The CSS Podcast

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class="dh di ar dj dk dl dm dn do" alt="The CSS Podcast" src=";auto=format" /></div><div class="cm"><div class="cn v co cp">The CSS Podcast</div><div class="af cq at bn cr cs ct cu">The CSS Podcast</div><p class="dp"><span class="dq dr">Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the web’s core styling language. For web developers, It’s one of the quickest technologies to get started...</span> <a href="#" class="ds dt du">more</a></p></div><div class="cv bf"><h3 class="bh cw">Listen now on</h3><div class="k dv dw dx dy dz ea"><div class="at eb ec"><a href="/" class="aq ar t at ed au ee ef eg eh"><img title="Apple Podcasts" alt="Apple Podcasts" src="/assets/apps/apple.svg" class="f ab" /></a></div><div class="at eb ec"><a href="/thecsspodcast.spotify" class="aq ar t at ed au ee ef eg eh"><img title="Spotify" alt="Spotify" src="/assets/apps/spotify.svg" class="f ab" /></a></div><div class="at eb ec"><a href="/thecsspodcast.overcast" class="aq ar t at ed au ee ef eg eh"><img title="Overcast" alt="Overcast" src="/assets/apps/overcast.svg" class="f ab" /></a></div><div class="at eb ec"><a href="/thecsspodcast.podcastaddict" class="aq ar t at ed au ee ef eg eh"><img title="Podcast Addict" alt="Podcast Addict" src="/assets/apps/podcastaddict.svg" class="f ab" /></a></div><div class="at eb ec"><a href="/thecsspodcast.pocketcasts" class="aq ar t at ed au ee ef eg eh"><img title="Pocket Casts" alt="Pocket Casts" src="/assets/apps/pocketcasts.svg" class="f ab" /></a></div><div class="at eb ec"><a href="/thecsspodcast.castbox" class="aq ar t at ed au ee ef eg eh"><img title="Castbox" alt="Castbox" src="/assets/apps/castbox.svg" class="f ab" /></a></div><div class="at eb ec"><a href="/thecsspodcast.podbean" class="aq ar t at ed au ee ef eg eh"><img title="Podbean" alt="Podbean" src="/assets/apps/podbean.svg" class="f ab" /></a></div><div class="at eb ec"><a href="/thecsspodcast.iheartradio" class="aq ar t at ed au ee ef eg eh"><img title="iHeartRadio" alt="iHeartRadio" src="/assets/apps/iheartradio.svg" class="f ab" /></a></div><div class="at eb ec"><a href="/thecsspodcast.playerfm" class="aq ar t at ed au ee ef eg eh"><img title="Player FM" alt="Player FM" src="/assets/apps/playerfm.svg" class="f ab" /></a></div><div class="at eb ec"><a href="/thecsspodcast.podcastrepublic" class="aq ar t at ed au ee ef eg eh"><img title="Podcast Republic" alt="Podcast Republic" src="/assets/apps/podcastrepublic.svg" class="f ab" /></a></div><div class="at eb ec"><a href="/thecsspodcast.castro" class="aq ar t at ed au ee ef eg eh"><img title="Castro" alt="Castro" src="/assets/apps/castro.svg" class="f ab" /></a></div><div class="at eb ec"><a href="/thecsspodcast.rss" class="aq ar t at ed au ee ef eg eh"><img title="RSS" alt="RSS" src="/assets/apps/rss.svg" class="f ab" /></a></div></div></div><div class="cx"><h3 class="bh cy cz">Episodes</h3><div class="cc ei t bc ej ek el em en"><div class="j ac eo t c ep ag eq er es"><button tabIndex="0" class="aq ar as at au ee ey ez t ay fa" aria-label="Play/Pause"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7 6.05c0-.864.986-1.357 1.676-.839l7.683 5.762c.559.42.559 1.257 0 1.676l-7.683 5.762A1.048 1.048 0 017 17.573V6.05z" fill="currentColor"/></svg></button></div><div><div class="u af et eu">091: Season 5 Wrap-up</div><div class="dr ev"><p><span class="dq dr"> Una and Adam recap the season! They share their favorite features, stories, and...</span> <a href="#" class="ds dt du">more</a></p><div class="ew ex dq">03 Oct 2024 · 42 minutes</div></div></div></div><div class="cc ei t bc ej ek el em en"><div class="j ac eo t c ep ag eq er es"><button tabIndex="0" class="aq ar as at au ee ey ez t ay fa" aria-label="Play/Pause"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7 6.05c0-.864.986-1.357 1.676-.839l7.683 5.762c.559.42.559 1.257 0 1.676l-7.683 5.762A1.048 1.048 0 017 17.573V6.05z" fill="currentColor"/></svg></button></div><div><div class="u af et eu">090: Scroll-driven animations</div><div class="dr ev"><p><span class="dq dr">In this episode our esteemed guest returns! This time to help us grok Scroll Driven Animation. Learn all about scroll(),...</span> <a href="#" class="ds dt du">more</a></p><div class="ew ex dq">26 Sep 2024 · 46 minutes</div></div></div></div><div class="cc ei t bc ej ek el em en"><div class="j ac eo t c ep ag eq er es"><button tabIndex="0" class="aq ar as at au ee ey ez t ay fa" aria-label="Play/Pause"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7 6.05c0-.864.986-1.357 1.676-.839l7.683 5.762c.559.42.559 1.257 0 1.676l-7.683 5.762A1.048 1.048 0 017 17.573V6.05z" fill="currentColor"/></svg></button></div><div><div class="u af et eu">089: View transitions</div><div class="dr ev"><p><span class="dq dr">In this episode Una and Adam bring on an esteemed guest Bramus, who brings us deep knowledge on View Transitions....</span> <a href="#" class="ds dt du">more</a></p><div class="ew ex dq">19 Sep 2024 · 41 minutes</div></div></div></div><div class="cc ei t bc ej ek el em en"><div class="j ac eo t c ep ag eq er es"><button tabIndex="0" class="aq ar as at au ee ey ez t ay fa" aria-label="Play/Pause"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7 6.05c0-.864.986-1.357 1.676-.839l7.683 5.762c.559.42.559 1.257 0 1.676l-7.683 5.762A1.048 1.048 0 017 17.573V6.05z" fill="currentColor"/></svg></button></div><div><div class="u af et eu">088: State queries</div><div class="dr ev"><p><span class="dq dr">In this episode, Una and Adam discuss a future web capability that builds on container queries: state queries. From CSS,...</span> <a href="#" class="ds dt du">more</a></p><div class="ew ex dq">12 Sep 2024 · 23 minutes</div></div></div></div><div class="cc ei t bc ej ek el em en"><div class="j ac eo t c ep ag eq er es"><button tabIndex="0" class="aq ar as at au ee ey ez t ay fa" aria-label="Play/Pause"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7 6.05c0-.864.986-1.357 1.676-.839l7.683 5.762c.559.42.559 1.257 0 1.676l-7.683 5.762A1.048 1.048 0 017 17.573V6.05z" fill="currentColor"/></svg></button></div><div><div class="u af et eu">087: Anchor positioning</div><div class="dr ev"><p><span class="dq dr">In this episode Una and Adam explain anchor positioning and all its amazing features. Resources: Introducing the CSS anchor positioning...</span> <a href="#" class="ds dt du">more</a></p><div class="ew ex dq">22 Aug 2024 · 38 minutes</div></div></div></div><div class="cc ei t bc ej ek el em en"><div class="j ac eo t c ep ag eq er es"><button tabIndex="0" class="aq ar as at au ee ey ez t ay fa" aria-label="Play/Pause"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7 6.05c0-.864.986-1.357 1.676-.839l7.683 5.762c.559.42.559 1.257 0 1.676l-7.683 5.762A1.048 1.048 0 017 17.573V6.05z" fill="currentColor"/></svg></button></div><div><div class="u af et eu">086: Nesting 2024+</div><div class="dr ev"><p><span class="dq dr">In this episode Una and Adam catch you up to the latest syntax features of CSS nesting. Resources: Episode 47...</span> <a href="#" class="ds dt du">more</a></p><div class="ew ex dq">08 Aug 2024 · 8 minutes</div></div></div></div><div class="cc ei t bc ej ek el em en"><div class="j ac eo t c ep ag eq er es"><button tabIndex="0" class="aq ar as at au ee ey ez t ay fa" aria-label="Play/Pause"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7 6.05c0-.864.986-1.357 1.676-.839l7.683 5.762c.559.42.559 1.257 0 1.676l-7.683 5.762A1.048 1.048 0 017 17.573V6.05z" fill="currentColor"/></svg></button></div><div><div class="u af et eu">085: Linear easing function fun</div><div class="dr ev"><p><span class="dq dr">In this episode Una and Adam cover the linear() CSS easing function that can create bounce and spring effects.  ...</span> <a href="#" class="ds dt du">more</a></p><div class="ew ex dq">01 Aug 2024 · 16 minutes</div></div></div></div><div class="cc ei t bc ej ek el em en"><div class="j ac eo t c ep ag eq er es"><button tabIndex="0" class="aq ar as at au ee ey ez t ay fa" aria-label="Play/Pause"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7 6.05c0-.864.986-1.357 1.676-.839l7.683 5.762c.559.42.559 1.257 0 1.676l-7.683 5.762A1.048 1.048 0 017 17.573V6.05z" fill="currentColor"/></svg></button></div><div><div class="u af et eu">084: Text Wrap</div><div class="dr ev"><p><span class="dq dr">In this episode Una and Adam talk about text wrap, a great modern improvement to typography on the web platform....</span> <a href="#" class="ds dt du">more</a></p><div class="ew ex dq">11 Jul 2024 · 12 minutes</div></div></div></div><div class="cc ei t bc ej ek el em en"><div class="j ac eo t c ep ag eq er es"><button tabIndex="0" class="aq ar as at au ee ey ez t ay fa" aria-label="Play/Pause"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7 6.05c0-.864.986-1.357 1.676-.839l7.683 5.762c.559.42.559 1.257 0 1.676l-7.683 5.762A1.048 1.048 0 017 17.573V6.05z" fill="currentColor"/></svg></button></div><div><div class="u af et eu">083: :has() tips and tricks</div><div class="dr ev"><p><span class="dq dr">In this episode Una and Adam expand on episode 61 about :has() by focusing specifically on use cases, tips and...</span> <a href="#" class="ds dt du">more</a></p><div class="ew ex dq">03 Jul 2024 · 36 minutes</div></div></div></div><div class="cc ei t bc ej ek el em en"><div class="j ac eo t c ep ag eq er es"><button tabIndex="0" class="aq ar as at au ee ey ez t ay fa" aria-label="Play/Pause"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7 6.05c0-.864.986-1.357 1.676-.839l7.683 5.762c.559.42.559 1.257 0 1.676l-7.683 5.762A1.048 1.048 0 017 17.573V6.05z" fill="currentColor"/></svg></button></div><div><div class="u af et eu">082: What's new in color &amp; color functions</div><div class="dr ev"><p><span class="dq dr">In this episode Una and Adam provide a color update, covering changes to the specs and new functions.  Links RCS...</span> <a href="#" class="ds dt du">more</a></p><div class="ew ex dq">27 Jun 2024 · 18 minutes</div></div></div></div><div class="da db"><button aria-label="Load More" class="dc bn b t af au dd bm de df"><span>Load More</span></button></div></div><div class="dg"><div class="j b c d fb ab ev fc fd"><div class="aq ar as at au ee fg fh fi fj fk fl"><svg viewBox="0 0 500 500" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M251.64 115.89V38M48.44 225.76l56.33 35.63m-5.56-64.94l26.75 44.78M44 284.2l51.66 7.12" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="11.594" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M232.269 112.174L83.082 408.318l-.084.144a3.956 3.956 0 001.507 5.44l.001.001a3.958 3.958 0 005.29-1.366l149.062-295.405.082-.142c5.354-9.265 18.716-9.234 24.049.011l66.169 112.043 6.148-5.108-66.437-111.594-.02-.034c-8.122-14.07-28.38-14.115-36.58-.134zm118.068 114.345l-15.207 12.637 3.383 5.728 15.225-12.653-3.401-5.712zm3.401 5.712l-3.401-5.712 89.448-74.33.002-.002a3.278 3.278 0 014.623.427 3.288 3.288 0 01-.43 4.623l-.005.005-90.237 74.989zm-3.023 17.588l-6.23 5.177 71.636 9.115-1.184 20.431-11.553 20.782l-299.095 45.808h-.441a3.304 3.304 0 00-.332 6.589l299.932-45.823h.44c16.286 0 26.463-17.604 18.348-31.713l-72.723-122.151zm-12.202-4.935l-3.383-5.728-125.163 104.011a3.28 3.28 0 00-.43 4.626 3.28 3.28 0 004.626.43l.002-.002 124.348-103.337zm-18.387-8.334l-67.157-113.715-.019-.033c-.862-1.504-2.994-1.534-3.91-.11L99.98 418.091l-.084.144c-4.254 7.345-13.597 9.929-21.022 5.802-7.546-4.193-10.227-13.715-6.004-21.218l149.197-296.164.082-.143c12.605-21.833 44.096-21.845 56.721-.036l65.463 109.958 88.04-73.161.002-.002c6.325-5.258 15.699-4.385 20.952 1.932l.006.007c5.238 6.318 4.377 15.7-1.948 20.949l-.005.004m0 0l-91.638 76.154 73.699 123.791.02.034c12.534 21.712-2.958 48.803-27.911 49.132l-300.06 45.843h-.44c-8.218 0-14.897-6.661-14.897-14.897 0-8.066 6.4-14.629 14.403-14.889l299.093-45.808h.441c1.753 0 2.851-1.891 2.003-3.407l-70.64-119.614-113.876 94.635c-6.326 5.26-15.7 4.388-20.954-1.93-5.26-6.326-4.388-15.7 1.93-20.954l.002-.002 117.571-97.701" fill="currentColor"/></svg></div><div class="c fe dq ag"><div class="ff">© 2024</div><a href="/terms" class="as dt ff fm">Terms</a><a href="/privacy" class="as dt ff fm">Privacy</a><a href="" class="as dt ff fm" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Twitter</a><a href="/thecsspodcast/verify" class="as dt ff fm">Claim Podcast</a><a href="#" class="as dt ff fm">Clear Cache</a><a href="/help" class="as dt ff fm">Help</a></div></div></div></div></div><div></div></div></div> <div class="j ac fn ae b t bc fo fp fq ah fr fs am ft"> <img class="dh di ar fv fw fx" alt="The CSS Podcast" src=";auto=format" /><div class="bf"><div class="x y z">091: Season 5 Wrap-up</div><div class="x y z fu">The CSS Podcast</div></div><button tabIndex="0" class="aq ar b at au ee fy fz t ay" aria-label="Play/Pause"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7 6.05c0-.864.986-1.357 1.676-.839l7.683 5.762c.559.42.559 1.257 0 1.676l-7.683 5.762A1.048 1.048 0 017 17.573V6.05z" fill="currentColor"/></svg></button></div></div></div><audio preload="metadata" src></audio></div> <script type="module" src="/client.0.2.21.js" async></script> <script> window.RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY = "6LcX9EUaAAAAAFxAw8mJBOoEisWlPWdJScsz0pn8"; window.__STATE__ = {"url":"/thecsspodcast/","feed":{"id":"thecsspodcast","episodes":[{"description":" Una and Adam recap the season! They share their favorite features, stories, and use cases. Season 5 covered popovers, dialogs, top layers, trig functions, color functions, :has() tricks, balanced text wrapping, linear() easing, nesting, anchoring, state queries, view transitions, and scroll driven animation. What a year for CSS! Una Kravets (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube Making the web more colorful ✨🎨  Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn face host of @toolsday & Designing in the Browser 🎬  Adam Argyle (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube@GoogleChrome CSS DevRel; @CSSWG; VisBug maker; punk; CSS/JS/UX addict; 💀🤘  ","episodeId":"700f7d24dd562cb2e6869fcd911c67de","episodeImageHash":"2161281329b60399c111e0e357f6b700","title":"091: Season 5 Wrap-up","published":"2024-10-03T21:00:00.000Z","guid":"c0f29b68-b75a-49fd-941a-8c0d5d3352ed","links":["","","",""],"enclosure":{"filesize":61869661,"type":"audio/mpeg","url":""},"duration":2559,"explicit":false,"episodeType":"full"},{"description":"In this episode our esteemed guest returns! This time to help us grok Scroll Driven Animation. Learn all about scroll(), view(), animation-timeline, timeline-scope, animation-range, and more. Power those animations with off-the-main-thread CSS scroll animation powers.   Resources: Bramus's Demos: All mentioned Demos + Tools + Video Course + DevTools Extension link →  Video Course direct link:   Adam's Demos: scroll() the hue wheel →  CSS scroll() feature time warp →  view() long bento list →  view() scrolly telling →  view() iOS-like app switcher →  view() variable font animation →    Una Kravets (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube Making the web more colorful ✨🎨  Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn face host of @toolsday & Designing in the Browser 🎬  Adam Argyle (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube @GoogleChrome CSS DevRel; @CSSWG; VisBug maker; punk; CSS/JS/UX addict; 💀🤘","episodeId":"548bd3292b6e0d347da926813d02db9d","episodeImageHash":"6c14889b7f3c075d9ca11514eda1c8e7","title":"090: Scroll-driven animations","published":"2024-09-26T21:00:00.000Z","guid":"893fd362-588b-4344-92c0-ce4fd9c805f9","links":["","",""],"enclosure":{"filesize":67562058,"type":"audio/mpeg","url":""},"duration":2793,"explicit":false,"episodeType":"full"},{"description":"In this episode Una and Adam bring on an esteemed guest Bramus, who brings us deep knowledge on View Transitions. These are easy to get started with but difficult to master, but not with Bramus here to teach us. He'll be covering introductory to advanced API features and a big bag of examples and demos.  Resources: Developer Documentation →  Quick intro to View Transitions (Google I/O 2023 video) →  What's new in View Transitions? (Google I/O 2024 video) →  Misconceptions about View Transitions →  Bramus's Demos: Collection of various demos, both SPA and MPA →  Accordion →     Adam's Demos: Grid gallery →  Always great grid →  Flexbox visualizer →  Editable tabs →  Dollar number input →  Stateful morphing button →  Drag and Drop →  Isotope recreation →  Local development animated →    Una Kravets (co-host) Twitter → YouTube → Making the web more colorful ✨🎨  Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn face Host of Tools Today → & Designing in the Browser 🎬  →    Adam Argyle (co-host) Twitter → Instagram → YouTube → @GoogleChrome CSS DevRel; @CSSWG; VisBug maker; punk; CSS/JS/UX addict; 💀🤘 CSSWG → VisBug →     The CSS Podcast  #CSSpodcast  ","episodeId":"b5df5fb77ba3ece4e6522df8a90bec92","episodeImageHash":"31d3625209ca1e26cd3f12881de4a54a","title":"089: View transitions","published":"2024-09-19T21:00:00.000Z","guid":"5b2506bc-0d24-488b-a330-6211225dbbf8","links":["","","","","","","",""],"enclosure":{"filesize":61574412,"type":"audio/mpeg","url":""},"duration":2511,"explicit":false,"episodeType":"full"},{"description":"In this episode, Una and Adam discuss a future web capability that builds on container queries: state queries. From CSS, this feature will be able to detect  if a container is overflowing, when an element is scroll snapped, and when an element is stuck from position: sticky. Resources: :stuck, :snapped, :on-screen, etc →   state queries syntax →  explainer →  Intent To Prototype →  Scroll Snap Events →     Una Kravets (co-host) Twitter → YouTube →  Making the web more colorful ✨🎨  Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn face Host of Tools Today → & Designing in the Browser 🎬  →  Adam Argyle (co-host) Twitter → Instagram → YouTube →  @GoogleChrome CSS DevRel; @CSSWG; VisBug maker; punk; CSS/JS/UX addict; 💀🤘 CSSWG → VisBug →       The CSS Podcast #CSSpodcast   Watch more The CSS Podcast →  Subscribe to Chrome for Developers →  #CSSPodcast #ChromeForDevelopers #Chrome   Speaker: Una Kravets, Adam Argyle","episodeId":"2f266b00ed7ec2b7c57d15620b4ccb18","episodeImageHash":"13dd15a70cf6f2a835633f89417d4975","title":"088: State queries","published":"2024-09-12T21:00:00.000Z","guid":"8ed17cc7-529f-4788-8fe2-de258827f65e","links":["","","","","","","","",""],"enclosure":{"filesize":33665211,"type":"audio/mpeg","url":""},"duration":1393,"explicit":false,"episodeType":"full"},{"description":"In this episode Una and Adam explain anchor positioning and all its amazing features. Resources: Introducing the CSS anchor positioning API →  CSS anchor positioning →  Tab’s talk from CSS Day →  Una's Anchor Tool →  Una Kravets (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube Making the web more colorful ✨🎨  Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn face host of @toolsday & Designing in the Browser 🎬  Adam Argyle (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube@GoogleChrome CSS DevRel; @CSSWG; VisBug maker; punk; CSS/JS/UX addict; 💀🤘  ","episodeId":"c53e724b5baa87ffee02aa8c45799f40","episodeImageHash":"4d4474e8e21cf36eaca5f79af77625fb","title":"087: Anchor positioning","published":"2024-08-22T21:00:00.000Z","guid":"ce5d7ee4-fd83-4f30-abea-ae6c0ba64415","links":["","","",""],"enclosure":{"filesize":55382957,"type":"audio/mpeg","url":""},"duration":2282,"explicit":false,"episodeType":"full"},{"description":"In this episode Una and Adam catch you up to the latest syntax features of CSS nesting. Resources: Episode 47 → Episode 65 → CSS Nesting Update →  Una Kravets (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube Making the web more colorful ✨🎨  Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn face host of @toolsday & Designing in the Browser 🎬  Adam Argyle (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube@GoogleChrome CSS DevRel; @CSSWG; VisBug maker; punk; CSS/JS/UX addict; 💀🤘","episodeId":"f3951cf8ff4c2c769fda2015f5f671bc","episodeImageHash":"978d3a86f06ce1cce82f2e681c2eec4b","title":"086: Nesting 2024+","published":"2024-08-08T21:00:00.000Z","guid":"e7ed2937-b264-4278-9789-0a09f2181d2f","links":["","","",""],"enclosure":{"filesize":12205391,"type":"audio/mpeg","url":""},"duration":490,"explicit":false,"episodeType":"full"},{"description":"In this episode Una and Adam cover the linear() CSS easing function that can create bounce and spring effects.   Resources: Ep 22 on Animation →  linear() generator →  Complex animation curves in CSS with linear() →  Open Props premade spring and bounce variables →  Una Kravets (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube Making the web more colorful ✨🎨  Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn face host of @toolsday & Designing in the Browser 🎬  Adam Argyle (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube@GoogleChrome CSS DevRel; @CSSWG; VisBug maker; punk; CSS/JS/UX addict; 💀🤘  ","episodeId":"5c108147d8a3ba315330aa7892817757","episodeImageHash":"f9582c31dac01a0b18cad428d31da787","title":"085: Linear easing function fun","published":"2024-08-01T21:00:00.000Z","guid":"85daa516-ce0c-4e0b-b7ec-09b1f084b5e6","links":["","","",""],"enclosure":{"filesize":23808481,"type":"audio/mpeg","url":""},"duration":970,"explicit":false,"episodeType":"full"},{"description":"In this episode Una and Adam talk about text wrap, a great modern improvement to typography on the web platform. Learn how you can create logical layout rules for your headings and other copy with just one line of code. Resources: text-wrap on MDN →  soft breaks →    Una Kravets (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube Making the web more colorful ✨🎨  Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn face host of @toolsday & Designing in the Browser 🎬  Adam Argyle (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube@GoogleChrome CSS DevRel; @CSSWG; VisBug maker; punk; CSS/JS/UX addict; 💀🤘","episodeId":"15888cc6516f19ba880228287c121abc","episodeImageHash":"f15c263492767c4f2f20e4508d672c25","title":"084: Text Wrap","published":"2024-07-11T21:00:00.000Z","guid":"fa886ca9-54fc-418b-aa53-5610c5f2b62f","links":["","","",""],"enclosure":{"filesize":12269707,"type":"audio/mpeg","url":""},"duration":767,"explicit":false,"episodeType":"full"},{"description":"In this episode Una and Adam expand on episode 61 about :has() by focusing specifically on use cases, tips and tricks. Get inspired and discover new ways to make reactive UI from CSS. Resources: Ep 61 →  Piccali →  Ahmad Shadeed →  The Looper →  Una Kravets (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube Making the web more colorful ✨🎨  Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn face host of @toolsday & Designing in the Browser 🎬  Adam Argyle (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube@GoogleChrome CSS DevRel; @CSSWG; VisBug maker; punk; CSS/JS/UX addict; 💀🤘","episodeId":"4522032089803f06ad19cade05686a7f","episodeImageHash":"e3476a53231839b8bad883864fe1f68b","title":"083: :has() tips and tricks","published":"2024-07-03T21:00:00.000Z","guid":"753eabb8-acb6-40bf-86da-d9cf62f0c066","links":["","","",""],"enclosure":{"filesize":34789772,"type":"audio/mpeg","url":""},"duration":2174,"explicit":false,"episodeType":"full"},{"description":"In this episode Una and Adam provide a color update, covering changes to the specs and new functions.  Links RCS calc() tool →  Apple Annie CSS Color Modules and Changes, Part I →  Lea verou article on RCS for contrast → Una Kravets (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube Making the web more colorful ✨🎨  Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn face host of @toolsday & Designing in the Browser 🎬  Adam Argyle (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube@GoogleChrome CSS DevRel; @CSSWG; VisBug maker; punk; CSS/JS/UX addict; 💀🤘  ","episodeId":"02a3484f4bca7594bca3c6627a3a8981","episodeImageHash":"62692b55659cb212c172af35a99eebae","title":"082: What's new in color & color functions","published":"2024-06-27T21:00:00.000Z","guid":"68678ac5-0945-422c-81ff-23da2dfcca80","links":["","","",""],"enclosure":{"filesize":17661523,"type":"audio/mpeg","url":""},"duration":1104,"explicit":false,"episodeType":"full"}],"opts":{"id":"thecsspodcast","feedId":"7386b63b00367f04b0f7c41d56c6c13f","href":"","slug":"thecsspodcast","backgroundColor":null,"fontColor":null,"primaryColor":null,"secondaryColor":null,"publisher":null,"imageUrl":null,"faviconUrl":null,"itunesId":"1501895136","googleAnalyticsId":null},"feedId":"7386b63b00367f04b0f7c41d56c6c13f","title":"The CSS Podcast","author":"The CSS Podcast","owner":{"name":"Google Developer Studio","email":""},"href":"","description":"Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the web’s core styling language. For web developers, It’s one of the quickest technologies to get started with, but one of the hardest to master. Follow Una Kravets and Adam Argyle, Developer Advocates from Google, who gleefully breakdown complex aspects of CSS into digestible episodes covering everything from accessibility to z-index.","category":["Technology"],"type":"episodic","image":"","showImageHash":"3e5fa94e61bef3997a6f2a76d0e3ee21","websiteUrl":""},"publisher":null,"customColors":{"backgroundColor":"#ffffff","fontColor":"#1b1f23","primaryColor":"#DA71FF","secondaryColor":"#1b1f23"}}; window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); } gtag('js', new Date()); </script> </body> </html>

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