Marketing Analytics Summit 2022 Las Vegas | View this year's agenda

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id="day-filter" data-tax="agenda-day"> <h3>Days</h3> <ul> <li><input id="day-1" type="checkbox" value="day-1" /><label for="day-1">Monday, June 20, 2022</label></li><li><input id="day-2" type="checkbox" value="day-2" /><label for="day-2">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</label></li><li><input id="day-3" type="checkbox" value="day-3" /><label for="day-3">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</label></li><li><input id="day-4" type="checkbox" value="day-4" /><label for="day-4">Thursday, June 23, 2022</label></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="rm_cc_6 col_6"> <div id="track-filter" data-tax="agenda-track"> <h3>Tracks</h3> <ul> <li> <input id="0" type="checkbox" value="93" /> <label for="0">Technology Track</label> </li> <li> <input id="0" type="checkbox" value="92" /> <label for="0">People and Process Track</label> </li> <li> <input id="lunch-learn" type="checkbox" value="109" /> <label for="lunch-learn">LUNCH &amp; LEARN</label> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="rm_cc_12 col_12 btn-container"> <button 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class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5848" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Monday, June 20, 2022</span> <span class="time">8:30 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5848" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Workshop: Google Analytics 4 &#8211; The New GA Workshop" data-title="Workshop: Google Analytics 4 &#8211; The New GA Workshop" >Workshop: Google Analytics 4 &#8211; The New GA Workshop</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4556" data-overlay-info="speaker-4556" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Charles Farina, <i>Head of Innovation</i>, <i>Adswerve, Inc.</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano III</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Half Day Workshop: 8:30am &#8211; 12:30pm</p> <p>Google&#8217;s recent announcement that the new Google Analytics 4 properties (GA4) are the new standard moving forward means a complete change to everything you used to know about GA; a new UI, a new data model, and new features.</p> <p>In this workshop, Charles teaches you everything you need to know about getting started with GA4 by providing you real, hands-on experience that you can immediately take back to your own business.</p> <p>Introduction to Google Analytics 4</p> <ul> <li>How it is different than Universal Analytics (GA3)</li> <li>Walk-through of UI</li> <li>Overview of New Features (BigQuery, Funnels, Pathing, etc.)</li> <li>Attendees will get hands-on experience with:</li> <li>Implementing GA4 with Google Tag Manager</li> <li>Enhanced Measurement (and how to customize)</li> <li>Audiences and audience triggers</li> <li>Create/Modify events features</li> <li>Conversions</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6215" data-date="day-1" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Monday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Mon</p> <p>10:30 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6215" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Monday, June 20, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:30 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6215" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Workshop: Google Analytics 4 &#8211; The New GA Workshop continued" data-title="Workshop: Google Analytics 4 &#8211; The New GA Workshop continued" >Workshop: Google Analytics 4 &#8211; The New GA Workshop continued</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4556" data-overlay-info="speaker-4556" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Charles Farina, <i>Head of Innovation</i>, <i>Adswerve, Inc.</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano III</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6217" data-date="day-1" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6217" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Monday, June 20, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:30 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6217" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="One-to-One Mentorship" data-title="One-to-One Mentorship" >One-to-One Mentorship</h2> </a> <p class="moderators"> <b>Moderator:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4025" data-overlay-info="speaker-4025" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Cory Underwood, <i>Analytics Engineer</i>, <i>Search Discovery</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Pisa</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>10:30am &#8211; 12:00pm Since the first web logfile analysis tools showed up, people have been trying to figure out how to get the most out the people, process, and technology. We&#8217;ve learned that solving problems and making progress require help from others. Nobody is in this alone. The Marketing Analytics Summit One-to-One Mentorship program was created to help you with your progress. Got a technical issue? A departmental problem? A career decision to make? Sign up for a 90 minute deep dive with one of our mentors. These are people who have special knowledge, tons of experience, and industry wisdom going back years. Space is very limited &#8211; sign up early.</p> <p><strong>Cory Underwood, Platform Engineer, Search Discovery</strong></p> <p>Privacy compliance can be an ever-shifting nightmare of regulation and technical challenges. What challenges do you face? What keeps you up at night?</p> <p>With over a decade of experience, Cory has helped multiple client teams understand the impact of privacy changes to data collection, optimization, and marketing. Be it personalization, privacy, or working with developers, Cory will share what to watch out for and what it takes to be successful.</p> <p>Speak with Cory to gain insight into the challenges surrounding privacy changes—and maybe you’ll sleep a little better as a result.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5852" data-date="day-1" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Monday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Mon</p> <p>12:30 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5852" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Monday, June 20, 2022</span> <span class="time">12:30 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5852" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Workshop: Care and Feeding of Digital Analysts" data-title="Workshop: Care and Feeding of Digital Analysts" >Workshop: Care and Feeding of Digital Analysts</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4020" data-overlay-info="speaker-4020" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Jim Sterne, <i>Founder</i>, <i>Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano III</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Half Day Workshop: 12:30pm &#8211; 4:30pm</p> <p>The great migration has begun. People with unique analytics talent have recognized that if they can work from anywhere, they can work for anyone. How do you find good help and keep them engaged?</p> <p>If you&#8217;re responsible for managing a team of digital analysts (or want to), get some practical advice from those who have been there and done that. Jim has interviewed dozens of Digital Analytics Managers, Directors, Vice Presidents&#8230; and frontline analysts who wish their bosses had a clue.</p> <p>Learn the tricks and traps of interviewing, onboarding, and retaining top talent. The department you save may be your own.</p> <ul> <li>What is the Impact of the Pandemic on Employee Turnover?</li> <li>What&#8217;s Really Driving Them Away?</li> <li>What Keeps an Analyst Engaged?</li> <li>Do You Know Their Personal Goals?</li> <li>What Simple Tricks Can Make Your Team Cohesive?</li> <li>How Do You Shift from Managing Them to Managing for Them?</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6458" data-date="day-1" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Monday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Mon</p> <p>7:00 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6458" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Monday, June 20, 2022</span> <span class="time">7:00 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6458" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Ad Hoc Dinner: Margaritaville (Right across the Strip from Caesar&#8217;s)" data-title="Ad Hoc Dinner: Margaritaville (Right across the Strip from Caesar&#8217;s)" >Ad Hoc Dinner: Margaritaville (Right across the Strip from Caesar&#8217;s)</h2> </a> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Just show up &#8211; just like last year &#8211; and look for people who look like fun&#8230; that&#8217;s us! This is a coming-and-going party of hungry and thirsty Marketing Analytics Summit attendees and friends. Find that big, tall table in the bar where you will recognize each other by the way you each carefully analyze the Margarita Menu. Enjoy &#8211;&nbsp; But remember, we start early tomorrow, and you do not want to miss the opening keynote! Please drink heavily responsibly.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <header id="day-header-2" class="day-header show tuesday"><p>Tuesday, June 21, 2022</p></header> <div id="event-5780" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>7:30 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5780" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">7:30 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5780" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Registration &#038; Networking Breakfast" data-title="Registration &#038; Networking Breakfast" >Registration &#038; Networking Breakfast</h2> </a> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius Foyer & Octavius 25</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5781" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>8:00 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5781" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">8:00 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5781" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Conference Chair Welcome &#8211; People Like Us" data-title="Conference Chair Welcome &#8211; People Like Us" >Conference Chair Welcome &#8211; People Like Us</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4020" data-overlay-info="speaker-4020" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Jim Sterne, <i>Founder</i>, <i>Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Web analytics is now ~25 years old. That&#8217;s old enough to get adult car insurance, have seen a bit of the world, and realize that maybe you don&#8217;t know everything. If you&#8217;ve been in the industry for a couple of decades, you helped make us what we are today. If you&#8217;re new to digital analytics, you&#8217;ll want to know if you&#8217;re in the right place. In keeping with Seth Godin&#8217;s perspective on tribes and cultural norms, Jim paints a picture of our tribe of Digital Analysts: who we are, what we represent, and how we got this way. This is what we stand for. These are your people.&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5782" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>8:30 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5782" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="speaker-slider owl-carousel"> <div class="item em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> <div class="item em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">8:30 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5782" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Digital Analytics Association Welcome" data-title="Digital Analytics Association Welcome" >Digital Analytics Association Welcome</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speakers:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="5121" data-overlay-info="speaker-5121" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Kim Mosley, <i>Executive Director</i>, <i>Digital Analytics Association</i></a> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4002" data-overlay-info="speaker-4002" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">David McBride, <i>DAA Board Member and VP, Retail Strategy</i>, <i>Quantum Metric</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Kim challenges you to participate beyond these few days by spelling out what the DAA stands for (hint: Digital Analytics Association) and how to can get involved to help advance our profession &#8211; and your career.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5784" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>8:40 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5784" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">8:40 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5784" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Keynote: You&#8217;ve Convinced the C-Suite that Data is Important. Now What?" data-title="Keynote: You&#8217;ve Convinced the C-Suite that Data is Important. Now What?" >Keynote: You&#8217;ve Convinced the C-Suite that Data is Important. Now What?</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4572" data-overlay-info="speaker-4572" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">June Dershewitz, <i>Data Strategist</i>, <i>Major Music Streaming and Ecommerce Platform, Seattle, WA</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Your company is already sold on the value of data and are demanding results, but you have a backlog a mile long. And when you deliver what they want (dashboards and reports), it&#8217;s not necessarily what they need. So how do you innovate, improve your team&#8217;s skills portfolio, or deal with tech debt? June offers wisdom gleaned from 20 years of digital analytics; everything from sparking analytical creativity through hackathons, to measuring the volume of insights delivered and motivating senior-level objective alignment. Prioritization, values-based decision making, managing analysts, understanding the dynamics of contract between data teams and the business, the proper shape of your data team, and how to influence without authority &#8211; yes, this is the firehose that is a graduate course in analytics success in a nutshell.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5785" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>9:20 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5785" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">9:20 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5785" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Diamond Sponsored Session &#8211; Performing meaningful analyses in highly regulated industries – case studies" data-title="Diamond Sponsored Session &#8211; Performing meaningful analyses in highly regulated industries – case studies" >Diamond Sponsored Session &#8211; Performing meaningful analyses in highly regulated industries – case studies</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="6335" data-overlay-info="speaker-6335" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Mateusz Krempa, <i>Chief Revenue Officer</i>, <i>Piwik PRO</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Law compliance and sectoral regulations are often regarded as blockers for quality online analytics as they can greatly limit the scope of data collected. They also limit your choice of analytics tools, as some of them can’t comply with restrictions or ensure data security.&nbsp;</p> <p>With case studies from the most regulated sectors, such as healthcare, finance and public, we will:&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li>prove that quality online analytics and compliance can go hand in hand</li> <li>provide you with some tools to use, when Google Analytics can’t be an option</li> <li>show you how to make consent mechanisms work in sync with a tag manager and anonymous tracking modes for the most optimal data collection setups</li> <li>suggest a choice of hosting options to offer your analytics data adequate level of protection</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5786" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>9:40 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5786" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">9:40 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5786" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Exhibits &#038; Morning Coffee Break" data-title="Exhibits &#038; Morning Coffee Break" >Exhibits &#038; Morning Coffee Break</h2> </a> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 25</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>You could check your email like you always do &#8211; OR &#8211; you could check out the new tools and services on display in the Exhibit Hall while grabbing a snack and getting some caffeine</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5787" data-date="day-2" data-track='92,' class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>10:00 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5787" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="track" > <span><a href="" rel="tag">People and Process Track</a></span> </p> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:00 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5787" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Personalization ROI without Ecommerce: An Optimization Framework for Brands" data-title="Personalization ROI without Ecommerce: An Optimization Framework for Brands" >Personalization ROI without Ecommerce: An Optimization Framework for Brands</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="6364" data-overlay-info="speaker-6364" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Rachelle Maisner, <i>Director of Analytics</i>, <i>Wunderman Thompson</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>When the actual sale takes place through third party partner distributors and retailers, sales attribution to brand efforts is not straightforward, and often political. Rachelle outlines how to bring objectivity to marketing decisions through a field-proven and tool-agnostic process for building an optimization practice that generates measurable results. Learn more about workforce planning with recommended roles and responsibilities for your optimization team, idea generation and how to manage a queue of testing opportunities, documenting test plans and creating templates for reporting, techniques for how to operationalize going from insights to personalized brand experiences and proving ROI from experimentation.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5789" data-date="day-2" data-track='93,' class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5789" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="track" > <span><a href="" rel="tag">Technology Track</a></span> </p> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:00 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5789" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Privacy: 2022" data-title="Privacy: 2022" >Privacy: 2022</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4025" data-overlay-info="speaker-4025" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Cory Underwood, <i>Analytics Engineer</i>, <i>Search Discovery</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano III</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>This year has brought a cascade of privacy changes across multiple channels. Be it regulation or technology change, everyone is affected in many ways. Cory highlights major changes that impact data collection ranging from email to regulation. Learn how your programs are likely affected and come away with the ability to adapt to the second wave slated for 2022. There are so many changes in play since last year’s Marketing Analytics Summit – don’t get left behind.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5790" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>10:40 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-5790" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:40 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-5790" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Transition Between Sessions" data-title="Transition Between Sessions" >Transition Between Sessions</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5791" data-date="day-2" data-track='92,' class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>10:50 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5791" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="track" > <span><a href="" rel="tag">People and Process Track</a></span> </p> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:50 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5791" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Cross Cultural International Marketing" data-title="Cross Cultural International Marketing" >Cross Cultural International Marketing</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="5570" data-overlay-info="speaker-5570" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Geddy van Elburg, <i>Founder</i>, <i>IONMOON</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Do you know why your international marketing efforts or websites are less effective? Why some almost-closed deals go awry? Are you paying attention to differing cultures? Perhaps the Cost of Acquisition is too high due to a lack of trust from a potential customer. You can build trust at a very early stage (right on your home page), but this trust is entirely dependent on the culture of the visitor. Geddy shows how to use analytics to reveal the cultural differences of your international web visitors – and the impact on conversion.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5792" data-date="day-2" data-track='93,' class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5792" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="track" > <span><a href="" rel="tag">Technology Track</a></span> </p> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:50 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5792" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Controlling Tags So They Don’t Control You​" data-title="Controlling Tags So They Don’t Control You​" >Controlling Tags So They Don’t Control You​</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="6286" data-overlay-info="speaker-6286" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Jennifer Kunz, <i>Principle Architect</i>, <i>33 Sticks</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano III</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Marketing pixels and page tags have been around long enough for most organizations to have dozens (if not hundreds) of old marketing pixels on their site. Much of the time no one remembers who they were for or if they&#8217;re still needed (but no one dares delete). Who has time to clean up old tags? We&#8217;re too busy managing incessant requests and chasing down pixel IDs for tags that &#8220;must be deployed for a campaign starting Monday&#8221;. Not only can all those tags make maintenance difficult and suck up too much precious time, they have a serious impact on page performance. Jenn offers tips and tricks on auditing and cleaning past tags and setting your company up for a future state of governed, clean tags. You can have lean TMS libraries. Honest.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5808" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>11:30 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5808" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">11:30 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5808" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Roundtable Breakout: Best. Advice. Ever" data-title="Roundtable Breakout: Best. Advice. Ever" >Roundtable Breakout: Best. Advice. Ever</h2> </a> <p class="moderators"> <b>Moderator:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4020" data-overlay-info="speaker-4020" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Jim Sterne, <i>Founder</i>, <i>Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>From the start (2002) the Marketing Analytics Summit has been the place to discuss and share our common problems. These are your people – they understand your situation. Often rated the best part of the Marketing Analytics Summit, sharing your problems with like-minded professionals is your path to answers, a little empathy, and a stronger professional network. Come prepared with an issue you are facing, a problem you are solving, or a question that needs answering. And then, be ready and willing to help others in this, their hour of need.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5812" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>12:30 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5812" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">12:30 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5812" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Lunch &#8211; DAA Women in Analytics Lunch" data-title="Lunch &#8211; DAA Women in Analytics Lunch" >Lunch &#8211; DAA Women in Analytics Lunch</h2> </a> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>All Marketing Analytics Summit attendees are welcome to the DAA Women in Analytics lunch &#8211; both women and their allies. Kim hosts a panel of analytics leaders who are striving to support gender equality in analytics profession.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6435" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6435" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">12:30 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6435" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Lunch in the Exhibit Hall" data-title="Lunch in the Exhibit Hall" >Lunch in the Exhibit Hall</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5809" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>1:30 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5809" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">1:30 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5809" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Keynote: Getting a Seat at the Table" data-title="Keynote: Getting a Seat at the Table" >Keynote: Getting a Seat at the Table</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="6148" data-overlay-info="speaker-6148" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Seung Park, <i>Head of Digital Analytics and AI/ML Marketing Innovation</i></a> </p> <p class="moderators"> <b>Moderator:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="6252" data-overlay-info="speaker-6252" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Jim Gianoglio, <i>Founder</i>, <i>Cauzle Analytics</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>You spotted trends. You unearthed anomalies. You identified unique segments of customers that can be addressed in different ways to improve profitability. But nobody listens. They just want reports, dashboards, and charts that support their preconceived conclusions. At a small company, as an agency consultant, or as the head of analytics at a major multi-national, the struggle is real. Seung describes the trials and tribulations of getting the business side of the house to include analytics at the start of every initiative. Her tips are immediately applicable. Do. Not. Miss.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5815" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>2:10 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-5815" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">2:10 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-5815" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Transition Between Sessions" data-title="Transition Between Sessions" >Transition Between Sessions</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5816" data-date="day-2" data-track='92,' class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>2:20 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5816" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="track" > <span><a href="" rel="tag">People and Process Track</a></span> </p> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">2:20 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5816" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Data Transformation Ecosystem" data-title="Data Transformation Ecosystem" >Data Transformation Ecosystem</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="5752" data-overlay-info="speaker-5752" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">John Lovett, <i>VP of Analytics</i>, <i>Seer Interactive</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Most businesses operating today have more data than they know how to effectively use. Data is generated from an abundance of Marketing platforms and used in countless ways. Yet, only 30% of organizations have a well-articulated data strategy. This lack of strategy leaves organizations crippled. Siloed data sources, fractional customer journeys, manual processes, and inability to answer key business questions because of disparate data and poor data management practices are all reasons why organizations need a strategy behind their data. During this session, John shares how to effectively enable a highly functional data ecosystem. Transform your data, transform your business.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5818" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>3:00 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5818" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">3:00 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5818" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Afternoon Break &#038; Exhibits" data-title="Afternoon Break &#038; Exhibits" >Afternoon Break &#038; Exhibits</h2> </a> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Since it&#8217;s been so long since you&#8217;ve been at a conference, this is the perfect time to pick up a few free pens from our sponsors. It&#8217;s also a great time to learn about the latest services and software they offer!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5817" data-date="day-2" data-track='93,' class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5817" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="track" > <span><a href="" rel="tag">Technology Track</a></span> </p> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">3:00 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5817" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="The End of an Era &#8211; And not a Moment to soon!" data-title="The End of an Era &#8211; And not a Moment to soon!" >The End of an Era &#8211; And not a Moment to soon!</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4564" data-overlay-info="speaker-4564" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Doug Hall, <i>Senior Director of Analytics EMEA</i>, <i>Media.Monks</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano III</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>The sunset of GA360 can be the sunrise for your data collection. Doug presents a new approach involving a creative use of Server Side GTM (SGTM) and the only limit is your imagination because we&#8217;ve been doing it all wrong and he&#8217;s ready to fix it. Doug reimagines data collection by decoupling it from functionality and content.&nbsp; He explores this elegant architecture through 5 example use cases that you might not have considered possible. This is a technical session that covers the design, solution components, technical choices, the value of this approach, and provides takeaway material including the actual solution source.This&nbsp;was&nbsp;live so something changed and I didn&#8217;t spot it.&nbsp; If you mention this in the keynote intro I&#8217;m sure it&#8217;ll all be fine.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5820" data-date="day-2" data-track='92,' class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>3:30 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5820" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="track" > <span><a href="" rel="tag">People and Process Track</a></span> </p> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">3:30 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5820" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Measuring the Immeasurables" data-title="Measuring the Immeasurables" >Measuring the Immeasurables</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="6361" data-overlay-info="speaker-6361" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Ibrahim Elawadi, <i>Senior Insights Advocate</i>, <i>Greenpeace</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Most organizations acknowledge the value of measurement and analytics, however, many organizations fail to measure key strategic objectives that seem to be &#8220;immeasurable&#8221;, such as fostering innovation, improving customers&#8217; satisfaction or changing people&#8217;s mindsets. Ibrahim discusses the issue of immeasurability that challenges both the non-profit and for-profit sectors alike, and showcases methodologies and measurement frameworks that could be used to address the challenge of &#8220;Measuring the Immeasurable&#8221;. Ibrahim then explores key concepts of Statistical and Causal Inference, then will discuss its applications in measurements. Finally, Ibrahim explores a Logical Framework Approach to solve the immeasurability problem.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5824" data-date="day-2" data-track='93,' class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5824" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="speaker-slider owl-carousel"> <div class="item em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> <div class="item em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="track" > <span><a href="" rel="tag">Technology Track</a></span> </p> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">3:30 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5824" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Overcoming Poverty with a Dashboard" data-title="Overcoming Poverty with a Dashboard" >Overcoming Poverty with a Dashboard</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speakers:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="6067" data-overlay-info="speaker-6067" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Alex Gunnerson, <i>Senior Data Visualization Analyst</i>, <i>Evolytics</i></a> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="6071" data-overlay-info="speaker-6071" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Charlotte Belshe, <i>Senior Director of Marketing</i>, <i>Outreach International</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano III</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>How can a Power BI Dashboard provide key insights to make effective fundraising decisions? Charlotte and Alex relate how Outreach International went from zero report automation or dashboards to a workbook that begins at a high level and allows for multiple drill downs in support of marketing and finance. If you need a dashboard strategy, this is a first-hand account of how to build it. If you are a dashboard builder, the shortcuts and their deep learnings will serve you well regardless of which data viz tools you are using. If you are a Power BI user, this is a must-see, deep learning experience.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5825" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>4:10 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-5825" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">4:10 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-5825" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Transition to Keynote" data-title="Transition to Keynote" >Transition to Keynote</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6266" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>4:20 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6266" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">4:20 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6266" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Platinum Sponsored Session &#8211; Beyond Multi-Touch: The Future of Marketing Attribution" data-title="Platinum Sponsored Session &#8211; Beyond Multi-Touch: The Future of Marketing Attribution" >Platinum Sponsored Session &#8211; Beyond Multi-Touch: The Future of Marketing Attribution</h2> </a> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>We&#8217;ve all heard the hyperbolic statements about how attribution modeling is being affected by privacy regulations and technology changes. GDPR, CCPA, ITP and ATT are among the more notorious acronyms affecting the lives of marketers in the past couple of years and will continue to play an ever-increasing role in our strategies. But how will companies transition from the multi-touch attribution paradigm of the past decade to a future-proof decisioning strategy aligned with user privacy? Jim Gianoglio, Director of Media Innovation, will share strategies and frameworks that&nbsp;Bounteous&nbsp;uses to help enterprise businesses thrive and make decisions in an uncertain environment.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5826" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>4:40 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5826" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">4:40 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5826" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Keynote: Architecting a Data Culture by Hand" data-title="Keynote: Architecting a Data Culture by Hand" >Keynote: Architecting a Data Culture by Hand</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="6293" data-overlay-info="speaker-6293" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Lauren Stern, <i>Data Science Community & Portfolio Lead</i>, <i>Audi America</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Between people, process, and technology, we all know that People is the hard part. Lauren was made responsible for using technology and process to bring data people together and helping them make the most of collaboration. She shares her journey from design, creation, and implementation of the Audi Data Science Portfolio; setting up teams and ensuring that projects are in alignment with the organization’s digital strategy. This is a story of herding cats, leveraging technology. and changing hearts and minds – filled with lessons learned and missteps to avoid.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5827" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>5:00 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5827" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">5:00 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5827" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Daily Wrap" data-title="Daily Wrap" >Daily Wrap</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4020" data-overlay-info="speaker-4020" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Jim Sterne, <i>Founder</i>, <i>Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6499" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>5:15 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-6499" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Tuesday, June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">5:15 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-6499" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Networking Reception" data-title="Networking Reception" >Networking Reception</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <header id="day-header-3" class="day-header show wednesday"><p>Wednesday, June 22, 2022</p></header> <div id="event-5828" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>9:00 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5828" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">9:00 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5828" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Welcome" data-title="Welcome" >Welcome</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4020" data-overlay-info="speaker-4020" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Jim Sterne, <i>Founder</i>, <i>Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6374" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>9:10 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6374" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">9:10 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6374" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Why marketing tech is not a silver bullet" data-title="Why marketing tech is not a silver bullet" >Why marketing tech is not a silver bullet</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="6415" data-overlay-info="speaker-6415" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Casey Knapp, <i>Senior Account Executive</i>, <i>Adverity</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>When it comes to data and analytics, there’s a dizzying amount of tech available to marketing teams. But too often, these tech stacks aren’t being translated into actionable insights that drive business performance. So, why is that?</p> <p>In his presentation, Casey Knapp from Adverity will deep-dive into the reasons why marketers can’t expect tech alone to sustain a data-driven strategy, and how getting value out of marketing data also depends on having the right skills in your team, and the right culture in place.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5829" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>9:30 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5829" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">9:30 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5829" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Keynote: Customer Journey Insights for Business Growth" data-title="Keynote: Customer Journey Insights for Business Growth" >Keynote: Customer Journey Insights for Business Growth</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="5759" data-overlay-info="speaker-5759" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Weiwei Hu, <i>Director, Marketing Insights and Data</i>, <i>Zendesk</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Zendesk&#8217;s Center of Excellence (COE) team has created ideal customer profiles (ICPs) and customer journeys through in-depth customer interviews and advanced analytics to map the decision journey from initial awareness, engagement, and purchase to expansion. Weiwei shares lessons learned about applying both qualitative and quantitative research to customer segmentation and targeting, go-to-market support and planning, brand positioning and messaging, and content creation and delivery. Learn how they leverage data and insights to understand customer’s interests, activities, and touch points to engage customers at the right time with the right messaging and increase loyalty.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5830" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>10:10 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5830" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:10 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5830" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Exhibits &#038; Morning Coffee Break" data-title="Exhibits &#038; Morning Coffee Break" >Exhibits &#038; Morning Coffee Break</h2> </a> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 25</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Today, talk to the sponsors that didn&#8217;t catch your eye yesterday. Learning happens in the Exhibit Hall as well as the conference room.&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5831" data-date="day-3" data-track='92,' class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>10:40 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5831" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="track" > <span><a href="" rel="tag">People and Process Track</a></span> </p> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:40 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5831" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="If I Tell You the Answer, What Are You Going To Do With It?" data-title="If I Tell You the Answer, What Are You Going To Do With It?" >If I Tell You the Answer, What Are You Going To Do With It?</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="3999" data-overlay-info="speaker-3999" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Neil Mason, <i>Principal Consultant</i>, <i>Applied Insights</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>If a tree falls in the forest and everybody hears it &#8211; it makes no difference at all unless somebody harvests the wood, trundles is out of the forest, mills it into lumber, and builds something useful. All the hard work of data collection, cleaning, transportation, integration, analysis, and brilliant insights delivery with data visualization and storytelling are for naught if there is no impact. For many organizations, the challenge is still how to deliver real business value from data and analytics investments &#8211; particularly completing the “last mile” of turning insights into actions and understanding the outcomes. Neil offers up 30 years&#8217; worth of experience in using a user-centric, value driven approach to designing and developing data products that focus on outcomes. He’ll share some of the approaches he’s developed over the years for proposition development, understanding how value is delivered, and why organizations should be thinking about being decision-led rather than data-driven.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5832" data-date="day-3" data-track='93,' class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5832" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="track" > <span><a href="" rel="tag">Technology Track</a></span> </p> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:40 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5832" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Effective Data Communication Using Data Studio" data-title="Effective Data Communication Using Data Studio" >Effective Data Communication Using Data Studio</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4835" data-overlay-info="speaker-4835" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Michele Kiss, <i>Senior Partner</i>, <i>Analytics Demystified</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano III</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>You can have all the data in the world, but its impact depends on clear communication and understanding of the insights. Michele discusses her favorite uses of Google’s Data Studio to communicate consistently, effectively, and persuasively. Hear about how to follow data viz best practices, build funnels, recreate your marketing channels, monitor for anomalies, create in-built data annotations and more &#8211; all using Google&#8217;s free Data Studio product.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6377" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>11:15 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-6377" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">11:15 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-6377" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Transition Between Sessions" data-title="Transition Between Sessions" >Transition Between Sessions</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5839" data-date="day-3" data-track='92,' class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>11:25 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5839" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="track" > <span><a href="" rel="tag">People and Process Track</a></span> </p> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">11:25 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5839" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="From Data Services to Data Products" data-title="From Data Services to Data Products" >From Data Services to Data Products</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="5778" data-overlay-info="speaker-5778" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Moe Kiss, <i>Marketing Data Lead</i>, <i>Canva</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Answering ad-hoc questions is a never-ending treadmill that burns a lot of energy but doesn&#8217;t go anywhere. Moe plots the path of an analytics team from Mystic 8-Ball to data asset creator, to trusted advisor. How many times does the same question get asked before a dashboard is appropriate? How much effort should go into a given data asset? When is it appropriate to layer a dashboard with opinion and guidance? How do you know when automation is called for? When is the right time to sunset dashboard? It&#8217;s time to shift how we get the best from an analytics team for highest value.</p> <p></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5834" data-date="day-3" data-track='93,' class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5834" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="track" > <span><a href="" rel="tag">Technology Track</a></span> </p> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">11:25 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5834" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Going Old School: Testing and Optimizing Direct Mail​​" data-title="Going Old School: Testing and Optimizing Direct Mail​​" >Going Old School: Testing and Optimizing Direct Mail​​</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="6291" data-overlay-info="speaker-6291" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Alex Sofronas, <i>Advanced Analytics</i>, <i>DirecTV</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano III</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>The average American household receives 454 pieces of marketing mail per year. As marketers, it is our job to make sure this mail is sent to the right individuals at the right time in their journey. One way to know your direct mail is making a positive impact in their buyer journey is by using incremental testing and measurement. Alex shares how DirectTV uses testing and holdout groups on an ongoing basis to measure and optimize the total impact of a direct mail campaign. Learn how incremental measurement can be applied to improve direct mail performance, the resources needed and math behind it, and the challenges you may face in implementation.</p> <p></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6350" data-date="day-3" data-track='109,' class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>12:05 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6350" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="speaker-slider owl-carousel"> <div class="item em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> <div class="item em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="track" > <span><a href="" rel="tag">LUNCH &amp; LEARN</a></span> </p> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">12:05 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6350" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Exploring Digital Governance Use Cases" data-title="Exploring Digital Governance Use Cases" >Exploring Digital Governance Use Cases</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speakers:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="6351" data-overlay-info="speaker-6351" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Rob Clarke, <i>VP of Product</i>, <i>Observe Point</i></a> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="6369" data-overlay-info="speaker-6369" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Cameron Cowan, <i>Senior Director, Product Strategy</i>, <i>ObservePoint</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Join Rob Clarke, VP of Product at ObservePoint, and Cameron Cowan, Senior Director of Product Strategy, as they walk through how to:</p> <ul> <li>Perform comprehensive data discovery audits on your digital properties</li> <li>Validate the deployment and ongoing accuracy of all MarTech on your site</li> <li>Uncover opportunities to optimize user journeys and key conversion flows</li> <li>Ensure compliance to website data privacy regulations</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5835" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 no-link"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-5835" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">12:05 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-5835" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Lunch in the Exhibit Hall" data-title="Lunch in the Exhibit Hall" >Lunch in the Exhibit Hall</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5836" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>1:00 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5836" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">1:00 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5836" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Keynote: Data Stories: From Insightful to Inciteful" data-title="Keynote: Data Stories: From Insightful to Inciteful" >Keynote: Data Stories: From Insightful to Inciteful</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="5966" data-overlay-info="speaker-5966" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Wil Reynolds, <i>CEO & Vice President of Innovation at Seer Interactive</i>, <i>SEER Interactive</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Too busy answering ad-hoc questions, cranking out reports, and cobbling together yet another dashboard to do the intriguing, creative, data-rich analysis that moves the needle? Well, brace yourself for some tough love. You don&#8217;t &#8216;get a chance&#8217; to consult &#8211; you earn it. Nobody will give you initiative &#8211; you have to take it. That means knowing your work backward and forward, knowing the business goals inside and out, and knowing how to ensure your insights won&#8217;t go in one&nbsp; ear and out the other. Finding a golden correlation is cool but getting that insight to incite action is golden. Wil provides the hot tips on making a difference.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6380" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>1:35 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-6380" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">1:35 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-6380" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Transition to Tracks" data-title="Transition to Tracks" >Transition to Tracks</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5837" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>1:40 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5837" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">1:40 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5837" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes: Turn &#038; Face the Digital Marketing Strange." data-title="Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes: Turn &#038; Face the Digital Marketing Strange." >Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes: Turn &#038; Face the Digital Marketing Strange.</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4966" data-overlay-info="speaker-4966" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Jim Cain, <i>Founding CEO</i>, <i>Napkyn Inc.</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Huge changes in digital marketing are no longer periodic, they&#8217;re cyclical.&nbsp; Development of infrastructure excellence in four critical areas creates competitive advantages and ensures your business is future-proof.</p> <p>1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Durable Data Infrastructure<br />2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Complete View of First-Party Data<br />3.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Realizing Competitive Data Advantages<br />4.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Set up your team and processes to stay agile through major changes.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6103" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6103" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">1:40 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6103" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="CAUSE, EFFECT AND UNCERTAINTY​​" data-title="CAUSE, EFFECT AND UNCERTAINTY​​" >CAUSE, EFFECT AND UNCERTAINTY​​</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="5576" data-overlay-info="speaker-5576" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Matt Gershoff, <i>CEO</i>, <i>Conductrics</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano III</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Matt reveals why AB Testing &#8211; and analytics more generally &#8211; is all about uncertainty. Understanding the causal inference problem is key, as well as getting a firm hold on reasoning, the importance of assignment, and the logic of p-values. Matt covers analytics as inference, walks through step by step how to calculate the variance (so there are formulas), and shines a light on sampling distribution (Central Limit Theorem). Learn what is required to move from statistical inference to causal inference and AB Testing. This session is statistically significant.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5838" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>2:15 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-5838" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">2:15 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-5838" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Exhibits &#038; Afternoon Break" data-title="Exhibits &#038; Afternoon Break" >Exhibits &#038; Afternoon Break</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5833" data-date="day-3" data-track='92,' class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>2:40 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5833" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="track" > <span><a href="" rel="tag">People and Process Track</a></span> </p> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">2:40 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5833" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Succeeding as a Woman in Analytics​" data-title="Succeeding as a Woman in Analytics​" >Succeeding as a Woman in Analytics​</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="6288" data-overlay-info="speaker-6288" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Riesling Walker, <i>Data Science Manager</i>, <i>Home Depot</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Research proves there is strength in diversity &#8211; learn how to be an advocate for yourself and be an ally for those around you.&nbsp; In a presentation designed for women and for people who work with women, Riesling shares her personal (and&nbsp;unfortunately relatable) stories, along with action items from each one for&nbsp;both women and for people who want to support them. These stories and takeaways can be generalized to anyone who faces discrimination, will help you recognize and reduce bias in the workplace, and take steps to continue building your confidence.</p> <p></p> <p></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5840" data-date="day-3" data-track='93,' class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5840" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="track" > <span><a href="" rel="tag">Technology Track</a></span> </p> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">2:40 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5840" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Top Ten Tips for A/B Testing​" data-title="Top Ten Tips for A/B Testing​" >Top Ten Tips for A/B Testing​</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="3980" data-overlay-info="speaker-3980" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Anil Batra, <i>Managing Partner</i>, <i>Optizent</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano III</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Data-driven companies not only collect and report the data but actively work to drive value from that data. A/B testing, or experimentation, is one of the most common ways to drive value. Data collection and analysis lets you find the opportunities to improve, and A/B testing lets you figure out how to capitalize on those opportunities. Anil shares 10 A/B testing tips that he has gathered from his own work and the hard-earned lessons of others in the field. These tips will help you get the right organizational support and effectively run and analyze your data. You will walk away with tips that you can apply immediately to maximize the impact of your online experimentation efforts.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6106" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>3:20 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-6106" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">3:20 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-6106" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Transition to Keynote" data-title="Transition to Keynote" >Transition to Keynote</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5841" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>3:30 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5841" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="speaker-slider owl-carousel"> <div class="item em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> <div class="item em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> <div class="item em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">3:30 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5841" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Keynote: Analytics Power Hour, LIVE" data-title="Keynote: Analytics Power Hour, LIVE" >Keynote: Analytics Power Hour, LIVE</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speakers:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="6280" data-overlay-info="speaker-6280" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Michael Helbling, <i>Managing Partner</i>, <i>Stacked Analytics</i></a> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="5778" data-overlay-info="speaker-5778" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Moe Kiss, <i>Marketing Data Lead</i>, <i>Canva</i></a> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4032" data-overlay-info="speaker-4032" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Tim Wilson, <i>Co-founder, Head of Solutions</i>, <i>facts and feelings</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>If you haven’t heard the Analytics Power Hour, you are in for a serious treat. #ifyouknowyouknow. Michael, Moe, and Tim are the quintessential analytics podcast hosts and they will be performing live and in person, unaided by the magic of Josh Crowhurst’s editorial genius. It’s live – it’s lively – and it’s always very informative. Adult beverages are usually involved.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5842" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>4:20 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5842" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">4:20 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5842" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Highlights and Insights &#8211; All About You" data-title="Highlights and Insights &#8211; All About You" >Highlights and Insights &#8211; All About You</h2> </a> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>You&#8217;ve collected all the data &#8211; now it&#8217;s time for the analysis. Having heard from our amazing speakers and getting a direct dose of the Analytics Power Hour &#8211; now it&#8217;s time to share the things that captured your imagination, gave you a grasp of some topic you didn&#8217;t quite get, and the To Do list you&#8217;ve made for yourself. This is a chance to learn from each other; a chance to find out what was said in the parallel track you missed. It&#8217;s hugely valuable to find out what others thought were the most important learnings.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5843" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>5:00 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5843" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Wednesday, June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">5:00 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5843" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="It&#8217;s a Wrap!" data-title="It&#8217;s a Wrap!" >It&#8217;s a Wrap!</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4020" data-overlay-info="speaker-4020" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Jim Sterne, <i>Founder</i>, <i>Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano I & II</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Bringing it all together, tying a ribbon around it, and putting a nice bow on top.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <header id="day-header-4" class="day-header show thursday"><p>Thursday, June 23, 2022</p></header> <div id="event-5844" data-date="day-4" class="event-tile rm_cc_3 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Thursday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Thu</p> <p>8:30 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5844" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Thursday, June 23, 2022</span> <span class="time">8:30 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5844" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Workshop: Intro to AI for Marketing Workshop" data-title="Workshop: Intro to AI for Marketing Workshop" >Workshop: Intro to AI for Marketing Workshop</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4020" data-overlay-info="speaker-4020" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Jim Sterne, <i>Founder</i>, <i>Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 1</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Half Day Workshop: 8:30am &#8211; 12:30pm</p> <p>From market research to direct mail metrics to web analytics to Big Data, the job of “marketing” has changed dramatically over time. We have arrived at a fundamental shift in marketing that is as impactful as the advent of the Internet: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.</p> <p>This workshop introduces marketing professionals of all ranks to the theory, the language, and the practical application of these disruptive technologies.</p> <p>This workshop will not teach you how to be a data scientist.</p> <p>It will teach you enough about the language and implications to speak cogently with your colleagues and determine where to apply this innovative technology first. You will also get a firm grasp on how these new tools will change your job and what you can do to remain relevant in tomorrow’s marketing department.</p> <p>Key Takeaways</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; How Machine Learning Works for Marketing</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; What Machine Learning Cannot do for Marketing</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; How to Onboard AI and ML into Your Organization</p> <p>This workshop is for marketing professionals who are comfortable consuming analytics outputs, but must now face a new, educational learning curve.</p> <p>This workshop is for data scientists to help them understand the problem the marketing department is trying to solve and the available data sets.</p> <p>This workshop is for marketing managers who must respond to the C-level insistence that the marketing department “get with the times” (management by in-flight magazine).</p> <p>This workshop is for those who need to survive in these changing times even though they are not data scientists, algorithm magicians, or predictive analytics statisticians.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5845" data-date="day-4" class="event-tile rm_cc_3 linked"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5845" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Thursday, June 23, 2022</span> <span class="time">8:30 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5845" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Workshop: SQL on GA in BQ: BigQuery for Digital Marketers" data-title="Workshop: SQL on GA in BQ: BigQuery for Digital Marketers" >Workshop: SQL on GA in BQ: BigQuery for Digital Marketers</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="3980" data-overlay-info="speaker-3980" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Anil Batra, <i>Managing Partner</i>, <i>Optizent</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Milano 3</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Half Day Workshop: 8:30am &#8211; 12:30pm&nbsp;</p> <p>BigQuery is one such data warehousing system provided by Google. Google Analytics now sends data to BigQuery and once it is there you can use SQL. Anil dives into the latest GA has to offer, some insights about navigating BigQuery, and the ins and outs of SQL that every analyst should know.</p> <p>What you will learn:</p> <ul> <li>What BigQuery is and how to set it up</li> <li>How to send Google Analytics 4 data to BigQuery</li> <li>The structure of data in BigQuery</li> </ul> <p>BigQuery vs. relational databases like SQL Server, MySQL etc.</p> <ul> <li>Common queries to pull the required data from BigQuery</li> <li>How to bring data from various sources into BigQuery</li> <li>How to send data to Google Data Studio for further analysis.</li> </ul> <p>Who is this for:</p> <ul> <li>Marketers</li> <li>Web &#038; Digital Analysts</li> <li>Marketing Analyst</li> <li>Business owners</li> <li>Business development managers</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6153" data-date="day-4" class="event-tile rm_cc_3 linked"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6153" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Thursday, June 23, 2022</span> <span class="time">8:30 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6153" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Workshop: Data Literacy and Visualization &#8211; The New Big Data Skills" data-title="Workshop: Data Literacy and Visualization &#8211; The New Big Data Skills" >Workshop: Data Literacy and Visualization &#8211; The New Big Data Skills</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="3991" data-overlay-info="speaker-3991" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Lee Feinberg, <i>Founder and President</i>, <i>DecisionViz</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 7/8</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Half Day Workshop: 8:30am &#8211; 4:30pm&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>“No matter how big your data, you must master storytelling and visualization to influence business decisions.”</p> <p>Visualization is the new communication medium – not the activity of making charts! Learn how to apply the foundations of visual language, evoke what people really want from their data, and unleash your creativity.</p> <p>Develop leadership in the processes, people, and culture around visualization. To make big data successful requires you to build new skills in visualization and change how teams work together.</p> <p>This workshop is more than amazing ideas you can put into action immediately. The exercises build your confidence with practical ways to improve your visualizations and make it easy to see insights.</p> <p><strong>Are you ready to transform how your organization makes decisions and takes action?</strong></p> <p>LANGUAGE OF VISUAL STORIES</p> <p>The building blocks of visualization</p> <ul> <li>An introduction to your brain</li> <li>Understanding the six core traits</li> <li>Deep dive on properly using color</li> </ul> <p>Stories you may need to tell</p> <ul> <li>Trends and Relationships</li> <li>Comparisons, Range of Values</li> <li>Differences, Targets vs. Actuals</li> <li>Contest:@Ninja</li> </ul> <p><strong>DEVELOP YOUR ANALYTICS STORY</strong></p> <ul> <li>Step 1: Ask the Magic Question&trade;</li> <li>Step 2: Transform to Action-oriented</li> <li>Step 3: Develop the main ideas</li> <li>Step 4: Arrange the storyline</li> <li>Contest: the Gauntlet</li> </ul> <p><strong>COMPOSE YOUR ANALYTICS STORY</strong></p> <ul> <li>Storyboards: Learn the three secrets</li> <li>Exercise: Yes, you are creative!</li> <li>Exercise: Viz Listener’s Worksheet&trade;</li> </ul> <p><strong>DecisionViz helps you become a great communicator of data<br /></strong>Companies spend a tremendous amount of money and time on big data and visualization technology – then the investments have limited success or completely stall. They don’t give much thought to how people will use these new capabilities to drive decisions and take action. To make big data successful requires elevating teams with new skills in data visualization, turning data into stories, and changing how business and IT teams work together.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6498" data-date="day-4" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Thursday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Thu</p> <p>12:30 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-6498" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Thursday, June 23, 2022</span> <span class="time">12:30 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-6498" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="End of Half Day Workshops / Lunch for Full Day Workshop" data-title="End of Half Day Workshops / Lunch for Full Day Workshop" >End of Half Day Workshops / Lunch for Full Day Workshop</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5846" data-date="day-4" class="event-tile rm_cc_4 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Thursday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Thu</p> <p>2:00 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5846" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Thursday, June 23, 2022</span> <span class="time">2:00 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5846" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="One-to-One Mentorship" data-title="One-to-One Mentorship" >One-to-One Mentorship</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4020" data-overlay-info="speaker-4020" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Jim Sterne, <i>Founder</i>, <i>Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Pisa</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>2:00pm &#8211; 3:30pm Since the first web logfile analysis tools showed up, people have been trying to figure out how to get the most out the people, process, and technology. We&#8217;ve learned that solving problems and making progress require help from others. Nobody is in this alone.</p> <p>The Marketing Analytics Summit One-to-One Mentorship program was created to help you with your progress. Got a technical issue? A departmental problem? A career decision to make? Sign up for a 90 minute deep dive with one of our mentors. These are people who have special knowledge, tons of experience, and industry wisdom going back years.</p> <p>Space is very limited &#8211; sign up early.</p> <p>Jim Sterne, Founder Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association</p> <p>From organizational structure to team management to goal setting, Jim has helped hundreds of individuals identify their objectives and create strategies for overcoming obstacles, aligning teams, and achieving goals. With more than 40 years in sales and marketing, 30 years in online marketing, and 20 years in digital analytics, Jim has garnered a rare amount of wisdom, resources, and success stories that can help you.</p> <p>Stay tuned for additional industry luminaries, coming soon.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6224" data-date="day-4" class="event-tile rm_cc_4 linked"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6224" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Thursday, June 23, 2022</span> <span class="time">2:00 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6224" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="One-to-One Mentorship" data-title="One-to-One Mentorship" >One-to-One Mentorship</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="3980" data-overlay-info="speaker-3980" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Anil Batra, <i>Managing Partner</i>, <i>Optizent</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Pisa</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>2:00pm &#8211; 3:30pm Since the first web logfile analysis tools showed up, people have been trying to figure out how to get the most out the people, process, and technology. We&#8217;ve learned that solving problems and making progress require help from others. Nobody is in this alone. The Marketing Analytics Summit One-to-One Mentorship program was created to help you with your progress. Got a technical issue? A departmental problem? A career decision to make? Sign up for a 90 minute deep dive with one of our mentors. These are people who have special knowledge, tons of experience, and industry wisdom going back years. Space is very limited &#8211; sign up early.</p> <p><strong>Anil Batra, Managing Partner, Optizent</strong></p> <p>Anil Batra is a Digital Marketing and Analytics Executive with over 20 years of experience. He has led Digital and Analytics teams for various agencies managing Fortune 500 clients. These days he is managing Optizent (<a href="" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl=";source=gmail&#038;ust=1649790062335000&#038;usg=AOvVaw3V9sO8KNRWihK3916YqBll"></a>), a digital data and analytics consulting company based in Redmond, WA.</p> <p>Anil has a passion for teaching, training, and helping others achieve their best in the field of Digital Analytics. He has trained people from diverse backgrounds and has converted them into high-performing Digital Marketers and Analysts. Over the last year, he has developed Optizent Digital Analytics Academy (<a href="" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl=";source=gmail&#038;ust=1649790062335000&#038;usg=AOvVaw3-F81ISYq8EFdtYuGfj6t8"></a>) to help marketers learn how to leverage data to create a better customer experience and drive higher ROI. He has created and taught programs for the University of British Columbia (Canada), the University of Washington (USA), Bellevue College (USA), and the Digital Analytics Association.</p> <p>Anil holds an engineering degree from India and an MBA from the University of Washington, USA.</p> <p></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6225" data-date="day-4" class="event-tile rm_cc_4 linked"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6225" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Thursday, June 23, 2022</span> <span class="time">2:00 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6225" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="One-to-One Mentorship" data-title="One-to-One Mentorship" >One-to-One Mentorship</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="5570" data-overlay-info="speaker-5570" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Geddy van Elburg, <i>Founder</i>, <i>IONMOON</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Pisa</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>2:00pm &#8211; 3:30pm Since the first web logfile analysis tools showed up, people have been trying to figure out how to get the most out the people, process, and technology. We&#8217;ve learned that solving problems and making progress require help from others. Nobody is in this alone. The Marketing Analytics Summit One-to-One Mentorship program was created to help you with your progress. Got a technical issue? A departmental problem? A career decision to make? Sign up for a 90 minute deep dive with one of our mentors. These are people who have special knowledge, tons of experience, and industry wisdom going back years. Space is very limited &#8211; sign up early.</p> <p><strong>Geddy van Elburg, International Digital Marketing Consultant, Global Topology BV</strong></p> <p>Geddy brings more than 23 years of experience in international online marketing and digital analytics, topped up with an significant amount of GPDR. During her career, Geddy has guided young people in finding new ways, new adventures, and new answers.</p> <p>One thing is for sure: our world is constantly changing &#8211; online and offline. This includes changes in our lives, our jobs, and the challenges we face. We have to adapt.&nbsp; With a lifetime of learning, Geddy can help you find answers to your challenges.</p> <p></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6517" data-date="day-4" class="event-tile rm_cc_4 linked"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6517" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Thursday, June 23, 2022</span> <span class="time">2:00 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6517" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Workshop: Data Literacy and Visualization &#8211; The New Big Data Skills continued" data-title="Workshop: Data Literacy and Visualization &#8211; The New Big Data Skills continued" >Workshop: Data Literacy and Visualization &#8211; The New Big Data Skills continued</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="3991" data-overlay-info="speaker-3991" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Lee Feinberg, <i>Founder and President</i>, <i>DecisionViz</i></a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-6519" data-date="day-4" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Thursday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Thu</p> <p>3:30 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6519" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Thursday, June 23, 2022</span> <span class="time">3:30 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-6519" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Workshop: Data Literacy and Visualization &#8211; The New Big Data Skills continued" data-title="Workshop: Data Literacy and Visualization &#8211; The New Big Data Skills continued" >Workshop: Data Literacy and Visualization &#8211; The New Big Data Skills continued</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="3991" data-overlay-info="speaker-3991" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Lee Feinberg, <i>Founder and President</i>, <i>DecisionViz</i></a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-5847" data-date="day-4" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Thursday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Thu</p> <p>4:30 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5847" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">Thursday, June 23, 2022</span> <span class="time">4:30 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-5847" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="One-to-One Mentorship" data-title="One-to-One Mentorship" >One-to-One Mentorship</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="4020" data-overlay-info="speaker-4020" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022lasvegas">Jim Sterne, <i>Founder</i>, <i>Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Pisa</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Since the first web logfile analysis tools showed up, people have been trying to figure out how to get the most out the people, process, and technology. We&#8217;ve learned that solving problems and making progress require help from others. Nobody is in this alone.</p> <p>The Marketing Analytics Summit One-to-One Mentorship program was created to help you with your progress. Got a technical issue? A departmental problem? A career decision to make? Sign up for a 90 minute deep dive with one of our mentors. These are people who have special knowledge, tons of experience, and industry wisdom going back years.</p> <p>Space is very limited &#8211; sign up early.</p> <p>Jim Sterne, Founder Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association<br />From organizational structure to team management to goal setting, Jim has helped hundreds of individuals identify their objectives and create strategies for overcoming obstacles, aligning teams, and achieving goals. With more than 40 years in sales and marketing, 30 years in online marketing, and 20 years in digital analytics, Jim has garnered a rare amount of wisdom, resources, and success stories that can help you.</p> <p>Stay tuned for additional industry luminaries, coming soon.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="workshops"> <div class="wrapper-1400 padding-ver-100"> <header> <h2> Workshops </h2> </header> <div class="em-grid em-items row " data-columns="3" > <div class="col_4 em-grid-item item-1 "> <div class="em-workshop-tile "> <a href="#" class="open-overlay" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-overlay-info="workshop-4529"> <div class="inner"> <figure class="photo"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" /> <img width="800" height="800" src="/" class="em-lazyload" alt="" srcset="/" data-src="" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" /> </picture> </figure> <div class="date"> Monday, June 2, 2025 </div> <div class="title"> From Dashboarder to Trusted Advisor &#8211; 1/2 Day </div> <div class="speaker"> Jim Sterne </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col_4 em-grid-item item-2 "> <div class="em-workshop-tile "> <a href="#" class="open-overlay" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-overlay-info="workshop-6742"> <div class="inner"> <figure class="photo"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" /> <img width="800" height="800" src="/" class="em-lazyload" alt="" srcset="/" data-src="" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" decoding="async" /> </picture> </figure> <div class="date"> Monday, June 2, 2025 </div> <div class="title"> Hands On with GA4 &#8211; Full Day </div> <div class="speaker"> Dana DiTomaso </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col_4 em-grid-item item-3 last"> <div class="em-workshop-tile "> <a href="#" class="open-overlay" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-overlay-info="workshop-8305"> <div class="inner"> <figure class="photo"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" /> <img width="800" height="800" src="/" class="em-lazyload" alt="" srcset="/" data-src="" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" decoding="async" /> </picture> </figure> <div class="date"> Monday, June 2, 2025 </div> <div class="title"> Intro to Analytics for Marketing Insights – 1/2 Day </div> <div class="speaker"> Pierre DeBois </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col_4 em-grid-item item-4 "> <div class="em-workshop-tile "> <a href="#" class="open-overlay" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-overlay-info="workshop-8309"> <div class="inner"> <figure class="photo"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" /> <img width="800" height="800" src="/" class="em-lazyload" alt="" srcset="/" data-src="" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" decoding="async" /> </picture> </figure> <div class="date"> Monday, June 2, 2025 </div> <div class="title"> Generative AI for Analysts – 1/2 Day </div> <div class="speaker"> Christopher Penn </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col_4 em-grid-item item-5 "> <div class="em-workshop-tile "> <a href="#" class="open-overlay" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-overlay-info="workshop-7454"> <div class="inner"> <figure class="photo"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" /> <img width="800" height="800" src="/" class="em-lazyload" alt="" srcset="/" data-src="" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" decoding="async" /> </picture> </figure> <div class="date"> Thursday, June 5, 2025 </div> <div class="title"> Building World-class Business Dashboards &#8211; Full Day </div> <div class="speaker"> Steve Wexler </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col_4 em-grid-item item-6 last"> <div class="em-workshop-tile "> <a href="#" class="open-overlay" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-overlay-info="workshop-8315"> <div class="inner"> <figure class="photo"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" /> <img width="800" height="800" src="/" class="em-lazyload" alt="" srcset="/" data-src="" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" decoding="async" /> </picture> </figure> <div class="date"> Thursday, June 5, 2025 </div> <div class="title"> Enterprise Adoption of Gen AI Capabilities – 1/2 Day </div> <div class="speaker"> Jim Sterne </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col_4 em-grid-item item-7 "> <div class="em-workshop-tile "> <a href="#" class="open-overlay" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-overlay-info="workshop-3537"> <div class="inner"> <figure class="photo"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" /> <img width="800" height="800" src="/" class="em-lazyload" alt="" srcset="/" data-src="" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" decoding="async" /> </picture> </figure> <div class="date"> Thursday, June 5, 2025 </div> <div class="title"> SQL on GA4 in BQ: BigQuery for Digital Marketers &#8211; 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