OME Files | Open Microscopy Environment (OME)

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Potential uses include export of images using OME-TIFF, saving of acquired image data in OME-TIFF, reading metadata and image data from OME-TIFF for visualization and analysis, or use of the data model metadata APIs for handling metadata.</p> <p><a class="small button sites-button btn-blue" href="" target="_blank">Read the Docs <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></i></a></p> </div> <!-- end --> <!-- begin --> <hr class="whitespace"> <div class="row column text-center"> <h2>A Reimplementation</h2> </div> <hr> <div class="row column text-center"> <p>OME Files is a reimplementation of the Bio-Formats Java API, providing equivalent data model, metadata and reading and writing interfaces. Unlike the <a href="/bio-formats/">Bio-Formats</a> Java API, which supports reading of over 140 file formats and writing of over 15 file formats, OME Files restricts itself to reading and writing OME-TIFF and plain TIFF, and does not yet support additional formats. At present it is a reference implementation for the OME-TIFF format, and the focus for development is upon improving and extending the data model metadata APIs and the reader and writer APIs, rather than adding additional formats.</p> </div> <!-- end --> <!-- begin --> <hr class="whitespace"> <div class="row column text-center"> <h2>Our Community</h2> </div> <hr> <div class="row column text-center"> <p>OME Files was developed by the Open Microscopy Environment consortium. Licensing information can be found on the <a href="/licensing/">OME licensing page</a>.</p> </div> <!-- end --> <hr class="whitespace"> <!-- begin anchor --> <div class="text-center"> <a id="back-to-top" href="#top-of-page"><i class="fa fa-arrow-up"></i> back to top</a> </div> <!-- end anchor --> <!-- begin CTA --> <hr class="whitespace"> <header class="marketing-hero" style="background-image: url('/img/bg/ome-files.jpg');"> <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 columns bg-image-text-container-cta text-center"> <p class="hero-subheader">Get started working with your images now</p> <a href="/ome-files/downloads/" class="large btn-blue button sites-button" style="text-shadow: none;">Download OME Files</a> </div> </div> </header> <!-- end CTA --> <div id="footer" class="callout large secondary"> <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 medium-4 columns"> <div class="medium-4"><a href="/index.html"><img class="footer-logo" src="/img/logos/ome-main-nav.svg" alt="OME logo" /></a></div> <p>&copy; 2005-2024 University of Dundee &amp; Open Microscopy Environment. <a href="" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a></p> <p>OME source code is available under the <a href="">GNU General public license</a> or more permissive open source licenses, or through commercial license from <a href="" target="_blank">Glencoe Software Inc.</a><br/>OME, Bio-Formats, OMERO, IDR and their associated logos are trademarks of <a href="" target="_blank">Glencoe Software Inc.</a>, which holds these marks to protect them on behalf of the OME community.</p> <p class="tiny-print" style="float:left;">[ <a href="/site-map/">Site Map</a> ]</p> <p class="tiny-print" style="float:right;">Version: 2024.11.21</p> </div> <div class="medium-2 columns"> <h6>Learn About Us</h6> <ul class="menu vertical"> <li><a href="/about/">Who We Are</a></li> <li><a href="/teams/">Our Team</a></li> <li><a href="/explore/">What We Can Do</a></li> <li><a href="/news/">What We鈥檙e Up To</a></li> <li><a href="/events/ome-community-meeting-2024/">OME 2024</a></li> <li class="hide-for-large-only">&nbsp;</li> </ul> </div> <div class="medium-2 columns"> <h6>Try Our Products</h6> <ul class="menu vertical"> <li><a href="/omero/downloads/">OMERO <span class="badge">Download</span></a></li> <li><a href="/bio-formats/downloads">Bio-Formats <span class="badge">Download</span></a></li> <li><a href="/ome-files/downloads">OME Files <span class="badge">Download</span></a></li> <li class="hide-for-large-only">&nbsp;</li> </ul> </div> <div class="medium-2 columns"> <h6>Knowledge Base</h6> <ul class="menu vertical"> <li><a href="/support/">Support</a></li> <li><a href="/docs/">Documentation</a></li> <li><a href="">User Guides</a></li> <li><a href="">Forum</a></li> <li><a href="">Security Advisories</a></li> <li class="hide-for-large-only">&nbsp;</li> </ul> </div> <div class="medium-2 columns end"> <h6>OME Public</h6> <ul class="menu vertical"> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-twitter"></i> Twitter</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-linkedin"></i> LinkedIn</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-facebook"></i> Facebook</a></li> <!-- <li><a href=";uio=d4" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-comments"></i> IRC</a></li> --> <li><a href="/on-the-web/" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-globe"></i> On the Web</a></li> <li class="hide-for-large-only">&nbsp;</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script src=""></script> <script src="/js/vendor/jquery.js"></script> <script src="/js/vendor/what-input.js"></script> <script src="/js/vendor/foundation.js"></script> <script src="/js/app.js"></script> <script src="/js/responsive-tables.js"></script> <script> $(document).foundation(); try { // helper function to filter out empty paths (trailing slash) var omitEmpty = function(el) { return el.trim() !== ''}; // extract last path bit from url var paths = document.location.pathname.split('/').filter(omitEmpty); var path = paths[paths.length-1]; // helper function to find and set active option var setActiveNavOption = function(el) { var subPaths = el.href.split('/').filter(omitEmpty); var subPath = subPaths[subPaths.length-1]; if (subPath === path) { $(el).addClass('is-active'); return true } return false; } // check if we have a .header-subnav match? var hasSubMenu = false; $(".header-subnav li a").each(function(i, el) { var isMatch = setActiveNavOption(el); if (isMatch) { hasSubMenu = true; return false; } }); // find corresponding path bit for .menu-subnav option if (hasSubMenu && paths.length > 1) { var parentPath = paths[paths.length-2]; if (parentPath !== 'omero') path = parentPath; } // set .menu-subnav option $(".menu-subnav li a").each(function(i, el) { if (setActiveNavOption(el)) return false; }); } catch(ignored) {} </script> </body> </html>

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