CSS Working Group Editor Drafts
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2</a></td><td>2025-03-03 07:55:56 PST</td><td><span title='Antoine Quint'>antoine_quint</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-animations-2/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-animations-2/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-backgrounds</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-backgrounds-3/'><td><a href='/css-backgrounds-3/'>CSS Backgrounds 3</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-03-11 13:12:51 PDT</td><td><span title='Kevin Babbitt'>kbabbitt</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-backgrounds-3/issues-cr-2017'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-backgrounds-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-backgrounds-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-backgrounds-4/'><td><a href='/css-backgrounds-4/'>CSS Backgrounds 4</a></td><td>2025-03-06 16:04:56 PST</td><td><span title='Francois Daoust'>francois_daoust</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-backgrounds-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' 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95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-box-4/'><td><a href='/css-box-4/'>CSS Box 4</a></td><td>2025-01-17 16:35:50 PST</td><td><a href=''>chris_rebert</a></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-box-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-box-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-break</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-break-3/'><td><a href='/css-break-3/'>CSS Fragmentation 3</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2023-08-28 12:44:59 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-break-3/issues-cr-2016'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-break-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-break-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-break-4/'><td><a href='/css-break-4/'>CSS Fragmentation 4</a></td><td>2024-03-11 12:53:48 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-break-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-break-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 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l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-cascade-4/'><td><a href='/css-cascade-4/'>CSS Cascading 4</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2023-08-28 12:44:59 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-cascade-4/issues-cr-2016'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-cascade-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-cascade-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-cascade-5/'><td><a href='/css-cascade-5/'>CSS Cascading 5</a></td><td>2023-08-28 12:44:59 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-cascade-5/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-cascade-5/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-cascade-6/'><td><a href='/css-cascade-6/'>CSS Cascading 6</a></td><td>2025-03-18 14:32:35 PDT</td><td><span title='Bramus!'>bramus_</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-cascade-6/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-cascade-6/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-color</th></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-color-3/Overview.html'><td><a href='/css-color-3/'>CSS Color 3</a></td><td>2024-03-04 22:27:21 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-color-3/issues-lc-2008'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-color-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='html committed' href='/bikeshed/css-color-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-color-4/'><td><a href='/css-color-4/'>CSS Color 4</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-03-18 07:08:01 PDT</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-color-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed generating' href='/bikeshed/css-color-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-color-5/'><td><a href='/css-color-5/'>CSS Color 5</a></td><td>2025-03-26 12:25:11 PDT</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-color-5/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed generating' href='/bikeshed/css-color-5/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-color-6/'><td><a href='/css-color-6/'>CSS Color 6</a></td><td>2025-03-03 23:47:30 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-color-6/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-color-6/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-color-adjust-1/'><td><a href='/css-color-adjust-1/'>CSS Color Adjust 1</a></td><td>2024-11-26 16:45:35 PST</td><td><span title='Kevin Babbitt'>kbabbitt</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-color-adjust-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-color-adjust-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-color-hdr-1/'><td><a href='/css-color-hdr-1/'>CSS Color HDR 1</a></td><td>2025-03-25 22:32:58 PDT</td><td><span>Guillaume</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-color-hdr-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed generating' href='/bikeshed/css-color-hdr-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-conditional</th></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-conditional-3/'><td><a href='/css-conditional-3/'>CSS Conditional 3</a></td><td>2025-01-28 18:43:29 PST</td><td><a href=''>dbaron</a></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-conditional-3/issues-cr-2020'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-conditional-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-conditional-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-conditional-4/'><td><a href='/css-conditional-4/'>CSS Conditional 4</a></td><td>2024-03-19 14:18:22 PDT</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-conditional-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-conditional-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-conditional-5/'><td><a href='/css-conditional-5/'>CSS Conditional 5</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2024-12-19 11:59:27 PST</td><td><span title='Miriam Suzanne'>mirisuzanne</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-conditional-5/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-conditional-5/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-conditional-values-1/'><td><a href='/css-conditional-values-1/'>CSS Conditional Values 1</a></td><td>2023-02-21 10:38:59 PST</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-conditional-values-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-conditional-values-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-contain</th></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-contain-1/'><td><a href='/css-contain-1/'>CSS Containment 1</a></td><td>2024-06-28 01:18:26 PDT</td><td><a href=''>florian</a></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-contain-1/issues-2022-rec'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-contain-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-contain-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-contain-2/'><td><a href='/css-contain-2/'>CSS Containment 2</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-01-18 07:03:25 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-contain-2/issues-2019-10-fpwd'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-contain-2/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-contain-2/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-contain-3/'><td><a href='/css-contain-3/'>CSS Containment 3</a></td><td>2024-06-19 22:24:05 PDT</td><td><a href=''>florian</a></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-contain-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-contain-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-content-3/'><td><a href='/css-content-3/'>CSS Generated Content 3</a></td><td>2024-05-17 10:45:40 PDT</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-content-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-content-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-counter-styles-3/'><td><a href='/css-counter-styles-3/'>CSS Counter Styles 3</a></td><td>2025-03-11 13:17:33 PDT</td><td><span>Guillaume</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-counter-styles-3/issues-cr-2017'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-counter-styles-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-counter-styles-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-display</th></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-display-3/'><td><a href='/css-display-3/'>CSS Display 3</a></td><td>2023-11-22 12:27:09 PST</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-display-3/issues-cr-2020'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-display-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-display-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-display-4/'><td><a href='/css-display-4/'>CSS Display 4</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-03-29 07:35:25 PDT</td><td><a href=''>rachelandrew</a></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-display-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-display-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-easing</th></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-easing-1/'><td><a href='/css-easing-1/'>CSS Easing 1</a></td><td>2024-08-28 08:42:11 PDT</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-easing-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-easing-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-easing-2/'><td><a href='/css-easing-2/'>CSS Easing 2</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-02-06 05:16:04 PST</td><td><span>Guillaume</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-easing-2/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-easing-2/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-egg-1/'><td><a href='/css-egg-1/'>CSS Expressive Generalizations and Gadgetry 1</a></td><td>2023-02-21 10:38:59 PST</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-egg-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-egg-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-env-1/'><td><a href='/css-env-1/'>CSS Environment Variables 1</a></td><td>2025-03-18 14:44:33 PDT</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-env-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-env-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-exclusions-1/'><td><a href='/css-exclusions-1/'>CSS Exclusions 1</a></td><td>2024-07-24 13:24:31 PDT</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-exclusions-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-exclusions-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-extensions-1/'><td><a href='/css-extensions-1/'>CSS Extensions 1</a></td><td>2024-01-24 06:55:31 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-extensions-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-extensions-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-flexbox-1/'><td><a href='/css-flexbox-1/'>CSS Flexbox 1</a></td><td>2025-03-10 14:44:56 PDT</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-flexbox-1/issues-cr-2018'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-flexbox-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-flexbox-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-font-loading-3/'><td><a href='/css-font-loading-3/'>CSS Font Loading 3</a></td><td>2024-05-11 15:05:52 PDT</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-font-loading-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-font-loading-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-fonts</th></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-fonts-3/Overview.html'><td><a href='/css-fonts-3/'>CSS Fonts 3</a></td><td>2024-09-08 04:48:21 PDT</td><td><span>Guillaume</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-fonts-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='html committed' href='/bikeshed/css-fonts-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-fonts-4/'><td><a href='/css-fonts-4/'>CSS Fonts 4</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-03-26 13:13:06 PDT</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-fonts-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed generating' href='/bikeshed/css-fonts-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-fonts-5/'><td><a href='/css-fonts-5/'>CSS Fonts 5</a></td><td>2025-01-13 10:41:28 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-fonts-5/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-fonts-5/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-forms-1/'><td><a href='/css-forms-1/'>CSS Form Styling 1</a></td><td>2025-03-28 12:30:36 PDT</td><td><span title='Tim Nguyen'>ntim</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-forms-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-forms-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-gaps-1/'><td><a href='/css-gaps-1/'>CSS Gaps 1</a></td><td>2025-03-21 17:18:25 PDT</td><td><span title='Kevin Babbitt'>kbabbitt</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-gaps-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-gaps-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-gcpm</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-gcpm-3/'><td><a href='/css-gcpm-3/'>CSS GCPM 3</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2024-05-04 10:04:59 PDT</td><td><span title>chrishtr</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-gcpm-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-gcpm-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-gcpm-4/'><td><a href='/css-gcpm-4/'>CSS GCPM 4</a></td><td>2024-01-24 06:55:31 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-gcpm-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-gcpm-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-grid</th></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-grid-1/'><td><a href='/css-grid-1/'>CSS Grid Layout 1</a></td><td>2025-03-28 15:14:42 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-grid-1/issues-cr-2017'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-grid-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-grid-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-grid-2/'><td><a href='/css-grid-2/'>CSS Grid Layout 2</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-03-28 15:14:23 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-grid-2/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-grid-2/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-grid-3/'><td><a href='/css-grid-3/'>CSS Grid Layout 3</a></td><td>2025-02-21 07:48:17 PST</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-grid-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-grid-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-highlight-api-1/'><td><a href='/css-highlight-api-1/'>CSS Highlight API 1</a></td><td>2025-03-03 15:13:14 PST</td><td><span title='Sanket Joshi'>sanket_joshi</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-highlight-api-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-highlight-api-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-images</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-images-3/'><td><a href='/css-images-3/'>CSS Images 3</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-03-18 00:08:30 PDT</td><td><span>Guillaume</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-images-3/issues-lc-2012'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-images-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed generating' href='/bikeshed/css-images-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-images-4/'><td><a href='/css-images-4/'>CSS Images 4</a></td><td>2025-03-18 00:09:06 PDT</td><td><span>Guillaume</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-images-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed generating' href='/bikeshed/css-images-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-images-5/'><td><a href='/css-images-5/'>CSS Images 5</a></td><td>2023-08-28 12:44:59 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-images-5/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-images-5/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-inline-3/'><td><a href='/css-inline-3/'>CSS Inline Layout 3</a></td><td>2025-03-28 15:16:34 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-inline-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-inline-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-line-grid-1/'><td><a href='/css-line-grid-1/'>CSS Line Grid 1</a></td><td>2024-07-26 03:25:50 PDT</td><td><a href=''>florian</a></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-line-grid-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-line-grid-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-link-params-1/'><td><a href='/css-link-params-1/'>CSS Linked Parameters 1</a></td><td>2023-08-07 09:00:10 PDT</td><td><span title='Nick Schonning'>nick_schonning</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-link-params-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-link-params-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-lists-3/'><td><a href='/css-lists-3/'>CSS Lists 3</a></td><td>2024-01-24 06:55:31 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-lists-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-lists-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-logical-1/'><td><a href='/css-logical-1/'>CSS Logical Properties 1</a></td><td>2024-01-24 06:55:31 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-logical-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-logical-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-mixins-1/'><td><a href='/css-mixins-1/'>CSS Mixins 1</a></td><td>2025-03-10 14:14:36 PDT</td><td><span>andruud</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-mixins-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-mixins-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-mobile/'><td><a href='/css-mobile/'>CSS Mobile Profile 2.0</a></td><td>2021-11-15 13:13:56 PST</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-mobile/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed warning' href='/bikeshed/css-mobile/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-multicol</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-multicol-1/'><td><a href='/css-multicol-1/'>CSS Multicol 1</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2024-11-22 10:25:46 PST</td><td><span title='Kevin Babbitt'>kbabbitt</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-multicol-1/issues-2011'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-multicol-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-multicol-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-multicol-2/'><td><a href='/css-multicol-2/'>CSS Multicol 2</a></td><td>2025-02-20 00:21:16 PST</td><td><a href=''>rachelandrew</a></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-multicol-2/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-multicol-2/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-namespaces-3/'><td><a href='/css-namespaces-3/'>CSS Namespaces 3</a></td><td>2024-10-25 11:02:15 PDT</td><td><span>Guillaume</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-namespaces-3/issues-3'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-namespaces-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-namespaces-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-nav-1/'><td><a href='/css-nav-1/'>CSS Spatial Navigation 1</a></td><td>2024-07-29 07:53:45 PDT</td><td><a href=''>florian</a></td><td><a class='readme' href='/css-nav-1/explainer'><img alt src='/img/readme.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-nav-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-nav-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-nesting-1/'><td><a href='/css-nesting-1/'>CSS Nesting 1</a></td><td>2024-12-04 11:58:43 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-nesting-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-nesting-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-overflow</th></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-overflow-3/'><td><a href='/css-overflow-3/'>CSS Overflow 3</a></td><td>2025-03-20 17:53:12 PDT</td><td><span title='Masataka Yakura'>masataka_yakura</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-overflow-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-overflow-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-overflow-4/'><td><a href='/css-overflow-4/'>CSS Overflow 4</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-01-28 18:43:29 PST</td><td><a href=''>dbaron</a></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-overflow-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-overflow-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-overflow-5/'><td><a href='/css-overflow-5/'>CSS Overflow 5</a></td><td>2025-02-07 12:22:54 PST</td><td><span title='Rob Flack'>flackr</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-overflow-5/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-overflow-5/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-overscroll-1/'><td><a href='/css-overscroll-1/'>CSS Overscroll Behavior 1</a></td><td>2023-03-03 12:37:39 PST</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='readme' href='/css-overscroll-1/README'><img alt src='/img/readme.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-overscroll-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-overscroll-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-page</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-page-3/'><td><a href='/css-page-3/'>CSS Paged Media 3</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-03-04 10:53:06 PST</td><td><span>Guillaume</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-page-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-page-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-page-4/Overview.html'><td><a href='/css-page-4/'>CSS Paged Media 4</a></td><td>2023-05-12 10:45:23 PDT</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-page-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed committed' href='/bikeshed/css-page-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-page-floats-3/'><td><a href='/css-page-floats-3/'>CSS Page Floats 3</a></td><td>2024-11-03 23:41:09 PST</td><td><span>Guillaume</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-page-floats-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-page-floats-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-page-template-1/Overview.html'><td><a href='/css-page-template-1/'>CSS Pagination Templates 1</a></td><td>2021-02-21 23:26:51 PST</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-page-template-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='html committed' href='/bikeshed/css-page-template-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-position</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-position-3/'><td><a href='/css-position-3/'>CSS Positioned Layout 3</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-03-10 16:17:00 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-position-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-position-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-position-4/'><td><a href='/css-position-4/'>CSS Positioned Layout 4</a></td><td>2024-11-19 14:01:38 PST</td><td><a href=''>dbaron</a></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-position-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-position-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-preslev-1/Overview.html'><td><a href='/css-preslev-1/'>CSS Presentation Levels 1</a></td><td>2018-07-05 19:50:12 PDT</td><td><a href=''>florian</a></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-preslev-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='html committed' href='/bikeshed/css-preslev-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-print/'><td><a href='/css-print/'>CSS Print Profile</a></td><td>2023-12-18 12:43:06 PST</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-print/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-print/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-pseudo-4/'><td><a href='/css-pseudo-4/'>CSS Pseudo-Elements 4</a></td><td>2025-03-24 14:40:42 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-pseudo-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed generating' href='/bikeshed/css-pseudo-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-regions-1/'><td><a href='/css-regions-1/'>CSS Regions 1</a></td><td>2024-01-24 06:55:31 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-regions-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-regions-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-rhythm-1/'><td><a href='/css-rhythm-1/'>CSS Rhythmic Sizing 1</a></td><td>2024-12-12 21:14:24 PST</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-rhythm-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-rhythm-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-round-display-1/'><td><a href='/css-round-display-1/'>CSS Round Display 1</a></td><td>2025-03-10 14:20:39 PDT</td><td><span title='Rob Flack'>flackr</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-round-display-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-round-display-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-ruby-1/'><td><a href='/css-ruby-1/'>CSS Ruby 1</a></td><td>2024-07-15 02:01:21 PDT</td><td><span title='Fuqiao Xue'>fuqiao_xue</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-ruby-1/issues-wd-2020'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-ruby-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-ruby-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-scoping-1/'><td><a href='/css-scoping-1/'>CSS Scoping 1</a></td><td>2025-01-16 02:34:42 PST</td><td><span title='Keith Cirkel'>keith_cirkel</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-scoping-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-scoping-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-scroll-anchoring-1/'><td><a href='/css-scroll-anchoring-1/'>CSS Scroll Anchoring 1</a></td><td>2024-12-03 14:40:33 PST</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-scroll-anchoring-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-scroll-anchoring-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-scroll-snap</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-scroll-snap-1/'><td><a href='/css-scroll-snap-1/'>CSS Scroll Snap 1</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-01-21 16:57:26 PST</td><td><span title='Rob Flack'>flackr</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-scroll-snap-1/issues-by-issue'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-scroll-snap-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-scroll-snap-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-scroll-snap-2/'><td><a href='/css-scroll-snap-2/'>CSS Scroll Snap 2</a></td><td>2024-12-16 11:50:32 PST</td><td><span>DavMila</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-scroll-snap-2/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-scroll-snap-2/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-scrollbars-1/'><td><a href='/css-scrollbars-1/'>CSS Scrollbars 1</a></td><td>2024-09-13 00:42:18 PDT</td><td><a href=''>florian</a></td><td><a class='readme' href='/css-scrollbars-1/README'><img alt src='/img/readme.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-scrollbars-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-scrollbars-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-shadow-parts-1/'><td><a href='/css-shadow-parts-1/'>CSS Shadow Parts 1</a></td><td>2025-03-06 16:01:20 PST</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-shadow-parts-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-shadow-parts-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-shapes</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-shapes-1/'><td><a href='/css-shapes-1/'>CSS Shapes 1</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-02-04 12:06:15 PST</td><td><span>Guillaume</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-shapes-1/issues-lc-20140211'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-shapes-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-shapes-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-shapes-2/'><td><a href='/css-shapes-2/'>CSS Shapes 2</a></td><td>2025-03-10 14:18:20 PDT</td><td><span title='Noam Rosenthal'>noamr</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-shapes-2/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-shapes-2/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-size-adjust-1/'><td><a href='/css-size-adjust-1/'>CSS Size Adjustment 1</a></td><td>2024-01-24 06:55:31 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-size-adjust-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-size-adjust-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-sizing</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-sizing-3/'><td><a href='/css-sizing-3/'>CSS Sizing 3</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2024-07-25 12:12:32 PDT</td><td><a href=''>dbaron</a></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-sizing-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-sizing-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-sizing-4/'><td><a href='/css-sizing-4/'>CSS Sizing 4</a></td><td>2025-03-28 16:29:26 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-sizing-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-sizing-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" 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href='/css-2010/'>CSS 2010</a></td><td>2015-11-05 03:34:03 PST</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-2010/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='html committed' href='/bikeshed/css-2010/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-2015/'><td><a href='/css-2015/'>CSS 2015</a></td><td>2023-08-28 12:44:59 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-2015/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-2015/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-2017/'><td><a href='/css-2017/'>CSS 2017</a></td><td>2023-08-28 12:44:59 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-2017/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-2017/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-2018/'><td><a href='/css-2018/'>CSS 2018</a></td><td>2023-08-28 12:44:59 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-2018/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-2018/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-2020/'><td><a href='/css-2020/'>CSS 2020</a></td><td>2025-01-29 14:21:10 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-2020/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-2020/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-2021/'><td><a href='/css-2021/'>CSS 2021</a></td><td>2025-01-29 14:21:10 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-2021/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-2021/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-2022/'><td><a href='/css-2022/'>CSS 2022</a></td><td>2025-01-29 14:21:10 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-2022/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-2022/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-2023/'><td><a href='/css-2023/'>CSS 2023</a></td><td>2025-01-29 14:21:10 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-2023/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-2023/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-2024/'><td><a href='/css-2024/'>CSS 2024</a></td><td>2025-02-27 23:08:40 PST</td><td><span title='Bartolom? Sintes'>bartolom__sintes</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-2024/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-2024/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-2025/'><td><a href='/css-2025/'>CSS 2025</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-02-27 09:06:23 PST</td><td><span title='Bartolom? Sintes'>bartolom__sintes</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-2025/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-2025/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-speech-1/'><td><a href='/css-speech-1/'>CSS Speech 1</a></td><td>2024-10-29 11:30:22 PDT</td><td><span title='Keith Cirkel'>keith_cirkel</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-speech-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-speech-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-style-attr-1/Overview.html'><td><a href='/css-style-attr-1/'>CSS Style Attributes 1</a></td><td>2024-03-04 22:27:21 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-style-attr-1/issues-lc-2010'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-style-attr-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='html committed' href='/bikeshed/css-style-attr-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-syntax-3/'><td><a href='/css-syntax-3/'>CSS Syntax 3</a></td><td>2024-11-20 13:14:05 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-syntax-3/issues-LC-20131105'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-syntax-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-syntax-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path 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95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-template-1/Overview.html'><td><a href='/css-template-1/'>CSS Template Layout 1</a></td><td>2024-03-04 22:27:21 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-template-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='html committed' href='/bikeshed/css-template-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-text</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-text-3/'><td><a href='/css-text-3/'>CSS Text 3</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-03-24 14:31:07 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-text-3/issues-cr-2020'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-text-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed generating' href='/bikeshed/css-text-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-text-4/'><td><a href='/css-text-4/'>CSS Text 4</a></td><td>2025-03-24 14:31:07 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-text-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed generating' href='/bikeshed/css-text-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-text-decor</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-text-decor-3/'><td><a href='/css-text-decor-3/'>CSS Text Decoration 3</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2024-01-24 06:55:31 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2018'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-text-decor-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-text-decor-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-text-decor-4/'><td><a href='/css-text-decor-4/'>CSS Text Decoration 4</a></td><td>2025-01-17 16:36:05 PST</td><td><a href=''>chris_rebert</a></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-text-decor-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-text-decor-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-transforms</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-transforms-1/'><td><a href='/css-transforms-1/'>CSS Transforms 1</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-01-28 18:43:29 PST</td><td><a href=''>dbaron</a></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-transforms-1/issues-wd-2013'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-transforms-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-transforms-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-transforms-2/'><td><a href='/css-transforms-2/'>CSS Transforms 2</a></td><td>2024-04-03 08:43:11 PDT</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-transforms-2/issues-wd-2013'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-transforms-2/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-transforms-2/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-transitions</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-transitions-1/'><td><a href='/css-transitions-1/'>CSS Transitions 1</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-03-20 17:53:49 PDT</td><td><a href=''>dbaron</a></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-transitions-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-transitions-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-transitions-2/'><td><a href='/css-transitions-2/'>CSS Transitions 2</a></td><td>2025-01-28 18:43:29 PST</td><td><a href=''>dbaron</a></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-transitions-2/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-transitions-2/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-tv/Overview.html'><td><a href='/css-tv/'>CSS TV 1</a></td><td>2018-09-18 06:30:26 PDT</td><td><span title='Fuqiao Xue'>fuqiao_xue</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-tv/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='html committed' href='/bikeshed/css-tv/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-ui</th></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-ui-3/'><td><a href='/css-ui-3/'>CSS User Interface 3</a></td><td>2023-02-27 12:27:44 PST</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-ui-3/issues-2018'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-ui-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-ui-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-ui-4/'><td><a href='/css-ui-4/'>CSS User Interface 4</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-03-21 14:39:17 PDT</td><td><span title='Chris Harrelson'>chris_harrelson</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-ui-4/issues-fpwd-2015'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-ui-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-ui-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-values</th></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-values-3/'><td><a href='/css-values-3/'>CSS Values 3</a></td><td>2025-03-04 10:53:06 PST</td><td><span>Guillaume</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-values-3/issues-cr-2018'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-values-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-values-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-values-4/'><td><a href='/css-values-4/'>CSS Values 4</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-03-04 10:53:06 PST</td><td><span>Guillaume</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-values-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-values-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-values-5/'><td><a href='/css-values-5/'>CSS Values & Units 5</a></td><td>2025-03-26 15:36:29 PDT</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-values-5/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/css-values-5/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-variables</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-variables-1/'><td><a href='/css-variables-1/'>CSS Variables 1</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-02-21 17:14:58 PST</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-variables-1/issues-lc-20140506'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-variables-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-variables-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-variables-2/'><td><a href='/css-variables-2/'>CSS Variables 2</a></td><td>2025-02-10 14:56:52 PST</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-variables-2/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-variables-2/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-view-transitions</th></tr><tr class='current' data-path='css-view-transitions-1/'><td><a href='/css-view-transitions-1/'>CSS View Transitions 1</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-03-23 04:48:50 PDT</td><td><span title='Bramus!'>bramus_</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-view-transitions-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed generating' href='/bikeshed/css-view-transitions-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-view-transitions-2/'><td><a href='/css-view-transitions-2/'>CSS View Transitions 2</a></td><td>2025-03-22 12:49:21 PDT</td><td><span title='Bramus!'>bramus_</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-view-transitions-2/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed generating' href='/bikeshed/css-view-transitions-2/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-viewport-1/'><td><a href='/css-viewport-1/'>CSS Viewport 1</a></td><td>2024-10-29 07:36:31 PDT</td><td><span title='Alexis Menard'>amenard</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-viewport-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-viewport-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='css-will-change-1/'><td><a href='/css-will-change-1/'>CSS Will Change 1</a></td><td>2022-04-29 13:00:42 PDT</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-will-change-1/issues-20140429-wd'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-will-change-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/css-will-change-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>css-writing-modes</th></tr><tr class='' data-path='css-writing-modes-3/'><td><a href='/css-writing-modes-3/'>CSS Writing Modes 3</a></td><td>2025-03-24 14:02:15 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/css-writing-modes-3/issues-cr-2019'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/css-writing-modes-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed generating' href='/bikeshed/css-writing-modes-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path 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href='/history/cssom-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed generating' href='/bikeshed/cssom-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='cssom-view-1/'><td><a href='/cssom-view-1/'>CSSOM View Module 1</a></td><td>2025-02-21 09:45:04 PST</td><td><span title='Rob Flack'>flackr</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/cssom-view-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/cssom-view-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" 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Observer 1</a></td><td>2023-01-27 05:48:16 PST</td><td><span title='Oriol Brufau'>oriol</span></td><td><a class='readme' href='/resize-observer-1/explainer'><img alt src='/img/readme.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/resize-observer-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/resize-observer-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='scroll-animations-1/'><td><a href='/scroll-animations-1/'>Scroll-driven Animations 1</a></td><td>2025-03-25 11:34:17 PDT</td><td><span title='Bramus!'>bramus_</span></td><td><a class='readme' href='/scroll-animations-1/README'><img alt src='/img/readme.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/scroll-animations-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed generating' href='/bikeshed/scroll-animations-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>selectors</th></tr><tr class='' data-path='selectors-3/Overview.html'><td><a href='/selectors-3/'>Selectors 3</a></td><td>2024-03-04 22:27:21 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='issues' href='/selectors-3/issues-lc-2009'><img alt src='/img/issues.svg'></a><a class='history' href='/history/selectors-3/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='html committed' href='/bikeshed/selectors-3/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='current' data-path='selectors-4/'><td><a href='/selectors-4/'>Selectors 4</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-03-24 13:02:36 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/selectors-4/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed generating' href='/bikeshed/selectors-4/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='' data-path='selectors-5/'><td><a href='/selectors-5/'>Selectors 5</a></td><td>2024-09-23 17:51:47 PDT</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/selectors-5/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed warning' href='/bikeshed/selectors-5/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr class='' data-path='selectors-nonelement-1/'><td><a href='/selectors-nonelement-1/'>Non-element Selectors 1</a></td><td>2024-01-24 06:55:31 PST</td><td><span title='Chris Lilley'>chrisl</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/selectors-nonelement-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/selectors-nonelement-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><th colspan='4'>web-animations</th></tr><tr class='' data-path='web-animations-1/'><td><a href='/web-animations-1/'>Web Animations 1</a></td><td>2025-01-30 17:38:22 PST</td><td><span title='Brian Birtles (via Travis)'>brian_birtles__via_travis_</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/web-animations-1/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed link-error' href='/bikeshed/web-animations-1/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr><tr class='current' data-path='web-animations-2/'><td><a href='/web-animations-2/'>Web Animations 2</a><span>(Current Work)</span></td><td>2025-03-16 01:54:50 PDT</td><td><span title='Yehonatan Daniv'>ydaniv</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/web-animations-2/'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='bikeshed fatal' href='/bikeshed/web-animations-2/'><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><g stroke="blue" stroke-width="6" fill="none"><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 1 40 v -6 l 60 -32 v 6 z" /><circle cx="75" cy="79" r="15" /><circle fill="blue" stroke="none" cx="75" cy="79" r="4" /><path d="M 75 79 L 65 49 L 55 49" /><path d="M 67 55 L 48 69" /><path fill="blue" stroke="none" d="M 5 95 L 5 35 L 50 10 L 50 95"/></g></svg></a></td></tr></tbody></table><table class='list' id='doc_table'><thead><tr><th>Other Documents</th><th>Last Update</th><th>By</th><th></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr data-path='.github/'><td><a href='/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE'>.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE</a></td><td>2018-07-25 15:19:12 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='markdown success' href='/markdown/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE'><svg xmlns="" width="208" height="128" viewBox="0 0 208 128"><mask id="a"><rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#fff"/><path d="M30 98v-68h20l20 25 20-25h20v68h-20v-39l-20 25-20-25v39zM155 98l-30-33h20v-35h20v35h20z"/></mask><rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="blue" ry="15" mask="url(#a)"/></svg></a></td></tr><tr data-path=''><td><a href='/CODE_OF_CONDUCT'>CODE_OF_CONDUCT</a></td><td>2018-07-25 14:21:21 PDT</td><td><span>fantasai</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/CODE_OF_CONDUCT'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='markdown success' href='/markdown/CODE_OF_CONDUCT'><svg xmlns="" width="208" height="128" viewBox="0 0 208 128"><mask id="a"><rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#fff"/><path d="M30 98v-68h20l20 25 20-25h20v68h-20v-39l-20 25-20-25v39zM155 98l-30-33h20v-35h20v35h20z"/></mask><rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="blue" ry="15" mask="url(#a)"/></svg></a></td></tr><tr data-path=''><td><a href='/CONTRIBUTING'>CONTRIBUTING</a></td><td>2024-02-29 13:31:02 PST</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/CONTRIBUTING'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='markdown success' href='/markdown/CONTRIBUTING'><svg xmlns="" width="208" height="128" viewBox="0 0 208 128"><mask id="a"><rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#fff"/><path d="M30 98v-68h20l20 25 20-25h20v68h-20v-39l-20 25-20-25v39zM155 98l-30-33h20v-35h20v35h20z"/></mask><rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="blue" ry="15" mask="url(#a)"/></svg></a></td></tr><tr data-path=''><td><a href='/LICENSE'>LICENSE</a></td><td>2017-06-08 08:37:03 PDT</td><td><span title='Philippe Le Hegaret'>plh</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/LICENSE'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='markdown success' href='/markdown/LICENSE'><svg xmlns="" width="208" height="128" viewBox="0 0 208 128"><mask id="a"><rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#fff"/><path d="M30 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href='/history/css-contain-4/scroll_state_explainer'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='markdown success' href='/markdown/css-contain-4/scroll_state_explainer'><svg xmlns="" width="208" height="128" viewBox="0 0 208 128"><mask id="a"><rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#fff"/><path d="M30 98v-68h20l20 25 20-25h20v68h-20v-39l-20 25-20-25v39zM155 98l-30-33h20v-35h20v35h20z"/></mask><rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="blue" ry="15" mask="url(#a)"/></svg></a></td></tr><tr data-path='css-floats-3/'><td><a href='/css-floats-3/float-notes'>css-floats-3/float-notes</a></td><td>2017-10-11 14:47:55 PDT</td><td><span title='Tab Atkins Jr.'>tabatkins</span></td><td><a class='history' href='/history/css-floats-3/float-notes'><img alt src='/img/history.svg'></a><a class='markdown success' href='/markdown/css-floats-3/float-notes'><svg xmlns="" width="208" height="128" viewBox="0 0 208 128"><mask id="a"><rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#fff"/><path d="M30 98v-68h20l20 25 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