Global Presence | Alantra
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1.9,1.9 -1.2,3.1 3.8,3.4 1.3,-0.3 -0.8,-3.2 1.7,-1.5 0.4,-2.2 -0.1,-5 4.2,-0.5 -2,-1.7 -2.5,-0.2 -3.5,-4.5 -3.4,-3.2 0,0 -2.6,2.5 -0.5,1.5 -2.4,-0.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BI" data-name="Burundi" data-id="BI" d="m 1148.2,590 -0.3,-2.5 0,0 -3,-0.4 -1.7,3.6 -3.5,-0.5 1.4,2.9 0.1,1.1 2,6.1 -0.1,0.3 0.6,-0.1 2.1,-2.3 2.2,-3.3 1.4,-1.4 0,-2 -1.2,-1.5 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <a xlink:href="belgium" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BE" data-name="Belgium" data-id="BE" d="m 1000.7,246.2 -4.4,1.3 -3.6,-0.5 0,0 -3.8,1.2 0.7,2.2 2.2,0.1 2.4,2.4 3.4,2.9 2.5,-0.4 4.4,2.8 0.4,-3.5 1.3,-0.2 0.4,-4.2 -2.8,-1.4 -3.1,-2.7 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BJ" data-name="Benin" data-id="BJ" d="m 996.9,498 -4.3,-3.7 -2,0 -1.9,1.9 -1.2,1.9 -2.7,0.6 -1.2,2.8 -1.9,0.7 -0.7,3.3 1.7,1.9 2,2.3 0.2,3.1 1.1,1.3 -0.2,14.6 1.4,4.4 4.6,-0.8 0.3,-10.2 -0.1,-4.1 1,-4 1.7,-1.9 2.7,-4 -0.6,-1.7 1.1,-2.5 -1.2,-3.8 0.2,-2.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BF" data-name="Burkina Faso" data-id="BF" d="m 978.8,477.2 -3.6,0 -1.4,-1.2 -3,0.9 -5.2,2.6 -1.1,2 -4.3,2.9 -0.8,1.6 -2.3,1.3 -2.7,-0.9 -1.6,1.6 -0.8,4.4 -4.5,5.2 0.2,2.2 -1.6,2.7 0.4,3.7 2.5,1.4 1,2.1 2.5,1.3 1.9,-1.6 2.7,-0.2 3.8,1.6 -0.8,-4.8 0.2,-3.6 9.7,-0.3 2.4,0.5 1.8,-1 2.6,0.5 4.9,0.1 1.9,-0.7 1.2,-2.8 2.7,-0.6 1.2,-1.9 0.1,-4.4 -6.4,-1.4 -0.2,-3.1 -3.1,-4.1 -0.8,-2.9 0.5,-3.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BD" data-name="Bangladesh" data-id="BD" d="m 1486.5,431.9 -4.5,-10.1 -1.5,0.1 -0.2,4 -3.5,-3.3 1.1,-3.6 2.4,-0.4 1.6,-5.3 -3.4,-1.1 -5,0.1 -5.4,-0.9 -1.2,-4.4 -2.7,-0.4 -4.8,-2.7 -1.2,4.3 4.6,3.4 -3.1,2.4 -0.8,2.3 3.7,1.7 -0.4,3.8 2.6,4.8 1.6,5.2 2.2,0.6 1.7,0.7 0.6,-1.2 2.5,1.3 1.3,-3.5 -0.9,-2.6 5.1,0.2 2.8,3.7 1.5,3.1 0.8,3.2 2,3.3 -1.1,-5.1 2.1,1 -0.5,-4.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BG" data-name="Bulgaria" data-id="BG" d="m 1121.6,294.3 -3,-0.7 -4,-2.2 -5.8,1.4 -2.3,1.6 -7.5,-0.3 -4,-1 -1.9,0.5 -1.8,-2.6 -1.1,1.4 0.7,2.3 2.8,2.6 -1.7,1.9 -0.7,2 0.6,0.7 -0.7,0.9 2.8,2 0.8,4.1 3.8,0.2 3.9,-1.7 3.9,2.1 4.6,-0.6 -0.3,-3 5,-2 4.5,0.8 -2.1,-3.5 1.3,-4.4 2.2,-2.5 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BA" data-name="Bosnia and Herz." data-id="BA" d="m 1062.2,284.9 -2.3,0.1 -1,1.3 -1.9,-1.4 -0.9,2.5 2.7,2.9 1.3,1.9 2.5,2.3 2,1.4 2.2,2.5 4.7,2.4 0.4,-3.4 1.5,-1.4 0.9,-0.6 1.2,-0.3 0.5,-2.9 -2.7,-2.3 1,-2.7 -1.8,0 0,0 -2.4,-1.4 -3.5,0.1 -4.4,-1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BY" data-name="Belarus" data-id="BY" d="m 1112.8,219.4 -5.2,-1.5 -4.6,2.3 -2.6,1 0.9,2.6 -3.5,2 -0.5,3.4 -4.8,2.2 -4.6,0 0.6,2.7 1.7,2.3 0.3,2.4 -2.7,1.2 1.9,2.9 0.5,2.7 2.2,-0.3 2.4,-1.6 3.7,-0.2 5,0.5 5.6,1.5 3.8,0.1 2,0.9 1.6,-1.1 1.5,1.5 4.3,-0.3 2,0.6 -0.2,-3.1 1.2,-1.4 4.1,-0.3 0,0 -2,-3.9 -1.5,-2 0.8,-0.6 3.9,0.2 1.6,-1.3 -1.7,-1.6 -3.4,-1.1 0.1,-1.1 -2.2,-1.1 -3.7,-3.9 0.6,-1.6 -1,-2.9 -4.8,-1.4 -2.3,0.7 -1,-1.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BZ" data-name="Belize" data-id="BZ" d="m 482.5,471.1 1.4,-2.2 1,-0.2 1.3,-1.7 1,-3.2 -0.3,-0.6 0.9,-2.3 -0.4,-1 1.3,-2.7 0.3,-1.8 -1.1,0 0.1,-0.9 -1,0 -2.5,3.9 -0.9,-0.8 -0.7,0.3 -0.1,1 -0.7,5 -1.2,7.2 1.6,0 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BO" data-name="Bolivia" data-id="BO" d="m 655.7,700.5 1.6,-1.3 -0.8,-3.6 1.3,-2.8 0.5,-5 -1.6,-4 -3.2,-1.7 -0.8,-2.6 0.6,-3.6 -10.7,-0.3 -2.7,-7.4 1.6,-0.1 -0.3,-2.8 -1.2,-1.8 -0.5,-3.7 -3.3,-1.9 -3.5,0.1 -2.5,-1.9 -3.8,-1.2 -2.4,-2.4 -6.3,-1 -6.4,-5.7 0.3,-4.3 -0.9,-2.5 0.4,-4.7 -7.3,1.1 -2.8,2.3 -4.8,2.6 -1.1,1.9 -2.9,0.2 -4.2,-0.6 5.5,10.3 -1.1,2.1 0.1,4.5 0.3,5.4 -1.9,3.2 1.2,2.4 -1.1,2.1 2.8,5.3 -2.8,6.9 3.1,4.3 1.2,4.6 3.2,2.7 -1.1,6.2 3.7,7.1 3.1,8.8 3.8,-0.9 4,-5.7 7.4,1.5 3.7,4.6 1.6,-5.1 6.3,0.3 1,1.3 1.5,-7.6 -0.2,-3.4 2.1,-5.6 9.5,-1.9 5.1,0.1 5.4,3.3 0.3,1.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <a xlink:href="brazil" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BR" data-name="Brazil" data-id="BR" d="m 659,560.1 -1.4,0.2 -3.1,-0.5 -1.8,1.7 -2.6,1.1 -1.7,0.2 -0.7,1.3 -2.7,-0.3 -3.5,-3 -0.3,-2.9 -1.4,-3.3 1,-5.4 1.6,-2.2 -1.2,-3 -1.9,-0.9 0.8,-2.8 -1.3,-1.5 -2.9,0.3 0.7,1.8 -2.1,2.4 -6.4,2.4 -4,1 -1.7,1.5 -4.4,-1.6 -4.2,-0.8 -1,0.6 2.4,1.6 -0.3,4.3 0.7,4 4.8,0.5 0.3,1.4 -4.1,1.8 -0.7,2.7 -2.3,1 -4.2,1.5 -1.1,1.9 -4.4,0.5 -3,-3.4 -1.1,0.8 -1,-3.8 -1.6,-2 -1.9,2.2 -10.9,-0.1 0,3.9 3.3,0.7 -0.2,2.4 -1.1,-0.6 -3.2,1 0,4.6 2.5,2.4 0.9,3.6 -0.1,2.8 -2.2,17.4 -5.1,-0.3 -0.7,1 -4.6,1.2 -6.2,4.3 -0.4,3 -1.3,2.2 0.7,3.4 -3.3,1.9 0.1,2.7 -1.5,1.1 2.6,5.8 3.3,3.8 -1,2.8 3.7,0.3 2.3,3.4 4.9,0.2 4.4,-3.8 0.2,9.7 2.6,0.7 3,-1.1 4.2,0.6 2.9,-0.2 1.1,-1.9 4.8,-2.6 2.8,-2.3 7.3,-1.1 -0.4,4.7 0.9,2.5 -0.3,4.3 6.4,5.7 6.3,1 2.4,2.4 3.8,1.2 2.5,1.9 3.5,-0.1 3.3,1.9 0.5,3.7 1.2,1.8 0.3,2.8 -1.6,0.1 2.7,7.4 10.7,0.3 -0.6,3.6 0.8,2.6 3.2,1.7 1.6,4 -0.5,5 -1.3,2.8 0.8,3.6 -1.6,1.3 1.9,3.6 0.4,8.6 6,1.2 2.1,-1.2 3.9,1.7 1.2,1.9 1,5.8 0.9,2.5 2,0.3 2,-1.1 2.1,1.2 0.3,3.5 -0.3,3.8 -0.7,3.6 2.6,-1.2 3.1,3.7 0.5,5.1 -4.2,3.5 -3.3,2.6 -5.3,6.2 -5.9,8.6 3.4,-0.7 6.2,4.9 1.9,-0.2 6.2,4.1 4.8,3.5 3.8,4.3 -1.9,3 2.1,3.7 2.9,-3.7 1.5,-6 3.2,-3 3.9,-5 4.5,-11.2 3.4,-3.5 0.8,-3.1 0.3,-6.4 -1.3,-3.5 0.3,-4.8 4.1,-6.3 6,-5.1 6,-1.8 3.6,-2.9 8.5,-2.4 5.9,0 1.1,-3.8 4.2,-2.8 0.6,-6.5 5.1,-8.3 0.5,-8.5 1.6,-2.6 0.3,-4.1 1.1,-9.9 -1,-11.9 1.4,-4.7 1.4,-0.1 3.9,-5.5 3.3,-7.2 7.7,-8.8 2.7,-4.2 2,-10.5 -1,-3.9 -2,-8.1 -2.1,-2 -4.8,-0.2 -4.3,-1.9 -7.3,-7.1 -8.4,-5.3 -8.4,0.3 -10.9,-3.4 -6.5,2 0.8,-3.5 -2.7,-3.8 -9.4,-3.8 -7.1,-2.3 -4.2,4.1 -0.3,-6.3 -9.9,-1 -1.7,-2 4.2,-5.2 -0.1,-4.4 -3,-1 -3,-11.2 -1.3,-3.5 -1.9,0.3 -3.5,5.8 -1.8,4.7 -2.1,2.4 -2.7,0.5 -0.8,-1.8 -1.2,-0.3 -1.8,1.8 -2.4,-1.3 -3.2,-1.4 -2.7,0.7 -2.3,-0.6 -0.5,1.8 0.9,1.3 -0.5,1.3 -3.1,-0.5 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BN" data-name="Brunei" data-id="BN" d="m 1617.8,543.4 2.7,3.3 1.1,-2.2 2.7,0.2 0.1,-4.1 0.1,-3.1 -4.6,3.5 -2.1,2.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BT" data-name="Bhutan" data-id="BT" d="m 1474.7,395.5 -2.7,-1.8 -2.9,-0.1 -4.2,-1.5 -2.6,1.6 -2.6,4.8 0.3,1.2 5.5,2.5 3.2,-1 4.7,0.4 4.4,-0.2 -0.4,-3.9 -2.7,-2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BW" data-name="Botswana" data-id="BW" d="m 1116.7,685 -1,-0.5 -3.2,1.5 -1.6,0 -3.7,2.5 -2,-2.6 -8.6,2.2 -4.1,0.2 -0.9,22.7 -5.4,0.2 -0.6,18.5 1.4,1 3,6.1 -0.7,3.8 1.1,2.3 4,-0.7 2.8,-2.8 2.7,-1.9 1.5,-3.1 2.7,-1.5 2.3,0.8 2.5,1.8 4.4,0.3 3.6,-1.5 0.6,-2 1.2,-3 3,-0.5 1.7,-2.4 2,-4.3 5.2,-4.7 8,-4.7 -3.4,-2.9 -4.2,-0.9 -1.5,-4.1 0.1,-2.2 -2.3,-0.7 -6,-7 -1.6,-3.7 -1.1,-1.1 -1.9,-5.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="CF" data-name="Central African Rep." data-id="CF" d="m 1110.5,517.3 -0.5,-0.3 -2,-1.8 -0.3,-2 0.8,-2.6 0,-2.6 -3.3,-4 -0.7,-2.7 -3.5,1.1 -2.8,2.5 -4,7 -5.2,2.9 -5.4,-0.4 -1.6,0.6 0.6,2.3 -2.9,2.2 -2.3,2.5 -7.1,2.4 -1.4,-1.4 -0.9,-0.2 -1,1.7 -4.7,0.4 -2.7,6.5 -1.4,1.1 -0.4,5 0.6,2.7 -0.4,1.9 2.6,3.3 0.5,2.3 2.1,3.2 2.6,2.1 0.3,2.9 0.6,1.8 2.9,-5.9 3.3,-3.4 3.8,1.1 3.6,0.4 0.5,-4.5 2.2,-3.2 3,-2 4.6,2.1 3.6,2.4 4.1,0.6 4.2,1.2 1.6,-3.8 0.8,-0.5 2.6,0.6 6.2,-3.1 2.2,1.3 1.8,-0.2 0.9,-1.5 2,-0.6 4.3,0.7 3.6,0.1 1.8,-0.6 -0.9,-2.1 -4.2,-2.5 -1.5,-3.8 -2.4,-2.7 -3.8,-3.4 -0.1,-2 -3.1,-2.6 -3.8,-2.5 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="CA" data-name="Canada" data-id="CA" d="m 659,276.7 -0.7,-3 -2.5,1.9 0.5,2.1 5.6,2.6 1.9,-0.4 3.3,-2.5 -4.7,0.1 -3.4,-0.8 z m 14.4,-15.9 0.2,-1.1 -4.1,-2.6 -5.9,-1.6 -1.9,0.6 3.5,2.9 5.7,1.9 2.5,-0.1 z m -305.3,3.7 0.2,-3.4 -3.2,-2.6 -0.4,-2.9 -0.1,-2.1 -4.1,-0.7 -2.4,-0.9 -4.1,-1.4 -1.4,1.5 -0.6,3.3 4.3,1.1 -0.4,1.8 2.9,2.2 0,2.2 6.3,2.8 3,-0.9 z m 336.1,-13.5 3.9,-3.8 1.4,-1.7 -2.1,-0.3 -4.9,2.2 -4.2,3.5 -8.1,9.8 -5.3,3.7 1.6,1.7 -3.8,2.2 0.2,1.9 9.6,0.1 5.4,-0.3 4.4,1.5 -4.4,2.9 2.9,0.2 7.3,-5.4 1.2,0.8 -2.5,5.1 3,1.2 2.3,-0.2 3.5,-5.5 -0.5,-3.9 0.3,-3.3 -3.7,1.1 2.8,-4.6 -4.3,-1.9 -2.7,1.5 -3.9,-1.7 2.4,-2.1 -2.9,-1.3 -3.8,2 4.9,-5.4 z m -356.8,-21.2 -1.9,2 -1.4,2.6 0.9,1.9 -0.6,2.8 0.7,2.8 1.9,0 -0.2,-4.9 7.1,-6.9 -4.9,0.5 -1.6,-0.8 z m 280.9,-47 -0.4,-1.2 -1.7,-0.1 -2.8,1.7 -0.4,0.4 0.1,1.7 1.7,0.5 3.5,-3 z m -9.6,-3.2 0.8,-1.1 -6,-0.1 -4.9,2.7 0,1.5 3,0.2 7.1,-3.2 z m -3.1,-16.6 -2.7,-0.5 -5,5.2 -3.6,4.4 -5.7,2.8 6.3,-0.6 -0.8,3.4 8.2,-3 6.2,-3 0.8,2.6 5.9,1.3 4.9,-1.8 -1.9,-1.8 -3.4,0.4 1.3,-2.7 -3.7,-1.7 -3.4,-1.9 -1.5,-1.5 -2.8,0.9 0.9,-2.5 z m 44.6,-8.2 3.7,-1.7 1,-0.7 1.4,-2.3 -2.3,-1.5 -4.2,0.7 -3.8,3.1 -0.7,2.6 4.9,-0.2 z m -73.8,-10.7 -0.8,-2 -0.3,-1 -1.6,-1 -3,-1.5 -4.9,2.3 -5,1.7 3.5,2.4 3.8,-0.6 4.1,1.6 4.2,-1.9 z m 22.4,-2.1 -6.6,-1 5.7,-2.6 -0.4,-6 -1.9,-2.3 -4.5,-0.8 -8.1,3.8 -5.5,5.8 2.9,2.1 1.6,3.3 -6.3,5.5 -3.2,-0.2 -6.2,4.4 4.2,-5.2 -4.8,-1.8 -4.5,0.9 -2.4,3.4 -5.9,-0.1 -7.2,0.8 -5.1,-2.4 -5,0.4 -1.5,-2.9 -2.1,-1.3 -3.8,0.5 -5.2,0.3 -4.4,1.8 2,2.3 -7,2.8 -1.4,-3.3 -4.4,1 -11.8,0.6 -6.4,-1.2 8.5,-2.6 -2.8,-2.8 -4.4,0.4 -4.7,-1 -7.5,-1.9 -3.8,-2.3 -4.5,-0.3 -3.3,1.6 -5.9,0.9 3.9,-4.1 -9.4,3.6 -1.4,-4.7 -2.1,-0.6 -3.8,2.5 -4.5,1.2 -0.2,-2.2 -8.2,1.4 -8.8,2.3 -5.2,-0.6 -7,1.6 -6.2,2.3 -3.7,-0.5 -3.3,-2.6 -5.9,-1.3 0,0 -24.3,20.2 -35.4,32.4 4.2,0.1 2.7,1.6 0.6,2.6 0.2,3.9 7.6,-3.3 6.4,-1.9 -0.5,3 0.7,2.4 1.7,2.7 -1.1,4.2 -1.5,6.8 4.6,3.8 -3.1,3.7 -5.1,2.9 0,0 -2.5,3.1 2.1,4.4 -3.1,4.9 4.1,2.6 -3.6,3.7 -1.3,5.5 6.9,2.5 1.6,2.7 5.4,6.1 0.7,0 13.9,0 14.6,0 4.8,0 15,0 14.5,0 14.7,0 14.8,0 16.7,0 16.8,0 10.1,0 1.3,-2.4 1.6,0 -0.8,3.4 1,1 3.2,0.4 4.6,1 3.8,1.9 4.4,-0.8 5.3,1.6 0,0 3.2,-2.4 3.2,-1 1.8,-1.5 1.5,-0.8 4,1.2 3.3,0.2 0.8,0.8 0.1,3.5 5.2,1 -1.7,1.7 1.2,1.9 -1.9,2.3 1.8,0.8 -1.9,2.1 0,0 1.2,0.2 1.3,-0.9 0.5,1.4 3.4,0.7 3.8,0.1 3.8,0.6 4,1.2 0.8,2 1.4,4.7 -2.4,2 -3.8,-0.8 -1,-3.8 -0.9,3.9 -3.8,3.4 -0.8,2.9 -1.1,1.7 -4.1,2 0,0 -3.7,3.4 -2,2.2 2.7,0.4 4.5,-2 2.9,-1.7 1.6,-0.3 2.6,0.6 1.7,-0.9 2.8,-0.8 4.7,-0.8 0,0 0,0 0.3,-1.8 -0.3,0.1 -1.7,0.3 -1.8,-0.6 2.3,-2.1 1.9,-0.7 3.9,-0.9 4.6,-0.9 1.8,1.2 1.9,-1.4 1.9,-0.8 0.9,0.4 0.1,0.1 6.7,-4.2 2.7,-1.2 7.7,0 9.3,0 1,-1.6 1.7,-0.3 2.5,-0.9 2.7,-2.8 3.2,-4.9 5.5,-4.7 1.1,1.7 3.7,-1.1 1.5,1.8 -2.8,8.5 2.1,3.5 5.9,-0.8 8.1,-0.2 -10.4,5.1 -1.5,5.2 3.7,0.5 7.1,-4.5 5.8,-2.4 12.2,-3.7 7.5,-4.1 -2.6,-2.2 1,-4.5 -7.1,7 -8.6,0.8 -5.5,-3.1 -0.1,-4.6 0.6,-6.8 6.1,-4.1 -3.3,-3.1 -7.6,0.6 -12.1,5.2 -10.9,8.2 -4.6,1 7.8,-5.7 10.1,-8.3 7.2,-2.7 5.7,-4.4 5.2,-0.5 7.3,0.1 10,1.3 8.6,-1 7.8,-5.1 8.7,-2.2 4.2,-2.1 4.2,-2.3 2,-6.8 -1.1,-2.3 -3.4,-0.8 0,-5.1 -2.3,-1.9 -6.9,-1.6 -2.8,-3.4 -4.8,-3.4 3.4,-3.7 -2,-7.1 -2.6,-7.5 -1,-5.2 -4.3,2.7 -7.4,6.5 -8.1,3.2 -1.6,-3.4 -3.7,-1 2.2,-7.3 2.6,-4.9 -7.7,-0.5 -0.1,-2.2 -3.6,-3.3 -3,-2 -4.5,1.5 -4.2,-0.5 -6.6,-1.6 -3.9,1.3 -3.8,9 -1,5.3 -8.8,6.1 3.1,4.5 0.5,5 -1.7,4 -4.7,4.1 -7.5,4.2 -9,2.8 1.7,3.2 -2.2,9.6 -5.6,6.3 -4.6,1.9 -4.4,-5.8 -0.1,-6.8 1.7,-6 3.6,-5.2 -4.8,-0.6 -7.5,-0.4 -3.6,-2.5 -4.8,-1.6 -1.7,-2.9 -3.3,-2.2 -7,-2.6 -7.1,1.2 0.7,-4.5 1.5,-5.5 -6,-1 4.9,-6.8 4.9,-4.6 9.4,-6.5 8.6,-4.6 5.6,-0.7 2.9,-3.7 5.1,-2.4 6.4,-0.4 7.7,-3.8 2.9,-2.4 7.4,-4.7 3.2,-2.8 3.2,1.7 6.5,-0.9 10.8,-3.8 2.3,-2.7 -0.8,-2.9 5,-2.9 1.7,-2.7 -3.5,-2.6 -5.4,-0.8 -5.5,-0.4 -4.6,5.9 -6.5,4.6 -7.2,4 -1.3,-3.7 4.2,-4 -2.2,-3.5 -8.7,4.2 4.3,-5.5 z m -75.5,-18.9 -2.8,-1 -14.1,3.2 -5.1,2 -7.8,3.9 5.4,1.4 6.2,-0.1 -11.5,2.1 0,1.9 5.6,0.1 9,-0.4 6.5,1.2 -6.2,1 -5.5,-0.3 -7.1,0.9 -3.3,0.6 0.6,4.2 4.2,-0.6 4.1,1.5 -0.3,2.5 7.8,-0.5 11.2,-0.8 9.4,-1.8 5,-0.4 5.7,1.5 6.7,0.8 3.1,-1.9 -0.7,-2.1 7,-0.4 2.6,-2.4 -5,-2.5 -4.2,-2.6 2.4,-3.6 2.7,-5.1 -2.2,-2 -3,-0.9 -4.2,0.8 -2.8,5.3 -4.3,2.1 2.2,-5.1 -1.7,-1.7 -7.3,2.7 -2.6,-2.6 -10.4,1.5 4.7,-2.4 z m 39.1,-1.5 -1.7,-1.1 -5.4,0.2 -2.1,0.7 2.2,3.6 7,-3.4 z m 107.7,1.6 -4.4,-2.8 -8.4,-0.5 -2.1,0.3 -1.7,1.8 2,2.8 0.9,0.3 4.8,-0.7 4.1,0.1 4.1,0.1 0.7,-1.4 z m -39.4,-0.3 5.7,-3.2 -11.2,1.3 -5.8,2.1 -7.1,4.6 -3.3,5.2 5.6,0.1 -6.1,2.3 1.8,1.9 5.9,0.8 7.3,1.5 13.8,1.2 7.9,-0.6 3.2,-1.6 2,1.8 3.3,0.3 2,3.3 -3.5,1.4 7.1,1.8 4.6,2.6 0.5,1.9 -0.4,2.4 -8.6,5.4 -3.2,2.7 0.2,2 -9.2,0.7 -8,0.1 -5.4,4.2 2.4,1.9 13,-0.9 0.9,-1.6 4.7,2.7 4.7,2.9 -2.4,1.6 3.8,2.8 7.6,3.3 10.7,2.3 0.3,-2 -2.8,-3.5 -3.5,-4.9 8.5,4.6 4.7,1.5 3.6,-4.1 0,-5.6 -1,-1.5 -4.4,-2.5 -2.7,-3.3 2.3,-3.2 5.8,-0.7 3.8,5.4 4,2.4 10.7,-6.5 3.3,-3.9 -6.4,-0.3 -3.2,-5.1 -5.9,-1.2 -7.7,-3.5 9,-2.5 -0.8,-5 -2.2,-2.1 -8.3,-2.1 -1.9,-3.3 -8.2,1.2 1.1,-2.3 -3.6,-2.5 -6.8,-2.6 -5.2,2.1 -9,1.5 3.3,-3.4 -2.3,-5.3 -11.6,2.1 -7.1,4.1 -0.3,-3.2 z m -50,-3.4 -7.1,2.4 0.9,3.4 -7.4,-0.7 -1.7,1.7 5.8,3.9 0.9,2 3.4,0.5 8.4,-2 5.1,-4.7 -3.8,-2.2 6,-2.4 0.5,-1.5 -7.5,0.6 -3.5,-1 z m 22.3,5.4 5.6,-1 10,-4.5 -6.1,-1.2 -7.8,-0.2 -5.2,1.4 -4.2,2.1 -2.5,2.6 -1.8,4.5 4.3,0.2 7.7,-3.9 z m -114.7,7.2 2.6,-2.3 9.1,-3.6 13.8,-3.6 6.4,-1.3 -1.6,-2.1 -1.9,-1.5 -9.4,-0.2 -4.1,-1.1 -14,0.8 -0.3,3.1 -7.6,3.3 -7.4,3.8 -4.3,2.2 5.9,2.7 -0.6,2.3 13.4,-2.5 z m 124.1,-18.3 0.3,-1.6 -1.4,-1.7 -6.9,1.3 -4.4,2.2 3.2,1.3 5.1,0.4 4.1,-1.9 z m -8.7,-8.6 -1.1,0.7 -4.8,-0.3 -7.6,1.6 -3.8,-0.1 -4.3,3.8 6.6,-0.4 -3.4,2.9 3.2,0.8 6.8,-0.5 5.8,-3.7 2.8,-2.5 -0.2,-2.3 z m -39.1,2.5 1.8,-2.3 -3.1,-0.5 -5.7,1.7 -0.7,4.7 -6.1,-0.4 -2.8,-2.9 -8.2,-1.6 -5.4,1.4 -11.6,4.8 4.1,0.8 17.8,-0.5 -10.6,2.2 -1.5,1.6 5.9,-0.1 12.2,-2.2 13.8,-0.8 5.1,-2.3 2.3,-2.4 -3.7,-0.2 -4.3,0.8 0.7,-1.8 z m 55.2,-4.3 -7.1,-0.3 -3.8,2 2.6,1.5 7,0.6 1.4,2.1 -2.2,2.4 -1.5,2.8 8.5,1.6 5.5,0.6 8,-0.1 11.6,-0.8 4.3,0.6 6.7,-1 3.5,-1.4 1,-2 -2.3,-1.9 -5.8,-0.3 -8,0.4 -7,1.1 -5.1,-0.4 -4.8,-0.3 -1.2,-1.1 -3.1,-1.1 2.8,-1.9 -1.4,-1.6 -7.3,0.1 -2.3,-1.6 z m -75,-2.6 -6,0.7 -5.5,-0.1 -12.1,3.1 -11.6,3.7 0,0 3.6,1 7,-0.7 9.8,-2.1 3.8,-0.3 5.2,-1.6 5.8,-3.7 z m 80.5,0.6 1,-0.5 -1.5,-0.9 -7.2,-0.1 -0.6,1.3 6.4,0.3 1.9,-0.1 z m -58.4,-0.8 3.2,-1.4 -4.1,-0.8 -5.9,0.5 -5.1,1.5 3.3,1.5 8.6,-1.3 z m 7.8,-4.2 -3.3,-0.9 -1.6,-0.2 -5.7,1.3 -1,0.7 6,0 5.6,-0.9 z m 46.4,2.5 3,-1.7 -2.3,-1.6 -1.7,-0.3 -4.4,-0.1 -2.1,1.8 -0.7,1.8 1.6,1.1 6.6,-1 z m -13.7,-1.2 0.1,-2.2 -7.4,-1.7 -6.1,-0.6 -2.1,1.7 2.8,1.1 -5.3,1.4 7.7,0.2 4,1.5 5.2,0.5 1.1,-1.9 z m 53.7,-6.1 0.6,-2.8 -4.7,-0.8 -4.7,-0.9 -1.6,-2.2 -8.2,0.2 0.3,0.9 -3.9,0.3 -4.1,1.3 -4.9,1.9 -0.3,1.9 2,1.5 6.5,0 -4.3,1.2 -2.1,1.6 1.6,1.9 6.7,0.6 6.8,-0.4 10.5,-3.4 6.4,-1.3 -2.6,-1.5 z m 78.5,-13.8 -7,-0.2 -6.9,-0.3 -10.2,0.6 -1.4,-0.4 -10.3,0.2 -6.4,0.4 -5.1,0.6 -5,2 -2.3,-1 -3.9,-0.2 -6.7,1.4 -7.4,0.6 -4.1,0.1 -6,0.8 -1.1,1.3 2.5,1.2 0.8,1.6 4.4,1.5 12.4,-0.3 7.2,0.5 -7.2,1.5 -2.2,-0.4 -9.3,-0.2 -1.1,2.2 3,1.7 -2.8,1.6 -7.5,1.1 -4.9,1.7 4.8,0.9 1.7,3 -7.5,-2 -2.5,0.3 -2,3.4 -8,1.1 -2,2.3 6.7,0.3 4.9,0.6 11.7,-0.8 8.4,1.4 12.6,-3 1,-1.1 -6.4,0.2 0.5,-1.1 6.5,-1.4 3.6,-1.9 6.8,-1.3 5,-1.6 -0.8,-2.2 3.3,-0.8 -4.3,-0.6 11.1,-0.4 3.2,-0.9 7.9,-0.8 9.3,-3.5 6.8,-1.1 10.3,-2.5 -7.4,0 3.9,-0.9 9,-0.8 9.7,-1.6 1.1,-1.1 -5.2,-1 -6.7,-0.4 -8.5,-0.3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <a xlink:href="switzerland" class="popup_js"> 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7.4,4.2 6.2,2 2,-0.1 -1.8,-5.7 3.4,-2.2 1.7,-1.5 4.2,0 -4.8,-0.9 -12,-0.8 -3.5,-3.6 -1.8,-4.6 -3.1,0.4 -2.6,-2.2 -3.1,-6.6 2.7,-2.7 0.1,-3.9 -1.8,-3.2 0.7,-5.3 -1.1,-8.2 -1.8,-3.7 1.8,-1.1 -1.3,-2.3 -2.8,-1.3 0.8,-2.6 -3.1,-2.3 -3.6,-7.1 1.6,-1.2 -3.3,-7.6 -0.7,-6.4 -0.3,-5.7 2.5,-2.4 -3.3,-6.3 -1.5,-5.9 2.9,-4.3 -1.4,-5.4 1.6,-6.2 -1.3,-5.9 -1.6,-1.2 -4.9,-10.9 2.1,-6.5 -1.7,-6.2 0.9,-5.8 2.6,-5.9 3.2,-4 -2,-2.5 0.9,-2 -1.6,-10.6 5.6,-3.2 1.1,-6.6 -0.9,-1.6 -3.8,0.9 -3.1,-8.8 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <a xlink:href="china" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="CN" data-name="China" data-id="CN" d="m 1587.2,453.3 0.6,-3.6 2,-2.8 -1.6,-2.5 -3.2,-0.1 -5.8,1.8 -2.2,2.8 1,5.5 4.9,2 4.3,-3.1 z m 13.2,-196.5 -6.1,-6.1 -4.4,-3.7 -3.8,-2.7 -7.7,-6.1 -5.9,-2.3 -8.5,-1.8 -6.2,0.2 -5.1,1.1 -1.7,3 3.7,1.5 2.5,3.3 -1.2,2 0.1,6.5 1.9,2.7 -4.4,3.9 -7.3,-2.3 0.6,4.6 0.3,6.2 2.7,2.6 2.4,-0.8 5.4,1 2.5,-2.3 5.1,2 7.2,4.3 0.7,2.2 -4.3,-0.7 -6.8,0.8 -2.4,1.8 -1.4,4.1 -6.3,2.4 -3.1,3.3 -5.9,-1.3 -3.2,-0.5 -0.4,4 2.9,2.3 1.9,2.1 -2.5,2 -1.9,3.3 -4.9,2.2 -7.5,0.2 -7.2,2.2 -4.4,3.3 -3.2,-2 -6.2,0.1 -9.3,-3.8 -5.5,-0.9 -6.4,0.8 -11.2,-1.3 -5.5,0.1 -4.7,-3.6 -4.9,-5.7 -3.4,-0.7 -7.9,-3.8 -7.2,-0.9 -6.4,-1 -3,-2.7 -1.3,-7.3 -5.8,-5 -8.1,-2.3 -5.7,-3.3 -3.3,-4.4 -1.7,0.5 -1.8,4.2 -3.8,0.6 2.5,6.2 -1.6,2.8 -10.7,-2 1,11.1 -2,1.4 -9,2.4 8.7,10.7 -2.9,1.6 1.7,3.5 -0.2,1.4 -6.8,3.4 -1,2.4 -6.4,0.8 -0.6,4 -5.7,-0.9 -3.2,1.2 -4,3 1.1,1.5 -1,1.5 3,5.9 1.6,-0.6 3.5,1.4 0.6,2.5 1.8,3.7 1.4,1.9 4.7,3 2.9,5 9.4,2.6 7.6,7.5 0.8,5.2 3,3.3 0.6,3.3 -4.1,-0.9 3.2,7 6.2,4 8.5,4.4 1.9,-1.5 4.7,2 6.4,4.1 3.2,0.9 2.5,3.1 4.5,1.2 5,2.8 6.4,1.5 6.5,0.6 3,-1.4 1.5,5.1 2.6,-4.8 2.6,-1.6 4.2,1.5 2.9,0.1 2.7,1.8 4.2,-0.8 3.9,-4.8 5.3,-4 4.9,1.5 3.2,-2.6 3.5,3.9 -1.2,2.7 6.1,0.9 3,-0.4 2.7,3.7 2.7,1.5 1.3,4.9 0.8,5.3 -4.1,5.3 0.7,7.5 5.6,-1 2.3,5.8 3.7,1.3 -0.8,5.2 4.5,2.4 2.5,1.2 3.8,-1.8 0.6,2.6 0.7,1.5 2.9,0.1 -1.9,-7.2 2.7,-1 2.7,-1.5 4.3,0 5.3,-0.7 4.1,-3.4 3,2.4 5.2,1.1 -0.2,3.7 3,2.6 5.9,1.6 2.4,-1 7.7,2 -0.9,2.5 2.2,4.6 3,-0.4 0.8,-6.7 5.6,-0.9 7.2,-3.2 2.5,-3.2 2.3,2.1 2.8,-2.9 6.1,-0.7 6.6,-5.3 6.3,-5.9 3.3,-7.6 2.3,-8.4 2.1,-6.9 2.8,-0.5 -0.1,-5.1 -0.8,-5.1 -3.8,-2 -2.5,-3.4 2.8,-1.7 -1.6,-4.7 -5.4,-4.9 -5.4,-5.8 -4.6,-6.3 -7.1,-3.5 0.9,-4.6 3.8,-3.2 1,-3.5 6.7,-1.8 -2.4,-3.4 -3.4,-0.2 -5.8,-2.5 -3.9,4.6 -4.9,-1.9 -1.5,-2.9 -4.7,-1 -4.7,-4.4 1.2,-3 5,-0.3 1.2,-4.1 3.6,-4.4 3.4,-2.2 4.4,3.3 -1.9,4.2 2.3,2.5 -1.4,3 4.8,-1.8 2.4,-2.9 6.3,-1.9 2.1,-4 3.8,-3.4 1,-4.4 3.6,2 4.6,0.2 -2.7,-3.3 6.3,-2.6 -0.1,-3.5 5.5,3.6 0,0 -1.9,-3.1 2.5,-0.1 -3.8,-7.3 -4.7,-5.3 2.9,-2.2 6.8,1.1 -0.6,-6 -2.8,-6.8 0.4,-2.3 -1.3,-5.6 -6.9,1.8 -2.6,2.5 -7.5,0 -6,-5.8 -8.9,-4.5 -9.9,-1.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="CI" data-name="Côte d'Ivoire" data-id="CI" d="m 946.5,506.2 -2.3,0.9 -1.3,0.8 -0.9,-2.7 -1.6,0.7 -1,-0.1 -1,1.9 -4.3,-0.1 -1.6,-1 -0.7,0.6 -1.1,0.5 -0.5,2.2 1.3,2.6 1.3,5.1 -2,0.8 -0.6,0.9 0.4,1.2 -0.3,2.8 -0.9,0 -0.3,1.8 0.6,3.1 -1.2,2.8 1.6,1.8 1.8,0.4 2.3,2.7 0.2,2.5 -0.5,0.8 -0.5,5.2 1.1,0.2 5.6,-2.4 3.9,-1.8 6.6,-1.1 3.6,-0.1 3.9,1.3 2.6,-0.1 0.2,-2.5 -2.4,-5.5 1.5,-7.2 2.3,-5.3 -1.4,-9.1 -3.8,-1.6 -2.7,0.2 -1.9,1.6 -2.5,-1.3 -1,-2.1 -2.5,-1.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="CM" data-name="Cameroon" data-id="CM" d="m 1060.1,502.9 0.2,-4.3 -0.5,-4.2 -2.2,-4.1 -1.6,0.4 -0.2,2 2.3,2.6 -0.6,1.1 -0.3,2.1 -4.6,5 -1.5,4 -0.7,3.3 -1.2,1.4 -1.1,4.5 -3,2.6 -0.8,3.2 -1.2,2.6 -0.5,2.6 -3.9,2.2 -3.2,-2.6 -2.1,0.1 -3.3,3.7 -1.6,0.1 -2.7,6.1 -1.4,4.5 0,1.8 1.4,0.9 1.1,2.8 2.6,1.1 2.2,4.2 -0.8,5 9.2,0.2 2.6,-0.4 3.4,0.8 3.4,-0.8 0.7,0.3 7.1,0.3 4.5,1.7 4.5,1.5 0.4,-3.5 -0.6,-1.8 -0.3,-2.9 -2.6,-2.1 -2.1,-3.2 -0.5,-2.3 -2.6,-3.3 0.4,-1.9 -0.6,-2.7 0.4,-5 1.4,-1.1 2.7,-6.5 0.9,-1.7 -1.8,-4.4 -0.8,-2.6 -2.5,-1.1 -3.3,-3.7 1.2,-3 2.5,0.6 1.6,-0.4 3.1,0.1 -3.1,-5.8 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="CD" data-name="Dem. Rep. Congo" data-id="CD" d="m 1124.9,539.4 -4.3,-0.7 -2,0.6 -0.9,1.5 -1.8,0.2 -2.2,-1.3 -6.2,3.1 -2.6,-0.6 -0.8,0.5 -1.6,3.8 -4.2,-1.2 -4.1,-0.6 -3.6,-2.4 -4.6,-2.1 -3,2 -2.2,3.2 -0.5,4.5 -0.3,3.8 -1.6,3.4 -1.1,4 -0.7,5.6 0.3,3.6 -0.9,2.2 -0.2,2.4 -0.6,2 -3.7,3.1 -2.6,3.2 -2.5,6.2 0.2,5.3 -1.4,2 -3.3,3.1 -3.4,4 -2,-1.1 -0.4,-1.8 -3.1,-0.1 -1.9,2.4 -1.5,-0.6 -2,1.3 -0.9,1.7 -0.2,2.7 -1.5,0.7 0.8,2 2.3,-0.9 1.7,0.1 1.9,-0.7 16.6,0.1 1.3,4.7 1.6,3.8 1.3,2.1 2.1,3.3 3.7,-0.5 1.9,-0.9 3,0.9 0.9,-1.6 1.5,-3.7 3.4,-0.3 0.3,-1.1 2.9,0 -0.5,2.3 6.8,0 0,4 1.2,2.4 -0.9,3.8 0.3,4 1.9,2.3 -0.5,7.6 1.4,-0.6 2.4,0.2 3.5,-1 2.6,0.4 1.9,0.1 0.3,2 2.6,-0.1 3.5,0.6 1.8,2.8 4.5,0.9 3.4,-2 1.2,3.4 4.3,0.8 2,2.8 2.1,3.5 4.3,0 -0.3,-6.9 -1.5,1.2 -3.9,-2.5 -1.4,-1.1 0.8,-6.4 1.2,-7.5 -1.2,-2.8 1.6,-4.1 1.6,-0.7 7.5,-1.1 1,0.3 0.2,-1.1 -1.5,-1.7 -0.7,-3.5 -3.4,-3.5 -1.8,-4.5 1,-2.7 -1.5,-3.6 1.1,-10.2 0.1,0.1 -0.1,-1.1 -1.4,-2.9 0.6,-3.5 0.8,-0.4 0.2,-3.8 1.6,-1.8 0.1,-4.8 1.3,-2.4 0.3,-5.1 1.2,-3 2.1,-3.3 2.2,-1.7 1.8,-2.3 -2.3,-0.8 0.3,-7.5 0,0 -5,-4.2 -1.4,-2.7 -3.1,1.3 -2.6,-0.4 -1.5,1.1 -2.5,-0.8 -3.5,-5.2 -1.8,0.6 -3.6,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="CG" data-name="Congo" data-id="CG" d="m 1080.3,549.9 -3.6,-0.4 -3.8,-1.1 -3.3,3.4 -2.9,5.9 -0.4,3.5 -4.5,-1.5 -4.5,-1.7 -7.1,-0.3 -0.4,2.8 1.5,3.3 4.2,-0.5 1.4,1.2 -2.4,7.4 2.7,3.8 0.6,4.9 -0.8,4.3 -1.7,3 -4.9,-0.3 -3,-3 -0.5,2.8 -3.8,0.8 -1.9,1.6 2.1,4.2 -4.3,3.5 4.6,6.7 2.2,-2.7 1.8,-1.1 2,2.2 1.5,0.6 1.9,-2.4 3.1,0.1 0.4,1.8 2,1.1 3.4,-4 3.3,-3.1 1.4,-2 -0.2,-5.3 2.5,-6.2 2.6,-3.2 3.7,-3.1 0.6,-2 0.2,-2.4 0.9,-2.2 -0.3,-3.6 0.7,-5.6 1.1,-4 1.6,-3.4 0.3,-3.8 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <a xlink:href="colombia" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="CO" data-name="Colombia" data-id="CO" d="m 578.3,497.2 1.2,-2.1 -1.3,-1.7 -2,-0.4 -2.9,3.1 -2.3,1.4 -4.6,3.2 -4.3,-0.5 -0.5,1.3 -3.6,0.1 -3.3,3 -1.4,5.4 -0.1,2.1 -2.4,0.7 -4.4,4.4 -2.9,-0.2 -0.7,0.9 1.1,3.8 -1.1,1.9 -1.8,-0.5 -0.9,3.1 2.2,3.4 0.6,5.4 -1.2,1.6 1.1,5.9 -1.2,3.7 2,1.5 -2.2,3.3 -2.5,4 -2.8,0.4 -1.4,2.3 0.2,3.2 -2.1,0.5 0.8,2 5.6,3.6 1,-0.1 1.4,2.7 4.7,0.9 1.6,-1 2.8,2.1 2.4,1.5 1.5,-0.6 3.7,3 1.8,3 2.7,1.7 3.4,6.7 4.2,0.8 3,-1.7 2.1,1.1 3.3,-0.6 4.4,3 -3.5,6.5 1.7,0.1 2.9,3.4 2.2,-17.4 0.1,-2.8 -0.9,-3.6 -2.5,-2.4 0,-4.6 3.2,-1 1.1,0.6 0.2,-2.4 -3.3,-0.7 0,-3.9 10.9,0.1 1.9,-2.2 1.6,2 1,3.8 1.1,-0.8 -1.7,-6.4 -1.4,-2.2 -2,-1.4 2.9,-3.1 -0.2,-1.5 -1.5,-1.9 -1,-4.2 0.5,-4.6 1.3,-2.1 1.2,-3.4 -2,-1.1 -3.2,0.7 -4,-0.3 -2.3,0.7 -3.8,-5.5 -3.2,-0.8 -7.2,0.6 -1.3,-2.2 -1.3,-0.6 -0.2,-1.3 0.8,-2.4 -0.4,-2.5 -1.1,-1.4 -0.6,-2.9 -2.9,-0.5 1.8,-3.7 0.9,-4.5 1.8,-2.4 2.2,-1.8 1.6,-3.2 3.7,-1.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="CR" data-name="Costa Rica" data-id="CR" d="m 509.1,502.6 -1.4,1.3 -1.7,-0.4 -0.8,-1.3 -1.7,-0.5 -1.4,0.8 -3.5,-1.7 -0.9,0.8 -1.4,1.2 1.5,0.9 -0.9,2 -0.1,2 0.7,1.3 1.7,0.6 1.2,1.8 1.2,-1.6 -0.3,-1.8 1.4,1.1 0.3,1.9 1.9,0.8 2.1,1.3 1.5,1.5 0.1,1.4 -0.7,1.1 1.1,1.3 2.9,1.4 0.4,-1.2 0.5,-1.3 -0.1,-1.2 0.8,-0.7 -1.1,-1 0.1,-2.5 2.2,-0.6 -2.4,-2.7 -2,-2.6 -1.2,-3.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="CU" data-name="Cuba" data-id="CU" d="m 539,427.3 -4.9,-2.1 -4.3,-0.1 -4.7,-0.5 -1.4,0.7 -4.2,0.6 -3,1.3 -2.7,1.4 -1.5,2.3 -3.1,2 2.2,0.6 2.9,-0.7 0.9,-1.6 2.3,-0.1 4.4,-3.3 5.4,0.3 -2.3,1.6 1.8,1.3 7,1 1.5,1.3 4.9,1.7 3.2,-0.2 0.8,3.6 1.7,1.8 3.5,0.4 2.1,1.7 -4.1,3.5 7.9,-0.6 3.8,0.5 3.7,-0.3 3.8,-0.8 0.8,-1.5 -3.9,-2.6 -4,-0.3 0.6,-1.7 -3.1,-1.3 -1.9,0 -3,-2.8 -4.2,-4 -1.8,-1.5 -5.2,0.8 -1.9,-2.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="CZ" data-name="Czech Rep." data-id="CZ" d="m 1049.4,248.5 -2.1,0.6 -1.4,-0.7 -1.1,1.2 -3.4,1.2 -1.7,1.5 -3.4,1.3 1,1.9 0.7,2.6 2.6,1.5 2.9,2.6 3.8,2 2.6,-2.5 1.7,-0.5 4,1.9 2.3,-0.3 2.3,1.2 0.6,-1.4 2.2,0.1 1.6,-0.6 0.1,-0.6 0.9,-0.3 0.2,-1.4 1.1,-0.3 0.6,-1.1 1.5,0 -2.6,-3.1 -3.6,-0.3 -0.7,-2 -3.4,-0.6 -0.6,1.5 -2.7,-1.2 0.1,-1.7 -3.7,-0.6 -2.4,-1.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <a xlink:href="germany" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="DE" data-name="Germany" data-id="DE" d="m 1043.6,232.3 -2.4,-1.9 -5.5,-2.4 -2.5,1.7 -4.7,1.1 -0.1,-2.1 -4.9,-1.4 -0.2,-2.3 -3,0.9 -3.6,-0.8 0.4,3.4 1.2,2.2 -3,3 -1,-1.3 -3.9,0.3 -0.9,1.3 1,2 -1,5.6 -1.1,2.3 -2.9,0 1.1,6.4 -0.4,4.2 1,1.4 -0.2,2.7 2.4,1.6 7.1,1.2 -2.3,4.2 -0.5,4.5 4.2,0 1,-1.4 5.4,1.9 1.5,-0.3 2.6,1.7 0.6,-1.6 4.4,0.3 3.4,-1.2 2.4,0.2 1.7,1.3 0.4,-1.1 -1,-4 1.7,-0.8 1.5,-2.9 -2.9,-2.6 -2.6,-1.5 -0.7,-2.6 -1,-1.9 3.4,-1.3 1.7,-1.5 3.4,-1.2 1.1,-1.2 1.4,0.7 2.1,-0.6 -2.3,-3.9 0.1,-2.1 -1.4,-3.3 -2,-2.2 1.2,-1.6 -1.4,-3.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="DJ" data-name="Djibouti" data-id="DJ" d="m 1217.8,499.2 -2.5,-1.7 3.1,-1.5 0.1,-2.7 -1.4,-1.9 -1.6,1.5 -2.4,-0.5 -1.9,2.8 -1.8,3 0.5,1.7 0.2,2 3.1,0.1 1.3,-0.5 1.3,1.1 2,-3.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="DK" data-name="Denmark" data-id="DK" d="m 1035.9,221.2 -1.7,-3 -6.7,2 0.9,2.5 5.1,3.4 2.4,-4.9 z m -8.6,-5.1 -2.6,-0.9 -0.7,-1.6 1.3,-2 -0.1,-3 -3.6,1.6 -1.5,1.7 -4,0.4 -1.2,1.7 -0.7,1.6 0.4,6.1 2.1,3.4 3.6,0.8 3,-0.9 -1.5,-3 3.1,-4.3 1.4,0.7 1,-2.3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="DO" data-name="Dominican Rep." data-id="DO" d="m 579.6,457.4 0,1.8 1.4,1 2.6,-4.4 2,-0.9 0.6,1.6 2.2,-0.4 1.1,-1.2 1.8,0.3 2.6,-0.2 2.5,1.3 2.3,-2.6 -2.5,-2.3 -2.4,-0.2 0.3,-1.9 -3,0.1 -0.8,-2.2 -1.4,0.1 -3.1,-1.6 -4.4,-0.1 -0.8,1.1 0.2,3.5 -0.7,2.4 -1.5,1.1 1.2,1.9 -0.2,1.8 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="DZ" data-name="Algeria" data-id="DZ" d="m 1021,336.9 -3.6,0.4 -2.2,-1.5 -5.6,0 -4.9,2.6 -2.7,-1 -8.7,0.5 -8.9,1.2 -5,2 -3.4,2.6 -5.7,1.2 -5.1,3.5 2,4.1 0.3,3.9 1.8,6.7 1.4,1.4 -1,2.5 -7,1 -2.5,2.4 -3.1,0.5 -0.3,4.7 -6.3,2.5 -2.1,3.2 -4.4,1.7 -5.4,1 -8.9,4.7 -0.1,7.5 0,0.4 -0.1,1.2 20.3,15.5 18.4,13.9 18.6,13.8 1.3,3 3.4,1.8 2.6,1.1 0.1,4 6.1,-0.6 7.8,-2.8 15.8,-12.5 18.6,-12.2 -2.5,-4 -4.3,-2.9 -2.6,1.2 -2,-3.6 -0.2,-2.7 -3.4,-4.7 2.1,-2.6 -0.5,-4 0.6,-3.5 -0.5,-2.9 0.9,-5.2 -0.4,-3 -1.9,-5.6 -2.6,-11.3 -3.4,-2.6 0,-1.5 -4.5,-3.8 -0.6,-4.8 3.2,-3.6 1.1,-5.3 -1,-6.2 1,-3.3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="EC" data-name="Ecuador" data-id="EC" d="m 553.1,573.1 -2.4,-1.5 -2.8,-2.1 -1.6,1 -4.7,-0.9 -1.4,-2.7 -1,0.1 -5.6,-3.6 -3.9,2.5 -3.1,1.4 0.4,2.6 -2.2,4.1 -1,3.9 -1.9,1 1,5.8 -1.1,1.8 3.4,2.7 2.1,-2.9 1.3,2.8 -2.9,4.7 0.7,2.7 -1.5,1.5 0.2,2.3 2.3,-0.5 2.3,0.7 2.5,3.2 3.1,-2.6 0.9,-4.3 3.3,-5.5 6.7,-2.5 6,-6.7 1.7,-4.1 -0.8,-4.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="EG" data-name="Egypt" data-id="EG" d="m 1129.7,374.8 -5.5,-1.9 -5.3,-1.7 -7.1,0.2 -1.8,3 1.1,2.7 -1.2,3.9 2,5.1 1.3,22.7 1,23.4 22.1,0 21.4,0 21.8,0 -1,-1.3 -6.8,-5.7 -0.4,-4.2 1,-1.1 -5.3,-7 -2,-3.6 -2.3,-3.5 -4.8,-9.9 -3.9,-6.4 -2.8,-6.7 0.5,-0.6 4.6,9.1 2.7,2.9 2,2 1.2,-1.1 1.2,-3.3 0.7,-4.8 1.3,-2.5 -0.7,-1.7 -3.9,-9.2 0,0 -2.5,1.6 -4.2,-0.4 -4.4,-1.5 -1.1,2.1 -1.7,-3.2 -3.9,-0.8 -4.7,0.6 -2.1,1.8 -3.9,2 -2.6,-1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="ER" data-name="Eritrea" data-id="ER" d="m 1198.1,474 -3.2,-3.1 -1.8,-5.9 -3.7,-7.3 -2.6,3.6 -4,1 -1.6,2 -0.4,4.2 -1.9,9.4 0.7,2.5 6.5,1.3 1.5,-4.7 3.5,2.9 3.2,-1.5 1.4,1.3 3.9,0.1 4.9,2.5 1.6,2.2 2.5,2.1 2.5,3.7 2,2.1 2.4,0.5 1.6,-1.5 -2.8,-1.9 -1.9,-2.2 -3.2,-3.7 -3.2,-3.6 -7.9,-6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="EE" data-name="Estonia" data-id="EE" d="m 1093.2,197.5 -5.5,0.9 -5.4,1.6 0.9,3.4 3.3,2.1 1.5,-0.8 0.1,3.5 3.7,-1 2.1,0.7 4.4,2.2 3.8,0 1.6,-1.9 -2.5,-5.5 2.6,-3.4 -0.9,-1 0,0 -4.6,0.2 -5.1,-1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="ET" data-name="Ethiopia" data-id="ET" d="m 1187.6,477 -1.5,4.7 -6.5,-1.3 -0.7,5.5 -2.1,6.2 -3.2,3.2 -2.3,4.8 -0.5,2.6 -2.6,1.8 -1.4,6.7 0,0.7 0.2,5 -0.8,2 -3,0.1 -1.8,3.6 3.4,0.5 2.9,3.1 1,2.5 2.6,1.5 3.5,6.9 2.9,1.1 0,3.6 2,2.1 3.9,0 7.2,5.4 1.8,0 1.3,-0.1 1.2,0.7 3.8,0.5 1.6,-2.7 5.1,-2.6 2.3,2.1 3.8,0 1.5,-2 3.6,-0.1 4.9,-4.5 7.4,-0.3 15.4,-19.1 -4.8,0.1 -18.5,-7.6 -2.2,-2.2 -2.1,-3.1 -2.2,-3.5 1.1,-2.3 -1.3,-1.1 -1.3,0.5 -3.1,-0.1 -0.2,-2 -0.5,-1.7 1.8,-3 1.9,-2.8 -2,-2.1 -2.5,-3.7 -2.5,-2.1 -1.6,-2.2 -4.9,-2.5 -3.9,-0.1 -1.4,-1.3 -3.2,1.5 -3.5,-2.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="FI" data-name="Finland" data-id="FI" d="m 1093.4,144.4 0.8,-3.8 -5.7,-2.1 -5.8,1.8 -1.1,3.9 -3.4,2.4 -4.7,-1.3 -5.3,0.3 -5.1,-2.9 -2.1,1.4 5.9,2.7 7.2,3.7 1.7,8.4 1.9,2.2 6.4,2.6 0.9,2.3 -2.6,1.2 -8.7,6.1 -3.3,3.6 -1.5,3.3 2.9,5.2 -0.1,5.7 4.7,1.9 3.1,3.1 7.1,-1.2 7.5,-2.1 8,-0.5 0,0 7.9,-7.4 3.3,-3.3 0.9,-2.9 -7.3,-3.9 0.9,-3.7 -4.9,-4.1 1.7,-4.8 -6.4,-6.3 2.8,-4.1 -7.2,-3.7 -0.4,-3.7 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path id="FJ" data-name="Fiji" data-id="FJ" d="m 1976.7,674.4 -3.7,2 -1.9,0.3 -3.1,1.3 0.2,2.4 3.9,-1.3 3.9,-1.6 0.7,-3.1 z m -11,8.1 -1.6,1 -2.3,-0.8 -2.7,2.2 -0.2,2.8 2.9,0.8 3.6,-0.9 1.8,-3.3 -1.5,-1.8 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="GA" data-name="Gabon" data-id="GA" d="m 1050.2,557.7 -0.7,-0.3 -3.4,0.8 -3.4,-0.8 -2.6,0.4 0,7.6 -8.2,0 -1.9,0.3 -1.1,4.8 -1.3,4.6 -1.3,2 -0.2,2.1 3.4,6.6 3.7,5.3 5.8,6.4 4.3,-3.5 -2.1,-4.2 1.9,-1.6 3.8,-0.8 0.5,-2.8 3,3 4.9,0.3 1.7,-3 0.8,-4.3 -0.6,-4.9 -2.7,-3.8 2.4,-7.4 -1.4,-1.2 -4.2,0.5 -1.5,-3.3 0.4,-2.8 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <a xlink:href="united-kingdom" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="GB" data-name="United Kingdom" data-id="GB" d="m 950,227.5 -4.9,-3.7 -3.9,0.3 0.8,3.2 -1.1,3.2 2.9,-0.1 3.5,1.3 2.7,-4.2 z m 13,-24.3 -5.5,0.5 -3.6,-0.4 -3.7,4.8 -1.9,6.1 2.2,3 0.1,5.8 2.6,-2.8 1.4,1.6 -1.7,2.7 1,1.6 5.7,1.1 0.1,0 3.1,3.8 -0.8,3.5 0,0 -7.1,-0.6 -1,4 2.6,3.3 -5.1,1.9 1.3,2.4 7.5,1 0,0 -4.3,1.3 -7.3,6.5 2.5,1.2 3.5,-2.3 4.5,0.7 3.3,-2.9 2.2,1.2 8.3,-1.7 6.5,0.1 4.3,-3.3 -1.9,-3.1 2.4,-1.8 0.5,-3.9 -5.8,-1.2 -1.3,-2.3 -2.9,-6.9 -3.2,-1 -4.1,-7.1 -0.4,-0.6 -4.8,-0.4 4.2,-5.3 1.3,-4.9 -5,0 -4.7,0.8 5,-6.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="GE" data-name="Georgia" data-id="GE" d="m 1200,300.2 -7.5,-2.9 -7.7,-1 -4.5,-1.1 -0.5,0.7 2.2,1.9 3,0.7 3.4,2.3 2.1,4.2 -0.3,2.7 5.4,-0.3 5.6,3 6.9,-1 1.1,-1 4.2,1.8 2.8,0.4 0.6,-0.7 -3.2,-3.4 1.1,-0.9 -3.5,-1.4 -2.1,-2.5 -5.1,-1.3 -2.9,1 -1.1,-1.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="GH" data-name="Ghana" data-id="GH" d="m 976.8,502.1 -2.6,-0.5 -1.8,1 -2.4,-0.5 -9.7,0.3 -0.2,3.6 0.8,4.8 1.4,9.1 -2.3,5.3 -1.5,7.2 2.4,5.5 -0.2,2.5 5,1.8 5,-1.9 3.2,-2.1 8.7,-3.8 -1.2,-2.2 -1.5,-4 -0.4,-3.2 1.2,-5.7 -1.4,-2.3 -0.6,-5.1 0.1,-4.6 -2.4,-3.3 0.4,-1.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="GN" data-name="Guinea" data-id="GN" d="m 912.4,493 -0.8,0.4 -3,-0.5 -0.4,0.7 -1.3,0.1 -4,-1.5 -2.7,-0.1 -0.1,2.1 -0.6,0.7 0.4,2.1 -0.8,0.9 -1.3,0 -1.4,1 -1.7,-0.1 -2.6,3.1 1.6,1.1 0.8,1.4 0.7,2.8 1.3,1.2 1.5,0.9 2.1,2.5 2.4,3.7 3,-2.8 0.7,-1.7 1,-1.4 1.5,-0.2 1.3,-1.2 4.5,0 1.5,2.3 1.2,2.7 -0.2,1.8 0.9,1.7 0,2.3 1.5,-0.3 1.2,-0.2 1.5,-0.7 2.3,3.9 -0.4,2.6 1.1,1.3 1.6,0.1 1.1,-2.6 1.6,0.2 0.9,0 0.3,-2.8 -0.4,-1.2 0.6,-0.9 2,-0.8 -1.3,-5.1 -1.3,-2.6 0.5,-2.2 1.1,-0.5 -1.7,-1.8 0.3,-1.9 -0.7,-0.7 -1.2,0.6 0.2,-2.1 1.2,-1.6 -2.3,-2.7 -0.6,-1.7 -1.3,-1.4 -1.1,-0.2 -1.3,0.9 -1.8,0.8 -1.6,1.4 -2.4,-0.5 -1.5,-1.6 -0.9,-0.2 -1.5,0.8 -0.9,0 -0.3,-2.3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="GM" data-name="Gambia" data-id="GM" d="m 882.8,488.5 5,0.1 1.4,-0.9 1,0 2.1,-1.5 2.4,1.4 2.4,0.1 2.4,-1.5 -1.1,-1.8 -1.8,1.1 -1.8,-0.1 -2.1,-1.5 -1.8,0.1 -1.3,1.5 -6.1,0.2 -0.7,2.8 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="GW" data-name="Guinea-Bissau" data-id="GW" d="m 900.2,492.1 -10.3,-0.3 -1.5,0.7 -1.8,-0.2 -3,1.1 0.3,1.3 1.7,1.4 0,0.9 1.2,1.8 2.4,0.5 2.9,2.6 2.6,-3.1 1.7,0.1 1.4,-1 1.3,0 0.8,-0.9 -0.4,-2.1 0.6,-0.7 0.1,-2.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="GQ" data-name="Eq. Guinea" data-id="GQ" d="m 1040.1,557.8 -9.2,-0.2 -1.9,7.2 1,0.9 1.9,-0.3 8.2,0 0,-7.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <a xlink:href="greece" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="GR" data-name="Greece" data-id="GR" d="m 1101.9,344.9 -0.8,2.8 6.6,1.2 0,1.1 7.6,-0.6 0.5,-1.9 -2.8,0.8 0,-1.1 -3.9,-0.5 -4.1,0.4 -3.1,-2.2 z m 11.5,-37.4 -2.7,-1.6 0.3,3 -4.6,0.6 -3.9,-2.1 -3.9,1.7 -3.8,-0.2 -1,0.2 -0.7,1.1 -2.8,-0.1 -1.9,1.3 -3.3,0.6 0,1.6 -1.6,0.9 -0.1,2.1 -2.1,3 0.5,1.9 2.9,3.6 2.3,3 1.3,4.3 2.3,5.1 4.6,2.9 3.4,-0.1 -2.4,-5.7 3.3,-0.7 -1.9,-3.3 5,1.7 -0.4,-3.7 -2.7,-1.8 -3.2,-3 1.8,-1.4 -2.8,-3 -1.6,-3.8 0.9,-1.3 3,3.2 2.9,0 2.5,-1 -3.9,-3.6 6.1,-1.6 2.7,0.6 3.2,0.2 1.1,-0.7 1.2,-3.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="GL" data-name="Greenland" data-id="GL" d="m 887.4,76.3 -26,-0.4 -11.8,0.3 -5,1.3 -11.5,-0.1 -12.7,2.1 -1.6,1.7 6.7,2.1 -6.2,-1.3 -4.5,-0.3 -7,-1.4 -10.6,2.1 -2.7,-1.2 -10.4,0 -10.9,0.6 -8.9,1 -0.2,1.8 -5.3,0.5 -14.6,2.9 -4.6,1.7 8.1,1.5 -2.8,1.6 -14.9,2.2 -15.5,2.2 -2.2,1.7 6.4,2 14.5,1.2 -7.5,0.2 -10.9,1.5 3.8,3.1 3,1.5 9.4,-0.3 10.1,-0.2 7.6,0.3 8,2.9 -1.4,2.1 3.6,1.9 1.4,5.3 1,3.6 1.4,1.9 -7,4.8 2.6,1.3 4.4,-0.8 2.6,1.8 5.3,3.4 -7.5,-1.4 -3.8,0 -3,2.8 -1.5,3.6 4.2,1.8 4,-0.8 2.6,-0.8 5.5,-1.9 -2.8,4.2 -2.6,2.3 -7.1,2 -7,6.3 2,2 -3.4,4 3.7,5.2 -1.5,5 0.7,3.7 4.8,7.1 0.8,5.6 3.1,3.2 8.9,0 5,4.7 6.5,-0.3 4.1,-5.7 3.5,-4.8 -0.3,-4.4 8.6,-4.6 3.3,-3.7 1.4,-3.9 4.7,-3.5 6.5,-1.3 6.1,-1.4 3,-0.2 10.2,-3.9 7.4,-5.7 4.8,-2.1 4.6,-0.1 12.5,-1.8 12.1,-4.3 11.9,-4.6 -5.5,-0.3 -10.6,-0.2 5.3,-2.8 -0.5,-3.6 4.2,3 2.7,2.1 7.3,-1 -0.6,-4.3 -4.5,-3.1 -5,-1.3 2.4,-1.4 7.2,2.1 0.5,-2.3 -4.1,-3.4 5.4,0 5.6,-0.8 1.7,-1.8 -4,-2.1 8.6,-0.3 -4,-4.3 4.1,-0.5 0.1,-4.2 -6.2,-2.5 6.4,-1.6 5.8,-0.1 -3.6,-3.2 1.1,-5.1 3.6,-2.9 4.9,-3.2 -8,-0.2 11.3,-0.7 2.2,-1 14.6,-2.9 -1.6,-1.7 -10,-0.8 -16.9,1.5 -9.2,1.5 4.5,-2.3 -2.3,-1.4 -7,1.2 -9.7,-1.4 -12.1,0.5 -1.4,-0.7 18.3,-0.4 12.9,-0.2 6.6,-1.4 -19.7,-2.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="GT" data-name="Guatemala" data-id="GT" d="m 482.8,458.9 -5.1,-0.1 -5.2,0 -0.4,3.6 -2.6,0 1.8,2.1 1.9,1.5 0.5,1.4 0.8,0.4 -0.4,2.1 -7.1,0 -3.3,5.2 0.7,1.2 -0.8,1.5 -0.4,1.9 2.7,2.6 2.5,1.3 3.4,0.1 2.8,1.1 0.2,-1 2.1,-1.6 1.1,-0.7 -0.2,-0.7 1.4,-0.4 1.3,-1.6 -0.3,-1.3 0.5,-1.2 2.8,-1.8 2.8,-2.4 -1.5,-0.8 -0.6,0.9 -1.7,-1.1 -1.6,0 1.2,-7.2 0.7,-5 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="GY" data-name="Guyana" data-id="GY" d="m 656.1,534.2 -2.1,-2.3 -2.9,-3.1 -2.1,-0.1 -0.1,-3.3 -3.3,-4.1 -3.6,-2.4 -4.6,3.8 -0.6,2.3 1.9,2.3 -1.5,1.2 -3.4,1.1 0,2.9 -1.6,1.8 3.7,4.8 2.9,-0.3 1.3,1.5 -0.8,2.8 1.9,0.9 1.2,3 -1.6,2.2 -1,5.4 1.4,3.3 0.3,2.9 3.5,3 2.7,0.3 0.7,-1.3 1.7,-0.2 2.6,-1.1 1.8,-1.7 3.1,0.5 1.4,-0.2 -3.3,-5.6 -0.7,-3.5 -1.8,-0.1 -2.4,-4.6 1.1,-3.3 -0.3,-1.5 3.5,-1.6 1,-5.7 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="HN" data-name="Honduras" data-id="HN" d="m 514.1,476.8 -1.3,-1.8 -1.9,-1 -1.5,-1.4 -1.6,-1.2 -0.8,-0.1 -2.5,-0.9 -1.1,0.5 -1.5,0.2 -1.3,-0.4 -1.7,-0.4 -0.8,0.7 -1.8,0.7 -2.6,0.2 -2.5,-0.6 -0.9,0.4 -0.5,-0.6 -1.6,0.1 -1.3,1.1 -0.6,-0.2 -2.8,2.4 -2.8,1.8 -0.5,1.2 0.3,1.3 -1.3,1.6 1.5,0.5 1.1,1.3 1.6,1 0.1,0.9 2.5,-0.8 1.1,0.5 0.7,0.7 -0.6,2.5 1.7,0.6 0.7,2 1.8,-0.3 0.8,-1.5 0.8,0 0.2,-3.1 1.3,-0.2 1.2,0 1.4,-1.7 1.5,1.3 0.6,-0.8 1.1,-0.7 2.1,-1.8 0.3,-1.3 0.5,0.1 0.8,-1.5 0.6,-0.2 0.9,0.9 1.1,0.3 1.3,-0.8 1.4,0 2,-0.8 0.9,-0.9 1.9,0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="HR" data-name="Croatia" data-id="HR" d="m 1065,280.4 -4,-2.6 -1.6,-0.8 -3.9,1.7 -0.3,2.5 -1.7,0.6 0.2,1.7 -2,-0.1 -1.8,-1 -0.8,1 -3.5,-0.2 -0.2,0.1 0,2.2 1.7,2 1.3,-2.6 3.3,1 0.3,2 2.5,2.6 -1,0.5 4.6,4.5 4.8,1.8 3.1,2.2 5,2.3 0,0 0.5,-1 -4.7,-2.4 -2.2,-2.5 -2,-1.4 -2.5,-2.3 -1.3,-1.9 -2.7,-2.9 0.9,-2.5 1.9,1.4 1,-1.3 2.3,-0.1 4.4,1 3.5,-0.1 2.4,1.4 0,0 1.7,-2.3 -1.7,-1.8 -1.5,-2.4 0,0 -1.8,0.9 -4.2,-1.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="HT" data-name="Haiti" data-id="HT" d="m 580.6,446.7 -4.6,-1 -3.4,-0.2 -1.4,1.7 3.4,1 -0.3,2.4 2.2,2.8 -2.1,1.4 -4.2,-0.5 -5,-0.9 -0.7,2.1 2.8,1.9 2.7,-1.1 3.3,0.4 2.7,-0.4 3.6,1.1 0.2,-1.8 -1.2,-1.9 1.5,-1.1 0.7,-2.4 -0.2,-3.5 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="HU" data-name="Hungary" data-id="HU" d="m 1079.1,263.8 -1.6,0.4 -1,1.5 -2.2,0.7 -0.6,-0.4 -2.3,1 -1.9,0.2 -0.3,1.2 -4.1,0.8 -1.9,-0.7 -2.6,-1.6 -0.2,2.6 -2.8,0 1.1,1.3 -1.3,4 0.8,0.1 1.2,2.1 1.6,0.8 4,2.6 4.2,1.2 1.8,-0.9 0,0 3.7,-1.6 3.2,0.2 3.8,-1.1 2.6,-4.3 1.9,-4.2 2.9,-1.3 -0.6,-1.6 -2.9,-1.7 -1,0.6 -5.5,-1.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="ID" data-name="Indonesia" data-id="ID" d="m 1651.9,637.3 0.5,-1.7 -1.8,-1.9 -2.8,-2 -5.3,1.3 7,4.4 2.4,-0.1 z m 20.9,-0.6 4,-4.8 0.1,-1.9 -0.5,-1.3 -5.7,2.6 -2.8,3.9 -0.7,2.1 0.6,0.8 5,-1.4 z m -35.6,-13 -1.6,2.2 -3.1,0.1 -2.2,3.6 3,0.1 3.9,-0.9 6.6,-1.2 -1.2,-2.8 -3.5,0.6 -1.9,-1.7 z m 28.1,0 -5.2,2.3 -3.8,0.5 -3.4,-1.9 -4.5,1.3 -0.2,2.3 7.4,0.8 8.6,-1.8 1.1,-3.5 z m -79.5,-8.4 -0.7,-2.3 -2.3,-0.5 -4.4,-2.4 -6.8,-0.4 -4.1,6.1 5.1,0.4 0.8,2.8 10,2.6 2.4,-0.8 4.1,0.6 6.3,2.4 5.2,1.2 5.8,0.5 5.1,-0.2 5.9,2.5 6.6,-2.4 -6.6,-3.8 -8.3,-1.1 -1.8,-4.1 -10.3,-3.1 -1.3,2.6 -10.7,-0.6 z m 146.6,-3.6 0.2,-3 -1.2,-1.9 -1.3,2.2 -1.2,2.2 0.3,4.8 3.2,-4.3 z m -41,-17.5 -1.4,-2.1 -5.7,0.3 1,2.7 3.9,1.2 2.2,-2.1 z m 18.1,-2.4 -6.1,-1.8 -6.9,0.3 -1.5,3.5 3.9,0.2 3.2,-0.4 4.6,0.5 4.7,2.6 -1.9,-4.9 z m 21,-12.3 -0.8,-2.4 -9,-2.6 -2.9,2.1 -7.6,1.5 2.3,3.2 5,1.2 2.1,3.7 8.3,0.1 0.4,1.6 -4,-0.1 -6.2,2.3 4.2,3.1 -0.1,2.8 1.2,2.3 2.1,-0.5 1.8,-3.1 8.2,5.9 4.6,0.5 10.6,5.4 2.3,5.3 1,6.9 -3.7,1.8 -2.8,5.2 7.1,-0.2 1.6,-1.8 5.5,1.3 4.6,5.2 1.5,-20.8 1,-20.7 -6,-1.2 -4.1,-2.3 -4.7,-2.2 -5,0 -6.6,3.8 -4.9,6.8 -5.7,-3.8 -1.3,-10.3 z m -50,-16.4 -1,-1.4 -5.5,4.6 -6.5,0.3 -7.1,-0.9 -4.4,-1.9 -4.7,4.8 -1.2,2.6 -2.9,9.6 -0.9,5 -2.4,4.2 1.6,4.3 2.3,0.1 0.6,6.1 -1.9,5.9 2.3,1.9 3.6,-1 0.3,-9.1 -0.2,-7.4 3.8,-1.9 -0.7,6.2 3.9,3.7 -0.8,2.5 1.3,1.7 5.6,-2.4 -3,5.2 2.1,2.2 3.1,-1.9 0.3,-4.1 -4.7,-7.4 1.1,-2.2 -5.1,-8.1 5,-2.5 2.6,-3.7 2.4,0.9 0.5,-2.9 -10.5,2.1 -3.1,2.9 -5,-5.6 0.9,-4.8 4.9,-1 9.3,-0.3 5.4,1.3 4.3,-1.3 4.4,-6.3 z m 19.4,1.9 -0.6,-2.6 -3.3,-0.6 -0.5,-3.5 -1.8,2.3 -1,5.1 1.7,8.2 2.2,4 1.6,-0.8 -2.3,-3.3 0.9,-3.9 2.9,0.6 0.2,-5.5 z m -60.9,-4.5 0.9,-2.9 -4.3,-6 3,-5.8 -5,-1 -6.4,0 -1.7,7.2 -2,2.2 -2.7,8.9 -4.5,1.3 -5.4,-1.8 -2.7,0.6 -3.2,3.2 -3.6,-0.4 -3.6,1.2 -3.9,-3.5 -1,-4.3 -3.3,4.2 -0.6,5.9 0.8,5.6 2.6,5.4 2.8,1.8 0.7,8.5 4.6,0.8 3.6,-0.4 2,3.1 6.7,-2.3 2.8,2 4,0.4 2,3.9 6.5,-2.9 0.8,2.3 2.5,-9.7 0.3,-6.4 5.5,-4.3 -0.2,-5.8 1.8,-4.3 6.7,-0.8 -6.5,-5.9 z m -68.7,48.9 0.7,-9.8 1.7,-8 -2.6,-4 -4.1,-0.5 -1.9,-3.6 -0.9,-4.4 -2,-0.2 -3.2,-2.2 2.3,-5.2 -4.3,-2.9 -3.3,-5.3 -4.8,-4.4 -5.7,-0.1 -5.5,-6.8 -3.2,-2.7 -4.5,-4.3 -5.2,-6.2 -8.8,-1.2 -3.6,-0.3 0.6,3.2 6.1,7 4.4,3.6 3.1,5.5 5.1,4 2.2,4.9 1.7,5.5 4.9,5.3 4.1,8.9 2.7,4.8 4.1,5.2 2.2,3.8 7,5.2 4.5,5.3 6.2,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <a xlink:href="india" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="IN" data-name="India" data-id="IN" d="m 1414.1,380.1 -8.5,-4.4 -6.2,-4 -3.2,-7 4.1,0.9 -0.6,-3.3 -3,-3.3 -0.8,-5.2 -7.6,-7.5 -3.7,5.4 -5.7,1 -8.5,-1.6 -1.9,2.8 3.2,5.6 2.9,4.3 5,3.1 -3.7,3.7 1,4.5 -3.9,6.3 -2.1,6.5 -4.5,6.7 -6.4,-0.5 -4.9,6.6 4,2.9 1.3,4.9 3.5,3.2 1.8,5.5 -12,0 -3.2,4.2 7.1,5.4 1.9,2.5 -2.4,2.3 8,7.7 4,0.8 7.6,-3.8 1.7,5.9 0.8,7.8 2.5,8.1 3.6,12.3 5.8,8.8 1.3,3.9 2,8 3.4,6.1 2.2,3 2.5,6.4 3.1,8.9 5.5,6 2.2,-1.8 1.7,-4.4 5,-1.8 -1.8,-2.1 2.2,-4.8 2.9,-0.3 -0.7,-10.8 1.9,-6.1 -0.7,-5.3 -1.9,-8.2 1.2,-4.9 2.5,-0.3 4.8,-2.3 2.6,-1.6 -0.3,-2.9 5,-4.2 3.7,-4 5.3,-7.5 7.4,-4.2 2.4,-3.8 -0.9,-4.8 6.6,-1.3 3.7,0.1 0.5,-2.4 -1.6,-5.2 -2.6,-4.8 0.4,-3.8 -3.7,-1.7 0.8,-2.3 3.1,-2.4 -4.6,-3.4 1.2,-4.3 4.8,2.7 2.7,0.4 1.2,4.4 5.4,0.9 5,-0.1 3.4,1.1 -1.6,5.3 -2.4,0.4 -1.1,3.6 3.5,3.3 0.2,-4 1.5,-0.1 4.5,10.1 2.4,-1.5 -0.9,-2.7 0.9,-2.1 -0.9,-6.6 4.6,1.4 1.5,-5.2 -0.3,-3.1 2.1,-5.4 -0.9,-3.6 6.1,-4.4 4.1,1.1 -1.3,-3.9 1.6,-1.2 -0.9,-2.4 -6.1,-0.9 1.2,-2.7 -3.5,-3.9 -3.2,2.6 -4.9,-1.5 -5.3,4 -3.9,4.8 -4.2,0.8 2.7,2 0.4,3.9 -4.4,0.2 -4.7,-0.4 -3.2,1 -5.5,-2.5 -0.3,-1.2 -1.5,-5.1 -3,1.4 0.1,2.7 1.5,4.1 -0.1,2.5 -4.6,0.1 -6.8,-1.5 -4.3,-0.6 -3.8,-3.2 -7.6,-0.9 -7.7,-3.5 -5.8,-3.1 -5.7,-2.5 0.9,-5.9 2.8,-2.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <a xlink:href="ireland" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="IE" data-name="Ireland" data-id="IE" d="m 947.3,231.7 -3.5,-1.3 -2.9,0.1 1.1,-3.2 -0.8,-3.2 -3.7,2.8 -6.7,4.7 2.1,6.1 -4.2,6.4 6.7,0.9 8.7,-3.6 3.9,-5.4 -0.7,-4.3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="IR" data-name="Iran" data-id="IR" d="m 1213.5,324.4 -3.2,-2.9 -1.2,-2.4 -3.3,1.8 2.9,7.3 -0.7,2 3.7,5.2 0,0 4.7,7.8 3.7,1.9 1,3.8 -2.3,2.2 -0.5,5 4.6,6.1 7,3.4 3.5,4.9 -0.2,4.6 1.7,0 0.5,3.3 3.4,3.4 1.7,-2.5 3.7,2.1 2.8,-1 5.1,8.4 4.3,6.1 5.5,1.8 6.1,4.9 6.9,2.1 5.1,-3.1 4,-1.1 2.8,1.1 3.2,7.8 6.3,0.8 6.1,1.5 10.5,1.9 1.2,-7.4 7.4,-3.3 -0.9,-2.9 -2.7,-1 -1,-5.7 -5.6,-2.7 -2.8,-3.9 -3.2,-3.3 3.9,-5.8 -1.1,-4 -4.3,-1.1 -1.1,-4 -2.7,-5.1 1.6,-3.5 -2.5,-0.9 0.5,-4.7 0.5,-8 -1.6,-5.5 -3.9,-0.2 -7.3,-5.7 -4.3,-0.7 -6.5,-3.3 -3.8,-0.6 -2.1,1.2 -3.5,-0.2 -3,3.7 -4.4,1.2 -0.2,1.6 -7.9,1.7 -7.6,-1.1 -4.3,-3.3 -5.2,-1.3 -2.5,-4.8 -1.3,0.3 -3.8,-3.4 1.2,-3.1 -1.9,-1.9 -1.9,0.5 -5.3,4.7 -1.8,0.2 -3.7,-0.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="IQ" data-name="Iraq" data-id="IQ" d="m 1207.3,334.9 -6.2,-0.9 -2.1,1 -2.1,4.1 -2.7,1.6 1.2,4.7 -0.9,7.8 -11,6.7 3.1,7.7 6.7,1.7 8.5,4.5 16.7,12.7 10.2,0.5 3.2,-6.1 3.7,0.5 3.2,0.4 -3.4,-3.4 -0.5,-3.3 -1.7,0 0.2,-4.6 -3.5,-4.9 -7,-3.4 -4.6,-6.1 0.5,-5 2.3,-2.2 -1,-3.8 -3.7,-1.9 -4.7,-7.8 0,0 -2.3,1.1 -2.1,-1.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="IS" data-name="Iceland" data-id="IS" d="m 915.7,158.6 -6.9,-0.4 -7.3,2.9 -5.1,-1.5 -6.9,3 -5.9,-3.8 -6.5,0.8 -3.6,3.7 8.7,1.3 -0.1,1.6 -7.8,1.1 8.8,2.7 -4.6,2.5 11.7,1.8 5.6,0.8 3.9,-1 12.9,-3.9 6.1,-4.2 -4.4,-3.8 1.4,-3.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="IL" data-name="Israel" data-id="IL" d="m 1167.8,360.5 -1.4,0.1 -0.4,1.1 -1.8,0 -0.1,0.1 -0.6,1.6 -0.6,4.8 -1.1,2.9 0.4,0.4 -1.4,2.1 0,0 3.9,9.2 0.7,1.7 1.7,-10.2 -0.4,-2.4 -2.4,0.8 0.1,-1.7 1.2,-0.8 -1.4,-0.7 0.7,-4.3 2,0.9 0.7,-2 -0.1,0 0.6,-1 -0.3,-2.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <a xlink:href="italy" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="IT" data-name="Italy" data-id="IT" d="m 1057.8,328.6 -4,0.5 -5.2,0.7 -6.2,-0.6 -0.6,3.4 7.5,3.3 2.7,0.7 4.2,2.4 0.9,-3.3 -0.9,-2 1.6,-5.1 z m -33.7,-18.9 -2.5,1.9 -2.8,-0.3 1.3,3.6 0.4,7.6 2.1,1.7 2,-2.1 2.4,0.4 0.4,-8.4 -3.3,-4.4 z m 14.3,-34.3 -1.3,-2.2 -4.8,1.1 -0.5,1.2 -3.1,-0.9 -0.3,2.5 -2.1,1.1 -3.8,-0.8 -0.9,2.5 -2.4,0.2 -0.9,-1 -2.7,2.1 -2.4,0.3 -2.2,-1.3 -0.2,1.7 1.6,2.4 -1.7,1.8 1.5,4.8 2.7,0.8 -0.5,2.7 2.1,-0.5 2.8,-2.8 2.3,-0.9 4.2,2.1 2.6,0.7 1.9,6 3.6,3.6 4.9,4 4.2,2.8 3.9,0.4 2.3,2.5 3.4,1.2 1.7,2.7 2.2,0.8 1.8,3.2 2.3,3.7 -1.1,1.3 -0.8,3.5 0.1,2 2.1,-0.5 2.5,-5.6 2.1,-0.4 0.4,-3.3 -3.9,-2.3 1.9,-4.1 4.5,1 3.1,3 0.8,-2.3 -0.6,-1.2 -4.7,-3.2 -3.9,-1.9 -4.8,-2.3 1.4,-1.2 -1.4,-1.4 -4,0.1 -6,-5 -2.9,-5.1 -4.9,-3.1 -1.9,-3.1 0.5,-1.8 -0.4,-3 3.9,-2.2 4.1,0.9 -1.4,-2.7 0.3,-3 -7.2,-1.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="JM" data-name="Jamaica" data-id="JM" d="m 550.7,458.5 3.9,-0.1 -0.8,-1.8 -2.7,-1.5 -3.7,-0.6 -1.2,-0.2 -2.4,0.4 -0.8,1.5 2.9,2.3 3,1 1.8,-1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="JO" data-name="Jordan" data-id="JO" d="m 1186.6,367.6 -3.1,-7.7 -9.6,6.7 -6.3,-2.5 -0.7,2 0.4,3.9 -0.6,1.9 0.4,2.4 -1.7,10.2 0.3,0.9 6.1,1 2.1,-2 1.1,-2.3 4,-0.8 0.7,-2.2 1.7,-1 -6.1,-6.4 10.4,-3.1 0.9,-1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="JP" data-name="Japan" data-id="JP" d="m 1692.5,354.9 -4.5,-1.3 -1.1,2.7 -3.3,-0.8 -1.3,3.8 1.2,3 4.2,1.8 -0.1,-3.7 2.1,-1.5 3.1,2.1 1.3,-3.9 -1.6,-2.2 z m 24.4,-19.3 -3.6,-6.7 1.3,-6.4 -2.8,-5.2 -8.1,-8.7 -4.8,1.2 0.2,3.9 5.1,7.1 1,7.9 -1.7,2.5 -4.5,6.5 -5,-3.1 0,11.5 -6.3,-1.3 -9.6,1.9 -1.9,4.4 -3.9,3.3 -1.1,4 -4.3,2 4,4.3 4.1,1.9 0.9,5.7 3.5,2.5 2.5,-2.7 -0.8,-10.8 -7.3,-4.7 6.1,-0.1 5,-3 8.6,-1.4 2.4,4.8 4.6,2.4 4.4,-7.3 9.1,-0.4 5.4,-3 0.6,-4.6 -2.5,-3.2 -0.6,-5.2 z m -11.8,-44.2 -5.3,-2.1 -10.4,-6.4 1.9,4.8 4.3,8.5 -5.2,0.4 0.6,4.7 4.6,6.1 5.7,0 -1.6,-6.8 10.8,4.2 0.4,-6.1 6.4,-1.7 -6,-6.9 -1.7,2.6 -4.5,-1.3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="KZ" data-name="Kazakhstan" data-id="KZ" d="m 1308.8,223.8 -9,-1.3 -3.1,2.5 -10.8,2.2 -1.7,1.5 -16.8,2.1 -1.4,2.1 5,4.1 -3.9,1.6 1.5,1.7 -3.6,2.9 9.4,4.2 -0.2,3 -6.9,-0.3 -0.8,1.8 -7.3,-3.2 -7.6,0.2 -4.3,2.5 -6.6,-2.4 -11.9,-4.3 -7.5,0.2 -8.1,6.6 0.7,4.6 -6,-3.6 -2.1,6.8 1.7,1.2 -1.7,4.7 5.3,4.3 3.6,-0.2 4.2,4.1 0.2,3.2 2.8,1 4.4,-1.3 5,-2.7 4.7,1.5 4.9,-0.3 1.9,3.9 0.6,6 -4.6,-0.9 -4,1 0.9,4.5 -5,-0.6 0.6,2 3.2,1.6 3.7,5.5 6.4,2.1 1.5,2.1 -0.7,2.6 0.7,1.5 1.8,-2 5.5,-1.3 3.8,1.7 4.9,4.9 2.5,-0.3 -6.2,-22.8 11.9,-3.6 1.1,0.5 9.1,4.5 4.8,2.3 6.5,5.5 5.7,-0.9 8.6,-0.5 7.5,4.5 1.5,6.2 2.5,0.1 2.6,5 6.6,0.2 2.3,3 1.9,0 0.9,-4.5 5.4,-4.3 2.5,-1.2 0.3,-2.7 3.1,-0.8 9.1,2.1 -0.5,-3.6 2.5,-1.3 8.1,2.6 1.6,-0.7 8.6,0.2 7.8,0.6 3.3,2.2 3.5,0.9 -1.7,-3.5 2.9,-1.6 -8.7,-10.7 9,-2.4 2,-1.4 -1,-11.1 10.7,2 1.6,-2.8 -2.5,-6.2 3.8,-0.6 1.8,-4.2 -4.3,-3.8 -6,0.9 -3.3,-2.6 -3.9,-1.2 -4.1,-3.6 -3.2,-1.1 -6.2,1.6 -8.3,-3.6 -1.1,3.3 -18.1,-15.5 -8.3,-4.7 0.8,-1.9 -9.1,5.7 -4.4,0.4 -1.2,-3.3 -7,-2.1 -4.3,1.5 -4.3,-6.3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="KE" data-name="Kenya" data-id="KE" d="m 1211.7,547.2 -3.8,0 -2.3,-2.1 -5.1,2.6 -1.6,2.7 -3.8,-0.5 -1.2,-0.7 -1.3,0.1 -1.8,0 -7.2,-5.4 -3.9,0 -2,-2.1 0,-3.6 -2.9,-1.1 -3.8,4.2 -3.4,3.8 2.7,4.4 0.7,3.2 2.6,7.3 -2.1,4.7 -2.7,4.2 -1.6,2.6 0,0.3 1.4,2.4 -0.4,4.7 20.2,13 0.4,3.7 8,6.3 2.2,-2.1 1.2,-4.2 1.8,-2.6 0.9,-4.5 2.1,-0.4 1.4,-2.7 4,-2.5 -3.3,-5.3 -0.2,-23.2 4.8,-7.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="KG" data-name="Kyrgyzstan" data-id="KG" d="m 1387.2,302.6 -3.5,-0.9 -3.3,-2.2 -7.8,-0.6 -8.6,-0.2 -1.6,0.7 -8.1,-2.6 -2.5,1.3 0.5,3.6 -9.1,-2.1 -3.1,0.8 -0.3,2.7 1.8,0.6 -3.1,4.1 4.6,2.3 3.2,-1.6 7.1,3.3 -5.2,4.5 -4.1,-0.6 -1.4,2 -5.9,-1.1 0.6,3.7 5.4,-0.5 7.1,2 9.5,-0.9 1,-1.5 -1.1,-1.5 4,-3 3.2,-1.2 5.7,0.9 0.6,-4 6.4,-0.8 1,-2.4 6.8,-3.4 0.2,-1.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="KH" data-name="Cambodia" data-id="KH" d="m 1574.8,481.8 -5.2,-2.3 -2,4.3 -4.9,-2.4 -5.3,-1 -7.1,1.3 -3,5.2 2.1,7.7 3.4,6.6 2.6,3.3 4.7,0.9 4.7,-2.5 5.8,-0.5 -2.8,-3.8 8.9,-4.9 -0.1,-7.7 -1.8,-4.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="KR" data-name="Korea" data-id="KR" d="m 1637.3,331.7 6.2,5.5 -3.4,1.1 5.2,6.8 1.1,4.8 2.1,3.5 4.5,-0.5 3.2,-2.7 4.2,-1.2 0.5,-3.6 -3.4,-7.5 -3.3,-4.2 -8.2,-7.6 0.1,1.6 -2.1,0.4 -3.5,0.3 -0.7,2.9 -2.4,-0.2 -0.1,0.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="KW" data-name="Kuwait" data-id="KW" d="m 1235.6,381.4 -3.7,-0.5 -3.2,6.1 4.9,0.6 1.7,3.1 3.8,-0.2 -2.4,-4.8 0.3,-1.5 -1.4,-2.8 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="LA" data-name="Lao PDR" data-id="LA" d="m 1574.8,481.8 0.2,-6.4 -2,-4.5 -4.8,-4.4 -4.3,-5.6 -5.7,-7.5 -7.3,-3.8 1.3,-2.3 3.3,-1.7 -3,-5.5 -6.8,-0.1 -3.4,-5.7 -4,-5.1 -2.7,1 1.9,7.2 -2.9,-0.1 -0.7,-1.5 -4.1,4.1 -0.8,2.4 2.6,1.9 0.9,3.8 3.8,0.3 -0.4,6.7 1,5.7 5.3,-3.8 1.8,1.2 3.2,-0.2 0.8,-2.2 4.3,0.4 4.9,5.2 1.3,6.3 5.2,5.5 0.5,5.4 -1.5,2.9 4.9,2.4 2,-4.3 5.2,2.3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="LB" data-name="Lebanon" data-id="LB" d="m 1167.8,360.5 0.9,-3.5 2.6,-2.4 -1.2,-2.5 -2.4,-0.3 -0.1,0.2 -2.1,4.5 -1.3,5.2 1.8,0 0.4,-1.1 1.4,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="LR" data-name="Liberia" data-id="LR" d="m 929.4,523.3 -1.6,-0.2 -1.1,2.6 -1.6,-0.1 -1.1,-1.3 0.4,-2.6 -2.3,-3.9 -1.5,0.7 -1.2,0.2 -2.6,3 -2.6,3.4 -0.3,1.9 -1.3,2 3.7,4.1 4.8,3.5 5.1,4.8 5.7,3.1 1.5,-0.1 0.5,-5.2 0.5,-0.8 -0.2,-2.5 -2.3,-2.7 -1.8,-0.4 -1.6,-1.8 1.2,-2.8 -0.6,-3.1 0.3,-1.8 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="LY" data-name="Libya" data-id="LY" d="m 1111.8,371.4 -1.5,-2.1 -5.4,-0.8 -1.8,-1.1 -2,0 -2,-2.8 -7.3,-1.3 -3.6,0.8 -3.7,3 -1.5,3.1 1.5,4.8 -2.4,3 -2.5,1.6 -5.9,-3.1 -7.7,-2.7 -4.9,-1.2 -2.8,-5.7 -7.2,-2.8 -4.5,-1.1 -2.2,0.6 -6.4,-2.2 -0.1,4.9 -2.6,1.8 -1.5,2 -3.7,2.5 0.7,2.6 -0.4,2.7 -2.6,1.4 1.9,5.6 0.4,3 -0.9,5.2 0.5,2.9 -0.6,3.5 0.5,4 -2.1,2.6 3.4,4.7 0.2,2.7 2,3.6 2.6,-1.2 4.3,2.9 2.5,4 8.8,2.8 3.1,3.5 3.9,-2.4 5.4,-3.5 22.3,12.2 22.4,12.2 0,-2.7 6.3,0 -0.5,-12.7 -1,-23.4 -1.3,-22.7 -2,-5.1 1.2,-3.9 -1.1,-2.7 1.8,-3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="LK" data-name="Sri Lanka" data-id="LK" d="m 1432.2,532.7 2.3,-1.8 0.6,-6.6 -3,-6.6 -2.9,-4.5 -4.1,-3.5 -1.9,10.3 1.4,9.1 2.8,5.1 4.8,-1.5 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="LS" data-name="Lesotho" data-id="LS" d="m 1128.1,766.5 1.1,-2 3.1,-1 1.1,-2.1 1.9,-3.1 -1.7,-1.9 -2.3,-2 -2.6,1.3 -3.1,2.5 -3.2,4 3.7,4.9 2,-0.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="LT" data-name="Lithuania" data-id="LT" d="m 1100.4,221.2 -5,-2.9 -2.5,-0.4 -0.9,-1.3 -4.4,0.6 -7.9,-0.4 -5,1.9 1.7,5 5,1.1 2.2,0.9 -0.2,1.7 0.6,1.5 2.5,0.6 1.4,1.9 4.6,0 4.8,-2.2 0.5,-3.4 3.5,-2 -0.9,-2.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="LU" data-name="Luxembourg" data-id="LU" d="m 1007,258.6 0.2,-2.7 -1,-1.4 -1.3,0.2 -0.4,3.5 1.1,0.5 1.4,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="LV" data-name="Latvia" data-id="LV" d="m 1102.1,210.1 -3.8,0 -4.4,-2.2 -2.1,-0.7 -3.7,1 -0.2,4.6 -3.6,0.1 -4.4,-4.5 -4,2.1 -1.7,3.7 0.5,4.5 5,-1.9 7.9,0.4 4.4,-0.6 0.9,1.3 2.5,0.4 5,2.9 2.6,-1 4.6,-2.3 -2.1,-3.6 -1,-2.8 -2.4,-1.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MA" data-name="Morocco" data-id="MA" d="m 965.2,348.4 -2.3,-0.1 -5.5,-1.4 -5,0.4 -3.1,-2.7 -3.9,0 -1.8,3.9 -3.7,6.7 -4,2.6 -5.4,2.9 -3.5,4.3 -0.9,3.4 -2.1,5.4 1.1,7.9 -4.7,5.3 -2.7,1.7 -4.4,4.4 -5.1,0.7 -2.8,2.4 -0.1,0.1 -3.6,6.5 -3.7,2.3 -2.1,4 -0.2,3.3 -1.6,3.8 -1.9,1 -3.1,4 -2,4.5 0.3,2.2 -1.9,3.3 -2.2,1.7 -0.3,3 0.1,0 12.4,-0.5 0.7,-2.3 2.3,-2.9 2,-8.8 7.8,-6.8 2.8,-8.1 1.7,-0.4 1.9,-5 4.6,-0.7 1.9,0.9 2.5,0 1.8,-1.5 3.4,-0.2 -0.1,-3.4 0,0 0.8,0 0.1,-7.5 8.9,-4.7 5.4,-1 4.4,-1.7 2.1,-3.2 6.3,-2.5 0.3,-4.7 3.1,-0.5 2.5,-2.4 7,-1 1,-2.5 -1.4,-1.4 -1.8,-6.7 -0.3,-3.9 -2,-4.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MD" data-name="Moldova" data-id="MD" d="m 1118.5,283.3 1.2,-0.7 0.5,-2.1 1.1,-2 -0.5,-1.1 1,-0.5 0.6,0.9 3,0.2 1.2,-0.5 -1,-0.6 0.2,-1 -2,-1.5 -1.1,-2.6 -1.9,-1.1 0,-2.1 -2.5,-1.6 -2,-0.3 -3.9,-1.9 -3.2,0.6 -1.1,0.9 1.6,0.6 1.8,1.9 1.9,2.6 3.4,3.7 0.6,2.7 -0.2,2.7 1.3,2.8 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MG" data-name="Madagascar" data-id="MG" d="m 1255.7,658.4 -1.1,-4.2 -1.4,-2.7 -1.8,-2.7 -2,2.8 -0.3,3.8 -3.3,4.5 -2.3,-0.8 0.6,2.7 -1.8,3.2 -4.8,3.9 -3.4,3.7 -2.4,0 -2.2,1.2 -3.1,1.3 -2.8,0.2 -1,4.1 -2.2,3.5 0.1,5.9 0.8,4 1.1,3 -0.8,4.1 -2.9,4.8 -0.2,2.1 -2.6,1.1 -1.3,4.6 0.2,4.6 1.6,5 -0.1,5.7 1.2,3.3 4.2,2.3 3,1.7 5,-2.7 4.6,-1.5 3.1,-7.4 2.8,-8.9 4.3,-12 3.3,-8.8 2.7,-7.4 0.8,-5.4 1.6,-1.5 0.7,-2.7 -0.8,-4.7 1.2,-1.9 1.6,3.8 1.1,-1.9 0.8,-3.1 -1.3,-2.9 -0.5,-7.7 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <a xlink:href="mexico" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MX" data-name="Mexico" data-id="MX" d="m 444.4,407.8 -3.6,-1.4 -3.9,-2 -0.8,-3 -0.2,-4.5 -2.4,-3.6 -1,-3.7 -1.6,-4.4 -3.1,-2.5 -4.4,0.1 -4.8,5 -4,-1.9 -2.2,-1.9 -0.4,-3.5 -0.8,-3.3 -2.4,-2.8 -2.1,-2 -1.3,-2.2 -9.3,0 -0.8,2.6 -4.3,0 -10.7,0 -10.7,-4.4 -7.1,-3.1 1,-1.3 -7,0.7 -6.3,0.5 0.2,5.7 0.7,5.1 0.7,4.1 0.8,4 2.6,1.8 2.9,4.5 -1,2.9 -2.7,2.3 -2.1,-0.3 -0.6,0.5 2.3,3.7 2.9,1.5 1,1.7 0.9,-0.9 3.1,2.9 2.1,2 0.1,3.4 -1.2,4.7 2.5,1.6 3.3,3.1 2.9,3.6 0.7,3.9 1,0 2.7,-2.3 0.4,-1.2 -1.5,-2.8 -1.6,-2.9 -2.6,-0.2 0.4,-3.4 -0.9,-3 -1,-2.8 -0.5,-5.9 -2.6,-3.2 -0.6,-2.3 -1.2,-1.6 0,-4.1 -1,0.1 -0.1,-2.2 -0.7,-0.5 -0.4,-1.4 -2.7,-4.4 -1.1,-2.6 1,-4.8 0.1,-3 1.8,-2.6 2.4,1.7 1.9,-0.2 3.1,2.5 -0.9,2.4 0.4,4.9 1.5,4.7 -0.4,2 1.7,3.1 2.3,3.4 2.7,0.5 0.3,4.4 2.4,3.1 2.5,1.5 -1.8,4 0.7,1.5 4.1,2.6 1.9,4 4.5,4.9 3.8,6.4 1.3,3.2 0,2.5 1.4,2.9 -0.3,2.2 -1.6,1.6 0.3,1.8 -1.9,0.7 0.8,3.1 2.2,4 5.3,3.6 1.9,2.9 5.4,2 3,0.4 1.2,1.7 4.2,3 5.9,3 4,0.9 4.8,2.9 4,1.2 3.7,1.7 2.9,-0.7 4.8,-2.4 3.1,-0.4 4.4,1.6 2.6,2.1 5.5,6.9 0.4,-1.9 0.8,-1.5 -0.7,-1.2 3.3,-5.2 7.1,0 0.4,-2.1 -0.8,-0.4 -0.5,-1.4 -1.9,-1.5 -1.8,-2.1 2.6,0 0.4,-3.6 5.2,0 5.1,0.1 0.1,-1 0.7,-0.3 0.9,0.8 2.5,-3.9 1,0 1.2,-0.1 1.2,1.6 2,-5 1.2,-2.7 -0.9,-1.1 1.8,-3.9 3.5,-3.8 0.6,-3.1 -1.2,-1.3 -3.4,0.5 -4.8,-0.2 -6,1.5 -4,1.7 -1.2,1.8 -1.2,5.4 -1.8,3.7 -3.9,2.6 -3.6,1.1 -4.3,1.1 -4.3,0.6 -5.1,1.8 -1.9,-2.6 -5.6,-1.7 -1.8,-3.2 -0.7,-3.6 -3,-4.7 -0.4,-5 -1.2,-3.1 -0.5,-3.4 1.1,-3.1 1.8,-8.6 1.8,-4.5 3.1,-5.6 -2.1,0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MK" data-name="Macedonia" data-id="MK" d="m 1094,304.8 -2.8,-2 -2.4,0.1 -1.7,0.4 -1.1,0.2 -2.9,1 -0.1,1.2 -0.7,0 0,0 -0.4,2.1 0.9,2.6 2.3,1.6 3.3,-0.6 1.9,-1.3 2.8,0.1 0.7,-1.1 1,-0.2 -0.8,-4.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="ML" data-name="Mali" data-id="ML" d="m 1000.3,450.3 -6.1,0.6 -0.1,-4 -2.6,-1.1 -3.4,-1.8 -1.3,-3 -18.6,-13.8 -18.4,-13.9 -8.4,0.1 2.4,27.4 2.4,27.5 1,0.8 -1.3,4.4 -22.3,0.1 -0.9,1.4 -2.1,-0.4 -3.2,1.3 -3.8,-1.8 -1.8,0.2 -1,3.7 -1.9,1.2 0.2,3.9 1.1,3.7 2.1,1.8 0.4,2.4 -0.3,2 0.3,2.3 0.9,0 1.5,-0.8 0.9,0.2 1.5,1.6 2.4,0.5 1.6,-1.4 1.8,-0.8 1.3,-0.9 1.1,0.2 1.3,1.4 0.6,1.7 2.3,2.7 -1.2,1.6 -0.2,2.1 1.2,-0.6 0.7,0.7 -0.3,1.9 1.7,1.8 0.7,-0.6 1.6,1 4.3,0.1 1,-1.9 1,0.1 1.6,-0.7 0.9,2.7 1.3,-0.8 2.3,-0.9 -0.4,-3.7 1.6,-2.7 -0.2,-2.2 4.5,-5.2 0.8,-4.4 1.6,-1.6 2.7,0.9 2.3,-1.3 0.8,-1.6 4.3,-2.9 1.1,-2 5.2,-2.6 3,-0.9 1.4,1.2 3.6,0 3.6,-0.3 2,-2.2 7.6,-0.6 4.9,-1 0.5,-3.9 3,-4.3 -0.1,-14.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MM" data-name="Myanmar" data-id="MM" d="m 1533.9,435.8 -0.6,-2.6 -3.8,1.8 -2.5,-1.2 -4.5,-2.4 0.8,-5.2 -3.7,-1.3 -2.3,-5.8 -5.6,1 -0.7,-7.5 4.1,-5.3 -0.8,-5.3 -1.3,-4.9 -2.7,-1.5 -2.7,-3.7 -3,0.4 0.9,2.4 -1.6,1.2 1.3,3.9 -4.1,-1.1 -6.1,4.4 0.9,3.6 -2.1,5.4 0.3,3.1 -1.5,5.2 -4.6,-1.4 0.9,6.6 -0.9,2.1 0.9,2.7 -2.4,1.5 0.5,4.6 -2.1,-1 1.1,5.1 4.6,5.2 3.4,0.9 -0.4,2.2 5.4,7.4 1.9,5.9 -0.9,7.9 3.6,1.5 3.2,0.6 5.8,-4.6 3.2,-3.1 3.1,5.2 2,8.1 2.6,7.6 2.6,3.3 0.2,6.9 2.2,3.8 -1.3,4.8 0.9,4.8 2.2,-6.6 2.6,-5.9 -2.8,-5.8 -0.2,-3 -1,-3.5 -4.2,-5.1 -1.7,-3.2 1.7,-1.1 1.4,-5.6 -2.9,-4.2 -4.1,-4.6 -3.5,-5.6 2.2,-1.1 1.5,-6.9 3.9,-0.3 2.8,-2.8 3,-1.4 0.8,-2.4 4.1,-4.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="ME" data-name="Montenegro" data-id="ME" d="m 1080,299.8 0.4,-0.6 -2,-1.2 -1.8,-0.7 -0.8,-0.8 -1.5,-1.1 -0.9,0.6 -1.5,1.4 -0.4,3.4 -0.5,1 0,0 2.3,1.2 1.6,2.1 1.1,0.4 0,0 -0.5,-1.9 2,-3.1 0.4,1.2 1.3,-0.5 0.8,-1.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MN" data-name="Mongolia" data-id="MN" d="m 1473.7,252.1 -3.7,-4.6 -6.6,-1.5 -4.8,-0.8 -6.9,-2.5 -1.3,6.4 4,3.6 -2.4,4.3 -7.9,-1.6 -5,-0.2 -4.7,-2.9 -5.1,-0.1 -5.3,-1.9 -5.9,2.9 -6.6,5.4 -4.7,1 3.3,4.4 5.7,3.3 8.1,2.3 5.8,5 1.3,7.3 3,2.7 6.4,1 7.2,0.9 7.9,3.8 3.4,0.7 4.9,5.7 4.7,3.6 5.5,-0.1 11.2,1.3 6.4,-0.8 5.5,0.9 9.3,3.8 6.2,-0.1 3.2,2 4.4,-3.3 7.2,-2.2 7.5,-0.2 4.9,-2.2 1.9,-3.3 2.5,-2 -1.9,-2.1 -2.9,-2.3 0.4,-4 3.2,0.5 5.9,1.3 3.1,-3.3 6.3,-2.4 1.4,-4.1 2.4,-1.8 6.8,-0.8 4.3,0.7 -0.7,-2.2 -7.2,-4.3 -5.1,-2 -2.5,2.3 -5.4,-1 -2.4,0.8 -2.7,-2.6 -0.3,-6.2 -0.6,-4.6 -5.5,0.5 -3.9,-2.1 -3.3,-0.7 -4.5,4.4 -5.8,1 -3.6,1.6 -6.7,-1 -4.5,0 -4.9,-3.1 -6.5,-3 -5.4,-0.8 -5.7,0.8 -3.9,1.1 -8.4,-2.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MZ" data-name="Mozambique" data-id="MZ" d="m 1203,640.7 -0.8,-2.9 0,0 0,0 -4.6,3.7 -6.2,2.5 -3.3,-0.1 -2.1,1.9 -3.9,0.1 -1.4,0.8 -6.7,-1.8 -2.1,0.3 -1.6,6 0.7,7.3 0.3,0 1.9,2 2.2,4.6 0.1,8.2 -2.5,1.3 -1.9,4.5 -3.4,-4 -0.2,-4.5 1.3,-2.9 -0.3,-2.6 -2.1,-1.6 -1.6,0.6 -3,-3 -17.1,5.2 0.3,4.5 0.3,2.4 4.6,-0.1 2.6,1.3 1.1,1.6 2.6,0.5 2.8,2 -0.3,8.1 -1.3,4.4 -0.5,4.7 0.8,1.9 -0.8,3.7 -0.9,0.6 -1.6,4.6 -6.2,7.2 2.2,9 1.1,4.5 -1.4,7.1 0.4,2.3 0.6,2.9 0.3,2.8 4.1,0 0.7,-3.3 -1.4,-0.5 -0.3,-2.6 2.6,-2.4 6.8,-3.4 4.6,-2.2 2.5,-2.3 0.9,-2.6 -1.2,-1.1 1.1,-3 0.5,-6.2 -1,0.3 0,-1.9 -0.8,-3.7 -2.4,-4.8 0.7,-4.6 2.3,-1.4 4.1,-4.6 2.2,-1.1 6.7,-6.8 6.4,-3.1 5.2,-2.5 3.7,-3.9 2.4,-4.4 1.9,-4.6 -0.9,-3.1 0.2,-9.9 -0.4,-5.6 0.4,-6.3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MR" data-name="Mauritania" data-id="MR" d="m 949.8,413.3 -20.3,-15.5 -0.2,9.7 -17.9,-0.3 -0.2,16.3 -5.2,0.5 -1.4,3.3 0.9,9.2 -21.6,-0.1 -1.2,2.2 2.8,2.7 1.4,3 -0.7,3.2 0.6,3.2 0.5,6.3 -0.8,5.9 -1.7,3.2 0.4,3.4 2,-2 2.7,0.5 2.8,-1.4 3.1,0 2.6,1.8 3.7,1.7 3.2,4.7 3.6,4.4 1.9,-1.2 1,-3.7 1.8,-0.2 3.8,1.8 3.2,-1.3 2.1,0.4 0.9,-1.4 22.3,-0.1 1.3,-4.4 -1,-0.8 -2.4,-27.5 -2.4,-27.4 8.4,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MW" data-name="Malawi" data-id="MW" d="m 1169.2,661.5 0.1,-2.3 -1.2,-1.9 0.1,-2.8 -1.5,-4.7 1.7,-3.5 -0.1,-7.7 -1.9,-4.1 0.2,-0.7 0,0 -1.1,-1.7 -5.4,-1.2 2.6,2.8 1.2,5.4 -1,1.8 -1.2,5.1 0.9,5.3 -1.8,2.2 -1.9,5.9 2.9,1.7 3,3 1.6,-0.6 2.1,1.6 0.3,2.6 -1.3,2.9 0.2,4.5 3.4,4 1.9,-4.5 2.5,-1.3 -0.1,-8.2 -2.2,-4.6 -1.9,-2 -0.3,0 0,0.8 1.1,0.3 1,3.4 -0.2,0.8 -1.9,-2.5 -1,1.6 -0.8,-1.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MY" data-name="Malaysia" data-id="MY" d="m 1543.6,532.7 -4.7,-2.8 -0.9,1.1 1.4,2.7 -0.4,4.7 2.1,3.4 1,5.3 3.4,4.3 0.8,3.2 6.7,5 5.4,4.8 4,-0.5 0.1,-2.1 -2.3,-5.6 -2.1,-1.8 -0.5,-3.8 -0.6,-2.1 0.5,-2.9 -0.5,-4.3 -2.6,-4.3 -3.5,-3.8 -1.3,-0.6 -1.7,2.6 -3.7,0.8 -0.6,-3.3 z m 99,11 -1.2,-3.1 3.8,-0.4 0.3,-2.4 -4.8,-2 -3.8,-1.7 -0.4,-2.8 -3.1,-3.2 -2.3,0 -2.5,5 -4.1,4.4 -0.1,3.1 -0.1,4.1 -2.7,-0.2 -1.1,2.2 -2.7,-3.3 -2.6,4 -3.8,5 -6.7,1.4 -2.4,1.2 -0.9,5.4 -4.4,1.2 -4.1,-2.2 1,4.3 3.9,3.5 3.6,-1.2 3.6,0.4 3.2,-3.2 2.7,-0.6 5.4,1.8 4.5,-1.3 2.7,-8.9 2,-2.2 1.7,-7.2 6.4,0 5,1 4,-2.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="NA" data-name="Namibia" data-id="NA" d="m 1105.4,683.7 -10.3,2.5 -13.4,-0.9 -3.7,-3 -22.5,0.3 -0.9,0.4 -3.2,-2.9 -3.6,-0.1 -3.3,1 -2.7,1.2 0.2,4.9 4.4,6.2 1.1,4 2.8,7.7 2.7,5.2 2.1,2.6 0.6,3.5 0,7.6 1.6,9.8 1.2,4.6 1,6.2 1.9,4.7 3.9,4.8 2.7,-3.2 2.1,1.8 0.8,2.7 2.4,0.5 3.3,1.2 2.9,-0.5 5,-3.2 1.1,-23.6 0.6,-18.5 5.4,-0.2 0.9,-22.7 4.1,-0.2 8.6,-2.2 2,2.6 3.7,-2.5 1.6,0 3.2,-1.5 0,-0.5 -2.1,-1.4 -3.6,-0.4 -4.6,1.5 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="NE" data-name="Niger" data-id="NE" d="m 1051.3,425.6 -8.8,-2.8 -18.6,12.2 -15.8,12.5 -7.8,2.8 0.1,14.6 -3,4.3 -0.5,3.9 -4.9,1 -7.6,0.6 -2,2.2 -3.6,0.3 -0.5,3.1 0.8,2.9 3.1,4.1 0.2,3.1 6.4,1.4 -0.1,4.4 1.9,-1.9 2,0 4.3,3.7 0.3,-5.7 1.6,-2.6 0.8,-3.6 1.4,-1.4 6,-0.8 5.6,2.4 2.1,2.4 2.9,0.1 2.6,-1.5 6.8,3.3 2.8,-0.2 3.3,-2.7 3.3,0.2 1.6,-0.9 3,0.4 4.3,1.8 4.3,-3.5 1.3,0.2 3.9,7 1,-0.2 0.2,-2 1.6,-0.4 0.5,-2.9 -3.6,-0.2 0,-4.1 -2.4,-2.3 2.3,-8.4 6.9,-6 0.2,-8.3 1.8,-12.9 1.1,-2.7 -2.3,-2.2 -0.2,-2.1 -2,-1.6 -1.6,-9.9 -3.9,2.4 -3.1,-3.5 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="NG" data-name="Nigeria" data-id="NG" d="m 1055.8,492.7 -1,0.2 -3.9,-7 -1.3,-0.2 -4.3,3.5 -4.3,-1.8 -3,-0.4 -1.6,0.9 -3.3,-0.2 -3.3,2.7 -2.8,0.2 -6.8,-3.3 -2.6,1.5 -2.9,-0.1 -2.1,-2.4 -5.6,-2.4 -6,0.8 -1.4,1.4 -0.8,3.6 -1.6,2.6 -0.3,5.7 -0.2,2.1 1.2,3.8 -1.1,2.5 0.6,1.7 -2.7,4 -1.7,1.9 -1,4 0.1,4.1 -0.3,10.2 4.9,0 4.3,0 3.9,4.2 1.9,4.6 3,3.9 4.5,0.2 2.2,-1.4 2.1,0.3 5.8,-2.3 1.4,-4.5 2.7,-6.1 1.6,-0.1 3.3,-3.7 2.1,-0.1 3.2,2.6 3.9,-2.2 0.5,-2.6 1.2,-2.6 0.8,-3.2 3,-2.6 1.1,-4.5 1.2,-1.4 0.7,-3.3 1.5,-4 4.6,-5 0.3,-2.1 0.6,-1.1 -2.3,-2.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="NI" data-name="Nicaragua" data-id="NI" d="m 514.1,476.8 -1.9,-0.2 -0.9,0.9 -2,0.8 -1.4,0 -1.3,0.8 -1.1,-0.3 -0.9,-0.9 -0.6,0.2 -0.8,1.5 -0.5,-0.1 -0.3,1.3 -2.1,1.8 -1.1,0.7 -0.6,0.8 -1.5,-1.3 -1.4,1.7 -1.2,0 -1.3,0.2 -0.2,3.1 -0.8,0 -0.8,1.5 -1.8,0.3 -0.4,0.4 -0.9,-1 -0.7,1 2.6,2.9 2.2,2 1,2.1 2.5,2.6 1.8,2 0.9,-0.8 3.5,1.7 1.4,-0.8 1.7,0.5 0.8,1.3 1.7,0.4 1.4,-1.3 -0.8,-1.1 -0.1,-1.7 1.2,-1.6 -0.2,-1.7 0.7,-2.7 0.9,-0.7 0.1,-2.8 -0.2,-1.7 0.4,-2.8 0.9,-2.5 1.4,-2.2 -0.3,-2.3 0.4,-1.4 0.6,-0.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <a xlink:href="netherlands" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="NL" data-name="Netherlands" data-id="NL" d="m 1005.5,243.9 2.9,0 1.1,-2.3 1,-5.6 -1,-2 -3.9,-0.2 -6.5,2.6 -3.9,8.9 -2.5,1.7 0,0 3.6,0.5 4.4,-1.3 3.1,2.7 2.8,1.4 -1.1,-6.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="NO" data-name="Norway" data-id="NO" d="m 1088.8,133.1 -6.9,1.1 -7.3,-0.3 -5.1,4.4 -6.7,-0.3 -8.5,2.3 -10.1,6.8 -6.4,4 -8.8,10.7 -7.1,7.8 -8.1,5.8 -11.2,4.8 -3.9,3.6 1.9,13.4 1.9,6.3 6.4,3 6,-1.4 8.5,-6.8 3.3,3.6 1.7,-3.3 3.4,-4 0.9,-6.9 -3.1,-2.9 -1,-7.6 2.3,-5.3 4.3,0.1 1.3,-2.2 -1.8,-1.9 5.7,-7.9 3.4,-6.1 2.2,-3.9 4,0.1 0.6,-3.1 7.9,0.9 0,-3.5 2.5,-0.3 2.1,-1.4 5.1,2.9 5.3,-0.3 4.7,1.3 3.4,-2.4 1.1,-3.9 5.8,-1.8 5.7,2.1 -0.8,3.8 3.2,-0.5 6.4,-2.2 0,0 -5.4,-3.3 4.8,-1.4 -13.6,-3.9 z m -22.6,-33.3 -5.6,-1 -1.9,-1.7 -7.2,0.9 2.6,1.5 -2.2,1.2 6.7,1.1 7.6,-2 z m -25.4,-8.3 -4.8,-1.6 -5.1,0.2 -1,1.5 -5,0 -2.2,-1.5 -9.3,1.6 3.2,3.5 7.6,3.8 5.7,1.4 -3,1.7 8.4,2.9 4.4,-0.2 0.9,-3.9 3,-0.9 1.2,-3.4 8.5,-1.8 -12.5,-3.3 z m 24.2,-3.1 -9.1,-1 -3.2,1.2 -5.3,-1 -10.4,1.2 4.3,2 5.1,0 0.9,1.3 10.6,0.7 10.1,-0.5 4.3,-2.4 -7.3,-1.5 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="NP" data-name="Nepal" data-id="NP" d="m 1455.2,394.8 -6.5,-0.6 -6.4,-1.5 -5,-2.8 -4.5,-1.2 -2.5,-3.1 -3.2,-0.9 -6.4,-4.1 -4.7,-2 -1.9,1.5 -2.8,2.9 -0.9,5.9 5.7,2.5 5.8,3.1 7.7,3.5 7.6,0.9 3.8,3.2 4.3,0.6 6.8,1.5 4.6,-0.1 0.1,-2.5 -1.5,-4.1 -0.1,-2.7 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="NZ" data-name="New Zealand" data-id="NZ" d="m 1868.6,832.8 0.9,-2.6 -5.8,2.9 -3.4,3.4 -3.2,1.6 -5.9,4.6 -5.6,3.2 -7,3.2 -5.5,2.4 -4.3,1.1 -11.3,6.1 -6.4,4.6 -1.1,2.3 5.1,0.4 1.5,2.1 4.5,0.1 4,-1.8 6.3,-2.8 8.1,-6.2 4.7,-4.1 6.2,-2.3 4,-0.1 0.6,-2.9 4.6,-2.5 7,-4.5 4.2,-2.9 2.1,-2.6 0.5,-2.6 -5.6,2.5 0.8,-2.6 z m 28.8,-30.5 1.9,-5.7 -3.1,-1.7 -0.8,-3.6 -2.3,0.5 -0.4,4.6 0.8,5.7 0.9,2.7 -0.9,1.1 -0.6,4.4 -2.4,4.1 -4.2,5 -5.3,2.2 -1.7,2.4 3.7,2.5 -0.8,3.5 -6.9,5.1 1.4,0.9 -0.4,1.6 5.9,-2.5 5.9,-4.2 4.5,-3.4 1.6,-1.2 1.5,-2.7 2.8,-2 3.8,0.2 4.2,-3.8 5.1,-5.7 -2.1,-0.8 -4.6,2.5 -3.2,-0.5 -2.9,-2.1 2.3,-4.9 -1.2,-1.8 -2.9,4.4 0.4,-6.8 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="OM" data-name="Oman" data-id="OM" d="m 1301,437.8 2.1,-2 0.8,-1.8 1.6,-3.8 -0.1,-1.4 -2.1,-0.8 -1.6,-2.1 -2.9,-3.7 -3.3,-1.1 -4.1,-0.9 -3.3,-2.3 -2.9,-4.3 -2.8,0 -0.1,4.2 1.1,0.8 -2.4,1.3 0.3,2.6 -1.4,2.6 0.1,2.6 2.9,4.5 -2.6,12.7 -16.1,6.4 5.2,10.5 2.1,4.4 2.5,-0.3 3.6,-2.2 3.1,0.6 2.5,-1.8 -0.2,-2.5 2.1,-1.6 3.4,0 1.2,-1.3 0.2,-3.1 3.3,-2.4 2.6,0 0.4,-0.8 -1,-4.2 0.6,-3.2 1,-1.5 2.5,0.3 1.7,-4.4 z m -16.6,-30.4 0.2,-2.6 -0.7,-0.6 -1.3,2.2 1.3,2.2 0.5,-1.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="PK" data-name="Pakistan" data-id="PK" d="m 1388.3,346.3 -9.4,-2.6 -2.9,-5 -4.7,-3 -2.8,0.7 -2.4,1.2 -5.8,0.8 -5.3,1.3 -2.4,2.8 1.9,2.8 1.4,3.2 -2,2.7 0.8,2.5 -0.9,2.3 -5.1,-0.2 3,4.2 -3,1.6 -1.5,3.8 1.1,3.8 -1.7,1.8 -2.1,-0.6 -4,0.9 -0.2,1.7 -4,0 -2.3,3.6 0.8,5.4 -6.6,2.6 -3.8,-0.5 -0.9,1.4 -3.3,-0.8 -5.3,0.9 -9.6,-3.2 3.2,3.3 2.8,3.9 5.6,2.7 1,5.7 2.7,1 0.9,2.9 -7.4,3.3 -1.2,7.4 7.6,-0.9 8.9,-0.1 9.9,-1.2 4.9,4.8 2.1,4.6 4.2,1.6 3.2,-4.2 12,0 -1.8,-5.5 -3.5,-3.2 -1.3,-4.9 -4,-2.9 4.9,-6.6 6.4,0.5 4.5,-6.7 2.1,-6.5 3.9,-6.3 -1,-4.5 3.7,-3.7 -5,-3.1 -2.9,-4.3 -3.2,-5.6 1.9,-2.8 8.5,1.6 5.7,-1 3.7,-5.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="PA" data-name="Panama" data-id="PA" d="m 543.5,517 -2,-1.8 -1.7,-1.9 -2.5,-1.1 -3.1,-0.2 0.3,-0.6 -3.1,-0.4 -2,1.9 -3.5,1.3 -2.5,1.6 -2.7,0.5 -1.5,-1.6 -0.5,0.5 -2.3,-0.3 0.2,-1.3 -1.9,-2.3 -2.2,0.6 -0.1,2.5 1.1,1 -0.8,0.7 0.1,1.2 -0.5,1.3 -0.4,1.2 0.6,1 0.3,-1.4 2.4,0 1.4,0.7 2.3,0.5 1,2.5 1.8,0.4 0.8,-1.1 0.8,3.8 2.6,-0.3 0.9,-0.9 1.5,-0.9 -2.5,-3.4 0.6,-1.3 1.3,-0.3 2.3,-1.6 1.2,-2.2 2.5,-0.4 2.7,1.8 1,2.1 1.4,0.4 -1.5,1.7 1,3.5 1.8,1.8 0.9,-3.1 1.8,0.5 1.1,-1.9 -1.1,-3.8 0.7,-0.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="PE" data-name="Peru" data-id="PE" d="m 584.3,599.5 -2.9,-3.4 -1.7,-0.1 3.5,-6.5 -4.4,-3 -3.3,0.6 -2.1,-1.1 -3,1.7 -4.2,-0.8 -3.4,-6.7 -2.7,-1.7 -1.8,-3 -3.7,-3 -1.5,0.6 0.8,4.9 -1.7,4.1 -6,6.7 -6.7,2.5 -3.3,5.5 -0.9,4.3 -3.1,2.6 -2.5,-3.2 -2.3,-0.7 -2.3,0.5 -0.2,-2.3 1.5,-1.5 -0.7,-2.7 -4.4,4 -1.6,4.5 3,6.1 -1.7,2.8 4.1,2.6 4.5,4.1 2,4.7 2.4,2.9 6,12.7 6.2,11.7 5.4,8.4 -0.8,1.8 2.8,5.3 4.6,3.9 10.7,6.9 11.6,6.4 0.7,2.6 5.9,3.7 2.7,-1.6 1.2,-3.3 2.8,-6.9 -2.8,-5.3 1.1,-2.1 -1.2,-2.4 1.9,-3.2 -0.3,-5.4 -0.1,-4.5 1.1,-2.1 -5.5,-10.3 -3,1.1 -2.6,-0.7 -0.2,-9.7 -4.4,3.8 -4.9,-0.2 -2.3,-3.4 -3.7,-0.3 1,-2.8 -3.3,-3.8 -2.6,-5.8 1.5,-1.1 -0.1,-2.7 3.3,-1.9 -0.7,-3.4 1.3,-2.2 0.4,-3 6.2,-4.3 4.6,-1.2 0.7,-1 5.1,0.3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="PH" data-name="Philippines" data-id="PH" d="m 1684.6,518.6 -0.6,-2.3 -0.8,-3.2 -4.8,-3 0.8,4.9 -3.9,0.2 -0.7,2.8 -4.2,1.7 -2.2,-2.8 -2.8,2.4 -3.4,1.7 -1.9,5.4 1.1,1.9 3.9,-3.6 2.7,0.3 1.5,-2.7 3.8,3 -1.5,3.1 1.9,4.6 6.8,3.7 1.4,-3 -2.1,-4.7 2.4,-3.2 2.5,6.4 1.5,-5.8 -0.6,-3.5 -0.8,-4.3 z m -14.5,-11.8 0,-6.1 -3.6,6.1 0.5,-4.2 -3,0.3 -0.3,4 -1.2,1.8 -1,1.7 3.8,4.4 1.6,-1.9 1.4,-4 1.8,-2.1 z m -30.1,6.1 2.6,-4.4 3.4,-3.5 -1.5,-5.2 -2.4,6.3 -2.9,4.4 -3.8,4 -2.4,4.4 7,-6 z m 17.4,-16.4 1.2,3 -0.1,3.3 0.5,2.9 3.3,-1.9 2.4,-2.7 -0.2,-2.6 -3.6,0 -3.5,-2 z m 20,-1.7 -1.8,-2.4 -5.4,-0.1 4,4.8 0.3,2.4 -3.3,-0.5 1.2,3.9 1.7,0.3 0.7,4.5 2.5,-1.4 -1.7,-4 -0.4,-2.1 4.5,1.7 -2.3,-7.1 z m -22.9,-5.8 -2.2,-2.3 -4.8,-0.2 3.4,4.8 2.8,3.2 0.8,-5.5 z m -6.4,-34.6 -3.3,0 -0.9,5.8 1.1,9.9 -2.6,-2 1.2,6 1.2,2.8 3.3,3.7 0.4,-2.3 1.8,1.4 -1.5,1.7 0.1,2.6 2.9,1.4 5,-0.9 4,3.8 1.1,-2.4 2.5,3.4 4.8,3.1 0.2,-2.9 -2,-1.6 0.1,-3.4 -7.5,-3.6 -2.3,0.8 -3.1,-0.7 -2,-5.1 0.1,-5.1 3,-2.1 0.6,-5.3 -2.7,-4.6 0.4,-2.6 -0.7,-1.6 -1.5,1.6 -3.7,-1.8 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="PG" data-name="Papua New Guinea" data-id="PG" d="m 1850.7,615.6 0.9,-1.8 -2.4,-2.2 -2.5,-4 -1.6,-1.5 -0.5,-1.9 -0.8,0.7 0.9,4.8 2.2,4 2.2,2.5 1.6,-0.6 z m -21.2,-8.6 2.1,-3.9 0.4,-3.5 -1.1,-1 -3.4,0.1 0.4,3.7 -3.3,2.3 -1.7,2.2 -3.2,0.5 -0.4,-3.4 -0.8,0.1 -1,3.1 -3.1,0.5 -5,-0.9 -0.6,1.9 3.1,1.8 4.5,1.9 2.9,0 3,-1.5 3.2,-1.6 1,-1.8 3,-0.5 z m -27.8,12.2 -0.9,-4.3 5.2,-0.7 -1.1,-3.3 -9.1,-4 -0.6,-3.7 -2.9,-3.2 -3.7,-3.3 -10.2,-3.6 -9.6,-4.4 -1,20.7 -1.5,20.8 5.7,0.2 3.1,1.1 4.6,-2.2 -0.3,-4.7 3.6,-2.1 4.9,-1.8 7,2.8 2.4,5.6 2.9,3.5 3.9,4 5.5,1 4.8,0.7 1.1,1.6 3.8,-0.4 0.8,-1.8 -5.6,-2.7 1.8,-1.2 -4.2,-1.1 0.5,-2.8 -3.2,0.2 -3,-6.8 -4.7,-4.1 z m 34.7,-18.4 -0.5,-3.3 -2,-2.1 -2.1,-2.6 -2.3,-1.5 -1.9,-1.4 -2.9,-1.8 -1.6,1.5 3.9,1.9 3.1,2.7 2.4,2.1 1.2,2.4 0.8,3.8 1.9,-1.7 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="PL" data-name="Poland" data-id="PL" d="m 1069.4,228.3 -4.6,-0.1 -0.5,-1.4 -4.8,-1.1 -5.7,2.1 -7.1,2.8 -3.1,1.7 1.4,3.1 -1.2,1.6 2,2.2 1.4,3.3 -0.1,2.1 2.3,3.9 2.4,1.9 3.7,0.6 -0.1,1.7 2.7,1.2 0.6,-1.5 3.4,0.6 0.7,2 3.6,0.3 2.6,3.1 0.3,0.4 1.9,-0.9 2.7,2.2 2.8,-1.3 2.4,0.6 3.4,-0.8 4.9,2.3 1.1,0.4 -1.6,-2.8 3.8,-5.1 2.3,-0.7 0.3,-1.8 -3.1,-5.3 -0.5,-2.7 -1.9,-2.9 2.7,-1.2 -0.3,-2.4 -1.7,-2.3 -0.6,-2.7 -1.4,-1.9 -2.5,-0.6 -8.7,0.1 -5.9,-0.7 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="KP" data-name="Dem. Rep. Korea" data-id="KP" d="m 1644.7,302.3 0,0 -5.5,-3.6 0.1,3.5 -6.3,2.6 2.7,3.3 -4.6,-0.2 -3.6,-2 -1,4.4 -3.8,3.4 -2.1,4 3.3,1.7 3.4,0.7 0.8,1 0.4,3.5 1.1,1.2 -0.9,0.7 -0.1,2.9 1.9,1 1.6,0.6 0.8,1.2 1.3,-0.5 0,-1.3 3.1,1.3 0.1,-0.6 2.4,0.2 0.7,-2.9 3.5,-0.3 2.1,-0.4 -0.1,-1.6 -4.3,-2.8 -2.6,-1 0.2,-0.7 -1.2,-2.8 1.3,-1.7 2.9,-1 1,-1.9 0.3,-1.1 1.9,-1.4 -2.8,-4.5 0.3,-2.1 0.9,-2 2.2,0.3 0,0 0,0 0,0 -1.4,-1.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <a xlink:href="portugal" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="PT" data-name="Portugal" data-id="PT" d="m 937.6,335.9 -0.4,-2.1 2,-2.5 0.8,-1.7 -1.8,-1.9 1.6,-4.3 -2,-3.8 2.2,-0.5 0.3,-3 0.9,-0.9 0.2,-4.9 2.4,-1.7 -1.3,-3.1 -3,-0.2 -0.9,0.8 -3,0 -1.2,-3.1 -2.1,0.9 -1.9,1.6 0.1,2.1 0.9,2.2 0.1,2.7 -1.3,3.8 -0.4,2.5 -2.2,2.3 -0.6,4.2 1.2,2.4 2.3,0.6 0.4,4 -1,5.1 2.8,-0.7 2.7,0.9 2.2,-1.7 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="PY" data-name="Paraguay" data-id="PY" d="m 655.7,700.5 -0.3,-1.9 -5.4,-3.3 -5.1,-0.1 -9.5,1.9 -2.1,5.6 0.2,3.4 -1.5,7.6 11.2,10.4 4.6,1 7.2,4.7 5.9,2.5 1.1,2.8 -4.2,9.6 5.7,1.8 6.2,1 4.2,-1.1 4.3,-4.8 0.3,-5.7 0.7,-3.6 0.3,-3.8 -0.3,-3.5 -2.1,-1.2 -2,1.1 -2,-0.3 -0.9,-2.5 -1,-5.8 -1.2,-1.9 -3.9,-1.7 -2.1,1.2 -6,-1.2 -0.4,-8.6 -1.9,-3.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="PS" data-name="Palestine" data-id="PS" d="m 1166.9,366.1 -2,-0.9 -0.7,4.3 1.4,0.7 -1.2,0.8 -0.1,1.7 2.4,-0.8 0.6,-1.9 -0.4,-3.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="QA" data-name="Qatar" data-id="QA" d="m 1258,415.5 0.8,-3.8 -0.5,-3.7 -1.9,-2 -1.4,0.7 -1.1,3.3 0.8,4.7 1.8,1.2 1.5,-0.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="RO" data-name="Romania" data-id="RO" d="m 1108.1,266.3 -2.1,0 -1,1.5 -3.6,0.6 -1.6,0.9 -2.4,-1.5 -3.2,0 -3.2,-0.7 -1.9,1.3 -2.9,1.3 -1.9,4.2 -2.6,4.3 -3.8,1.1 2.9,2.5 0.8,1.9 3.2,1.5 0.7,2.5 3.1,1.8 1.4,-1.3 1.4,0.7 -1.1,1.1 1,1 1.8,2.6 1.9,-0.5 4,1 7.5,0.3 2.3,-1.6 5.8,-1.4 4,2.2 3,0.7 0.4,-7.4 1.6,0.5 2.3,-1.3 -0.4,-1.6 -2.4,-1.1 -2.2,1 -2.4,-1.1 -1.3,-2.8 0.2,-2.7 -0.6,-2.7 -3.4,-3.7 -1.9,-2.6 -1.8,-1.9 -1.6,-0.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path id="RU" data-name="Russia" data-id="RU" style="fill-rule:evenodd" d="m 1332.3,95.1 -4.5,-4 -13.6,-4.1 -9.4,-2.1 -6.2,0.9 -5.3,2.9 5.8,0.8 6.6,3.2 8,1.7 11.5,1.3 7.1,-0.6 z m -178.7,-7.3 0.9,-0.6 -5.7,-0.9 -2.8,0.7 -1.3,1 -1.5,-1.2 -5.2,0.1 -6.2,0.8 7.7,0.1 -1.1,1.3 4.4,1 3.6,-0.7 0.1,-0.7 2.9,-0.3 4.2,-0.6 z m 200.5,9.9 -1.5,-1.8 -12.5,-2.6 -3,-0.3 -2.2,0.5 1.2,6 18,-1.8 z m 15.2,6.3 -9.2,-0.7 3.4,-1.2 -8.2,-1.5 -6.1,1.9 -1,2 1.5,2.1 -6.9,-0.1 -5.3,2.6 -4.3,-1.1 -9.3,0.5 0.3,1.3 -9.2,0.7 -4.9,2.4 -4.2,0.2 -1.2,3.3 5.5,2.6 -7.7,0.7 -9.5,-0.3 -5.8,1.1 4.8,5.4 6.9,4.3 -9.6,-3 -7.9,0.3 -5.1,2 4.5,3.8 -4.9,-1 -2.1,-5 -4.2,-2.8 -1.8,0.1 3.6,3.7 -4.6,3.5 8.1,4.2 0.4,5.4 2.9,2.9 4.7,0.5 0.4,3.5 4.4,3.1 -1.9,2.6 0.5,2.7 -3.7,1.4 -0.5,2 -5.3,-0.8 3.5,-7.8 -0.5,-3.6 -6.7,-3.3 -3.8,-7.3 -3.7,-3.7 -3.6,-1.6 0.8,-4.2 -2.9,-2.9 -11.3,-1.4 -2.1,1 0.5,4.7 -4.3,4.7 1.2,1.7 4.7,4.1 0.1,2.6 5.3,0.5 0.8,1.1 5.8,2.9 -1,2.8 -18.5,-6.1 -6.6,-1.7 -12.8,-1.6 -1.2,1.7 5.9,3.1 -2.7,3.6 -6.4,-3.2 -5,2.2 -7.6,0.1 -2.1,1.9 -5.3,-0.6 2.5,-3.3 -3.2,-0.2 -12.3,4.6 -7.6,2.6 0.4,3.5 -6,1.2 -4,-1.9 -1.2,-3 5,-0.7 -3.6,-3 -12.2,-1.8 4.3,3.4 -0.8,3.2 4.7,3.3 -1.1,3.8 -4.6,-1.9 -4,-0.3 -8,5.4 4.2,4.1 -3.2,1.4 -11.4,-3.5 -2.1,2.1 3.3,2.4 0.2,2.7 -3.8,-1.4 -6,-1.7 -1.9,-5.8 -1,-2.6 -8,-4 2.9,-0.7 20.1,4.2 6.4,-1.5 3.7,-2.9 -1.6,-3.6 -4,-2.6 -17.6,-6.1 -11.6,-1.3 -7.6,-3.2 -3.6,1.8 0,0 -6.4,2.2 -3.2,0.5 0.4,3.7 7.2,3.7 -2.8,4.1 6.4,6.3 -1.7,4.8 4.9,4.1 -0.9,3.7 7.3,3.9 -0.9,2.9 -3.3,3.3 -7.9,7.4 0,0 5.3,2.8 -4.5,3.2 0,0 0.9,1 -2.6,3.4 2.5,5.5 -1.6,1.9 2.4,1.4 1,2.8 2.1,3.6 5.2,1.5 1,1.4 2.3,-0.7 4.8,1.4 1,2.9 -0.6,1.6 3.7,3.9 2.2,1.1 -0.1,1.1 3.4,1.1 1.7,1.6 -1.6,1.3 -3.9,-0.2 -0.8,0.6 1.5,2 2,3.9 0,0 1.8,0.2 1,-1.4 1.5,0.3 4.8,-0.5 3.8,3.4 -0.9,1.3 0.7,1.9 4,0.2 2.2,2.7 0.2,1.2 6.6,2.2 3.5,-1 3.6,2.9 2.9,-0.1 7.6,2 0.4,1.9 -1.3,3.2 1.8,3.4 -0.3,2.1 -4.7,0.5 -2.2,1.7 0.4,2.8 4.2,-1 0.4,1.3 -6.8,2.6 3.2,2.4 -3.2,5.2 -3.4,1 5,3.6 6.2,2.4 7.4,5.1 0.5,-0.7 4.5,1.1 7.7,1 7.5,2.9 1.1,1.2 2.9,-1 5.1,1.3 2.1,2.5 3.5,1.4 1.5,0.2 4.3,3.8 2.4,0.4 0.5,-1.5 2.6,-2.5 0,0 -7.3,-7.3 -0.4,-4.1 -5.9,-5.9 3.5,-6.3 4.6,-1.1 1.4,-3.7 -2.8,-1 -0.2,-3.2 -4.2,-4.1 -3.6,0.2 -5.3,-4.3 1.7,-4.7 -1.7,-1.2 2.1,-6.8 6,3.6 -0.7,-4.6 8.1,-6.6 7.5,-0.2 11.9,4.3 6.6,2.4 4.3,-2.5 7.6,-0.2 7.3,3.2 0.8,-1.8 6.9,0.3 0.2,-3 -9.4,-4.2 3.6,-2.9 -1.5,-1.7 3.9,-1.6 -5,-4.1 1.4,-2.1 16.8,-2.1 1.7,-1.5 10.8,-2.2 3.1,-2.5 9,1.3 4.3,6.3 4.3,-1.5 7,2.1 1.2,3.3 4.4,-0.4 9.1,-5.7 -0.8,1.9 8.3,4.7 18.1,15.5 1.1,-3.3 8.3,3.6 6.2,-1.6 3.2,1.1 4.1,3.6 3.9,1.2 3.3,2.6 6,-0.9 4.3,3.8 1.7,-0.5 4.7,-1 6.6,-5.4 5.9,-2.9 5.3,1.9 5.1,0.1 4.7,2.9 5,0.2 7.9,1.6 2.4,-4.3 -4,-3.6 1.3,-6.4 6.9,2.5 4.8,0.8 6.6,1.5 3.7,4.6 8.4,2.6 3.9,-1.1 5.7,-0.8 5.4,0.8 6.5,3 4.9,3.1 4.5,0 6.7,1 3.6,-1.6 5.8,-1 4.5,-4.4 3.3,0.7 3.9,2.1 5.5,-0.5 7.3,2.3 4.4,-3.9 -1.9,-2.7 -0.1,-6.5 1.2,-2 -2.5,-3.3 -3.7,-1.5 1.7,-3 5.1,-1.1 6.2,-0.2 8.5,1.8 5.9,2.3 7.7,6.1 3.8,2.7 4.4,3.7 6.1,6.1 9.9,1.9 8.9,4.5 6,5.8 7.5,0 2.6,-2.5 6.9,-1.8 1.3,5.6 -0.4,2.3 2.8,6.8 0.6,6 -6.8,-1.1 -2.9,2.2 4.7,5.3 3.8,7.3 -2.5,0.1 1.9,3.1 0,0 1.4,1.1 0,0 0,0 0,0 -0.4,-2 4,-4.5 5.1,3 3.2,-0.1 4.4,-3.6 1,-3.7 2.1,-7.1 1.9,-7.2 -1.3,-4.3 1,-9 -5.2,-9.9 -5.5,-7.3 -1.3,-6.2 -4.7,-5.1 -12.7,-6.7 -5.6,-0.4 -0.3,3 -5.8,-1.3 -5.7,-3.8 -8,-0.7 4.9,-14.1 3.5,-11.5 13.1,-1.8 14.9,1 2.5,-2.8 7.9,0.8 4.3,4.3 6.4,-0.6 8.4,-1.6 -7.7,-3.5 0,-9.8 9.1,-1.9 12.1,7.1 3.6,-6.4 -3.2,-4.7 4.7,-0.5 6.5,8.1 -2.4,4.6 -0.8,6 0.3,7.5 -5.7,1.3 2.8,2.7 -0.1,3.6 6.4,8.3 16,13.4 10.5,8.8 5.7,4.3 1.6,-5.7 -4.5,-6.2 5.7,-1.5 -5.4,-6.9 5,-3.1 -4.7,-2.6 -3.4,-5 4.1,-0.2 -9,-8.6 -6.7,-1.4 -2.9,-2.4 -1.1,-5.6 -3.1,-3.9 7,0.8 1.3,-2.5 4.7,2.2 6.1,-4.6 11.4,4 -1.7,-2.6 2,-3.6 1.5,-4 3.1,-0.7 6.5,-4.3 9.8,1.2 -0.9,-1.5 -3.8,-2.3 -4.1,-1.6 -9.1,-4.6 -8.1,-3 6.1,0.4 2,-2.5 0,0 -32.9,-21.9 -9.4,-2.3 -15.7,-2.6 -7.9,0.3 -15.2,-1.4 1.8,2.3 8.5,3.4 -2.5,1.8 -14.2,-4.8 -6.8,0.6 -9.2,-1.1 -7,0.2 -3.9,1.1 -7.2,-1.6 -5.1,-3.8 -6.5,-2.2 -9.2,-0.9 -14.7,1 -16.1,-4 -7.8,-3 -40.1,-3.4 -2.1,2.2 9.3,4.8 -7.5,-0.7 -1,1.5 -9.7,-1.6 -5,1.4 -9.3,-2.4 3,5.5 -8.9,-2.1 -10,-4.1 -0.4,-2.2 -6,-3.3 -9.8,-2.6 -6.1,0 -9.3,-0.9 4.7,3.9 -17.2,-0.8 -3.9,-2.3 -13.3,-0.9 -5.3,0.8 -0.1,1.3 -5.8,-3.2 -2.3,0.9 -7.2,-1.2 -5.6,-0.7 1.1,-1.5 6.6,-2.8 2.3,-1.5 -2.4,-2.5 -5.5,-1.9 -11.5,-2.3 -10.8,-0.1 -1.9,1.2 -4.1,-2.4 z m -162.2,31.6 -9.9,-4.3 -3.1,-4.3 3.3,-4.9 2.8,-5 8.6,-4.7 9.8,-2.4 11.3,-2.4 1.3,-1.5 -4.2,-1.9 -6.6,0.6 -4.9,1.8 -11.7,0.9 -10.1,3.1 -6.8,2.7 2.5,2.2 -6.6,4.4 3.9,0.7 -5.4,4.3 1.6,2.8 -3.4,1.1 1.9,2.8 7.9,1.4 2.2,2.3 13.4,0.7 2.2,-0.4 z m 314,-24.7 -17.9,-2.6 -10.2,-0.2 -3.4,0.9 3.4,3.4 12.4,3.2 4.5,-1.2 14.2,0.2 -3,-3.7 z m 25.2,2.3 -11.7,-1.3 -8.2,-0.7 1.7,1.6 10.3,2 6.8,0.4 1.1,-2 z m -12.5,9.5 -2.5,-1.4 -8.3,-1.9 -4.1,0.5 -0.8,2 1.1,0.2 8.8,0.6 5.8,0 z m 162.6,12.3 -6,-3.6 -1.4,2.2 3.5,1.6 3.9,-0.2 z m -612.4,93.9 -0.6,-1.5 0.2,-1.7 -2.2,-0.9 -5,-1.1 -6.3,2 -0.7,2.6 5.9,0.7 8.7,-0.1 z m 589.7,21.8 -7.2,-6.2 -5.1,-6 -6.8,-5.8 -4.9,-4 -1.3,0.8 4.4,2.8 -1.9,2.8 6.8,8.3 7.8,6 6.4,8.3 2.4,4.6 5.5,6.8 3.8,6 4.6,5.2 -0.1,-4.8 6.5,3.8 -3,-4.4 -9.5,-6.3 -3.7,-9 8.9,2 -13.6,-10.9 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="RW" data-name="Rwanda" data-id="RW" d="m 1147.6,579.4 -3.3,1.9 -1.4,-0.6 -1.6,1.8 -0.2,3.8 -0.8,0.4 -0.6,3.5 3.5,0.5 1.7,-3.6 3,0.4 0,0 1.6,-0.8 0.4,-3.7 -2.3,-3.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="EH" data-name="W. Sahara" data-id="EH" d="m 929.6,396.2 -0.8,0 0,0 0.1,3.4 -3.4,0.2 -1.8,1.5 -2.5,0 -1.9,-0.9 -4.6,0.7 -1.9,5 -1.7,0.4 -2.8,8.1 -7.8,6.8 -2,8.8 -2.3,2.9 -0.7,2.3 -12.4,0.5 -0.1,0 -0.3,2.7 1.2,-2.2 21.6,0.1 -0.9,-9.2 1.4,-3.3 5.2,-0.5 0.2,-16.3 17.9,0.3 0.2,-9.7 0.1,-1.2 0,-0.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SA" data-name="Saudi Arabia" data-id="SA" d="m 1228.7,387 -10.2,-0.5 -16.7,-12.7 -8.5,-4.5 -6.7,-1.7 -0.9,1 -10.4,3.1 6.1,6.4 -1.7,1 -0.7,2.2 -4,0.8 -1.1,2.3 -2.1,2 -6.1,-1 -0.5,2.5 0,2.2 -0.6,3.5 2.7,0 3.2,4.4 3.7,5.1 2.5,4.7 1.7,1.5 1.7,3.3 -0.2,1.4 2.1,3.7 3,1.3 2.8,2.5 3.6,7 0,3.8 0.9,4.4 4,6.1 2.5,1 4.1,4.4 1.9,5.2 3.2,5.3 3,2.3 0.6,2.5 1.8,1.9 0.9,2.8 2.3,-2.1 -0.7,-2.7 1.2,-3.1 2.4,1.7 1.5,-0.6 6.4,-0.2 1,0.7 5.4,0.6 2.1,-0.3 1.6,2.1 2.5,-1 3.5,-6.7 5,-2.9 15.7,-2.4 16.1,-6.4 2.6,-12.7 -2.9,-4.5 -1,1.3 -16.8,-3.2 -2.6,-6.4 -0.4,-1.5 -1.2,-2.4 -1.5,0.4 -1.8,-1.2 -1,-1.6 -0.9,-2.1 -1.7,-1.8 -1,-2.1 0.4,-2.1 -0.6,-2.7 -4,-2.6 -1.2,-2.3 -2.9,-1.4 -2.7,-5.5 -3.8,0.2 -1.7,-3.1 -4.9,-0.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SD" data-name="Sudan" data-id="SD" d="m 1180.8,468.5 0.4,-4.2 1.6,-2 4,-1 2.6,-3.6 -3.1,-2.4 -2.2,-1.6 -2.5,-7.6 -1.1,-6.5 1.1,-1.2 -2.1,-6.2 -21.8,0 -21.4,0 -22.1,0 0.5,12.7 -6.3,0 0,2.7 1.1,25.2 -4.8,-0.4 -2.4,4.7 -1.4,3.9 1.2,1.5 -1.8,1.9 0.7,2.7 -1.4,2.6 -0.5,2.4 2,-0.4 1.2,2.5 0.1,3.7 2.1,1.8 0,1.6 0.7,2.7 3.3,4 0,2.6 -0.8,2.6 0.3,2 2,1.8 0.5,0.3 1.7,-0.7 1.9,-1.2 1.3,-5.7 1.5,-2.9 4,-0.9 1,1.8 3,3.7 1.5,0.5 2,-1.1 4.1,0.3 0.8,1.3 5.5,0 0.2,-1.3 2.9,-1.2 0.5,-1.9 2.1,-1.3 4.8,3.7 2.8,-0.7 2.7,-4.5 3,-3.5 -0.6,-3.9 -1.4,-1.8 3.4,-0.3 0.3,-1.5 2.6,0.5 -0.5,4.7 0.8,4.6 2.9,2.5 0.7,2.2 0,3.1 0.8,0.1 0,-0.7 1.4,-6.7 2.6,-1.8 0.5,-2.6 2.3,-4.8 3.2,-3.2 2.1,-6.2 0.7,-5.5 -0.7,-2.5 1.9,-9.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SS" data-name="S. Sudan" data-id="SS" d="m 1166,508.7 -0.7,-2.2 -2.9,-2.5 -0.8,-4.6 0.5,-4.7 -2.6,-0.5 -0.3,1.5 -3.4,0.3 1.4,1.8 0.6,3.9 -3,3.5 -2.7,4.5 -2.8,0.7 -4.8,-3.7 -2.1,1.3 -0.5,1.9 -2.9,1.2 -0.2,1.3 -5.5,0 -0.8,-1.3 -4.1,-0.3 -2,1.1 -1.5,-0.5 -3,-3.7 -1,-1.8 -4,0.9 -1.5,2.9 -1.3,5.7 -1.9,1.2 -1.7,0.7 3.8,2.5 3.1,2.6 0.1,2 3.8,3.4 2.4,2.7 1.5,3.8 4.2,2.5 0.9,2.1 3.5,5.2 2.5,0.8 1.5,-1.1 2.6,0.4 3.1,-1.3 1.4,2.7 5,4.2 0,0 2.3,-1.7 3.5,1.4 4.5,-1.5 4,0.1 3.4,-3 3.4,-3.8 3.8,-4.2 -3.5,-6.9 -2.6,-1.5 -1,-2.5 -2.9,-3.1 -3.4,-0.5 1.8,-3.6 3,-0.1 0.8,-2 -0.2,-5 -0.8,-0.1 0,-3.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SN" data-name="Senegal" data-id="SN" d="m 908.9,479.2 -3.6,-4.4 -3.2,-4.7 -3.7,-1.7 -2.6,-1.8 -3.1,0 -2.8,1.4 -2.7,-0.5 -2,2 -1.3,3.3 -2.8,4.4 -2.5,1.2 2.7,2.3 2.2,5 6.1,-0.2 1.3,-1.5 1.8,-0.1 2.1,1.5 1.8,0.1 1.8,-1.1 1.1,1.8 -2.4,1.5 -2.4,-0.1 -2.4,-1.4 -2.1,1.5 -1,0 -1.4,0.9 -5,-0.1 0.8,4.9 3,-1.1 1.8,0.2 1.5,-0.7 10.3,0.3 2.7,0.1 4,1.5 1.3,-0.1 0.4,-0.7 3,0.5 0.8,-0.4 0.3,-2 -0.4,-2.4 -2.1,-1.8 -1.1,-3.7 -0.2,-3.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SL" data-name="Sierra Leone" data-id="SL" d="m 919.4,518.7 -1.5,0.3 0,-2.3 -0.9,-1.7 0.2,-1.8 -1.2,-2.7 -1.5,-2.3 -4.5,0 -1.3,1.2 -1.5,0.2 -1,1.4 -0.7,1.7 -3,2.8 0.7,4.7 0.9,2.3 2.9,3.5 4.1,2.5 1.5,0.5 1.3,-2 0.3,-1.9 2.6,-3.4 2.6,-3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SV" data-name="El Salvador" data-id="SV" d="m 487.2,487 0.6,-2.5 -0.7,-0.7 -1.1,-0.5 -2.5,0.8 -0.1,-0.9 -1.6,-1 -1.1,-1.3 -1.5,-0.5 -1.4,0.4 0.2,0.7 -1.1,0.7 -2.1,1.6 -0.2,1 1.4,1.3 3.1,0.4 2.2,1.3 1.9,0.6 3.3,0.1 0.7,-1.5 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="RS" data-name="Serbia" data-id="RS" d="m 1084.8,285.2 -3.2,-1.5 -0.8,-1.9 -2.9,-2.5 -3.2,-0.2 -3.7,1.6 0,0 1.5,2.4 1.7,1.8 -1.7,2.3 0,0 1.8,0 -1,2.7 2.7,2.3 -0.5,2.9 -1.2,0.3 1.5,1.1 0.8,0.8 1.8,0.7 2,1.2 -0.4,0.6 1.2,-0.5 0.5,-2 0.9,-0.4 0.8,0.9 1,0.4 0.8,1 0.8,0.3 1.1,1.1 0.8,0 -0.5,1.5 -0.5,0.7 0.2,0.5 1.7,-0.4 2.4,-0.1 0.7,-0.9 -0.6,-0.7 0.7,-2 1.7,-1.9 -2.8,-2.6 -0.7,-2.3 1.1,-1.4 -1,-1 1.1,-1.1 -1.4,-0.7 -1.4,1.3 -3.1,-1.8 -0.7,-2.5 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SR" data-name="Suriname" data-id="SR" d="m 668,533.8 -4.6,0.5 -0.6,1.1 -6.7,-1.2 -1,5.7 -3.5,1.6 0.3,1.5 -1.1,3.3 2.4,4.6 1.8,0.1 0.7,3.5 3.3,5.6 3.1,0.5 0.5,-1.3 -0.9,-1.3 0.5,-1.8 2.3,0.6 2.7,-0.7 3.2,1.4 1.4,-2.7 0.6,-2.9 1,-2.8 -2.1,-3.7 -0.4,-4.4 3.1,-5.5 -6,-1.7 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SK" data-name="Slovakia" data-id="SK" d="m 1087.4,260.9 -4.9,-2.3 -3.4,0.8 -2.4,-0.6 -2.8,1.3 -2.7,-2.2 -1.9,0.9 -0.3,-0.4 -1.5,0 -0.6,1.1 -1.1,0.3 -0.2,1.4 -0.9,0.3 -0.1,0.6 -1.6,0.6 -2.2,-0.1 -0.6,1.4 -0.3,0.8 0.7,2.1 2.6,1.6 1.9,0.7 4.1,-0.8 0.3,-1.2 1.9,-0.2 2.3,-1 0.6,0.4 2.2,-0.7 1,-1.5 1.6,-0.4 5.5,1.9 1,-0.6 0.7,-2.5 1.1,-1.7 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SI" data-name="Slovenia" data-id="SI" d="m 1059.4,277 -1.2,-2.1 -0.8,-0.1 -0.9,1.1 -4.3,0.1 -2.4,1.4 -4.2,-0.4 -0.3,3 1.4,2.7 -1.1,0.5 3.5,0.2 0.8,-1 1.8,1 2,0.1 -0.2,-1.7 1.7,-0.6 0.3,-2.5 3.9,-1.7 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <a xlink:href="sweden" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SE" data-name="Sweden" data-id="SE" d="m 1077.7,161.1 -1.9,-2.2 -1.7,-8.4 -7.2,-3.7 -5.9,-2.7 -2.5,0.3 0,3.5 -7.9,-0.9 -0.6,3.1 -4,-0.1 -2.2,3.9 -3.4,6.1 -5.7,7.9 1.8,1.9 -1.3,2.2 -4.3,-0.1 -2.3,5.3 1,7.6 3.1,2.9 -0.9,6.9 -3.4,4 -1.7,3.3 4.2,8.4 4.4,6.7 2,5.7 5.3,-0.3 2.2,-4.7 5.7,0.5 2,-5.5 0.6,-10 4.6,-1.3 3.3,-6.6 -4.8,-3.3 -3.6,-4 2.1,-8.1 7.7,-4.9 6.1,-4.5 -1.2,-3.5 3.4,-3.9 7,-1.5 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SZ" data-name="Swaziland" data-id="SZ" d="m 1150.5,736.6 -2.7,-1.2 -1.6,0.5 -0.7,1.8 -1.6,2.4 -0.1,2.2 3,3.5 3.3,-0.7 1.3,-2.8 -0.3,-2.8 -0.6,-2.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SY" data-name="Syria" data-id="SY" d="m 1183.5,359.9 11,-6.7 0.9,-7.8 -1.2,-4.7 2.7,-1.6 2.1,-4.1 -5.9,1.1 -2.8,-0.2 -5.7,2.5 -4.3,0 -3,-1.2 -5.5,1.8 -1.9,-1.3 0.1,3.6 -1.2,1.5 -1.2,1.4 -1,2.6 1.1,5 2.4,0.3 1.2,2.5 -2.6,2.4 -0.9,3.5 0.3,2.6 -0.6,1 0.1,0 6.3,2.5 9.6,-6.7 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="TD" data-name="Chad" data-id="TD" d="m 1108.4,447.6 -22.4,-12.2 -22.3,-12.2 -5.4,3.5 1.6,9.9 2,1.6 0.2,2.1 2.3,2.2 -1.1,2.7 -1.8,12.9 -0.2,8.3 -6.9,6 -2.3,8.4 2.4,2.3 0,4.1 3.6,0.2 -0.5,2.9 2.2,4.1 0.5,4.2 -0.2,4.3 3.1,5.8 -3.1,-0.1 -1.6,0.4 -2.5,-0.6 -1.2,3 3.3,3.7 2.5,1.1 0.8,2.6 1.8,4.4 -0.9,1.7 4.7,-0.4 1,-1.7 0.9,0.2 1.4,1.4 7.1,-2.4 2.3,-2.5 2.9,-2.2 -0.6,-2.3 1.6,-0.6 5.4,0.4 5.2,-2.9 4,-7 2.8,-2.5 3.5,-1.1 0,-1.6 -2.1,-1.8 -0.1,-3.7 -1.2,-2.5 -2,0.4 0.5,-2.4 1.4,-2.6 -0.7,-2.7 1.8,-1.9 -1.2,-1.5 1.4,-3.9 2.4,-4.7 4.8,0.4 -1.1,-25.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="TG" data-name="Togo" data-id="TG" d="m 981.7,502.2 -4.9,-0.1 -0.4,1.9 2.4,3.3 -0.1,4.6 0.6,5.1 1.4,2.3 -1.2,5.7 0.4,3.2 1.5,4 1.2,2.2 4.6,-1.3 -1.4,-4.4 0.2,-14.6 -1.1,-1.3 -0.2,-3.1 -2,-2.3 -1.7,-1.9 0.7,-3.3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="TH" data-name="Thailand" data-id="TH" d="m 1562.7,481.4 1.5,-2.9 -0.5,-5.4 -5.2,-5.5 -1.3,-6.3 -4.9,-5.2 -4.3,-0.4 -0.8,2.2 -3.2,0.2 -1.8,-1.2 -5.3,3.8 -1,-5.7 0.4,-6.7 -3.8,-0.3 -0.9,-3.8 -2.6,-1.9 -3,1.4 -2.8,2.8 -3.9,0.3 -1.5,6.9 -2.2,1.1 3.5,5.6 4.1,4.6 2.9,4.2 -1.4,5.6 -1.7,1.1 1.7,3.2 4.2,5.1 1,3.5 0.2,3 2.8,5.8 -2.6,5.9 -2.2,6.6 -1.3,6.1 -0.3,3.9 1.2,3.6 0.7,-3.8 2.9,3.1 3.2,3.5 1.1,3.2 2.4,2.4 0.9,-1.1 4.7,2.8 0.6,3.3 3.7,-0.8 1.7,-2.6 -3.1,-3.3 -3.4,-0.8 -3.3,-3.6 -1.4,-5.5 -2.6,-5.8 -3.7,-0.2 -0.7,-4.6 1.4,-5.6 2.2,-9.3 -0.2,-7 4.9,-0.1 -0.3,5 4.7,-0.1 5.3,2.9 -2.1,-7.7 3,-5.2 7.1,-1.3 5.3,1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="TJ" data-name="Tajikistan" data-id="TJ" d="m 1344.1,315.7 -2.1,0.2 -1.3,-1.8 0.2,-2.9 -6.4,1.5 -0.5,4 -1.5,3.5 -4.4,-0.3 -0.6,2.8 4.2,1.6 2.4,4.7 -1.3,6.6 1.8,0.8 3.3,-2.1 2.1,1.3 0.9,-3 3.2,0.1 0.6,-0.9 -0.2,-2.6 1.7,-2.3 3.2,1.5 0,2 1.6,0.3 1,5.4 2.6,2.1 1.5,-1.3 2.1,-0.7 2.5,-2.9 3.8,0.5 5.4,0 -1.8,-3.7 -0.6,-2.5 -3.5,-1.4 -1.6,0.6 -3,-5.9 -9.5,0.9 -7.1,-2 -5.4,0.5 -0.6,-3.7 5.9,1.1 1.4,-2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="TM" data-name="Turkmenistan" data-id="TM" d="m 1325.6,334.2 -0.8,-4 -7.7,-2.7 -6.2,-3.2 -4.2,-3 -7,-4.4 -4.3,-6.4 -2,-1.2 -5.5,0.3 -2.3,-1.3 -1.9,-4.9 -7.8,-3.3 -3.3,3.6 -3.8,2.2 1.6,3.1 -5.8,0.1 -2.5,0.3 -4.9,-4.9 -3.8,-1.7 -5.5,1.3 -1.8,2 2.5,4 -0.5,-4.5 3.7,-1.6 2.4,3.6 4.6,3.7 -4,2 -5.3,-1.5 0.1,5.2 3.5,0.4 -0.4,4.4 4.5,2.1 0.7,6.8 1.8,4.5 4.4,-1.2 3,-3.7 3.5,0.2 2.1,-1.2 3.8,0.6 6.5,3.3 4.3,0.7 7.3,5.7 3.9,0.2 1.6,5.5 5.9,2.4 3.9,-0.8 0.4,-3 4,-0.9 2.5,-2 -0.1,-5.2 4.1,-1.2 0.3,-2.3 2.9,1.7 1.6,0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="TL" data-name="Timor-Leste" data-id="TL" d="m 1676.8,631.9 4.9,-1.8 6,-2.8 2.2,-1.7 -2,-0.8 -1.8,0.8 -4,0.2 -4.9,1.4 -0.8,1.5 0.5,1.3 -0.1,1.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="TN" data-name="Tunisia" data-id="TN" d="m 1038,361.4 -2,-1 -1.5,-3 -2.8,-0.1 -1.1,-3.5 3.4,-3.2 0.5,-5.6 -1.9,-1.6 -0.1,-3 2.5,-3.2 -0.4,-1.3 -4.4,2.4 0.1,-3.3 -3.7,-0.7 -5.6,2.6 -1,3.3 1,6.2 -1.1,5.3 -3.2,3.6 0.6,4.8 4.5,3.8 0,1.5 3.4,2.6 2.6,11.3 2.6,-1.4 0.4,-2.7 -0.7,-2.6 3.7,-2.5 1.5,-2 2.6,-1.8 0.1,-4.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="TR" data-name="Turkey" data-id="TR" d="m 1166.6,308.9 -9.7,-4.4 -8.5,0.2 -5.7,1.7 -5.6,4 -9.9,-0.8 -1.6,4.8 -7.9,0.2 -5.1,6.1 3.6,3 -2,5 4.2,3.6 3.7,6.4 5.8,-0.1 5.4,3.5 3.6,-0.8 0.9,-2.7 5.7,0.2 4.6,3.5 8,-0.7 3.1,-3.7 4.6,1.5 3.2,-0.6 -1.7,2.4 2.3,3 1.2,-1.4 1.2,-1.5 -0.1,-3.6 1.9,1.3 5.5,-1.8 3,1.2 4.3,0 5.7,-2.5 2.8,0.2 5.9,-1.1 2.1,-1 6.2,0.9 2.1,1.6 2.3,-1.1 0,0 -3.7,-5.2 0.7,-2 -2.9,-7.3 3.3,-1.8 -2.4,-1.9 -4.2,-1.5 0,-3.1 -1.3,-2.2 -5.6,-3 -5.4,0.3 -5.5,3.2 -4.5,-0.6 -5.8,1 -7.8,-2.4 z m -49.6,4 2,-1.9 6.1,-0.4 0.7,-1.5 -4.7,-2 -0.9,-2.4 -4.5,-0.8 -5,2 2.7,1.6 -1.2,3.9 -1.1,0.7 0.1,1.3 1.9,2.9 3.9,-3.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="TW" data-name="Taiwan" data-id="TW" d="m 1642.3,427.2 1.2,-10.2 0.1,-3.9 -2.9,-1.9 -3.3,4.8 -1.9,6.3 1.5,4.7 4,5.4 1.3,-5.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="TZ" data-name="Tanzania" data-id="TZ" d="m 1149.6,578.6 -2,0.8 2.3,3.6 -0.4,3.7 -1.6,0.8 0,0 0.3,2.5 1.2,1.5 0,2 -1.4,1.4 -2.2,3.3 -2.1,2.3 -0.6,0.1 -0.3,2.7 1.1,0.9 -0.2,2.7 1,2.6 -1.3,2.4 4.5,4.3 0.3,3.9 2.7,6.5 0,0 0.3,0.2 2.2,1.1 3.5,1.1 3.2,1.9 5.4,1.2 1.1,1.7 0,0 0.4,-1.2 2.8,3.4 0.3,6.7 1.8,2.4 0,0.1 2.1,-0.3 6.7,1.8 1.4,-0.8 3.9,-0.1 2.1,-1.9 3.3,0.1 6.2,-2.5 4.6,-3.7 0,0 -2,-1.4 -2.2,-6.3 -1.8,-3.9 0.4,-3.1 -0.3,-1.9 1.7,-3.9 -0.2,-1.6 -3.5,-2.3 -0.3,-3.6 2.8,-7.9 -8,-6.3 -0.4,-3.7 -20.2,-13 0,0 -2.8,2.8 -1.9,2.9 2.2,2.2 -3.2,1.6 -0.7,-0.8 -3.2,0.4 -2.5,1.4 -1.6,-2.4 1.1,-4.5 0.2,-3.8 0,0 0,0 -6.2,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="UG" data-name="Uganda" data-id="UG" d="m 1167.6,545.1 -3.4,3 -4,-0.1 -4.5,1.5 -3.5,-1.4 -2.3,1.7 0,0 -0.3,7.5 2.3,0.8 -1.8,2.3 -2.2,1.7 -2.1,3.3 -1.2,3 -0.3,5.1 -1.3,2.4 -0.1,4.8 1.4,0.6 3.3,-1.9 2,-0.8 6.2,0.1 0,0 -0.3,-2.5 2.6,-3.7 3.5,-0.9 2.4,-1.5 2.9,1.2 0.3,0.5 0,-0.3 1.6,-2.6 2.7,-4.2 2.1,-4.7 -2.6,-7.3 -0.7,-3.2 -2.7,-4.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="UA" data-name="Ukraine" data-id="UA" d="m 1138.5,241 -4.8,0.5 -1.5,-0.3 -1,1.4 -1.8,-0.2 0,0 -4.1,0.3 -1.2,1.4 0.2,3.1 -2,-0.6 -4.3,0.3 -1.5,-1.5 -1.6,1.1 -2,-0.9 -3.8,-0.1 -5.6,-1.5 -5,-0.5 -3.7,0.2 -2.4,1.6 -2.2,0.3 3.1,5.3 -0.3,1.8 -2.3,0.7 -3.8,5.1 1.6,2.8 -1.1,-0.4 -1.1,1.7 -0.7,2.5 2.9,1.7 0.6,1.6 1.9,-1.3 3.2,0.7 3.2,0 2.4,1.5 1.6,-0.9 3.6,-0.6 1,-1.5 2.1,0 1.1,-0.9 3.2,-0.6 3.9,1.9 2,0.3 2.5,1.6 0,2.1 1.9,1.1 1.1,2.6 2,1.5 -0.2,1 1,0.6 -1.2,0.5 -3,-0.2 -0.6,-0.9 -1,0.5 0.5,1.1 -1.1,2 -0.5,2.1 -1.2,0.7 2.4,1.1 2.2,-1 2.4,1.1 3.3,-4.6 1.3,-3.4 4.5,-0.8 0.7,2.4 8,1.5 1.7,1.4 -4.5,2.1 -0.7,1.2 5.8,1.8 -0.6,2.9 3,1.3 6.3,-3.6 5.3,-1.1 0.6,-2.2 -5.1,0.4 -2.7,-1.5 -1,-3.9 3.9,-2.3 4.6,-0.3 3,-2 3.9,-0.5 -0.4,-2.8 2.2,-1.7 4.7,-0.5 0.3,-2.1 -1.8,-3.4 1.3,-3.2 -0.4,-1.9 -7.6,-2 -2.9,0.1 -3.6,-2.9 -3.5,1 -6.6,-2.2 -0.2,-1.2 -2.2,-2.7 -4,-0.2 -0.7,-1.9 0.9,-1.3 -3.8,-3.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="UY" data-name="Uruguay" data-id="UY" d="m 692.5,787 -2.1,-3.7 1.9,-3 -3.8,-4.3 -4.8,-3.5 -6.2,-4.1 -1.9,0.2 -6.2,-4.9 -3.4,0.7 -0.5,5.1 -0.3,6.5 1.1,6.3 -0.9,1.4 0.4,4.2 3.9,3.5 3.6,-0.2 5.4,2.7 2.7,-0.6 4.2,1.2 5.3,-3.5 1.6,-4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <a xlink:href="united-states-of-america" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="US" data-name="United States" data-id="US" d="m 116.7,450.7 2,-0.9 2.5,-1.4 0.2,-0.4 -0.9,-2.2 -0.7,-0.8 -0.8,-0.6 -1.9,-1.1 -0.4,-0.1 -0.4,0.6 0,1.3 -1.2,1 -0.4,0.7 0.4,2.3 -0.6,1.8 1.2,0.9 1,-1.1 z m -0.6,-9.9 0.6,-0.7 -1.2,-1 -1.8,-0.6 -0.7,0.5 0,0.4 0.5,0.5 0.6,1.4 2,-0.5 z m -3,-3.4 -2.6,-0.2 -0.6,0.7 2.9,0.2 0.3,-0.7 z m -4.7,-0.9 -1.1,-2.1 -0.3,-0.4 -1.7,0.9 0.1,0.2 0.4,1.5 1.8,0.2 0.4,0.1 0.4,-0.4 z m -8.3,-4.2 0.3,-1.5 -1.3,-0.1 -1,0.6 -0.4,0.5 1.6,1.1 0.8,-0.6 z m 412.1,-173.2 -1.6,0 -1.3,2.4 -10.1,0 -16.8,0 -16.7,0 -14.8,0 -14.7,0 -14.5,0 -15,0 -4.8,0 -14.6,0 -13.9,0 -1.6,5.1 -2.4,5.1 -2.3,1.6 1.1,-5.9 -5.8,-2.1 -1.4,1.2 -0.4,2.9 -1.8,5.4 -4.2,8.3 -4,5.6 -4,5.6 -5.4,5.8 -1.1,4.7 -2.8,5.3 -3.9,5.2 1,3.4 -1.9,5.2 1.5,5.4 1.3,2.2 -0.8,1.5 0.4,9 2.5,6.5 -0.8,3.5 1,1 4.6,0.7 1.3,1.7 2.8,0.3 -0.1,1.9 2.2,0.7 2.1,3.7 -0.3,3.2 6.3,-0.5 7,-0.7 -1,1.3 7.1,3.1 10.7,4.4 10.7,0 4.3,0 0.8,-2.6 9.3,0 1.3,2.2 2.1,2 2.4,2.8 0.8,3.3 0.4,3.5 2.2,1.9 4,1.9 4.8,-5 4.4,-0.1 3.1,2.5 1.6,4.4 1,3.7 2.4,3.6 0.2,4.5 0.8,3 3.9,2 3.6,1.4 2.1,-0.2 -0.6,-2.2 0.4,-3.1 1,-4.4 1.9,-2.8 3.7,-3.1 6,-2.7 6.1,-4.7 4.9,-1.5 3.5,-0.4 3.5,1.4 4.9,-0.8 3.3,3.4 3.8,0.2 2.4,-1.2 1.7,0.9 1.3,-0.8 -0.9,-1.3 0.7,-2.5 -0.5,-1.7 2.4,-1 4.2,-0.4 4.7,0.7 6.2,-0.8 3,1.5 2,3 0.9,0.3 6.1,-2.9 1.9,1 3,5.3 0.8,3.5 -2,4.2 0.4,2.5 1.6,4.9 2,5.5 1.8,1.4 0.4,2.8 2.6,0.8 1.7,-0.8 2,-3.9 0.7,-2.5 0.9,-4.3 -1.2,-7.4 0.5,-2.7 -1.5,-4.5 -0.7,-5.4 0.1,-4.4 1.8,-4.5 3.5,-3.8 3.7,-3 6.9,-4.1 1.3,-2.2 3.3,-2.3 2.8,-0.4 4.4,-3.8 6,-1.9 4.6,-4.8 0.9,-6.5 0.1,-2.2 -1.4,-0.4 1.5,-6.2 -3,-2.1 3.2,1 0,-4.1 1.9,-2.7 -1,5.3 2,2.5 -2.9,4.4 0.4,0.2 4.4,-5.1 2.4,-2.5 0.6,-2.5 -0.9,-1.1 -0.1,-3.5 1.2,1.6 1.1,0.4 -0.1,1.6 5.2,-4.9 2.5,-4.5 -1.4,-0.3 2.1,-1.8 -0.4,0.8 3.3,0 7.8,-1.9 -1.1,-1.2 -7.9,1.2 4.8,-1.8 3.1,-0.3 2.4,-0.3 4.1,-1.1 2.4,0.1 3.8,-1 1,-1.7 -1.1,-1.4 -0.2,2.2 -2.1,-0.1 -0.6,-3.3 1.1,-3.3 1.4,-1.3 3.9,-3.7 5.9,-1.8 6,-2.1 6.3,-3 -0.2,-2 -2.1,-3.5 2.8,-8.5 -1.5,-1.8 -3.7,1.1 -1.1,-1.7 -5.5,4.7 -3.2,4.9 -2.7,2.8 -2.5,0.9 -1.7,0.3 -1,1.6 -9.3,0 -7.7,0 -2.7,1.2 -6.7,4.2 0.2,0.9 -0.6,2.4 -4.6,2 -3.9,-0.5 -4,-0.2 -2.6,0.7 -0.3,1.8 0,0 -0.1,0.6 -5.8,3.7 -4.5,1.8 -2.9,0.8 -3.7,1.7 -4,0.9 -2.5,-0.3 -2.7,-1.3 2.7,-2.4 0,0 2,-2.2 3.7,-3.4 0,0 0,0 0.7,-2.5 0.5,-3.5 -1.6,-0.7 -4.3,2.8 -0.9,-0.1 0.3,-1.5 3.8,-2.5 1.6,-2.8 0.7,-2.8 -2.7,-2.4 -3.7,-1.3 -1.7,2.4 -1.4,0.6 -2.2,3.1 0.4,-2.1 -2.6,1.5 -2.1,2 -2.6,3.1 -1.3,2.6 0.1,3.8 -1.8,4 -3.3,3 -1.4,0.9 -1.6,0.7 -1.8,0 -0.3,-0.4 -0.1,-3.3 0.7,-1.6 0.7,-1.5 0.6,-3 2.5,-3.5 2.9,-4.3 4.6,-4.7 -0.7,0 -5.4,4 -0.4,-0.7 2.9,-2.3 4.7,-4 3.7,-0.5 4.4,-1.3 3.7,0.7 0.1,0 4.7,-0.5 -1.5,-2.5 0,0 -1.2,-0.2 0,0 0,0 -1.4,-0.3 -0.4,-1.7 -5.1,0.5 -5,1.4 -2.5,-2.3 -2.5,-0.8 3.1,-3.3 -5.3,2 -4.9,2.1 -4.6,1.5 -2.1,-2.1 -5.5,1.3 0.4,-0.9 4.6,-2.6 4.7,-2.5 5.9,-2.1 0,0 0,0 -5.3,-1.6 -4.4,0.8 -3.8,-1.9 -4.6,-1 -3.2,-0.4 -1,-1 0.8,-3.4 z m -240.6,-46.9 6.9,-2.8 0,-1.8 -2.6,-0.4 -3.4,0.9 -6.4,2.1 -2.2,2.7 0.7,1.6 7,-2.3 z m -38.7,-16.4 2.3,-2.3 -2.9,-0.5 -5.7,1 0.8,1.6 1.6,1.1 3.9,-0.9 z m 1.2,-22.3 -3.1,2.2 0.4,0.5 4.2,-0.4 0.3,1.1 1.7,1.2 4.9,-1.2 1.2,-0.6 -3.3,-0.8 -1.6,-1.5 -3.4,0.6 -1.3,-1.1 z m 124.9,-40.2 -4.4,-1.1 -10.2,2.8 -3.2,-0.3 -11,2.3 -4.8,0.6 -7.8,2.5 -4.8,2.6 -8.6,2.5 -7.6,0.1 -6.3,2.9 3.2,1.7 0.7,2.3 -0.8,2.7 2.3,2.1 -1.2,3.5 -9.2,0.2 4.3,-2.8 -3.4,0 -13.1,2.7 -9.1,2.3 1,3.3 -1.2,2.2 4.5,1.4 6.9,-0.7 1.8,1.3 2.9,-1.3 6.1,-1.2 2.7,0 -5.9,2.1 1.1,1 -2.5,2.6 -5.5,1.8 -2.5,-0.5 -7,2.7 -1.8,-0.9 -4.1,0.4 -5.3,3 -7.6,3.1 -5.8,3.4 0.3,2.4 -4,3.3 1.4,1.4 0.5,2.7 7.2,-1.1 0.4,2.1 -3.3,2.1 -3.6,3.5 2.8,0 7.2,-2.3 -1.6,2.9 3.6,-2.1 -0.4,3 4.8,-2.2 0.4,1.1 7.2,-1.8 -6.2,3.4 -5.7,4.5 -5.7,2.1 -2.3,1.2 -10.3,3.6 -4.9,2.4 -6.5,0.7 -8.5,3.3 -6.6,1.8 -8.1,2.8 -0.4,1 10,-1.7 6,-2 6.9,-2 6.1,-1.7 2.8,0.5 8.1,-2.6 4.5,-2.8 10.5,-3.1 3.9,-2.6 6.6,-1.8 7.6,-2.5 8.9,-4.2 -0.2,-2.9 11.1,-4.1 7.4,-3.9 9.2,-3.2 -0.4,1.4 -6.7,1.8 -8.3,5.7 -3.2,3.5 6.4,-1.3 6.1,-1.9 6.5,-1.3 2.9,-0.3 3.5,-4.1 6.3,-1.2 2.6,2.5 6,2.7 6.7,-0.5 5.7,2 3.2,1.1 3.3,6.1 3.7,1.7 7.1,0.2 4.1,0.4 -2.7,5.5 1.6,4.9 -3.3,5.2 2.5,1.9 0.6,2.2 0,0 5.1,-2.9 3.1,-3.7 -4.6,-3.8 1.5,-6.8 1.1,-4.2 -1.7,-2.7 -0.7,-2.4 0.5,-3 -6.4,1.9 -7.6,3.3 -0.2,-3.9 -0.6,-2.6 -2.7,-1.6 -4.2,-0.1 35.4,-32.4 24.3,-20.2 0,0 0,0 -3.5,-0.7 -4.1,-1.6 -6.5,0.8 -2.2,-0.7 -7.1,-0.5 -6.2,-1.6 -4.8,0.5 -4.9,-0.9 2,-1.2 -6.3,-0.3 -3.3,1 0.5,-2.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="UZ" data-name="Uzbekistan" data-id="UZ" d="m 1339.8,303.1 -2.5,1.2 -5.4,4.3 -0.9,4.5 -1.9,0 -2.3,-3 -6.6,-0.2 -2.6,-5 -2.5,-0.1 -1.5,-6.2 -7.5,-4.5 -8.6,0.5 -5.7,0.9 -6.5,-5.5 -4.8,-2.3 -9.1,-4.5 -1.1,-0.5 -11.9,3.6 6.2,22.8 5.8,-0.1 -1.6,-3.1 3.8,-2.2 3.3,-3.6 7.8,3.3 1.9,4.9 2.3,1.3 5.5,-0.3 2,1.2 4.3,6.4 7,4.4 4.2,3 6.2,3.2 7.7,2.7 0.8,4 2.9,0 4.3,1.4 1.3,-6.6 -2.4,-4.7 -4.2,-1.6 0.6,-2.8 4.4,0.3 1.5,-3.5 0.5,-4 6.4,-1.5 -0.2,2.9 1.3,1.8 2.1,-0.2 4.1,0.6 5.2,-4.5 -7.1,-3.3 -3.2,1.6 -4.6,-2.3 3.1,-4.1 -1.8,-0.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="VE" data-name="Venezuela" data-id="VE" d="m 642,518.9 -2.2,-1.5 -2.9,0.2 -0.7,-5.1 -4.1,-3.2 -4.4,-0.4 -1.8,-3 4.8,-1.9 -6.7,0.1 -6.9,0.4 -0.2,1.6 -3.2,1.9 -4.2,-0.7 -3.1,-2.9 -6,0.7 -5,-0.1 -0.1,-2.1 -3.5,-3.5 -3.9,-0.1 -1.7,-4.5 -2.1,2 0.6,3 -7.1,2.6 0,4.8 1.6,2.2 -1.5,4.6 -2.4,0.4 -1.9,-5 2.7,-3.7 0.3,-3.3 -1.7,-2.9 3.3,-0.8 0.3,-1.5 -3.7,1.1 -1.6,3.2 -2.2,1.8 -1.8,2.4 -0.9,4.5 -1.8,3.7 2.9,0.5 0.6,2.9 1.1,1.4 0.4,2.5 -0.8,2.4 0.2,1.3 1.3,0.6 1.3,2.2 7.2,-0.6 3.2,0.8 3.8,5.5 2.3,-0.7 4,0.3 3.2,-0.7 2,1.1 -1.2,3.4 -1.3,2.1 -0.5,4.6 1,4.2 1.5,1.9 0.2,1.5 -2.9,3.1 2,1.4 1.4,2.2 1.7,6.4 3,3.4 4.4,-0.5 1.1,-1.9 4.2,-1.5 2.3,-1 0.7,-2.7 4.1,-1.8 -0.3,-1.4 -4.8,-0.5 -0.7,-4 0.3,-4.3 -2.4,-1.6 1,-0.6 4.2,0.8 4.4,1.6 1.7,-1.5 4,-1 6.4,-2.4 2.1,-2.4 -0.7,-1.8 -3.7,-4.8 1.6,-1.8 0,-2.9 3.4,-1.1 1.5,-1.2 -1.9,-2.3 0.6,-2.3 4.6,-3.8 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="VN" data-name="Vietnam" data-id="VN" d="m 1571.6,435 -5.9,-1.6 -3,-2.6 0.2,-3.7 -5.2,-1.1 -3,-2.4 -4.1,3.4 -5.3,0.7 -4.3,0 -2.7,1.5 4,5.1 3.4,5.7 6.8,0.1 3,5.5 -3.3,1.7 -1.3,2.3 7.3,3.8 5.7,7.5 4.3,5.6 4.8,4.4 2,4.5 -0.2,6.4 1.8,4.2 0.1,7.7 -8.9,4.9 2.8,3.8 -5.8,0.5 -4.7,2.5 4.5,3.7 -1.3,4.3 2.3,4 6.6,-5.9 4.1,-5.3 6.1,-4.1 4.3,-4.2 -0.4,-11.2 -4,-11.7 -4.1,-5.1 -5.6,-4 -6.4,-8.3 -5.3,-6.7 0.5,-4.4 3.7,-6 6.5,-5.5 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="VU" data-name="Vanuatu" data-id="VU" d="m 1908.6,676.9 -2.7,-3.6 -0.6,1.7 1.3,2.8 2,-0.9 z m -2,-9.7 -2.3,-2 -0.9,4.9 0.5,1.8 1.2,-0.4 1.3,0.8 0.2,-5.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="YE" data-name="Yemen" data-id="YE" d="m 1271.5,466.2 -2.1,-4.4 -5.2,-10.5 -15.7,2.4 -5,2.9 -3.5,6.7 -2.5,1 -1.6,-2.1 -2.1,0.3 -5.4,-0.6 -1,-0.7 -6.4,0.2 -1.5,0.6 -2.4,-1.7 -1.2,3.1 0.7,2.7 -2.3,2.1 0.4,2.7 -0.6,1.3 0.7,2.9 -1.1,0.3 1.7,2.6 1.3,4.7 1,1.9 0,3.4 1.6,3.8 3.9,0.3 1.8,-0.9 2.7,0.2 0.8,-1.7 1.5,-0.4 1.1,-1.7 1.4,-0.4 4.7,-0.3 3.5,-1.2 3.1,-2.7 1.7,0.4 2.4,-0.3 4.7,-4.5 8.8,-3 5.3,-2.7 0,-2.1 0.9,-2.9 3.9,-1.7 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="ZA" data-name="South Africa" data-id="ZA" d="m 1148.2,713.7 -2.9,-0.6 -1.9,0.8 -2.6,-1.1 -2.2,-0.1 -8,4.7 -5.2,4.7 -2,4.3 -1.7,2.4 -3,0.5 -1.2,3 -0.6,2 -3.6,1.5 -4.4,-0.3 -2.5,-1.8 -2.3,-0.8 -2.7,1.5 -1.5,3.1 -2.7,1.9 -2.8,2.8 -4,0.7 -1.1,-2.3 0.7,-3.8 -3,-6.1 -1.4,-1 -1.1,23.6 -5,3.2 -2.9,0.5 -3.3,-1.2 -2.4,-0.5 -0.8,-2.7 -2.1,-1.8 -2.7,3.2 3.5,8.2 0,0.1 2.5,5.3 3.2,6 -0.2,4.8 -1.7,1.2 1.4,4.2 -0.2,3.8 0.6,1.7 0.3,-0.9 2.1,2.9 1.8,0.1 2.1,2.3 2.4,-0.2 3.5,-2.4 4.6,-1 5.6,-2.5 2.2,0.3 3.3,-0.8 5.7,1.2 2.7,-1.2 3.2,1 0.8,-1.8 2.7,-0.3 5.8,-2.5 4.3,-2.9 4.1,-3.8 6.7,-6.5 3.4,-4.6 1.8,-3.2 2.5,-3.3 1.2,-0.9 3.9,-3.2 1.6,-2.9 1.1,-5.2 1.7,-4.7 -4.1,0 -1.3,2.8 -3.3,0.7 -3,-3.5 0.1,-2.2 1.6,-2.4 0.7,-1.8 1.6,-0.5 2.7,1.2 -0.4,-2.3 1.4,-7.1 -1.1,-4.5 -2.2,-9 z m -20.1,52.8 -2,0.6 -3.7,-4.9 3.2,-4 3.1,-2.5 2.6,-1.3 2.3,2 1.7,1.9 -1.9,3.1 -1.1,2.1 -3.1,1 -1.1,2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="ZM" data-name="Zambia" data-id="ZM" d="m 1149.2,626.7 -1.9,-0.5 0.4,-1.3 -1,-0.3 -7.5,1.1 -1.6,0.7 -1.6,4.1 1.2,2.8 -1.2,7.5 -0.8,6.4 1.4,1.1 3.9,2.5 1.5,-1.2 0.3,6.9 -4.3,0 -2.1,-3.5 -2,-2.8 -4.3,-0.8 -1.2,-3.4 -3.4,2 -4.5,-0.9 -1.8,-2.8 -3.5,-0.6 -2.6,0.1 -0.3,-2 -1.9,-0.1 0.5,2 -0.7,3 0.9,3 -0.9,2.4 0.5,2.2 -11.6,-0.1 -0.8,20.3 3.6,5.2 3.5,4 4.6,-1.5 3.6,0.4 2.1,1.4 0,0.5 1,0.5 6.2,0.7 1.7,0.7 1.9,-0.1 3.2,-4.1 5.1,-5.3 2,-0.5 0.7,-2.2 3.3,-2.5 4.2,-0.9 -0.3,-4.5 17.1,-5.2 -2.9,-1.7 1.9,-5.9 1.8,-2.2 -0.9,-5.3 1.2,-5.1 1,-1.8 -1.2,-5.4 -2.6,-2.8 -3.2,-1.9 -3.5,-1.1 -2.2,-1.1 -0.3,-0.2 0,0 0.5,1.1 -1,0.4 -1.2,-1.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="ZW" data-name="Zimbabwe" data-id="ZW" d="m 1148.2,713.7 6.2,-7.2 1.6,-4.6 0.9,-0.6 0.8,-3.7 -0.8,-1.9 0.5,-4.7 1.3,-4.4 0.3,-8.1 -2.8,-2 -2.6,-0.5 -1.1,-1.6 -2.6,-1.3 -4.6,0.1 -0.3,-2.4 -4.2,0.9 -3.3,2.5 -0.7,2.2 -2,0.5 -5.1,5.3 -3.2,4.1 -1.9,0.1 -1.7,-0.7 -6.2,-0.7 1.9,5.1 1.1,1.1 1.6,3.7 6,7 2.3,0.7 -0.1,2.2 1.5,4.1 4.2,0.9 3.4,2.9 2.2,0.1 2.6,1.1 1.9,-0.8 2.9,0.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SO" data-name="Somalia" data-id="SO" d="m 1223.4,505.7 -2.6,-2.7 -1.2,-2.6 -1.8,-1.2 -2,3.4 -1.1,2.3 2.2,3.5 2.1,3.1 2.2,2.2 18.5,7.6 4.8,-0.1 -15.4,19.1 -7.4,0.3 -4.9,4.5 -3.6,0.1 -1.5,2 -4.8,7.2 0.2,23.2 3.3,5.3 1.3,-1.5 1.3,-3.4 6.1,-7.7 5.3,-4.8 8.3,-6.4 5.6,-5.1 6.4,-8.7 4.7,-7.1 4.6,-9.3 3.2,-8.2 2.5,-7.1 1.3,-6.8 1.1,-2.3 -0.2,-3.4 0.4,-3.7 -0.2,-1.7 -2.1,0 -2.6,2.2 -2.9,0.6 -2.5,0.9 -1.8,0.2 0,0 -3.2,0.2 -1.9,1.1 -2.8,0.5 -4.8,1.9 -6.1,0.8 -5.2,1.6 -2.8,0 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="GF" data-name="French Guiana" data-id="GF" d="m 681.4,556.2 1.8,-4.7 3.5,-5.8 -0.9,-2.6 -5.8,-5.4 -4.1,-1.5 -1.9,-0.7 -3.1,5.5 0.4,4.4 2.1,3.7 -1,2.7 -0.6,2.9 -1.4,2.8 2.4,1.3 1.8,-1.8 1.2,0.3 0.8,1.8 2.7,-0.5 2.1,-2.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <a xlink:href="france" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="FR" data-name="France" data-id="FR" d="m 1025.7,303.8 -1.1,-5.2 -3.2,2.3 -1,2.3 1.4,4.2 2.4,1.2 1.5,-4.8 z m -31.5,-50.9 -2.4,-2.4 -2.2,-0.1 -0.7,-2.2 -4.3,1.2 -1.4,5.1 -11.3,4.8 -4.6,-2.6 1.4,7 -8.2,-1.6 -6.4,1.3 0.4,4.6 7.5,2.4 3.6,3.1 5.1,6.5 -1,12.3 -2.7,3.7 2,2.4 9.4,2.8 1.9,-1.3 5.7,2.8 6,-0.8 0.5,-3.7 7.4,-2 10,1.6 4.5,-3.4 0.5,-2.7 -2.7,-0.8 -1.5,-4.8 1.7,-1.8 -1.6,-2.4 0.2,-1.7 -1.8,-2.7 -2.4,0.9 0,-2.8 3.5,-3.5 -0.2,-1.6 2.3,0.6 1.3,-1 0.5,-4.5 2.3,-4.2 -7.1,-1.2 -2.4,-1.6 -1.4,0.1 -1.1,-0.5 -4.4,-2.8 -2.5,0.4 -3.4,-2.9 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <a xlink:href="spain" class="popup_js"> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="ES" data-name="Spain" data-id="ES" d="m 985,325.7 0,-0.2 -0.5,0 -0.3,-0.4 -0.1,0.2 -0.1,0.2 0,0.2 0.5,0 0.4,0.1 0.1,-0.1 z m -0.8,-1.6 0.3,0 0.6,-0.7 0,-0.3 -0.3,-0.2 -1.1,0.2 -0.2,0.3 0,0.3 -0.3,0.1 -0.1,0.4 0.1,0.2 0.8,0.1 0.2,-0.4 z M 967,296 l -8.2,-0.2 -4.2,0.3 -5.4,-1 -6.8,0 -6.2,-1.1 -7.4,4.5 2,2.6 -0.4,4.4 1.9,-1.6 2.1,-0.9 1.2,3.1 3,0 0.9,-0.8 3,0.2 1.3,3.1 -2.4,1.7 -0.2,4.9 -0.9,0.9 -0.3,3 -2.2,0.5 2,3.8 -1.6,4.3 1.8,1.9 -0.8,1.7 -2,2.5 0.4,2.1 4.8,1 1.4,3.7 2,2.2 2.5,0.6 2.1,-2.5 3.3,-2.3 5,0.1 6.7,0 3.8,-5 3.9,-1.3 1.2,-4.2 3,-2.9 -2,-3.7 2,-5.1 3.1,-3.5 0.5,-2.1 6.6,-1.3 4.8,-4.2 -0.3,-3.5 -6,0.8 -5.7,-2.8 -1.9,1.3 -9.4,-2.8 -2,-2.4 z m 26,22.6 0.1,-0.3 0.1,-0.2 0.1,-0.1 -0.2,-0.2 0,-0.1 0.2,-0.2 -0.2,-0.1 -1.3,0.4 -0.7,0.4 -2.1,1.5 0,0.3 0.1,0.2 0.4,0 0.2,0.4 0.4,-0.4 0.3,-0.1 0.3,0.1 0.3,0.2 0.1,0.6 0.1,0.2 0.6,0.1 0.9,0.4 0.4,-0.2 0.5,-0.3 0.2,-0.6 0.3,-0.5 0.3,-0.5 0.3,-0.4 -0.1,-0.4 -0.3,-0.1 -0.3,-0.1 -0.5,0.2 -0.5,-0.2 z m 6,-0.3 0.1,-0.4 0,-0.1 -0.5,-0.7 -0.9,-0.3 -1,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0,0.4 0.1,0.1 0.6,0.1 1.6,0.7 0.1,0 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </a> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="AW" data-name="Aruba" data-id="AW" d="m 586.6,492.9 -0.1,-0.1 -0.3,-0.6 -0.3,-0.3 -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0.3 0.3,0.3 0.3,0.4 0.3,0.1 0,-0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="AI" data-name="Anguilla" data-id="AI" d="m 627.9,456.2 0.1,-0.2 -0.2,-0.1 -0.8,0.5 0,0.1 0.9,-0.3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="AD" data-name="Andorra" data-id="AD" d="m 985.4,301.7 0.1,-0.2 0.1,-0.2 0,-0.1 -0.2,-0.1 -0.7,-0.2 -0.3,-0.1 -0.2,0.1 -0.2,0.2 -0.1,0.3 0.1,0.1 0,0.2 0,0.2 0.1,0.2 0.2,0 0.2,0 0.3,-0.1 0.5,-0.3 0.1,0 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="AG" data-name="Antigua and Barb." data-id="AG" d="m 634.3,463.8 0.2,-0.1 0,-0.1 0,-0.2 -0.1,-0.1 -0.1,-0.2 -0.4,-0.2 -0.5,0.5 0,0.2 0.1,0.3 0.6,0.1 0.2,-0.2 z m 0.2,-3.5 0,-0.5 -0.1,-0.2 -0.3,0 -0.1,-0.1 -0.1,0 -0.1,0.1 0.1,0.6 0.5,0.3 0.1,-0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BS" data-name="Bahamas" data-id="BS" d="m 574.4,437.3 0.2,-0.6 -0.3,-0.1 -0.5,0.7 -0.6,0.3 -0.3,0 -0.7,-0.3 -0.5,0 -0.4,0.5 -0.6,0.1 0.1,0.1 0,0.2 -0.2,0.3 0,0.2 0.1,0.3 1.5,-0.1 1.3,-0.2 0.7,-0.9 0.2,-0.5 z m 0.8,-2 -0.4,-0.3 -0.4,0.3 0.1,0.3 0.7,-0.3 z m 0,-5.8 -0.4,-0.2 -0.3,0.5 0.3,0.1 0.7,-0.1 0.5,0.1 0.5,0.4 0.3,-0.2 -0.1,-0.1 -0.4,-0.3 -0.6,-0.1 -0.2,0 -0.3,-0.1 z m -6.6,1.3 0.7,-0.6 0.7,-0.3 0.9,-1.1 -0.1,-0.9 0.2,-0.4 -0.6,0.1 -0.1,0.3 -0.1,0.3 0.3,0.4 0,0.2 -0.2,0.4 -0.3,0.1 -0.1,0.2 -0.3,0.1 -0.4,0.5 -0.8,0.6 -0.2,0.3 0.4,-0.2 z m 1.2,-3.2 -0.6,-0.2 -0.2,-0.4 -0.4,-0.1 -0.1,0.2 0,0.2 0.1,0.4 0.2,-0.1 0.8,0.4 0.4,-0.3 -0.2,-0.1 z m -4.1,-1.1 0,-0.7 -0.4,-0.5 -0.6,-0.4 -0.1,-1.2 -0.3,-0.7 -0.2,-0.6 -0.4,-0.8 0,0.5 0.1,0.1 0.1,0.6 0.4,0.9 0.1,0.4 -0.1,0.4 -0.4,0.1 -0.1,0.2 0.5,0.3 0.8,0.3 0.5,1.3 0.1,-0.2 z m -4.1,-3.5 -0.5,-0.3 -0.2,-0.3 -0.7,-0.7 -0.3,-0.1 -0.2,0.4 0.4,0.1 0.9,0.7 0.4,0.2 0.2,0 z m 7.3,-4 -0.1,-0.3 -0.1,0 -0.3,0.1 -0.3,0.9 0.3,0 0.5,-0.7 z m -17.6,-1.1 -0.2,-0.3 -0.3,0.2 -0.5,0 -0.2,0.1 -0.4,0 -0.3,0.2 0.4,0.8 0.3,0.3 0.1,1 0.2,0.1 -0.1,0.7 1.1,0.1 0.4,-0.8 0,-0.3 0,-0.1 0,-0.2 0,-0.2 0,-0.9 -0.3,-0.5 -0.4,0.6 -0.4,-0.3 0.6,-0.4 0,-0.1 z m 12.9,0.3 -1,-1.4 0,-0.2 -0.5,-1.5 -0.3,-0.1 -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0.2 0.4,0.4 0,0.4 0.3,0.2 0.4,1.1 0.4,0.4 -0.1,0.3 -0.4,0.3 -0.1,0.2 0.1,0 0.6,-0.1 0.4,0 0,-0.3 z m -10.5,-5.2 0.5,-0.2 0,0 -0.3,-0.2 -0.7,0 -0.4,0.1 -0.2,0.2 0.1,0.1 0.4,0.1 0.6,-0.1 z m -2.4,2 -0.5,-0.6 -0.3,-0.9 -0.2,-0.4 0.1,-0.5 -0.3,-0.4 -0.6,-0.4 -0.3,0.1 0.1,1.1 -0.2,0.6 -0.8,1.1 0.1,0.4 0,0 0.1,0.2 -0.5,0.4 0,-0.3 -0.6,0.1 0.3,0.5 0.6,0.4 0.3,0.1 0.3,-0.2 0,0.5 0.3,0.4 0.1,0.4 0.3,-0.3 0.6,-0.2 0.2,-0.2 0.7,-0.4 0,-0.2 0.1,-0.6 0.1,-0.7 z m 6.7,-5 -0.3,-0.5 -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0.4 -0.3,0.4 0.5,-0.1 0.4,0.1 0.6,0.5 0.7,0.2 0.3,0.6 0.6,0.6 0,0.6 -0.4,0.6 -0.1,0.7 -0.6,0.1 0.1,0.1 0.3,0.3 0.1,0.4 0.2,0.2 0,-0.7 0.3,-0.8 0.4,-1.3 -0.1,-0.3 -0.3,-0.3 -0.7,-0.9 -0.7,-0.3 -0.8,-0.7 z m -8.8,-7.9 -0.5,-0.4 -0.2,0.4 0,0.1 -0.1,0.3 -0.5,0.4 -0.5,0.1 -0.7,-0.6 -0.2,-0.1 0.8,1.1 0.3,0.1 0.4,0 0.9,-0.3 1.6,-0.5 1.7,-0.2 0.1,-0.2 -0.1,-0.3 -0.8,0.2 -1,-0.1 -0.2,0.2 -0.4,0 -0.6,-0.2 z m 6.1,5.2 0.2,-0.3 0.4,-1.8 0.8,-0.6 0.1,-1.2 -0.5,-0.5 -0.4,-0.2 -0.1,-0.2 0.1,-0.2 -0.2,-0.1 -0.3,-0.2 -0.4,-0.6 -0.4,-0.4 -0.7,-0.1 -0.6,-0.1 -0.4,-0.1 -0.5,0.3 0.8,0 1.5,0.3 0.7,1.5 0.5,0.4 0.1,0.4 -0.2,0.4 0,0.4 -0.3,0.5 -0.1,0.8 -0.3,0.4 -0.7,0.5 0.4,0.2 0.3,0.6 0.2,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BM" data-name="Bermuda" data-id="BM" d="m 630.2,366.8 0.4,-0.6 -0.1,0 -0.5,0.5 -0.6,0.2 0.1,0.1 0.1,0 0.6,-0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="BB" data-name="Barbados" data-id="BB" d="m 644.9,488.9 0.4,-0.4 -0.3,-0.3 -0.6,-0.8 -0.3,0.1 0,1 0.1,0.3 0.5,0.3 0.2,-0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="KM" data-name="Comoros" data-id="KM" d="m 1221.1,650.5 -0.4,-0.4 -0.4,0 0,0.2 0.1,0.4 1.1,0.2 -0.4,-0.4 z m 3.9,-1.5 -0.1,0 -0.2,0.1 -0.1,0.2 -0.1,0.3 -0.3,0 -0.2,0 -0.4,0 0.8,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.2,0.2 0.1,-0.2 0.1,-0.7 -0.3,-0.9 z m -5.6,-1.1 0.2,-0.3 -0.2,-0.7 -0.4,-0.8 0.1,-1.4 -0.2,-0.2 -0.3,0 -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0.3 -0.3,2 0.4,0.6 0.3,0.1 0.5,0.4 0.1,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="CV" data-name="Cape Verde" data-id="CV" d="m 841.4,477.6 0.1,-0.4 -0.2,-0.6 -0.3,-0.1 -0.6,0.4 -0.1,0.3 0.1,0.3 0.3,0.3 0.3,0.1 0.4,-0.3 z m 6.3,-1.7 0.4,-0.2 0,-0.7 -0.1,-0.3 -0.4,0 -0.2,0.4 0,0.1 0,0.4 0.2,0.3 0.1,0 z m -1.4,0.8 -0.5,-0.9 -0.3,-0.1 -0.6,-0.7 0,-0.3 -0.3,-0.1 0,0.2 0,0.4 -0.2,0.5 0,0.5 0.4,0.8 0.4,0.2 0.7,0.1 0.4,-0.6 z m 3.1,-7.8 0,0.5 -0.3,0.7 0.5,0.3 0.3,0.1 0.6,-0.4 0.2,-0.5 -0.1,-0.3 -0.3,-0.3 -0.3,-0.1 -0.1,0.1 -0.5,-0.1 z m -6.4,-2.5 -1,-0.1 -0.6,-0.2 -0.1,0 0,0.3 0.4,0.8 0.2,-0.5 0.2,-0.1 0.8,0.2 0.4,-0.1 -0.1,-0.1 -0.2,-0.2 z m 6.7,-0.2 -0.1,-0.5 0,-0.7 -0.2,0 -0.3,0.2 0.1,0.7 0.1,0.1 0.2,0.5 0.2,-0.3 z m -11.1,-1 0,-0.2 -0.3,-0.5 -0.3,0.1 -0.4,0.2 -0.1,0.3 0.4,0.2 0.2,0 0.5,-0.1 z m -1.5,-0.9 0.8,-0.6 0.2,-0.3 -0.2,-0.5 -0.5,-0.1 -1.2,0.6 -0.1,0.2 0.1,0.3 0.1,0.5 0.2,0.1 0.6,-0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="KY" data-name="Cayman Is." data-id="KY" d="m 527,449.1 -0.1,-0.3 -0.1,0.1 0,0.6 0.5,0 0.2,0 0.3,-0.2 0.6,0 -0.1,-0.2 -0.8,-0.1 -0.1,0.1 -0.2,0.1 -0.2,-0.1 z m 8,-2.3 0,0 -0.1,-0.1 -0.1,0 -0.3,0.1 -0.1,0 -0.1,0 -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.2,0 0.4,-0.2 0.2,0 0.1,0 z m 0.8,-0.1 0.5,-0.2 0,0 -0.1,-0.1 -0.1,0 -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0 -0.5,0.3 0.2,0 0.2,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="DM" data-name="Dominica" data-id="DM" d="m 635.8,475.1 0.3,-0.7 -0.1,-1 -0.2,-0.4 -0.8,-0.3 0,0.2 -0.1,0.5 0.3,0.8 0.1,1.1 0.5,-0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="FK" data-name="Falkland Is." data-id="FK" d="m 690.3,902.7 -0.1,-0.3 -0.4,-0.2 -0.2,-0.1 0.1,0.2 0.1,0.3 0.1,0.2 0.2,0.1 0.2,-0.2 z m 5.5,-1.3 -0.1,-0.1 -0.2,0 -0.1,0.2 0.2,0.3 0.4,0.1 -0.2,-0.5 z m -12.9,-1.4 -0.1,0.2 -0.4,0.1 0.2,0.3 0.6,0.4 0.4,0 0.1,-0.3 -0.1,-0.6 -0.3,0 -0.4,-0.1 z m 2.8,-2 -0.9,-0.3 -0.4,-0.3 -0.3,0 0.4,0.4 0.1,0.2 0.1,0.2 0.6,0.3 0.6,0.3 0.4,0.3 -0.1,0.1 -0.8,0.3 -0.3,0 -0.2,0.1 0.4,0.2 0.6,-0.1 0.2,-0.1 0.2,0 0.3,0.1 0,0.2 -0.1,0.2 -0.2,0.2 -0.4,0.3 -0.6,0.4 -0.8,0 -0.7,0.7 0.9,0.5 0.7,0.3 0.9,0 0,-0.1 0.2,-0.1 0.3,0 0.1,-0.1 0.2,-0.4 0,-0.6 0.2,0 0.3,0.1 0.7,-0.1 0.3,-0.1 0.6,-0.9 0.4,-0.8 0.2,-0.4 0.3,-0.2 0.1,-0.2 0.1,-0.3 0.3,-0.2 0,-0.3 -0.4,-0.2 -0.3,-0.2 -0.3,0.3 -0.2,-0.1 -0.9,0.3 -0.4,0 -0.3,-0.2 -0.4,-0.1 -0.4,0.1 -0.5,0.5 -0.8,-0.2 z m 0.7,-0.4 0.1,-0.3 -0.1,-0.2 -0.5,-0.2 -0.5,0 0.2,0.5 0.2,0.2 0.6,0 z m 5.9,-0.7 -0.4,0 0.4,0.5 -0.8,0.8 0.2,0.6 0.3,0.4 0.1,0.2 -0.1,0.1 -0.4,0.1 -0.3,0.1 -0.2,0.3 -0.9,0.9 0.2,0.2 -0.3,0.7 0.2,0.3 0.8,0.7 0.8,0.4 0,-0.7 0.4,-0.1 0.4,0.2 0.4,-0.2 -0.9,-1 0.3,0 2.5,0.5 -0.1,-0.4 -0.1,-0.2 -0.3,-0.4 1.5,-0.4 0.5,-0.3 0.2,-0.3 0.6,-0.1 0.8,-0.3 -0.1,-0.1 0.1,-0.3 -0.4,-0.2 -0.5,-0.1 0.1,-0.3 0.5,-0.1 -0.8,-0.7 -0.3,-0.1 -1,0.1 -0.3,0.1 0,0.2 0.1,0.3 0.3,0.3 0.1,0.2 -0.2,-0.1 -1.1,-0.4 -0.2,-0.1 -0.2,-0.4 0.2,-0.1 0.3,0.1 0.1,-0.3 -0.4,-0.3 -0.4,-0.1 -0.9,0.1 -0.8,-0.3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="FO" data-name="Faeroe Is." data-id="FO" d="m 947,186.9 0,-0.3 -0.1,-0.3 0,-0.2 -0.1,0 -0.5,-0.1 -0.1,-0.2 -0.1,0 0,0.2 0.1,0.4 0.5,0.4 0.3,0.2 0.1,0 -0.1,-0.1 z m 0.5,-2.1 0,-0.1 -0.2,-0.2 -0.5,-0.2 -0.2,-0.1 -0.2,0.1 0,0.2 0.1,0.1 0.4,0.1 0.4,0.3 0.1,0 0.1,-0.2 z m -2.4,-1.9 -0.2,-0.1 -0.5,0.1 -0.3,0 0.1,0.3 0.6,0.2 0.3,0 0.3,0 0.2,-0.1 -0.1,-0.2 -0.4,-0.2 z m 2.5,-0.5 -0.8,-0.2 -0.6,-0.3 -1,0.1 0.7,1.1 0.8,0.7 0.4,0.2 0,-0.1 0,-0.2 -0.4,-0.5 -0.1,-0.1 0,-0.1 0.1,-0.1 0.2,0 0.3,0.2 0.2,0 0.2,-0.7 z m 1,-0.2 -0.3,-0.2 -0.4,-0.4 0,0.5 0,0.3 0,0.1 0.1,0 0.3,0.1 0.3,-0.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="GD" data-name="Grenada" data-id="GD" d="m 632.1,495.7 0.5,-0.2 0.2,-1.1 -0.3,-0.1 -0.3,0.3 -0.3,0.5 0,0.4 -0.2,0.3 0.4,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="HK" data-name="Hong Kong" data-id="HK" d="m 1604.9,430.9 0,-0.2 0,-0.2 -0.4,-0.2 -0.3,0 0.1,0.2 0.4,0.5 0.2,-0.1 z m -1.3,0 -0.1,-0.5 0.2,-0.3 -0.9,0.3 -0.1,0.3 0,0.1 0.2,0.1 0.7,0 z m 1.6,-1.2 -0.1,-0.3 -0.2,-0.1 -0.1,-0.3 -0.1,-0.2 0,0 -0.3,-0.1 -0.2,-0.1 -0.4,0 -0.1,0.1 -0.2,0 -0.2,0.2 0,0 0,0.2 -0.5,0.4 0,0.2 0.3,0.2 0.5,-0.1 0.6,0.2 0.8,0.3 0,-0.2 0,-0.3 0.2,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="KN" data-name="St. Kitts and Nevis" data-id="KN" d="m 629.9,463.2 0,-0.3 -0.2,-0.2 -0.3,0 0,0.5 0.2,0.2 0.3,-0.2 z m -0.5,-0.7 -0.1,-0.2 -0.1,-0.1 -0.2,-0.4 -0.4,-0.4 -0.2,0.1 -0.1,0.2 0,0.1 0,0 0.3,0.3 0.4,0.1 0.2,0.4 0.2,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="LC" data-name="Saint Lucia" data-id="LC" d="m 637.4,484.2 0.1,-1.2 -0.1,-0.5 -0.2,0.1 -0.3,0.4 -0.4,0.6 -0.1,0.3 0,0.6 0.6,0.4 0.4,-0.7 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="LI" data-name="Liechtenstein" data-id="LI" d="m 1024.4,273.6 0,-0.2 0.1,-0.2 -0.1,-0.1 -0.1,-0.2 -0.1,-0.1 0,-0.2 -0.1,-0.1 0,-0.2 -0.1,-0.1 -0.2,0.6 0,0.5 0.1,0.2 0.1,0 0.4,0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MV" data-name="Maldives" data-id="MV" d="m 1389.1,551.6 0.1,-0.1 0,-0.2 -0.1,-0.1 -0.1,0 -0.1,0.2 0,0.1 0,0.1 0.2,0 z m 0.3,-5.9 0.1,-0.2 0,-0.1 0,-0.1 0,-0.1 0,-0.1 -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0.2 0,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0,0.1 0.1,0 0.1,0 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MT" data-name="Malta" data-id="MT" d="m 1053.6,344 -0.2,-0.2 -0.5,-0.5 -0.5,-0.1 0.1,0.6 0.4,0.4 0.5,0 0.2,-0.2 z m -1.4,-1.2 0,0 0,-0.2 -0.3,-0.1 -0.4,0.1 0.1,0.1 0.3,0.2 0.3,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MS" data-name="Montserrat" data-id="MS" d="m 631.8,465.7 -0.1,-0.5 -0.1,0 -0.2,0.4 0,0.3 0.3,0.1 0.1,-0.3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MU" data-name="Mauritius" data-id="MU" d="m 1294.7,702.5 0.3,-0.3 0.2,-0.4 0.3,-0.3 0.1,-0.7 -0.2,-0.8 -0.4,-0.7 -0.5,0.1 -0.3,0.4 -0.2,0.5 -0.5,0.3 -0.1,0.3 -0.2,0.7 -0.1,0.4 -0.2,0.1 0,0.2 0.3,0.3 0.8,0.1 0.7,-0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="NC" data-name="New Caledonia" data-id="NC" d="m 1897.3,716.1 0,-0.3 -0.4,-0.2 -0.2,0.5 0,0.1 0.2,0.1 0.2,0 0.2,-0.2 z m 4.6,-7.6 -0.1,-0.1 0,-0.3 0.1,-0.2 -0.4,0.2 -0.6,0.2 0.1,0.8 -0.1,0.4 0.3,0.1 0.1,0.3 0.2,0 0.7,-0.2 0.3,-1.1 -0.4,0 -0.2,-0.1 z m -3,-1.7 0.3,-0.5 0.1,-0.2 -0.2,-0.7 -0.3,-0.3 0.3,-1 -0.1,-0.2 -0.4,-0.2 -0.9,0.3 -0.1,0.2 0.5,0.1 0.2,0.2 -0.5,0.7 -0.5,0.1 0.1,0.5 0.2,0.4 0.7,0.2 0.3,0.4 0.3,0 z m -3.9,-2.9 0.3,-0.3 0.3,-0.4 -0.1,-0.1 0,-0.3 0.2,-0.4 0.3,-0.1 -0.2,-0.2 -0.2,-0.1 0,0.3 -0.3,0.7 -0.1,0.3 -0.5,0.6 0.3,0 z m -12.3,-2.9 -0.6,-0.7 -0.1,0.2 -0.1,0.4 0,0.3 0.3,0.2 0.1,0.2 -0.1,0.5 0,0.4 0.6,0.9 0.1,0.7 0.3,0.6 0.5,0.5 0.4,0.5 0.8,1.4 0.2,0.5 0.4,0.3 1,1.2 0.4,0.4 0.4,0.2 0.9,0.7 0.6,0.3 0.3,0.5 0.6,0.3 0.8,0.4 0.1,0.2 0,0.3 0.1,0.3 0.5,0.4 0.6,0.3 0.1,0.2 0.1,0.2 0.3,-0.1 0.3,0.1 0.9,0.7 0.4,-0.1 0.3,0 0.5,-0.2 0.3,-0.4 -0.1,-1.1 -0.5,-0.5 -0.7,-0.4 -0.4,-0.5 -0.4,-0.5 -0.8,-1 -1.1,-1 -0.5,-0.2 -0.3,-0.4 -0.3,-0.1 -0.2,-0.3 -0.5,-0.3 -0.3,-0.6 -0.6,-0.6 -0.1,-0.3 0.1,-0.3 -0.1,-0.3 -0.4,-0.3 -0.2,-0.5 -0.2,-0.3 -0.4,-0.2 -0.7,-0.4 -1.6,-1.9 -0.7,-0.6 -0.7,0.2 -0.6,-0.4 z m -22,-6 0.2,-0.4 0.1,-0.8 -0.2,0.4 -0.2,1 0.1,-0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="NR" data-name="Nauru" data-id="NR" d="m 1915,575.5 0,-0.2 -0.1,0 -0.1,0 -0.1,0.2 0.1,0.1 0.1,0.1 0.1,-0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="PN" data-name="Pitcairn Is." data-id="PN" d="m 274.2,727.4 0,-0.2 -0.1,-0.2 -0.2,-0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.1,0.2 0.2,0.2 0.1,0.1 0,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="PR" data-name="Puerto Rico" data-id="PR" d="m 600.8,457.3 0,-0.1 0,0 0.1,0 0,-0.1 0.1,-0.1 0,0 0,-0.1 -0.1,0 0,0 -0.3,0 -0.1,0 0,0.1 0,0.1 0.2,0.1 0,0 0,0.1 0.1,0 0,0 z m 13.6,-0.3 0.7,-0.2 0,-0.1 -0.4,-0.1 -0.6,0 -0.5,0.2 0.1,0.2 0.2,0 0.5,0 z m -3.7,-2.2 -0.1,-0.2 -0.2,0 -3.5,-0.1 -1.3,-0.2 -0.3,0.1 -0.3,0.1 -0.1,0.4 -0.2,0.2 -0.3,0.2 0.1,0.3 0.1,0.2 0.2,0.4 -0.1,0.5 -0.2,1 0.3,0.2 0.7,-0.1 0.3,0.1 0.3,0.1 0.4,-0.1 0.4,-0.2 0.9,0.1 0.5,-0.1 0.6,0.3 0.4,-0.1 0.2,0.1 0.3,0 0.6,0 0.9,-0.2 0.8,-0.5 0.3,-0.5 0.4,-0.3 0.6,-0.4 0,-0.9 -0.7,-0.1 -0.6,-0.3 -1.1,-0.1 -0.1,0 0.1,0.2 -0.1,0 -0.2,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="PF" data-name="Fr. Polynesia" data-id="PF" d="m 213.2,704.9 -0.1,-0.3 -0.2,-0.3 -0.1,0.1 0.1,0.1 0.2,0.3 0,0.2 0.1,-0.1 z m 9.3,-14.7 -0.2,-0.2 -0.4,-0.2 -0.2,-0.1 -0.2,-0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.1,0.1 0.1,0 0.3,0.2 0.3,0.1 0.2,0.1 0,0.1 0.1,-0.1 z m -24.5,-1.1 -0.6,-0.3 0.1,0.2 0.4,0.2 0.2,0.1 -0.1,-0.2 z m 20.5,-0.2 -0.4,-0.5 -0.3,0 0.7,0.6 0,-0.1 z m -21.6,-1 -0.4,-0.4 -0.2,-0.3 -0.3,-0.1 0.1,0.1 0.4,0.4 0.3,0.4 0.2,0.1 -0.1,-0.2 z m -0.3,-2.1 -0.1,-0.1 0,0 0,-0.3 0.2,-0.3 0.6,-0.4 0,-0.1 0,0 -0.2,0.1 -0.4,0.2 -0.2,0.2 -0.1,0.2 -0.1,0.3 0.1,0.2 0.1,0.1 0.2,0 -0.1,-0.1 z m -47.4,-1.1 -0.2,-0.6 -0.3,-0.5 -0.8,-0.1 -0.5,0.2 -0.1,0.2 0.1,0.4 0.5,0.7 0.5,0.1 0.8,-0.1 0.4,0.6 0.2,0.1 0.4,0.1 0.1,-0.3 -0.2,-0.5 -0.9,-0.3 z m -2.9,-0.9 0.1,-0.4 -0.2,-0.1 -0.5,0 0,0.2 0.1,0.2 0.1,0.1 0.3,0.2 0.1,-0.2 z m -9.7,-4.3 0.2,0 -0.4,-0.6 -0.3,-0.2 0,0.1 0,0.7 0.3,0.1 0.2,-0.1 z m 43.9,-1.6 -0.2,0 -0.3,0 -0.1,0 0.5,0.1 0.4,0.2 -0.3,-0.3 z m -0.7,0.1 -0.3,-0.1 -0.3,-0.2 -0.3,0 0.7,0.3 0.2,0 z m -43.8,0.1 0.1,-0.2 -0.1,-0.1 -0.4,-0.2 0.1,0.3 0,0.2 0.2,0.1 0.1,-0.1 z m 32.8,-2 -0.3,-0.4 -0.2,-0.3 -0.2,-0.4 -0.4,-0.5 0.1,0.3 0.1,0.2 0.2,0.2 0.2,0.4 0.1,0.2 0.3,0.4 0.1,0 0,-0.1 z m 16.2,-1.5 0.1,-0.5 -0.2,0 0,0.5 0.1,0 z m -14.4,-1.6 -0.6,-0.6 -0.1,0 0.1,0.2 0.5,0.5 0.1,0.2 0,-0.3 z m 30.8,-33.9 0.1,-0.2 0,-0.2 -0.1,-0.1 -0.3,-0.1 0.1,0.7 0.2,-0.1 z m -2.7,-3.7 -0.1,-0.2 -0.2,0 -0.1,0.1 0,0.5 0.4,-0.4 z m 0.1,-1.6 -0.8,0.5 0.2,0.4 0.4,0.1 0.2,-0.2 0.8,-0.1 0.3,-0.4 -0.3,0.1 -0.8,-0.4 z m -6.1,-1.7 0.2,-0.5 -0.2,-0.1 -0.4,0.2 0,0.2 0.3,0.4 0.1,-0.2 z m 2.6,-3.1 0.3,-0.1 0,-0.1 -0.2,-0.2 -0.3,-0.1 -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0.2 0.1,0.3 0.3,-0.1 z m -2.9,-0.1 0.1,-0.3 0,-0.2 -0.1,-0.2 -0.9,-0.2 -0.1,0.1 0,0.4 0.2,0.5 0.3,0 0.5,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SG" data-name="Singapore" data-id="SG" d="m 1561,563.7 0.1,-0.2 -0.2,-0.2 -0.3,-0.1 -0.5,-0.2 -0.6,0.1 -0.3,0.6 0.9,0.4 0.9,-0.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SB" data-name="Solomon Is." data-id="SB" d="m 1909.1,646.4 -0.2,-0.2 -0.1,-0.4 -0.3,0 -0.3,0.1 0.2,0.6 0.2,0 0.5,-0.1 z m -35.6,0.8 -0.1,-0.2 -0.5,-0.4 -1.9,-1.3 -0.4,-0.1 -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0.3 0.1,0.2 0.5,0.1 0,0.1 0.3,0.2 0.7,0.2 0.4,0.3 0.1,0.5 0.3,0.1 0.3,0.1 0.4,-0.2 z m 32,-6.6 0,-0.1 0.2,-0.3 -0.2,-0.1 -0.5,-0.1 -0.7,0.1 -0.3,0.2 -0.2,0.3 -0.2,0 0,0.2 0.1,0.4 0.2,-0.1 0.2,0.1 0.5,-0.5 0.3,0 0.1,0 0.5,-0.1 z m -24.4,-2.3 -0.1,-0.2 -0.2,-0.1 -0.9,-0.7 -0.5,-0.2 -0.5,0 -0.1,0.5 0,0.3 0.6,0 0.4,0.2 0,0.6 0.2,0.2 0,0.5 1.2,0.9 0.7,0.4 0.7,0.1 0.4,0.2 0.5,-0.1 0.5,0.2 0.4,-0.1 -0.4,-0.3 0,-0.4 -0.5,-1.3 -0.3,-0.3 -0.5,0.1 -0.5,-0.2 -0.4,0 -0.7,-0.3 z m -0.4,-4.9 -0.6,-1.6 -0.2,-0.1 0.1,0.6 0.1,0.4 -0.1,0.5 -0.1,0.6 0.2,0.2 0.2,-0.2 0.4,0.5 0,-0.2 0,-0.7 z m -9.8,-2.2 -0.3,-0.1 -0.4,0.3 -0.1,0.3 -0.1,0.7 0,0.4 0.3,0.7 0.3,0.5 0.3,0.3 0.2,0.2 0.9,0.1 1.7,0.1 0.9,0.4 0.9,0.2 0.4,-0.1 0.5,-0.2 0.1,-0.1 -0.1,-0.6 -0.2,-0.3 -0.4,-0.2 -0.2,-0.6 -0.5,-0.4 -0.9,-0.7 -1.6,0 -0.6,0.1 -1.1,-1 z m 2.6,-1.8 -0.5,0.2 0,0.3 0.4,0.1 0.4,0.2 0.1,0.3 0,0 0.2,-0.1 0.4,0.2 0.2,-0.3 -0.4,-0.5 -0.4,-0.3 -0.1,0 -0.3,-0.1 z m -5.6,0.8 0.3,-0.2 0,-0.4 -0.3,0 -0.1,-0.2 -0.2,0 -0.3,0.2 -0.2,0.3 0.1,0.2 0.4,0 0.2,0.1 0.1,0 z m -8.4,-2.3 -0.1,-0.2 -0.3,-0.2 -0.2,0 -0.5,0.1 0.1,0.1 0.6,0.3 0.3,0.1 0.1,-0.2 z m 3.1,0.4 0.3,-0.2 -0.1,-0.2 -0.1,-0.5 -0.4,0.7 0.1,0.2 0.2,0 z m -0.5,-0.9 0,-0.2 0,-0.2 -0.2,-0.1 0.4,-0.3 -0.1,-0.1 -0.6,-0.2 -0.2,0.2 -0.2,0.1 -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0.5 0.2,0.4 0.4,0.2 0.6,-0.5 z m -4,0.2 -0.3,-0.4 0.1,-0.5 0.2,-0.1 0.2,-0.5 -0.1,-0.4 -0.2,0.1 -0.7,0.6 -0.1,0.3 0.6,0.8 0.3,0.2 0,-0.1 z m 13,-1.3 -0.2,-0.4 0,-0.2 -0.3,-0.2 -0.2,0.1 -0.1,0.3 0.1,0.2 0.4,0.3 0.3,-0.1 z m 6,-1.2 -0.2,0 -0.1,0.1 -0.2,0 -0.3,0 -0.1,0.2 0.6,1.1 -0.3,0.5 0.4,2.2 0.4,1.2 0.8,0.8 0,0.2 0.8,0.5 0.6,1.3 0.2,0.1 0.1,-0.2 0,-0.6 -0.5,-1.1 0.1,-0.8 -0.2,-0.3 0,-0.3 -0.2,-0.8 -0.6,-0.7 -0.3,-0.1 -0.2,-0.3 0.2,-0.6 0.2,-0.2 0.1,-0.3 -1.3,-1.9 z m -16.6,-0.5 -0.6,-0.2 -0.2,-0.3 0,-1 -0.6,-0.3 -0.3,0.2 -0.6,0.7 -0.2,0.4 -0.5,0.3 -0.1,0.3 0,0.4 0.4,0.1 0.3,-0.4 0.9,-0.1 0.3,0.1 0,0.4 0.1,0.7 0.3,0.3 0.5,0.2 0.4,0.6 0.1,-0.3 0.2,0 0.2,-0.4 -0.3,-1.2 -0.3,-0.5 z m -6.5,-0.4 0.1,-0.5 -0.1,-0.9 -0.2,0.1 0,0.2 -0.1,0.4 0.2,0.8 0.1,-0.1 z m 3.2,-0.4 0.2,-0.2 0,-0.4 0,-0.5 -0.2,-0.4 -0.2,-0.2 -0.5,0.1 -0.4,0.5 0,0.5 0.4,0.6 0.6,0 0.1,0 z m -2.6,-1.2 0.2,-0.3 0.5,-0.7 0.1,-0.3 -0.5,-0.2 -0.4,-0.5 -0.4,-0.2 -0.3,0.4 0,0.4 0.5,0.6 -0.1,0.4 0.2,0.1 0.1,0.4 0.1,-0.1 z m 17.5,3.9 -0.1,-0.5 -0.3,-0.4 0.4,-0.5 -2.2,-1.9 -0.3,-0.2 -0.4,-0.1 -0.5,-0.4 -0.5,-0.1 -0.5,-0.4 -0.2,-0.3 -0.6,-0.4 -0.6,-0.8 -1.5,-0.3 0.1,0.2 0.4,0.4 0.1,0.7 0.5,0.4 0.5,0.6 0.2,0.1 0.2,0.2 0.4,0.5 0.8,0.4 0.8,0.6 0.3,0.1 0.3,0.3 1.5,0.7 0.5,0.7 0.7,0.5 0,-0.1 z m -21.8,-9.2 0.2,-0.3 -0.7,-0.5 -0.2,0.3 -0.2,0.5 0.4,0.2 0.5,-0.2 z m 9.1,1.5 -0.1,-0.1 -0.3,0 -0.4,-0.2 -0.7,-0.8 -0.2,-0.3 -0.2,-1 -0.4,-0.4 -1.4,-0.8 -0.8,-0.8 -0.7,-0.2 -0.2,0.2 0,0.5 0.2,0.3 1,0.9 1.1,1.7 1,1 0.8,0.1 0.4,0 0,0.1 0.1,0.2 0.5,0.2 0.5,-0.4 -0.2,-0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="ST" data-name="São Tomé and Principe" data-id="ST" d="m 1014.1,571.4 0.5,-0.8 0,-0.5 -0.3,-0.5 -0.4,0 -0.5,0.4 -0.3,0.4 0,0.3 0.1,0.7 0.1,0.3 0.3,0.2 0.5,-0.5 z m 4.3,-9.2 0.2,-0.4 0,-0.2 -0.1,-0.1 -0.1,-0.1 -0.2,0.1 -0.3,0.5 0.1,0.2 0.2,0.2 0.2,-0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SX" data-name="Sint Maarten" data-id="SX" d="m 627.1,457.2 0,0 0.2,0.2 0.3,0.1 0.1,-0.1 0,-0.2 -0.6,0 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="SC" data-name="Seychelles" data-id="SC" d="m 1288.5,602 -0.5,-0.8 -0.4,0.3 0.2,0.3 0.3,0.2 0.1,0.4 0.3,0.2 0,-0.6 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="TC" data-name="Turks and Caicos Is." data-id="TC" d="m 578.7,433.1 -0.1,0.4 0,0.2 0.2,0.1 0.6,-0.1 0.1,-0.1 0.2,-0.1 0,-0.1 -0.4,0.1 -0.6,-0.4 z m 3.6,0.6 0.2,-0.2 -0.2,-0.2 -0.7,-0.2 -0.2,0.1 0,0.3 0.6,0 0.3,0.3 0,-0.1 z m -1.1,-0.5 -0.1,-0.1 -0.1,-0.6 -0.5,0 0,0.2 0.1,0.2 0.1,0 0.1,0.2 0.3,0.2 0.1,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="TO" data-name="Tonga" data-id="TO" d="m 13.3,707.7 0,0 -0.2,0.3 0,0.2 0.4,0.4 -0.2,-0.9 z m -1.6,-0.9 -0.2,0 0.2,-0.1 -0.4,-0.2 -0.4,0 -0.2,-0.1 0,-0.2 -0.2,0.3 0.2,0.3 0.9,0.4 0.3,0.2 0.2,-0.6 0,-0.2 -0.3,0.1 0,0.1 -0.1,0 z m 2.5,-16 0.1,-0.2 0,-0.2 -0.3,-0.1 -0.1,0 -0.3,0.5 0.1,0.1 0.3,0.2 0.1,0 0.1,-0.3 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="TT" data-name="Trinidad and Tobago" data-id="TT" d="m 635.4,507.7 0.1,-0.2 0,-0.6 0.2,-0.4 -0.2,-0.4 -0.1,-0.6 0.1,-0.5 0,-0.7 0.2,-0.3 0.5,-0.8 -0.9,0 -0.6,0.2 -1.1,0.1 -0.5,0.2 -0.7,0.1 -0.4,0.2 0.1,0.1 0.5,0.2 0.2,0.2 0.1,0.2 0.1,0.4 -0.3,1.7 -0.1,0.1 -0.6,0.1 -0.2,0.3 -1.4,0.8 0.8,-0.1 0.9,0.1 2.4,-0.1 0.9,-0.3 z m 1.8,-6.7 1.2,-0.5 0.1,-0.4 -0.2,0 -0.8,0.3 -0.6,0.5 0,0.2 0.3,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="VC" data-name="St. Vin. and Gren." data-id="VC" d="m 634.5,491.4 0,0 0,-0.1 0.1,0 0,-0.1 0,0 0,-0.1 -0.1,0 0,0.1 0,0 0,0.1 -0.1,0 0,0.1 0,0 0,0 0.1,0 z m 0.7,-1.9 0.1,-0.2 0.1,-0.1 0,0 0,0 -0.1,-0.1 0,0 0,0.1 -0.2,0.1 0,0 0,0.1 0,0 0,0.1 -0.1,0 -0.1,0 0,0 0.1,0 0,0 0.1,0.1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0.1,-0.1 z m 0.3,-1.1 0.3,-0.2 0.1,-0.6 -0.1,-0.4 -0.2,0 -0.3,0.1 -0.2,0.3 -0.1,0.5 0.4,0.4 0.1,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="VG" data-name="British Virgin Is." data-id="VG" d="m 619.2,455.1 0.3,-0.2 -0.2,-0.1 -0.4,0 -0.3,0.2 0.1,0.1 0.5,0 z m 1.1,-0.4 0.4,-0.4 -0.5,0.1 -0.2,0.2 0.1,0.1 0.1,0 0.1,0 z m 0.8,-1.8 -0.2,0 -0.5,0 0,0 0.1,0.1 0.3,0 0.3,0.1 0,0 0,-0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="VI" data-name="U.S. Virgin Is." data-id="VI" d="m 617.9,458.9 -0.7,0.2 -0.1,0.4 1.1,0 0.7,-0.3 -0.6,0 -0.4,-0.3 z m 0.9,-3.5 -0.5,-0.1 -0.2,0.2 0,0 0.3,0.1 0.4,-0.2 z m -1.1,0.1 -0.2,-0.2 -0.3,-0.1 -0.4,0.1 0.5,0.3 0.4,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="CY" data-name="Cyprus" data-id="CY" d="m 1149.9,348.4 -0.3,-0.1 -0.5,0.2 -0.4,0.4 -0.4,0.3 -0.5,-0.3 0.2,0.9 0.6,1.1 0.2,0.3 0.3,0.2 1.1,0.3 0.3,0 0.6,0 0.2,0.1 0.2,0.4 0.4,0 0,-0.1 0,-0.3 0.2,-0.2 0.3,-0.2 0.3,0 0.6,-0.1 0.6,-0.2 0.5,-0.4 0.9,-1 0.3,0 0.3,0 0.6,0 0.6,-0.1 -0.2,-0.4 -0.1,-0.1 -0.4,-0.5 -0.2,-0.4 0.1,-0.6 2.5,-1.9 0.5,-0.5 -0.8,0.2 -0.6,0.4 -0.4,0.2 -0.7,0.4 -2.3,0.8 -0.8,0.1 -0.8,0 -1,-0.1 -0.9,-0.2 0,0.7 -0.2,0.6 -0.6,0.2 -0.3,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="RE" data-name="Reunion" data-id="RE" d="m 1284,707.9 0.2,-0.4 0.1,-0.8 -0.4,-0.8 -0.4,-0.7 -0.4,-0.2 -0.8,-0.1 -0.7,0.3 -0.4,0.6 -0.2,0.3 0.4,1.1 0.2,0.3 1.1,0.6 0.5,0 0.8,-0.2 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="YT" data-name="Mayotte" data-id="YT" d="m 1228.7,654.7 0,-0.3 0.2,-0.5 0,-0.1 0.1,-0.5 -0.3,-0.3 -0.2,0 -0.2,-0.3 -0.3,0.3 0.3,0.5 -0.1,0.3 -0.1,0.4 0.1,0.4 0.2,0.2 0.3,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="MQ" data-name="Martinique" data-id="MQ" d="m 638,479.9 -0.2,-0.7 -0.1,-0.2 -0.2,-0.3 0.1,-0.3 0,-0.1 -0.2,0 -0.3,-0.5 -0.6,-0.3 -0.3,0 -0.2,0.2 0,0.3 0.3,0.9 0.2,0.2 0.5,0.2 -0.4,0.4 0,0.1 0.1,0.3 0.9,0 0.2,0.3 0.1,-0.1 0.1,-0.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="GP" data-name="Guadeloupe" data-id="GP" d="m 636.4,471.1 0.2,-0.2 0,-0.3 -0.2,-0.3 -0.2,0.1 -0.2,0.3 0,0.3 0.1,0.1 0.3,0 z m -1.9,-0.8 0.2,-0.2 0,-1.2 0.1,-0.3 -0.2,-0.1 -0.2,-0.2 -0.6,-0.2 -0.1,0.1 -0.2,0.3 0.1,1.5 0.2,0.5 0.2,0.1 0.5,-0.3 z m 1.6,-1.4 0.8,-0.2 -0.9,-0.6 -0.2,-0.4 0,-0.3 -0.4,-0.3 -0.2,0.2 -0.1,0.3 0.1,0.5 -0.3,0.4 0.1,0.4 0.4,0.1 0.7,-0.1 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="CW" data-name="Curaco" data-id="CW" d="m 595.9,494.9 0,-0.6 -0.9,-0.4 0,0.3 0.1,0.2 0.3,0.1 0.1,0.2 -0.1,0.6 0.2,0.3 0.3,-0.7 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="IC" data-name="Canary Islands" data-id="IC" d="m 879.6,395.2 -0.2,-0.2 -0.7,0.5 -0.6,0 0.1,0.2 0.1,0.2 0.7,0.4 0.6,-1.1 z m 13.5,-2.1 0,-0.1 -0.1,0 -0.1,0.1 -1.3,-0.1 -0.2,0.6 -0.5,0.4 0,0.7 0.5,0.7 0.3,0.1 0.5,0.1 0.7,-0.4 0.2,-0.4 0.1,-0.8 -0.1,-0.4 0,-0.5 z m -9.7,0.8 0.5,-0.4 0,-0.2 -0.1,-0.3 -0.5,-0.3 -0.2,0 -0.2,0.2 -0.2,0.4 0.3,0.5 0.2,0.1 0.2,0 z m 4.7,-2.3 1.2,-1 0,-0.3 -1,0.1 -1.1,1 -0.3,0.1 -1,0.1 -0.5,0 -0.4,0.2 0.2,0.3 0.4,1 0.7,0.9 0.6,-0.2 0.3,-0.2 0.4,-0.6 0.5,-1.4 z m 11.6,1.3 1.5,-0.5 0.3,-1 0.3,-1.1 0,-0.7 -0.2,-0.3 -0.1,0 -0.4,0 -0.3,0.2 -0.1,0.6 -0.7,1.3 -0.5,1.2 -0.7,0.6 -0.7,0.2 0.1,0.1 0.7,0.1 0.8,-0.7 z m -19.7,-2 0.5,-0.5 0.1,-0.3 -0.1,-0.5 0.2,-0.2 -0.1,-0.4 -0.3,-0.4 -0.7,0 -0.4,0.6 0.6,1.2 0.1,0.5 0.1,0 z m 22.4,-2.7 0.9,-0.3 0.5,-0.3 0.1,-0.9 0.2,-0.3 -0.2,-0.3 -0.2,0.2 -0.2,0.4 -0.6,0.2 -0.8,0.4 -0.2,0.3 -0.2,0.9 0.4,0.1 0.3,-0.4 z" style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> </svg> <script> var 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<p>We provide a range of investment banking services to mid-market companies and financial institutions in Argentina.</p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- popup-body --> </div> </div> <!-- global-map-modal --> <div id="brazil" class="global-map-popup popup-active" style="display: none;"> <div class="holder"> <div class="close-box"> <div class="close-modal"><span>×</span> Back To Map</div> </div> <div class="popup-header"> <h2>Brazil</h2> </div> <!-- popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We provide a range of banking services to financial institutions in Brazil. </p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="/global-presence/brazil-investment-banking/" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span 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</div> <div class="popup-header"> <h2>Colombia</h2> </div> <!-- popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We provide a range of investment banking services to mid-market companies and financial institutions in Colombia. </p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- popup-body --> </div> </div> <!-- global-map-modal --> <div id="united-states-of-america" class="global-map-popup popup-active" style="display: none;"> <div class="holder"> <div class="close-box"> <div class="close-modal"><span>×</span> Back To Map</div> </div> <div class="popup-header"> <h2>United States of America</h2> </div> <!-- popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We offer a range of investment banking services to mid-market companies and financial institutions in the US. </p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- popup-body --> </div> </div> <!-- global-map-modal --> <div id="austria-and-cee" class="global-map-popup popup-active" style="display: none;"> <div class="holder"> <div class="close-box"> <div class="close-modal"><span>×</span> Back To Map</div> </div> <div class="popup-header"> <h2>Austria and CEE</h2> </div> <!-- popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We provide a range of investment banking services to mid-market companies and financial institutions in Austria and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).</p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- popup-body --> </div> </div> <!-- 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popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We provide a range of investment banking services to mid-market companies and financial institutions in France. </p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- popup-body --> </div> </div> <!-- global-map-modal --> <div id="germany" class="global-map-popup popup-active" style="display: none;"> <div class="holder"> <div class="close-box"> <div class="close-modal"><span>×</span> Back To Map</div> </div> <div class="popup-header"> <h2>Germany</h2> </div> <!-- popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We provide a range of investment banking services to mid-market companies and financial institutions in Germany. </p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- popup-body --> </div> </div> <!-- global-map-modal --> <div id="greece" class="global-map-popup popup-active" style="display: none;"> <div class="holder"> <div class="close-box"> <div class="close-modal"><span>×</span> Back To Map</div> </div> <div class="popup-header"> <h2>Greece</h2> </div> <!-- popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We provide a range of investment banking services to mid-market companies and financial institutions in Greece. Our team of professionals in Athens advises on credit portfolio and M&A services.</p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="/global-presence/greece-investment-banking/" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- popup-body --> </div> </div> <!-- global-map-modal --> <div id="ireland" class="global-map-popup popup-active" style="display: none;"> <div class="holder"> <div class="close-box"> <div class="close-modal"><span>×</span> Back To Map</div> </div> <div class="popup-header"> <h2>Ireland</h2> </div> <!-- popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We provide a range of investment banking services to mid-market companies and financial institutions in Ireland. Our team of professionals in Dublin advises on credit portfolio and M&A services.</p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="/global-presence/ireland-investment-banking/" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- popup-body --> </div> </div> <!-- global-map-modal --> <div id="italy" class="global-map-popup popup-active" style="display: none;"> <div class="holder"> <div class="close-box"> <div class="close-modal"><span>×</span> Back To Map</div> </div> <div class="popup-header"> <h2>Italy</h2> </div> <!-- popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We provide a range of investment banking services to mid-market companies and financial institutions in Italy. Our team of professionals in Milan advises on capital markets, credit portfolio and M&A services.</p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="/global-presence/italy-investment-banking/" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> <li><a href="" target="">Equity Capital Markets <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- popup-body --> </div> </div> <!-- global-map-modal --> <div id="nordics" class="global-map-popup popup-active" style="display: none;"> <div class="holder"> <div class="close-box"> <div class="close-modal"><span>×</span> Back To Map</div> </div> <div class="popup-header"> <h2>Nordics</h2> </div> <!-- popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We provide a range of investment banking services to mid-market companies and financial institutions in Nordics. </p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- popup-body --> </div> </div> <!-- global-map-modal --> <div id="portugal" class="global-map-popup popup-active" style="display: none;"> <div class="holder"> <div class="close-box"> <div class="close-modal"><span>×</span> Back To Map</div> </div> <div class="popup-header"> <h2>Portugal</h2> </div> <!-- popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We provide a range of investment banking services to mid-market companies and financial institutions in Portugal. Our team of professionals in Lisbon advises on credit portfolio and M&A services.</p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="/global-presence/portugal-investment-banking/" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- popup-body --> </div> </div> <!-- global-map-modal --> <div id="spain" class="global-map-popup popup-active" style="display: none;"> <div class="holder"> <div class="close-box"> <div class="close-modal"><span>×</span> Back To Map</div> </div> <div class="popup-header"> <h2>Spain</h2> </div> <!-- popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We provide a range of investment banking and asset management services to mid-market companies and financial institutions in Spain. Our team of professionals across Spain’s most relevant cities offers equity and debt capital markets, credit portfolio, debt advisory and M&A services to family-owned companies, corporations and institutional investors. We also offer access to a different investment strategies (direct investments, fund of funds, co-investments and secondaries) in six highly specialized asset management classes.</p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> <li><a href="" target="">Alternative Asset Management <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> <li><a href="" target="">Equity Capital Markets <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- popup-body --> </div> </div> <!-- global-map-modal --> <div id="switzerland" class="global-map-popup popup-active" style="display: none;"> <div class="holder"> <div class="close-box"> <div class="close-modal"><span>×</span> Back To Map</div> </div> <div class="popup-header"> <h2>Switzerland</h2> </div> <!-- popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We provide a range of Corporate Finance services to mid-market companies in Switzerland. </p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="" target="">Corporate Finance <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- popup-body --> </div> </div> <!-- global-map-modal --> <div id="united-kingdom" class="global-map-popup popup-active" style="display: none;"> <div class="holder"> <div class="close-box"> <div class="close-modal"><span>×</span> Back To Map</div> </div> <div class="popup-header"> <h2>United Kingdom</h2> </div> <!-- popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We provide a range of investment banking services to mid-market companies and financial institutions in the UK. Our team of professionals in London offer the full range of investment banking services including credit portfolio, debt advisory, M&A services and equity capital markets, through our partners Singer Capital Markets, to family-owned companies, corporations and institutional investors.</p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> <li><a href="" target="">Equity Capital Markets <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- popup-body --> </div> </div> <!-- global-map-modal --> <div id="china" class="global-map-popup popup-active" style="display: none;"> <div class="holder"> <div class="close-box"> <div class="close-modal"><span>×</span> Back To Map</div> </div> <div class="popup-header"> <h2>China</h2> </div> <!-- popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We provide a range of investment banking services to mid-market companies and financial institutions in China. Our team of professionals in Shanghai advises on credit portfolio and M&A services.</p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- popup-body --> </div> </div> <!-- global-map-modal --> <div id="united-arab-emirates" class="global-map-popup popup-active" style="display: none;"> <div class="holder"> <div class="close-box"> <div class="close-modal"><span>×</span> Back To Map</div> </div> <div class="popup-header"> <h2>United Arab Emirates</h2> </div> <!-- popup-header --> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="popup-body__col-1"> <p>We provide a range of investment banking services to mid-market companies and financial institutions in Dubai.</p> </div> <div class="popup-body__col-2"> <ul class="country--cat-list"> <li><a href="" target="">Investment Banking <span class="the-arrow"><span class="shaft"></span></span> </a></li> 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