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WOO HOO!</font></em></strong><br/><strong><em><font size="5" color="#5848b7">Taken by Todd Welvaert</font></em></strong></div> <div><div class="wsite-image wsite-image-border-none " style="padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;margin-left:0;margin-right:0;text-align:center"> <a> <img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" alt="Picture" style="width:100%;max-width:864px"/> </a> <div style="display:block;font-size:90%"></div> </div></div> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;"><font size="6">I have a new publisher - <strong><em><font color="#5040ae">Gemma Halliday Publishing</font></em></strong>! Check out the website and the other amazing authors <a href="">here</a>!</font><font size="4"> </font></div> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture" class="galleryImageBorder"/></a><span style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;" class="wsite-caption"></span></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font size="5" color="#8d2424"><br/></font><br/><font size="5" color="#8d2424"><strong>It's that time again! (No, not THAT time, that time.) My monthly review of a funny book you've probably missed is up at! Check it out <a href="">here</a>!</strong></font></div> <hr style="width:100%;clear:both;visibility:hidden;"></hr> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture" class="galleryImageBorder"/></a><span style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;" class="wsite-caption"></span></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font size="4" color="#8d2424"><strong>THE BOMBAY FAMILY IS LOOKING FOR RECRUITS!</strong></font><br/><span style=""></span><br/><span style=""></span><font size="4"> Are you interested in joining the <strong><font color="#508d24">Leslie Langtry Street Team</font></strong> (<strong><font color="#5040ae">The Bombays</font></strong>) where you'll be an official Bombay and get sent on top secret "assignments?" In return, you'll receive special swag and be privy to news and excerpts before anyone else. All you have to do is email: info(at)authorrx(dot)com from the email address you used to sign up for Facebook and you'll be added to this elite and secret Facebook group. NOTE: We are only taking the first 30 applicants at this time, so HURRY!<br/></font><span style=""></span><br/><span style=""></span></div> <hr style="width:100%;clear:both;visibility:hidden;"></hr> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture" class="galleryImageBorder"/></a><span style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;" class="wsite-caption"></span></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font size="5"><strong><font color="#a82e2e">The book that made me want to write books. Check out my blog on Goodreads about </font><font color="#2a2a2a">THE GUN SELLER</font><font color="#a82e2e"> by Hugh Laurie (yes, </font><em style="color: rgb(168, 46, 46);">that</em><font color="#a82e2e"> one) <a href="">here</a>!</font></strong></font></div> <hr style="width:100%;clear:both;visibility:hidden;"></hr> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture" class="galleryImageBorder"/></a><span style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;" class="wsite-caption"></span></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font size="6" color="#8640ae"><strong>One of the 2 books that got me to writing books! Check out my blog on Goodreads about I DON'T KNOW HOW SHE DOES IT <a href="">here</a>.</strong></font></div> <hr style="width:100%;clear:both;visibility:hidden;"></hr> <div><div class="wsite-image wsite-image-border-none " style="padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;margin-left:0;margin-right:0;text-align:center"> <a> <img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" alt="Picture" style="width:100%;max-width:560px"/> </a> <div style="display:block;font-size:90%"></div> </div></div> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;"><strong><font size="5" color="#8d2424">This is the second phase of the FABULOUS SUMMER GETAWAY promo! Check out these books and go <a href="">here</a> to enter the contest!</font></strong></div> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture" class="galleryImageBorder"/></a><span style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;" class="wsite-caption"></span></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font size="4">I've started a new blog on Goodreads on what I like to read, how I like to read, what do I read, DO I read, blah, blah, blah...</font><br/><br/><br/><font size="4">You can check it out<a href=""> here.</a></font></div> <hr style="width:100%;clear:both;visibility:hidden;"></hr> <h2 style="text-align:left;"><font size="4" color="#a82e2e">NEED A SUMMER ESCAPE TO SOME EXOTIC LOCALE?</font> </h2> <div><div class="wsite-image wsite-image-border-none " style="padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;margin-left:0;margin-right:0;text-align:center"> <a> <img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" alt="Picture" style="width:100%;max-width:618px"/> </a> <div style="display:block;font-size:90%"></div> </div></div> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;"><font size="5">Check out this new promo based on summer travel! Go <a href="">here</a> to check out the books and sign up for the contest! </font></div> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture" class="galleryImageBorder"/></a><span style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;" class="wsite-caption"></span></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font size="6" color="#c23b3b">Did my monthly review of funny books at Book End Babes yesterday! To read - click <a href="">here</a>!</font></div> <hr style="width:100%;clear:both;visibility:hidden;"></hr> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture" class="galleryImageBorder"/></a><span style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;" class="wsite-caption"></span></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font size="6">FOUR KILLING BIRDS is done! Now y'all just have to wait until November...</font></div> <hr style="width:100%;clear:both;visibility:hidden;"></hr> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; none;" alt="Picture" class="galleryImageBorder"/></a><span style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;" class="wsite-caption"></span></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font color="#c23b3b" size="5"><strong>Stop by the Romance Writers Revenge to see what I'm thinking of doing for my next collection of Bombay Bedtime Stories! You can visit<a href=""> here</a>.</strong></font></div> <hr style="width:100%;clear:both;visibility:hidden;"></hr> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture" class="galleryImageBorder"/></a><span style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;" class="wsite-caption"></span></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font size="3">It's alive...ALIVE!</font><br/><br/><br/><font size="3" color="#a82e2e"><strong>SNUFF THE MAGIC DRAGON is on sale NOW! </strong></font><br/><br/><font size="3">Amazon: buy <a href="" title="">here</a>.</font><br/><font size="3">Barnes & Noble: buy <a href="" title="">here</a>.</font><br/><font size="3">Kobo: buy <a href="" title="">here</a>.<br/><span style=""></span>Apple itunes: Buy <a href="">here</a>.</font><br/><font size="3"><br/><span style=""></span> What do the Minotaur, Rasputin, the first man hung for murder in America, and the Countess of Blood all have in common? No, they aren’t related. They all appeared on the Bombay Family’s Hit List! In this collection of Bombay Bedtime Stories, you’ll find out what Bombays did before Gin Bombay came along. From pet Dodo birds to Ancient Greece and 20th Century Russia, get the stories Bombay children have been told for thousands of years. Stories that have been shrouded in blood-sworn secrecy…until now!</font><br/><span style=""></span><br/><span style=""></span></div> <hr style="width:100%;clear:both;visibility:hidden;"></hr> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture" class="galleryImageBorder"/></a><span style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;" class="wsite-caption"></span></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:center;display:block;"><font size="5">From Thursdays With Bradley:</font><br/><font size="5" color="#da4444"><em>Brad stood in the shadows and peered across the pool at the man who was about to get a lesson in the meaning of respect.</em></font><br/><font color="#da4444" size="5"><span style="line-height: 36px;"><br/></span></font><br/><font color="#2a2a2a" size="3">Special thanks to Nathan Kane for the great caption to my great nephew, Bradley's photo!</font></div> <hr style="width:100%;clear:both;visibility:hidden;"></hr> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:0;" alt="Picture" class="galleryImageBorder"/></a><span style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;" class="wsite-caption"></span></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font size="4"><strong><font color="#8640ae">Wanna know my </font><font color="#da4444">favorite comfort food</font><font color="#8640ae">? About </font><font color="#da4444">my boring hobbies</font><font color="#8640ae">? How about what </font><font color="#da4444">my perfect, romantic date night</font><font color="#8640ae"> would be like (</font><em><font color="#4cc9a4">hint: it involves ukuleles</font></em><font color="#8640ae">)? Check out my interview at Romance Junkies </font><a href=""><font color="#da8044">here</font></a><font color="#8640ae">.</font></strong></font></div> <hr style="width:100%;clear:both;visibility:hidden;"></hr> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture" class="galleryImageBorder"/></a><span style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;" class="wsite-caption"></span></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font color="#24678d" size="5">Check out a sneak peek from SNUFF THE MAGIC DRAGON: And Other Bombay Bedtime Stories at my blog on The Romance Writer's Revenge! Click <a href="">here</a> to go to there!</font></div> <hr style="width:100%;clear:both;visibility:hidden;"></hr> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture" class="galleryImageBorder"/></a><span style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;" class="wsite-caption"></span></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font size="5" color="#248d6c"><strong>SNUFF THE MAGIC DRAGON: AND OTHER BEDTIME STORIES</strong> </font><br/><font size="5" color="#2a2a2a">is available for </font><br/><font size="5" color="#2a2a2a">PRE-ORDER at Amazon today!!! </font><br/><br/><br/><font color="#248d6c" size="6">Pre-order it <a href="">here</a>!</font><br/><br/></div> <hr style="width:100%;clear:both;visibility:hidden;"></hr> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture" class="galleryImageBorder"/></a><span style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;" class="wsite-caption"></span></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font color="#8d2424" size="6">New covers, New Venture!</font><br/><font size="6" color="#2a2a2a">I'm debuting some new covers - check them out! </font><br/><font size="6" color="#2a2a2a">More info to come soon!</font></div> <hr style="width:100%;clear:both;visibility:hidden;"></hr> <div><div style="height:20px;overflow:hidden"></div> <div id="405910835434145610-slideshow"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(jQuery) { function init() { wSlideshow.render({elementID:"405910835434145610",nav:"thumbnails",navLocation:"bottom",captionLocation:"bottom",transition:"fade",autoplay:"0",speed:"5",aspectRatio:"auto",showControls:"true",randomStart:"false",images:[{"url":"1\/2\/5\/4\/12545720\/4619257.jpg","width":159,"height":250,"fullHeight":800,"fullWidth":511},{"url":"1\/2\/5\/4\/12545720\/7820314.jpg","width":159,"height":250,"fullHeight":800,"fullWidth":511},{"url":"1\/2\/5\/4\/12545720\/2420421.jpg","width":159,"height":250,"fullHeight":800,"fullWidth":511},{"url":"1\/2\/5\/4\/12545720\/4359438.jpg","width":159,"height":250,"fullHeight":800,"fullWidth":511},{"url":"1\/2\/5\/4\/12545720\/4125930.jpg","width":159,"height":250,"fullHeight":800,"fullWidth":511},{"url":"1\/2\/5\/4\/12545720\/1707602.jpg","width":159,"height":250,"fullHeight":800,"fullWidth":511}]}) } jQuery ? jQuery(init) : document.observe('dom:loaded', init) })(window._W && _W.jQuery) </script> <div style="height:20px;overflow:hidden"></div></div> <h2 style="text-align:left;">Here's a sample from Stand By Your Hitman:</h2> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;">I stared at the letter in my hand. I was making the same face I made a few moments earlier when checking my <a title="" href="#"><font color="#000000">phone</font></a> messages. It’s not a pretty face. You wouldn’t like it.<br/><br/><em>Dear Ms. Bombay,</em><br/><br/><em>Your <a title="" href="#"><font color="#000000">application</font></a> has been accepted. We are thrilled to have you as a contestant in the new television programme, Survival! We received thousands of applications for the show, but quite frankly, your <br/> video blew everyone away here at CAB network. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone defuse an explosive device so quickly. You are exactly what we are looking for. In a few days, you should receive a <a title="" href="#"><font color="#000000">complete</font></a> package in the mail with all of the information you will need. I look forward to meeting you next <br/> month.</em><br/><br/> <em>Sincerely,</em><br/> <em>Bob Toole</em><br/> <em>Executive Producer, CAB</em><br/><span></span><br/>Well, that wasn’t right. I never applied to be on <em>Survivor</em>. True, it was one of my favorite shows. But I think I’d remember submitting an application. It’s not like I go around videotaping myself defusing bombs every day. Okay, there was that once but I just wanted to see what it looked like in third person. It was my little egoist guilty pleasure. No one knew I had it. Or at least, I thought no one knew.<br/><span></span><br/>So, maybe that’s what Bob is talking about. Hmmmm. If I didn’t send it in, who did? <br/> <br/>“Mom!” The unanimous shout came from my two teenaged sons, Montgomery and Jackson Bombay. My name is Mississippi Bombay, but I prefer Missi.<br/><span></span><br/>“In here,” I responded suspiciously. Did they do this?<br/><span></span><br/>Monty and Jack popped their heads into the doorway simultaneously. Fraternal twins, you’d never look at them and even think they were related. Monty was tall and gangly, with dark hair and green eyes. <br/> Jack was short and stocky with a shock of unruly red hair and freckles. In spite of their physical differences, the boys shared one, obnoxious personality.<br/><span></span><br/>“Do I need to ask?”I waved the letter at them.<br/><span></span><br/>Monty snatched it out of my hands and began to read. “Cool! Mom, this rocks!”<br/><span></span><br/>Jack grabbed it from his brother and scanned the page. “Ohmygod!” He shouted it as one word. “How cool are you? Why didn’t you tell us?”<br/><span></span><br/>From the looks on their faces, I surmised they didn’t do it. <br/><span></span><br/>“So you had nothing to do with this?” I had to ask just to make sure. I haven’t survived this long as a single mother of twin boys without confirming everything. Usually twice.<br/><span></span><br/>They shook their heads. “We would’ve if we thought you were interested,” Monty started.<br/><span></span><br/>“But we never dreamed you’d want to go on the show!” Jack finished.<br/><span></span><br/>I swiped the letter from Jack and put in on the table, “Well, it’s obviously just a joke, so we’ll forget about it.” I now had other ideas. After all, I came from a family of assassins. A prankster or two in the gene pool was to be expected. <br/><span></span><br/>You heard me right. Assassins. The Bombay Family had a monopoly on the biz since Ancient Greece. Every blooded member of the family begins training at the age of five and works until, well, forever. My grandma was just forced into an early retirement or she’d still be taking on contracts. Not that she needed to. She was on the Council. That’s the geriatric crew who runs the operations, dishes out assignments, and kills off renegade family members. That’s right. This family business isn’t exactly optional. And if you screw up or screw over the family, the Council will take you out.<br/><span></span><br/>I looked around from my mental meanderings to find the boys gone. Oh well. Where could they go? We live on a small, private island off the coast of South America. <br/><span></span><br/>Speaking of mental fragmentation - I’ve been experiencing that a lot lately. Maybe it has something to do with being 45. Or it could be that I haven’t had sex in a long, long time. Being widowed will do that to you. Well, that and the isolation of being on an island no one but my immediate family lives on. Or it could be the bizarre nature of my work. Besides killing people for a living, I’m a bit of an inventor. It’s my only creative <br/> outlet. And it was one more service I could offer the Bombays. <br/> <br/>What do I invent? Oh, this and that really. Hairdryers that can blow your head off, lilies that can suffocate you, explosive jockstraps . . . the usual bric-a-brac I guess. My mind began to meander again <br/> and I started thinking about Pop Tarts. I LOVE Pop Tarts. But only the chocolate fudge ones. I could eat those for every meal.<br/><span></span><br/>The Pop Tarts made me think of Kleenex, which reminded me that I still had a few finishing touches to make on my latest explosive device. I headed for the lab. <br/> <br/>“Mantisnuts,” was the secret word I spoke into my security system. The door popped open and I went in thinking it was time to change my password. Maybe something like <u>bananaface</u>. Did praying mantis <br/> have testicles? I wasn’t sure. At least in the figurative sense they did. It takes balls to make love to a woman you know will bite your head off afterward. <br/> <br/>On a table in the middle of the room was one of those Wacky Wall Walkers. Remember those? Real big in the ‘80’s. I had several back then. Anyway, for those of you who are big hair and shoulder-pad <br/> challenged, they were these sticky little octopuses (octopi? What is the plural anyway?) you threw at a wall or sliding glass door (sliding glass doors were also very big in the ‘80s) and it kind of flopped, ass over, um, tentacles all the way down the wall. You’d think something like that would be a failure, wouldn’t you? But the inventors of that stupid little toy (did I mention that I owned several?) made millions. You never know what will hit it big.<br/><span></span><br/>It was with that in mind that I decided to work with the gummy little bastards as some sort of explosive device. Remember Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt in <em>Mission Impossible</em>? The first one – not the crappy sequels. Anyway, he had that stick of gum he just had to fold in half and stick on the aquarium at that restaurant in Prague and it blew up? Of course, it was ridiculous. Have you ever tried to fold a stick of dry gum in half? It snaps in two, doesn’t stick to itself - doesn’t stick to anything really, so it wouldn’t have worked in real life. But that’s okay cuz I liked the movie.<br/><br/><span></span>The trick with the Wacky Wall Walkers was to get just the right compound that would ignite as it struck a solid surface, and wouldn’t affect its inherent gumminess. I didn’t want to overdo it, but I wanted <br/> something that would do the job. I wasn’t sure what the job was yet, but it didn’t matter. I loved working in my lab. I could work with whatever I wanted and the family didn’t give a damn. Ha.<br/><span></span><br/>An hour later found me behind my blast shield as I blew up my fifth piece of glass-coated dry wall. I was having a pretty good time too. That is, until the alarm went off. I’d set it to high because I wanted <br/> to know if anyone came into my lab unannounced. <br/> <br/>“Hello, Mississippi.” York Bombay stood in the doorway. I couldn’t stand that man. My mom’s cousin York was a creepy old dude. Of course, his father, Lou, was much worse. Thank God he’s still locked up with <br/> Grandma and the other former Council at that maximum-security<font color="#000000"> <a title="" href="#">nursing</a></font> home in Greenland. I folded my arms across my chest and made up my mind to definitely change my password. How the hell did he get it, <br/> anyway?<br/><span></span><br/>“What’s up, Uncle York?” <br/> <br/>He forced a grin and reached over to fondle Charo from my b-list bobblehead collection. I made a mental note to scrub them with Chlorox later. <br/><span></span><br/>“Well, my dear, the Council requests your presence. Tonight at seven.”<br/> </div> <h2 style="text-align:left;">STACY JUBA'S SINK OR SWIM IS ONLY 99CENTS!</h2> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="position:relative;float:left;z-index:10;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img class="wsite-image galleryImageBorder" src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture"/></a><div style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;"></div></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><br/><span></span> <font color="#000000" size="3">Buy Sink or Swim for 99 cents for just a limited time.</font> <font color="#000000" size="3">Amazon: <a href="">buy here.</a></font><br/><span></span><br/><span></span> <font color="#000000" size="3">Barnes & Noble: <a href="">buy here.</a> </font><br/><span></span><br/><span></span> <font color="#000000"><font size="3"><font>Kobo: <a href="">buy here.</a> <span style="mso-spacerun: yes;"> </span></font></font></font><br/><span></span><br/><span></span> <font color="#000000"><font size="3"><font>iBookstore: <a href="">buy here</a>. <span style="mso-spacerun: yes;"> </span></font></font></font><br/><span></span><br/><span></span> <?xml:namespace prefix = o /> <br/><span></span><br/><span></span> <font color="#000000" size="3">Buy it for 99 cents by June 1 and Stacy will give you codes for 10 free beach reads! See </font><a href=""><u><font color="#0000ff" size="3"></font></u></a><font color="#000000" size="3"> for details</font><br/><span></span><br/><span></span><font color="#000000" size="3"> <br/><span></span>Reality TV Turns To Murder in Sink or Swim, just 99 cents for a limited time. After starring on a hit game show set aboard a Tall Ship, personal trainer Cassidy Novak discovers that she has attracted a stalker. Soon she will have to walk the plank for real... </font><br/> <br/><span></span><font size="3"><font color="#cc0000"><strong>Sink or Swim Excerpt</strong></font>:</font><br/><span></span><br/><span></span>"Look! There she is!" A few hundred spectators pointed and gawked as Cassidy entered the ballroom of the <em>Starlight Sensation</em>. She gulped and smoothed down her sleeveless emerald pantsuit.<br/><br/> Deniz Jewell had called the other day with an offer for Cassidy’s first public appearance, and conveniently, it was only forty-five minutes from home. A cruise line had asked her to headline the grand preview of a new luxury ship, docked at the Black Falcon Terminal in the South Boston Waterfront District. They wanted her to sign autographs and socialize with the guests who’d paid to attend a cocktail party and information session. <br/><br/> Cassidy would have preferred something more fitness-related, like an exercise video or sneaker endorsement, but Deniz said she was putting out feelers and that in the meantime, her client should take any work she could get. <br/><br/> Although a cruise ship wasn’t what Cassidy had hoped for, she appreciated the marketing department’s interest in her and liked that the event was in Boston. Even better, the cruise line had sent a black stretch limo for her and her companions from the <em>Garrett Daily News</em>.<br/><br/> Lynn, the cruise line’s six-foot plus brunette director of publicity, rubbed her hands together in anticipation. Barrettes fastened sausage black curls off her rawboned face, lengthening her giraffe neck. Her springy ringlets bounced as she talked. "We’re delighted to have you here, Cassidy, especially on such short notice. We just knew you’d be the perfect ‘face’ of the <em>Starlight Sensation</em>. When we have our maiden voyage this fall, we’d love for you to cruise with us. We could do a huge publicity campaign." <br/><br/> "Oh ... wow, that sounds like fun," Cassidy said. <br/><br/> First SOS. Then the cruise runner-up prize. Now this. How many ships was she doomed to ride? <br/><br/> "As you can see, you’re a big hit." Lynnwaved toward the guests murmuring and sneaking glances from round tables festooned with drinks and appetizers. "You’ll sign autographs in here and our staff will be sure to keep the line orderly." <br/> <br/> Good to know, but Cassidy half-wished she’d jumped out of the limo a few miles back at Castle Island, a spacious urban park and her favorite spot in Boston. She loved walking or jogging around CastleIsland and the peaceful Pleasure Bay, enjoying views of the ferries and vessels passing in the harbor, the low airplanes descending toward Logan InternationalAirport, and the tourists milling about the historic Fort Independence. She’d give anything for a hotdog and ice cream at Sullivan’s, the popular family-run restaurant that serviced visitors. Alas, she’d get no relaxation today. <br/><br/> As Lynn conferred with a co-worker, Cassidy turned to her own personal news team. "Boy, does this beat the <em>Atlantic Devil</em> in the luxury department," she muttered.<br/><br/> "No kidding." Alison scrawled into her wire-bound notebook. With her sleek helmet of blonde locks and designer wardrobe, she looked more like a TV anchorwoman than a small-town newspaper reporter.<br/><br/> Zach Gallagher, her photographer, pulled his Nikon digital camera out of a padded bag and removed the felt Stetson from his wavy black hair. "I wouldn’t mind taking a trip on this baby myself." His flash blinked, triggering a half-dozen cameras from other parts of the ballroom. <br/><br/> "Cassidy! Cassidy!" An acne-scarred young man rushed over to them. Lank greasy blond strands hung ragged past his shoulders, limp as a used mop, and a torn tee-shirt with Cassidy's blurred likeness fell to the waist of his ripped jeans. <br/> <br/> He cupped a camera to his heart. "Please, could I pose for one picture with you? I know this is a huge favor, but I can’t stay that long." <br/><br/> Lynn gave her a subtle nod. "Yeah, sure," Cassidy said. <br/><br/> She positioned herself beside the kid and Lynnsnapped the photo with a cheerful "cheese." <br/> <br/> His lip trembling, the kid stared at Cassidy. "You don't know what this means to me. You should have won. Reggie was a loser."<br/><br/> How could he say that? Reggie was dead. There were more important things than winning. Like living. Cassidy clamped down on her lip to keep from retorting. Telling off a fan wouldn’t exactly endear her to the cruise line. Being the "face" of the <em>Starlight Sensation</em> could mean a lot of money in her bank account. They were already shelling out $1,000, plus the expense of a limo, for her to scribble her name and act amiable.<br/><br/>Luckily, the rest of the fans acted more restrained. Cassidy spent a pleasant hour and a half smiling and signing autographs. Afterwards, the last group streamed out the French doors, heading to the theater for the travel spiel. She snagged a finger sandwich and a couple wedges of cubed melon off a platter before strolling toward Alison, Zach and Lynn in back of the room. <br/><br/> Lynn gathered papers into a folder and stretched to her Amazonian height. "Thank you, Cassidy. That was fantastic. The next presentation should be starting if you’d like to watch." <br/> <br/> "Great. I’m still shocked all those people waited in line to meet me. Thanks so much for inviting me today." Cassidy popped a piece of fruit into her mouth.<br/><br/>As Alison asked the publicist a few questions, Zach plucked a long-stemmed red rose off a vacant chair and extended it to Cassidy. "For you, my lady." <br/><br/> She looked at him over the blood red petals. Young face, mature eyes. Wisps of dark bangs straggled under the brim of his cowboy hat, which he had replaced after he finished taking pictures. He definitely improved the view around here. The harbor outside had nothing on him.<br/><br/> "Thanks," Cassidy said after she swallowed the melon. <br/><br/> Zach offered a sheepish grin, tanned olive skin setting off even white teeth. "It's not from me. I would have bought you a dozen if I knew you liked them. A little girl asked me to give it to you." <br/> <br/> Cassidy read the tag taped to the stem. "You're the flower of my life. My love for you is blooming. Miles."<br/><br/> Hair on the back of her neck bristling, Cassidy dropped the rose to the hardwood floor and spun around. All she saw were white-jacketed waiters, glittering crystal chandeliers and their own reflections in the mirrored walls. "Was she with a man? What happened? What did the girl look like?" <br/><br/> "She was five or six. Long blonde hair pulled to the side, pink shirt, blue jeans. She came up to me on deck while I was walking around and said, 'This has to go to Cassidy.' I said, sure. I didn't see a parent, but I wasn’t paying much attention. You okay?" Frowning, Zach touched her arm.<br/><span></span><br/><span></span><br/> </div> <hr style="clear:both;visibility:hidden;width:100%;"></hr> <h2 style="text-align:left;">GEMMA HALLIDAY'S BIG SALE!</h2> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="position:relative;float:left;z-index:10;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img class="wsite-image galleryImageBorder" src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture"/></a><div style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;"></div></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><span style="color: black; font-family: "Times New Roman","serif"; font-size: 12pt; mso-fareast-font-family: SimSun; mso-fareast-language: ZH-CN; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">My friend Gemma's book is on sale for only 99cents this week! It's brilliant and I'm telling you to buy it!<br/><span></span><br/><span></span>Reality TV meets murder in HOLLYWOOD CONFESSIONS... just $.99 for a limited time! When the producer of the trashiest reality shows on TV winds up murdered, reporter Allie Quick's killer headline leads her down a deadly path.<br/> <br/><span></span><br/> Buy now:<br/>Amazon Kindle: <a href="">click here</a><br/>Barnes & Noble Nook: <a href="">click here</a><br/>iTunes: <a href="">click here</a><br/>Kobo:<a href=""> click here</a><br/></span><br/><span></span><font size="3">Excerpt:</font><br/><br/>The first thing I did when I got back to the office was pull up the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) to check out the list of shows that the murdered Chester Barker had worked on. While the names were familiar, I wasn’t exactly a reality TV devotee, and I needed the deets.<br/> <br/>IMDB holds a list of every TV show and movie made in Hollywood, complete with the names of every single person who ever worked on it. Very handy if you were fishing for suspects in a very big pond.<br/> <br/>Right off the bat, I eliminated the crew members low on the totem pole. Besides the fact that they’d have very little day-to-day contact with Barker, crew turnover was so fast in this town that I doubted any of them had had enough time to grow a murderous grudge against the producer.<br/> <br/>Which left the cast of his latest reality hits.<br/> <br/>I pulled up the name of the first show, Little Love, and read the description. Little Love was a reality dating show, where one eligible bachelor was put into a house with twenty hot, young single girls. Every week the girls tried to out-flirt each other on group dates to earn a rose at the end of the hour-long show. The last one left standing at the end of the season got a proposal from the bachelor. To be honest, it sounded like any number of dating shows I’d already seen on TV. Except Chester added a twist to his. All the contestants on the show were little people. As in dwarfs.<br/> <br/>I scrolled through photos of the little ladies, all dressed in evening gowns and having cocktails with the little bachelor, a guy by the name of Gary Ellstrom.<br/> <br/>I looked at his photo. Gary had the typical features and body type associated with achondroplasia dwarfism—an elongated forehead and average-sized torso, coupled with shortened limbs. He had dark hair, dark eyes and wore a sparse mustache on his upper lip. I wrote the info down on a post-it (pink and shaped like a heart), before moving on to the next show on my list: Don & Deb’s Diva Dozen.<br/> <br/>Anyone who hadn’t been living under a rock for the past year knew Don and Deb Davenport. They were the parents of 12 children: two sets of triplets (ages six and ten) and a set of sextuplets (four-year-olds). Which in itself was enough to become reality show royalty, but Don and Deb took their fame one step further—all twelve of their children competed on the Tiny Tot beauty pageant circuit. They were in their fourth season, and the ratings just kept climbing.<br/> <br/> Though, in all fairness, some of the recent rating hikes had been due more to Don and Deb’s personal life than their children’s painted faces and fluffy-pink costumes. Deb’s close-cropped hairdo had been plastered all over the tabloids recently (including our fair paper), ever since Don had been photographed with a string of young co-eds at trendy Hollywood nightclubs. Rumor was he’d had an affair, but no one had ever come forward claiming she was the other woman. At the beginning of last season the couple had announced a trial separation. Deb took the sextuplets, doing the Southern Glitz pageant circuit, and Don took the triplets, doing the West Coast Sunshine pageants. The separation had lasted right up until sweeps week, when the couple announced they were going to give marriage a try again. The season had culminated in an hour-long Don & Deb’s Reunion show where the couple took all twelve children to Vegas for a long weekend, renewing their vows at the MGM Grand.<br/> <br/> I wrote down Don and Deb’s names, along with their dozen (Dorri, Diana, Delilah, Dolly, Daria, Donna, Daphne, Deirdre, Destiny, Dominique, Demitra, and Drea), though I doubted we were looking at a Tiny Tot killer.<br/> <br/> Last on my list was the show that had put Chester’s name on the map in the first place—Stayin’ Alive. Currently in its ninth season, Stayin’ Alive was the granddaddy of all reality shows, pitting fifteen strangers against each other to fight for the title of Last Survivor Alive. Each season, Chester dropped the contestants in the middle of nowhere, the only location requirements being a beach (where the female contestants could wear their teeny tiny bikinis), torrential rains (that wetted said bikinis suggestively), and lots of big, hungry mosquitoes (just for kicks). This season was Stayin’ Alive: Tonga, and each week all fifteen contestants would brave both the elements and each other, fighting it out in reward and immunity challenges. Anyone who did not with immunity was forced to go to the tribal staging area, where someone was sent home each week. However, they weren’t voted out on their survival skills. Instead, the contestants participated in a dance-off, where a panel of judges voted out the contestant with the worst ballroom skills. We were three weeks from the end of the season, which meant the contestants still had to dance the cha-cha, the tango and, the grand finale, the Venetian waltz.<br/> <br/> While I figured none of the contestants likely had much contact with Barker—being that he was killed here and not in Tonga—the three judges had been with him since the beginning of the show, giving them plenty of time to build up a grudge. Damon Crow, a record producer from Detroit, was the first, a big guy who tended to phrase his critiques of the contestants with so much slang they needed urban dictionaries to decipher his meaning. Mitzy Reed was second, an 80’s pop icon just this side of being labeled washed-up. And just this side of sober most of the time. She had a reputation for being able to find something nice to say about even the worst dancer. Which nicely balanced out judge number three, Lowel Simonson, an Australian-born choreographer whose favorite word was “dreadful,” followed closely by “horrendous” and “no-talent hack.” Needless to say, America loved to hate Lowel.<br/> <br/>After I wrote all three names down, I sat back and looked at my list of suspects. Twelve beauty pageant contestants, two on-again-off-again parents, twenty-one dwarves, and three reality show judges.<br/> <br/>Oh boy. I seriously had my work cut out for me.</div> <hr style="clear:both;visibility:hidden;width:100%;"></hr> <h2 style="text-align:left;">NEW! NEW! NEW!</h2> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="position:relative;float:left;z-index:10;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img class="wsite-image galleryImageBorder" src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture"/></a><div style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;"></div></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font size="3">Hitman gets a makeover! I always loved this book especially. And the print cover was awful and I never really jived with the one I made for the ebooks. So I made this one!<br/><span></span>You're welcome.</font></div> <hr style="clear:both;visibility:hidden;width:100%;"></hr> <div><div id="347044515152450637" align="left" style="width: 100%; overflow-y: hidden;" class="wcustomhtml"><meta name="p:domain_verify" content="9f21bcf8b8390d467503aa14a2367be4"/></div> </div> <h2 style="text-align:left;"><font size="5">DO YOU LIKE REALITY TV AND BOOKS<br/><span></span> (LIKE ME)???</font></h2> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="position:relative;float:left;z-index:10;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img class="wsite-image galleryImageBorder" src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; none;" alt="Picture"/></a><div style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;"></div></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font size="3">Do you love to read? Do you enjoy watching reality TV shows, or any kind of television show? Then you won't want to miss the Books For<br/> Reality TV Fans list of 15 novels that explore the world of television behind the scenes. These books represent a variety of genres including mystery,suspense, romance, young adult, and middle grade books and they explore dance shows, a soap opera, a morning show, dating shows, a food show, adventure shows, and lots more. The list is hosted by Sink or Swim author Stacy Juba on her One Stop Reading Blog and you can find it by clicking <font color="#ff6600"><strong><a href="">HERE</a></strong></font>.<br/><span></span><br/></font><span><font size="3">My books STAND BY YOUR HITMAN & PARADISE BY THE RIFLE SIGHTS are included on the list!<br/>The full list of authors includes:<br/><font color="#ff0000"><strong>Stacy Juba<br/>Gemma Halliday <br/>Amanda Brice <br/>Leslie Langtry <br/>Chanta Rand <br/>Karl Fields <br/>Christi Barth <br/>Kimberly Kinkaid <br/> Lois Winston <br/>Elaine Raco Chase<br/>Liz Talley <br/></strong></font><br/> We may also be expanding the list of books and authors in the future. In the meantime, with summer reruns just around the corner, we hope you'll check out our books for some fun entertainment. Stacy will be featuring spotlights of each book, as well as hosting interviews with contestants from hit shows such as <em>Survivor</em>, <em>Big Brother</em>, <em>Top Chef</em>, <em>Bachelor Pad</em>, <em>So You Think You Can Dance</em>, and lots more. Some of the authors will also be chatting about books and reality shows on various blogs, Facebook and Twitter. Do you know a reader who loves reality TV? Do you know someone who needs to get AWAY from the television and pick up a book? Then please help us to spread the word.</font> </span></div> <hr style="clear:both;visibility:hidden;width:100%;"></hr> <h2 style="text-align:left;"><font size="5">GET THIS BOOK FOR YOUR MOM!</font></h2> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="position:relative;float:left;z-index:10;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img class="wsite-image galleryImageBorder" src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture"/></a><div style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;"></div></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font size="4">I LOVED this book and laughed out loud throughout! I even forced a squib on her: <font color="#ff0000">"Janene Murphy is funnier than me, and I want to be her. Don't miss this <br/> laugh-out-loud book from this must-read author! READ IT NOW!" - Leslie Langtry, <br/> author of the Bombay Family of Assassins Series <br/></font><font color="#000000">You can buy the paperback <a href="">here</a>. Should be coming out as an ebook soon - if it isn't already!</font></font></div> <hr style="clear:both;visibility:hidden;width:100%;"></hr> <h2 style="text-align:left;">Special Sale May 1-3 Only!</h2> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="position:relative;float:left;z-index:10;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img class="wsite-image galleryImageBorder" src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture"/></a><div style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;"></div></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font size="4">Check this out if you love to read and love sales! LOTS of great books from my friends! Click <a href="">here </a>to go to there!</font></div> <hr style="clear:both;visibility:hidden;width:100%;"></hr> <h2 style="text-align:left;">NEW! NEW! NEW!</h2> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="position:relative;float:left;z-index:10;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img class="wsite-image galleryImageBorder" src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture"/></a><div style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;"></div></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"><font size="5">And yet ANOTHER sneak peek at <br/><span></span><font color="#cc0000"><strong><em>DR. AWKWARD: The Adventures of Bob Palindrome in Space!</em> </strong></font> This time it's on the Romance Writers Revenge! Click <font color="#ff6600"><a href="">here</a></font> to go to there!</font></div> <hr style="clear:both;visibility:hidden;width:100%;"></hr> <h2 style="text-align:left;">The first installment of <font color="#cc0000"><em>Thursdays With Bradley </em></font>- where a 46yr. old babysits her 1yr. old great nephew - forgetting everything she ever knew about babies... Enjoy!</h2> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"></div> <div class="wsite-video"><div class="wsite-video-wrapper wsite-video-height-282 wsite-video-align-left"> <div class="wsite-video-container"> <iframe allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;" src=""></iframe> </div> </div></div> <h2 style="text-align:left;">NEW NEW NEW!<br/><span></span>Check out the World Premiere Sneak Preview of my New Comedy/Sci-Fi - Dr. Awkward: The Adventures of Bob Palindrome in Space - coming in April! You can check it out <font color="#ff6600"><a href="">here</a></font>.</h2> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"></div> <h2 style="text-align:left;"></h2> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="position:relative;float:left;z-index:10;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img class="wsite-image galleryImageBorder" src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture"/></a><div style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;"></div></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:center;display:block;"><font color="#ff6600" size="5">Here's a sneak peek at the next Bombay Book: <font size="4"><strong><em><font color="#663366">Snuff The Magic Dragon<br/></font></em></strong></font>This is a collection of short stories of Bombay 'assignments' through history! <br/><span></span>Coming soon!</font></div> <hr style="clear:both;visibility:hidden;width:100%;"></hr> <h2 style="text-align:left;">The Bombay Family of Assassins Greatest Hits Box Set - 5 Books in All - Is Just $9.99 at Amazon, Apple, Smashwords, Kobo and Barnes and Noble! Get It Today!</h2> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="position:relative;float:left;z-index:10;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img class="wsite-image galleryImageBorder" src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; none;" alt="Picture"/></a><div style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;"></div></span> <div class="paragraph" style="display:block;"><br/><span></span><font size="5">To Buy At Apple, <font color="#ff6600"><a href="">click here</a>;<br/><span></span></font>To Buy at Amazon, <font color="#ff6600"><a href="">click here</a>;<br/><span></span></font>To Buy at Smashwords, <font color="#ff6600"><a href="">click here</a></font>;<br/><span></span>To Buy at Barnes & Noble, <font color="#ff6600"><a href="">click here</a></font>;<br/><span></span>To Buy at Kobo, <font color="#ff6600"><a href="">click here</a></font>.</font><br/> <br/><span></span><br/><span></span><br/><span></span><br/><br/><span></span></div> <hr style="clear:both;visibility:hidden;width:100%;"></hr> <h2>My October Review of 'The Cursing Mommy's Book of Days' for Book End Babes, can be found if you <a href="">click here</a>!</h2> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"></div> <h2>Sometimes, You Just Have To Walk Your Duck - my post at girlfriendbooks, <a href="">click here</a>!</h2> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"></div> <div><div id="194798273440231671" align="left" style="width: 100%; overflow-y: hidden;" class="wcustomhtml"><script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-35267844-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? '' : '') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); </script></div> </div> <h2>For my September review of funny books at Book End Babes, <a href="" target="_blank">click here</a>!<br/></h2> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;"> </div> <h2 style="text-align:left;">For my day at the pirates' blog - warning - very dark humor, <a href="" target="_blank">click here</a>!<br/></h2> <div class="paragraph" style="display:block;"> </div> <h2>For my recent killer fiction blog, <a href="" target="_blank">click here</a>! <br/><span></span></h2> <div class="paragraph" style="display:block;"> </div> <h2>Check out my August review of a funny book today at Book End Babes - <a href="" target="_blank">click here</a>!<a title="" href=""><br/><span></span><br/></a></h2> <div class="paragraph" style="display:block;"> </div> <h2><font color="#ff9900" size="5">NEW & IMPROVED NEW NEWS!</font></h2> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="position:relative;float:left;z-index:10;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img class="wsite-image galleryImageBorder" src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture"/></a><div style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;"></div></span> <div class="paragraph" style="display:block;"><strong><font color="#ff9900" size="6">The box set of the Bombay Series is available at Amazon, Kobo, Apple itunes store, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords for $9.99!</font></strong></div> <hr style="clear:both;visibility:hidden;width:100%;"></hr> <h2><span style="color: rgb(255, 153, 0);"><font size="4"><font size="5">STILL NEWS - JUST NOT SO NEW!</font> <br/><span></span>'Scuse Me While I Kill This Guy is 99cents!</font></span><br/></h2> <span class="imgPusher" style="float:left;height:0px"></span><span style="position:relative;float:left;z-index:10;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px"><a><img class="wsite-image galleryImageBorder" src="/web/20131013192440im_/" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture"/></a><div style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;"></div></span> <div class="paragraph" style="display:block;"><font size="4">For a limited time only at,,, and in the Apple Store! <br/></font><br/></div> <hr style="clear:both;visibility:hidden;width:100%;"></hr></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="wsite-elements wsite-footer"> <div><div class="wsite-multicol"><div class="wsite-multicol-table-wrap" style="margin:0 -15px"> <table class="wsite-multicol-table"> <tbody class="wsite-multicol-tbody"> <tr class="wsite-multicol-tr"> <td class="wsite-multicol-col" style="width:50%;padding:0 15px"></td> <td class="wsite-multicol-col" style="width:50%;padding:0 15px"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div></div></div> <div class="paragraph">copyright Leslie Langtry 2012</div></div> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- if (document.cookie.match(/(^|;)\s*is_mobile=1/)) { var windowHref = window.location.href || ''; if (windowHref.indexOf('?') > -1) { windowHref += '&'; } else { windowHref += '?'; } document.write( " " + "<a class='wsite-view-link-mobile' href='" + windowHref + "view=mobile'>Mobile Site</a>" ); } //--> </script> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-35267844-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 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