Matt Mullenweg — aka Photo Matt — on WordPress, Web, Jazz, Life, and Photography
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Here’s the embed:</p> <p><iframe src="" width="620" height="349" frameborder="0"></iframe> <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-12-26T11:44:55+00:00"> <span class="month">Dec</span><br/> <span class="day">26</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36805 post type-post status-publish format-link hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on CMS report" href=""> <span class="count">9</span> </a> <p><a href="">Open Source Fact and Fiction: Open Source CMS Dominate the Market, Who Are The Leaders?</a> <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-12-20T19:04:49+00:00"> <span class="month">Dec</span><br/> <span class="day">20</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36802 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on and Wakemate" href=""> <span class="count">14</span> </a> <p>Today has been a very exciting day. First off, <a href=""> has been acquired by Aol</a>, as good friend <a href="">Tony Conrad writes about on his blog</a>. A great deal on both sides, I think Aol got a steal and a great team here. Second, one of <a href="">Audrey’s</a> earliest investments <a href="">Wakemate has finally shipped their first version</a>, which I’ve been using the past two nights and has been great. (I’m averaging 60 so far.) <a href="">Reserve your Wakemate here</a>. <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> <div class="post-36800 post type-post status-publish format-link hentry category-asides entry-content"> <div class="single-dashed"></div> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Mechanical TurkSpam" href=""> <span class="count">0</span> </a> <p><a href="">40% of the tasks in Mechanical Turk are getting people to spam</a>. Amazon should take a hard stance against these, as soon as possible. <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-12-19T10:50:00+00:00"> <span class="month">Dec</span><br/> <span class="day">19</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36798 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on City Equations" href=""> <span class="count">0</span> </a> <div class="blockquote"><blockquote><p>The first data set they analyzed was on the economic productivity of American cities, and it quickly became clear that their working hypothesis — like elephants, cities become more efficient as they get bigger — was profoundly incomplete. According to the data, whenever a city doubles in size, every measure of economic activity, from construction spending to the amount of bank deposits, increases by approximately 15 percent per capita.</p></blockquote></div> <p><a href="">A Physicist Turns the City Into an Equation on</a>. A fascinating article about some constants between cities, and a bit at the end about how laws are different for corporations. <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-12-17T09:41:03+00:00"> <span class="month">Dec</span><br/> <span class="day">17</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36796 post type-post status-publish format-video hentry category-video entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on New Akismet" href=""> <span class="count">4</span> </a> <p>I’ve been really enjoying the new features in Akismet:</p> <object id="video0" class="videopress" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="640" height="360" standby="Introducing Akismet 2.5 for WordPress"> <param name="movie" value=""/> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/> <param name="seamlesstabbing" value="true"/> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/> <param name="overstretch" value="true"/> <param name="flashvars" value="guid=oPziUNUx&site=wporg"/> <!--[if !IE]>--> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="640" height="360" standby="Introducing Akismet 2.5 for WordPress"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/> <param name="seamlesstabbing" value="true"/> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/> <param name="overstretch" value="true"/> <param name="flashvars" value="guid=oPziUNUx&site=wporg"/> <!--<![endif]--> <div class="videopress-thumbnail"><img alt="Introducing Akismet 2.5 for WordPress" src="" width="640" height="360"/></div><p><strong>Introducing Akismet 2.5 for WordPress</strong></p><p class="robots-nocontent">This movie requires <a rel="nofollow" href="">Adobe Flash</a> for playback.</p> <!--[if !IE]>--> </object> <!--<![endif]--> </object> </div> <div class="post-36793 post type-post status-publish format-aside hentry category-asides entry-content"> <div class="single-dashed"></div> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Big Picture" href=""> <span class="count">5</span> </a> <p>The always-excellent Big Picture blog sums up 2010 in photos, definitely take a few minutes this Friday and check out <a href="">part one</a>, <a href="">part two</a>, and <a href="">part three</a>. <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-12-15T16:40:26+00:00"> <span class="month">Dec</span><br/> <span class="day">15</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36641 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on State of the Blogosphere" href=""> <span class="count">2</span> </a> <div class="blockquote"><blockquote><p>But blogging perseveres–as it should. It is a place where context, thoughtfulness and continuity are rewarded with inbound links, ReTweets, bookmarks, comments and Likes. Blogs are the digital library of our intellect, experience, and vision.</p></blockquote></div> <p>Brian Solis on <a href="">The State of the Blogosphere 2010</a>. <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-12-13T05:57:50+00:00"> <span class="month">Dec</span><br/> <span class="day">13</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36633 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-video entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on LeWeb 2010 Talk" href=""> <span class="count">12</span> </a> <p>The talk <a href="">Toni</a> and I did with Alexia Tsotsis at LeWeb this year is now online, at the end we talk a bit about what’s next for Automattic in the WP world:</p> <p><object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object></p> <p>Also chatted with Hermione Way of The Next Web about <a href="">the biggest tech story of the year</a>.</p> <p><iframe src="" width="640" height="385" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-12-04T00:00:14+00:00"> <span class="month">Dec</span><br/> <span class="day">4</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36571 post type-post status-publish format-gallery hentry category-gallery entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Skiing in Deer Valley" href=""> <span class="count">14</span> </a> <div class="img-container"> <a href=""> <img width="250" height="186" src="" class="attachment-matt2010-gallery-thumbnail" alt="IMG_0206" title="IMG_0206"/> </a> </div> <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="">Skiing in Deer Valley</a></h2> <div class="img-text"> <p>I went skiing for the first time in Deer Valley. Includes a video of the one time Barry fell, but not the 15 times I fell.</p> <p>This album contains <strong>14 items</strong>.</p> </div> <br style="clear:both;"/><br/><br/> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-12-03T10:25:07+00:00"> <span class="month">Dec</span><br/> <span class="day">3</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36569 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-video tag-press entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Big Web Show Interview" href=""> <span class="count">7</span> </a> <p>The other day I was interviewed by Jeffrey Zeldman and Dan Benjamin for the Big Web Show, <a href="">which you can now view here</a>. Also good to watch if you’d like an update on my beard adventure. <img src="" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley"/> </p> <object id="video1" class="videopress" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="620" height="348" standby="Big Web Show 29: Matt Mullenweg Interview"> <param name="movie" value=""/> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/> <param name="seamlesstabbing" value="true"/> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/> <param name="overstretch" value="true"/> <param name="flashvars" value="guid=JDcuQH1q&site=wporg"/> <!--[if !IE]>--> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="620" height="348" standby="Big Web Show 29: Matt Mullenweg Interview"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/> <param name="seamlesstabbing" value="true"/> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/> <param name="overstretch" value="true"/> <param name="flashvars" value="guid=JDcuQH1q&site=wporg"/> <!--<![endif]--> <div class="videopress-thumbnail"><img alt="Big Web Show 29: Matt Mullenweg Interview" src="" width="620" height="348"/></div><p><strong>Big Web Show 29: Matt Mullenweg Interview</strong></p><p class="robots-nocontent">This movie requires <a rel="nofollow" href="">Adobe Flash</a> for playback.</p> <!--[if !IE]>--> </object> <!--<![endif]--> </object> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-12-02T23:44:30+00:00"> <span class="month">Dec</span><br/> <span class="day">2</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36567 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-asides tag-press entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on TechFellow Award" href=""> <span class="count">6</span> </a> <p>Earlier tonight I <a href="">won a TechFellow Award in the “Product Design and Marketing” category</a>. I thought this would be a good opportunity to thank the two people who have had the biggest design influence over the past few years on <a href="">WordPress</a> (and me): <a href="">Jane Wells</a> and <a href="">Matt “MT” Thomas</a>. <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-12-01T18:51:47+00:00"> <span class="month">Dec</span><br/> <span class="day">1</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36564 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Cyber Missile" href=""> <span class="count">9</span> </a> <p><a href="">Mystery Surrounds Cyber Missile That Crippled Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Ambitions</a>, such a cool story. <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> <div class="post-36562 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-asides entry-content"> <div class="single-dashed"></div> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Groupon WP" href=""> <span class="count">14</span> </a> <p>Groupon has been in the news lately as a rumored 6 billion dollar acquisition target, and of course <a href="">their blog is powered by WordPress</a>. On that fact alone I’d say, go for it Google! <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-11-29T15:45:45+00:00"> <span class="month">Nov</span><br/> <span class="day">29</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36560 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Airport Security" href=""> <span class="count">15</span> </a> <div class="blockquote"><blockquote><p>It’s not that the terrorist picks an attack and we pick a defense, and we see who wins. It’s that we pick a defense, and then the terrorists look at our defense and pick an attack designed to get around it. Our security measures only work if we happen to guess the plot correctly. If we get it wrong, we’ve wasted our money. This isn’t security; it’s security theater.</p></blockquote></div> <p>Bruce Schnier on why airport security is <a href="">A Waste of Money and Time in the New York Times</a>. <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-11-28T10:15:58+00:00"> <span class="month">Nov</span><br/> <span class="day">28</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36558 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Stallone" href=""> <span class="count">19</span> </a> <p><a href="">Sylvester Stallone’s website is WP-powered</a>. (I saw The Expendables last night.) Also, am I imagining things or did I read a longish profile of Stallone that talked about his production company, his office, the legacy of Rocky… can’t find it anywhere and search on my Kindle is broken. <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-11-27T08:09:57+00:00"> <span class="month">Nov</span><br/> <span class="day">27</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36552 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on New VaultPress Security Scanning" href=""> <span class="count">3</span> </a> <p><a href="">New VaultPress security scanning</a>, scans all your core files to make sure they’re kosher. <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-11-26T09:31:28+00:00"> <span class="month">Nov</span><br/> <span class="day">26</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36550 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on 5-minute Private Collaboration Site" href=""> <span class="count">7</span> </a> <p><a href="">How To: Build a private collaboration site on in 5 minutes</a>. <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-11-23T15:41:41+00:00"> <span class="month">Nov</span><br/> <span class="day">23</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36547 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on 20 Billion Spams Blocked" href=""> <span class="count">12</span> </a> <p>Akismet just passed <a href="">20 Billion Served</a>. <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2010-11-19T07:03:22+00:00"> <span class="month">Nov</span><br/> <span class="day">19</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-36224 post type-post status-publish format-aside hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on 3.1 hits" href=""> <span class="count">20</span> </a> <p><a href="">Almost-beta WordPress 3.1 is now running for 15 million blogs on</a>, the feedback has been really good already and hopefully we’ll iron out some of the few remaining bugs before we do the beta release. The link gives a nice overview of some of the user-facing features of 3.1. <a href="">∞</a></p> </div> </article> <div class="navigation"> <div class="prev"> <a href="">< Older Posts</a> </div> <br style="clear:both;"/> </div> </section> <aside> <ul> <li class="widget-container about-box"> <div id="mattbio"> <img src=""/> </div> <h3 class="widget-title">Matt Mullenweg</h3> <p class="text">is one of PC World's Top 50 People on the Web,'s 30 under 30, and Business Week's 25 Most Influential People on the Web.</p> <p><a class="link" href="">More ></a></p> </li> <li class="widget-container random-photo"> <h3 class="widget-title">Random Photo</h3> <div style="width:187px; height: 124px; background-image:url(" class="randsidebar"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="196" height="141"/> </a> </div> <br/> <p><a class="link" href="">More Random ></a></p> </li> <li class="widget-container twitter-photomatt"> <h3 class="widget-title">@photomatt</h3> <div id="twitter_update_list"></div> <script 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