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This 150-page PDF report comes with a 3 month access to an interactive SaaS-based tech scouting platform containing information about 450+ AI-driven companies in pharma and biotech. </p> <p> <a href="/a/contact/report-discount/?page=/membership/" rel="nofollow">Contact us</a> before purchasing the report so that we can apply the 10% discount! </p> </div> <div class="well"> <h4>Do I get an invoice?</h4> <p> You receive a payment receipt by email shortly after your payment. We will also send you an invoice in the following days. We also send you invoices after each renewal of your membership. </p> </div> <div class="well"> <h4>If my card is declined, can I pay by wire transfer?</h4> <p> Yes. <a href="/a/contact/?page=/membership/" rel="nofollow">Contact us</a> and we will send you the instructions for a wire transfer. </p> </div> <div class="well"> <h4>Is the membership automatically renewed?</h4> <p> The membership renews automatically every year. 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