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</div> <div class="row"> <section class="col-md-8"> <div class="border-bottom mb-2"> <span class="tag-new-type-city tag-news d-block"></span> <h2 class="title-news-heading mt-1 mb-1 big-title"><a href="">IND vs PAK: Virat Kohli's century helps India defeat Pakistan</a> </h2> <div class="img7 img-with-social-icons mt-2 photoListImgMain position-relative"> <a href="" class="thumb"> <img data-src="" alt="IND vs PAK: Virat Kohli's century helps India defeat Pakistan" title="IND vs PAK: Virat Kohli's century helps India defeat Pakistan" class="lozad"> </a> <div class="icons-over-img"> <div class="bg-blue left-icon img-icon-list"> <ul class="inline-menu"> </ul> </div> <div class="bg-blue right-icon img-icon-list"> <ul class="social-icons-inline inline-menu d-inline-block"> <li>Share :</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><span class="icon-facebook-logo new-social-size"></span></a></li> <li><a href="" data-action="share/whatsapp/share" class="share-btn whatsapp"><span class="icon-whatsapp 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In the match, Shreyas Iyer too scored 56 runs in 67 balls</p> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="border-right pb-2 pt-1 col-md photoListImgMainBtm parent-two"> <div class="desktop-border-bottom"> <div class="img2 position-relative"> <a href="" class="thumb"> <img data-src="" alt=""Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma should be allowed to decide their future", Sarfaraz" title=""Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma should be allowed to decide their future", Sarfaraz" class="lozad"> </a> </div> <h2 class="title-news-heading mt-2 title-news-height"><a href="">"Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma should be allowed to decide their future", Sarfaraz</a></h2> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">Sarfaraz Ahmed said Virat and Rohit will draw the curtains on their careers when they think is the right time, until then India should make teams around them. Sarfaraz Ahmed said there is no difference between people in the port cities of Karachi and Mumbai</p> <div class="small-txt-news mb-3 ">23 February,2025 05:45 PM IST <span> | Mumbai</span> <a href=""> | mid-day online correspondent</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="border-right pb-2 pt-1 col-md photoListImgMainBtm parent-two"> <div class="desktop-border-bottom"> <div class="img2 position-relative"> <a href="" class="thumb"> <img data-src="" alt="Jasprit Bumrah in Dubai for India-Pakistan clash, receives all ICC Awards" title="Jasprit Bumrah in Dubai for India-Pakistan clash, receives all ICC Awards" class="lozad"> </a> </div> <h2 class="title-news-heading mt-2 title-news-height"><a href="">Jasprit Bumrah in Dubai for India-Pakistan clash, receives all ICC Awards</a></h2> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">Jasprit Bumrah is not featuring in the Champions Trophy 2025 following a back injury. The pacer sustained an injury during the Border-Gavaskar Trophy. Team India named Harshit Rana as his replacement</p> <div class="small-txt-news mb-3 ">23 February,2025 04:08 PM IST <span> | Mumbai</span> <a href=""> | mid-day online correspondent</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="border-right pb-2 pt-1 col-md photoListImgMainBtm parent-two"> <div class="mobile-border-bottom"> <div class="img2 position-relative"> <a href="" class="thumb"> <img data-src="" alt="IND vs PAK: Mohammed Shami walks out, will he return to bowl?" title="IND vs PAK: Mohammed Shami walks out, will he return to bowl?" class="lozad"> </a> </div> <h2 class="title-news-heading mt-2 title-news-height"><a href="">IND vs PAK: Mohammed Shami walks out, will he return to bowl?</a></h2> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">At the beginning of the Champions Trophy 2025 match against Pakistan, grabbing the ball for the first over, Mohammed Shami bowled several wides. The pacer was not seen in control of his swing</p> <div class="small-txt-news mb-3 ">23 February,2025 03:20 PM IST <span> | Mumbai</span> <a href=""> | mid-day online correspondent</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="border-right pb-2 pt-1 col-md photoListImgMainBtm parent-two"> <div class="mobile-border-bottom"> <div class="img2 position-relative"> <a href="" class="thumb"> <img data-src="" alt=""Will take 6-7 wickets...": Mohammed Shami's family share insights" title=""Will take 6-7 wickets...": Mohammed Shami's family share insights" class="lozad"> </a> </div> <h2 class="title-news-heading mt-2 title-news-height"><a href="">"Will take 6-7 wickets...": Mohammed Shami's family share insights</a></h2> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">Mohammed Shami's return to the ICC event was nothing short of a fairy tale. He claimed five wickets against Bangladesh and also completed 200 ODI wickets. Throughout his career, Shami has been plagued by injuries but has consistently made strong comebacks</p> <div class="small-txt-news mb-3 ">23 February,2025 02:46 PM IST <span> | Mumbai</span> <a href=""> | mid-day online correspondent</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="col-md-4 border-left parent-three"> <div class="pt-1 mb-2 desktop-border-bottom"> <h2 class="title-news-heading mt-0 article-title-heading-position"><a href="">IND vs PAK: Mohammed Rizwan wins toss and opts to bat first</a></h2> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">In the Champions Trophy 2025 match against Pakistan, Team India skipper Rohit Sharma has decided to play the same team. Pakistan has made one change, where Fakhar Zaman will make way for Imam-Ul-Haq</p> <div class="small-txt-news mb-3 "> 23 February,2025 02:23 PM IST <span> | Mumbai</span> <a href=""> | mid-day online correspondent</a> </div> </div> <div class="pb-1 pt-1 desktop-border-bottom"> <h2 class="title-news-heading mt-0 article-title-heading-position"><a href="">IND vs PAK: Where to watch, match venue, head-to-head records, full squads</a></h2> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">Team India will enter the clash by registering a stunning victory in their Champions Trophy 2025 opening match against Bangladesh. On the other hand, Pakistan suffered a defeat in the match against New Zealand</p> <div class="small-txt-news mb-3 "> 23 February,2025 02:01 PM IST <span> | Mumbai</span> <a href=""> | mid-day online correspondent</a> </div> </div> <div class="pb-1 pt-1 desktop-border-bottom"> <h2 class="title-news-heading mt-0 article-title-heading-position"><a href="">CT 2025: We thought at one stage England would reach 400, says Steve Smith</a></h2> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">"We thought 350 was chaseable. Looked like they (England) would get 400 but we trusted each other's skills, took pace off at the right times, hit hard lengths, squeezed and controlled the back end," Smith said at the post-match presentation</p> <div class="small-txt-news mb-3 "> 23 February,2025 08:17 AM IST <span> | Lahore</span> <a href=""> | PTI</a> </div> </div> <div class="pb-1 pt-1 desktop-border-bottom"> <h2 class="title-news-heading mt-0 article-title-heading-position"><a href="">WPL: Mumbai Indians’ Amanjot Kaur attributes brilliance v RCB to ‘God’s plan’</a></h2> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">RCB skipper Smriti Mandhana then handed the ball to off-spinner Kaniha Ahuja, and Amanjot smacked the first ball for a six before dispatching the final ball for another maximum</p> <div class="small-txt-news mb-3 "> 23 February,2025 07:32 AM IST <span> | Bangalore</span> <a href=""> | PTI</a> </div> </div> <div class="pb-1 pt-1 desktop-border-bottom"> <h2 class="title-news-heading mt-0 article-title-heading-position"><a href="">Pakistan, a well-balanced side: Maninder Singh</a></h2> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">“They are going to fight to survive, all the more reason for them to give more than 100 per cent. It’s going to be very interesting and very competitive”</p> <div class="small-txt-news mb-3 "> 23 February,2025 07:29 AM IST <span> | Mumbai</span> <a href=" krishnan-460-all"> | G Krishnan</a> </div> </div> <div class="pb-1 pt-1 desktop-border-bottom"> <h2 class="title-news-heading mt-0 article-title-heading-position"><a href="">Not much hype around Indo-Pak match: Kaneria</a></h2> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">“The scenario is crystal clear. I don’t think there is much hype this time because Pakistan is not playing good cricket. India are playing excellent cricket,” the 44-year-old said</p> <div class="small-txt-news mb-3 "> 23 February,2025 07:27 AM IST <span> | New Delhi</span> <a href=""> | PTI</a> </div> </div> <div class="pb-1 pt-1 mobile-border-bottom"> <h2 class="title-news-heading mt-0 article-title-heading-position"><a href="">Champions Trophy 2025, India vs Pakistan: The day arrives!</a></h2> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">India chase semi-final spot, while Pakistan fight for survival as arch-rivals lock horns in high-stakes CT fixture</p> <div class="small-txt-news mb-3 "> 23 February,2025 07:25 AM IST <span> | Dubai</span> <a href=""> | R Kaushik</a> </div> </div> </section> </div> <!-- <div class="text-center mt-3 px-0 col-12 px-0"> <a href="/articles" class="btn btn-primary">View All Articles</a> </div> --> <div class="pb-3 d-block d-md-none"></div> </section> </div> </div> </div> <aside class="col-md-3 mt-3 border-left rhselement"> <!-- TAGNAME: 300x250_Desktop_1 Rhs_top_300_250_desktop--> <p class="advertisement-text text-center mt-1 mb-0">ADVERTISEMENT</p> <div class="add-300x250 mx-auto text-center isDecktopCheck mb-3"> <pgs-ad data-pg-ad-spot='div-gpt-ad-mid-daycom39026'></pgs-ad> </div> <div class="add-300x250 mx-auto text-center isMobileCheck mb-3"> <!-- TAGNAME: 300x250_Mobile_9 Rhs_top_300_250_mobile--> <pgs-ad data-pg-ad-spot='div-gpt-ad-mid-daycom38555'></pgs-ad> </div> <br> <div class="shimmerLatestNews hideBk"> <div class="mt-4"> <lines class="shine"></lines> <lines class="shine"></lines> </div> <box class="shine"></box> <div> <lines class="shine"></lines> <lines class="shine"></lines> <lines class="shine"></lines> </div> <div class="mt-2"> <lines class="shine"></lines> <lines class="shine"></lines> <lines class="shine"></lines> </div> </div> <div class="shimmerOutLatestNews"> <section> <div class="border-top pt-3 d-block d-md-none"></div> <div class="bg-blue heading-warpper"> <h5 class="title-sidebar"><a href="" class="color-white">Opinion</a></h5> </div> <div class="pb-2" class="opinionSection"> <div class=""> <div class="img10 position-relative"> <a href=""><img data-src="" class="lozad asideImgOpinion" alt="Honouring the Marathi novel, that has echoes worldwide" title="Honouring the Marathi novel, that has echoes worldwide"></a> </div> <h3 class="title-news-heading mt-2"><a href="">Honouring the Marathi novel, that has echoes worldwide</a></h3> <p class="news-section-txt" style="overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;display: -webkit-box;-webkit-line-clamp: 2; /* number of lines to show */-webkit-box-orient: vertical;">What better occasion than the upcoming Marathi Language Day on February 27 to celebrate the Marathi novel—rooted in its middle-classness, yet rising to reach a global audience!</p> <div class="author-info big"> <div class="author-pic"> <!-- <div class="img2"> --> <img data-src="" class="authorImgAside lozad" alt="" title=""> <div class="author-pic-bg"></div> <!-- </div> --> </div> <div class="author-info-details"> <h4 class="author-info-details-top border-bottom"></h4> <a href=""><h5 class="author-info-details-bottom cls_Inline1">Sumedha Raikar Mhatre</h5></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="border-top pb-2"> <h3 class="title-news-heading mt-2"><a href="">Baksho Bondi: Dogged, tired love</a></h3> <p class="news-section-txt" style="overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;display: -webkit-box;-webkit-line-clamp: 2; /* number of lines to show */-webkit-box-orient: vertical;">Tillotama Shome is luminous in Shadowbox by Tanushree Das and Saumyananda Sahi, that was in Berlin</p> <div class="author-info big"> <div class="author-pic"> <!-- <div class="img2"> --> <img data-src="" class="authorImgAside lozad" alt="" title=""> <div class="author-pic-bg"></div> <!-- </div> --> </div> <div class="author-info-details"> <h4 class="author-info-details-top border-bottom">Beyond Bollywood</h4> <a href=""><h5 class="author-info-details-bottom cls_Inline1">Meenakshi Shedde</h5></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="border-top pb-2"> <h3 class="title-news-heading mt-2"><a href="">That’s it folks, I’m done</a></h3> <p class="news-section-txt" style="overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;display: -webkit-box;-webkit-line-clamp: 2; /* number of lines to show */-webkit-box-orient: vertical;">Retirement from journalism is similar to cricket — I knew the time was right, but I’ll miss it. The writing career surpassed my playing and broadcasting journeys </p> <div class="author-info big"> <div class="author-pic"> <!-- <div class="img2"> --> <img data-src="" class="authorImgAside lozad" alt="" title=""> <div class="author-pic-bg"></div> <!-- </div> --> </div> <div class="author-info-details"> <h4 class="author-info-details-top border-bottom">Cutting Edge</h4> <a href=""><h5 class="author-info-details-bottom cls_Inline1">Ian Chappell</h5></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="border-top pb-2"> <h3 class="title-news-heading mt-2"><a href="">Selfless strangers</a></h3> <p class="news-section-txt" style="overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;display: -webkit-box;-webkit-line-clamp: 2; /* number of lines to show */-webkit-box-orient: vertical;">Dressed in maroon, half masks on so you can’t see full faces, just eyes, kind tired eyes—concern writ large on their foreheads</p> <div class="author-info big"> <div class="author-pic"> <!-- <div class="img2"> --> <img data-src="" class="authorImgAside lozad" alt="" title=""> <div class="author-pic-bg"></div> <!-- </div> --> </div> <div class="author-info-details"> <h4 class="author-info-details-top border-bottom">Zara Hatke</h4> <a href=""><h5 class="author-info-details-bottom cls_Inline1">Rahul da Cunha</h5></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="border-bottom mb-1 mb-md-0"></div> --> </section> </div> </aside> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="container"> <div class="border-bottom border-top my-3"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-9 lhselement"> <!-- <div class="border-bottom mt-2 pb-2"> <h3 class="d-inline mr-3 main-headline">Latest Articles</h3> </div> --> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center pt-2 pb-2 tab-header mt-3"> <div class="left-inner-colm pb-0 mb-2"> <h2 class="d-md-inline mr-md-3"><a href="" class="font-blue">Latest Cricket News Articles</a></h2> <!-- <a href="" class="btn btn-addto-round d-md-inline">+ Add to My Mid-day</a> --> </div> <div class=""> <a href=""> <span class="d-block px-4 py-1 rounded" style="border:1px solid blue;white-space: nowrap;"> View all</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="desktop-border-bottom d-flex no-gutters pb-3 pt-2 pt-md-3 lt-img-wtxts"> <div class="col-4 photoListImgMainBtm"> <div class="img2 position-relative"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img data-src="" alt="Not much hype around Indo-Pak match: Kaneria" title="Not much hype around Indo-Pak match: Kaneria" class="lozad"></a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-7 pl-md-3"> <h3 class="title-news-heading"><a href="">Not much hype around Indo-Pak match: Kaneria</a></h3> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">“The scenario is crystal clear. I don’t think there is much hype this time because Pakistan is not playing good cricket. India are playing excellent cricket,” the 44-year-old said</p> <span class="small-txt-news">23 February,2025 07:27 AM IST <span> | New Delhi</span> <a href=""> | PTI</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="desktop-border-bottom d-flex no-gutters pb-3 pt-2 pt-md-3 lt-img-wtxts"> <div class="col-4 photoListImgMainBtm"> <div class="img2 position-relative"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img data-src="" alt="Champions Trophy 2025, India vs Pakistan: The day arrives!" title="Champions Trophy 2025, India vs Pakistan: The day arrives!" class="lozad"></a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-7 pl-md-3"> <h3 class="title-news-heading"><a href="">Champions Trophy 2025, India vs Pakistan: The day arrives!</a></h3> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">India chase semi-final spot, while Pakistan fight for survival as arch-rivals lock horns in high-stakes CT fixture</p> <span class="small-txt-news">23 February,2025 07:25 AM IST <span> | Dubai</span> <a href=""> | R Kaushik</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="desktop-border-bottom d-flex no-gutters pb-3 pt-2 pt-md-3 lt-img-wtxts"> <div class="col-4 photoListImgMainBtm"> <div class="img2 position-relative"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img data-src="" alt=""When you play against India, it’s a special feeling": Aaqib Javed" title=""When you play against India, it’s a special feeling": Aaqib Javed" class="lozad"></a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-7 pl-md-3"> <h3 class="title-news-heading"><a href="">"When you play against India, it’s a special feeling": Aaqib Javed</a></h3> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">“I’ve heard [that] a lot discussions [are] going on [that] other teams have too many spinners and we have lesser spinning options. The teams play their game on their own strengths</p> <span class="small-txt-news">23 February,2025 07:20 AM IST <span> | Karachi</span> <a href=""> | PTI</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="desktop-border-bottom d-flex no-gutters pb-3 pt-2 pt-md-3 lt-img-wtxts"> <div class="col-4 photoListImgMainBtm"> <div class="img2 position-relative"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img data-src="" alt=""We are by no means going to take them as a lesser side", Gill" title=""We are by no means going to take them as a lesser side", Gill" class="lozad"></a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-7 pl-md-3"> <h3 class="title-news-heading"><a href="">"We are by no means going to take them as a lesser side", Gill</a></h3> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">India vice-captain Shubman Gill says team only focus on winning each game and will approach high-octane clash against Pakistan today like any other match</p> <span class="small-txt-news">23 February,2025 07:12 AM IST <span> | Dubai</span> <a href=""> | Santosh Suri</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="mobile-border-bottom d-flex no-gutters pb-3 pt-2 pt-md-3 lt-img-wtxts"> <div class="col-4 photoListImgMainBtm"> <div class="img2 position-relative"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img data-src="" alt="Henry, Goud give UPW maiden win of WPL season, beat Delhi Capitals by 33 runs" title="Henry, Goud give UPW maiden win of WPL season, beat Delhi Capitals by 33 runs" class="lozad"></a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-7 pl-md-3"> <h3 class="title-news-heading"><a href="">Henry, Goud give UPW maiden win of WPL season, beat Delhi Capitals by 33 runs</a></h3> <p class="news-section-txt news-section-txt-repeat">Henry's whirlwind knock at No. 8 lifted UP Warriorz out of doldrums as they were facing the risk of being restricted for a moderate total after each of their specialist batters had flopped</p> <span class="small-txt-news">22 February,2025 11:28 PM IST <span> | Bengaluru</span> <a href=""> | PTI</a> </span> </div> </div> <!-- <div 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