The best neighborhoods in Philadelphia to visit - Lonely Planet
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src=""/><div class="container xl:max-w-6xl xl:border-sand-300 xl:border xl:border-b-0 xl:border-t-0"><p class="p-2 text-xs text-right container lg:max-w-4xl">Get to know the real Philly by exploring these six best neighborhoods © Jana Shea / Shutterstock</p></div></div></div></header><div class="py-14 container xl:max-w-6xl xl:border-sand-300 xl:border xl:border-b-0 xl:border-t-0 xl:py-24"><div class="lg:px-24"><div><div class="lg:w-full styles_block__5n3XJ"><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">As the home of <a href="">Independence Hall</a>, where the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were debated and signed by the country’s forefathers, <a href="">Philadelphia</a> is a top destination for history buffs.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">But this city has so much more. It's home to the largest urban park in the nation, a 3,000-year-old Egyptian sphinx and an exciting brewery scene. One of the greatest ways to get to know the City of Brotherly Love is through its vibrant and distinctive neighborhoods. Here are some of the best neighborhoods in Philadelphia to visit.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">1. Brewerytown</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Best neighborhood for parks and picnics</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Best known for its century-old brewing history, this neighborhood northwest of Center City is perfectly positioned to shop for all the makings of an alfresco lunch after a visit to the <a href="">Philadelphia Museum of Art</a> or the <a href="">Philadelphia Zoo</a>. Head to <a href="">Rybrew</a> to peruse their selection of more than 300 beers, and order a couple of their stacked sandwiches as well.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">To try another local delicacy, seek out <a href="">Spot Burger</a> for one of the best cheesesteaks in town. Take your spoils to nearby Fairmount Park, where you can find yourself the perfect picnic spot among the 9,200-acre park, such as Glendinning Rock Garden or Boathouse Row, especially if one of the rowing clubs’ regattas is scheduled.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Brewerytown is a residential neighborhood, so if you choose to base yourself here, you’ll be opting for apartment rentals over hotels. You’ll be well situated to take advantage of Fairmount Park and the Museum of Art, but public transportation is limited in Brewerytown.</p><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 my-12"></div><figure class="my-24 lg:w-[calc(100%+5rem)] lg:-ml-10"><img alt="Restaurant with outdoor dining in Fishtown area of North Philadelphia, Pennsylvania" loading="lazy" width="3409" height="2380" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-contain w-full bg-black-100" style="color:transparent" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1200px, (min-width: 448px) 95vw, 100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 750w, 828w, 1024w, 1080w, 1200w, 1280w, 1920w, 2048w, 3840w" src=""/><figcaption class="text-right mt-2 text-xs">Fishtown is the place to try an inventive brew © Jon Lovette / Getty Images</figcaption></figure><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">2. Fishtown</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Best neighborhood for a night out</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">North of Old City, Fishtown is one of Philadelphia’s most vibrant neighborhoods for food and music lovers, but it’s also home to a robust craft beer scene. At <a href="">Philadelphia Brewing</a>, one of the oldest breweries in town, visitors can tour the facility to learn about its history and process before sampling Pennsylvania Pale Ale and Walt Wit, an unfiltered Belgian-style white ale.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Find a seat in the spacious courtyard at <a href="">Evil Genius</a> and order one of the inventive brews, such as a chocolate peanut butter porter or guava IPA. <a href="">St Oners</a> is the city outpost of suburban brewery Tired Hands, serving a fresh selection of its latest beers.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Hotels in this neighborhood are sleek and modern for the ultimate taste of city living, and the MFL Septa Line provides easy access to the rest of the city.</p><div class="my-12"><div class="relative w-full h-0 rounded overflow-hidden" style="padding-bottom:56.25%"><iframe class="absolute left-0 top-0 w-full h-full aspect-[16/9]" title="YouTube video player" src="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></div><p class="text-xs text-right mt-3">YouTube video player</p></div><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">3. East Passyunk</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Best neighborhood for restaurants</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The South Philly neighborhood of East Passyunk is anchored by one slanted street that passes across the rest of the grid. For breakfast, stop by modern Jewish bakery <a href="">Essen</a> for coffee and chocolate babka or <a href="">Vanilya</a>, just a few blocks south, for one of the city’s best bagels. (Don’t skip the Turkish sausage.) Stop into East London-style pie shop <a href="">Stargazy</a> for classic shepherd’s pie, sausage rolls, and, on Fridays, fish and chips.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Grab a cocktail at <a href="">Manatawny Still Works</a>, made with the distillery’s small-batch whiskey. For dinner, sample James Beard-winning Chef Cristina Martínez’s authentic <a href="">Casa Mexico</a>, and be sure to save room for dessert at <a href="">D’Emilio’s Old World Ice Treats</a>, where Chris D’Emilio is churning out water ice – a Philadelphia summer staple – using fresh ingredients and his grandmother’s recipe.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Situate yourself in an apartment rental in this neighborhood if you want easy access to the sports stadiums and the opportunity to live like a local for a few days.</p><figure class="my-24 lg:w-[calc(100%+5rem)] lg:-ml-10"><img alt="Staff members work in Shane Confectionery in Philadelphia, with an old-style blue and white interior" loading="lazy" width="4246" height="2170" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-contain w-full bg-black-100" style="color:transparent" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1200px, (min-width: 448px) 95vw, 100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 750w, 828w, 1024w, 1080w, 1200w, 1280w, 1920w, 2048w, 3840w" src=""/><figcaption class="text-right mt-2 text-xs">Pick up some gifts in Old City stores like Shane Confectionery © G. Widman / Visit Philadelphia</figcaption></figure><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">4. Old City</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Best neighborhood for shopping</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Philadelphia’s Old City is the historical heart of the city. The country's democracy was born here, and you can explore it with a firsthand look at Betsy Ross’s flag at <a href="">Betsy Ross’s home-now-museum</a> or the crack in the <a href="">Liberty Bell</a>. It’s also a great spot for shopping. Hit up <a href="">Omoi Zakka</a> for a well-curated selection of beautiful Japanese stationery and home accessories. Find locally made Philly-themed gifts at <a href="">Philadelphia Independents</a>.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">For a sweet souvenir, stop into <a href="">Shane Confectionery</a>, where chocolate has been made for 150 years.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Old City is the tourist center of Philadelphia, so the neighborhood's hotels are well-appointed and large, with easy access to the rest of the city by train or on foot.</p><figure class="my-24 lg:w-[calc(100%+5rem)] lg:-ml-10"><img alt="A person walks past the Sphinx of Ramses II in a darkened room in the Penn Museum in Philadelphia" loading="lazy" width="5237" height="3491" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-contain w-full bg-black-100" style="color:transparent" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1200px, (min-width: 448px) 95vw, 100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 750w, 828w, 1024w, 1080w, 1200w, 1280w, 1920w, 2048w, 3840w" src=""/><figcaption class="text-right mt-2 text-xs">Find the 3000-year-old Sphinx of Ramses II at the Penn Museum © Norman Wharton / Alamy</figcaption></figure><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">5. University City</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Best neighborhood for culture</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">This corner of West Philadelphia gets its name from the University of Pennsylvania, Drexel University and the other higher-learning institutions in the neighborhood. But it’s not all college bars and pizza joints. At the <a href="">Penn Museum</a>, find the 25,000-pound, 3,000-year-old Sphinx of Ramses II, plus galleries showcasing archaeological items originating in Africa, Central America and beyond.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Stroll through Penn’s campus to see sculptures by world-renowned artists, including Alexander Calder, Robert Indiana and Simone Leigh. Leigh's sculpture Brick House sits at the entrance to College Green on the corner of 34th and Walnut Streets. On a hot day, stop into <a href="">Lil Pop Shop</a> for small-batch popsicles.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">To stay nearby, book a room at the historic <a href="">Cornerstone Bed & Breakfast</a> for Victorian-era charm and lemon buttermilk pancakes. Stay in this neighborhood if your activities are centered on University City or if you’ve visited Philly before and want a new perspective on the city.</p><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 my-12"></div><figure class="my-24 lg:w-[calc(100%+5rem)] lg:-ml-10"><img alt="A huge audience watches a performance at The Met in Philadelphia" loading="lazy" width="2048" height="1152" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-contain w-full bg-black-100" style="color:transparent" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1200px, (min-width: 448px) 95vw, 100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 750w, 828w, 1024w, 1080w, 1200w, 1280w, 1920w, 2048w, 3840w" src=""/><figcaption class="text-right mt-2 text-xs">The Met, originally designed as an opera house, is now a concert hall and events venue © Live Nation</figcaption></figure><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">6. North Broad</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Best neighborhood for music and public art</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The North Broad neighborhood has been experiencing a bit of a renaissance since the 2018 reopening of the beautifully restored former opera house, <a href="">The Met Philadelphia</a>. Big-name performers include Demi Lovato, John Legend, and Alicia Keys.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Before the show, book a table at one of the new or long-established restaurants on this stretch of Broad St. <a href="">Cicala</a> showcases southern Italian cuisine, such as handmade pasta with octopus and linguine with mussels. To sample more of the city’s best Italian food, served on a peaceful garden patio, stop into <a href="">Osteria</a>. The neighborhood is also awash in public art, with the colorful 55ft North Poles lining Broad St from Hamilton St to Glenwood Ave and several notable larger-than-life artworks from Mural Arts.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Stay in the North Broad neighborhood if you want easy access to music venues and don’t mind a little of Philly’s signature grittiness.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">7. Chestnut Hill</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Best neighborhood for families</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Situated on the northwestern edge of the city, Chestnut Hill is known for its tree-lined streets, charming historic homes and family-friendly atmosphere. </p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">For a family day out, visit <a href="">Morris Arboretum</a>, a 92-acre public garden with stunning landscapes, treehouses, fountains and a collection of rare trees. Kids will love the Out on a Limb canopy walk, which allows them to explore the treetops, while adults can enjoy the beautiful Victorian fernery and seasonal events.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Germantown Avenue, the neighborhood’s main thoroughfare, is bustling with locally owned shops, art galleries and antique stores. After a day of shopping, take a break at one of the many cozy cafes, such as <a href="">Cake</a>, or enjoy local favorites, like <a href="">McNally’s Tavern</a>, famous for its Schmitter sandwich, which takes a traditional cheesesteak up a notch with thin slices of beef piled onto a Kaiser roll with fried salami, melted provolone cheese and grilled onions.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">For a family-friendly stay, the <a href="">Chestnut Hill Hotel</a>, located on Germantown Avenue, has suites and family rooms.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">8. Rittenhouse Square</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Best neighborhood for luxury shops and hotels</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><a href="">Rittenhouse Square</a> is Philly’s wealthiest neighborhood and a hub for upscale dining, luxury hotels and designer boutiques. At the heart of this area lies Rittenhouse Square Park, a beautifully manicured public space surrounded by elegant townhouses and chic high-rise buildings. </p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Surrounding the square are some of Philadelphia’s finest restaurants, like the Parisian-style <a href="">Parc</a> bistro and modern steakhouse <a href="">Barclay Prime</a>, which features a $120 cheesesteak made with wagyu beef, foie gras and truffles.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Just steps from the park are the <a href="">Rittenhouse Hotel</a> and the <a href="">Warwick Hotel Rittenhouse Square</a>, both offering high-end accommodations.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">9. Northern Liberties</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Best neighborhood for arts and entertainment</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Known as “NoLibs,” Northern Liberties has transformed into one of Philly’s most exciting and best neighborhoods for young professionals. This former industrial area has evolved into a creative hub where historic warehouses have been converted into art galleries, restaurants and music venues, like <a href="">The Fillmore</a>, which hosts everything from indie rock to national headliners.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">At the heart of Northern Liberties is The Piazza, an ample outdoor space designed to be the neighborhood’s social centerpiece. The Piazza hosts live concerts, outdoor movie screenings and art festivals. The surrounding area is home to various restaurants and bars where you can grab a bite before or after an event, such as Standard Tap, one of the city’s original gastropubs, and <a href="">Pretty Girls Cook</a>, a soul food restaurant serving fried chicken, mac-n-cheese and collard greens with a contemporary flair.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">While NoLibs is popular, it doesn’t feature many traditional hotels. Home and apartment rental options in converted industrial spaces are popular.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">10. Bella Vista</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Best neighborhood for Italian food and markets</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Located between South Street and Passyunk Square, Bella Vista is a residential area with tree-lined streets and a rich Italian heritage. The <a href="">South 9th Street Italian Market </a>is one of the oldest and largest open-air markets in the United States. Here, visitors can stroll through blocks of bustling stalls filled with fresh produce, meats, cheeses, fresh pasta and Italian pastries.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Stop in <a href="">Ralph’s Italian Restaurant</a>, one of the oldest in the country, serving dishes like veal parmigiana and spaghetti with meatballs. But the neighborhood’s influence extends beyond food. It’s also home to the <a href="">Fleisher Art Memorial</a>, one of the oldest community art schools, where visitors can view rotating exhibitions that showcase local talent. <a href="">The Magic Gardens</a> is another must-see in the city. This stunning garden by artist Isaiah Zagar is covered in intricate mosaics from found objects.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Bella Vista is primarily a residential neighborhood, so hotel options are limited. The <a href="">Philadelphia Bella Vista Bed & Breakfast</a> is a cozy option.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">11. Washington Square</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Best neighborhood for historical landmarks</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Located adjacent to Old City, <a href="">Washington Square</a> perfectly blends the past and present. This neighborhood is home to Washington Square Park, one of the original five public squares planned by city founder William Penn, which is the site of a mass grave for soldiers from the Revolutionary War. Today, it’s also the location of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.</p><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 my-12 shadow p-6"></div><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Beyond its historical significance, Washington Square is also home to cultural and artistic institutions, including the <a href="">Athenaeum of Philadelphia</a>. This museum and library hold an impressive collection of books and exhibits on American architecture and history. </p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The neighborhood also hosts some of Philly’s best restaurants, such as <a href="">Vedge</a>, a critically acclaimed vegan restaurant housed in a historic mansion, and <a href="">Talula’s Garden</a>, which features a farm-to-table dining experience that blends rustic elegance with fresh, seasonal ingredients. </p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The <a href="">Kimpton Hotel Monaco</a> is a great option, providing a boutique hotel experience that’s also a popular hotspot for locals.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">12. Center City</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Best neighborhood for big-city ambiance</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">At the heart of Philly, Center City is the city’s bustling epicenter and home to some of the city’s tallest skyscrapers and luxury high-rise apartments. With retail experiences ranging from high-end boutiques to popular department stores, it’s one of the best neighborhoods for shopping. Start at the <a href="">Shops at Liberty Place</a>, which features brands like Bloomingdale’s, head to Rittenhouse Row for designer shops like Vince, and then go to Macy’s in the historic Wanamaker Building. Home to the largest pipe organ in the world, the building dates back to 1861 and often appears in movies filmed in Philadelphia.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Cultural landmarks abound in Center City, such as <a href="">City Hall</a>, the largest municipal building in the U.S. <a href="">Dilworth Park</a>, located just outside City Hall, is a gathering place that has an ice rink in the winter, outdoor movie screenings in the summer and a café for casual dining. Across the street is Love Park, with the iconic “Love” sculpture by Robert Indiana.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The <a href="">Four Seasons Hotel Philadelphia at Comcast Center</a> is a stunning property in the heart of Center City, perched atop the 60-story <a href="">Comcast Center</a>, Philadelphia’s tallest building. The rooms on the 48th and 56th floors are designed with floor-to-ceiling windows with amazing city views.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">13. Roxborough</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Best neighborhood for outdoor lovers</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Located along the Schuylkill River (pronounced SKOO-kill), Roxborough has a quieter, more suburban feel while still being close to the city. The neighborhood’s greatest asset is its outdoor spaces. <a href="">Wissahickon Valley Park</a>, part of the larger Fairmont Park system, is a sprawling natural oasis offering over 50 miles of hiking, biking and horseback riding trails. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy the Forbidden Drive, a scenic trail along Wissahickon Creek that winds through the lush forest. <a href="">Valley Green Inn</a>, located on the trail, is a historic restaurant perfect for a post-hike meal or weekend brunch.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">In addition to Wissahickon Valley Park, Roxborough is home to sections of the <a href="">Schuylkill River Trail</a>, a multi-use path that stretches over 75 miles, perfect for biking, running or taking a leisurely walk along the river. Also, Gorgas Park hosts seasonal events like outdoor concerts, farmers’ markets and festivals that fosters a strong sense of community.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Roxborough is more of a suburban and residential area, so seek out short-term rentals close to the river and parks when booking accommodations.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">14. Society Hill</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Best neighborhood for architectural charm</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Known for its well-preserved colonial-era homes and cobblestone streets, Society Hill is one of Philadelphia’s most picturesque and historic neighborhoods. Located just east of Independence Hall, its charm is its 18th-century Georgian and Federal-style row houses and gas street lamps. Headhouse Square, with its open-air market and red-brick buildings, is one of the oldest continuously operating markets in the nation.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Significant sites in the neighborhood include St. Peter’s Church, built in 1761, and the <a href="">Powel House</a>, home to Philadelphia’s first mayor after the Revolution, Samuel Powel, offers guided tours.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Choose the <a href="">Morris House Hotel</a>, housed in a historic building, for colonial-era charm. Or, go for the <a href="">Hilton Philadelphia at Penn’s Landing</a> for scenic waterfront views.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">15. Fairmont</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Best neighborhood for art lovers</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Known as Philadelphia’s art district, Fairmount features the iconic <a href="">Philadelphia Museum of Art</a> at its center. Famous for its grand steps immortalized in the Rocky films, the museum houses an expansive collection of European, American and modern art with works by Van Gogh, Monet and Picasso.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Just down the street is the Barnes Foundation, home to one of the finest collections of impressionist and post-impressionist paintings in the world. Art lovers will also appreciate the <a href="">Rodin Museum</a> with more than 140 sculptures by French sculptor Auguste Rodin.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Another landmark in the area is <a href="">Eastern State Penitentiary</a>, a Gothic-style prison that once housed Al Capone. It’s now a museum. Visitors can tour the crumbling cell blocks, especially during the Halloween season when it is transformed into a haunted house.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Fairmont does not have many traditional hotels within the neighborhood itself, but nearby options include <a href="">The Logan Philadelphia, Curio Collection by Hilton</a>, just a short walk from the museums.</p><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Keep planning your trip to Philadelphia:</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400"><a href="">How to have the ultimate weekend in Philadelphia</a><a href=""><br>The best time to visit Philadelphia for your perfect vacation<br></a><a href="">The 6 best ways to get around Philadelphia</a></p></div></div></div><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 mt-24"></div></div><section class="relative py-12 md:py-20 border-t border-sand-300"><section class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb max-w-full mx-4 my-16 articles lg:my-24 md:mx-auto md:container"><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb"><header class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb flex items-end justify-between mt-5 mb-10 lg:mt-8 lg:mb-14"><h2 class="text-2xl md:text-5xl md:leading-relaxed">Explore related stories</h2><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb flex-none hidden md:inline-block"><a href="/articles" class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb btn">Read more articles</a></div></header></div><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb relative z-0 lg:flex lg:gap-x-8"><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb mb-8 lg:w-3/5 lg:shrink-0 lg:mb-auto"><div class="relative"><div class="relative lg:rounded overflow-hidden lg:h-[688px]"><img alt="New Orleans, Louisiana - 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License Type: media Download Time: 2023-05-20T15:25:00.000Z User: claramonitto Is Editorial: Yes purchase_order: " loading="lazy" width="140" height="140" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-cover w-full h-full aspect-square" style="color:transparent" srcSet=" 1x" src=""/></div><div class="flex-auto w-0"><div class="text-sm uppercase font-semibold tracking-wide relative z-10 mb-2 w-90 text-black-400 block">Destination Practicalities</div><a href="/articles/things-to-know-before-traveling-to-rio-de-janeiro" class="lg:text-lg text-black hover:text-black font-semibold card-link mb-1 line-clamp-3">5 things to know before you go to Rio de Janeiro</a><p class="text-sm text-black-400">Nov 29, 2024 • 4 min read</p></div></article></div></div></li></ul><div class="jsx-3406129628 md:flex items-center mt-4 hidden md:justify-end"><div class="flex text-black-300"><button class="cursor-default opacity-50 mr-2" disabled="" aria-label="previous slide" type="button"><svg xmlns="" 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It's home to the largest urban park in the nation, a 3,000-year-old Egyptian sphinx and an exciting brewery scene. One of the greatest ways to get to know the City of Brotherly Love is through its vibrant and distinctive neighborhoods. Here are some of the best neighborhoods in Philadelphia to visit."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"1. Brewerytown"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Best neighborhood for parks and picnics"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Best known for its century-old brewing history, this neighborhood northwest of Center City is perfectly positioned to shop for all the makings of an alfresco lunch after a visit to the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePhiladelphia Museum of Art\u003c/a\u003e or the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePhiladelphia Zoo\u003c/a\u003e. Head to \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eRybrew\u003c/a\u003e to peruse their selection of more than 300 beers, and order a couple of their stacked sandwiches as well."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"To try another local delicacy, seek out \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eSpot Burger\u003c/a\u003e for one of the best cheesesteaks in town. Take your spoils to nearby Fairmount Park, where you can find yourself the perfect picnic spot among the 9,200-acre park, such as Glendinning Rock Garden or Boathouse Row, especially if one of the rowing clubs’ regattas is scheduled."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Brewerytown is a residential neighborhood, so if you choose to base yourself here, you’ll be opting for apartment rentals over hotels. You’ll be well situated to take advantage of Fairmount Park and the Museum of Art, but public transportation is limited in Brewerytown."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"ad_unit","data":{"adPath":"articles/in-content-top","adPlacement":"fullWidth","native":false}},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"alt":"Restaurant with outdoor dining in Fishtown area of North Philadelphia, Pennsylvania","caption":"Fishtown is the place to try an inventive brew © Jon Lovette / Getty Images","contentId":"m61682lo257gj4n40ln4blme37","credit":"©Jon Lovette/Getty Images","height":"2380","src":"","title":"media:canto_dam:83624b31-1586-4a0b-889d-fcc04e59ed4b","width":"3409"},"type":"canto_image"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"2. Fishtown"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Best neighborhood for a night out"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"North of Old City, Fishtown is one of Philadelphia’s most vibrant neighborhoods for food and music lovers, but it’s also home to a robust craft beer scene. At \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePhiladelphia Brewing\u003c/a\u003e, one of the oldest breweries in town, visitors can tour the facility to learn about its history and process before sampling Pennsylvania Pale Ale and Walt Wit, an unfiltered Belgian-style white ale."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Find a seat in the spacious courtyard at \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eEvil Genius\u003c/a\u003e and order one of the inventive brews, such as a chocolate peanut butter porter or guava IPA. \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eSt Oners\u003c/a\u003e is the city outpost of suburban brewery Tired Hands, serving a fresh selection of its latest beers."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Hotels in this neighborhood are sleek and modern for the ultimate taste of city living, and the MFL Septa Line provides easy access to the rest of the city."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"caption":"YouTube video player","embed":"","height":"315","service":"youtube","source":"","width":"560"},"type":"embed"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"3. East Passyunk"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Best neighborhood for restaurants"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The South Philly neighborhood of East Passyunk is anchored by one slanted street that passes across the rest of the grid. For breakfast, stop by modern Jewish bakery \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eEssen\u003c/a\u003e for coffee and chocolate babka or \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eVanilya\u003c/a\u003e, just a few blocks south, for one of the city’s best bagels. (Don’t skip the Turkish sausage.) Stop into East London-style pie shop \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eStargazy\u003c/a\u003e for classic shepherd’s pie, sausage rolls, and, on Fridays, fish and chips."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Grab a cocktail at \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eManatawny Still Works\u003c/a\u003e, made with the distillery’s small-batch whiskey. For dinner, sample James Beard-winning Chef Cristina Martínez’s authentic \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCasa Mexico\u003c/a\u003e, and be sure to save room for dessert at \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eD’Emilio’s Old World Ice Treats\u003c/a\u003e, where Chris D’Emilio is churning out water ice – a Philadelphia summer staple – using fresh ingredients and his grandmother’s recipe."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Situate yourself in an apartment rental in this neighborhood if you want easy access to the sports stadiums and the opportunity to live like a local for a few days."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"alt":"Staff members work in Shane Confectionery in Philadelphia, with an old-style blue and white interior","caption":"Pick up some gifts in Old City stores like Shane Confectionery © G. Widman / Visit Philadelphia","contentId":"af60c7fc-f62e-412c-9475-a009e52f62a0","credit":"Photo by G. Widman for VISIT PHILADELPHIA®","height":"2170","src":"","title":"Shane Confectionery","width":"4246"},"type":"canto_image"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"4. Old City"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Best neighborhood for shopping"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Philadelphia’s Old City is the historical heart of the city. The country's democracy was born here, and you can explore it with a firsthand look at Betsy Ross’s flag at \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eBetsy Ross’s home-now-museum\u003c/a\u003e or the crack in the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eLiberty Bell\u003c/a\u003e. It’s also a great spot for shopping. Hit up \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eOmoi Zakka\u003c/a\u003e for a well-curated selection of beautiful Japanese stationery and home accessories. Find locally made Philly-themed gifts at \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePhiladelphia Independents\u003c/a\u003e."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"For a sweet souvenir, stop into \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eShane Confectionery\u003c/a\u003e, where chocolate has been made for 150 years."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Old City is the tourist center of Philadelphia, so the neighborhood's hotels are well-appointed and large, with easy access to the rest of the city by train or on foot."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"alt":"A person walks past the Sphinx of Ramses II in a darkened room in the Penn Museum in Philadelphia","caption":"Find the 3000-year-old Sphinx of Ramses II at the Penn Museum © Norman Wharton / Alamy","contentId":"sjgla0oobt3ij0gldr367qcp3d","credit":"©Norman Wharton/Alamy Stock Photo","height":"3491","src":"","title":"media:canto_dam:40691faf-8eb8-4939-b971-2aaf0d85a459","width":"5237"},"type":"canto_image"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"5. University City"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Best neighborhood for culture"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"This corner of West Philadelphia gets its name from the University of Pennsylvania, Drexel University and the other higher-learning institutions in the neighborhood. But it’s not all college bars and pizza joints. At the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePenn Museum\u003c/a\u003e, find the 25,000-pound, 3,000-year-old Sphinx of Ramses II, plus galleries showcasing archaeological items originating in Africa, Central America and beyond."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Stroll through Penn’s campus to see sculptures by world-renowned artists, including Alexander Calder, Robert Indiana and Simone Leigh. Leigh's sculpture Brick House sits at the entrance to College Green on the corner of 34th and Walnut Streets. On a hot day, stop into \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eLil Pop Shop\u003c/a\u003e for small-batch popsicles."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"To stay nearby, book a room at the historic \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCornerstone Bed \u0026amp; Breakfast\u003c/a\u003e for Victorian-era charm and lemon buttermilk pancakes. Stay in this neighborhood if your activities are centered on University City or if you’ve visited Philly before and want a new perspective on the city."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"ad_unit","data":{"adPath":"articles/in-content-middle","adPlacement":"fullWidth","native":false}},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"alt":"A huge audience watches a performance at The Met in Philadelphia","caption":"The Met, originally designed as an opera house, is now a concert hall and events venue © Live Nation","contentId":"45c0d235-228f-4a91-8cd5-3afde8a45109","credit":"Live Nation","height":"1152","src":"","title":"The Met","width":"2048"},"type":"canto_image"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"6. North Broad"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Best neighborhood for music and public art"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The North Broad neighborhood has been experiencing a bit of a renaissance since the 2018 reopening of the beautifully restored former opera house, \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eThe Met Philadelphia\u003c/a\u003e. Big-name performers include Demi Lovato, John Legend, and Alicia Keys."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Before the show, book a table at one of the new or long-established restaurants on this stretch of Broad St. \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCicala\u003c/a\u003e showcases southern Italian cuisine, such as handmade pasta with octopus and linguine with mussels. To sample more of the city’s best Italian food, served on a peaceful garden patio, stop into \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eOsteria\u003c/a\u003e. The neighborhood is also awash in public art, with the colorful 55ft North Poles lining Broad St from Hamilton St to Glenwood Ave and several notable larger-than-life artworks from Mural Arts."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Stay in the North Broad neighborhood if you want easy access to music venues and don’t mind a little of Philly’s signature grittiness."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"7. Chestnut Hill"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Best neighborhood for families"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Situated on the northwestern edge of the city, Chestnut Hill is known for its tree-lined streets, charming historic homes and family-friendly atmosphere.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"For a family day out, visit \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eMorris Arboretum\u003c/a\u003e, a 92-acre public garden with stunning landscapes, treehouses, fountains and a collection of rare trees. Kids will love the Out on a Limb canopy walk, which allows them to explore the treetops, while adults can enjoy the beautiful Victorian fernery and seasonal events."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Germantown Avenue, the neighborhood’s main thoroughfare, is bustling with locally owned shops, art galleries and antique stores. After a day of shopping, take a break at one of the many cozy cafes, such as \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCake\u003c/a\u003e, or enjoy local favorites, like \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eMcNally’s Tavern\u003c/a\u003e, famous for its Schmitter sandwich, which takes a traditional cheesesteak up a notch with thin slices of beef piled onto a Kaiser roll with fried salami, melted provolone cheese and grilled onions."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"For a family-friendly stay, the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eChestnut Hill Hotel\u003c/a\u003e, located on Germantown Avenue, has suites and family rooms."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"8. Rittenhouse Square"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Best neighborhood for luxury shops and hotels"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003ca href=\"\"\u003eRittenhouse Square\u003c/a\u003e is Philly’s wealthiest neighborhood and a hub for upscale dining, luxury hotels and designer boutiques. At the heart of this area lies Rittenhouse Square Park, a beautifully manicured public space surrounded by elegant townhouses and chic high-rise buildings.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Surrounding the square are some of Philadelphia’s finest restaurants, like the Parisian-style \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eParc\u003c/a\u003e bistro and modern steakhouse \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eBarclay Prime\u003c/a\u003e, which features a $120 cheesesteak made with wagyu beef, foie gras and truffles."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Just steps from the park are the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eRittenhouse Hotel\u003c/a\u003e and the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eWarwick Hotel Rittenhouse Square\u003c/a\u003e, both offering high-end accommodations."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"9. Northern Liberties"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Best neighborhood for arts and entertainment"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Known as “NoLibs,” Northern Liberties has transformed into one of Philly’s most exciting and best neighborhoods for young professionals. This former industrial area has evolved into a creative hub where historic warehouses have been converted into art galleries, restaurants and music venues, like \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eThe Fillmore\u003c/a\u003e, which hosts everything from indie rock to national headliners."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"At the heart of Northern Liberties is The Piazza, an ample outdoor space designed to be the neighborhood’s social centerpiece. The Piazza hosts live concerts, outdoor movie screenings and art festivals. The surrounding area is home to various restaurants and bars where you can grab a bite before or after an event, such as Standard Tap, one of the city’s original gastropubs, and \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePretty Girls Cook\u003c/a\u003e, a soul food restaurant serving fried chicken, mac-n-cheese and collard greens with a contemporary flair."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"While NoLibs is popular, it doesn’t feature many traditional hotels. Home and apartment rental options in converted industrial spaces are popular."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"10. Bella Vista"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Best neighborhood for Italian food and markets"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Located between South Street and Passyunk Square, Bella Vista is a residential area with tree-lined streets and a rich Italian heritage. The \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eSouth 9th Street Italian Market \u003c/a\u003eis one of the oldest and largest open-air markets in the United States. Here, visitors can stroll through blocks of bustling stalls filled with fresh produce, meats, cheeses, fresh pasta and Italian pastries."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Stop in \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eRalph’s Italian Restaurant\u003c/a\u003e, one of the oldest in the country, serving dishes like veal parmigiana and spaghetti with meatballs. But the neighborhood’s influence extends beyond food. It’s also home to the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eFleisher Art Memorial\u003c/a\u003e, one of the oldest community art schools, where visitors can view rotating exhibitions that showcase local talent. \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eThe Magic Gardens\u003c/a\u003e is another must-see in the city. This stunning garden by artist Isaiah Zagar is covered in intricate mosaics from found objects."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Bella Vista is primarily a residential neighborhood, so hotel options are limited. The \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePhiladelphia Bella Vista Bed \u0026amp; Breakfast\u003c/a\u003e is a cozy option."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"11. Washington Square"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Best neighborhood for historical landmarks"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Located adjacent to Old City, \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eWashington Square\u003c/a\u003e perfectly blends the past and present. This neighborhood is home to Washington Square Park, one of the original five public squares planned by city founder William Penn, which is the site of a mass grave for soldiers from the Revolutionary War. Today, it’s also the location of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"ad_unit","data":{"adPath":"articles/in-content-native","adPlacement":"native","native":true}},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Beyond its historical significance, Washington Square is also home to cultural and artistic institutions, including the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eAthenaeum of Philadelphia\u003c/a\u003e. This museum and library hold an impressive collection of books and exhibits on American architecture and history.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The neighborhood also hosts some of Philly’s best restaurants, such as \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eVedge\u003c/a\u003e, a critically acclaimed vegan restaurant housed in a historic mansion, and \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eTalula’s Garden\u003c/a\u003e, which features a farm-to-table dining experience that blends rustic elegance with fresh, seasonal ingredients.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eKimpton Hotel Monaco\u003c/a\u003e is a great option, providing a boutique hotel experience that’s also a popular hotspot for locals."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"12. Center City"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Best neighborhood for big-city ambiance"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"At the heart of Philly, Center City is the city’s bustling epicenter and home to some of the city’s tallest skyscrapers and luxury high-rise apartments. With retail experiences ranging from high-end boutiques to popular department stores, it’s one of the best neighborhoods for shopping. Start at the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eShops at Liberty Place\u003c/a\u003e, which features brands like Bloomingdale’s, head to Rittenhouse Row for designer shops like Vince, and then go to Macy’s in the historic Wanamaker Building. Home to the largest pipe organ in the world, the building dates back to 1861 and often appears in movies filmed in Philadelphia."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Cultural landmarks abound in Center City, such as \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCity Hall\u003c/a\u003e, the largest municipal building in the U.S. \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eDilworth Park\u003c/a\u003e, located just outside City Hall, is a gathering place that has an ice rink in the winter, outdoor movie screenings in the summer and a café for casual dining. Across the street is Love Park, with the iconic “Love” sculpture by Robert Indiana."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eFour Seasons Hotel Philadelphia at Comcast Center\u003c/a\u003e is a stunning property in the heart of Center City, perched atop the 60-story \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eComcast Center\u003c/a\u003e, Philadelphia’s tallest building. The rooms on the 48th and 56th floors are designed with floor-to-ceiling windows with amazing city views."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"13. Roxborough"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Best neighborhood for outdoor lovers"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Located along the Schuylkill River (pronounced SKOO-kill), Roxborough has a quieter, more suburban feel while still being close to the city. The neighborhood’s greatest asset is its outdoor spaces. \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eWissahickon Valley Park\u003c/a\u003e, part of the larger Fairmont Park system, is a sprawling natural oasis offering over 50 miles of hiking, biking and horseback riding trails. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy the Forbidden Drive, a scenic trail along Wissahickon Creek that winds through the lush forest. \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eValley Green Inn\u003c/a\u003e, located on the trail, is a historic restaurant perfect for a post-hike meal or weekend brunch."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"In addition to Wissahickon Valley Park, Roxborough is home to sections of the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eSchuylkill River Trail\u003c/a\u003e, a multi-use path that stretches over 75 miles, perfect for biking, running or taking a leisurely walk along the river. Also, Gorgas Park hosts seasonal events like outdoor concerts, farmers’ markets and festivals that fosters a strong sense of community."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Roxborough is more of a suburban and residential area, so seek out\u0026nbsp; short-term rentals close to the river and parks when booking accommodations."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"14. Society Hill"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Best neighborhood for architectural charm"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Known for its well-preserved colonial-era homes and cobblestone streets, Society Hill is one of Philadelphia’s most picturesque and historic neighborhoods. Located just east of Independence Hall, its charm is its 18th-century Georgian and Federal-style row houses and gas street lamps. Headhouse Square, with its open-air market and red-brick buildings, is one of the oldest continuously operating markets in the nation."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Significant sites in the neighborhood include St. Peter’s Church, built in 1761, and the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePowel House\u003c/a\u003e, home to Philadelphia’s first mayor after the Revolution, Samuel Powel, offers guided tours."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Choose the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eMorris House Hotel\u003c/a\u003e, housed in a historic building, for colonial-era charm. Or, go for the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eHilton Philadelphia at Penn’s Landing\u003c/a\u003e for scenic waterfront views."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"15. Fairmont"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Best neighborhood for art lovers"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Known as Philadelphia’s art district, Fairmount features the iconic \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePhiladelphia Museum of Art\u003c/a\u003e at its center. Famous for its grand steps immortalized in the Rocky films, the museum houses an expansive collection of European, American and modern art with works by Van Gogh, Monet and Picasso."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Just down the street is the Barnes Foundation, home to one of the finest collections of impressionist and post-impressionist paintings in the world. Art lovers will also appreciate the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eRodin Museum\u003c/a\u003e with more than 140 sculptures by French sculptor Auguste Rodin."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Another landmark in the area is \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eEastern State Penitentiary\u003c/a\u003e, a Gothic-style prison that once housed Al Capone. It’s now a museum. Visitors can tour the crumbling cell blocks, especially during the Halloween season when it is transformed into a haunted house."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Fairmont does not have many traditional hotels within the neighborhood itself, but nearby options include \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eThe Logan Philadelphia, Curio Collection by Hilton\u003c/a\u003e, just a short walk from the museums."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Keep planning your trip to Philadelphia:"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"\u003ca href=\"\"\u003eHow to have the ultimate weekend in Philadelphia\u003c/a\u003e\u003ca href=\"\"\u003e\u003cbr\u003eThe best time to visit Philadelphia for your perfect vacation\u003cbr\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\u003ca href=\"\"\u003eThe 6 best ways to get around Philadelphia\u003c/a\u003e"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"relatedBooks","data":{"context":{"tags":[{"title":"neighborhoods","type":"related"},{"title":"destination practicalities","type":"related"}],"slug":"six-neighborhoods-to-watch-in-philadelphia"}}}],"hasNativeAds":true,"related":[{"tags":[{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"history","title":"History"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"art-and-culture","title":"Art and Culture"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"neighborhoods","title":"Neighborhoods"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"destination-practicalities","title":"Destination Practicalities"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"tips-and-advice","title":"Tips \u0026 Advice"}],"excerpt":"Find the most beautiful mansions, the best restaurants and the top hotels in the beautiful Garden District neighborhood of New Orleans.","image":{"url":"","caption":"A ride down St Charles Ave in a historic streetcar is the perfect introduction to the Garden District’s gracious historic homes. 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