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Chernivetskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Iuriia Fedkovycha). An institution of <a href="">higher learning</a> in <a href="">Chernivtsi</a>; one of the oldest <a href="">universities</a> in Ukraine. The university was founded in 1875, succeeding the Chernivtsi Higher Theological School, which had existed since 1827. Until 1918 it was known as Franz-Josefs Universität, with German as the language of instruction and with separate departments of the <a href="">Ukrainian language</a> and <a href="">literature</a> and Romanian language and literature. At that time, it was the easternmost German-language university in Europe (especially after the German-language <a href="">Dorpat</a> University in present-day Estonia was fully <a href="">Russified</a> between 1882 and 1893). From 1919 to 1940 the university was called the Universitatea Regele Carol I din Cernăuţi, with instruction in Romanian. In 1944 the Soviet authorities reorganized the university as Chernivtsi State University with Ukrainian as a language of instruction. In 2000 the university was granted a <a href="">national institution of higher learning</a> status and assumed its present name.</P> <P class="padingHistoryLand">An idea to open a university in <a href="">Chernivtsi</a> was first broached in 1848 in the ‘Petition of the Province’ submitted by the deputies from <a href="">Bukovyna</a> to the Austrian government. At that time, however, the proposal was not approved. A successful proposal was put forward in 1872 by a deputy of the <a href="">Bukovynian Diet</a> and the Austrian <a href="">parliament</a> Kostiantyn Tomashchuk. He justified the need for a German-language university in the capital of Bukovyna by the Polonization of <a href="">Lviv University</a> and by remoteness of <a href="">Austria</a>’s German-language universities, which prevented the graduates of the German gymnasium in <a href="">Chernivtsi</a> from obtaining <a href="">higher education</a> in their native language. This proposal was approved and the <a href="">university</a> was opened in October 1875 on the premises of the local <a href="">teachers' seminary</a>, with Tomashchuk appointed its first rector. During the Austrian period the university had three faculties: Orthodox <a href="">theology</a>, <a href="">law</a>, and <a href="">philosophy</a>. The <a href="">Ukrainian language</a> and <a href="">literature</a> department was in the faculty of philosophy and was chaired by <a href="">Klymentii Hankevych</a> and <a href="">Omelian Kaluzhniatsky</a> (1875–6), <!--10400L-->Hnat <!--10400L-->Onyshkevych (1877–82), and <a href="">Stepan Smal-Stotsky</a> (1885–1918). The department of <a href="">Slavic languages</a> was headed by O. Kaluzhniatsky (1875–99) and <a href="">Yevhen Kozak</a> (1899–1923). The department of practical theology was under the direction of <!--18858L-->Denys <!--18858L-->Yeremiichuk-<!--18858L-->Yeremiiv (1899–1919). A vast majority of faculty members were <a href="">Germans</a>. The university employed several world-class scholars, among them jurists Eugen Ehrlich and Hans Gross, political economist Joseph Schumpeter, historian <!--5257L-->Raimund <!--5257L-->Friedrich <!--5257L-->Kaindl, mathematician Leopold Gegenbauer, <a href="">botanist</a> Eduard Tangl, and chemist Richard Przibram. </P> <P class="padingHistoryLand">In this period the university was attended not only by Bukovynians, but also by many <a href="">students</a> from <a href="">Galicia</a>, among whom were <a href="">Ivan Franko</a>, <a href="">Les Martovych</a>, and <a href="">Denys Lukiianovych</a>. Volodymyr Milkovych defended a doctoral thesis on the history of Eastern Europe and eventually was appointed professor at the university (1895–1919). <a href="">Oleksander Kolessa</a> received a doctorate in the <a href="">Ukrainian language</a> at Chernivtsi University. The following rectors of the university were <a href="">Ukrainians</a>: Kostiantyn Tomashchuk (1875–6), <a href="">Omelian Kaluzhniatsky</a> (1889–90), and <a href="">Yevhen Kozak</a> (1907–8). Ukrainian students constituted, on the average, about 20–25 percent of students enrolled: 41 out of a total of 208 in 1875, and 303 out of a total of 1,198 in 1914. There were about as many <a href="">Romanians</a>, with the majority of students being <a href="">Jewish</a> or German. Females were allowed to attend the university in 1879. Between 1875 and 1918 more than 4,000 students graduated from the university. While promoting the German language and culture in <a href="">Bukovyna</a>, the university also served a model of interethnic tolerance and cooperation. </P> <P class="padingHistoryLand">In 1918–40 Chernivtsi University was Romanianized and named first after king Ferdinand I of Romania, later renamed after his uncle king Carol I (with the official name: Universitatea Regele Carol I din Cernăuţi). During this period the Ukrainian departments were dissolved, and the university’s Ukrainian professors were dismissed. The faculty of philosophy was split into the faculty of philosophy and literature and the faculty of natural science. For many years the university’s rector was I. Nistor, who was hostile towards Ukrainians. In 1920 there were 239 <a href="">Ukrainians</a> in a student body of 1,671. In 1933 the body of 3,247 students consisted of 2,117 <a href="">Romanians</a>, 679 <a href="">Jews</a>, 199 <a href="">Germans</a>, 155 Ukrainians, 57 <a href="">Poles</a>, and 40 of other nationalities. With the rise of a dictatorial trend in <a href="">Romania</a> in the late 1930s, all student societies at the university were dissolved with the exception of a single one that promoted the devotion to the king, monarchy, and the ‘Greater Romania.’ </P> <P class="padingHistoryLand">In 1940 northern <a href="">Bukovyna</a> was annexed to the <a href="">Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic</a>, and Ukrainian became the language of instruction at Chernivtsi University. Between 1941 and 1944 the university again functioned as a Romanian-language institution under Romanian occupation. In 1944 the Soviet authorities reorganized the university as Chernivtsi State University (ChDU) and by 1955 it consisted of 11 faculties: history, <a href="">philosophy</a>, foreign languages, <a href="">geography</a>, <a href="">biology</a>, <a href="">chemistry</a>, <a href="">physics</a>-<a href="">mathematics</a>, economy, technology, and correspondence education. This structure remained largely intact through the 1980s. The <a href="">theology</a> faculty was abolished. Evening-school, correspondence-school, and graduate-school programs were introduced. In 1982–3 there were close to 10,000 <a href="">students</a> enrolled at the university, 54 percent of whom were correspondence and evening students. The teaching faculty numbered about 500, including 26 full professors. Public efforts to rename the university in honor of <a href="">Yurii Fedkovych</a>, led by the <a href="">literary scholar</a> <a href="">Yevhen Kyryliuk</a>, did not gain the consent of the Soviet authorities until 1989. In the 1970s a faculty-and student-exchange program was established between Chernivtsi University and the University of Saskatchewan in <a href="">Canada</a>. In independent Ukraine the university has been among the leading <a href="">higher educational institutions</a> in the country, and particularly in <a href="">western Ukraine</a>. The <a href="">university</a> was granted the <a href="">national university</a> status in 2000 and assumed its current name: <!--36804L-->Chernivtsi <!--36804L-->National <!--36804L-->University (ChNU).</P> <P class="padingHistoryLand">The university’s main building since 1955 has been the former residence of the Orthodox <a href="">metropolitans</a> of <a href="">Bukovyna</a> and Dalmatia. It has been a <a href="">UNESCO</a> World Heritage Site since 2011 (one of the seven such sites in Ukraine, but the only <a href="">university</a> building with this status). Currently, ChNU has 11 faculties (geography; economy; foreign languages; history, political science, and international relations; <a href="">architecture</a>, construction, and decorative and applied arts; <a href="">pedagogy</a>, <a href="">psychology</a>, and social work; <a href="">mathematics</a> and informatics; philology; finances, entrepreneurship, and accounting; physical culture and human health; and <a href="">law</a>) and 2 <a href="">institutes</a> (biology, <a href="">chemistry</a> and bioresources; and applied <a href="">physics</a> and computer sciences). The enrollment is above 14,000. There are a number of research institutions associated with the university: a <a href="">botanical garden</a> (est 1877), a <a href="">biological</a> research base in Zhuchka, a geophysical observatory, a physics laboratory for semiconductor and thermodynamic research, an experimental fish farm, seismological and meteorological stations, and four <a href="">museums</a> (of natural science, <a href="">ethnography</a>, geology, and the historical-<a href="">architectural</a> museum complex). ChNU also operates several international specialized centers, including <a href="">Ramon Hnatyshyn</a> Canadian Studies Centre, the Center for American Studies, the Center for Romanian Studies, the Gedankendach Center for German-Language Studies, the Center for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Security, the Center for Czech Studies, the Center for Slavic Studies, and others. ChNU’s scholarly library is one of the oldest and largest university libraries in Ukraine. It houses about 2.6 million books (2020), including 70,000 rare books and manuscripts (the earliest dating back to the fifteenth century). Among other highlights of the library is the collection of books granted by the <a href="">Habsburg dynasty</a> (the so-called ‘Habsburg Library,’ with more than 1,400 volumes) and the extensive collection of publications and manuscripts related to Bukovyna (‘Bukovinensia’). The university has published <I>Naukovi zapysky</I> (58 vols, 1945–67), monographs, textbooks, and many other works. ChNU’s chief academic periodical is <I>Naukovyi visnyk</I> published in several series, including history (52 vols, 1996–), <a href="">biology</a> (9 vols, 2009–), German philology (822 vols, 1996–), economy (830 vols, 1996–), <a href="">geography</a> (824 vols, 1996–), and chemistry (819 vols, 1996–). Other notable <a href="">periodicals</a> include <I>Pytannia literaturoznavstva</I> (102 vols, 1966–), <I>Mediaforum</I> (7 vols, 2011–), and <I>Bukovyns'kyi matematychnyi zhurnal</I> (8 vols, 2013–), previously published under the name of <I>Naukovyi visnyk</I> <I>Chernivets'koho universytetu</I>. <I>Seriia matematyka</I> (1999–2012). </P> <P class="padingHistoryLand">Today ChNU is one of the most prestigious <a href="">higher educational institutions</a> in Ukraine and it has been consistently ranked among the nation’s best <a href="">universities</a>. For instance, in 2021 it was ranked 15th in the Consolidated Ranking of all Ukrainian institutions of <a href="">higher learning</a> (more than 240 featured) according to the influential educational web portal In the same ranking ChNU also appeared as the 9th best ‘classical university’ in Ukraine and the 4th best institution of higher learning in <a href="">western Ukraine</a>.</P> <P class="padingHistoryLand">BIBLIOGRAPHY<BR>Prokopowitsch, E. ‘Gründung, Entwicklung und Ende der Franz-Josefs Universitüat in Czernowitz,’ in <I>Schriften zur Geschichte des Deutschtums in der Bukowina</I> (Clausthal-Zellerfeld 1955)<BR>Turczynski, E. ‘Die Universitüat Czernowitz,’ in <I>Buchenland. Hundertfünfzig Jahre Deutschtum in der Bukowina</I> (Munich 1961)<BR><I>Systematychnyi pokazhchyk do vydan' Chernivets'koho derzhavnoho universytetu (1948-cherven' 1965)</I> (Chernivtsi 1965)<BR><I>Alma Mater Francisco Josephina. Die deutschsprachige Nationalitüaten-Universitüat in Czernowitz</I> (Munich 1975)<BR>Kobylians’kyi, I. <I>Chernivets'kyi universytet</I> (Uzhhorod 1975)<BR>Abramovych, N. et al (ed). <I>Chernivets'kyi universytet, 1875–1995: Storinky istoriï</I> (Chernivtsi 1995)<BR><I>Chernivets'kyi natsional'nyi universytet imeni Iuriia Fed'kovycha</I> (Kyiv 2005)</P> <P class="padingHistoryLand" style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">Serhiy Bilenky, Arkadii Zhukovsky</P> <P class="padingHistoryLand" style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">[This article was updated in 2021.]</P> <BR> <CENTER> <P class="padingHistoryLand"></P> </CENTER> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <!--PICTURES BOTTOM START --> <div class="bg9 marginbottom tc"> <!--END_____Pictures Bottom___--> <!--Pictures Bottom End--> <!--Related links LLLL--> <div class="dr20 tc marginZero TotalWidth"> <A name="linksaddress"> </A> <BR> <HR class="marginZero"> <H2 class="tc mb b rozmiar50"><!--googleoff: index-->List of related links from Encyclopedia of Ukraine pointing to <span class="FontDarkBlue b "> Chernivtsi National University</span> entry:<!--googleon: index--> <BR> </H2> <Div> <label for="groovybtn1" class="visuallyhidden">1 Architecture</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn1" name="groovybtn1" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 1 Architecture " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn2" class="visuallyhidden">2 Chernivtsi</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn2" name="groovybtn2" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 2 Chernivtsi " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn3" class="visuallyhidden">3 Chernivtsi oblast</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn3" name="groovybtn3" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 3 Chernivtsi oblast " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn4" class="visuallyhidden">4 Chernivtsi University</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn4" name="groovybtn4" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 4 Chernivtsi University " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn5" class="visuallyhidden">5 Higher education</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn5" name="groovybtn5" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 5 Higher education " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> </Div> <BR> <P class="tc"> <form name="bbback" action="self"> <!--BR--> </form> <p class="tc b"><!--googleoff: index-->A referral to this page is found in 5 entries.<!--googleon: index--></p> <BR> </DIV> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=" bg8 tc marginZero FontWhite FontVerdana" aria-label="local"> <br> Click Home to get to the IEU Home page; to contact the IEU editors click Contact.<br> To learn more about IEU click About IEU and to view the list of donors and to become an IEU supporter click Donors. <br> <br> <ul class="marginZero" role="navigaton"> <li class="queryFontInline"><a class="buttonZ" href="" title="IEU Home Web Page" target="_blank">Home</a></li> <li class="queryFontInline"><a class="buttonZ" href="" title="Contact IEU Staff" target="_blank">Contact</a></li> <li class="queryFontInline"><a class="buttonZ" href="" title="Information about IEU" target="_blank">About IEU</a></li> <li class="queryFontInline"><a class="buttonZ" href="" title="Donors web page" target="_blank">Donors</a></li> <li class="queryFontInline"><a class="buttonZ" href="" title="Donors Web page">Donate to IEU</a></li> </ul> <br> <span class="FontSizeSmall" > ©2001 All Rights Reserved. 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