{"title":"Effects of Geometry of Disk Openers on Seed Slot Properties","authors":"E. Seidi","volume":72,"journal":"International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering","pagesStart":1056,"pagesEnd":1061,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/12127","abstract":"Offset Double-Disk Opener (DDO) is a popular\nfurrow opener in conservation tillage. It has some limitations such as\nnegative suction to penetrate in the soil, hair pinning and mixing seed\nand fertilizer in the slot. Because of importance of separation of seed\nand fertilizer in the slot, by adding two horizontal mini disks to DDO\na modified opener was made (MDO) which placed the fertilizer\nbetween and under two rows of seed. To consider performance of\nnovel opener an indoor comparison test between DDO and MDO was\nperformed at soil bin. The experiment was conducted with three\nworking speeds (3, 6 and 8 km h-1), two bulk densities of soil (1.1\nand 1.4 Mg m-3) and two levels of residues (1 and 2 ton ha-1). The\nexperimental design consisted in a (3\u00d72\u00d72) complete randomized\nfactorial with three replicates for each test. Moisture of seed furrow,\nseparation of seed and fertilizer, hair pinning and resultant forces\nacting on the openers were used as assessing indexes. There was no\nsignificant difference between soil moisture content in slots created\nby DDO and MDO at 0-4 cm depth, but at 4-8 cm the in the slot\ncreated by MDO moisture content was higher about 9%. Horizontal\nforce for both openers increased with increasing speed and soil bulk\ndensity. Vertical force for DDO was negative so it needed additional\nweight for penetrating in the soil, but vertical force for MDO was\npositive and, which can solve the challenge of penetration in the soil\nin DDO. In soft soil with heavy residues some trash was pushed by\nDDO into seed furrow (hair pinning) but at MDO seed were placed at\nclean groove. Lateral and vertical separation of seed and fertilizer\nwas performed effectively by MDO (4.5 and 5 cm, respectively)\nwhile DDO put seed and fertilizer close to each other. Overall, the\nModified Offset Double-disks (MDO) had better performance. So by\nadapting this opener with no-tillage drillers it would possible to have\nhigher yield in conservation tillage where the most appropriate\nopener is disk type.","references":"[1] C.J. Baker, and C.M. Afzal,. Dry fertilizer placement in conservation\ntillage: Seed damage in direct drilling no tillage. Soil Till. Res., 1986 7:\npp 241-250.\n[2] D. Chaudhuri,. Performance evaluation of various types of furrow\nopeners on seed drills-a review. J. Agric. Eng. Res., 2001 Vol. 79, pp\n125-137.\n[3] M.A. Choudhary, G.P. Yu and C.J. Baker,. Seed placement effects on\nseedling establishment in direct drilled fields. Soil Till. Res., 1985 Vol.\n6, pp 79-93.\n[4] D.P. Damora, and K.P. Pandey,. Evaluation of performance of furrow\nopeners of combined seed and fertilizer drills. Soil Till. Res., 1995 Vol.\n34 pp 127-139.\n[5] R.J. Godwin,. A review of the effect of implements geometry on soil\nfailure and implement forces. Soil Till. Res., 2007, Vol 97, pp 331-340.\n[6] A. Hemmat, and A.A. Khashoei,. Emergence of irrigated cotton in flat\nland planting in relation to furrow opener type and crust-breaking\ntreatments for cambisoils in central Iran. Soil Till. Res., 2003, Vol. 70\npp 153-162.\n[7] D. Karayel, and A. \u251c\u00fbzmerzi,. Comparison of vertical and lateral seed\ndistribution of furrow openers using a new criterion. Soil Till. Res.,\n2007, Vol. 95, pp: 69-75.\n[8] S. Rahman, and Y. Chen,. Laboratory investigation of cutting forces and\nsoil disturbance resulting from different manure incorporation tools in a\nloamy sand soil. Soil Till. Res., 2001, Vol. 58, pp 19-29.\n[9] S. Tessier, G.M. Hyde, R.I. Papendick and K.E. Saxton,. No-till seeders\neffects on seed zone properties and heat emergence. Till. ASAE, 1991,\nVol. 34, pp 733-739.\n[10] S. Tessier, K.E. Saxton, R.I. Papendick and G.M. Hyde,. Zero-tillage\nfurrow opener effects on seed environment and wheat emergence. Soil\nTill. Res., 1991, Vol. 21, pp 347-360.\n[11] T. Vamerali, M. Bertocco and L. Sartori,. Effects of a new wide-sweep\nopener for no-till planter on seed zone properties and root establishment\nin maize Zea mays L.: A comparison with doubledisk opener. Soil Till.\nRes., 2006, vol. 89, pp 196-209.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 72, 2012"}