CJS - J-3 - Joint Staff Operations

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These threats place heavy demands on U.S. military forces that are compounded by routine calls for humanitarian military support. The challenges of such a complex environment require the coordinated, selective use of the unique capabilit ies of the U.S. armed forces. </p> <p> J-3 is the hub of this many-spoked wheel, responsible for synchronizing and monitoring worldwide military operations and activities in support of a national military strategy emphasizing flexible and selective engagement. </p> <p> To that end, J-3 assists the chairman in carrying out his responsibilities as the principal military adviser to the National Command Authority by developing and providing guidance to the combatant commands and by relaying communications between the au thority and the unified commanders regarding current operations and plans. J-3 is involved in every aspect of the planning, deployment, execution and redeployment of U.S. strategic and conventional forces in response to worldwide crises. </p> <p> Synchronizing and monitoring worldwide military activities and operations requires an organizational structure that optimizes information flow up and down the chain of command. The director for operations, a three-star flag officer, is supported by a two-star vice director and three principal deputy directors for operations -- a one-star deputy director for current operations, a two-star deputy director for national systems support and a one-star deputy director for current readiness and capabilities. </p> <p> The deputy director for current operations is responsible for the National Military Command Center operations and command and control systems, ongoing current operations and future plans in support of the regional and functional commanders in chief. Five one-star deputy directors for operations and their operations watch teams manage ongoing operations and National Military Command System emergency action procedures. </p> <p> The deputy director for national systems support organization provides guidance on the effective operation of national systems. </p> <p>The deputy director for readiness and capabilities provides functional expertise on joint readiness and key warfighting capabilities and in the areas of special operations, reconnaissance operations, space operations, information operations, counternarcotics and nuclear operations. </p> </div> <blockquote>&nbsp;</blockquote> </p> <p> </div> </div> <div class="story"></div> </div> <div id="siteInfo"> <div align="center" class="feature style9"><a href="/web/20090303034102/">Privacy &amp; Security Notice</a> | <a href="/web/20090303034102/">About JCS</a> | <a href="/web/20090303034102/">Contact Us</a></div> </div> </div> <span class="feature style9"> <!-- inner1 --> </span></div> <span class="feature style9"> <!-- inner --> </span></div> <span class="feature style9"> <!-- middle --> </div> </span> <!-- outer --> </center> </body> </html> <!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 03:41:02 Mar 03, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 15:07:17 Mar 02, 2025. 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