiets, 34</strong ><br />Before – DJ, <br />now – volunteer </p> </div> <div class="fa-u-person"> <img src="images/img-ukraine-04_tanya.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="Poster - A woman with braided hair." class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" /> <p class="text-lineheight-xshort margin-right margin-xxsmall" > <strong >Tanya Romaniuk, 30</strong > <br />Before – university mentor, <br />now – Red Cross volunteer </p> </div> <div class="fa-u-person"> <img src="images/img-ukraine-05_marharyta.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="A girl in military uniform." class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" /> <p class="text-lineheight-xshort margin-right margin-xxsmall" > <strong >Marharyta Rivchachenko, 25</strong > <br />Before – journalist &amp; <br />PR manager, <br />now – paramedic </p> </div> <div class="fa-u-person"> <img src="images/img-ukraine-06_eugen.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="Poster - A man with a beard." class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" /> <p class="text-lineheight-xshort margin-right margin-xxsmall" > <strong >Eugen Spirin, 34</strong ><br />Before – editor-in-chief of, now – volunteer at Bucha morgue </p> </div> <div class="fa-u-person"> <img src="images/img-ukraine-07_pavlo.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="A portrait of a man with a beard." class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" /> <p class="text-lineheight-xshort margin-right margin-xxsmall" > <strong >Pavlo Kaliuk, 35 </strong ><br />Before – real estate manager, now – volunteer and community organizer </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-purple text-color-yellow-2 w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="6ac8dd11-5400-d807-b12f-430739c312f6" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay" ></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-purple"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="fa-breadcrumb"> <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > <strong >OUR WORK / PEACE &amp; DEMOCRACY</strong > </div> <div class="text-weight-semibold button is-button-small background-color-yellow-2 text-color-purple" > <strong >Being Ukraine</strong > </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-2"> <div class="fa-flex-between-wrapper"> <h3 class="heading-style-alt heading-medium" > A Diary of War and Hope </h3> <div class="fa-text-quote"> <p class="text-style-quote"> <em >“This is something about Ukrainians - they always smile.” </em> </p> <p class="text-weight-bold"> – <strong >Mila Teshaieva</strong > </p> </div> </div> <div class="fa-text-content"> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> On the third day of the war, we commissioned <a href="" target="_blank" >Mila Teshaieva</a >, an Ukrainian photographer residing in Berlin, to create <a href="" target="_blank" >A Diary of War and Hope</a >. It features 31 portraits of Ukrainians – civilians, refugees, defenders – all taken during the first few weeks of the war. Made as Mila traveled across the country, A Diary of War and Hope is a visual journal of both Ukraine’s struggle and perseverance. Each photograph is a glimpse into how the war has impacted the lives of millions, while also capturing people’s immense strength, courage, and resilience. </p> <p> “None of us in Ukraine ever expected a war. It seemed that war existed only in history, in films, in books, and in memories. Then this day came, when bombs fell over Kyiv. It has changed us all – our values and our lives. [...] The portraits in this series were made during the first month of the war, when people were undergoing a complex transformation: from initial shock to the confidence that Ukraine and its people will stay strong, mightier than ever before”, says Mila. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-ukraine-people margin-top margin-medium" > <div class="fa-u-person"> <img src="images/img-ukraine-08_oksana.jpg" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" srcset=" images/img-ukraine-08_oksana-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-ukraine-08_oksana.jpg 674w " alt="Poster with a woman" class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" /> <p class="text-lineheight-xshort margin-right margin-xsmall" > <span class="text-style-allcaps" ><strong >Day 6 of the War / Lviv</strong ></span ><strong><br />‍</strong>In the small room of a local theater, Oksana, a teacher at Lviv University and a professional sportswoman, spends her days weaving masking nets for the army. I ask her: “Why is it important to maintain hope?”. She answers with a question: “If we lose hope, how can we support the people who fight for our freedom?” </p> </div> <div class="fa-u-person"> <img src="images/img-ukraine-09_olga.jpg" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" srcset=" images/img-ukraine-09_olga-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-ukraine-09_olga.jpg 674w " alt="A woman sitting at a table." class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" /> <p class="text-lineheight-xshort margin-right margin-xsmall" > <span class="text-style-allcaps" ><strong >Day 23 / Kyiv</strong ></span ><strong><br />‍</strong>As the air raid sirens begin to sound in Kyiv, Olga gets herself to the narrow entrance hall of her small flat, and stays there behind a thin wall. She places her hands together and prays. As she whispers the prayer, the siren wails on, and her whispers are mixed with silent tears. Olga is one of the many elderly people who have nowhere to go. For the last three weeks, she has not left her apartment. “Hope will give us power – it will give us kind thoughts, and faith that in the end good will overcome evil.” </p> </div> <div class="fa-u-person"> <img src="images/img-ukraine-10_alina.jpg" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" srcset=" images/img-ukraine-10_alina-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-ukraine-10_alina.jpg 674w " alt="Poster - A woman holding a dog in front of a train." class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" /> <p class="text-lineheight-xshort margin-right margin-xsmall" > <span class="text-style-allcaps" ><strong >Day 10 / Kyiv</strong ></span ><strong><br />‍</strong>Alina, a 20-year-old student from Kyiv, is trying to get on the train to go west with her mother and her dog Zara. She breaks into tears: <br />“I don’t want to leave Kyiv, I don’t want to go anywhere. This is my home, this is my country, <br />I don’t understand why this is happening to us?” She looks ashamed of her tears. She smiles quietly and tells me about her hope that the war will end soon. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-purple text-color-yellow-2 w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="123453ac-6688-6fcc-e68a-9f88b3fdeaf8" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay"></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-purple"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > <strong >OUR WORK / PEACE &amp; DEMOCRACY</strong > </div> </div> <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge" > <strong js-line-animation="" >The Anti-War <br />Poster Collection</strong > </h2> </div> <div id="w-node-d319fc42-55ad-3c14-5c10-1a9fe033302e-86919a29" class="margin-top margin-small" > <p id="w-node-d319fc42-55ad-3c14-5c10-1a9fe033302f-86919a29" class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large" > <strong >To support the various ways of demonstrating solidarity with the Ukrainian people, and of opposing the war, we created a free </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" ><strong class="text-style-link" >Anti-War Poster Collection</strong ></a ><strong >, available for anyone to download and use in a protest – online or offline.</strong > </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-2 margin-top margin-small"> <div class="image-credits-wrapper"> <div class="image-grid-antiwar-wrapper" > <img src="images/img-anti-war-poster-01_apocalypse-never.jpg" loading="lazy" id="w-node-d319fc42-55ad-3c14-5c10-1a9fe0333034-86919a29" sizes="100vw" alt="A yellow background with the words apocalypse never." srcset=" images/img-anti-war-poster-01_apocalypse-never-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-anti-war-poster-01_apocalypse-never.jpg 674w " class="fa-image-regular" /><img src="images/img-anti-war-poster-02_peace-of-cake.jpg" loading="lazy" id="w-node-f03d0818-1844-a594-5c0e-17ccbaedac4d-86919a29" alt="Anti war poster with text - peace of cake." class="fa-image-regular" /><img src="images/img-anti-war-poster-03_dva-slova-sm.jpg" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_5f4f7990-62fe-2b7f-6092-1490d18e335a-86919a29" alt="A blue and yellow background with a text." class="fa-image-regular" /><img src="images/img-anti-war-poster-04-orwellIs-not-impressed.jpg" loading="lazy" id="w-node-fb657e45-fb99-1755-455f-f3251dc50ba2-86919a29" sizes="100vw" alt="Anti war poster with text - Orwell is not impressed." srcset=" images/img-anti-war-poster-04-orwellIs-not-impressed-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-anti-war-poster-04-orwellIs-not-impressed.jpg 506w " class="fa-image-regular" /><img src="images/img-anti-war-poster-05-right-side-of-history.jpg" loading="lazy" id="w-node-eb9b2b2f-229b-f031-8b08-1e077c7b6efe-86919a29" sizes="100vw" alt="A yellow poster with text - be on the right side of history." srcset=" images/img-anti-war-poster-05-right-side-of-history-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-anti-war-poster-05-right-side-of-history.jpg 508w " class="fa-image-regular" /> </div> <p id="w-node-d319fc42-55ad-3c14-5c10-1a9fe0333037-86919a29" class="text-size-tiny margin-top-0" > Copywriting: Fine Acts, M!xim Stoimenov, Teodor Genov </p> </div> <div class="fa-text-content"> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium margin-bottom margin-xlarge w-richtext" > <p> Fine Acts conceptualized and designed the posters, now downloaded thousands of times, using mainly fonts created by the <a href="" target="_blank" >Kyiv Type Foundry</a > – who donate all their profits to help the situation on the ground in Ukraine, as well as by <a href="" target="_blank" >Vocal Type</a > – a dedicated protest type foundry. </p> </div> <div class="img-ukraine-phones-wrapper margin-vertical margin-medium" > <img src="images/img-ukraine-11.png" loading="lazy" data-w-id="8304494c-b280-4180-be0e-292078f799c5" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 43vw, (max-width: 991px) 36vw, 20vw" alt="A poster for book cover apocalypse never - on the street" srcset=" images/img-ukraine-11-p-500.png 500w, images/img-ukraine-11.png 507w " class="img-ukraine-phone-1" /><img src="images/img-ukraine-12.png" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 43vw, (max-width: 991px) 36vw, 20vw" srcset=" images/img-ukraine-12-p-500.png 500w, images/img-ukraine-12.png 531w " alt="Poster - A yellow and blue cover of a book on the street." class="img-ukraine-phone-2" /> </div> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> We also partnered with our friends at <a href="" target="_blank" >ArtLink</a >, to create an AR filter allowing anyone to take their protest online, by placing a poster of their choosing anywhere they like (for example, in front of their local Russian Embassy), taking a snapshot, and sharing it with the world. </p> <p> Download the posters for free at <a href="" target="_blank" ><strong ></strong ></a > </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-purple text-color-yellow-2 w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="6f2becf4-7bea-1054-b461-76dc4979b667" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay" ></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait text-color-purple w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-purple relative-overflow" > <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > <strong >OUR WORK / PEACE &amp; DEMOCRACY</strong > </div> </div> <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge" > <strong js-line-animation="" >DECKTATORS</strong > </h2> </div> </div> <div class="col-2 margin-top margin-small"> <div class="fa-text-content"> <div id="w-node-ee9da128-6938-acd2-c7d1-1d5ef83724d7-86919a29" class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <p id="w-node-ee9da128-6938-acd2-c7d1-1d5ef83724d8-86919a29" class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large" > <strong >In 2022, we finalized the gameplay and produced the first beta version for </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" ><strong class="text-style-link" >DECKTATORS</strong ></a ><strong> – our terrible board game on defending civic space that puts players in the shoes of a dictator. <br />It makes people painfully aware of the tools <br />and tactics of oppression, and able to recognize autocrats for what they really are. The sweetest part? All tactics are 100% real and based on real-world actions by real-world dictators (or as they often call themselves – liberators).</strong > </p> </div> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium margin-bottom margin-small w-richtext" > <p> During the year, we also developed the game’s web platform, secured a global advisory board, and prepared for the launch of a crowdfunding campaign in early 2023. We’ll also be publishing DECKTATORS under an open license, so that anyone can download, print &amp; play it for free. </p> <p> The game is informed by our collective trauma as people who grew up in a communist dictatorship, and our appreciation of humor as a critical tool for survival and resistance. It is developed in close consultation with a host of like-minded activists from oppressive regimes around the world. </p> <p> The tactics and other elements of the game are based on our lived experiences as well as years-long research regarding the current and past state of human rights, civil society, media freedom and democracy around the world. We’ve been through books and memories alike, to give you a game that is as fun as it is furious. </p> </div> <p id="w-node-ee9da128-6938-acd2-c7d1-1d5ef83724e3-86919a29" class="text-size-tiny margin-top-0" > Illustrations: Teo Georgiev </p> </div> <div class="image-credits-wrapper relative" > <div class="img-decktators-wrapper"> <img src="images/img-decktators-01_mine_card_6.png" loading="lazy" data-w-id="ee9da128-6938-acd2-c7d1-1d5ef83724ea" alt="Poster with text - Nonprofits publish a damning report." class="img-decktators-card-1 shadow-xsmall" /><img src="images/img-decktators-02_joker_card_1.png" loading="lazy" alt="Decktators card - A yellow and blue drawing of a hand with a finger up." class="img-decktators-card-2 shadow-xlarge" /><img src="images/img-decktators-04_tactic_card_3.png" loading="lazy" alt="Decktators card - Ban some books." class="img-decktators-card-3 shadow-medium" /><img src="images/img-decktators-03_joker_card_9.png" loading="lazy" alt="A poster with the words joker " class="img-decktators-card-4 shadow-large" /> </div> <img src="images/img-decktators-05_board-1.png" loading="lazy" data-w-id="bde83403-a7ff-500b-82ed-488d9485d2df" width="763" alt="An illustration of a board game with yellow and blue colors." srcset=" images/img-decktators-05_board-1-p-500.png 500w, images/img-decktators-05_board-1-p-800.png 800w, images/img-decktators-05_board-1-p-1080.png 1080w, images/img-decktators-05_board-1.png 1526w " sizes="(max-width: 479px) 79vw, (max-width: 767px) 90vw, (max-width: 991px) 88vw, 37vw" class="img-decktators-1 shadow-small" /> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-purple text-color-yellow-2 w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="262c47c9-45cd-895c-461b-4385b1d68117" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay" ></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait text-color-purple w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </section> </article> <article id="women-and-lgbti-rights" tr-pagecolor-element="trigger2" class="article-wrap" > <section class="section section-pattern-1"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > <strong >WOMEN &amp; LGBTI+ RIGHTS</strong > </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-red"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > <strong >OUR WORK / WOMEN &amp; LGBTI+ RIGHTS</strong > </div> </div> <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge" > <strong js-line-animation="" >We gave sexual health a visual revamp</strong > </h2> </div> <div id="w-node-_0ade4636-8833-2a9b-7161-9f6351b3f95b-86919a29" class="margin-top margin-small" > <p id="w-node-_0ade4636-8833-2a9b-7161-9f6351b3f95c-86919a29" class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large" > <strong>In 2022, we </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-style-link" ><strong >joined forces</strong ></a ><strong> with the </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-style-link" ><strong >International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)</strong ></a ><strong >, a global healthcare provider and a leading advocate for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for all, to embark on a visual reframing journey to challenge and disrupt how SRHR are communicated around the globe.</strong > </p> </div> </div> <div class="image-grid-wrapper margin-vertical margin-medium" > <div class="image-grid-col-5"> <img src="images/img-women-lgbt-01-anina-takeff.png" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_0ade4636-8833-2a9b-7161-9f6351b3f961-86919a29" alt="A poster that says - Take a stand against violence" class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-women-lgbt-02-marianna-tomaselli.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="An illustration of a group of people holding a sign that says knowledge protects us all." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-women-lgbt-03-bruna-alves.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="A poster that says - Stand tall for abortion rights." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-women-lgbt-04-olga-mrozek.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="Poster - You can choose what kind of mother to be." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-women-lgbt-05-david-espinosa.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="A poster with people that says lift each other up." class="fa-image" /> </div> <p id="w-node-_0ade4636-8833-2a9b-7161-9f6351b3f964-86919a29" class="text-size-tiny margin-top-0" > Illustrations: Anina Takeff, Marianna Tomaselli, Bruna Borges Alves, Olga Mrozek, David Espinosa for IPPF x Fine Acts </p> </div> <div class="fa-text-content text-col-2"> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> To this end, we first curated two interactive visual communications trainings for 50+ organizations, part of the IPPF global network (read more about this in Our Trainings section of our report). </p> <p> To support the collective future we are striving for, we also created a <a href="" target="_blank" >new collection of hopeful visual artworks</a > to serve as a tool for educators, activists, organizers and health providers fighting for SRHR around the world, helping everyone access the care they need to live a dignified life, based on respect. For it, we worked with a global pool of 30 talented artists, who produced 90+ illustrations on SRHR topics – from abortion care, contraceptive care &amp; sex ed to gender-based violence, gender equality &amp; LGBTI+ rights! </p> <p> All works are published under a specific open license on, our unique platform for free social impact visuals, so that IPPF’s network and other activists and nonprofits can use them in their future campaign work. </p> <p> All illustrations can be used and adapted non-commercially to advocate for a better place for women, girls and trans people. </p> <p> We then did extensive social media A/B testing in three countries to understand what kind of visuals work in different contexts, and produced a report analyzing the results – providing insights, recommendations and tips. Finally, we carried out a series of webinars and interactive workshops where we showed nonprofits how they can use the collection, talked about how to work with artists, explored why, how and when to use A/B testing, and consulted them on concrete visual communications materials for campaigns and advocacy efforts. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-red text-color-yellow-2 w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="b8da4ada-04a3-5dcb-1d7c-d65ea5daa6a7" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay"></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-red"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > <strong >OUR WORK / WOMEN &amp; LGBTI+ RIGHTS</strong > </div> </div> <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge" > <strong js-line-animation="" >SPRINTS x Women’s Rights</strong > </h2> </div> <div id="w-node-_527d95a6-3867-1b50-6483-3f1d8cefee69-86919a29" class="margin-top margin-small" > <p id="w-node-_527d95a6-3867-1b50-6483-3f1d8cefee6a-86919a29" class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large" > <strong >We ran an edition of our original format SPRINTS, a creative bootcamp for visual artists, on the topic of </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" ><strong class="text-style-link" >women’s rights</strong ></a ><strong >, engaging 12 prominent Bulgarian illustrators. The collection of artworks, supported by the Bulgarian Fund for Women, was directly used in marches and actions in Sofia on the occasion of the International Women’s Day (March 8), and further disseminated online. </strong> </p> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium margin-top margin-small w-richtext" > <p> This new pack of illustrations expanded the larger Women’s rights collection on The free open-licensed visuals there have been used thousands of times by now – in street protests, community meet-ups, social media campaigns, and more, all across the globe. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="image-grid-wrapper margin-top margin-medium" > <div class="image-grid-col-4"> <img src="images/img-women-lgbt-06-anina-takeff.jpg" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_527d95a6-3867-1b50-6483-3f1d8cefee74-86919a29" sizes="100vw" alt="Poster with a girl and a text - Speak up" srcset=" images/img-women-lgbt-06-anina-takeff-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-women-lgbt-06-anina-takeff.jpg 513w " class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-women-lgbt-07-ilian-iliev.jpg" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" srcset=" images/img-women-lgbt-07-ilian-iliev-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-women-lgbt-07-ilian-iliev.jpg 515w " alt="Poster for 8 march - A red background with a group of people standing in front of it." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-women-lgbt-08-anina-takeff-womens-rights-poster.jpg" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" srcset=" images/img-women-lgbt-08-anina-takeff-womens-rights-poster-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-women-lgbt-08-anina-takeff-womens-rights-poster.jpg 512w " alt="Poster for woman rights - Born mighty" class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-women-lgbt-09-nikoleta-nosovska.jpg" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" srcset=" images/img-women-lgbt-09-nikoleta-nosovska-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-women-lgbt-09-nikoleta-nosovska.jpg 514w " alt="Illustration lgbt with text You Go GIrl" class="fa-image" /> </div> <p id="w-node-_527d95a6-3867-1b50-6483-3f1d8cefee78-86919a29" class="text-size-tiny margin-top-0" > Illustrations: Anina Takeff, Ilian Iliev, Nikoleta Nosovska for Fine Acts </p> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-red text-color-yellow-2 w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="c9dde488-ab72-1fbb-4cda-61e19fc375ba" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay"></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-red"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > <strong >OUR WORK / WOMEN &amp; LGBTI+ RIGHTS</strong > </div> </div> <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge" > <strong js-line-animation="" >We launched Vagina Matters in the UK</strong > </h2> </div> <div id="w-node-b82d65cd-ef3c-5ffd-843e-7c25b2f451b1-86919a29" class="margin-top margin-small" > <p id="w-node-b82d65cd-ef3c-5ffd-843e-7c25b2f451b2-86919a29" class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large" > <strong >In 2022, we released </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" ><strong class="text-style-link" >Vagina Matters</strong ></a ><strong >, our illustrated sex ed book, in the UK. It is created by us at Fine Acts, and published in the UK together with our awesome local partners at Daye, a gynae health innovator, and Brook, UK’s leading sexual health and wellbeing charity for young people. You can read the book online for free on </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-style-link" ><strong ></strong ></a ><strong>, or </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-style-link" ><strong >grab a copy</strong ></a ><strong> via Daye’s website.</strong > </p> </div> </div> <div class="image-grid-wrapper margin-vertical margin-medium" > <div class="image-grid-col-3"> <img src="images/img-women-lgbt-10-insta-post-1-1.jpg" loading="lazy" id="w-node-b82d65cd-ef3c-5ffd-843e-7c25b2f451bc-86919a29" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 87vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 27vw" alt="A group of yellow and orange instagram posts on a yellow background." srcset=" images/img-women-lgbt-10-insta-post-1-1-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-women-lgbt-10-insta-post-1-1.jpg 691w " class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-women-lgbt-11-insta-post-3-1.jpg" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 87vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 27vw" srcset=" images/img-women-lgbt-11-insta-post-3-1-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-women-lgbt-11-insta-post-3-1.jpg 648w " alt="Poster - A woman holding a book in front of a yellow background." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-women-lgbt-12-insta-post-1-3.jpg" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 87vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 90vw, 27vw" srcset=" images/img-women-lgbt-12-insta-post-1-3-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-women-lgbt-12-insta-post-1-3.jpg 739w " alt="Poster - A group of people standing in front of a yellow background." class="fa-image" /> </div> <p id="w-node-b82d65cd-ef3c-5ffd-843e-7c25b2f451c0-86919a29" class="text-size-tiny margin-top-0" > Illustrations: Borislava Madeit &amp; Stalker since 1993, Photos: Radina Gancheva </p> </div> <div class="col-2"> <div id="w-node-b2c050e2-62ab-6c9c-62e7-55ae29ae2aef-86919a29" class="fa-filler" ></div> <div class="fa-text-content"> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> We’ve also published Vagina Matters under an open license, empowering anyone anywhere to translate it into their language. The book aims to close the sex education gap by empowering educators and nonprofits around the world with engaging resources to promote sexual health awareness. </p> <p> In over 250 pages, Vagina Matters (which started as the first illustrated sex-ed book for girls in Bulgaria) covers everything from periods, vaginal health and STIs, to body positivity, sex, LGBTI+ issues, as well as self-exploration and masturbation. It is a guide for young people to understand their bodies, and take charge of their sexual health. </p> <p> Vagina Matters specifically focuses on the experiences of girls, as well as trans and non-binary people, aged 12 to 14, but can be read by anyone. Consulted by countless sexual health experts, it provides a great starting point to the core topics covered in comprehensive sex education. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-red text-color-yellow-2 w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="4a8399cd-1ad9-d5d1-fe22-b034e6bfbf51" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay"></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </section> </article> <article id="belonging" tr-pagecolor-element="trigger3" class="article-wrap" > <section class="section section-pattern-4"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > <strong>BELONGING</strong> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-blue"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > <strong >OUR WORK / BELONGING</strong > </div> </div> <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge" > <strong js-line-animation="" >We showed what belonging looks like</strong > </h2> </div> <div id="w-node-_3ec54e22-3f1f-8bb8-f647-7b1431b7072e-86919a29" class="margin-top margin-small" > <p id="w-node-_3ec54e22-3f1f-8bb8-f647-7b1431b7072f-86919a29" class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large" > <strong >What does belonging look like in practice? <br />How can we visualize the act of bridging diverse communities? What would our world look like if we overcame the cleavages that often divide society?</strong > </p> </div> </div> <div class="image-grid-wrapper margin-vertical margin-medium" > <div class="image-grid-col-5"> <img src="images/img-belonging-01-mark-wang-poster.jpg" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_3ec54e22-3f1f-8bb8-f647-7b1431b70736-86919a29" alt="The cover of a book with the words new day coming." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-belonging-02-teo-georgiev.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="A poster with the words to go far go together." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-belonging-03-jiaqi-zhou-poster.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="Under one single flag." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-belonging-04-cecilia-castelli.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="Poster with two women and text - our bonds make us strong poster." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-belonging-05-sakina-saidi-poster.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="Poster with text - Build bridges not walls." class="fa-image" /> </div> <p id="w-node-_3ec54e22-3f1f-8bb8-f647-7b1431b7073b-86919a29" class="text-size-tiny margin-top-0" > Illustrations: Mark Wang, Teo Georgiev, Jiaqi Zhou, Cecilia Castelli, Sakina Saïdi for OBI x Fine Acts </p> </div> <div class="fa-text-content text-col-2"> <div target="_blank" class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> These are all questions that we asked ourselves in our collaboration with the <a href="" target="_blank" >Democracy &amp; Belonging Forum</a >, an initiative by the Othering &amp; Belonging Institute at the University of California, Berkeley. </p> <p> Together, <a href="" target="_blank" >we produced a new set of visuals</a > – that anyone can use and adapt, free of charge – to accompany stories and narratives that focus on bridging and belonging. Our goal was to show that this is a possible future, in response to the current challenges that we face as humanity. </p> <p> The <a href="" target="_blank" >Bridging and Belonging open-license collection</a > features over 70 artworks. For it, we commissioned 40 artists from around the world to create works on our future vision, solutions and hope. We also organized a global open call for existing works on the topic – where we received over 220 submissions, out of which 30 artists were distinguished by our jury. </p> <p> The collection is a tool for nonprofits, activists and citizens anywhere to call for a future where we all belong. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-green text-color-blue w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="a3ebc413-8f1b-0625-17ce-54c466f362cd" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay"></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-blue"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > <strong >OUR WORK / BELONGING</strong > </div> </div> <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge" > <strong js-line-animation="" >Three new editions <br />of WESEUM </strong> </h2> </div> </div> <div class="fa-text-content text-col-2 margin-top margin-small" > <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> <strong >WESEUM is our global series of pop-up museums curated by different vulnerable communities.</strong > </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" >For our latest edition</a >, we collaborated with 45 people from the three groups in Bulgaria that most often face hate speech – Roma, LGBTI people and asylum seekers/refugees. </p> <p> It goes like this: we ask each person two questions, and they respond to each with an object. The museum is the collection of these objects, and the extraordinary stories behind them. </p> <p> WESEUM (or, ‘the museum of us’) is designed to build understanding, promote a shared humanity, and break down stereotypes and barriers for groups that are oppressed or stigmatized. </p> <p> It is a space that empowers communities to advance their narratives and rise above the stereotypization and misrepresentation – by exhibiting the everyday objects/ mementos they feel best represent their stories and selves. </p> </div> </div> <div class="box-outline box-outline-green margin-top margin-medium text-color-green relative" > <div class="fa-belonging-grid"> <div class="fa-u-person-wrapper"> <p class="text-style-allcaps margin-bottom margin-xsmall" > <strong>ILIYANA</strong> </p> <div class="fa-u-person-wrapper-horizontal" > <div class="fa-u-person"> <img src="images/img-belonging-06-iliana-happy.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="A green and white folklore dress on a blue background." class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" /> <p class="text-lineheight-xshort margin-right margin-xsmall" > <strong >What makes you happy? </strong ><br />“Folk costume. As a child I used to dance folk dances in the community center. Those who danced were mainly Roma. Bulgarian folk dance and history for us Roma are not foreign, but close to our hearts.” </p> </div> <div class="fa-u-person"> <img src="images/img-belonging-07-iliana-sad.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="Poster - A stack of folded towels on a blue background." class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" /> <p class="text-lineheight-xshort margin-right margin-xsmall" > <strong >What makes you sad? </strong ><br />“Nappy. I am a midwife and I know what happens to the Roma children and mothers after birth. They are separated into rooms with only Roma women, without mixing with the Bulgarian women. This fact saddens me, because children are the most prized gift in a society, however, since birth they are separated from one another.” </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-u-divider"></div> <div class="fa-u-person-wrapper"> <p class="text-style-allcaps margin-bottom margin-xsmall" > <strong >MARGARITA, 12 y.o, from Ukraine</strong > </p> <div class="fa-u-person-wrapper-horizontal" > <div class="fa-u-person"> <img src="images/img-belonging-08-margarita-happy.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="A teddy bear on a blue background." class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" /> <p class="text-lineheight-xshort margin-right margin-xsmall" > <strong >What makes you happy?</strong ><br />“This toy. I was born and lived in the small town of Primorsk, Zaporozhye region. On the day the war started, I was on my way to school… With time the heating, Internet, and mobile communications were switched off. After a month of war, my mother decided that we should leave the occupied territory. We left with a single suitcase, with just the essentials. I had so many favorite things that I wanted to take with me. Mom only allowed me to take one small toy – a teddy bear.” </p> </div> <div class="fa-u-person"> <img src="images/img-belonging-09-margarita-sad.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="Poster - A pile of green powder on a blue background." class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" /> <p class="text-lineheight-xshort margin-right margin-xsmall" > <strong >What makes you sad?</strong ><br />“Handful of earth. Mom collected earth from our yard, as a good omen and a memory of home, because we don’t know when we are going to return. But I think it will bring us luck and give us strength, and I believe that we will return to Ukraine, because I felt calm and happy there.” </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="text-size-tiny text-align-right absolute" > Photos: Radina Gancheva </p> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-green text-color-blue w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="ef912153-8ff0-b5b7-c16e-fc5ccfcd83e1" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" ><br /> </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" ><br /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay"></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-blue"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > <strong >OUR WORK / BELONGING</strong > </div> </div> <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge" > <strong js-line-animation="" >5 directors, 5 films, 0 words, 1 message</strong > </h2> </div> <div id="w-node-d3f2259a-58a6-1daf-3d7c-7e5efe31eca8-86919a29" class="margin-top margin-small" > <p id="w-node-d3f2259a-58a6-1daf-3d7c-7e5efe31eca9-86919a29" class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large" > <strong >We worked with five exceptional Bulgarian filmmakers on a creative challenge. Our video omnibus </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" ><strong class="text-style-link" >Louder Than Words</strong ></a ><strong> features five short films bound by a common theme, and a creative constraint. They all target stereotypes, but are hopeful; they all stand against hate speech – but are shot without words.</strong > </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-2 margin-top margin-xsmall"> <div id="w-node-dd64542b-06df-fcf8-6408-5b5d6ca93c25-86919a29" class="fa-filler" ></div> <div class="fa-text-content"> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> The five short films were created with the support of our friends at Handplayed Productions, and include Home (by Kevork Aslanyan), Heritage (by Rozaliya Dimitrova), Tasty (by Joro Peev), Journey (by Tsvetoslav Tsonev), and Love (by Slava Doytcheva). Each film focuses on a specific community – LGBTI, Roma, or refugees; and they all respond to the grim with hope and awe. The videos from the omnibus have been viewed close to 500 000 times online. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="image-grid-wrapper margin-vertical margin-medium" > <div class="image-grid-col-5"> <img src="images/img-belonging-10.jpg" loading="lazy" id="w-node-d3f2259a-58a6-1daf-3d7c-7e5efe31ecae-86919a29" alt="A poster for a documentary about a group of children." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-belonging-11.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="A poster with a man in a suit and a woman in a suit." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-belonging-12.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="A picture of a woman holding a pizza." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-belonging-13.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="A poster with a man with a beard a man and a woman" class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-belonging-14.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="A poster for a movie with people sitting around a table." class="fa-image" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-green text-color-blue w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="aa6c984a-95a1-5c9a-6787-7b822506f13a" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay"></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-blue"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > <strong >OUR WORK / WOMEN &amp; LGBTI+ RIGHTS</strong > </div> </div> <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge" > <strong js-line-animation="" >Born Heroes</strong > </h2> </div> <div id="w-node-fa4b57ec-1f32-dcda-c2fe-94f4f329ab61-86919a29" class="margin-top margin-small" > <p id="w-node-fa4b57ec-1f32-dcda-c2fe-94f4f329ab62-86919a29" class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large" > <strong >Born Heroes is a continuation of </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-style-link" ><strong >Born Ready</strong ></a ><strong> – <br />a campaign focusing on the abolition of guardianship for persons with disabilities. Today, tens of thousands of people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities around the world are stripped of their legal capacity, and placed under guardianship. Born Heroes puts self-advocates in the ‘limelight’, where they belong. </strong> </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-2 margin-top margin-xsmall"> <div id="w-node-fa4b57ec-1f32-dcda-c2fe-94f4f329ab65-86919a29" class="image-grid-wrapper" > <div class="image-grid-col-2 margin-8px-fix" > <img src="images/img-belonging-15-marieta-petrova.jpg" loading="lazy" id="w-node-fa4b57ec-1f32-dcda-c2fe-94f4f329ab67-86919a29" alt="An illustration of a woman playing ping pong." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-belonging-16-dimityr-atanasov.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="An illustration of a dj playing music." class="fa-image" /> </div> </div> <div class="fa-text-content margin-bottom margin-large" > <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> The campaign originally launched in Bulgaria in 2020, in support of the efforts of the Bulgarian Center for Not-for-profit Law and the Bulgarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities to abolish guardianship in the country. </p> <p> In 2022, we worked with prominent Bulgarian illustrator Anina Takeff on a collection of illustrations that further supported local efforts to abolish guardianship. Anina depicted the 27 self-advocates, who have been at the heart of the campaign from the very start, as heroes, and their dreams and skills – as their superpowers. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="image-grid-wrapper margin-8px"> <div class="image-grid-col-4"> <img src="images/img-belonging-17-ivan-edrev.jpg" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_304e046b-9614-114f-f0e1-b8c53c56111b-86919a29" alt="An illustration of a man holding a phone and a cup of coffee." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-belonging-18-mihail-stoimenov.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="An illustration of a superhero holding a trophy." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-belonging-19-temenuzhka-ivanova.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="An illustration of a woman in a chef&#x27;s hat." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-belonging-20-iliya-rangelov.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="An illustration of a man with his arms outstretched." class="fa-image" /> </div> <p id="w-node-_304e046b-9614-114f-f0e1-b8c53c56111e-86919a29" class="text-size-tiny margin-top-0" > Illustrations: Portraits of Marieta Petrova, Dimitar Atanasov, Ivan Edrev, Mihail Stoimenov, Temenuzhka Ivanova, Iliya Rangelov – by Anina Takeff </p> </div> </div> </section> </article> <article id="openness" tr-pagecolor-element="trigger4" class="article-wrap" > <section class="section section-pattern section-pattern-5" > <div class="section-content"> <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > openness </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-orange"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > Our Work / <strong>OPENNESS</strong> </div> </div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge" > <strong js-line-animation="" >The Greats</strong > </h2> </div> </div> <p class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large" > <strong >In 2022, we continued actively developing and promoting </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" ><strong class="text-style-link" ></strong ></a ><strong >, our unique global platform for open-licensed social impact visuals, free for activists and nonprofits from all across the world to use and adapt non-commercially. </strong> </p> </div> <div class="image-grid-wrapper margin-vertical margin-medium" > <div class="image-grid-col-2"> <img src="images/img-openness-01-the-greats-homepage.png" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_0fef327e-c45f-31af-a0d5-f7b6eef31530-86919a29" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 67vw, (max-width: 767px) 70vw, (max-width: 991px) 69vw, 41vw" alt="Free illustrations from great artists to change the world." srcset=" images/img-openness-01-the-greats-homepage-p-500.png 500w, images/img-openness-01-the-greats-homepage-p-800.png 800w, images/img-openness-01-the-greats-homepage.png 1029w " class="fa-image-default fa-image-the-greats-screen-1 shadow-large" /><img src="images/img-openness-02-the-greats-artist-page.jpg" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_0fef327e-c45f-31af-a0d5-f7b6eef31531-86919a29" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 66vw, (max-width: 991px) 69vw, 100vw" alt="The homepage of a website with different images of people." srcset=" images/img-openness-02-the-greats-artist-page-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-openness-02-the-greats-artist-page-p-800.jpg 800w, images/img-openness-02-the-greats-artist-page.jpg 1010w " class="fa-image-default fa-image-the-greats-screen-2 shadow-small" /> </div> </div> <div class="fa-text-content text-col-2"> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium w-richtext" > <p> According to behavioral, cognitive and neuroscience insights, opinions change NOT through more information and dry facts – but by empathetic and compelling experiences, visual communications and effective storytelling. That’s where visuals come in: our brains are hardwired for visual content – powerful imagery can help us get attention, facilitate the retention of information, and provoke an emotional response and action. </p> <p> offers a solution to a key problem for many NGOs, grassroots groups, and activists, as they often lack the capacity and resources to create compelling visual materials that make their essential work or campaigns visible. </p> <p> Our platform is without analogue – as all illustrations are published under a Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), allowing free use AND adaptation for non-commercial purposes. For all works, we publish the work files, in addition to the print files, so that nonprofits, grassroots organizations, social movements and activists globally can use and adapt them according to their needs – like change or translate the copy, add new text (or delete it), use different colors, or anything really to make works effective in their own context. </p> <p> Currently, the platform features 1340+ free artworks (and counting) by close to 1000 global artists, on topics ranging from women’s rights, LGBTI+ rights, racial justice, freedom of expression, and many more. Most of the content on The Greats is commissioned by us at Fine Acts, through our creative challenges. On top of that, artists are opening up their existing works to support the efforts of activists worldwide. </p> <p> The Greats has attracted amazing support and interest, with hundreds of organizations – large and small – using and adapting the illustrations for their work. There are over 2200 activists and nonprofits registered on the platform. The works on The Greats have been viewed a total of 1 275 000+ times, many of which have been saved for direct use. We have also registered 17 000 downloads of full bundles with work files allowing adaptation. </p> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-purple text-color-orange w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="96882051-2f20-fa2d-7a3e-f398df558af0" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay" ></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section text-color-orange"> <div class="section-content"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small" > <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > <strong >Our Work / OPENNESS</strong > </div> </div> <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge" > <strong js-line-animation="" >The Better Sharing Collection</strong > </h2> </div> <div id="w-node-ce42b89a-7cf7-3bc5-f105-4b6f01690eb6-86919a29" class="margin-top margin-small" > <p id="w-node-ce42b89a-7cf7-3bc5-f105-4b6f01690eb7-86919a29" class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large" > <strong >When we share, everyone wins. This is the motto of </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" ><strong class="text-style-link" >Creative Commons (CC)</strong ></a ><strong> — an international nonprofit fostering the sharing of knowledge and culture in the public interest. In 2022, CC celebrated 20 years since their licenses were first published – which has resulted in freeing over 2 billion pieces of content from restrictive standard “all rights reserved” copyright licenses.</strong > </p> <div class="text-rich-text text-size-medium margin-top margin-small w-richtext" > <p> To mark the anniversary, and celebrate open sharing, we teamed up with CC to create the <a href="" target="_blank" >Better Sharing open-license collection of illustrations</a >. </p> <p> For the collection, we first reached out to 12 prominent global open advocates with the question: “What’s your best tip for a brighter future (as it relates to open sharing)?” Then, we selected 12 artists, who have worked openly many times in the past, to produce a series of open-license visual works inspired by the theme and the advocates’ responses. </p> <p> All works are published on – our unique global platform for free social impact visuals – under an open license, to be enjoyed, used and adapted, by anyone. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="image-grid-wrapper margin-top margin-medium" > <div class="image-grid-col-4"> <img src="images/img-openness-03-pietro-soldi.jpg" loading="lazy" id="w-node-ce42b89a-7cf7-3bc5-f105-4b6f01690ebc-86919a29" sizes="100vw" alt="Illustration with people and text - The more we share, the more we have." srcset=" images/img-openness-03-pietro-soldi-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-openness-03-pietro-soldi.jpg 508w " class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-openness-04-burcu-koleli.jpg" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" srcset=" images/img-openness-04-burcu-koleli-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-openness-04-burcu-koleli.jpg 532w " alt="Poster with people and text - Open palms, not clutching fists." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-openness-05-teo-georgiev.jpg" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" srcset=" images/img-openness-05-teo-georgiev-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-openness-05-teo-georgiev.jpg 508w " alt="Illustration with people and text - Sharing brighteners the future." class="fa-image" /><img src="images/img-openness-06-sakina-saidi.jpg" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" srcset=" images/img-openness-06-sakina-saidi-p-500.jpg 500w, images/img-openness-06-sakina-saidi.jpg 508w " alt="An illustration of a woman holding a heart with the words gives and loses is the hand." class="fa-image" /> </div> <p id="w-node-ce42b89a-7cf7-3bc5-f105-4b6f01690ec1-86919a29" class="text-size-tiny margin-top-0" > Illustrations: Pietro Soldi x Cory Doctorow, Burcu Köleli x Maria Popova, Teo Georgiev x Biyanto Rebin, Sakina Saïdi x Liz Lenjo </p> </div> </div> <div class="fa-section-footer"> <a hoverstagger="link" href="" target="_blank" class="menu_link fa-button with-icon background-color-purple text-color-orange w-inline-block" > <div class="fa-lottie-icon-wrap"> <div class="icon-embed-xsmall fa-lottie-icon" data-w-id="e79850aa-f32f-8652-aaa7-e7d855dfee85" data-animation-type="lottie" data-src="documents/79.json" data-loop="1" data-direction="1" data-autoplay="1" data-is-ix2-target="0" data-renderer="svg" data-default-duration="0.5" data-duration="2" ></div> </div> <div class="menu_padding is-link"> <div class="menu_text-wrap"> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text is-2 fa-button-label" > </div> <div hoverstagger="text" class="menu_link-text fa-button-label" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-button-overlay"></div> </a> <div class="fineacts-logo hide-mobile-portrait w-embed" > <svg id="fineacts-logo-svg" data-name="fineacts-logo-svg" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54.25 11.11" > <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: currentColor; } </style> </defs> <g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1" > <polygon class="cls-1" points="0 2.98 5.02 2.98 5.02 4.88 2.32 4.88 2.32 6.61 5.02 6.61 5.02 8.44 2.32 8.44 2.32 10.79 0 10.79 0 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m31.57,4.15c0-2.42,1.76-4.15,4.33-4.15,2.43,0,4.02,1.19,4.21,3.25h-2.46c-.16-.72-.78-1.18-1.74-1.18-1.21,0-1.92.8-1.92,2.09s.72,2.09,1.92,2.09c.96,0,1.58-.47,1.74-1.18h2.46c-.19,2.05-1.77,3.25-4.21,3.25-2.57,0-4.33-1.73-4.33-4.15" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="42.8 4.65 40.84 4.21 41.27 2.26 47.47 3.63 47.05 5.58 45.08 5.15 43.83 10.83 41.55 10.33 42.8 4.65" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m47.83,8.31h2.32c0,.67.37,1.08.99,1.08.5,0,.78-.24.78-.65,0-.36-.21-.55-.74-.75l-1.55-.57c-1.12-.41-1.67-1.16-1.67-2.21,0-1.45,1.16-2.41,3.06-2.41s3.14.95,3.14,2.5h-2.32c0-.58-.3-.92-.84-.92-.43,0-.7.22-.7.59,0,.,1.66,1.21,1.66,2.25,0,1.59-1.22,2.57-3.14,2.57-2.04,0-3.28-1.05-3.28-2.8" /> <rect class="cls-1" x="6.06" y="2.98" width="2.32" height="7.81" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="9.46 2.98 11.8 2.98 14.12 7.42 14.12 2.98 16.36 2.98 16.36 10.79 14.01 10.79 11.69 6.35 11.69 10.79 9.46 10.79 9.46 2.98" /> <polygon class="cls-1" points="17.43 2.98 22.46 2.98 22.46 4.72 19.75 4.72 19.75 6.08 22.46 6.08 22.46 7.75 19.75 7.75 19.75 9.05 22.46 9.05 22.46 10.8 17.43 10.8 17.43 2.98" /> <path class="cls-1" d="m29.75,8.28l-.81-3.04-.81,3.04h1.63Zm.45,1.69h-2.52l-.24.9h-2.41l2.67-7.81h2.51l2.66,7.81h-2.41l-.25-.9Z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </section> </article> <section id="more-cool-stuff" class="section section-pattern section-pattern-6" > <div class="section-content"> <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > Fine Acts </div> </div> </section> <div class="section text-color-pink-1"> <h2 js-line-animation="" class="margin-bottom margin-large text-color-red heading-xlarge" > Our Trainings </h2> <div class="grid-2-cols"> <div id="w-node-_844b8385-0eb0-c598-66f8-b843e04c307e-86919a29" > <div class="text-size-medium"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-medium" > <p> Over the last years, the movement for human, social, economic and environmental rights has come under threat more and more. To turn the tide, it is not enough to have facts and reason on our side – we need compelling, empathetic experiences. Thus, it has become imperative that we get better at sharing our messages to raise awareness, trigger action, and foster greater support for our campaigns. </p> </div> <div> <p> To this end, we at Fine Acts organize various types of creative campaigning and communications trainings and workshops: </p> <ul role="list" class="margin-bottom margin-0" > <li> We equip activists and nonprofits around the world with <strong >the science of what makes people care</strong > and the knowledge of how to use art for social change. We present civil society actors with evidence from cognitive, behavioral and neuroscience on what makes people engage emotionally with an issue, and help them apply these science-based insights to their campaigns and comms. </li> <li> Our <strong >creative campaigning trainings</strong >, which can range from one off introductory workshops to expanded, multi-day sessions, introduce participants to the principles of creative campaign design and implementation, and how to harness the power of art, walking them through various tactics and tools such as protests &amp; urban actions, use of photography, digital campaigns, symbols/iconography, protest posters and so much more. </li> <li> As certified trainers, we also offer sessions on <strong >narrative change, reframing, and hope-based communications</strong >, a pragmatic approach to winning support for policies and advocacy positions by showing how they will work. For this interactive, activity-based training, we work with organizations to analyze their way of communicating through a hope-based lens. Participants explore hope as a strategy and its 5 key principles. </li> <li> In addition, we also organize targeted sessions on <strong >visual reframing</strong >, which focus on how we can communicate more effectively through visuals, how to identify when our messages and visuals are not aligned, and how to take action. </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="w-node-_844b8385-0eb0-c598-66f8-b843e04c309b-86919a29" > <div class="box-outline box-outline-pink-1"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall" > <p> <strong >In 2022, we organized a series of trainings for a number of prominent organizations, including:</strong > </p> </div> <div class="text-align-center"> <img src="images/ippf-logo.png" loading="lazy" alt="IPPPF logo" width="231" /> </div> <ul role="list"> <li> A multi-day visual communications training for the <strong >International Planned Parenthood Federation</strong > and 50+ women’s rights organizations from all around the world that are part of their network. </li> </ul> <div class="text-align-center"> <img src="images/elf-logo.png" loading="lazy" alt="Elf logo" width="86.5" /> </div> <ul role="list"> <li> A multi-day creative campaigning &amp; hope-based comms training for the <strong >European Liberal Forum</strong >, which included 20+ organizations from Eastern Europe. </li> </ul> <div class="text-align-center"> <img src="images/Obama-Foundation-logo.png" loading="lazy" alt="Obama Foundation logo" width="249" class="align-center" /> </div> <ul role="list"> <li> A couple of creative advocacy workshops for the Leaders Europe &amp; Scholars Programs of the <strong>Obama Foundation</strong >, which engaged over 60 civil society champions from all around the world. </li> </ul> <div class="margin-top margin-small"> <p> In addition, The Creative Playbook, our platform for educational resources and materials for activists, features guidelines for creative campaigning, different types of online and offline tactics, and successful examples of creative campaigns that take an interdisciplinary approach. It also includes a free-to-download Guidebook for Creative Activism. </p> </div> </div> <div class="margin-top margin-medium"> <div class="box background-color-red"> <div class="text-color-pink-3 text-size-medium" > Whant to find out more about our trainings? Get in touch with us at <a href="" ><strong ></strong ></a > and we’ll give you the rundown. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section text-color-red"> <div class="fa-section-header"> <div class="fa-heading"> <h2 animate="" class="heading-xlarge"> <strong js-line-animation="" >Publicity Highlights</strong > </h2> </div> <div id="w-node-_73448935-17ce-84ab-001d-9464f5f9e07d-86919a29" > <p id="w-node-_73448935-17ce-84ab-001d-9464f5f9e07e-86919a29" class="text-weight-bold text-lineheight-short text-size-large" > <strong >We are proud to have been featured in a range of prominent outlets:</strong > </p> </div> </div> <div class="grid-publicity text-color-pink-1 margin-top margin-large" > <div id="w-node-eb682bbc-5e2f-1044-0bc8-750b1de814a7-86919a29" class="publicity-item" > <a href="" target="_blank" class="w-inline-block" ><img src="images/img-publicity-02-ted-ed-yana.png" loading="lazy" id="w-node-eb682bbc-5e2f-1044-0bc8-750b1de814a8-86919a29" sizes="100vw" alt="Screenshot of video player from ted with Yana" srcset=" images/img-publicity-02-ted-ed-yana-p-500.png 500w, images/img-publicity-02-ted-ed-yana.png 582w " /></a> <div id="w-node-eb682bbc-5e2f-1044-0bc8-750b1de814a9-86919a29" class="text-rich-text w-richtext" > <p> <strong>TED-Ed </strong ><br />February 2022 </p> </div> </div> <div id="w-node-ced233a6-c578-7d44-b4c7-b5580710d990-86919a29" class="publicity-item" > <a href="" target="_blank" class="w-inline-block" ><img src="images/img-publicity-01-npr-ted-radio-hour.png" loading="lazy" id="w-node-f49204ae-9f2b-d67d-24cb-e2edbb078b6b-86919a29" sizes="100vw" alt="A screenshot of ted talk with Yana" srcset=" images/img-publicity-01-npr-ted-radio-hour-p-500.png 500w, images/img-publicity-01-npr-ted-radio-hour.png 557w " /></a> <div id="w-node-_66bed4c6-ad7b-d672-053f-d33ed3729b99-86919a29" class="text-rich-text w-richtext" > <p> <strong>NPR, TED Radio Hour </strong ><br />February 2022 </p> </div> </div> <div id="w-node-_981a1ab1-f2f1-c36d-e2d0-e669ec2a01f4-86919a29" class="publicity-item" > <a href="" target="_blank" class="w-inline-block" ><img src="images/img-publicity-03-obama-pavel.png" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_981a1ab1-f2f1-c36d-e2d0-e669ec2a01f5-86919a29" sizes="100vw" alt="The obama foundation&#x27;s twitter page." srcset=" images/img-publicity-03-obama-pavel-p-500.png 500w, images/img-publicity-03-obama-pavel.png 542w " /></a> <div id="w-node-_981a1ab1-f2f1-c36d-e2d0-e669ec2a01f6-86919a29" class="text-rich-text w-richtext" > <p> <strong >President Obama keynote address<br />at Stanford University</strong > <br />April 2022 </p> </div> </div> <div id="w-node-_88ada193-6e0a-29bf-04dd-04999cca18a1-86919a29" class="publicity-item" > <a href="" target="_blank" class="w-inline-block" ><img src="images/img-publicity-04-artnet.png" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_88ada193-6e0a-29bf-04dd-04999cca18a2-86919a29" sizes="100vw" alt="A news article about artists installing their work to raise awareness about climate change." srcset=" images/img-publicity-04-artnet-p-500.png 500w, images/img-publicity-04-artnet.png 660w " /></a> <div id="w-node-_88ada193-6e0a-29bf-04dd-04999cca18a3-86919a29" class="text-rich-text w-richtext" > <p> <strong>Artnet </strong ><br />November 2022 </p> </div> </div> <div id="w-node-_26289a0e-b757-c93c-acbb-5579722c9dda-86919a29" class="publicity-item" > <a href="" target="_blank" class="w-inline-block" ><img src="images/img-publicity-06-forbes.png" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_26289a0e-b757-c93c-acbb-5579722c9ddb-86919a29" sizes="100vw" alt="A poster with the words forbes and olympia." srcset=" images/img-publicity-06-forbes-p-500.png 500w, images/img-publicity-06-forbes.png 661w " /></a> <div id="w-node-_26289a0e-b757-c93c-acbb-5579722c9ddc-86919a29" class="text-rich-text w-richtext" > <p> <strong>Forbes </strong ><br />November 2022 </p> </div> </div> <div id="w-node-_31d5d3c8-9dea-4056-a59f-2475b3e216ec-86919a29" data-w-id="31d5d3c8-9dea-4056-a59f-2475b3e216ec" style="opacity: 0" class="publicity-item" > <a href="" target="_blank" class="w-inline-block" ><img src="images/img-publicity-05-washington-post.png" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_31d5d3c8-9dea-4056-a59f-2475b3e216ed-86919a29" sizes="100vw" alt="A screenshot of a post from Washington Post" srcset=" images/img-publicity-05-washington-post-p-500.png 500w, images/img-publicity-05-washington-post.png 556w " /></a> <div id="w-node-_31d5d3c8-9dea-4056-a59f-2475b3e216ee-86919a29" class="text-rich-text w-richtext" > <p> <strong>Washington Post </strong ><br />November 2022 </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="section section-pattern section-pattern-7" > <div class="section-content"> <div class="text-weight-semibold text-style-allcaps text-size-small" > Fine Acts </div> </div> </section> <div class="section text-color-red"> <h2 js-line-animation="" class="margin-bottom margin-large heading-xlarge" > Selected Testimonials </h2> <div class="margin-bottom margin-medium"> <h3 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall heading-xsmall" > Hust Wilson<span class="text-weight-normal" >, </span ><span class="text-weight-normal" >art director &amp; designer</span > </h3> <div class="heading-small text-color-pink-1"> <span ><strong><em>“</em></strong></span ><em> It’s always been amazing to work with Fine Acts and their amazing team on multiple occasions to create art for the right reasons. With Fine Acts opening a door for positive change, we can make a better world and learn from other countries.</em > </div> </div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small"> <h3 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall heading-xsmall" > Kevin Adams<span class="text-weight-normal" >, lettering artist &amp; typeface designer </span> </h3> <div class="heading-small text-color-pink-1"> <span ><strong><em>“</em></strong></span ><em> I am honored to have now worked with Fine Acts for three years. And over that period, three things remain the same – the initiatives and their work continue to be timely, necessary, and accessible. Fine Acts amplifies a range of important messages through art with amazing agency and urgency.</em > </div> </div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small"> <h3 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall heading-xsmall" > Rozalina Burkova<span class="text-weight-normal" >, visual artist, illustrator &amp; animation director </span> </h3> <div class="heading-small text-color-pink-1"> <span ><strong><em>“</em></strong></span ><em> Fine Acts have been the personification of the perfect creative partner &amp; client for me. The team is a rare combination of guiding yet trusting, passionate for innovation, excitement and out of the box ideas, yet firmly rooted in their organisation’s base principles of creating quality work with positive impact above all.</em > </div> </div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small"> <h3 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall heading-xsmall" > Emily Cushman<span class="text-weight-normal" >, Director of Education Programs and Policy, Global Programs, the Obama Foundation </span> </h3> <div class="heading-small text-color-pink-1"> <span ><strong><em>“</em></strong></span ><em >Partnering with the Fine Acts team on a workshop focused on driving change through arts and creativity was a seamless and deeply rewarding experience for our program participants. Pavel and Yana brought research-based ideas and resources on the power of hope, play, and joy to harness new and creative communications approaches in order to help our leaders from across sectors leverage the power of the arts in their own social change initiatives. Fine Acts are true leaders in this space and the thoughtfulness, passion, and expertise they bring to their work cannot be understated.</em > </div> </div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small"> <h3 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall heading-xsmall" > Ony Anukem<span class="text-weight-normal" >, Communications &amp; Campaigns Manager, Creative Commons </span> </h3> <div class="heading-small text-color-pink-1"> <span ><strong><em>“</em></strong></span ><em> Teaming up with Fine Acts on our #BetterSharing collection to celebrate CreativeCommons’ 20th anniversary was a highlight of 2022 for me. I was inspired by Yana and Pavel’s commitment and innovative approach to creating positive social change through openness and creativity, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with such amazing individuals.</em > </div> </div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small"> <h3 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall heading-xsmall" > Sara Grossman<span class="text-weight-normal" >, Program Director, Democracy &amp; Belonging Forum, Othering &amp; Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley </span> </h3> <div class="heading-small text-color-pink-1"> <span ><strong><em>“</em></strong></span ><em> The team at Fine Acts is an absolute delight to work with. They guided us through a multi-month-long process of collaboration, from conceptualization and project design to outreach and comms strategy. We are grateful to have had the chance to work with them and recommend them to anyone who wants to creatively integrate arts and culture in justice and campaign efforts.</em > </div> </div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-small"> <h3 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall heading-xsmall" > Lera Sxemka<span class="text-weight-normal" >, artist, WE BAD </span> </h3> <div class="heading-small text-color-pink-1"> <span ><strong><em>“</em></strong></span ><em> The proposal to make a project came in an extremely tough period, and luckily, with a huge support of the Fine Acts team, became a support and symbol of resistance and hope. For us and for many Ukrainians for whom it was so important to be heard. In the moment when your world is falling apart, to support people by doing what you love the most – is the best gift. We are very thankful to Fine Acts for the opportunity to make this project happen.</em > </div> </div> <div> <h3 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall heading-xsmall" > Thomas Coombes<span class="text-weight-normal" >, Founder, Hope-based comms </span> </h3> <div class="heading-small text-color-pink-1"> <span ><strong><em>“</em></strong></span ><em> Fine Acts provide vital creative energy for the social change movement. They unapologetically combine art, hope and human rights. Their unique approach helps activists address social and political issues from new angles and express their ideas and values in a more compelling way, which is crucial if we are to inspire new people to join our movements. </em> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section text-color-pink-1"> <div class="grid-2-cols"> <div id="w-node-c39d1ae9-7102-5df4-d12d-c998ce3c00d1-86919a29" > <h2 js-line-animation="" class="margin-bottom margin-large text-color-red heading-xlarge" > New Visual Identity </h2> <h6 class="text-color-pink-1"> If we had a dime for each time someone called us Fine Arts, we’d have enough money to buy a massive pack of tissues for when we weep: “But it’s acts, why are you saying arts...”. </h6> <div class="margin-vertical margin-large"> <div class="box-outline box-outline-pink-1" > <img src="images/fine-acts.svg" loading="lazy" alt="Fine Acts rebranding - showing the before and after of the logotype." /> </div> </div> <div class="margin-top"> <div class="text-size-medium"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-medium" > <p> Fine Acts, our beloved real name – and an obvious (or so we thought!) pun that, much like our work, marries the worlds of fine art and activism – needed a new visual identity. </p> </div> <div> <p>One that:</p> <ul role="list"> <li> makes the brand easy to understand and remember; </li> <li> works great in small sizes and digital screens; </li> <li> stands out distinctively next to other contemporary logos. </li> </ul> </div> <div class="margin-top margin-medium" > <p> We wanted to avoid too much sophistication or abstraction, or any literal connection to the arts (paint brushes, sprays, etc.) and the activism (fists, megaphones, etc.) world. What we were after, was something bold, creative and fun, stemming from our main values of hope, play and openness. So, last year we collaborated with our friends at Studio PUNKT ( to develop our new visual identity. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="margin-top margin-medium"> <h6 class="text-color-pink-1"> Isn’t it fine? </h6> </div> </div> <div id="w-node-_87763ded-7829-f28e-d2bd-47f16f5ca307-86919a29" > <img src="images/img-07_str-27.png" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" srcset=" images/img-07_str-27-p-500.png 500w, images/img-07_str-27.png 1142w " alt="Collection of five Fine Acts stickers" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section text-color-red"> <h2 js-line-animation="" class="margin-bottom margin-large heading-xlarge" > The Numbers </h2> <div class="box-outline box-outline-pink-1 margin-bottom margin-medium" > <h3 class="heading-style-alt heading-medium"> Fine acts </h3> <div class="w-layout-grid grid-4"> <div> <h2 class="heading-xxlarge text-style-allcaps text-lineheight-xshort text-outline-color-red text-color-pink-1 heading-xl" > 297<br /> </h2> <h6 class="text-style-allcaps"> Art Pieces Produced<span ><br /></span> </h6> </div> <div> <h2 class="heading-xxlarge text-style-allcaps text-lineheight-xshort text-outline-color-red text-color-pink-1 heading-xl" > 20<br /> </h2> <h6 class="text-style-allcaps"> Projects<span><br /></span> </h6> </div> <div> <h2 class="heading-xxlarge text-style-allcaps text-lineheight-xshort text-outline-color-red text-color-pink-1 heading-xl" > 15<br /> </h2> <h6 class="text-style-allcaps"> Exhibitions &amp; Creative Actions in 6 countries<span><br /></span> </h6> </div> <div> <h2 class="heading-xxlarge text-style-allcaps text-lineheight-xshort text-outline-color-red text-color-pink-1 heading-xl" > 7000000+<br /> </h2> <h6 class="text-style-allcaps"> <strong>engagement</strong ><span><br /></span> </h6> </div> </div> </div> <div class="box-outline box-outline-pink-1 margin-bottom margin-medium" > <h3 class="heading-style-alt heading-medium"> the greats </h3> <div class="w-layout-grid grid"> <div> <h2>1340+</h2> <h6 class="text-color-pink-1"> ARTWORKS<span class="text-weight-normal" ><br />(by almost 1000 artists)</span > </h6> </div> <div> <h2>1300000+</h2> <h6 class="text-color-pink-1"> ARTWORK VIEWS<span class="text-weight-normal" ><br /></span> </h6> </div> <div> <h2>17000+</h2> <h6 class="text-color-pink-1"> ARTWORK DOWNLOADS<span class="text-weight-normal" ><br /></span> </h6> </div> <div> <h2>2250+</h2> <h6 class="text-color-pink-1"> ORGANIZATIONS / <strong>ACTIVISTS</strong ><span class="text-weight-normal" ><br /></span> </h6> </div> </div> </div> <div class="box-outline box-outline-pink-1 margin-bottom margin-xsmall" > <div class="w-layout-grid grid-3"> <div id="w-node-_21d36c8c-4ea8-87ab-8063-0175fd29eae7-86919a29" > <h3 class="heading-style-alt heading-medium" > Finances </h3> <div> <h2 class="heading-xxlarge text-style-allcaps text-lineheight-xshort text-outline-color-red text-color-pink-1 heading-xl" > 484 793€<br /> </h2> <h6 class="text-style-allcaps"> budget 2022 </h6> </div> </div> <div> <div> <h4 class="text-style-allcaps text-color-pink-1" > Fine acts foundation: </h4> </div> <div class="w-layout-grid grid-5"> <div> <h4>316 984€</h4> <h6 class="text-color-pink-1 text-style-allcaps" > total income </h6> </div> <div> <h4>278 356€</h4> <h6 class="text-color-pink-1 text-style-allcaps" > total expenditure </h6> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-layout-grid grid margin-top margin-large" > <div> <h2>60.07%</h2> <h6 class="text-color-pink-1 text-style-allcaps" > Grants </h6> </div> <div> <h2>34.61%</h2> <h6 class="text-color-pink-1 text-style-allcaps" > reserves* </h6> </div> <div> <h2>0.26%</h2> <h6 class="text-color-pink-1 text-style-allcaps" > donations </h6> </div> <div> <h2>5.06%</h2> <h6 class="text-color-pink-1 text-style-allcaps" > Services </h6> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-layout-grid grid-6"> <div class="box background-color-red"> <div class="text-color-white"> <h6 class="heading-small"> FINE ACTS CONSULTING**: </h6> </div> <div class="w-layout-grid grid-7"> <div> <h2 class="text-color-white"> 70 745€ </h2> <h6 class="text-style-allcaps text-color-pink-2" > total income </h6> </div> <div> <h2 class="text-color-white"> 64 238€ </h2> <h6 class="text-style-allcaps text-color-pink-2" > total expenditure </h6> </div> </div> </div> <div> <p class="text-size-tiny text-align-right"> * Reserves are formed by grant funds for future periods, and profit from services from past periods<br />** Fine Acts Consulting is our consulting and training arm, 100% owned by Fine Acts Foundation </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section text-color-red"> <h2 js-line-animation="" class="margin-bottom margin-large heading-xlarge" > The Fine Acts Universe </h2> <h3 class="heading-style-alt heading-medium"> TEAM &amp; BOARDS </h3> <div class="grid-2-cols margin-bottom margin-large"> <div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"> <h6 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Fine Acts team </h6> <div class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-1" > <div> Yana Buhrer Tavanier, Executive Director<br />Ana Alexieva, Programs Director<br />Svetla Baeva, Campaigns Director<br />Petar Trifonov, Creative Producer<br />Sofia Hussein, Copywriter &amp; Social Media Manager<br />Boyana Stoilova, Social Media Strategist<br />Elena Dimitrova, Accountant<br />‍Pavel Kounchev, Special Projects Advisor </div> </div> </div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"> <h6 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Board of Trustees </h6> <div class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-1" > <div> Pavel Kounchev, co-founder, Chair of the Board<br />Julie Freeman, co-founder, Member of the Board<br />Shoham Arad, TED Fellows Director, Member of the Board<br />Maria Popova, founder The Marginalian, Member of the Board<br />Yana Buhrer Tavanier, co-founder, Executive Director </div> </div> </div> <div> <h6 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Advisory Board </h6> <div class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-1" > <div> Colleen Keegan<br />Esra’a Al Shafei<br />Rebecca Lichtenfeld<br />Safwat Saleem<br />Lars Jannick Johansen<br />Benedetta Berti<br />Alexander McLean<br />Gayle Karen Young<br />Arthur Steiner </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"> <h6 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Inaugural artist collective </h6> <div class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-1" > <div> Alicia Eggert, Safwat Saleem, Jon Lowenstein, Bahia Shehab, Laura Boushnak, Zena el Khalil, Christine Sun Kim, Candy Chang, Jorge Mañes Rubio, Allison Killing, Andrew Nemr, Anastasia Taylor-Lind, Constance Hockaday, Kiana Hayeri, Sahra Sandman, Joey Foster Ellis, Saeed Taji Farouky, Lee Mokobe, Uldus Bakhtiozina, Jost Franko, Daniela Candillari, Adital Ela, Eman Mohammed, Anita Doron, Sey Min, Sharmistha Ray, Nate Mook, Julie Freeman </div> </div> </div> <div> <h6 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Inaugural activist collective </h6> <div class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-1" > <div> Will Potter, Benedetta Berti, Esra’a Al Shafei, Alexander McLean, Nassim Assefi, Zena el Khalil, Aziz Abu Sarah, Andrew Bastawrous </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <h3 class="heading-style-alt heading-medium"> DONORS &amp; PARTNERS </h3> <div class="grid-2-cols margin-bottom margin-large"> <div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"> <h6 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Core donors </h6> <div class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-1" > <div> All our work happens because of the generous institutional support of Open Society Foundations and Sigrid Rausing Trust </div> </div> </div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"> <h6 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Project donors </h6> <div class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-1" > <div> Ford Foundation, Active Citizens Fund, Bulgarian Fund for Women, Sofia Municipality Culture Program </div> </div> </div> <div> <h6 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Strategic partners &amp; supporters </h6> <div class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-1" > <div> TED Foundation, TED Countdown, TED Fellows, The Obama Foundation, International Planned Parenthood Federation, Democracy &amp; Belonging Forum/Othering and Belonging Institute at the University of California, Berkeley, Creative Commons Foundation, hope-based comms, OAK Foundation, Bulgarian Centеr for Not-for-profit Law, Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association, SiteGround, Into Action </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"> <h6 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Project partners </h6> <div class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-1" > <div> Global Witness, Digital Art Factory, Daye, Brook, Handplayed Productions,, DOZA Gallery, Caritas Sofia, Bilitis Foundation, Youth LGBT Organization Deystvie, Foundation for Community Development and Cooperation, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, European Liberal Forum </div> </div> </div> <div> <h6 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Our Patrons </h6> <div class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-1" > <div> Shoham Arad, Renee Freedman, Peio Popov, Yordan Zhechev, Mike Chernev, Garo Marukyan, Amanda, Alex DabiZevi, Angel Ivanov, Vladimir Petkov, Petar Bodurov<br /> <br />Also, a huge thank you to all our individual donors through Paypal. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <h3 class="heading-style-alt heading-medium"> ARTISTS &amp; COLLABORATORS </h3> <div class="grid-2-cols"> <div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"> <h6 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Friends </h6> <div class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-1" > <div> Studio PUNKT, Oblik Studio, Fiction Design, Resonator Co-innovation hub Sofia, MediaCom Bulgaria, Nikolay Petrov-GLOW, Iva Mechkunova, Raya Raeva, Peio Popov, Martina Koleva, Diana Trifonova, Suzi Pomerantz, Marianne Craig </div> </div> </div> <div> <h6 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Artists, whom we commissioned in 2022 </h6> <div class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-1" > <div> WeBad (Valeria Liashenko &amp; Maxim Pavlyuk), Julia Kochetova, Mila Teshaieva, Bahia Shehab, Laura Boushnak, Moez Achour, Valeria Araya, Anja Slibar, Anina Takeff, Pepe Serra, Vanessa Mundle (minttu), Luisa Brando, Preeti Singh, Pati Matsushita, David Espinosa, Cecilia Castelli, Teo Georgiev, Nastya Varlamova, Fátima Bravo, Aysha Tengiz, Janice Chang, Kim Nguyen, Tanya Korniichuk, Jiaqi Zhou, Camila Leão, Olga Mrozek, Elise Vandeplancke, Alex Tait, Gerard Cornella-Geco, Lily Kong, Sakina Saïdi, Cachete Jack, Rozalina Burkova, Burcu Köleli, Kimberlie Wong, Gustaf Ö Hjalmars, Inga Israel, SoHyun Park, Jade, Ed Dingli, Kevin Adams, Jon Hanlan, Alicia Robinson, Asis Percales, Veta Yatsenko, Tanya Shyika, Mark Wang, Sancho, Pavel Fuksa, DARN Studio, Shirien Creates, Jacopo Oliveri-Fatomale, Aleksandra Georgieva, Atanas Giew, Daniela Todorova (Shadowschaser), Dessy Baeva, Zhana Mitkova, Iva Dimitrova, Izabela Markova, Ilian Iliev, Momchil Zakhariev, Nikoleta Nosovska, Yasen Zgurovski, Jordan Schiffer, Nickson Jeremia, Osheen Siva, Fartboil, CarolynTaylor, Jal Reed, Maria Picassó i Piquer, Phathu Nembilwi, Kissi Ussuki, Alejandro Ortiz, </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"> <div class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-1" > <div> Ángela Chamorro Acosta, Bruna Borges Alves, Federico Sáez, Yessi Nur Mulianawati, Ipsita Divedi, Fugitiva, Marianna Tomaselli, Pietro Soldi, Hust Wilson, Slava Doycheva, Rozalia Dimitrova, Kevork Aslanyan, Joro Peev-Jawpains, Tsvetoslav Tsonev </div> </div> </div> <div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall"> <h6 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Artists featured in our open calls </h6> <div class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-1" > <div> Gorka Gil, Kayan Cheung-Miaw, Hatiye Garip, Rima Lyma, Zofia Chamienia, Gabriela Dominguín, Jorge Losoya, Elsa Martino, Edinah, Mora Vieytes, Jessica Whitney Crowe, Victoria Valdez, Vicky Hughes, Ina Gouveia, Weronika Lis, Andreas Pitsillides, Ana Lopes, In-House International, Ieva Ragauskaite, Tra Nhu, Mitali Sampat, Kokila B, BarabarDesign, Valeria Araya, Ildiko Nova, Preeti Singh, VeronikaBelcheva, Aleksandra Georgieva, Ivan Kashlakov, Katrin Kochorapova </div> </div> </div> <div> <h6 class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall" > Other awesome people we worked with in 2022 </h6> <div class="text-size-medium text-color-pink-1" > <div> Cory Doktorow, Catherine Stihler, Liz Lenjo, David Moinina Sengeh, Cecilia Oliveira, Tyler Green, Maria Popova, Molly Van Houweling, Biyanto Rebin, Kyle Smith, Ebenezar Wikina, Medhavi Gandhi, Yuli Velázquez, Farwiza Farhan, Caroline Cannon, Disha Ravi, Mohammed Rezwan, Evelyn Acham, Ernestine Leikeki Sevidzem, Hong Hoang, Zahra Biabani, Ketty Marinova, Radina Gancheva, Yana Lozeva, Borislava MadeIt, Maksim Stoimenov, Teodor Genov-Pastedko, Violeta Keremidchieva, Rumyana Ivanova, Meglena Antonova, Bogomila Traykova, Rada Boneva, Yana Dobrevska </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="section section-pattern section-pattern-8" > <div class="section-content"></div> </section> <div class="section text-color-pink-1 text-align-center padding-vertical section-outline fa-bgr-footer" > <h2 js-line-animation="" class="heading-xxlarge text-style-allcaps text-lineheight-xshort text-outline-color-red text-color-pink-1 heading-xl" > THANK<br />YOU!<br /> </h2> <div class="margin-top margin-large"> <div class="flex text-color-white"> <div class="fa-thankyou-text"> <div class="margin-bottom margin-xsmall" > <div class="text-size-xlarge"> Thank you for your friendship, partnership, trust and support. </div> </div> <div> <div class="text-size-xlarge"> Here’s to never settling for perfect. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fa-footer-divider"> <p class="text-size-tiny text-color-red max-width-large" > Chapter illustrations in this annual report are adapted from the original open-licensed works by: Safwat Saleem, Cachete Jack, Jacques Kleynhans, Studio Punkt, Aleksandra Georgieva, Pavel Fuksa. Thank you, you rock! Find all works on <a target="_blank" href="" ></a >. </p> </div> </div> </div> </main> </div> <script src="" type="text/javascript" integrity="sha256-9/aliU8dGd2tb6OSsuzixeV4y/faTqgFtohetphbbj0=" crossorigin="anonymous" ></script> <script src="js/webflow.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> let sound = new Howl({ src: [ "", ], }); $(".menu_link, .hover-vfx").on("mouseenter", function () {; }); $(".audio").on("click", function () { $(this).toggleClass("muted"); if ($(this).hasClass("muted")) { Howler.mute(true); } else { Howler.mute(false); } }); $(".songs_button").each(function (index) { let button = $(this); let url = $(this).find(".songs_url").text(); let song = new Howl({ src: [url], volume: 0.3, onend: function () { button.removeClass("playing"); }, }); 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