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Privacy Policy</a></li><br/><br/> <li>We have detailed reference links describing our privacy practices for a wide range of Yahoo! products and services.<br/> <a href="" class="bb-url">Find them here.</a></li> </ul> </div><!-- class="cont" --> </div><!-- class="yinfcctgry" --> <!-- End Top Questions --><!--Begin More Help Links--> <div class="yinfcctgry"> <h3>Relevant Advertising</h3> <div class="cont"> By bringing content and advertising to you that is relevant and tailored to your interests, Yahoo! provides a more compelling online experience. Our customized "smart" services save you time and cut through the clutter. <a href="" class="bb-url">Learn More about relevant advertising</a>. </div><!-- class="cont" --> </div><!-- class="yinfcctgry" --> <!--End More Help Links--> <!--Begin custom left block--> <div class="yinfcctgry"> <h3>Opt-Out</h3> <div class="cont"> Prefer not to receive advertising based on your interests? 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You do not need to be registered to search or view public photos on Flickr, however you must be a registered member of Flickr or Yahoo! to post.</p> <p><span style="font-weight:bold">Information Collection and Use Practices</span></p> <p><ul class="bb-list"> <li>You can choose to make your photos public for anyone to access, restrict access to a limited number of other Flickr users, or keep those photos private so only you can access them.</li> <li>Advertisements shown to you may be related to textual information, such as metadata and notes, associated with the photo you are seeing, or the search term you entered. </li> </ul></p> <p><span style="font-weight:bold">Information Sharing and Disclosure Practices</span></p> <p> <ul class="bb-list"> <li>You can specify whether or not you want your photos to be accessible to the public, accessible to a select few, or private (only you can access them with your Yahoo! ID and password). </li> </ul></p> <p><span style="font-weight:bold">Practices Regarding Your Ability to Update or Delete Information</span></p> <p><ul class="bb-list"> <li>You can delete individual photos that you have on Flickr by selecting the photos that you wish to delete, then clicking the delete button. Or you can delete groups of photos using batch operations.</li> <li>Visit your <a href="" class="bb-url">Flickr account information</a> area to edit your profile, default privacy settings for photos, and more. </li> <li>Communication with you <ul class="bb-list"> <li>Flickr communication is currently managed separately from your Yahoo! <a href="" class="bb-url">Marketing Preferences</a> and <a href="" class="bb-url">Subscriptions</a>. </li> <li>Visit your Flickr account information area to edit your <a href="" class="bb-url">email notification settings</a>.</li> <li>Flickr Pro accounts cannot be canceled.</li> </ul></li></ul></p> <p><span style="font-weight:bold">Other</span></p> <p><ul class="bb-list"> <li>When you use Flickr, you are subject to the <a href="" class="bb-url">Yahoo! Terms of Service</a> and <a href="" class="bb-url">Yahoo! Community Guidelines</a>.</li> <li>Please see <a href="" class="bb-url">Flickr Help</a> if you have questions about this service. </li> </ul></p> <p>This page describes current Yahoo! practices with respect to this particular service. This information may change as Yahoo! revises this service by adding or removing features or using different service providers. To find out how Yahoo! treats your personal information, please visit our Privacy Policy.</p> <!-- End Answer --> </div><!-- class="yinfcctn" --> </div><!-- class="yinfcbxi" --> <span class="cb"><span class="cl"></span></span> </div><!-- class="yinfcbx" --> </div><!-- id="rb" --> </div><!-- id="yhlp-wrap" --> <div id="yhlp-foot"> <div style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10px; text-align:center; "> Copyright 漏 <!-- -->2012<!-- --> Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved.<br></br> <a href="">Privacy</a> | <a href="">Legal</a> </div> <!-- Yahoo! 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