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class="node__content"> <!--<div class="fos-detail-sidebar"> <h2 class="visually-hidden">General Information</h2> <div class="divider"></div> <h3>Program Offerings:</h3> <ul> <li> B.S.E. </li> </ul> <div class="divider"></div> </div> --> <div class="fos-detail-main"> <div class="fos-detail-main-program-offerings fos-detail-main-section"> <h2 class="fos-detail-program-offerings-label">Program Offerings</h2> <ul class="fos-detail-prog-offerings-tabs"> <li> <a href="#prog-offering-1" class="tabby-first">B.S.E.</a> </li> </ul> <div class="fos-detail-prof-offerings-content"> <div id="prog-offering-1"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--ua-degree-and-reqs paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div class="field--type-entity-reference-taxonomy-term field field--name-field-ua-dar-degree field--type-entity-reference field--label-above"> <div class="field__label">Offering type</div> <div class="tid-11 field__item">B.S.E.</div> </div> <div class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-field-ua-dar-prog-desc field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field__item"><p>The <a href="">Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering </a>offers an academic program of study spanning a wide range of disciplines, connecting the broad fields of information, data, communication and computing systems to circuits, energy and the physical world. To prepare students for a future beyond Princeton, the three main themes of the program are (i) a broad foundation, (ii) depth and expertise in a major, and (iii) independent work and design. </p><p>All students begin with a unifying foundation, after which areas of specialization range from information and data sciences, computing systems, privacy and security and communication technology, robotics and autonomous cyberphysical systems, semiconductor electronic and optoelectronic devices, materials and nanotechnology, photonics, optics, and quantum computing, to applications of electrical and computer engineering to energy, environmental and biomedical applications. Students may select one of the suggested areas of specialization. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers an undergraduate program of study in electrical engineering accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of <a href="">ABET</a>, under the commission鈥檚 general criteria and program criteria for electrical, computer, communications, telecommunication(s) and similarly named engineering programs.</p><p>Students enter the department with a variety of career objectives in mind. Some intend to enter the industry directly upon graduation or to continue their studies in graduate school. Others wish to use the electrical and computer engineering program as background for careers in other fields including business, law or medicine. Flexibility in the undergraduate program allows a wide variety of objectives to be achieved and to allow a student to see a wide cross-section of electrical and computer engineering before deciding on an area of specialization. Similarly, students may also formally combine electrical and computer engineering with studies in a wide range of disciplines outside of ECE, from other engineering and science fields to broader topics that connect to society in many ways. (See Interdisciplinary Programs below.)</p></div> <div class="field field--name-field-ua-goals field--type-text-long field--label-above"> <h3 class="field__label">Goals for Student Learning</h3> <div class="field__item"><p>The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers an undergraduate program of study in electrical engineering accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of <a href="">ABET</a> under the general criteria and the program criteria for electrical, computer, communications, telecommunication(s) and similarly named engineering programs.</p><p>Accreditation ensures that certain academic programs meet established standards for engineering and technical education. The department has adopted the following program educational objectives; we want our graduates to:</p><ul><li>Apply their knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to become successful leaders in technology and its applications, in industry and academia.</li><li>Take an interdisciplinary and integrative approach to addressing and solving engineering challenges in broad societal contexts.</li><li>Have the intellectual independence to critically evaluate information and the planning skills to take well-informed and creative courses of action.</li><li>Practice the habits of lifelong and interdisciplinary learning, appropriate for industrial and academic careers.</li></ul><p>Students who successfully complete our program will have satisfied the following ABET student outcomes:</p><ol><li>An ability to identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science and mathematics.</li><li>An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors.</li><li>An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.</li><li>An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental and societal contexts.</li><li>An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks and meet objectives.</li><li>An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.</li><li>An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.</li></ol></div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-ua-program-of-study field--type-text-long field--label-above"> <h3 class="field__label">Program of Study</h3> <div class="field__item"><p>Our program has been carefully designed for our student majors to acquire mastery of core knowledge in electrical and computer engineering and to prepare our graduates to excel in engineering innovation and in lifelong learning. After the first year of mathematics, basic science, computing and writing requirements common to all B.S.E. programs, the program continues with a set of introductory ECE foundation courses (information, circuits, devices and digital logic). The intent of these courses is to provide essential knowledge for upper-level elective courses and to expose majors to the breadth of this exciting discipline. This foundation is built upon with two core preparatory and design courses, followed by a set of department electives that support the concentration area of your choice. Possible areas of concentration range from theoretical topics (such as communications, machine learning, security and network theory) to more experimental and design topics (such as photonics or advanced biomedical circuits). The areas of concentration may be interdisciplinary and include courses from other departments in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, as well as from related fields such as biology, chemistry, neuroscience, physics and others. The program鈥檚 flexibility allows students to create a tailored program to suit their interests, but the concentration courses must form a coherent theme, and normally, two of the courses will be ECE courses or designated equivalents. Many majors combine their study of electrical and computer engineering with one of the many interdisciplinary certificate and minor programs offered at Princeton (see below). The details of the ECE program and a current list of standard concentrations as well as the Undergraduate Handbook may be found at <a href="">Undergraduate Curriculum | Electrical and Computer Engineering</a>.</p><p> </p></div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-ua-independent-work field--type-text-long field--label-above"> <h3 class="field__label">Independent Work</h3> <div class="field__item"><p>Independent projects outside normal, structured lecture or laboratory courses are a valuable educational experience, and are most like what a student will experience in life after academia. Our majors are required to participate in two semesters of independent research concluded with a senior thesis in senior year. However, many students enroll in additional independent study beyond this minimum requirement. The program鈥檚 flexibility allows students to create a tailored program to suit their interests. Most students find them intellectually challenging but also extremely fulfilling. The projects may be done in collaboration with a faculty member's research program, or they may be "self-driven." Each student doing independent work will be required to give a presentation during a department-organized session held at the end of each term. Sophomore and junior independent work is greatly encouraged (ECE 297, 298, 397, 398) and a two-semester senior thesis is required.</p><p><strong>Interdisciplinary Programs</strong>. Interested students may combine their work in electrical and computer engineering with that in other departments through interdisciplinary certificate or minor programs such as robotics and intelligent systems, computing applications, optimization and quantitative decision science, engineering physics, materials science and engineering, neuroscience, engineering biology, environmental studies, applied and computational mathematics, sustainable energy, and technology and society. Majors should consult with their advisers to develop an ECE program that best combines their ECE interest with the interdisciplinary program. Additional materials on a certificate or a minor program may be obtained by contacting the director of the program.</p><p><strong>Further Information</strong>. Additional information on the departmental academic program and requirements is given in the electrical and computer engineering handbook, available from the departmental undergraduate office, Room B304, Engineering Quadrangle, or online at <a href="">Undergraduate Program | Electrical and Computer Engineering</a>. Prospective majors in electrical and computer engineering should consult the director of undergraduate studies as early as possible for purposes of planning an academic program.</p></div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-ua-additional-requirements field--type-text-long field--label-above"> <h3 class="field__label">Additional Requirements</h3> <div class="field__item"><h4>General Requirements</h4><p>All candidates for the B.S.E. are required to satisfy the general University requirements and the School of Engineering and Applied Science requirements. The SEAS computing requirement should be fulfilled in the first year if possible.</p><p>Each student's academic program must have depth in at least one area plus a reasonable degree of breadth to produce a sound basis for future development. All programs are required to have a strong design component and a strong engineering science component. The specific plan of study is determined in consultation with the student's academic adviser, taking into account ABET program guidelines. All such plans must include the following:</p><ol><li>Foundations: Electrical and Computer Engineering 201, 203, and at least one of 206 or 308. This requirement is normally satisfied by the end of sophomore year, although 206 and 308 can be delayed if foundational courses in related disciplines make this difficult. These courses are also open to all qualified first-year students.</li><li>Core: Electrical and Computer Engineering 302. This requirement is normally satisfied by the end of junior year.</li><li>Mathematics: At least one upper-level mathematics course. This may include: MAE 305/MAT 301, MAE 306/MAT 302, ORF 309/MAT 309, COS 340 or any other 300-/400-level mathematics course. The course selected to satisfy this requirement may not be counted toward the concentration area requirement, toward the breadth requirement or as a departmental requirement. </li><li>Concentration: Three courses in a chosen concentration area. (See Program of Study.)</li><li>Breadth: At least one 300-/400-level ECE elective course in an area distinct from the concentration area. Some COS and PHY courses are also possible. Note: ORF 309 cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.</li><li>Engineering science: An engineering course with a significant scientific component must be taken outside of ECE to satisfy this requirement. Many courses can be used to satisfy this requirement; note, however, that a course comprised largely of mathematics or applied mathematics does not satisfy the requirement. The course used to satisfy the engineering science requirement cannot also be used to satisfy the concentration area requirement or the breadth requirement, nor can it be counted as a departmental requirement. The following is a non-exhaustive list of possibilities: COS 217, 226, 320, 402, 423, 425, 451, 487; MAE 206, 221, 222, 324, 328, 344, 345, 433, 434; CEE 205, 207, 305, 471; MSE 301, 302; CBE 245, 246, 341, 415, 447; ORF 307, 311, 405, 406, 417.</li><li>Design: At least one upper-level electrical and computer engineering course with substantial design content beyond ECE 302 must be selected. These courses include ECE 373, 375, 404, 457, 458, 462, 475, 482 and COS 426, 436. This requirement may also be satisfied through junior work or a senior thesis with a substantial design component.</li><li>Balance and completeness: ECE students must take at least two upper-level (300- or 400-level) technical courses in each of the last four terms, called "departmental" courses. Of the eight departmental courses, at least five must be ECE courses and normally include 302 and the senior thesis (497, 498). The remaining three courses can be taken in CEE, CHM, CBE, COS, EEB, ECE, ENE, MAE, MAT, MOL, MSE, NEU, ORF or PHY. Courses in or cross-listed with electrical and computer engineering counted toward this requirement must be closely related to the student's academic program.<ul><li><strong>Note</strong>: Junior independent work (397, 398) and the senior thesis (497, 498) cannot be used to fulfill the breadth or concentration area requirements.</li></ul></li><li>Senior thesis: A two-term senior thesis is required. Students must enroll in ECE 497 (fall) and ECE 498 (spring). A grade will be given at the end of each term. A senior thesis must include an oral presentation to the faculty at the end of each term.</li><li>Oral presentation: This requirement is normally satisfied by the senior thesis presentation at the end of the senior year. The midyear thesis presentation does not satisfy the requirement.</li></ol><p>Graduate courses (500-level) are open to undergraduates upon completion of a permission form containing the signatures of the instructor and director of undergraduate studies.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fos-detail-main-faculty fos-detail-main-section"> <h2>Faculty</h2> <ul class="fos-faculty-list"> <li> <h3>Chair</h3> <ul class="fos-faculty-names"> <li> James C. Sturm </li> </ul> </li> <li> <h3>Associate Chair</h3> <ul class="fos-faculty-names"> <li> Claire F. Gmachl </li> </ul> </li> <li> <h3>Director of Undergraduate Studies</h3> <ul class="fos-faculty-names"> <li> Prateek Mittal (associate) (fall) </li> <li> David Wentzlaff (spring) </li> <li> Gerard Wysocki (fall) </li> </ul> </li> <li> <h3>Director of Graduate Studies</h3> <ul class="fos-faculty-names"> <li> Minjie Chen (associate) </li> <li> Mengdi Wang </li> </ul> </li> <li> <h3>Professor</h3> <ul class="fos-faculty-names"> <li> Ravindra N. Bhatt </li> <li> Stephen Y. Chou </li> <li> Jason W. Fleischer </li> <li> Claire F. Gmachl </li> <li> Andrea J. Goldsmith </li> <li> Andrew A. Houck </li> <li> Niraj K. Jha </li> <li> Antoine Kahn </li> <li> Sanjeev R. Kulkarni </li> <li> Sun-Yuan Kung </li> <li> Stephen A. Lyon </li> <li> Sharad Malik </li> <li> Iain McCulloch </li> <li> Prateek Mittal </li> <li> H. Vincent Poor </li> <li> Paul R. Prucnal </li> <li> Peter J. Ramadge </li> <li> Barry P. Rand </li> <li> Alejandro W. Rodriguez </li> <li> Guillermo Sapiro </li> <li> Kaushik Sengupta </li> <li> Mansour Shayegan </li> <li> James C. Sturm </li> <li> Hakan E. T眉reci </li> <li> Naveen Verma </li> <li> Pramod Viswanath </li> <li> David Wentzlaff </li> <li> Gerard Wysocki </li> </ul> </li> <li> <h3>Associate Professor</h3> <ul class="fos-faculty-names"> <li> Minjie Chen </li> <li> Jason D. Lee </li> <li> Jeffrey D. Thompson </li> <li> Mengdi Wang </li> <li> Nathalie P. de Leon </li> </ul> </li> <li> <h3>Assistant Professor</h3> <ul class="fos-faculty-names"> <li> Maria Apostolaki </li> <li> Jaime Fernandez Fisac </li> <li> Tian-Ming Fu </li> <li> Yasaman Ghasempour </li> <li> Sarang Gopalakrishnan </li> <li> Chi Jin </li> <li> Saien Xie </li> </ul> </li> <li> <h3>Associated Faculty</h3> <ul class="fos-faculty-names"> <li> Amir Ali Ahmadi, Oper Res and Financial Eng </li> <li> Craig B. Arnold, Mechanical & Aerospace Eng </li> <li> David I. August, Computer Science </li> <li> Jianqing Fan, Oper Res and Financial Eng </li> <li> Kyle A. Jamieson, Computer Science </li> <li> Gillat Kol, Computer Science </li> <li> Kai Li, Computer Science </li> <li> Lynn Loo, Chemical and Biological Eng </li> <li> Margaret R. Martonosi, Computer Science </li> <li> Jennifer Rexford, Computer Science </li> <li> Aditya Sood, Mechanical & Aerospace Eng </li> <li> Bartolomeo Stellato, Oper Res and Financial Eng </li> </ul> </li> <li> <h3>Lecturer</h3> <ul class="fos-faculty-names"> <li> Hossein Valavi </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p>For a full list of faculty members and fellows please visit the department or program website.</p> </div> <div class="fos-detail-main-courses fos-detail-main-section"> <h2>Courses</h2> <div class="fos-detail-main-courses-list"> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 102 - New Eyes for the World: Hands-On Optical Engineering (also EGR 103) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> SEL </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> This lab course introduces students to modern topics of engineering optics. Teams of students will carry out four different projects: holography, lasers, free-space optical communication, and nanotechnology. Teaches the foundations and broader societal issues of these technologies. The laboratory sessions involve hands-on training as well as experimentation and exploration. Skills acquired in this course include computer programming of user interfaces, data acquisition and interpretation, wet chemical processing, and electronics design assembly. One 90-minute lecture, one three-hour laboratory. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 115 - Introduction to Computing: Programming Autonomous Vehicles <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> This course is an introductory course in programming and computing concepts for engineering students who have little/no experience in computing/programming and are interested in learning programming in the context of a robotic autonomous vehicle system. Intro to fundamental programming concepts: control flow, iteration, abstraction, sub-routines, functions, recursion, lists and arrays. Course is tightly integrated with a real robotic platform: an autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle which students will program and fly in lab as they learn programming. <span class="course-instructors"> H. Valavi </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 201 - Information Signals <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Spring</span> SEL </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Signals that carry information, e.g. sound, images, sensors, radar, communication, robotic control, play a central role in technology and engineering. This course teaches mathematical tools to analyze, manipulate, and preserve information signals. We discuss how continuous signals can be perfectly represented through sampling, leading to digital signals. Major focus points are the Fourier transform, linear time-invariant systems, frequency domain, and filtering. We use MATLAB for laboratory exercises. Prerequisite: knowledge of elementary calculus. <span class="course-instructors"> S. Kulkarni </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 203 - Electronic Circuit Design, Analysis and Implementation <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Spring</span> SEL </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Introduction to electronic circuits and systems. Methods of circuit analysis to create functions from devices, including resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, and transistors, in conjunction with op-amps. Quantitative focus on DC and higher-frequency signals using linear systems theory with major emphasis on intuition. Students pursue design (using op-amps and micro controllers), simulations (using SPICE), and analysis in labs. <span class="course-instructors"> H. Valavi </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 206 - Contemporary Logic Design (also COS 306) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> SEL </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Introduction of the basic concepts in logic design that form the basis of computation and communication circuits. This course will start from scratch and end with building a working computer on which we will run small programs. <span class="course-instructors"> S. Malik, H. Valavi </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 222A - The Computing Age (also EGR 222A) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> The past several decades have seen an exponential growth in computing as reflected in modern computers as well as consumer products such as music/video players and cell phones. This course will explore the reasons for this growth through studying the core principles of computing. It will cover representation of information including video and music, the design of computers and consumer devices, and their efficient implementation using computer chips. Finally, it will examine the technological factors that will likely limit future growth and discuss the societal impact of this outcome. Two 90-minute lectures, one preceptorial. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 222B - The Computing Age (also EGR 222B) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> SEL </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> The past several decades have seen an exponential growth in computing as reflected in modern computers as well as consumer products such as music/video players and cell phones. This course will explore the reasons for this growth through studying the core principles of computing. It will cover representation of information including video and music, the design of computers and consumer devices, and their efficient implementation using computer chips. Finally, it will examine the technological factors that will likely limit future growth and discuss the societal impact of this outcome. Two 90-minute lectures, one three-hour laboratory. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 301 - Designing Real Systems <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> This course focuses on the science, engineering, and design of the highly integrated systems that dominate many of today's devices. Analysis of systems, subsystems, and basic principles will be covered, with an emphasis on hardware-software optimization, sampling and digitization, signal and noise, feedback and control, and communication. Prerequisites: ELE 201, ELE 203, ELE 206. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 302 - Robotic and Autonomous Systems Lab <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Comprehensive laboratory-based course in electronic system design and analysis. Covers formal methods for the design and analysis of moderately complex real-world electronic systems. Course is centered around a semester-long design project involving a computer-controlled vehicle designed and constructed by teams of two students. Integrates microprocessors, communications, and control. Prerequisites: ECE 201 and 203. <span class="course-instructors"> A. Houck, S. Lyon, H. Valavi </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 308 - Electronic and Photonic Devices <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> SEL </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Intro to fundamentals and operations of semiconductor devices and sensors and micro/nano fabrication technologies used to make them. Devices include field-effect transistors, photodetectors and solar cells, light-emitting diodes and lasers. Applications include: computing and microchips, optical transmission of info (the internet backbone), displays and renewable energy. Students will fabricate their own devises in a clean room and test via microprobes. Special emphasis placed on the interplay between the material properties, fabrication capabilities, device performance and ultimate system performance. Prerequisites:MAT103-104 and PHY103-104. <span class="course-instructors"> B. Rand, I. McCulloch </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 341 - Solid-State Devices <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> The physics and technology of solid-state devices. Topics include: p-n junctions and two terminal devices, transistors, silicon controlled rectifiers, field effect devices, silicon vidicon and storage tubes, metal-semiconductor contacts and Schottky barrier devices, microwave devices, junction lasers, liquid crystal devices, and fabrication of integrated circuits. Three hours of lectures. Prerequisite: 308 or the equivalent. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 342 - Principles of Quantum Engineering <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Fundamentals of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics needed for understanding the principles of operation of modern solid state and optoelectronic devices and quantum computers. Topics covered include Schr枚dinger Equation, Operator and Matrix Methods, Quantum Statistics and Distribution Functions, and Approximation Methods, with examples from solid state and materials physics and quantum electronics. Prerequisites: (PHY 103 or PHY 105) and (PHY 104 or PHY 106) or EGR 151 and EGR 153. MAT 201 and MAT 202, or EGR 152 and EGR 154. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 351 - Foundations of Photonics <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Spring</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> This course provides the students with a broad and solid background in electromagnetics, including both statics and dynamics, as described by Maxwell's equations. Fundamental concepts of diffraction theory, Fourier optics, polarization of light, and geometrical optics will be discussed. Emphasis is on engineering principles, and applications will be discussed throughout. Examples include cavities, waveguides, antennas, fiber optic communications, and imaging. Prerequisite: PHY 103 and PHY 104 or equivalent. <span class="course-instructors"> A. Rodriguez </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 352 - Physical Optics <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Fundamental and practical aspects of physical optics. Lenses and ray optics, lens maker's formula, wave propagation, Fourier optics, Gaussian beams are all considered. Design and use of practical optical systems including optical beam steering in medicine, fiber optics. Three hours of lectures. Prerequisite: PHY 104. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 364 - Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Machine learning for predictive data analytics; information-based learning; similarity-based learning; probability-based learning; error-based learning; deep learning; evaluation. <span class="course-instructors"> N. Jha </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 381 - Networks: Friends, Money and Bytes (also COS 381) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> This course is oriented around 20 practical questions in the social, economic, and technological networks in our daily lives. How does Google sell ad spaces and rank webpages? How does Netflix recommend movies and Amazon rank products? How do I influence people on Facebook and Twitter? Why doesn't the Internet collapse under congestion, and does it have an Achilles heel? Why does each gigabyte of mobile data cost $10, but Skype is free? How come Wi-Fi is slower at hotspots than at home, and what is inside the cloud of iCloud? In formulating and addressing these questions, we introduce the fundamental concepts behind the networking industry. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 386 - Cyber Security (also EGR 386) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> SEN </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> The technology underlying secure transactions and safe interactions in a public Internet and wireless world. Humans interact daily with each other, with information, and with services through cyberspace. Topics include policy, economic, and social issues related to cyber security needs such as confidentiality, data integrity, user authentication, trust, non-repudiation, availability, privacy and anonymity, case studies in electronic commerce, denial of service attacks, viruses and worms, digital rights management, surveillance, and cyber-terrorism. Two 90-minute lectures. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 391 - The Wireless Revolution: Telecommunications for the 21st Century (also EGR 391) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> SEN </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> This interdisciplinary course addresses technological, regulatory, economic, and social issues arising in the rapidly developing field of wireless communications. The course introduces students to a major technological trend that will be a significant force in worldwide commercial and social development throughout the 21st century. Prerequisites: MAT 103 or permission of instructor. Two 90-minute lectures. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 396 - Introduction to Quantum Computing (also COS 396) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> This course will introduce the matrix form of quantum mechanics and discuss the concepts underlying the theory of quantum information. Some of the important algorithms will be discussed, as well as physical systems which have been suggested for quantum computing. Prerequisite: Linear algebra at the level of MAT 202, 204, 217, or the equivalent. <span class="course-instructors"> S. Gopalakrishnan </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 397 - Junior Independent Work <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Provides an opportunity for a student to concentrate on a "state-of-the-art" project in electrical engineering. Topics may be selected from suggestions by faculty members or proposed by the student. The final choice must be approved by the faculty member. <span class="course-instructors"> P. Prucnal </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 398 - Junior Independent Work <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Spring</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Provides an opportunity for a student to concentrate on a "state-of-the-art" project in electrical engineering. Topics may be selected from suggestions by faculty members or proposed by the student. The final choice must be approved by the faculty member. <span class="course-instructors"> P. Prucnal </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 404 - Mixed-signal Circuits and Systems <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Start by analyzing biological systems to understand the origins of some of the signals that they present. Develop circuit models of these systems to determine what instrumentation circuits are required at the interface so that the signals can be reliably acquired. Study analog circuit topologies based on MOSFETs for low-noise instrumentation and processing of the signals. Study digital topologies based on MOSFETs for extensive computations on the biological signals. Analyze the trade-offs between the analog and digital topologies. Emphasis is on design and analysis using circuit simulators. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 432 - Information Security (also COS 432) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Spring</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Security issues in computing, communications, and electronic commerce. Goals and vulnerabilities; legal and ethical issues; basic cryptology; private and authenticated communication; electronic commerce; software security; viruses and other malicious code; operating system protection; trusted systems design; network security; firewalls; policy, administration and procedures; auditing; physical security; disaster recovery; reliability; content protection; privacy. Prerequisites: 217 and 226. Two lectures. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 435 - Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> The course is an introduction to the theoretical foundations of machine learning. A variety of classical and recent results in machine learning and statistical analysis including: Bayesian classification, regression, regularization, sparse regression, support vector machines, kernels, neural networks and gradient descent. <span class="course-instructors"> H. Valavi, P. Ramadge </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 441 - Solid-State Physics I (also ENE 441) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> An introduction to the properties of solids. Theory of free electrons--classical and quantum. Crystal structure and methods of determination. Electron energy levels in a crystal: weak potential and tight-binding limits. Classification of solids--metals, semiconductors, and insulators. Types of bonding and cohesion in crystals. Lattice dynamics, phonon spectra, and thermal properties of harmonic crystals. Prerequisite: 342, or PHY 208 and 305, or permission of instructor. <span class="course-instructors"> M. Shayegan </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 442 - Solid-State Physics II (also ENE 442) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Electronic structure of solids. Electron dynamics and transport. Semiconductors and impurity states. Surfaces and interfaces. Dielectric properties of insulators. Electron-electron, electron-phonon, and phonon-phonon interactions. Anharmonic effects in crystals. Magnetism. Superconductivity. Alloys. Three hours of lectures. Prerequisites: 441 or equivalent. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 453 - Optical and Quantum Electronics <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Fundmentals of light-matter interactions, waveguides and resonators, nonlinear optics and lasers. <span class="course-instructors"> A. Rodriguez </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 455 - Optical and Photonic Systems for Environmental Sensing (also CEE 455/MAE 455/MSE 455) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Spring</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> This class will teach students about optical and photonic sensing technologies and their applications to environmental monitoring. The course will contain elements of atmospheric science and Earth observation, fundamentals of optics, photonics and laser physics, as well as a survey of modern optical and spectroscopic sensing applications. <span class="course-instructors"> S. Chou </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 458 - Photonics and Light Wave Communications <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> This course provides an introduction to the state-of-the-art in photonic technology and systems, focusing on high performance fiber-optic telecommunication systems of silicon photonics. The basic physical principles and performance characteristics of optical fibers, lasers, detectors, optical amplifiers and dispersion management will be discussed. The design and performance analysis of photonic systems will be presented. <span class="course-instructors"> P. Prucnal </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 461 - Design with Nanotechnologies <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Introduction to nanotechnologies; threshold logic/majority logic and their applications to RTDs, QCA and SETs; nanowire based crossbars and PLAs; carbon nanotube based circuits; double-gate CMOS-based circuits; reversible logic for quantum computing; non-volatile memory; nanopipelining; testing; and defect tolerance. Two 90-minute lectures. Prerequisite: ELE 206. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 462 - Design of Very Large-Scale Integrated (VLSI) Systems (also COS 462) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Analysis and design of digital integrated circuits using deep sub-micron CMOS technologies as well as emerging and post-CMOS technologies (Si finFETs, III-V, carbon). Emphasis on design, including synthesis, simulation, layout and post-layout verification. Analysis of energy, power, performance, area of logic-gates, interconnect and signaling structures. <span class="course-instructors"> N. Verma </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 465 - Switching and Sequential Systems <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Theory of digital computing systems. Topics include logic function decomposition, reliability and fault diagnosis, synthesis of synchronous circuits and iterative networks, state minimization, synthesis of asynchronous circuits, state-identification and fault detection, finite-state recognizers, definite machines, information lossless machines. Three hours of lectures. Prerequisite: 206. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 466 - Digital System Testing <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Component-level issues related to testing and design/synthesis for testability of digital systems. Topics include test generation for combinational and sequential circuits, design and synthesis for testability, and built-in self-test circuits. Three hours of lectures. Prerequisite 206. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 475 - Computer Architecture (also COS 475) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Spring</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> An in-depth study of the fundamentals of modern computer processor and system architecture. Students will develop a strong theoretical and practical understanding of modern, cutting-edge computer architectures and implementations. Studied topics include: Instruction-set architecture and high-performance processor organization including pipelining, out-of-order execution, as well as data and instruction parallelism. Cache, memory, and storage architectures. Multiprocessors and multicore processors. Coherent caches. Interconnection and network infrastructures. Prerequisite: ECE 375/COS 375 and ECE 206/COS 306 (or familiarity with Verilog). <span class="course-instructors"> D. Wentzlaff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 482 - Digital Signal Processing <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> The lectures will cover: (1) Basic principles of digital signal processing. (2) Design of digital filters. (3) Fourier analysis and the fast Fourier transform. (4) Roundoff errors in digital signal processing. (5) Applications of digital signal processing. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 486 - Transmission and Compression of Information (also APC 486) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> An introduction to lossless data compression algorithms, modulation/demodulation of digital data, error correcting codes, channel capacity, lossy compression of analog and digital sources. Three hours of lectures. Prerequisites: 301, ORF 309. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 488 - Image Processing <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Introduction to the basic theory and techniques of two- and three-dimensional image processing. Topics include image perception, 2-D image transforms, enhancement, restoration, compression, tomography and image understanding. Applications to HDTV, machine vision, and medical imaging, etc. Three hours of lectures, one laboratory. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 497 - Senior Independent Work <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Senior Thesis Course. The student has the opportunity to do a self driven project by proposing a topic and finding a faculty member willing to supervise the work, or, the student may do a project in conjunction with a faculty member's research. A second reader will be required for both the midterm report and final thesis report. Students will be required to enroll in ELE 498 in the spring. <span class="course-instructors"> P. Prucnal </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ECE 498 - Senior Independent Work <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Spring</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Provides an opportunity for a student to concentrate on a "state-of-the-art" project in electrical and computer engineering. A student may propose a topic and find a faculty member willing to supervise the work. Or the student may select a topic from lists of projects obtained from faculty and off-campus industrial researchers, subject to the consent of the faculty advisor. <span class="course-instructors"> P. Prucnal </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> COS 302 - Mathematics for Numerical Computing and Machine Learning (also ECE 305/SML 305) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> This course provides a comprehensive and practical background for students interested in continuous mathematics for computer science. The goal is to prepare students for higher-level subjects in artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, graphics, and other topics that require numerical computation. This course is intended students who wish to pursue these more advanced topics, but who have not taken (or do not feel comfortable) with university-level multivariable calculus (e.g., MAT 201/203) and probability (e.g., ORF 245 or ORF 309). <span class="course-instructors"> E. Zhong </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> COS 375 - Computer Architecture and Organization (also ECE 375) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> SEN </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> An introduction to computer architecture and organization. Instruction set design; basic processor implementation techniques; performance measurement; caches and virtual memory; pipelined processor design; design trade-offs among cost, performance, and complexity. Two classes Prerequisites: COS 217. <span class="course-instructors"> M. Martonosi </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> EGR 491 - High-Tech Entrepreneurship (also ECE 491/ENT 491) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall/Spring</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> This hands-on course introduces students to analysis and actions required to launch and commercialize a tech company, through the use of Harvard Business School cases, visits from entrepreneurs, and two "field assignments". You will learn conceptual frameworks and analytical techniques for evaluating technologies, markets, and commercialization strategies. Additionally, you will learn how to attract and motivate the resources needed to start a company (e.g. people, corporate partners and venture capital), prepare business plans, structure relationships, refine product-market fit, and create and grow enterprise value. <span class="course-instructors"> C. Kuenne </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ENE 273 - Renewable Energy and Smart Grids (also ECE 273) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> SEN </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> This course explores broadly renewable energy systems and smart grids. Technical and operational principles of the modern electric grids will be introduced, followed by an overview of various energy sources from fossil-fuel generators to photovoltaic systems. The intermittency of renewable energy systems and its impact on the electric grid will be discussed together with its potential solutions: energy storage systems and demand response techniques. This course will also include a few experimental demo sessions in which students will gain hands-on experience in understanding the fundamental principles of power conversion. <span class="course-instructors"> M. Chen </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> ENE 431 - Solar Energy Conversion (also ECE 431/EGR 431/ENV 431) <span class="course-title-suffix"> QCR </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Principles and design of solar energy conversion systems. Quantity and availability of solar energy. Physics and chemistry of solar energy conversion: solar optics, optical excitation, capture of excited energy, and transport of excitations or electronic charge. Conversion methods: thermal, wind, photoelectric, photoelectrochemical, photosynthetic, biomass. Solar energy systems: low and high temperature conversion, photovoltaics. Storage of solar energy. Conversion efficiency, systems cost, and lifecycle considerations. <span class="course-instructors"> B. Rand </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> MAE 345 - Introduction to Robotics (also COS 346/ECE 345/ROB 345) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Fall</span> </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> Robotics is a rapidly-growing field with applications including unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous cars, and robotic manipulators. This course will provide an introduction to the basic theoretical and algorithmic principles behind robotic systems. The course will also allow students to get hands-on experience through project-based assignments. Topics include inverse kinematics, motion planning, localization, mapping, vision, and reinforcement learning. Prerequisites: MAT 201 or 203, MAT 202 or 204, COS 126. Recommended ORF 309 and MAE 305. A.B. students ST requirement; B.S.E. students 1st-year science requirement. Two 90-minute lectures. <span class="course-instructors"> R. Nagpal </span> </div> <span class="test"></span> <h3> PHI 218 - Learning Theory and Epistemology (also ECE 218/EGR 218) <span class="course-title-suffix"> <span class="term_offered">Not offered this year</span> EC </span> </h3> <div class="details-wrapper"> An accessible introduction for all students to recent results by logicians, computer scientists, psychologists, engineers, and statisticians concerning the nature and limits of learning. Topics include truth and underdetermination, induction, computability, language learning, pattern recognition, neural networks, and the role of simplicity in theory choice. Two lectures, one preceptorial. <span class="course-instructors"> Staff </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> </main> </div> <nav class="back-to-top sr-only sr-only-focusable" aria-label="Back to top"><button><div class="full-name sr-only">Back to </div><div class="short-name">Top</div></button></nav> </div> </div> <footer role="contentinfo" class="footer region region-footer" id="footer"> <h2 class="sr-only">Footer</h2> <div class="container"> <div class="region region-footer"> <div class="constrained-bkg-constrained-content layout layout--threecol-33-34-33"> <div class="layout-inner-container"> <div class="layout__region layout__region--first layout__region--thirds layout__region--narrow"> <div class="block-ps-text with-block-description block block-layout-builder block-inline-blockps-text" data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:ps_text"> <h2 class="block-heading">Related Links</h2> <div class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-field-ps-body field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field__item"><p><a href="" target="_blank">Academic Guides and Resources</a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Graduate School, Departments & Programs of Study</a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Office of the Registrar, Course Information</a></p></div> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--second layout__region--thirds layout__region--narrow"> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--third layout__region--thirds layout__region--narrow"> <div class="block-ps-text with-block-description block block-layout-builder block-inline-blockps-text" data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:ps_text"> <div class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-field-ps-body field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field__item"><p class="text-align-right"><a href="/archive">Archive</a></p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="subfooter"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="subfooter-links"> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li> <a href="">Accessibility Help</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <p class="copyright-text"> © 2024 The Trustees of Princeton University </p> </div> <div class="col-md-4 text-sm-left text-md-right copyright"> <a href="" class="pu-logo" title="Princeton University"><img src="/profiles/ps/themes/ps_base/images/pu-logo-stacked.svg" alt="Princeton University"/> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </footer> </div> </div> <span id="ps-current-username" data-username=""></span> <script src="/profiles/ps/themes/ps_base/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/modules/contrib/linkpurpose/library/js/linkpurpose.min.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/modules/contrib/linkpurpose/js/linkpurpose-drupal.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/modules/custom/ps_core/js/link_behavior.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/modules/custom/ps_core/js/focusable-hash-fixer.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/modules/custom/ps_core/js/enhanced-focus.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/modules/custom/ps_core/js/search-terms-fragment-parser.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/modules/custom/ps_core/js/search-terms-highlighter.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/modules/custom/ps_core/js/collapse-text-search-terms-revealer.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/libraries/custom/select2/dist/js/select2.js?v=4.x"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/modules/custom/select2_simple/js/select2_simple.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/core/misc/active-link.js?v=10.3.6"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/themes/ps_base/js/main-menu.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/themes/ps_tiger/js/header.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/themes/ps_tiger/js/image-no-border.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/modules/custom/ps_core/js/utils.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/modules/custom/ps_core/js/columns.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/modules/custom/ps_core/js/tables.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/themes/ps_base/js/back-to-top.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/modules/custom/ps_core/js/jump-link-menu.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/libraries/tabby/tabby.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/sites/g/files/toruqf6786/themes/site/js/fields-of-study-detail.js?sm81ex"></script> <script src="/core/misc/form.js?v=10.3.6"></script> <script src="/profiles/ps/modules/custom/ps_core/js/logout-link-username.js?sm81ex"></script> </body> </html>