School website design and prices | Greenhouse School Websites

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We're proud of all our work and, consistent with our values of honesty and transparency, we're happy to publish all of our projects from the last few years. </p> <p>In addition to bespoke designs, we also offer six budget-friendly <a href="/school-website-templates/primary-website-templates/">pre-designed school website templates</a>, and our premium websites which offer the normal bells and whistles of our bespoke designs, plus the cherry on top.</p> <p>Our <a href="/school-website-prices/comparison/">school website price comparison</a> page details what is included in each package, along with the possible optional extras.</p> <p>Can't find what you're looking for? Don't hesitate to <a href="/contactus/">contact us</a>.</p> <a class="hero-link" href="/school-website-portfolio/" title="View hundreds of our bespoke school website builds">Bespoke website portfolio</a> <a class="hero-link" href="/school-website-prices/comparison/" title="Compare prices for our template, bespoke and premium school websites">Website price comparison</a> </div> </div> </section> <section class="purple"> <div class="wrapper wrapper2"> <div class="text-container text-container2"> <h2 class="h1">Primary Schools<span>Primary School Website Design</span></h2> <p>As you might expect, primary school website designs make up a large part of our design portfolio. They showcase a wide variety of design styles - from village schools with illustrations of local landmarks to more contemporary designs featuring bold colours and full screen photos. Part of the joy of working with schools is discovering their individual personalities. </p> <p>Our highly experienced design consultants will spend a lot of time at the start of the design process discussing with you the needs of your school and understanding what makes it special. We think the results speak for themselves, so why not take a look at our primary school website designs?</p> <a class="link" href="/primary-school-website-design">More Primary School website designs</a> </div> <div class="portfolio-container" style="background-image:url(/i/portfolio/l%2881%29%2Ejpg)"> <p class="websitedescription">The new website for St Anselm's in Harrow features eye catching full screen background photos to instantly engage with the audience, showcasing the school and its' grounds. The schools' values rotate over the top. This is a compact, scroll free design with everything available in one view. Quick link buttons direct visitors to key information such as Admissions or the School Calendar.</p> <p><a class="link" href="/school-website-design/st-anselms-catholic-primary-school-website-HA1" title="Read more about the St Anselm's Catholic Primary School website">St Anselm's Catholic Primary School</a></p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="light-blue"> <div class="wrapper wrapper2"> <div class="text-container text-container3"> <h2 class="h1">Secondary Schools<span>Secondary School Website Design</span></h2> <p>Secondary school website design is an art of it's own, often having to appeal to a wide audience. There may be specialisms or facilities to highlight as well as school performance. </p> <p>We have a large portfolio of secondary school website designs to inspire you - it may all seem bewildering but our experienced consultants will guide you through the design options step by step. And our talented website designers are always happy to try things and go the extra mile to ensure your website design is 'just so'.</p> <a class="link" href="/secondary-school-website-design/">More Secondary School website designs</a> </div> <div class="portfolio-container" style="background-image:url(/i/portfolio/Hathershaw%5Flrg%2Ejpg)"> <p class="websitedescription">The website for The Hathershaw College in Oldham showcases many of our premium features including animated statistics, curriculum icons with pop-up windows and our social media wall. The colour scheme and graphics are all inspired by the school's logo and mouse-hover animations increase the visual impact of the site.</p> <p><a class="link" href="/school-website-design/hathershaw-college-website-design-OL8" title="Read more about the The Hathershaw College website">The Hathershaw College</a></p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="orange"> <div class="wrapper wrapper2"> <div class="text-container text-container4"> <h2 class="h1">Multi Academy Trusts<span>MAT Website Design</span></h2> <p>As well as working on an ever increasing number of Academy website designs, we also design websites for Multi Academy Trusts themselves. There are different design considerations for Trust websites, such as communicating what the MAT stands for, the members of the Trust or the benefits of joining the Trust. </p> <p>Many Trusts also ask us to design a 'family look' and work with them to develop brand guidelines for the whole Trust. Our Trust websites also come with tools to allow the Trust to <strong>automatically populate policies, reports and news onto their school websites</strong>. Again, our experienced design consultants will discuss this with you, providing suggestions and guidance as you require. Whatever the size or aspirations for your Multi Academy Trust website design, we hope our portfolio provides you with the inspiration and confidence to ask us to help.</p> <a class="link" href="/trust-website-design/">More Multi Academy Trust website designs</a> </div> <div class="portfolio-container" style="background-image:url(/i/portfolio/EFSPT%5Flrg%2Ejpg)"> <p class="websitedescription">The website for Epping Forest Partnership Trust in Abridge, Romford. A panelled design displays the Trust's key information in a stylish and engaging way. This website has an illustrative nature theme, adding personality and atmosphere as you browse. </p> <p><a class="link" href="/school-website-design/epping-forestefspt-RM4" title="Read more about the Epping Forest - EFSPT website">Epping Forest - EFSPT</a></p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="green"> <div class="wrapper wrapper2"> <div class="text-container text-container4"> <h2 class="h1">Independent Schools<span>Websites for independent / private schools</span></h2> <p>Independent schools often have a strong reputation and history which must be reflected in their website design. They may have amazing grounds or facilities and many may be in a highly competitive admissions environment. Whatever the unique characteristics and personality of your school, we'll work with you closely to understand these and ensure that your school website design is convincing and persuasive, as well as ensuring any competitive or marketing opportunities you desire are maximised.</p> <a class="link" href="/school-website-portfolio/?Phase=Independent">More Independent School website designs</a> </div> <div class="portfolio-container" style="background-image:url(/i/portfolio/Rathdown%2DMusic%5Flrg%2Ejpg)"> <p class="websitedescription">The Rathdown Music School has a clean and classic site that uses full-screen scrolling images that display their attitude to learning and the instruments that they teach at the school. A quick links panel has been incorporated to aid in the navigation of the site as well as social media buttons, a translate button and a search function for the website. </p> <p><a class="link" href="/school-website-design/rathdown-music-school-website-A96" title="Read more about the Rathdown Music School website">Rathdown Music School</a></p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="light-blue"> <div class="wrapper wrapper2"> <div class="text-container text-container4"> <h2 class="h1">Special Schools<span>Websites for special needs / SEN schools</span></h2> <p>Special schools are very varied and often smaller than other schools. It's our job to listen carefully to your needs and suggest ideas for your school website design based on our experience of working with so many other special schools over the years.</p> <p>Our school websites are already built to be accessible and user-friendly, but we can incorporate extra tools if the school website has an audience with additional learning needs.</p> <a class="link" href="/school-website-portfolio/?Phase=Special">More SEN school website designs</a> </div> <div class="portfolio-container" style="background-image:url(/i/portfolio/ChapelGreen%5Flrg%5F%281%29%2Ejpg)"> <p class="websitedescription">A website for Chapel Green School, Attleborough. A clean, scroll free design with a rotating strapline, social media buttons and an overall bright colour palette.</p> <p><a class="link" href="/school-website-design/chapel-green-school-website-NR17" title="Read more about the Chapel Green School website">Chapel Green School</a></p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="purple"> <div class="wrapper wrapper2"> <div class="text-container text-container4"> <h2 class="h1">Sixth Form Colleges<span>Websites for sixth form colleges</span></h2> <p>Sixth Form College websites often have a modern, dare we say it, trendy look, appealing as they must to students as well as more traditional audiences.Such websites will usually have more visitors from smartphones than desktops and tablets combined.</p> <p>A dedicated sixth form website allows a sixth form to express a personality which is more distinct to their secondary cousins. On a more practical level, a dedicated sixth form website provides a space for the sixth form to describe it's curriculum in detail, the facilities sixth formers enjoy as well as the extra curricular activities on offer. Not forgetting the all important section for alumni!</p> <a class="link" href="/school-website-portfolio/?Phase=sixthform">More Sixth Form College website designs</a> </div> <div class="portfolio-container" style="background-image:url(/i/portfolio/Luton%2DSixth%2DForm%5Flrg%2Ejpg"> <p class="websitedescription">The website for Luton Sixth Form College, Luton. A graphically striking and interactive design, which plays on the school's 'line bar' logo and branding. There's lots of personality in this design. The website has a clear focus on communication and engagement with visitors to the website. The animated features and bright colours draw the eye of the visitor.</p> <p><a class="link" href="/school-website-design/-LU2" title="Read more about the Luton College Sixth Form website">Luton College Sixth Form</a></p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="white"> <div class="wrapper wrapper2"> <div class="text-container text-container1 text-container2"> <h1 class="h1">What makes a good school website design?</span></h2> <p>Before embarking on a new school website design, it's important to ask yourself the following questions:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Who is your key target audience?</strong><br> Typically this would be prospective parents, but it could also be current parents, prospective staff and students, Ofsted inspectors and the wider community.<br> It might be helpful to create a user profile (or profiles) of your key audience. </li> <li><strong>What would be the typical website journey of your key audience? </strong><br> The design should incorporate aids to make this journey smoother.</li> <li><strong>How is your school perceived in the community?</strong><br> A new school website design can tackle any negative perceptions and reinforce positive messages.</li> <li><strong>Are there any lessons to learn from competing schools?</strong><br> It's OK to build on something you might have seen on another website. Conversely, it's wise to differentiate your school website from others.</li> <li><strong>Do you have a key message?</strong><br> Perhaps you need to address some previous negative publicity. Or maybe the school has joined a Multi Academy Trust and has a new ethos. </li> </ul> <p>We try to tease out this information in our design briefing. Having built over 2000 school websites, we have vast experience in knowing how best to target the key audiences for schools. But if our design doesn't hit the spot first time around, or opens up a wider debate in the school, we will happily go back to the drawing board and continue to iterate until everyone is on board and excited.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </section> </article> </main> <!-- Footer --> <!--Start of Script--> <script type="text/javascript"> var Tawk_API = Tawk_API || {}, Tawk_LoadStart = new Date(); (function () { var s1 = document.createElement("script"), s0 = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s1.async = true; s1.src = ''; s1.charset = 'UTF-8'; s1.setAttribute('crossorigin', '*'); s0.parentNode.insertBefore(s1, s0); })(); </script> <!--End of Script--> <!-- Calendly badge widget begin --> <!-- removed 1608/21 <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="" type="text/javascript" async></script> <script type="text/javascript">window.onload = function() { Calendly.initBadgeWidget({ url: '', text: 'Schedule call', color: '#9dcf32', textColor: '#ffffff', branding: false }); }</script> --> <!-- Calendly badge widget end --> <footer id="footer22"> <h1 class="heading2022">Find Out More</h1> <div class="wrapper2022" id="contact-scroll"> <div class="left-col"> <p class="tel"><span>Call us on</span><a href="tel:08009553999">0800 955 3999</a></p> <div id="social22"> <p>We Are Social</p> <ul> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"><img loading="lazy" src="/images/2022/footer/social/twitter.png" alt="Twitter"></a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"><img loading="lazy" src="/images/2022/footer/social/facebook.png" alt="Facebook"></a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"><img loading="lazy" src="/images/2022/footer/social/instagram.png" alt="Instagram"></a> </li> <!-- <li> <a href="#" target="_blank"><img loading="lazy" src="/images/2022/footer/social/blog.png" alt="Blog"></a> </li> --> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="middle-col"> <!-- Contact Form --> <form action="" method="post" name="ContactForm" id="contactform22"> <!-- Heading --> <h2>Hi, I'm interested in&hellip;</h2><br> <!-- Hidden fields --> <input type="hidden" name="FORM_ID" value="72a013be-f8ec-4505-85a1-e5177b8e0c8e"> <input type="hidden" name="COMPLETE_URL" value=""> <label for="CUSTOMFIELD[Interest_Bespoke]" class="label_check"> <input type="checkbox" id="CUSTOMFIELD[Interest_Bespoke]" name="CUSTOMFIELD[Interest_Bespoke]" value="Y"> Bespoke websites </label> <label for="CUSTOMFIELD[Interest_Prosp_Branding]" class="label_check"> <input type="checkbox" id="CUSTOMFIELD[Interest_Prosp_Branding]" name="CUSTOMFIELD[Interest_Prosp_Branding]" value="Y"> Prospectus or Branding </label> <label for="CUSTOMFIELD[Interest_App]" class="label_check"> <input type="checkbox" id="CUSTOMFIELD[Interest_App]" name="CUSTOMFIELD[Interest_App]" value="Y"> Mobile apps </label> <label for="CUSTOMFIELD[Interest_MockUp]" class="label_check"> <input type="checkbox" id="CUSTOMFIELD[Interest_MockUp]" name="CUSTOMFIELD[Interest_MockUp]" value="Y"> Free Mockup </label> <br> <!-- Contact Details --> <input type="text" name="PERSON_NAME" value="" id="PERSON_NAME" placeholder="Name"> <input type="text" name="ORGANISATION_NAME" id="ORGANISATION_NAME" value="" placeholder="School"> <input type="text" name="EMAIL" id="EMAIL" value="" placeholder="E-mail address"> <!-- Message --> <textarea name="NOTE" rows="5" id="NOTE" placeholder="Message (optional)"></textarea> <style type="text/css" scoped> #comment-field { display: none; 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