Summer Session Housing | Conference Housing
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requests are specific to the summer session term(s).</span></p><p>The <a href="">Online Contract</a> for Summer Session Housing must be submitted by the due date(s) indicated. <span>If you have trouble accessing the portal, please contact Conference Housing at </span><a href=""><span></span></a><span> or call 530-752-8000 and provide your full name and student identification number.</span></p><p>Assigned residence hall buildings have a television lounge, study lounge, and laundry room on the ground floor, as well as a lounge on each living floor. Rooms are grouped in clusters of four or five rooms positioned around each bathroom; clusters open onto hallways. </p><p>All rooms are furnished including microwave and mini fridge, carpeted, and air-conditioned. During the summer months, the area service desk staff are available to provide modified assistance to students. </p><p> </p><hr><p><strong>NOTICE TO STUDENTS CURRENTLY LIVING IN THE RESIDENCE HALLS</strong></p><ul><li><em>Stay on campus through Summer Session 1:</em> To remain in the residence halls between the end of your academic year contract and the start of Summer Session 1, you need to request Interim Housing on the Summer Session 1 <a href="">housing application</a> through the <a href="">myHousing Portal</a>. Interim Housing runs Thursday, June 13 to Sunday, June 23, 10 nights, Rate: $390. <span>This cost will not include meals as the dining hall is closed during that time</span><strong>.</strong> <em>No Meals are available during this interim housing period. If you have any questions please contact Conference Housing at (530) 752-8000 or </em><a href=""><em></em></a><em>.</em></li></ul><p><strong>NOTICE TO STUDENTS WITH CONFIRMED RESIDENCE HALL HOUSING FOR FALL 2024</strong>; <em>if you are taking Summer Session 2 and/or need Interim Housing until Fall 2024 housing is available (September 14 to September 16). </em></p><ul><li><span>This interim period will cost $117. This cost will not include meals as the dining hall is closed during that time. Information regarding the request process is being developed. Contact Conference Housing at (530) 752-8000 or </span><a href=""><em><span></span></em></a><span> with any questions.</span></li></ul><h2>2024 Summer Session Housing Dates</h2><p>Session 1: 6/23/24 - 8/3/24</p><p>Session 2: 8/4/24 - 9/14/24</p><h2>2024 Rates</h2><p>Rooms will be double occupancy. If you plan to remain in summer housing for both sessions, you will be responsible for the night of rent that joins the two session, August 3rd. This night will be $80.</p><p>Session 1: $3,280</p><p>Session 2: $3,280</p><p>Class registration and payment must be made by the deadline to guarantee housing reservation. Please contact<strong> </strong><a href="">Financial Aid</a> office for any funding questions for Summer Session Housing fees.</p><h2>Reservations</h2><p><span>Incoming and current UC Davis </span>students enrolled in <a href="">Summer Session</a> 1 and/or 2 at UC Davis are eligible to live in the residence halls. <span>Housing requests are specific to the summer session term(s).</span></p><p>Contracts must be completed by specified deadlines to reserve space.</p><p>The deadline for Summer Session 1 Housing Contract is 5/20/24, and Payment will be processed through MyBill. </p><p>The deadline for Summer Session 2 Housing Contract is due 7/19/24 and Payment will be processed through MyBill. </p><p>Reservations cannot be guaranteed until contract and payment is received, and Summer Session registration is verified. </p><p><strong>Accessible Housing & Dining:</strong> Students with disability, medically related condition, or the need for housing according to gender identity are asked to follow the specific online link for <a href="">Special Accommodations</a> when completing the Online Contract for Summer Session Housing to ensure that these needs are accommodated.</p><h2>Contract Cancellations</h2><p>Is refundable as follows:</p><p>a. If written notice of cancellation is received before June 9, 2024 for Session 1 and before July 21, 2024 for Session 2, a full refund will be made, minus a $25 administrative service cost.</p><p>b. If written notice of cancellation is received after June 9, 2024 for Session 1 and after July 21, 2024 for Session 2, no amount will be refunded. </p><p>c. If the student experiences extenuating circumstances including but not limited to dismissal from Summer Session courses, withdrawal from Summer Session, or denial of admission to Summer Session, an email may be submitted to and the student may be eligible to receive the unused portion of the room and board fee, less $25 administrative service cost. <strong>NOTE</strong>: The condition must originate after the contract was signed and Conference Housing reserves the right to determine if a refund will be granted and the amount of the refund.</p><h2>Dining</h2><p><span>Students with a Summer Session Housing contract </span>will receive dining access with their AggieCard. Summer Session Housing fees include three meals per day in a specified dining common including weekends and university holidays. Neither credits nor refunds will be granted for meals not eaten. Meals between the Summer Session break from Session 1 to Session 2 are not included, but individual meals can be purchased at the dining commons facility during this period. Meals are professionally prepared and served platform style. Unlimited servings, a variety of specialty entrees and side dishes, salad, and dessert bars offer something for every palate. All meals are planned by a registered dietitian, and include balanced options for vegan and vegetarian guests; if you have <a href="">specific dietary concerns</a>, please talk to a dining commons manager. Our <a href="">dining commons menu</a><strong> </strong>can provide you with additional information on current menu offerings. One dining facility is open during the summer; dining location could change during your stay depending on area occupancy. </p><h3>Dining Hours:</h3><p>Breakfast 7:00am - 8:30am, Lunch 11:30am - 2:00pm, Dinner 5:00pm - 7:00pm</p><h2>What to Bring</h2><p>All residence hall rooms are furnished with a bed, dresser, desk, chair, lamp and wastepaper and recycling baskets. Items to bring include: </p><ul><li><a href="">Face coverings</a> </li><li>Clothes for all climate types, including rain gear</li><li>Bathrobe or something to wear to the community bathroom</li><li>Coat hangers</li><li>Toiletries</li><li>Toothbrush cover</li><li>Shower caddy</li><li>Mirror </li><li>Bedding: sheets to fit extra-long twin (38" x 80"), pillows and pillowcases, mattress pad, comforter and/or bedspread, blankets</li><li>Washcloths and bath towels</li><li>Hand towels </li><li>Telephone (most students use their cell phones)</li><li>Alarm clock (preferably with a battery back up in case of power outages)</li><li>TV, radio, video and music players, video games, movies and music, other electronic entertainment; Energy Star rated is preferred</li><li>Headphones/ear buds with a microphone for video conferencing/calls</li><li>Set of reusable utensils and plates, reusable coffee mug</li><li>Reusable beverage container for use at residence hall <a href="">bottle filling station</a></li><li>Items to decorate your room: pictures, posters, plants (Note: Students may NOT nail or screw items into walls; poster putty thumbtacks and pushpins are okay)</li><li>Computer<ul><li>Read the <a href="">UC Davis recommended computer configurations for students</a>; Energy Star rated is preferred</li><li>Read the <a href="">UC Davis Computer Ownership - FAQ for Students</a></li></ul></li><li>Computer cable lock to secure computer to your desk</li><li>External keyboard and mouse (if you use a laptop) (*using an external keyboard and mouse can greatly improve ergonomics)</li><li>Computer needs, such as a smart power strip, flash drive, mousepad, and small screwdriver</li><li>Printer and extra ink cartridges; Energy Star rated is preferred</li><li>Calculator</li><li>Coaxial Cable (long) for television</li><li>First aid kit</li><li>Flashlight</li><li>Bicycle, bicycle helmet, bicycle lock, light for nighttime riding, and basic tools</li><li>Sports equipment: rollerblades, basketball, tennis racquet, etc.</li><li>Laundry supplies, iron, laundry bag, or basket</li><li>Checkbook and/or bankcard</li><li>Health insurance card and other forms of identification (e.g., driver's license)</li><li>Names, addresses, and phone numbers of your bank and credit card companies</li><li>Eye masks, earplugs, and white noise machines (to help with sleeping)</li></ul><h2>What not to bring</h2><ul><li>Appliances that are not UL-approved</li><li>Torchiere halogen lamps</li><li>Candles</li><li>Space heaters</li><li>Refrigerators and microwaves </li><li>Hot plates and burners</li><li>Humidifiers (humidifiers have been known to cause mold; however, exceptions will be made if there is a medical need)</li><li>Weapons of any kind, including decorative swords and paintball guns</li><li>Fireworks, firecrackers, flammable liquids, and other explosive or incendiary devices</li><li>Items that are illegal to possess</li><li>Hover boards “due to the recent fire danger and product recalls”</li><li>Large stereo equipment</li><li>Amplifiers</li><li>Cases of bottled water (Note: you won’t need to bring your own water as we provide each residence hall student with access to residence hall <a href="">bottle filling stations</a> that provide free filtered water)</li><li>Toilet paper</li><li>Computers running Windows XP</li></ul><h2>Prohibited </h2><ul><li>Alcoholic beverages in public areas and not in the presence of guest under drinking age of 21</li><li>Smoking on campus and in residence halls, residential space or property or parking lots</li><li>Fireworks, ammunition, explosives, or flammable materials in the residence hall area</li><li>Cooking appliances such as popcorn poppers, hot plates, burners, toaster ovens, coffeepots, candles, etc.</li><li>All pets and animals in the residence halls, except with advanced approval for a registered service or assistance animals</li></ul><h2>When You Arrive</h2><p>When you arrive, please check in at the Conference Desk located in your assigned housing area; this year Summer Session will be assigned to the Tercero housing area. The assigned desk closes at 11:00pm each night. If you must arrive after this time, please call 530-752-2900 for staff member assistance. </p><h2>Tercero Area Check-In</h2><p>The Tercero Service Desk is located on the first floor of the Tercero Services Center (TSC). Main entry into the TSC is from the south: enter the exterior breezeway, then the first set of doors, then turn left through a second set of doors. The Service Desk is located immediately inside the entrance, on the left side of the room, across from the academic-year student mailboxes.</p><p>View the <a href="">Tercero Area Check-In Map and Directions (pdf)</a> for more information.</p><h2>Desk Services </h2><p>Conference Housing Desk is open daily from 7:00am - 11:00pm. On-call staff are available from 11pm to 7am by calling after-hours assistance at (530)-752-2900. In addition to providing check in and out services, the desk staff will provide lockout assistance, maintenance, and custodial service requests. There is also a limited supply of irons and alarm clocks that can be checked out during your stay.</p><h2>Room Access/Dining Cards</h2><p>You will use your AggieCard to access room/dining upon check in that will unlock your exterior building entrance as well as the door to your room; building entries are locked at all times. Please be sure to carry your access card with you and lock your door. If you are locked out of your room or building, you may go to the Conference Housing Desk where a staff member will assist you with your lock out. There is a replacement charge for lost or unreturned room access/dining cards.</p><h2>Parking</h2><p>If you are arriving by car, please park in the housing area visitor lot. Transportation Services implemented <a href=""><strong>Aggie Park</strong></a><strong>, a pay-by-phone parking app</strong> that allows drivers to conduct permit transactions from their phone in visitor parking lots. There is a charge for campus parking each weekday; parking is free Saturday and Sunday except during special events. Please contact Transportation and Parking Service at (530) 752-8277 for current rates and updated parking policies.</p><h2>Computer Access & Television Service</h2><p>In keeping with students' technological needs, Student Housing offers all our residents direct Internet access and basic cable television service. Please visit the Student Housing Residential computing webpage for computing information, and the Chanel guide to review television programming. </p><p>Please note that academic year services (i.e. Tech Support, Help Desk, printer services, access to Computer Centers, and Student Housing movie channels) are provided on a limited basis for summer Conference Guest attending Summer Sessions.</p><h2>Student Computer Technology</h2><p>Please contact UC Davis <a href="">IET department</a> for information regarding computer technology or internet questions by calling (530) 754-4357. You can refer to student computing for more computer resources: <a href=""></a><strong>.</strong></p><h2>Important Telephone Numbers </h2><ul><li>Emergency (in-progress) - 911</li><li>Conference Housing Desk - (530) 752-2900 - open daily from 7am - 11pm (11pm-7am - on call after hours) </li><li>Conference Housing Office - (530) 752-8000 - 8:00am to 12:00pm/ 1:00 pm, 4:30pm</li></ul><h2>Mail</h2><p>Incoming mail is held at the Tercero Desk Mail room this summer. Summer Session residents will receive email notifications. Mail is available Monday-Friday, 10am - 5pm, for pickup by the resident. Mail pickup is unavailable on the weekends and holidays. Mail should be addressed as follows: </p><p>Mail should be addressed as follows: <a href="">Residence Hall Mailing Addresses</a></p><h2>During your Stay</h2><ul><li>App<a href=""> operated washers and dryers</a> are located within the residence hall area</li><li>Select from the following <a href="">user guides</a> for instruction for using your thermostat</li><li>Furniture and furnishings must not be removed from any room/suite.</li><li>Guests are responsible for maintaining room or suite. Vacuum and cleaning supplies can be checked out at the area conference Desk</li><li>Custodial Services are provided in public areas</li><li>Regularly dispose of excess trash only in the designated trash/recycle locations in your building</li><li>Return furniture to original position</li><li>Check out at or before 9AM to avoid late check-out fees</li><li>Upon checkout, visit the area Conference Desk to return any lock out keys</li><li>Promptly report facilities issues, damages, or lost room access/dining card </li></ul><h2>Checking Out Procedures</h2><ul><li>Dispose of extra mess in room or suite</li><li>Trash must be removed before check-out using receptacles </li><li>Return rearranged furniture to original place before checkout</li><li>Guests are asked to lock room doors and turn off air conditioning & lights</li><li>Report any damages or lost keys before or at time of checkout </li><li>Check out by 9AM to avoid late check-out fees</li><li>Upon checkout, visit the area Conference Desk to return any lock out keys</li></ul><p>A checkout time of 9AM has been established for all guests in order to allow time to prepare for new Conference Guests arrivals. A late fee will be assessed for guests failing to check out by their designated checkout times. Arrangements must be made in advance if luggage storage will be needed; limited space is available. There is no charge for this service, as space is not guaranteed. Guests departing before 7:00am should make arrangements with the desk staff the previous day.</p><h2>Laundry</h2><p>Washers, dryers, and detergent dispensers are available in each residence hall/suite complex. Laundry rates subject to change. All Student Housing washers and dryers are app operated. Guests should report malfunctions to the vendor; their number is posted in the laundry rooms.</p><h2>Custodial Services</h2><p>The residence halls are serviced by custodial staff who work daily to keep community spaces, public bathrooms, hallways, and stairwells clean and looking nice. Excessive messes caused by community members will not be cleaned by custodial staff, and residents may incur additional charges for such infractions. Residents are responsible for the upkeep of their rooms. To help keep individual rooms and the community clean, residents can check out cleaning equipment and supplies at the area Conference Desk - this is shared equipment that should be returned after each use.</p><h2>Maintenance and Repair</h2><p>Repair and maintenance issues should be directed to the Conference Housing Desk Services or on-call for urgent repairs when the desk is closed. Maintenance staff are available weekdays from 8am - 3:30pm and can respond to most requests within two working days; emergency repairs will be handled the same day.</p><h2>Fire Safety</h2><p>The residence halls are equipped with excellent fire detection and alarm systems. Tampering with any of this equipment including fire extinguishers, heat/smoke detectors, or alarm boxes is strictly prohibited. When warranted, violators will be prosecuted and fined. At the sound of a fire alarm, all guests are required to leave the residence hall immediately and remain outside until the University Fire Department allows re-entry. As a fire safety measure, electric cooking appliances and candles are not allowed in the residence halls.</p><p>Upon checking into your room, please familiarize yourself with available exits and placement of fire alarm pull boxes. If you discover a fire, pull the alarm, and immediately leave the building through the nearest exit; do not use elevators in the event of an emergency.</p><h2>Student Safety & Conduct</h2><p>Students staying in the Residence Halls are expected to abide by all <a href="">University & Residence Hall Regulations (pdf)</a>. </p><h2>Visitation</h2><p><span>Non-registered (non-paying) visitors are not allowed in or overnight in the residence halls due to other guest/resident privacy and safety reasons, with exception of approved medical aid), pre-approved group representative, or authorized to assist with guest move in/out. Hosts are responsible for the actions of their visitors and expected to remain with them at all times. Visitors cannot be in the building or room unaccompanied by registered guest. Conference participants are not permitted to enter the residence hall(s) of any group other than their own. Guests may not allow others to use their access card to gain unauthorized access to buildings or rooms.</span></p><p><span>Residents are no longer permitted to have non-resident guests visit their building or rooms. University policy prohibits conduct that threatens the health or safety of oneself or another by not following the county, state or federal government guidelines.</span></p></div> </div> <div id="block-sitefarm-one-content" class="panel--nested block block-system block-system-main-block panel o-box"> <article> <div class="u-space--no-margin-collapse node__content"> <div class="layout layout--onecol"> <div class="layout__region layout__region--content"> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> <aside class="l-sidebar-second"> <div class="region region-sidebar-second"> <div id="block-socialmedialinks" class="block-social-media-links panel--transparent panel--auxilary block block-social-media-links-block panel o-box"> <h2 class="panel__title"> Follow Us </h2> <div class="social-follow"> <ul class="social-media-links--platforms platforms inline horizontal"> <li> <a class="social-media-link-icon--facebook" href="" > <span class='fab fa-facebook fa-2x'></span> </a> </li> <li> <a class="social-media-link-icon--instagram" href="" > <span class='fab fa-instagram fa-2x'></span> </a> </li> <li> <a class="social-media-link-icon--linkedin" href="" > <span class='fab fa-linkedin fa-2x'></span> </a> </li> <li> <a class="social-media-link-icon--twitter" href="" > <span class='fab fa-x-twitter fa-2x'></span> </a> </li> <li> <a class="social-media-link-icon--youtube" href="" > <span class='fab fa-youtube fa-2x'></span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </aside> </section> </div> <div class="l-container"> </div> </main> <footer class="l-footer footer dark-background"> <div class="l-container"> <div class="footer-spacer"> <div class="footer-spacer__logo"> <a href=""><img src="/profiles/sitefarm/themes/sitefarm_one/images/aggie-logo-white.svg" class="ucd-logo" alt="UC Davis footer logo" width="180" height="140" loading="lazy" /></a> </div> </div> <div class="region region-footer-credits"> <div id="block-sitefarm-one-uccredits" class="uc-footer block block-uc-credits block-uc-credits-block"> <p><a href="">University of California, Davis</a>, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 | 530-752-1011</p> <ul class="list--pipe"> <li><a href="/contact">Questions or comments?</a></li> <li><a href="">Privacy & Accessibility</a></li> <li><a href="">Principles of Community</a></li> <li><a href="">University of California</a></li> <li><a href="/sitemap">Sitemap</a></li> <li>Last update: December 8, 2023</li> </ul> <p>Copyright © The Regents of the University of California, Davis campus. 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