Rules and Regulations

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class="rich-text "> <ul id="top"> <li><a href="#rules">General Requirements</a></li> <li><a href="#space">Permit and Space Assignments</a></li> <li><a href="#co-op">Co-op Student Permits</a></li> <li><a href="#enforcement">Enforcement and Citations</a></li> <li><a href="#motorcycles">Motorcycles, Mopeds and Bicycles</a></li> <li><a href="#scooters">Electric Scooters</a></li> <li><a href="#garage">The Drexel Garage</a></li> <li><a href="#refund">Permit Refunds</a></li> </ul> <h2 id="rules">General Requirements</h2> <ol> <li>The customer agrees to park where licensed and to display the parking permit as designated inside their vehicle. Drexel University and any parking facility owner are not responsible for any damage to any person or property in connection with the use of parking facilities, including, without limitation, fire, theft of or vandalism to the vehicle or contents contained therein.</li> <li>All parking credentials issued by Parking Services remain the sole property of Drexel University and must be returned to the Parking Office when expired. Credentials not returned will be noted and no future permit will be issued.</li> <li>Lost parking permits will be replaced for <strong>$20</strong>.</li> <li>All persons utilizing Drexel University parking facilities may be required to show proper identification; refusal to comply may result in non-admittance. A valid Drexel ID is required to purchase a temporary permit and/or daily pass.</li> <li>When necessary, any vehicle on University property may be towed, booted or relocated to another location as determined by Parking Services.</li> <li>All student term parking permits are valid on the first day of class for the term designated. Each term parking permit expires as printed on the permit. All employee permits begin and end monthly. Academic year permits are valid from fall term through summer term.</li> <li>Except for evening parking permits, all full-time parking permits are valid 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, including holidays. Expired permits are never valid.</li> <li>Parking on university facilities is at the vehicle owner's sole risk, cost and expense.&nbsp;</li> <li>Drexel does not guarantee the security or safety of parking customers or their property in or about the parking facility. Any concerns related to security or safety should be reported to the Department of Public Safety.</li> <li>Parking is a privilege that can be revoked.</li> <li>For the purpose&nbsp;of these Rules and Regulations only, The Summit Parking Garage (3421 Warren Street) shall be considered a University facility, and permit holders shall be subject to these Parking Rules and Regulations and any additional rules and regulations posted in the Summit Garage.</li> <li>Overnight or extended parking of campers, vans, buses, etc., utilized as living and sleeping quarters within campus boundaries.</li> </ol> <h2 id="space">Permit and Space Assignments</h2> <p>Drexel Parking Services is dedicated to customer service and works to place current permit holders and new customers in their desired lot as quickly and fairly as possible.</p> <h3>Definition of Current Permit Customers and New Customers</h3> <p>Current permit customers are those who have purchased a permit for the current academic term, while new customers are those who have not purchased a permit for the current academic term, but desire a parking permit assignment for the current or a future academic term.</p> <h3>Order of Preference</h3> <p class="before-list">Lot assignments are awarded in three categories of priority:</p> <ul> <li><strong>First Priority:</strong> Current customers who wish to continue at the same location for the succeeding term and exercise their permit renewal option. These customers must renew their permit prior to each term in order to maintain their lot assignment for each succeeding term. Parking Services sends an email notification to the entire Drexel Community with specific timelines.</li> <li><strong>Second Priority:</strong> Current customers who desire a lot location change. These customers must complete a <strong>Lot Preference Change Form via ParkDrexel</strong> and must renew their current permit on time to maintain their lot preference position for each succeeding term. These requests are assigned in the order received. If spaces are available, customers will receive an immediate location change. If none are available, the request is placed in the queue for the lot requested and then served in the order received.</li> <li><strong>Third Priority:</strong> New customers. These lot assignments will be assigned after the First and Second Priorities. New assignments are only available where lot openings exist on a first come first serve basis.</li> </ul> <p>Please note that all customers can choose only one parking lot and must meet certain conditions to maintain their preference and eligibility.</p> <h2 id="co-op">Co-op Student Permits</h2> <p class="before-list">A student on a co-operative education assignment (co-op) may extend the term parking permit privilege through term break by taking the following steps:</p> <ol> <li>Contact the Parking Services Office by email at <a href=""></a> with your Name, Drexel ID#, and co-op advisor's name, requesting the term break parking extension.</li> <li>Parking Services must receive the request by 5 p.m. on Friday of the <strong>seventh</strong> week of the academic term.</li> <li>Upon verification of co-op status, the extension will be granted via a reply to your email.</li> </ol> <p>Those who are granted the extension but do not renew permit parking for the following term, will have their parking permit end at 11:59 p.m. the Sunday before the first day of class for the succeeding term.</p> <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong> Students who renew their term permit and make payment prior to the renewal payment deadline are granted the extension at no charge.</p> <h2 id="enforcement">Enforcement and Citations</h2> <p>Parking lots, the parking garage, and off-street parking regulated by Drexel Parking Services are monitored by uniformed campus patrol. Parking enforcement has the authority to issue parking violation notices and order vehicles in violation to be immobilized or towed from campus. Vehicles that fail to present a parking permit or provide proper parking fees are subject to violation enforcement actions.</p> <h3>Pay a Citation or Submit Appeal</h3> <p> </p> <p>Drexel parking citations are to be paid online with a credit card. Citations must be paid <strong>within 30 days</strong> to avoid additional penalty.</p> <p><a href="" class="icon-link btn btn--secondary"> <span class="icon-link__text">PAY CITATION OR SUBMIT APPEAL</span> </a> </p> <h3>Towing</h3> <p>Cars parked illegally will be towed by third party tow companies. Contact information is available in each parking lot.</p> <h3>Immobilization of Vehicle</h3> <p> </p> <p>Vehicles immobilized by Drexel Parking Services require that all applicable fines are paid before the immobilization device is removed. Immobilized vehicles left on campus for more than five business days are subject to towing.</p> <h3>Parking Violations</h3> <p> </p> <p>Parking violations are categorized into either Tier 1 or Tier 2 violations. The two types of violations are described in detail below.</p> <p><strong>Tier 1 Violations:</strong> Carry a $14 fine if paid within 30 calendar days. Violations not paid within the 30 calendar day period will begin to incur additional penalties. Refer to your ticket for a fee schedule.</p> <p><strong>Tier 2 Violations:</strong> Carry a $30 fine if paid within 30 calendar days. Major violations not paid within the 30 calendar day period will begin to incur additional penalties. Refer to your ticket for a fee schedule.</p> <p>Any Tier 2 violation may result in the offending vehicle being towed from campus or immobilized by use of the boot on the first offense.</p> <p><a href="" class="icon-link btn btn--primary"> <span class="icon-link__text">VIEW PARKING VIOLATION TIER DETAILS</span> </a> </p> <h3>Scofflaw</h3> <p>Any vehicle accumulating five or more major or minor parking violations is a scofflaw. Parking Services will initiate immobilization ("boot") and/or towing of scofflaws discovered on campus.</p> <h3>Immobilized Vehicle</h3> <p>The immobilizer ("boot") requires a $100 removal fee in addition to payment of all parking fines and penalties accrued to date for release of the offending vehicle. The person claiming the vehicle must show a registration card for the vehicle and a picture ID at the Parking Office. Cash only is accepted and a receipt is issued.</p> <p>Vehicles immobilized more than 24 hours may be towed away and/or additional penalties will be assessed to the owner for illegal parking for each day the vehicle remains unclaimed in the amount of $20/day. If towed, towing procedures must be followed to retrieve a vehicle.</p> <h2 id="motorcycles">Motorcycles, Mopeds and Bicycles</h2> <p>Motorcycle and moped operators may utilize the Drexel Parking Garage at the same cost as one motor vehicle (permit or hourly).</p> <p>Bicycles may use the bike racks located throughout the campus. The racks offer maximum security if properly locked.</p> <p>Do not park nor lock motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles to campus poles, trees, fences, railings or meters, nor be parked on grassy areas walkways, sidewalks or in buildings. Motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles in violation of these regulations may be towed, immobilized, impounded or confiscated. In addition to a towing charge ($125) or boot fee ($100), a fine of $40 must be paid to retrieve your property. Any chains or locks that are damaged as a result of such confiscation are the responsibility of the offending violator (owner or operator) and not Drexel University.</p> <h2 id="scooters">Electric Scooter</h2> <p>Drexel&rsquo;s Office of Fire and Emergency Services prohibits e-bikes or e-scooters to be connected to any electric outlet within Drexel buildings for the purpose of charging. For electric scooter safety guidelines including how to best secure your device, <a href="">refer to Drexel Public Safety&rsquo;s website</a>. </p> <div>There are marked designated scooter racks throughout campus to properly secure your device. Do not lock your device onto trees, railings or any other property.</div> <div></div> <div>Scooter rack locations include: </div> <ul> <li>Towers Hall (building #22) next to Parking Lot R</li> <li>Library Learning Terrace at Race Street Residences (building #29)</li> <li>Parking Lot C (3500 Filbert Street)</li> <li>URBN Annex (building #72) near Lot K</li> <li>Urban Eatery (building #23A) on Warren Street</li> <li>Rush Building (building #10) front entrance in the Alumni Garden</li> <li>Rush Building (building #10) rear entrance, near the volleyball court</li> <li>Korman Quad (building #16) next to the bicycle racks</li> <li>Lancaster Walk near the Daskalakis Athletic Center (building #14)</li> <li>W. W. Hagerty Library (building #15)</li> <li>Creese Student Center (building #18) patio</li> <li>Perelman Plaza between Main (#1) and Bossone Research Enterprise Center (#7) buildings</li> <li>General Services Building / Parking Garage (#16) pedestrian entrance on Market Street</li> </ul> <p>Building locations correspond to <a href="">Drexel&rsquo;s University City Campus</a> map. </p> <h2 id="garage">The Drexel Garage</h2> <p>Students and employees may purchase a term permit to park in the Drexel Parking Garage. Visitors, students and employees may access the garage on a space available basis using the self-serve Pay-By-Space kiosk.</p> <p>Compact vehicles may only park in compact spaces in the garage located on level A. Both compact and full size vehicles may park on Levels B, C, D, E and F. Vehicles measuring 66" wide or less, and 192" long or less, are considered compact. Full size vehicles are those that exceed either dimension. This allows for optimum use of the garage space for the greatest number of vehicles.</p> <p>Parking Garage permits are only valid in the Drexel Parking Garage and only for the designated term.</p> <p>When entering or exiting the garage Drexel University reserves the right to verify and examine any term permit and/or access card. Permits must be displayed prominently upon entry, exit, and when parked in the garage.</p> <h2 id="refund">Permit Refunds</h2> <p>Parking permits are sold through a license agreement via ParkDrexel.</p> <h3>Student Cancellations</h3> <p> <strong>Request for Release from Parking Permit Sales Contract (Cancellation):</strong> In all cases, a Refund Request form must be submitted through ParkDrexel. If approved, the release will be effective on the date that the request is approved.</p> <h3>Pre-Approved Reasons</h3> <p class="before-list">The following reasons are approved for release provided the customer submits the Refund Request form:</p> <ol type="1"> <li><strong>Not Attending University</strong> &ndash; First-year students and transfers must notify the Parking Services Office directly in writing that they will not be enrolling in Drexel University.</li> <li><strong>Academic Withdrawal from the University</strong> &ndash; A student who withdraws from the University for academic reasons must provide proof of withdraw from their academic college.</li> <li><strong>Co-op Outside the Area</strong> &ndash; Students that accept a cooperative assignment where on campus parking is not needed. Verification from co-op advisor is required.</li> <li><strong>Study Abroad</strong> &ndash; Students must submit documentation from the Study Abroad Office.</li> <li><strong>Taking a Quarter Off</strong> &ndash; If a student decides to take a term off by not registering for classes or co-op for any given term, the student must complete the Refund Request form available via ParkDrexel and return their permit before the first day of class.</li> </ol> <h3>All Other Reasons</h3> <p>Other life issues and reasons submitted for the Refund Request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.</p> <h3>Approved Student Requests Refund Schedule</h3> <p>When a Request for Release is approved, parking charges are refunded according to the following schedule:</p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <th>Refund Amount</th> <th>Timeframe</th> </tr> <tr> <td>100% Refund</td> <td>Prior to the first day of classes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>75% Refund</td> <td>During the first week of classes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>50% Refund</td> <td>During the second week of classes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>25% Refund</td> <td>During the third week of classes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>No Refund</td> <td>During or after the fourth week of classes</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h3>Employee Cancellations</h3> <p>Employees using the payroll deduction must email Drexel Parking Services at <a href=""></a> to request a Cessation from the Parking Permit Sales Contract.</p> <ol type="1"> <li><strong>Payroll Deduction:</strong> Deductions will cease on the termination date or be reconciled to the effective date if pre-approved.</li> <li><strong>Non-Payroll Deduction:</strong> Employees must submit a Refund Request form to the Parking Services Office. If approved, releases will be effective the last working day of the month that the request is received, except where pre-approved arrangements have been made in advance.</li> <li><strong>Non-Payroll Deduction/Prepaid Term Parking Permits:</strong> <ul> <li>Pre-Approved Reasons will be prorated and reconciled to the approved effective date.</li> <li>Other Reasons will be prorated and reconciled to the last working day of the month.</li> </ul> </li> </ol> <h3>Pre-Approved Reasons</h3> <p class="before-list">The following reasons are approved for the release of parking commitments. A Refund Request form must be submitted.</p> <ol> <li><strong>Leaving University Employ</strong> &ndash; Refunds will be prorated to the last day employed.</li> <li><strong>Sabbatical</strong> &ndash; Faculty may arrange effective departure and return dates.</li> <li><strong>FMLA</strong> &ndash; Employees on approved leave may arrange an effective departure and return dates.</li> <li><strong>Other Reasons</strong> &ndash; Employees with other reasons must stop parking effective the last working day of the month.</li> </ol> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </main> <nav class="return-to-top js-return-to-top"> <a href="#" aria-label="Return to Top" class="return-to-top__link"> <span> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" role="img" focusable="false"> <g fill-rule="evenodd"> <path d="M4.34099026,11.3928571 L22,11.3928571 C22.4142136,11.3928571 22.75,11.7286436 22.75,12.1428571 C22.75,12.5570707 22.4142136,12.8928571 22,12.8928571 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6.86-12.29 6.86-12.29-5.95-2.56-12.43 2.74-12.43 2.74-.74-7.38 7.46-11.56 7.46-11.56-5.02-3.44-11.6-.07-11.6-.07 1.08-6.05 8.61-7.68 8.61-7.68-4.29-4.87-10.69-4.39-10.69-4.39 2.13-5.31 9.12-4.39 9.12-4.39-3.37-4.77-9.5-6.42-9.5-6.42 3.84-3.25 9.29-1 9.29-1-1.53-5.28-7.82-8.37-7.82-8.37 4.92-1.62 9.61 1.62 9.61 1.62-.59-4.82-5.7-9.28-5.7-9.28 5.71.25 9.64 4.41 9.64 4.41-.05-4.13-2.87-9.16-2.87-9.16 4.62 1.43 8.72 6.11 8.72 6.11.49-3.89-.63-6.23-.63-6.23 7.7 2.89 12.48 8.7 16.56 15.2-2.09-11.97-9.63-20.59-21.63-21.63-20.89-1.79-34.21 21.9-34.17 39.26.05 20.25 6.91 33.72 15.95 46.85 10.49 15.24 28.65 26.98 45.64 30.48-5.41 1.75-10.49 6.08-10.49 11.08 8.83.58 16.07 4.58 19.82 9.41h30.99c7.53 0 14.38-.16 16.75-.67 5.71-1.22 8.38-14.11 15.21-13.86 6.78.25 4.79 11.2-1.02 11.49-1.89.1-2.78-.8-4.39-1.35 6.13 14.68 24.37-1.92 15.88-12.17 9.9.4 9.24 13.21 2.37 14.53 10.8 1.05 13.94-9.71 8.97-17.48-4.97-7.77-14.86-6.3-22.78-2.56s-15.05 6.64-20.32 7.31c-4.24.54-8.38.29-11.15-1.35-8.09-4.8 6.32-12.75 9.8-14.87 12.78-7.75 26.39-17.05 27.71-35.48.99-13.75-4.19-20.92-8.45-29.4-3.49-6.96-7.2-13.96-7.77-22.98-.78-12.28 8.28-21.42 19.26-20.95 15.41.66 23.3 12.92 24.33 28.39.41 6.13-.94 13.43-1.35 19.6-1.72 25.65 10.59 38.8 24.33 50.69 12.6 10.9 24.95 17.99 40.55 24.67 1.08 9.87 7.1 20.77 18.92 15.55 6.13 10.54 28.86 8.57 25.68-6.76-1.48-7.15-12.05-8.2-11.3-16.37.36-3.89 4.83-6 8.94-4.59 4.35 1.5 6.4 8.12 6.08 12.84 6.81-11.37-.12-27.96-14.19-24.67-7.15 1.67-14.2 14.2-14.2 14.2-9.07-4.9-17.74-9.77-17.74-9.77 20.83-1.03 34-10.24 41.73-24.36 10.06 2.33 16.86-4.6 14.19-12.84 0 0 8.79 2.71 9.79 9.9s-8.6 8.84-14.04 5.32c0 0 4.61 11.01 13.44 8.86 8.83-2.15 7.87-11.52 5.95-15.25s-9.89-10.77-7.82-15.53c2.06-4.76 11.66-1.55 10.26 10.76 7-9.78.84-25.35-10.47-25.35-8.38 0-11.71 7.15-13.86 14.53 0 0-2.71-1.05-5.75-.34-1.73-11.87-9.22-19.61-21.28-24.33-10.79-4.23-21.28-11.55-22.3-23.32-.49-5.55 1.27-10.05 5.4-12.16 10.8-5.52 18.07 6.37 19.94 14.2-.12-9.19 3.34-13.6 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