Emacs 30.1 released

<!-- MHonArc v2.6.19+ --> <!--X-Subject: Emacs 30.1 released --> <!--X-From-R13: Egrsna Ynatnf &#60;fgrsnaxnatnfNtznvy.pbz> --> <!--X-Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2025 12:41:51 &#45;0500 --> <!--X-Message-Id: --> <!--X-Content-Type: multipart/mixed --> <!--X-Derived: pgp0muK1CEsHs.pgp --> <!--X-Head-End--> <!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Emacs 30.1 released</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> </head> <body> <center> <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0 bgcolor="#000000"> <tr><td><table border=0 bgcolor="#FFFFCC"> <tr><td><big><b>emacs-devel</b></big></td></tr></table></tr></table> <div class="nowrap"> <small>[<a href="../" >Top</a>][<a href="/archive/html">All Lists</a>]</small> </div> <form method="get" action="/archive/cgi-bin/namazu.cgi"> <input type="text" name="query" size="30"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search"> <input type="hidden" name="idxname" value="emacs-devel"> <a href="/archive/cgi-bin/namazu.cgi?idxname=emacs-devel">Advanced</a> </form> </center> <!--X-Body-Begin--> <!--X-User-Header--> <!--X-User-Header-End--> <!--X-TopPNI--> <hr> [<a href="msg00996.html">Date Prev</a>][<a href="msg00998.html">Date Next</a>][<a href="msg00996.html">Thread Prev</a>][<a href="msg01001.html">Thread Next</a>][<a href="index.html#00997">Date Index</a>][<a href="threads.html#00997">Thread Index</a>] <!--X-TopPNI-End--> <!--X-MsgBody--> <!--X-Subject-Header-Begin--> <h2>Emacs 30.1 released</h2> <hr> <table border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td align="right" valign="top"> <b>From</b>: </td> <td align="left"> Stefan Kangas</td> </tr> <!--X-Subject-Header-End--> <!--X-Head-of-Message--> <tr> <td align="right" valign="top"> <b>Subject</b>: </td> <td align="left"> Emacs 30.1 released</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" valign="top"> <b>Date</b>: </td> <td align="left"> Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:41:38 +0000</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!--X-Head-of-Message-End--> <!--X-Head-Body-Sep-Begin--> <hr> <!--X-Head-Body-Sep-End--> <!--X-Body-of-Message--> <pre>Hi, Version 30.1 of Emacs, the extensible text editor, should now be available from your nearest GNU mirror: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> Emacs 30.1 includes security fixes for a shell injection vulnerability in man.el (CVE-2025-1244), and for arbitrary code execution with flymake (CVE-2024-53920). We recommend upgrading immediately. The tarballs are signed. You can find the PGP signature files at: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> You can choose a mirror explicitly from the list at: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> Mirrors may take some time to update; the main GNU ftp server is at: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> -------------------------------------- To verify the integrity of the downloaded tarball, download both the tarball and the corresponding .sig file, and run this command: gpg --verify emacs-30.1.tar.xz.sig (and similarly for emacs-30.1.tar.gz, if you download that format). If the GPG command fails because you don't have the required PGP public key, run this command to import the key: gpg --keyserver --recv-keys \ CEA1DE21AB108493CC9C65742E82323B8F4353EE Alternative keyservers include and You can also run sha1sum or sha256sum and confirm that these checksums match: SHA1 emacs-30.1.tar.gz 57c382f8cd2bd58b146b4b120ab8941f261b82b7 SHA1 emacs-30.1.tar.xz 668a302193c8a2aa62ba719b959fd8bb7754276d SHA256 emacs-30.1.tar.gz 54404782ea5de37e8fcc4391fa9d4a41359a4ba9689b541f6bc97dd1ac283f6c SHA256 emacs-30.1.tar.xz 6ccac1ae76e6af93c6de1df175e8eb406767c23da3dd2a16aa67e3124a6f138f ---------------------------------------- For a summary of changes in Emacs 30, see the etc/NEWS file in the tarball; you can view it from Emacs by typing 'C-h n', or by clicking Help-&gt;Emacs News from the menu bar. You can also browse NEWS online using this URL: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> For the complete list of changes and the people who made them, see the various ChangeLog files in the source distribution. For a summary of all the people who have contributed to Emacs, see the etc/AUTHORS file. For more information about Emacs, see: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> </pre> <p><strong><a href="pgp0muK1CEsHs.pgp" ><img src="/icons/generic.png" align="left" border=0 alt="Attachment:" width="20" height="22"></a> <a href="pgp0muK1CEsHs.pgp" ><tt>signature.asc</tt></a></strong><br> <em>Description:</em> PGP signature</p> <!--X-Body-of-Message-End--> <!--X-MsgBody-End--> <!--X-Follow-Ups--> <hr> <form method="post" action="/mp/" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="a" value="stefankangas"> <input type="hidden" name="b" value="Emacs 30.1 released"> <input type="hidden" name="d" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="c" value=""> <center>reply via email to<br><input type="submit" value=" Stefan Kangas "></center> </form> <hr> <table width="100%"> <tr><td align="left">[Prev in Thread]</td> <td align="center"><b>Current Thread</b></td> <td align="right">[<a href="msg01001.html">Next in Thread</a>]</td></tr></table> <ul> <li><font color="#666666"><strong>Emacs 30.1 released</strong>, <em>Stefan Kangas</em></font>&nbsp;<b>&lt;=</b> <ul> <li><b><a name="01001" href="msg01001.html">Re: Emacs 30.1 released</a></b>, <i>Bastien Guerry</i>, <tt>2025/02/23</tt> </li> <li><b><a name="01002" href="msg01002.html">Re: Emacs 30.1 released</a></b>, <i>Stefan Kangas</i>, <tt>2025/02/23</tt> <ul> <li><b><a name="01006" href="msg01006.html">Re: Emacs 30.1 released</a></b>, <i>Xavier Maillard</i>, <tt>2025/02/23</tt> </li> </ul> </li> <li><b><a name="01003" href="msg01003.html">Pre-compiled Emacs 30.1 binaries for Windows are available</a></b>, <i>Corwin Brust</i>, <tt>2025/02/23</tt> </li> <li><b><a name="01005" href="msg01005.html">Re: Emacs 30.1 released</a></b>, <i>Ben Zanin</i>, <tt>2025/02/23</tt> </li> <li><b><a name="01009" href="msg01009.html">Re: Emacs 30.1 released</a></b>, <i>Stefan Monnier</i>, <tt>2025/02/23</tt> </li> <li><b><a name="01012" href="msg01012.html">Android binaries of Emacs 30.1 are available</a></b>, <i>Po Lu</i>, <tt>2025/02/23</tt> </li> <li><b><a name="01058" href="msg01058.html">Re: Emacs 30.1 released</a></b>, <i>Joseph Mingrone</i>, <tt>2025/02/24</tt> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <hr> <!--X-Follow-Ups-End--> <!--X-References--> <!--X-References-End--> <!--X-BotPNI--> <ul> <li>Prev by Date: <strong><a href="msg00996.html">Re: emacs-30 8ac894e2246 3/3: Release Emacs 30.1</a></strong> </li> <li>Next by Date: <strong><a href="msg00998.html">Re: What Questions are Worth Asking Emacs-Newcomers?</a></strong> </li> <li>Previous by thread: <strong><a href="msg00996.html">Re: emacs-30 8ac894e2246 3/3: Release Emacs 30.1</a></strong> </li> <li>Next by thread: <strong><a href="msg01001.html">Re: Emacs 30.1 released</a></strong> </li> <li>Index(es): <ul> <li><a href="index.html#00997"><strong>Date</strong></a></li> <li><a href="threads.html#00997"><strong>Thread</strong></a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!--X-BotPNI-End--> <!--X-User-Footer--> <!--X-User-Footer-End--> </body> </html>

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