Research on Big Data and AI in an Interactive Visual Design System | International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title> Research on Big Data and AI in an Interactive Visual Design System | International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems </title> <meta name="generator" content="Open Journal Systems"> <link rel="schema.DC" href="" /> <meta name="DC.Creator.PersonalName" content="Tian Tian"/> <meta name="DC.Date.created" scheme="ISO8601" content="2024-09-01"/> <meta name="DC.Date.dateSubmitted" scheme="ISO8601" content="2024-11-05"/> <meta name="DC.Date.issued" scheme="ISO8601" content="2024-11-05"/> <meta name="DC.Date.modified" scheme="ISO8601" content="2024-11-05"/> <meta name="DC.Description" xml:lang="en" content="The development, retention and consistency of an item鈥檚 aesthetic quality are the main goals of visual design. An in-depth familiarity with these components and their respective guidelines is essential for creating a successful visual design for any product. The integration of big data and artificial intelligence technology is essential so as to address the industry-wide problems of low demand and productivity in visual design systems and to alleviate the burden placed on visual designers by the need to meet simultaneous demands for technical design creations of relatively low quality and high volume. Users can now quickly and easily absorb massive amounts of complicated data with the help of big data visualization tools, thus eliminating the need for time-consuming in-depth data analysis. This is generally done by means of interactive, visually-presented interfaces. However,Artificial Intelligence helps UX/UI designers build and enhance user-centric designs, reducing the amount of energy and time required. While AI can adapt to human experience, develop and create better outcomes, and implement improvement measures, machines still cannot do so. Hence, this article proposes a Deep Learning Enabled Intelligent Visual Design System (DL-IVDS) to investigate the feasibility of integrating AI technology and big data into visual design in order to assist graphic communication designers. Intelligent systems that generate visual design require high-quality, high-efficiency, and high-quantity visual designs. Researchers will seek ways to combine AI and big data into the design process and then construct a model with complementing benefits. Finally, the component design process illustrates the system鈥檚 operating premise, and application processes canbe expanded. A collection of neural intelligence systems in several settings and an aggregation of different configurations, form the basis of a feasible computational collaboration visual aesthetics production system.Keywords: Intelligent design system, artificial intelligence, big data, visual designing, deep learning, neural networks.Cite AsT. Tian, "Research on Big Data and AI in an Interactive Visual Design System",&nbsp;Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 32 no. 5, pp. 553-567, 2024."/> <meta name="DC.Format" scheme="IMT" content="application/pdf"/> <meta name="DC.Identifier" content="1899"/> <meta name="DC.Identifier.URI" content=""/> <meta name="DC.Language" scheme="ISO639-1" content="en"/> <meta name="DC.Rights" content="Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems"/> <meta name="DC.Rights" content=""/> <meta name="DC.Source" content="International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems"/> <meta name="DC.Source.ISSN" content="2753-9806"/> <meta name="DC.Source.Issue" content="5"/> <meta name="DC.Source.Volume" content="32"/> <meta name="DC.Source.URI" content=""/> <meta name="DC.Title" content="Research on Big Data and AI in an Interactive Visual Design System"/> <meta name="DC.Type" content="Text.Serial.Journal"/> <meta name="DC.Type.articleType" content="Article"/> <meta 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<section class="item abstract"> <h2 class="label">Abstract</h2> <p>The development, retention and consistency of an item鈥檚 aesthetic quality are the main goals of visual design. An in-depth familiarity with these components and their respective guidelines is essential for creating a successful visual design for any product. The integration of big data and artificial intelligence technology is essential so as to address the industry-wide problems of low demand and productivity in visual design systems and to alleviate the burden placed on visual designers by the need to meet simultaneous demands for technical design creations of relatively low quality and high volume. Users can now quickly and easily absorb massive amounts of complicated data with the help of big data visualization tools, thus eliminating the need for time-consuming in-depth data analysis. This is generally done by means of interactive, visually-presented interfaces. However,<br>Artificial Intelligence helps UX/UI designers build and enhance user-centric designs, reducing the amount of energy and time required. While AI can adapt to human experience, develop and create better outcomes, and implement improvement measures, machines still cannot do so. Hence, this article proposes a Deep Learning Enabled Intelligent Visual Design System (DL-IVDS) to investigate the feasibility of integrating AI technology and big data into visual design in order to assist graphic communication designers. Intelligent systems that generate visual design require high-quality, high-efficiency, and high-quantity visual designs. Researchers will seek ways to combine AI and big data into the design process and then construct a model with complementing benefits. Finally, the component design process illustrates the system鈥檚 operating premise, and application processes can<br>be expanded. A collection of neural intelligence systems in several settings and an aggregation of different configurations, form the basis of a feasible computational collaboration visual aesthetics production system.<br><br>Keywords: Intelligent design system, artificial intelligence, big data, visual designing, deep learning, neural networks.<br><br>Cite As<br><br>T. Tian, "Research on Big Data and AI in an Interactive Visual Design System",聽<br><em>Engineering Intelligent Systems,</em> vol. 32 no. 5, pp. 553-567, 2024.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br></p> </section> </div><!-- .main_entry --> <div class="entry_details"> <div class="item galleys"> <h2 class="pkp_screen_reader"> Downloads </h2> <ul class="value galleys_links"> <li> <a class="obj_galley_link pdf" href=""> Big Data and AI - Click to Download PDF </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="item published"> <section class="sub_item"> <h2 class="label"> Published </h2> <div class="value"> <span>2024-09-01</span> </div> </section> </div> <div class="item issue"> <section class="sub_item"> <h2 class="label"> Issue </h2> <div class="value"> <a class="title" href=""> Vol. 32 No. 5 (2024): International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems </a> </div> </section> <section class="sub_item"> <h2 class="label"> Section </h2> <div class="value"> Article </div> </section> </div> <div class="item copyright"> <h2 class="label"> License </h2> <span>The submission of a paper implies that, if accepted for publication, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in any language, without the prior consent of the publisher. 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