Nursing Science & Practice Conference | Nursing Science Conferences
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The provider number is CEP 17854.</p> <p class="text-big font-accent text-spacing-40">Here's a summary of the important information: </p> <p class="text-big font-accent text-spacing-40"><Strong>Credit Assessment:</Strong> CEUs are determined based on actual attendance, and the maximum number of CEUs will be adjusted if the overall education hours change.</p> <p class="text-big font-accent text-spacing-40"><strong>Eligibility for CEUs:</strong> Only registered attendees are eligible to request CEUs for their participation.</p> <p class="text-big font-accent text-spacing-40"><strong>Request Submission:</strong> Requests for CEUs must be submitted in writing via email.</p> <p class="text-big font-accent text-spacing-40"><strong>Virtual Participation Requirement:</strong> For virtual participation, attendees must use the online virtual conference format (not just the dial-in option) to facilitate attendance monitoring. USG United Scientific Group is committed to deliver exceptional video and audio production for the Nursing Science-2025 conference, ensuring that virtual attendees have a similar experience to in-person participants.</p> <p class="text-big font-accent text-spacing-40"><strong>Submission Format: </strong>Only written requests will be considered. If you want to make a request, you should do so by sending an email to the specified email address, <a href=""></a>.</p> <p class="text-big font-accent text-spacing-40">If you are interested in requesting CEUs, ensure that you adhere to these guidelines and follow the specified process for submission. It's important to include all necessary information in your written request and to use the designated email address provided for communication regarding CEU requests. If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, consider reaching out to the organization through the provided contact information.</p> </div><!-- Col end --> </div><!-- Content row end --> </div><!-- Container end --> </section> <!-- Page Footer--> <footer class="site-footer pt-5 pb-2"> <div class="container"> <div class="row align-items-center"> <div class="col-lg-12 col-12 border-bottom pb-3 mb-3"> <div class="row g-5"> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6"> <h4 class="mb-4 brand-text navbar-brand">Contact Information</h4> <p class="mb-2"><i class="fa fa-map-marker-alt me-3"></i>United Scientific Group</strong> <br> A non-profit organization</p> <p class="mb-2"><i class="fa fa-map-marker-alt me-3"></i>8105, Suite 112, Rasor Blvd <br> Plano, TX 75024, USA</p> <p class="mb-2"><i class="fa fa-phone-alt me-3"></i>+1-469-854-2280/81</p> <p class="mb-2"><i class="fa fa-phone-alt me-3"></i>+1-844-395-4102</p> <p class="mb-2"><i class="fa fa-envelope me-3"></i><a href="" class="text-white"></a></p> <p class="mb-2"><i class="fa fa-envelope me-3"></i><a href="" class="text-white"></a></p> <div class="d-flex pt-2"> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6"> <h4 class="brand-text mb-4 navbar-brand">Quick Links</h4> <ul style="list-style:none; 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