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Make sure you're paying the right amount so you do not end up with a large bill.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Income you pay tax on</a> </h3> <p>When you pay tax or do a tax return you need to know what to include as income. Check to see what counts as a source of income.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Getting a tax refund</a> </h3> <p>Most people automatically get a tax refund if they’re owed one.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Changing your tax code</a> </h3> <p>If you start or stop work, remember that you may need to change the tax code you use for any other sources of income, such as NZ Superannuation, investments or another job.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Tax on investments and savings</a> </h3> <p>You pay tax on income from all your savings and investments, whether they're in NZ or overseas. Your tax rate is based on your income.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">GST rate</a> </h3> <p>You pay a 15% goods and services tax (GST) on most of your purchases in New Zealand.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Payroll giving</a> </h3> <p>You can donate money to charities and organisations directly from your pay.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Choose the right tax code for your NZ Superannuation</a> </h3> <p>When you start getting NZ Super you might still have other sources of income. You need to make sure you’re using the correct tax code.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Paying tax if you come to work in NZ</a> </h3> <p>If you’re coming to NZ to work, you’ll need to pay tax. </p> </li> </ul> </div> </details> </li> <li> <details class="accordion-item"> <summary class="accordion-item-button accordion-trigger"> <span class="accordion-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span> <h2> <span class="accordion-title">Get an IRD number</span> </h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-content"> <ul> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">How to get an IRD number</a> </h3> <p>It’s important to get an IRD number as all your tax, entitlements (like student loan or Working for Families Tax Credits) and personal details are linked to this number.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Get an IRD number for your child</a> </h3> <p>Your child will need an IRD number if they’re earning any money or interest, or if you’re applying for Working for Families or child support. </p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Get an IRD number for a business, charity or trust</a> </h3> <p>If you’re starting an organisation that will involve money changing hands, it’ll need its own IRD number.</p> </li> </ul> </div> </details> </li> <li> <details class="accordion-item"> <summary class="accordion-item-button accordion-trigger"> <span class="accordion-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span> <h2> <span class="accordion-title">Benefits and allowances</span> </h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-content"> <ul> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Applying for a benefit</a> </h3> <p>You need to apply for most benefits online, then meet with a case manager before your application is accepted and you start being paid.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">What you have to do when you’re getting a benefit</a> </h3> <p>If you're getting a benefit, NZ Superannuation or a Veteran’s Pension from Work and Income, you must let them know if your contact details or circumstances change.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">What counts as income for benefits</a> </h3> <p>When you apply to Work and Income for a benefit or allowance, and while you’re receiving it, you need to tell them if you get other income — either regular payments or a one-off.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Community Services Card</a> </h3> <p>A Community Services Card can reduce healthcare costs. Anyone on a low income who is aged 16 or over, a NZ citizen or permanent resident and normally lives here, can apply.</p> </li> </ul> </div> </details> </li> <li class="link"> <div class="accordion-item"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/"> <span class="accordion-item__wrap-title"> <span>KiwiSaver</span> </span> </a> </div> </li> <li> <details class="accordion-item"> <summary class="accordion-item-button accordion-trigger"> <span class="accordion-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span> <h2> <span class="accordion-title">Managing your money in retirement</span> </h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-content"> <ul> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Income after you turn 65</a> </h3> <p>Most people get NZ Superannuation when they turn 65, but there are other sources of income you might use to support yourself. These can affect the tax you pay or benefits you can apply for.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Financial help and benefits if you’re over 65</a> </h3> <p>Most New Zealanders over 65 can get NZ Super. For lower incomes, you may also be able to get government help to pay for regular costs or unexpected expenses.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/"> Getting NZ Superannuation or the Veteran's Pension</a> </h3> <p>NZ Superannuation is a universal payment for NZ citizens and residents who are 65 or older. If you've served in New Zealand's Armed Forces you might be able to apply for a Veteran’s Pension instead.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">If you cannot get NZ Superannuation or other benefits</a> </h3> <p>If you cannot get any other financial support from the government, you can apply for help with day-to-day living costs and health.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Getting help with your budget</a> </h3> <p>There are community services that can help you manage your finances.</p> </li> </ul> </div> </details> </li> <li> <details class="accordion-item"> <summary class="accordion-item-button accordion-trigger"> <span class="accordion-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span> <h2> <span class="accordion-title">New Zealand Superannuation and the Veteran's Pension</span> </h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-content"> <ul> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Payment dates for NZ Super and Veteran’s Pension</a> </h3> <p>NZ Super and Veteran’s Pension payments are made every second Tuesday. If there’s a public holiday, payments are made earlier.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Applying for NZ Superannuation</a> </h3> <p>NZ Superannuation is a universal payment for NZ citizens and residents who are 65 or older.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Veteran's Pension</a> </h3> <p>If you’ve served in NZ’s Armed Forces, you may be able to get a Veteran’s Pension when you turn 65.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">Your partner and NZ Superannuation</a> </h3> <p>How much NZ Superannuation you get paid depends on whether you have a partner and your living arrangements.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">If you live alone</a> </h3> <p>You'll get a higher amount of NZ Superannuation or Veteran's Pension if you're single and live by yourself. This takes into account the extra costs of running a household on your own.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">If you lived or worked overseas</a> </h3> <p>If you lived or worked in another country you may be able to get their social security pension. When you apply for NZ Superannuation or the Veteran's Pension, apply for these pensions at the same time. </p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">If you live overseas now</a> </h3> <p>If you live overseas, you may be able to keep getting some or all of your New Zealand Superannuation or Veteran’s Pension.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">If your situation changes</a> </h3> <p>If you’re getting NZ Superannuation or the Veteran’s Pension, you must let Work and Income know of changes to personal information such as your address, your relationship or your living arrangements.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">If you travel overseas</a> </h3> <p>If you're away from NZ for 26 weeks or less, you may still receive your NZ Superannuation or Veteran's Pension.</p> </li> <li class="subhub-child"> <h3 class="imitate-h4"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/">If you get ACC payments and NZ Super</a> </h3> <p>You can get ACC payments and NZ Super payments at the same time, but only for 2 years.</p> </li> </ul> </div> </details> </li> <li class="link"> <div class="accordion-item"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/"> <span class="accordion-item__wrap-title"> <span>SuperGold cards</span> </span> </a> </div> </li> <li class="link"> <div class="accordion-item"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/"> <span class="accordion-item__wrap-title"> <span>Providing information when making financial transactions</span> </span> </a> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="row bottom-row"> <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-1"> <div class="block-hidden hidden "> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer" aria-label="Footer" role="contentinfo"> <div class="container container__links"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="info-section"> <h2>Contact NZ government</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/web/20240507120550/"> A-Z of government agencies</a> </li> <li><a href="/web/20240507120550/"> Contact details by topic</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="info-section"> <h2>About this website</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/web/20240507120550/"> About</a> </li> <li><a href="/web/20240507120550/"> Feedback about</a> </li> <li><a href="/web/20240507120550/"> The scope of</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="info-section"> <h2>Using this website</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/web/20240507120550/"> Accessibility </a> </li> <li><a href="/web/20240507120550/"> Copyright</a> </li> <li><a href="/web/20240507120550/"> Privacy</a> </li> <li><a href="/web/20240507120550/"> Terms of use</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container container__logo"> <div class="footer-logo"> <a href="/web/20240507120550/" class="ga-track-logo-footer-aog" data-ga-event="click" data-ga-category="Navigation" data-ga-action="Footer-logo" data-ga-label="@attr:href"> <span class="sr-only"><span lang="mi">Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa</span> / </span> <img width="318" height="72" src="/web/20240507120550im_/" alt="New Zealand Government" loading="lazy"> </a> </div> <a href="/web/20240507120550/" id="shielded-logo" aria-label="Shielded" hidden> <svg xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" width="40" height="40" viewbox="0 0 192 192"><circle cx="96" cy="96" r="96" fill="#445e5c"></circle><circle cx="96" cy="95" r="87" fill="#fff"></circle><path fill="#445e5c" d="M96 11a84 84 0 0 0 0 168z"></path><g fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="3"><path stroke-dasharray="6" d="M96 50.5H48a2.5 2.5 0 0 0-2.5 2.5v70a2.5 2.5 0 0 0 2.5 2.5h48"></path><path stroke-dasharray="7 6" d="M99.76 135.5h-43a2 2 0 0 0-1.76 1.11l-4 8a2 2 0 0 0 .08 1.94c.37.6 1 .95 3.71.95h44.79"></path></g><g fill="none" stroke="#445e5c"><path stroke-width="6" d="M96 52h47a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v70a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H96"></path><path stroke-width="3" d="M96 135.5h39a2 2 0 0 1 1.79 1.11l4 8a2 2 0 0 1-1.79 2.89H96"></path><path stroke-width="2" d="M96 141h43m-37-5v5m8.5-5 .5 5m8-5 1 5m7-5 4 11"></path></g></svg> </a> </div> </div> <script type="application/javascript" src="/web/20240507120550js_/"></script> <script src=""></script> <script> (function () { window.onload = function(){ var frameName = new ds07o6pcmkorn({ openElementId: "#shielded-logo", modalID: "modal", }); frameName.init(); } document.getElementById('shielded-logo').removeAttribute("hidden"); })(); </script> <p id="print-date" class="print-date print-only"><span class="print-date__title">Date printed</span> 08 May 2024</p> </body> </html> <!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 12:05:50 May 07, 2024 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 10:56:19 Nov 24, 2024. 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