Tres Lunas m谩s Abajo [Three Moons Below] – Arts at CERN

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xl:text-2xl">2023-2024</dd> </div> <div class="w-full flex-grow px-1.5"> <dt class="font-mono text-xs sm:text-sm border-t py-1 mt-6 md:mb-1">Medium</dt> <dd class="text-lg md:text-xl xl:text-2xl">Film 53'</dd> </div> </dl> </div> <div class="lg:w-2/3 xl:w-7/12 mt-10 lg:mt-0"> <div class="prose sm:prose-lg md:prose-xl xl:prose-2xl tracking-[0.02em] [&>p:first-of-type]:text-[1.2em] mx-auto mb-16 max-w-full"> <figure> <img width="1307" height="1922" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Patricia Dom铆nguez, Tres lunas m谩s abajo [Three Moons Below], 2024" decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" srcset=" 1307w, 204w, 696w, 768w, 1045w" sizes="(max-width: 1307px) 100vw, 1307px" /> <figcaption>Patricia Dom铆nguez, Tres lunas m谩s abajo [Three Moons Below], 2024, analogue photograph.</figcaption> </figure> <p><em>Three Moons Below</em> is a cinematic exploration that crossovers the spiritual and quantum realms</p> <p>In this fictional universe, CERN鈥檚 physics experiments and the astronomical observatories in the Atacama Desert converge with ancient petroglyphs, creating portals that transport the protagonist and her robotic bird companion. Together, they embark on a journey through otherwordly realities, consulting with mystical beings and acquiring the abilities of celestial antennas and particle detectors. Dom铆nguez&#8217;s personal, futuristic, and unearthly imagery is informed by her extensive research, spanning experimental sites to studies in ethnobotany and South American spiritual practices in plant healing.</p> <p>At the heart of their quest lies a prayer to identify and care for one&#8217;s entangled particle. The protagonist contemplates the nature of her entanglement, wondering if it could be with a machine, a wounded bird, or even a star in the distant Andromeda galaxy. The film explores the desire to feel, experience, and learn through these entanglements, offering a world vision in which everything is intertwined in a cosmic knot.</p> <p>By merging ancestral knowledge and contemporary science, the film expands our understanding of the universe beyond the tangible and visible. It advocates for a need to form connections between all living things, machines, and other entities, to develop more sustainable and supportive ways of existing.</p> <p><em>Tres Lunas m谩s Abajo</em> is a successor to her celebrated film Matrix Vegetal (2022) and the result of Dom铆nguez&#8217;s dual residency between CERN, the European Southern Observatory (ESO), and the ALMA Observatory.</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-wrap -mx-3 font-mono text-sm lg:text-base !leading-tight"> <div class="md:w-1/2 px-3"> <div class="border-t pt-1">Credits</div> <div class="mt-4 mb-10 normal-case">Three Moons Below is the result of Patricia Dom铆nguez's Simetr铆a residency award, and part of Arts at CERN's art commissions programme.</div> </div> <div class="md:w-1/2 px-3"> <div class="border-t pt-1">Support</div> <div class="mt-4 mb-10 normal-case">Fundaci贸n Bot铆n, ESO Observatories, Pro Helvetia Southamerica, Corporaci贸n Chilena de Video, Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio de Chile, and Cecilia Brunson Projects.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="relative my-16 bg-pearl"> <div class="swiper" data-slider> <div class="swiper-wrapper pt-12 pb-8 items-center lg:py-14 select-none"> <div class="swiper-slide w-min min-w-[240px]"> <figure> <img width="1024" height="576" src="" class="w-auto max-w-[80vw] max-h-[70vh] md:max-w-[70vw] xl:max-w-[60vw] 2xl:max-w-[40vw]" alt="" decoding="async" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 1840w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /> <figcaption class="mt-2 font-mono text-[12px] leading-[1.05] text-slate">Patricia Dom铆nguez, Tres lunas m谩s abajo [Three Moons Below], 2024 (video still)</figcaption> </figcaption> </div> <div class="swiper-slide w-min min-w-[240px]"> <figure> <img width="1024" height="576" src="" class="w-auto max-w-[80vw] max-h-[70vh] md:max-w-[70vw] xl:max-w-[60vw] 2xl:max-w-[40vw]" alt="" decoding="async" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 1840w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /> <figcaption class="mt-2 font-mono text-[12px] leading-[1.05] text-slate">Patricia Dom铆nguez, Tres lunas m谩s abajo [Three Moons Below], 2024 (video still)</figcaption> </figcaption> </div> <div class="swiper-slide w-min min-w-[240px]"> <figure> <img width="1024" height="576" src="" class="w-auto max-w-[80vw] max-h-[70vh] md:max-w-[70vw] xl:max-w-[60vw] 2xl:max-w-[40vw]" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 1840w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /> <figcaption class="mt-2 font-mono text-[12px] leading-[1.05] text-slate">Patricia Dom铆nguez, Tres lunas m谩s abajo [Three Moons Below], 2024 (video still)</figcaption> </figcaption> </div> <div class="swiper-slide w-min min-w-[240px]"> <figure> <img width="1024" height="576" src="" class="w-auto max-w-[80vw] max-h-[70vh] md:max-w-[70vw] xl:max-w-[60vw] 2xl:max-w-[40vw]" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 1840w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /> <figcaption class="mt-2 font-mono text-[12px] leading-[1.05] text-slate">Patricia Dom铆nguez, Tres lunas m谩s abajo [Three Moons Below], 2024 (video still)</figcaption> </figcaption> </div> <div class="swiper-slide w-min min-w-[240px]"> <figure> <img width="1024" height="576" src="" class="w-auto max-w-[80vw] max-h-[70vh] md:max-w-[70vw] xl:max-w-[60vw] 2xl:max-w-[40vw]" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 1840w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /> <figcaption class="mt-2 font-mono text-[12px] leading-[1.05] text-slate">Patricia Dom铆nguez, Tres lunas m谩s abajo [Three Moons Below], 2024 (video still)</figcaption> </figcaption> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center text-[12px] text-raven pointer-events-none lg:top-3 lg:right-4"> <svg class="w-4 h-auto mr-2" fill="currentColor" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 17 22"><path d="M9.987 2.343h-7.49a.47.47 0 0 1-.468-.468.47.47 0 0 1 .468-.468h7.49a.469.469 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