{"title":"Dissipation of Higher Mode using Numerical Integration Algorithm in Dynamic Analysis","authors":"Jin Sup Kim, Woo Young Jung, Minho Kwon","volume":74,"journal":"International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering","pagesStart":127,"pagesEnd":135,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/14220","abstract":"In general dynamic analyses, lower mode response is\r\nof interest, however the higher modes of spatially discretized\r\nequations generally do not represent the real behavior and not affects\r\nto global response much. Some implicit algorithms, therefore, are\r\nintroduced to filter out the high-frequency modes using intended\r\nnumerical error. The objective of this study is to introduce the\r\nP-method and PC \u03b1-method to compare that with dissipation method\r\nand Newmark method through the stability analysis and numerical\r\nexample. PC \u03b1-method gives more accuracy than other methods\r\nbecause it based on the \u03b1-method inherits the superior properties of the\r\nimplicit \u03b1-method. In finite element analysis, the PC \u03b1-method is more\r\nuseful than other methods because it is the explicit scheme and it\r\nachieves the second order accuracy and numerical damping\r\nsimultaneously.","references":"[1] Bathe K. J. and Wilson E. L., Numerical Methods in Finite Element\r\nAnalysis. Printice-Hall, 1976.\r\n[2] Hilber, H. M., Hughes T. J. R. and Taylor, R. L, \"Improved Numerical\r\ndissipation for time integration algorithms in Structural Dynamics.\"\r\nEarthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, vol.5, No.3,\r\npp.283-292. 1977.\r\n[3] Miranda, I., Ferencz R. M. and Hughes, T. J. R. \"An Improved\r\nImplicit-Explicit time Integration method for Structural Dynamics.\"\r\nEarthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.18, No.5,\r\npp.643-653. 1989.\r\n[4] Chang, S. Y, \"Improved Numerical Dissipation for Explicit Methods in\r\nPseudo-dynamic Test.\"Earthquake Engineering and Structural\r\nDynamics, Vol.26, No.9, pp.917-930. 1997.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 74, 2013"}