Growing Up Brady

<html> <title>Growing Up Brady</title> <body background="backfull.gif" bgcolor="f5f3d7" text=black link=red vlink=red alink=red> <table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0> <td align=center valign=top><font size=2>Book Now Available!<br><img src="../book/book.jpg" border=0><br> - Collector Edition -<br>(New Chapters)</font></td> <td valign=top> <center> <img src="logo1.gif"><br> <font size=5 color=red>Premiered on <a href="" target="new">NBC</a><br>May 21, 2000 - 9:00pm EST</font><br> <font size=4 color=black>DVD Released - May 25, 2004. - <a href="" target="new">Order Today</a></font> </center> </td> </table> <br> <center><IMG SRC="tabs.gif" BORDER="0" USEMAP=""> <MAP NAME=""> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="0,0,86,25" href="gallery/gimage1.htm" target="external" onclick="'gallery/gimage1.htm', 'external', 'width=300,height=420')"> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="87,1,170,25" href="barry.htm"> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="169,1,248,25" href="movie.htm"> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="248,1,341,25" href="qanda.htm"> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="340,1,450,25" href="credits.htm"> </MAP></CENTER> <br> <blockquote><font size=2> Michael Tucker ("L.A. Law," "Chicken Soup for the Soul") heads the "blended family" cast of "Growing Up Brady," the NBC World Premiere movie chronicling the behind-the-scenes antics of America's favorite family show and based on original cast member Barry Williams (Greg Brady) and Chris Kreski's best-selling book, "Growing Up Brady: I Was a Teenage Greg." <p>Tucker stars as producer Sherwood Schwartz, the often bemused and embattled creator of the classic comedy. Adam Brody ("The Silencing") portrays the young Barry Williams, and Williams (who has a co-executive producer credit on the film) appears as his present-day self. In a novel casting twist, original cast member Michael Lookinland (Bobby Brady) makes a cameo appearance as a cameraman (his real-life profession) and his son, Scott Michael Lookinland, portray his own father, playing the elder Lookinland from the era when he starred on the series as Bobby Brady. Sherwood Schwartz ("Gilligan's Island"), the original series' producer, also has a cameo role. <p>The true story about the filming of "The Brady Bunch," the beloved `70s "family-hour" comedy series, was often times as funny, and certainly more dramatic, than the actual series which ran from September 1969 to August 1974. The cast members included a lady with three daughters who married a widower with three sons, as well as the family's housekeeper -- united nine different personalities, who grew, fought and forged life long friendships. <p align=right><font size=2 color=brown>--Press Information courtesy of NBC<br>& Paramount Studios &copy; 2000</font> </font> </blockquote> <blockquote> <ul><font size=4><u>Publications</u></font> <font size=2> <li><a href="" target="new">Variety Magazine</a> reports on the movie <b>Growing Up Brady</b> or pick up the issue (April 14, 2000) at your local newsstand. <li><a href="movpress.htm" target="new">PRESS RELEASE</a> by NBC regarding <b>Growing Up Brady</b>. <li>In the April 11, 2000 issue of Soap Opera Update (Sharon and Nick from Y&R on cover) an article about <b>Carly Schroeder</b> (Cindy - Growing Up Brady), along with photos from the new movie. <li>In the March 21, 2000 issue of ABC Soaps magazine (Luke & Laura on cover) there is a two page article about <b>Carly Schroeder</b> (Cindy - Growing Up Brady), along with several photos from the new movie. <li><a href="" target="new">Entertainment Weekly</a> (Jan 21, 2000 issue) has item about new movie, page 47. </ul> </font><br> </blockquote> <br><br> </body> </html>

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