The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) - 2018 Summary Report - CERN Document Server
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Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improv The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improv The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improv The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improv The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improv The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improv The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^-$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept has been refined using improved software tools. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations and parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25-30 years. Burrows, P.N.; Catalan Lasheras, N.; Linssen, L.; Petrič, M.; Robson, A.; Schulte, D.; Sicking, E.; Stapnes, S.; Charles, T.K.; Giansiracusa, P.J.; Lucas, T.G.; Rassool, R.P.; Volpi, M.; Balazs, C.; Afanaciev, K.; Makarenko, V.; Patapenka, A.; Zhuk, I.; Collette, C.; Boland, M.J.; Abusleme Hoffman, A.C.; Diaz, M.A.; Garay, F.; Chi, Y.; He, X.; Pei, G.; Pei, S.; Shu, G.; Wang, X.; Zhang, J.; Zhao, F.; Zhou, Z.; Chen, H.; Gao, Y.; Huang, W.; Kuang, Y.P.; Li, B.; Li, Y.; Meng, X.; Shao, J.; Shi, J.; Tang, C.; Wang, P.; Wu, X.; Zha, H.; Ma, L.; Han, Y.; Fang, W.; Gu, Q.; Huang, D.; Huang, X.; Tan, J.; Wang, Z.; Zhao, Z.; Uggerhøj, U.I.; Wistisen, T.N.; Aabloo, A.; Aare, R.; Kuppart, K.; Vigonski, S.; Zadin, V.; Aicheler, M.; Baibuz, E.; Brücken, E.; Djurabekova, F.; Eerola, P.; Garcia, F.; Haeggström, E.; Huitu, K.; Jansson, V.; Kassamakov, I.; Kimari, J.; Kyritsakis, A.; Lehti, S.; Meriläinen, A.; Montonen, R.; Nordlund, K.; Österberg, K.; Saressalo, A.; Väinölä, J.; Veske, M.; Farabolini, W.; Mollard, A.; Peauger, F.; Plouin, J.; Bambade, P.; Chaikovska, I.; Chehab, R.; Delerue, N.; Davier, M.; Faus-Golfe, A.; Irles, A.; Kaabi, W.; LeDiberder, F.; Pöschl, R.; Zerwas, D.; Aimard, B.; Balik, G.; Blaising, J.-J.; Brunetti, L.; Chefdeville, M.; Dominjon, A.; Drancourt, C.; Geoffroy, N.; Jacquemier, J.; Jeremie, A.; Karyotakis, Y.; Nappa, J.M.; Serluca, M.; Vilalte, S.; Vouters, G.; Bernhard, A.; Bründermann, E.; Casalbuoni, S.; Hillenbrand, S.; Gethmann, J.; Grau, A.; Huttel, E.; Müller, A.-S.; Peiffer, P.; Perić, I.; Saez de Jauregui, D.; Emberger, L.; Graf, C.; Simon, F.; Szalay, M.; van der Kolk, N.; Brass, S.; Kilian, W.; Alexopoulos, T.; Apostolopoulos, T.; Gazis, E.N.; Gazis, N.; Kostopoulos, V.; Kourkoulis, S.; Heilig, B.; Lichtenberger, J.; Shrivastava, P.; Dayyani, M.K.; Ghasem, H.; Hajari, S.S.; Shaker, H.; Ashkenazy, Y.; Popov, I.; Engelberg, E.; Yashar, A.; Abramowicz, H.; Benhammou, Y.; Borysov, O.; Borysova, M.; Levy, A.; Levy, I.; Alesini, D.; Bellaveglia, M.; Buonomo, B.; Cardelli, A.; Diomede, M.; Ferrario, M.; Gallo, A.; Ghigo, A.; Giribono, A.; Piersanti, L.; Stella, A.; Vaccarezza, C.; de Blas, J.; Franceschini, R.; D'Auria, G.; Di Mitri, S.; Abe, T.; Aryshev, A.; Fukuda, M.; Furukawa, K.; Hayano, H.; Higashi, Y.; Higo, T.; Kubo, K.; Kuroda, S.; Matsumoto, S.; Michizono, S.; Naito, T.; Okugi, T.; Shidara, T.; Tauchi, T.; Terunuma, N.; Urakawa, J.; Yamamoto, A.; Raboanary, R.; Luiten, O.J.; Stragier, X.F.D.; Hart, R.; van der Graaf, H.; Eigen, G.; Adli, E.; Lindstrøm, C.A.; Lillestøl, R.; Malina, L.; Pfingstner, J.; Sjobak, K.N.; Ahmad, A.; Hoorani, H.; Khan, W.A.; Bugiel, S.; Bugiel, R.; Firlej, M.; Fiutowski, T.A.; Idzik, M.; Moroń, J.; Świentek, K.P.; Brückman de Renstrom, P.; Krupa, B.; Kucharczyk, M.; Lesiak, T.; Pawlik, B.; Sopicki, P.; Turbiarz, B.; Wojtoń, T.; Zawiejski, L.K.; Kalinowski, J.; Nowak, K.; Żarnecki, A.F.; Firu, E.; Ghenescu, V.; Neagu, A.T.; Preda, T.; Zgura, I.S.; Aloev, A.; Azaryan, N.; Boyko, I.; Budagov, J.; Chizhov, M.; Filippova, M.; Glagolev, V.; Gongadze, A.; Grigoryan, S.; Gudkov, D.; Karjavine, V.; Lyablin, M.; Nefedov, Yu.; Olyunina, A.; Rymbekova, A.; Samochkine, A.; Sapronov, A.; Shelkov, G.; Shirkov, G.; Soldatov, V.; Solodko, E.; Trubnikov, G.; Tyapkin, I.; Uzhinsky, V.; Vorozhtov, A.; Zhemchugov, A.; Levichev, E.; Mezentsev, N.; Piminov, P.; Shatilov, D.; Vobly, P.; Zolotarev, K.; BožovićJelisavčić, I.; Kačarević, G.; MilutinovićDumbelović, G.; Pandurović, M.; Radulović, M.; Stevanović, J.; Vukasinović, N.; Lee, D.-H.; Ayala, N.; Benedetti, G.; Guenzel, T.; Iriso, U.; Marti, Z.; Perez, F.; Pont, M.; Trenado, J.; Ruiz-Jimeno, A.; Vila, I.; Calero, J.; Dominguez, M.; Garcia-Tabares, L.; Gavela, D.; Lopez, D.; Toral, F.; Blanch Gutierrez, C.; Boronat, M.; Esperante, D.; Fullana, E.; Fuster, J.; García, I.; Gimeno, B.; Gomis Lopez, P.; González, D.; Perelló, M.; Ros, E.; Villarejo, M.A.; Vnuchenko, A.; Vos, M.; Borgmann, Ch.; Brenner, R.; Ekelöf, T.; Jacewicz, M.; 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Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept has been refined using improved software tools. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations and parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25-30 years." property="og:description" /> <meta content="arXiv" property="og:description" /> <meta content="The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years." property="og:description" /> <meta content="The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^−$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improv" property="og:description" /> <!-- Twitter Card --> <meta content="summary" name="twitter:card" /> <meta content="summary" name="twitter:card" /> <style></style> </head> <body class="CERN32Document32Server search" lang="en"> <!-- toolbar starts --> <div id="cern-toolbar"> <h1><a href="" title="CERN">CERN <span>Accelerating science</span></a></h1> <ul> <li class="cern-accountlinks"><a class="cern-account" href="" title="Sign in to your CERN account">Sign in</a></li> <li><a class="cern-directory" href="" title="Search CERN resources and browse the directory">Directory</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- toolbar ends --> <!-- Nav header starts--> <div role="banner" class="clearfix" id="header"> <div class="header-inner inner"> <hgroup class="clearfix"> <h2 id="site-name"> <a rel="home" title="Home" href="/"><span>CERN Document Server</span></a> </h2> <h3 id="site-slogan">Access articles, reports and multimedia content in HEP</h3> </hgroup><!-- /#name-and-slogan --> <div role="navigation" id="main-navigation" class="cdsmenu"> <h2 class="element-invisible">Main menu</h2><ul class="links inline clearfix"> <li class="menu-386 first active-trail"><a class="active-trail" href="">Search</a></li> <li class="menu-444 "><a class="" title="" href="">Submit</a></li> <li class="menu-426 "><a class="" href="">Help</a></li> <li class="leaf hassubcdsmenu"> <a hreflang="en" class="header" href="">Personalize</a> <ul class="subsubcdsmenu"><li><a href="">Your alerts</a></li><li><a href="">Your baskets</a></li><li><a href="">Your comments</a></li><li><a href="">Your searches</a></li></ul></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Nav header ends--> <table class="navtrailbox"> <tr> <td class="navtrailboxbody"> <a href="/?ln=en" class="navtrail">Home</a> > The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) - 2018 Summary Report </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="pagebody"><div class="pagebodystripemiddle"> <div class="detailedrecordbox"> <div class="detailedrecordtabs"> <div> <ul class="detailedrecordtabs"><li class="on first"><a href="/record/2652188/?ln=en">Information </a></li><li class=""><a href="/record/2652188/files?ln=en">Files </a></li></ul> <div id="tabsSpacer" style="clear:both;height:0px"> </div></div> </div> <div class="detailedrecordboxcontent"> <div class="top-left-folded"></div> <div class="top-right-folded"></div> <div class="inside"> <!--<div style="height:0.1em;"> </div> <p class="notopgap"> </p>--> <abbr class="unapi-id" title="2652188"></abbr> <style type="text/css"> <!-- ul.detailedrecordtabs li.on a{background-color:#4D94CC;color:#fff !important;border-bottom:1px solid #4D94CC!important;} div.detailedrecordboxcontent {padding-top:0px !important;} --> </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/pdf-previewer-append-to-table.js"></script> <table class="formatRecordTableFullWidth" > <tr> <td class="formatRecordHeader" style="background-image: url('');" colspan="2"> Report </td> </tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Report number </td><td style="padding-left:5px;"><a href="">arXiv:1812.06018</a> ; CERN-2018-005-M ; CERN-2018-005 ; CERN-2018-005-M ; CERN-2018-005</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Title </td><td style="padding-left:5px;"><b>The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) - 2018 Summary Report</b></td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"></td><td style="padding-left:5px;"> <style> .yr_cover { position: absolute; display: none; z-index: 9999; margin-left: 2px; -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 6px gray; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 6px gray; -o-box-shadow: 2px 2px 6px gray; box-shadow: 2px 2px 6px gray; } </style> <script> $(window).bind("load", function() { $("#yr_cover_2652188_target").mouseover(function() { $("body").append("<div id='yr_cover_2652188' class='yr_cover'><img style='max-height: 640px; max-width: 480px;' src=' cover.png' /></div>"); $("#yr_cover_2652188").css('top', $("#yr_cover_2652188_target").offset().top + 'px'); $("#yr_cover_2652188").css('left', ($("#yr_cover_2652188_target").offset().left + $("#yr_cover_2652188_target").outerWidth()) + 'px'); $("#yr_cover_2652188").fadeIn("fast"); 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(JAI, UK) ; <a href="">Catalan Lasheras, N.</a> (ed.) (CERN) ; <a href="">Linssen, L.</a> (ed.) (CERN) ; <a href="">Petrič, M.</a> (ed.) (CERN) ; <a href="">Robson, A.</a> (ed.) (Glasgow U.) ; <a href="">Schulte, D.</a> (ed.) (CERN) ; <a href="">Sicking, E.</a> (ed.) (CERN) ; <a href="">Stapnes, S.</a> (ed.) (CERN) ; <a href="">Charles, T.K.</a> (Melbourne U.) ; <a href="">Giansiracusa, P.J.</a> (Melbourne U.) ; <a href="">Lucas, T.G.</a> (Melbourne U.) ; <a href="">Rassool, R.P.</a> (Melbourne U.) ; <a href="">Volpi, M.</a> (Melbourne U.) ; <a href="">Balazs, C.</a> (Monash U.) ; <a href="">Afanaciev, K.</a> (Belarus State U.) ; <a href="">Makarenko, V.</a> (Belarus State U.) ; <a href="">Patapenka, A.</a> (Joint Inst. Power Nucl. Res., Minsk) ; <a href="">Zhuk, I.</a> (Joint Inst. Power Nucl. Res., Minsk) ; <a href="">Collette, C.</a> (Brussels U.) ; <a href="">Boland, M.J.</a> (Saskatchewan U.) ; <a href="">Abusleme Hoffman, A.C.</a> (Chile U., Catolica) ; <a href="">Diaz, M.A.</a> (Chile U., Catolica) ; <a href="">Garay, F.</a> (Chile U., Catolica) ; <a href="">Chi, Y.</a> (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; <a href="">He, X.</a> (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; <a href="">Pei, G.</a> (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; <a href="">Pei, S.</a> (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; <a href="">Shu, G.</a> (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; <a href="">Wang, X.</a> (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; <a href="">Zhang, J.</a> (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; <a href="">Zhao, F.</a> (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; <a href="">Zhou, Z.</a> (Beijing, Inst. 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U., Athens) ; <a href="">Heilig, B.</a> (Eotvos U.) ; <a href="">Lichtenberger, J.</a> (Eotvos U.) ; <a href="">Shrivastava, P.</a> (CAT, INDUS) ; <a href="">Dayyani, M.K.</a> (IPM, Tehran) ; <a href="">Ghasem, H.</a> (IPM, Tehran) ; <a href="">Hajari, S.S.</a> (IPM, Tehran) ; <a href="">Shaker, H.</a> (IPM, Tehran) ; <a href="">Ashkenazy, Y.</a> (Hebrew U.) ; <a href="">Popov, I.</a> (Hebrew U.) ; <a href="">Engelberg, E.</a> (Hebrew U.) ; <a href="">Yashar, A.</a> (Hebrew U.) ; <a href="">Abramowicz, H.</a> (Tel Aviv U.) ; <a href="">Benhammou, Y.</a> (Tel Aviv U.) ; <a href="">Borysov, O.</a> (Tel Aviv U.) ; <a href="">Borysova, M.</a> (Tel Aviv U.) ; <a href="">Levy, A.</a> (Tel Aviv U.) ; <a href="">Levy, I.</a> (Tel Aviv U.) ; <a href="">Alesini, D.</a> (Frascati) ; <a href="">Bellaveglia, M.</a> (Frascati) ; <a href="">Buonomo, B.</a> (Frascati) ; <a href="">Cardelli, A.</a> (Frascati) ; <a href="">Diomede, M.</a> (Frascati) ; <a href="">Ferrario, M.</a> (Frascati) ; <a href="">Gallo, A.</a> (Frascati) ; <a href="">Ghigo, A.</a> (Frascati) ; <a href="">Giribono, A.</a> (Frascati) ; <a href="">Piersanti, L.</a> (Frascati) ; <a href="">Stella, A.</a> (Frascati) ; <a href="">Vaccarezza, C.</a> (Frascati) ; <a href="">de Blas, J.</a> (INFN, Padua ; Trento U.) ; <a href="">Franceschini, R.</a> (INFN, Rome3 ; Rome III U.) ; <a href="">D'Auria, G.</a> (Sincrotrone Trieste) ; <a href="">Di Mitri, S.</a> (Sincrotrone Trieste) ; <a href="">Abe, T.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Aryshev, A.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Fukuda, M.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Furukawa, K.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Hayano, H.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Higashi, Y.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Higo, T.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Kubo, K.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Kuroda, S.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Matsumoto, S.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Michizono, S.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Naito, T.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Okugi, T.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Shidara, T.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Tauchi, T.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Terunuma, N.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Urakawa, J.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Yamamoto, A.</a> (KEK, Tsukuba) ; <a href="">Raboanary, R.</a> (iHEP-MAD) ; <a href="">Luiten, O.J.</a> (Eindhoven, Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Stragier, X.F.D.</a> (Eindhoven, Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Hart, R.</a> (Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; <a href="">van der Graaf, H.</a> (Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; <a href="">Eigen, G.</a> (Bergen U.) ; <a href="">Adli, E.</a> (Oslo U.) ; <a href="">Lindstrøm, C.A.</a> (Oslo U.) ; <a href="">Lillestøl, R.</a> (Oslo U.) ; <a href="">Malina, L.</a> (Oslo U.) ; <a href="">Pfingstner, J.</a> (Oslo U.) ; <a href="">Sjobak, K.N.</a> (Oslo U.) ; <a href="">Ahmad, A.</a> (NCP, Islamabad) ; <a href="">Hoorani, H.</a> (NCP, Islamabad) ; <a href="">Khan, W.A.</a> (NCP, Islamabad) ; <a href="">Bugiel, S.</a> (AGH-UST, Cracow) ; <a href="">Bugiel, R.</a> (AGH-UST, Cracow) ; <a href="">Firlej, M.</a> (AGH-UST, Cracow) ; <a href="">Fiutowski, T.A.</a> (AGH-UST, Cracow) ; <a href="">Idzik, M.</a> (AGH-UST, Cracow) ; <a href="">Moroń, J.</a> (AGH-UST, Cracow) ; <a href="">Świentek, K.P.</a> (AGH-UST, Cracow) ; <a href="">Brückman de Renstrom, P.</a> (Cracow, INP) ; <a href="">Krupa, B.</a> (Cracow, INP) ; <a href="">Kucharczyk, M.</a> (Cracow, INP) ; <a href="">Lesiak, T.</a> (Cracow, INP) ; <a href="">Pawlik, B.</a> (Cracow, INP) ; <a href="">Sopicki, P.</a> (Cracow, INP) ; <a href="">Turbiarz, B.</a> (Cracow, INP) ; <a href="">Wojtoń, T.</a> (Cracow, INP) ; <a href="">Zawiejski, L.K.</a> (Cracow, INP) ; <a href="">Kalinowski, J.</a> (Warsaw U.) ; <a href="">Nowak, K.</a> (Warsaw U.) ; <a href="">Żarnecki, A.F.</a> (Warsaw U.) ; <a href="">Firu, E.</a> (Bucharest, Inst. Space Science) ; <a href="">Ghenescu, V.</a> (Bucharest, Inst. Space Science) ; <a href="">Neagu, A.T.</a> (Bucharest, Inst. Space Science) ; <a href="">Preda, T.</a> (Bucharest, Inst. Space Science) ; <a href="">Zgura, I.S.</a> (Bucharest, Inst. Space Science) ; <a href="">Aloev, A.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Azaryan, N.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Boyko, I.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Budagov, J.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Chizhov, M.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Filippova, M.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Glagolev, V.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Gongadze, A.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Grigoryan, S.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Gudkov, D.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Karjavine, V.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Lyablin, M.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Nefedov, Yu.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Olyunina, A.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Rymbekova, A.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Samochkine, A.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Sapronov, A.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Shelkov, G.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Shirkov, G.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Soldatov, V.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Solodko, E.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Trubnikov, G.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Tyapkin, I.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Uzhinsky, V.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Vorozhtov, A.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Zhemchugov, A.</a> (Dubna, JINR) ; <a href="">Levichev, E.</a> (Novosibirsk, IYF) ; <a href="">Mezentsev, N.</a> (Novosibirsk, IYF) ; <a href="">Piminov, P.</a> (Novosibirsk, IYF) ; <a href="">Shatilov, D.</a> (Novosibirsk, IYF) ; <a href="">Vobly, P.</a> (Novosibirsk, IYF) ; <a href="">Zolotarev, K.</a> (Novosibirsk, IYF) ; <a href="">BožovićJelisavčić, I.</a> (VINCA Inst. Nucl. Sci., Belgrade) ; <a href="">Kačarević, G.</a> (VINCA Inst. Nucl. Sci., Belgrade) ; <a href="">MilutinovićDumbelović, G.</a> (VINCA Inst. Nucl. Sci., Belgrade) ; <a href="">Pandurović, M.</a> (VINCA Inst. Nucl. Sci., Belgrade) ; <a href="">Radulović, M.</a> (VINCA Inst. Nucl. Sci., Belgrade) ; <a href="">Stevanović, J.</a> (VINCA Inst. Nucl. Sci., Belgrade) ; <a href="">Vukasinović, N.</a> (VINCA Inst. Nucl. Sci., Belgrade) ; <a href="">Lee, D.-H.</a> (Myong Ji U.) ; <a href="">Ayala, N.</a> (ICE, Barcelona) ; <a href="">Benedetti, G.</a> (ICE, Barcelona) ; <a href="">Guenzel, T.</a> (ICE, Barcelona) ; <a href="">Iriso, U.</a> (ICE, Barcelona) ; <a href="">Marti, Z.</a> (ICE, Barcelona) ; <a href="">Perez, F.</a> (ICE, Barcelona) ; <a href="">Pont, M.</a> (ICE, Barcelona) ; <a href="">Trenado, J.</a> (Barcelona U.) ; <a href="">Ruiz-Jimeno, A.</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Vila, I.</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Calero, J.</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Dominguez, M.</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Garcia-Tabares, L.</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Gavela, D.</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Lopez, D.</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Toral, F.</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Blanch Gutierrez, C.</a> (Valencia U., IFIC) ; <a href="">Boronat, M.</a> (Valencia U., IFIC) ; <a href="">Esperante, D.</a> (Valencia U., IFIC) ; <a href="">Fullana, E.</a> (Valencia U., IFIC) ; <a href="">Fuster, J.</a> (Valencia U., IFIC) ; <a href="">García, I.</a> (Valencia U., IFIC) ; <a href="">Gimeno, B.</a> (Valencia U., IFIC) ; <a href="">Gomis Lopez, P.</a> (Valencia U., IFIC) ; <a href="">González, D.</a> (Valencia U., IFIC) ; <a href="">Perelló, M.</a> (Valencia U., IFIC) ; <a href="">Ros, E.</a> (Valencia U., IFIC) ; <a href="">Villarejo, M.A.</a> (Valencia U., IFIC) ; <a href="">Vnuchenko, A.</a> (Valencia U., IFIC) ; <a href="">Vos, M.</a> (Valencia U., IFIC) ; <a href="">Borgmann, Ch.</a> (Uppsala U.) ; <a href="">Brenner, R.</a> (Uppsala U.) ; <a href="">Ekelöf, T.</a> (Uppsala U.) ; <a href="">Jacewicz, M.</a> (Uppsala U.) ; <a href="">Olvegård, M.</a> (Uppsala U.) ; <a href="">Ruber, R.</a> (Uppsala U.) ; <a href="">Ziemann, V.</a> (Uppsala U.) ; <a href="">Aguglia, D.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Alabau Gonzalvo, J.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Alcaide Leon, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Alipour Tehrani, N.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Anastasopoulos, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Andersson, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Andrianala, F.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Antoniou, F.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Apyan, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Arominski, D.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Artoos, K.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Assly, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Atieh, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Baccigalupi, C.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Ballabriga Sune, R.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Banon Caballero, D.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Barnes, M.J.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Barranco Garcia, J.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bartalesi, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bauche, J.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bayar, C.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Belver-Aguilar, C.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Benot Morell, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bernardini, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bett, D.R.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bettoni, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bettencourt, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bielawski, B.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Blanco Garcia, O.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Blaskovic Kraljevic, N.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bolzon, B.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bonnin, X.A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bozzini, D.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Branger, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Brondolin, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Brunner, O.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Buckland, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bursali, H.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Burkhardt, H.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Caiazza, D.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Calatroni, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Campbell, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Cassany, B.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Castro, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Cavaleiro Soares, R.H.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Cerqueira Bastos, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Cherif, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Chevallay, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Cilento, V.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Corsini, R.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Costa, R.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Cure, B.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Curt, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Dal Gobbo, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Dannheim, D.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Daskalaki, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Deacon, L.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Degiovanni, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">De Michele, G.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">De Oliveira, L.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Del Pozo Romano, V.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Delahaye, J.P.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Delikaris, D.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Dias de Almeida, P.G.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Dobers, T.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Doebert, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Doytchinov, I.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Draper, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Duarte Ramos, F.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Duquenne, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Egidos Plaja, N.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Elsener, K.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Esberg, J.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Esposito, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Evans, L.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Fedosseev, V.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Ferracin, P.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Fiergolski, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Foraz, K.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Fowler, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Friebel, F.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Fuchs, J-F.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Gaddi, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Gamba, D.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Garcia Fajardo, L.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Garcia Morales, H.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Garion, C.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Gasior, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Gatignon, L.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Gayde, J-C.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Gerbershagen, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Gerwig, H.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Giambelli, G.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Gilardi, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Goldblatt, A.N.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Gonzalez Anton, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Grefe, C.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Grudiev, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Guerin, H.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Guillot-Vignot, F.G.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Gutt-Mostowy, M.L.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Hein Lutz, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Hessler, C.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Holma, J.K.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Holzer, E.B.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Hourican, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Hynds, D.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Ikarios, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Inntjore Levinsen, Y.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Janssens, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Jeff, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Jensen, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Jonker, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Kamugasa, S.W.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Kastriotou, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Kemppinen, J.M.K.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Khan, V.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Kieffer, R.B.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Klempt, W.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Kokkinis, N.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Kossyvakis, I.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Kostka, Z.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Korsback, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Koukovini Platia, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Kovermann, J.W.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Kozsar, C-I.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Kremastiotis, I.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Kröger, J.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Kulis, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Latina, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Leaux, F.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Lebrun, P.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Lefevre, T.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Leogrande, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Liu, X.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Llopart Cudie, X.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Magnoni, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Maidana, C.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Maier, A.A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Mainaud Durand, H.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Mallows, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Manosperti, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Marelli, C.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Marin Lacoma, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Marsh, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Martin, R.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Martini, I.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Martyanov, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Mazzoni, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Mcmonagle, G.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Mether, L.M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Meynier, C.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Modena, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Moilanen, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Mondello, R.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Moniz Cabral, P.B.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Mouriz Irazabal, N.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Munker, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Muranaka, T.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Nadenau, J.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Navarro, J.G.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Navarro Quirante, J.L.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Nebo Del Busto, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Nikiforou, N.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Ninin, P.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Nonis, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Nisbet, D.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Nuiry, F.X.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Nürnberg, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Ögren, J.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Osborne, J.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Ouniche, A.C.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Pan, R.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Papadopoulou, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Papaphilippou, Y.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Paraskaki, G.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Pastushenko, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Passarelli, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Patecki, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Pazdera, L.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Pellegrini, D.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Pepitone, K.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Perez Codina, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Perez Fontenla, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Persson, T.H.B.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Pitman, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Pitters, F.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Pittet, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Plassard, F.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Popescu, D.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Quast, T.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Rajamak, R.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Redford, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Remandet, L.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Renier, Y.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Rey, S.F.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Rey Orozco, O.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Riddone, G.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Rodriguez Castro, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Roloff, P.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Rossi, C.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Rossi, F.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Rude, V.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Ruehl, I.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Rumolo, G.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Sailer, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Sandomierski, J.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Santin, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Sanz, C.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Sauza Bedolla, J.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Schnoor, U.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Schmickler, H.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Senes, E.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Serpico, C.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Severino, G.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Shipman, N.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Simoniello, R.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Skowronski, P.K.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Sobrino Mompean, P.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Soby, L.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Sollander, P.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Solodko, A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Sosin, M.P.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Spannagel, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Sroka, S.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Sterbini, G.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Stern, G.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Ström, R.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Stuart, M.J.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Syratchev, I.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Szypula, K.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Tecker, F.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Thonet, P.A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Thrane, P.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Timeo, L.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Tiirakari, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Tomas Garcia, R.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Tomoiaga, C.I.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Valerio, P.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Vaňát, T.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Vamvakas, A.L.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Van Hoorne, J.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Viazlo, O.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Vicente Barreto Pinto, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Vitoratou, N.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Vlachakis, V.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Weber, M.A.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Wegner, R.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Wendt, M.</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Widorski, M.</a> (CERN) ; 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Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25–30 years.</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> ISBN </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">9789290835066 (print version, paperback)<br/>9789290835073 (electronic version)<br/></td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> DOI </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">Publication: <a href="" title="DOI" target="_blank">10.23731/CYRM-2018-002</a> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Copyright/License </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">publication: © 2018-2025 CERN (License: <a href="">CC-BY-4.0</a>)<br/>preprint: (License: <a href="">CC-BY-4.0</a>)</td></tr> </table> <br/>Corresponding record in: <a href="">Inspire</a> <div style="box-sizing: inherit;position: relative;min-height: 1em;margin: 1em 10px;background: #f8f8f9;padding: 1em 1.5em;line-height: 1.4285em;transition: opacity .1s ease,color .1s ease,background .1s ease,box-shadow .1s ease,-webkit-box-shadow .1s ease;border-radius: .28571429rem;font-size: 1.1em;background-color: #f8ffff;color: #276f86;box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #a9d5de inset,0 0 0 0 transparent;"> <i class="fa fa-info"></i><span style="padding-left: 9px;"> To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the <a style="font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;" href=>CERN Library Catalogue</a> website. </span> </div> <small> </small> <small> </small> <br/><br/><div align="right"><div style="padding-bottom:2px;padding-top:30px;"><span class="moreinfo" style="margin-right:10px;"> <a href="" class="moreinfo">Back to search</a> </span></div></div> <div class="bottom-left-folded"><div class="recordlastmodifiedbox" style="position:relative;margin-left:1px"> Record created 2018-12-18, last modified 2024-12-19</div></div> <div class="bottom-right-folded" style="text-align:right;padding-bottom:2px;"> <span class="moreinfo" style="margin-right:10px;"><a href="/search?ln=en&p=recid%3A2652188&rm=wrd" class="moreinfo">Similar records</a></span></div> </div> </div> </div> <br/> <br /> <div class="detailedrecordminipanel"> <div class="top-left"></div><div class="top-right"></div> <div class="inside"> <div id="detailedrecordminipanelfile" style="width:33%;float:left;text-align:center;margin-top:0"> <div><small class="detailedRecordActions">CERN Report:</small> <br /><a href="/record/2652188/files/CLICSummaryReport.pdf"><img style="border:none" src="/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="Download fulltext"/>PDF</a><br /><small>(<a href="/record/2652188/files/">additional files</a>)</small><br /></div><div><small class="detailedRecordActions">Fulltext:</small> <br /><em>66-67-PB</em> - <a href="/record/2652188/files/66-67-PB.pdf"><img style="border:none" src="/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="Download fulltext"/>PDF</a><br /><em>1812.06018</em> - <a href="/record/2652188/files/1812.06018.pdf"><img style="border:none" src="/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="Download fulltext"/>PDF</a><br /><small>(<a href="/record/2652188/files/">additional files</a>)</small><br /></div> </div> <div id="detailedrecordminipanelreview" style="width:30%;float:left;text-align:center"> </div> <div id="detailedrecordminipanelactions" style="width:36%;float:right;text-align:right;"> <ul class="detailedrecordactions"> <li><a href="/yourbaskets/add?ln=en&recid=2652188">Add to personal basket</a></li> <li>Export as <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2652188/export/hx?ln=en">BibTeX</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2652188/export/hm?ln=en">MARC</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2652188/export/xm?ln=en">MARCXML</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2652188/export/xd?ln=en">DC</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2652188/export/xe?ln=en">EndNote</a>, <!-- <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2652188/export/xe8x?ln=en">EndNote (8-X)</a>,--> <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2652188/export/xn?ln=en">NLM</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2652188/export/xw?ln=en">RefWorks</a> </li> </ul> <div style='padding-left: 13px;'> <!-- JQuery Bookmark Button BEGIN --> <div id="bookmark"></div> <div id="bookmark_sciencewise"></div> <style type="text/css"> #bookmark_sciencewise, #bookmark {float: left;} #bookmark_sciencewise li {padding: 2px; 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Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. For an optimal exploitation of its physics potential, CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively, for a site length ranging from 11 km to 50 km. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which normal-conducting high-gradient 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in significant progress in recent years. Moreover, this has led to an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept, which matches the physics performance requirements and the CLIC experimental conditions, has been refined using improved software tools for simulation and reconstruction. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations with overlay of beam-induced backgrounds, and through parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25\u201330 years." }); // ]]> </script> <!-- JQuery Bookmark Button END --> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both;margin-bottom: 0;"></div> </div> <div class="bottom-left"></div><div class="bottom-right"></div> </div> </div></div> <footer id="footer" class="pagefooter clearfix"> <!-- replaced page footer --> <div class="pagefooterstripeleft"> CERN Document Server :: <a class="footer" href="">Search</a> :: <a class="footer" href="">Submit</a> :: <a class="footer" href="">Personalize</a> :: <a class="footer" href="">Help</a> :: <a class="footer" href="" target="_blank">Privacy Notice</a> :: <a class="footer" href="" target="_blank">Content Policy</a> :: <a class="footer" href="" target="_blank">Terms and Conditions</a> <br /> Powered by <a class="footer" href="">Invenio</a> <br /> Maintained by <a class="footer" href="">CDS Service</a> - Need help? 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