<strong>Paper Title</strong><br> Object Tracking for Active Camera Using Optical Flow<br> <br> <strong>Abstract</strong><br> There is a growing body of study into video tracking due to the vast range of applications it has in areas such as traffic monitoring and 3D reconstruction. To identify moving objects in an active camera, the research presents a unique optical flow-based algorithm. When an active camera is used, all of the items in the workspace, including those that are both stationary and moving, are in motion. Moving objects are detected using optical flow analysis in our method. When we compute the optical flow, we make use of the information from the pictures as well as the motion of the camera. By using a robust controller, the information gathered from the camera's motion may be used to generate highly accurate optical flow. Object motion distorts the optical flow, causing it to diverge from the theoretical one. Because our technology yields a precise optical flow, the aberrations may be removed and used to identify a moving item. Several physical experiments corroborate the efficacy of our strategy, which is subsequently put to the test. To test our method's abilities and performance, we conduct experiments. Keywords - Video Tracking, Optical Flow, Blob analysis Median Filter, Segmentation, Morphological Close, Motion Vector