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A group of 100 scientist from various countries in different disciplines are started Cosmos (2010) with specific objective of providing quality information to the researcher. We offer academic database services to researcher. We provide impact factor and index of academic journals, books. We maintain academic database services to researchers, journal editors and publishers. Cosmos provides a detailed report of individual journal for further improvement of respective journal overall look up and technical aspect for better Impact Factor.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Cosmos provides Quantitative and Qualitative tool for ranking, evaluating and categorizing the Journals for academic evaluation and excellence. This Factor is used for evaluating the prestige of Journals. The evaluation is carried out by considering the factors Like Paper Originality, Citation, Editorial Quality, and Regularity & International Presence.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">We perform the in-depth analysis method. The acceptance and rejection rates of journals can be a determining factor. Low acceptance rate, high rejection rate journals are considered the best and most prestigious journals, as the acceptance criteria is of high quality standard. Many journals and societies have web pages that give publication data and style requirements and often include acceptance/rejection rates. The paper copy of the journal occasionally includes this data and will always provide current contact information, whether a journal is indexed in the major indexing/abstracting service in the field is another criteria that can be used to assess the worth and quality of a journal.</p> <p style="color:#cc0033; font-weight: 800; text-align:center;text-decoration:underline;"><a style="color:#cc0033; font-weight: 800;" href="">Get your journal Cosmos Impact Factor within 7 days by paying minimum fee</a>.</p> <p style="color: blue; text-align:center; ">Cosmos Impact Factor for the year of 2020 avaliable for evalution at fee of USD 75.00 or INR 5000.00. <a style="color:blue; text-decoration:underline;" href=''>Click to learn more</a></p> <!--<h1 style="font-size:130%;">Recent evaliated impact factor</h1> <marquee direction="up" scrolldelay="180" height='350px' width='96%' style='border: 3px solid #43a9ff; padding:10px; background-color:#99ffff;'> </marquee>--> </div><!--close content_item--> </div><!--close content--> </div><!--close site_content--> </div><!--close main--> <footer style="background-color: #6699cc; color:white; padding-top:55px; padding-bottom:55px;text-shadow:none; "> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!--<a style="color:white; background:none; text-shadow:none;" href="">Home</a> | <a style="color:white; background:none; text-shadow:none;" href="">Indexed Journal</a> | <a style="color:white; background:none; text-shadow:none;" href="">Suggest Journal</a> | <!--<a style="color:white; background:none; text-shadow:none;" href="">Impact Factor</a> | --> <!-- <a style="color:white; background:none; text-shadow:none;" href="">Request For IF</a> | <a style="color:white; background:none; text-shadow:none;" href="">Download Logo</a> | <a style="color:white; background:none; text-shadow:none; " href="">Contact us</a>--> </footer> <!-- javascript at the bottom for fast page loading --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </body> </html>