The Skyscraper Center

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Alternatively, you can determine the appropriate floor count from a known building's height. Generate your own height estimate below:</p> <p> <small>The user should be aware that non-standard building features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of these estimations. For more information, please read the <a href="">CTBUH Height Criteria</a>.</small> </p> </div> </div> <div class="section-new section-new--body"> <div class="container"> <div class="flex flex-wrap"> <div class="w-full md:w-1/3 pr-4"> <div> <div class="filter-label inline-block"> Function </div> <div class="con-tooltip relative inline-block"> <i class="fal fa-info-circle text-lightgray"></i> <div class="tooltip bg-white border-1 border-lightgray"> A single-function tall building is defined as one where 85% or more of its usable floor area is dedicated to a single usage. Thus a building with 90% office floor area would be said to be an &quot;office&quot; building, irrespective of other minor functions it may also contain. <br><br> A mixed-use tall building contains two or more functions (or uses), where each of the functions occupy a significant proportion of the tower's total space. Support areas such as car parks and mechanical plant space do not constitute mixed-use functions. Functions are denoted on CTBUH "Tallest Building" lists in descending order, e.g., "hotel/office" indicates hotel function above office function. </div> </div> </div> <p> <select id="function" class="height-calculator-function w-full mt-3 pr-10 py-4 px-3 focus:outline-none text-darkgray border border-lightgray"> <option value="office"> Single Use: Office </option> <option value="residential"> Single Use: Residential </option> <option value="hotel"> Single Use: Hotel </option> <option value="other-single"> Singe Use: Large floor-to-floor </option> <option value="office-residential"> Mixed Use: Office &amp; Residential </option> <option value="hotel-office"> Mixed Use: Office &amp; Hotel </option> <option value="hotel-residential"> Mixed Use: Residential &amp; Hotel </option> <option value="other-mixed"> Mixed Use: Large floor-to-floor </option> </select> </p> <p id="function-description">&nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="w-full md:w-1/3 pr-4"> <div> <div class="filter-label inline-block"> Floors Above Ground </div> <div class="con-tooltip relative inline-block"> <i class="fal fa-info-circle text-lightgray"></i> <div class="tooltip bg-white border-1 font-normal"> The number of floors above ground should include the ground floor level and be the number of main floors above ground, including any significant mezzanine floors and major mechanical plant floors. Mechanical mezzanines should not be included if they have a significantly smaller floor area than the major floors below. Similarly, mechanical penthouses or plant rooms protruding above the general roof area should not be counted. Note: CTBUH floor counts may differ from published accounts, as it is common in some regions of the world for certain floor levels not to be included (e.g., the level 4, 14, 24, etc. in Hong Kong). </div> </div> </div> <p> <input type="text" id="floor-count" class="w-full mt-3 pr-10 py-4 px-3 focus:outline-none text-darkgray border border-lightgray"/> </p> <p> <a id="generate-height" class="w-full sm:w-64 block md:inline-block mx-0 border-solid border-2 border-darkblue hover:bg-darkblue hover:bg-opacity-25 text-center font-medium text-darkblue px-4 py-4" href="javascript:void(0)"> Generate Height </a> </p> </div> <div class="w-full md:w-1/3 pr-4"> <div> <div class="filter-label inline-block"> Height (m) </div> <div class="con-tooltip relative inline-block"> <i class="fal fa-info-circle text-lightgray"></i> <div class="tooltip bg-white border-1 font-normal"> Height is measured from the level of the lowest, significant, open-air, pedestrian entrance to the architectural top of the building, including spires, but not including antennae, signage, flag poles or other functional-technical equipment. This measurement is the most widely utilized and is employed to define the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) rankings of the &quot;World&#039;s Tallest Buildings.&quot; </div> </div> </div> <p> <input type="text" id="height" class="w-full mt-3 pr-10 py-4 px-3 focus:outline-none text-darkgray border border-lightgray"/> </p> <p> <a id="generate-floor-count" class="w-full sm:w-64 block md:inline-block mx-0 border-solid border-2 border-darkblue hover:bg-darkblue hover:bg-opacity-25 text-center font-medium text-darkblue px-4 py-4" href="javascript:void(0)"> Generate Floor Count </a> </p> </div> </div> <div id="results-container" class="flex hidden mt-2"> <div class="w-full"> <div id="results-label" class="filter-label">Result:</div> <p id="results-value" class="text-3xl font-bold"> 0 m (0 ft) </p> <p id="results-information"> &nbsp; </p> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> const heightEstimationMetrics = $.parseJSON('{"office":{"function_key":"office","number_buildings":7178,"height_per_floor":4.3871,"label":"Single Use: Office","description":"85% or greater of total gross floor area (GFA) or building height","displayOrder":1},"residential":{"function_key":"residential","number_buildings":9480,"height_per_floor":3.4175,"label":"Single Use: Residential","description":"85% or greater of total gross floor area (GFA) or building height","displayOrder":2},"hotel":{"function_key":"hotel","number_buildings":1223,"height_per_floor":3.833,"label":"Single Use: Hotel","description":"85% or greater of total gross floor area (GFA) or building height","displayOrder":3},"other-single":{"function_key":"other-single","number_buildings":436,"height_per_floor":7.1718,"label":"Singe Use: Large floor-to-floor","description":"For example, retail, hospital, school, with 85% or greater of total gross floor area (GFA) or building height","displayOrder":4},"office-residential":{"function_key":"office-residential","number_buildings":484,"height_per_floor":3.9147,"label":"Mixed Use: Office & Residential","description":"At least 15% of total gross floor area (GFA) or building height each","displayOrder":5},"hotel-office":{"function_key":"hotel-office","number_buildings":416,"height_per_floor":4.4223,"label":"Mixed Use: Office & Hotel","description":"At least 15% of total gross floor area (GFA) or building height each","displayOrder":6},"hotel-residential":{"function_key":"hotel-residential","number_buildings":346,"height_per_floor":3.7512,"label":"Mixed Use: Residential & Hotel","description":"At least 15% of total gross floor area (GFA) or building height each","displayOrder":7},"other-mixed":{"function_key":"other-mixed","number_buildings":697,"height_per_floor":5.4647,"label":"Mixed Use: Large floor-to-floor","description":"For example, retail, hospital, school, with at least 15% total gross floor area (GFA) or building height for each function","displayOrder":11}}'); const metricsSummary = "The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing <strong>:buildingCount</strong> other buildings of the same <strong>:function</strong> function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation."; const floorsToHeightText = "Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of <strong>:floorCount</strong> floors."; const heightToFloorsText = "Please note that this floor count is estimated, based on a height of <strong>:height</strong>."; function displayResults(label, value, information) { $('#results-container').removeClass('hidden'); $('#results-label').html(label + ':'); $('#results-value').html(value); $('#results-information').html(information); } const dropdownUpdateFunction = function updateFunctionDescription() { let functionName = $('#function').val(); let heightEstimationMetric = heightEstimationMetrics[functionName]; if (heightEstimationMetric.description !== '') { $('#function-description').html(heightEstimationMetric.description); } } $(document).ready(function () { dropdownUpdateFunction(); $('#generate-height').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let floorCount = Math.round($('#floor-count').val()); let functionName = $('#function').val(); let functionDisplayName = $('#function > option:selected').text(); if (floorCount === '' || floorCount <= 0) { return alert('Please enter a valid floor count.'); } $('#height').val(''); let heightEstimationMetric = heightEstimationMetrics[functionName]; let heightInMeters = Math.round(heightEstimationMetric.height_per_floor * floorCount).toLocaleString('en-US'); let heightInFeet = Math.round(heightInMeters * 3.28084).toLocaleString('en-US'); let newFloorsToHeightText = floorsToHeightText.replace(':floorCount', floorCount); let newMetricsSummary = metricsSummary.replace(':buildingCount', heightEstimationMetric.number_buildings.toLocaleString('en-US')) .replace(':function', functionDisplayName); displayResults( "Height", heightInMeters + ' m (' + heightInFeet + ' ft)', newFloorsToHeightText + ' ' + newMetricsSummary ); }); $('#generate-floor-count').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let height = Math.round($('#height').val()); let functionName = $('#function').val(); let functionDisplayName = $('#function > option:selected').text(); if (height === '' || height <= 0) { return alert('Please enter a valid height.'); } $('#floor-count').val(''); let heightEstimationMetric = heightEstimationMetrics[functionName]; let floorCount = Math.round(height / heightEstimationMetric.height_per_floor).toLocaleString('en-US'); let newHeightToFloorsText = heightToFloorsText.replace(':height', height + ' m'); let newMetricsSummary = metricsSummary.replace(':buildingCount', heightEstimationMetric.number_buildings.toLocaleString('en-US')) .replace(':function', functionDisplayName); displayResults( "Floors", floorCount, newHeightToFloorsText + ' ' + newMetricsSummary ); }); $('#function').on('change', dropdownUpdateFunction); }); </script> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="pt-10 bg-black text-white"> <div class="container flex lg:justify-between flex-wrap lg:flex-no-wrap pb-6"> <div class="lg:self-end w-1/4"> <img class="lg:mb-3 object-contain" style="height: 120px;" src="" alt="Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat"> </div> <div class="lg:self-end w-full lg:w-1/2 text-center lg:mb-3 lg:order-none order-last"> <p class="text-white font-medium"> <a class="underline" onclick="showModal();">Sign up</a> for updates or follow us </p> <div class="social-content flex justify-center space-x-6 pt-4"> <a class="block self-center" href="" target="_blank"> <img style="width: 28px" src="" alt="X"> </a> <a class="block self-center" href="" target="_blank"> <img style="width: 28px" src="" alt="Instagram"> </a> <a class="block self-center" href="" target="_blank"> <img style="width: 28px" src="" alt="YouTube"> </a> <a class="block self-center" href="" target="_blank"> <img style="width: 28px" src="" alt="Facebook"> </a> <a class="block self-center" href="" target="_blank"> <img style="width: 28px" src="" alt="LinkedIn"> </a> <a class="block self-center" href="" target="_blank"> <img style="width: 28px" src="" alt="WeChat"> </a> </div> <p class="text-white font-medium pt-4 lg:pt-6 text-md lg:text-normal"> &copy; 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