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Are you trying to pick one for the holidays? Join Gizmag, as we compare six of the best smartwatches you can buy today."></div></div> <div class="as_button"><script type="IN/Share" data-counter="top"></script></div> <div class="as_button" id="reddit_button_rail"><script type="text/javascript">reddit_newwindow='1'</script></div> <!--<div class="as_button" id="email_a_friend_rail"><span class="email_a_friend">Email</span></div>--> </div> <div id="hero_box"> <a id="hero_link" href="/web/20150317014632/"> <img src="" title="Gizmag compares some of the best smartwatches you can buy today" alt="Gizmag compares some of the best smartwatches you can buy today"/> </a> <div class="pic_caption"> <p>Gizmag compares some of the best smartwatches you can buy today</p> <a href="/web/20150317014632/" id="gallery_link">Image Gallery</a> (81 images) </div> <div class="clear_both"></div> </div> <div class="article_body"> <div id="top_unit"></div> <p>Wearables still aren't quite mainstream products, but smartwatches did grow in popularity – not to mention quality – this year. Are you trying to pick one for the holidays? Join Gizmag, as we compare six of the best smartwatches you can buy today.</p> <ul id="gallery_images"> <li><a href="/web/20150317014632/" class="image"><img src="" title="Standalone 3G data (row 1)" alt="Standalone 3G data (row 1)"/></a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150317014632/" class="image"><img src="" title="Standalone 3G data (row 2)" alt="Standalone 3G data (row 2)"/></a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150317014632/" class="image"><img src="" title="Always-on display option (row 1)" alt="Always-on display option (row 1)"/></a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150317014632/" class="image"><img src="" title="Always-on display option (row 2)" alt="Always-on display option (row 2)"/></a></li> <li id="view_all"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" class="blue">View all<br/></a></li> </ul> <div class="clear_both"></div> <p>For this comparison, we picked six of the best (or best values) of today's smartwatches:</p> <ul><li>Asus ZenWatch</li> <li>Samsung Gear S</li> <li>Motorola Moto 360</li> <li>LG G Watch R</li> <li>Pebble Steel</li> <li>Pebble</li></ul> <p>You'll notice that we left out dedicated fitness trackers (like those from <a href="" target="_blank">Jawbone</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Fitbit</a>), as well as <em>two-parts-fitness-tracker, one-part-smartwatch</em> hybrids like the <a href="" target="_blank">Gear Fit</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Microsoft Band</a>. It's possible we'll look at them in a separate post, but right now we're focusing on full-fledged smartwatches.</p> <p>You'll also notice that the upcoming <a href="" target="_blank">Apple Watch</a> is missing. It doesn't release until 2015, and we're only looking at watches that you can buy today.</p> <h2>Software</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Software (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Software (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>Half of our watches run <a href="" target="_blank">Android Wear</a>, Google's card-based and voice-based wearable software. Samsung is going in its own direction with its Tizen OS for wearables, and Pebble has always run its own software.</p> <p>None of the three platforms have the app selections that you're used to on your smartphone or tablet, but I find Android Wear to have a more robust library than the other two platforms.</p> <h2>Standalone wireless</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Standalone 3G data (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Standalone 3G data (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>All of these watches pair with a phone over Bluetooth, but the <a href="" target="_blank">Gear S</a> is the rare watch that can also pair with that phone over the internet. It has a SIM card and 3G signal, giving you the option of leaving your phone at home.</p> <p>While leaving your phone at home is a nice option, it also puts the spotlight on the things the Gear S <em>can't</em> do (read on). It also, of course, requires a separate data plan.</p> <h2>Android phone compatibility</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Android phone compatibility (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Android phone compatibility (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>All of these watches are compatible with Android phones, but the Gear S requires a very specific kind: a Samsung Galaxy phone, running Android 4.3 or higher.</p> <h2>iPhone compatibility</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="iPhone compatibility (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="iPhone compatibility (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>Only Pebble plays nicely with iPhones. If you're an iPhone owner, though, your smartwatch options are going to get <a href="" target="_blank">a lot more interesting</a> early next year.</p> <h2>Windows Phone compatibility</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Windows Phone compatibility (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Windows Phone compatibility (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>None of these watches are compatible with Windows Phones.</p> <h2>Size</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Dimensions (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Dimensions (row 2)"/></a></div> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Pebble Steel</a> is going to leave the smallest impression on your wrist, while the huge Gear S will leave the biggest.</p> <p>The <a href="" target="_blank">Asus ZenWatch</a> isn't exactly tiny, but it sits on the smaller end of the Android Wear spectrum.</p> <h2>Weight</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Weight (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Weight (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>The Pebbles are the lightest in this group, but the Moto 360 is also very light for its size.</p> <p>Also note that these weights are for the watches' main bodies only, and don't include their bands.</p> <h2>Build (main body)</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Build (main body, row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Build (main body, row 2)"/></a></div> <p>Four of our watches have stainless steel bodies, while the Gear S and Pebble are made of plastic.</p> <h2>Band material</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Default band material (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Default band material (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>These are the materials you'll find in the default bands for each watch. If you want stainless steel bands on the <a href="" target="_blank">Moto 360</a> and Pebble Steel, you'll need to pony up a little more.</p> <h2>Swappable bands (22 mm)</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Swappable (22 mm) bands (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Swappable (22 mm) bands (row 1)"/></a></div> <p>All but the Gear S and Pebble Steel let you swap those default bands for standard 22 mm ones. You can still switch out bands on the Gear and Steel, but you're limited to their proprietary options.</p> <h2>Colors</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Colors (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Colors (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>The original Pebble gives you the most color options, though you can also mix things up on the other watches by swapping bands.</p> <h2>Physical buttons</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Physical buttons (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Physical buttons (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>The Pebbles each have four physical buttons, while the other four watches get by with one.</p> <h2>Touch screen</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Touch screen (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Touch screen (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>... that's because the Pebbles lack touch screens, relying entirely on those physical buttons for navigation.</p> <h2>Color display</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Color display (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Color display (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>The Pebbles also have black & white displays.</p> <h2>Display (size)</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Display (size, row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Display (size, row 2)"/></a></div> <p>The Gear S and Moto 360 have the biggest screens, while the Pebbles give you the smallest in this group.</p> <p>The round screens on the Moto 360 and <a href="" target="_blank">G Watch R</a> are striking, though you'll notice the Moto's has a small sliver cut out at the bottom.</p> <h2>Display (resolution)</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Display resolution and pixel density (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Display resolution and pixel density (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>The Gear S also has the sharpest screen, though the ZenWatch isn't far behind.</p> <p>With a much lower resolution, text is noticeably pixelated on the two Pebbles.</p> <h2>Display (type)</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Display (type, row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Display (type, row 2)"/></a></div> <p>These are the display technologies used for each watch. The low-powered Sharp LCD ("e-paper") used on the Pebbles is less like something you'd see on a smartphone, and closer to what you'd see on a Kindle e-reader.</p> <h2>Curved display</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Curved display (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Curved display (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>The ZenWatch and Gear S both have curved screens, but the Gear's is much more pronounced. You have to look closely at the ZenWatch to notice its 2.5D curve.</p> <h2>Always-on display</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Always-on display option (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Always-on display option (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>All six watches give you the option of leaving ambient clock faces on at all times (for the Pebbles, you can't do anything but).</p> <h2>Voice control</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Voice control (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Voice control (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>This is one of the biggest advantages for Android Wear, as its Google Now voice control can do much more than the Gear's S Voice.</p> <p>The Pebble watches have no microphones, and therefore no voice control.</p> <h2>Virtual keyboard</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Virtual keyboard (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Virtual keyboard (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>One of my favorite Gear S features is its virtual keyboard. It lets you hammer out texts and reply to emails, much like you would on your phone. It's hard to hit the right letters on its 2-in screen (and the curve doesn't make things easier), but its auto-correct is good.</p> <h2>Notifications</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Notifications (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Notifications (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>All six watches will buzz your wrist and display notifications from your phone. This is still one of the main purposes of smartwatches.</p> <h2>Receiving <em>full</em> emails</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Receiving full emails (no cut-offs) (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Receiving full emails (no cut-offs) (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>You'll get email notifications on all of these watches (unless you choose to mute them), but only the Android Wear watches display full emails – even longer ones. The Gear and Pebbles cut off longer messages.</p> <h2>Sending text messages</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Sending text messages (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Sending text messages (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>The Android Wear watches and the Gear let you send text messages with your voice, and the Gear also gives you the option of rapping out an SMS on its keyboard.</p> <p>Unless you count canned (pre-written on your phone) responses, Pebble doesn't let you compose any messages.</p> <h2>Sending emails</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Sending emails (replies only on the Gear) (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Sending emails (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>Things are slightly different when it comes to sending emails: the Gear S only lets you <em>reply</em> to them. You can't compose a brand new email on the Gear, either by touch or voice.</p> <p>This is what I meant when I said the Gear's mobile data accentuates the ways that it <em>can't</em> replace your phone.</p> <h2>Creating reminders</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Ability to create reminders (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Ability to create reminders (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>I have no idea why, but Samsung removed the ability to create reminders and calendar events from the Gear S (you could do that on older Gears). I see this as another fundamental smartwatch feature – and something that Android Wear watches do very well.</p> <h2>Fitness tracking</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Fitness tracking (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Fitness tracking (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>All of these watches can serve as all-day pedometers, tracking your steps and notifying you when you reach your goals. They can also log individual workouts.</p> <h2>Heart rate sensor</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Heart rate sensor (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Heart rate sensor (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>Four of them also have built-in heart rate sensors. Most of them sit on the watch's backside, but the ZenWatch's is on its front bezels (you'll need to place two fingers on its front to read your pulse).</p> <p>The Moto 360 is the only watch in this group that automatically tracks your pulse in the background all day long. It can also give you daily summaries, and weigh them against recommended time spent with an elevated heart rate.</p> <h2>Water resistance</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Water resistance (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Water resistance (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>All of these watches offer some kind of water resistance. This is one of the few drawbacks with the ZenWatch, as it's only protected against splashes and occasional streams of water – not full submersion.</p> <h2>Song ID</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Music ID (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Music ID (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>A Shazam-like music identification feature makes a lot of sense on a smartwatch, but none of these watches support this natively. Android Wear does, however, have a Sony-made app called <a href="" target="_blank">TrackID</a> that works just fine.</p> <h2>Battery</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Battery (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Battery (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>When the Moto 360 launched, its battery life was a concern, but a software update now has it more easily lasting a full day. The rest of the watches are also easily all-day (or more) devices.</p> <p>This is a big advantage for Pebble, as you'll only need to drop it on a charger once or twice a week.</p> <h2>Wireless charging</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Wireless charging (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Wireless charging (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>The Moto 360 is the only watch in this bunch that supports wireless charging. It includes a nifty charging dock that turns it into a faux desk clock when you aren't using it. It also supports the Qi standard for third-party wireless chargers.</p> <p>The other watches use either magnetic snap-on chargers, similar to MacBooks' MagSafe (Pebble), small charging docks (ZenWatch and G Watch R) or snap-on charging cradles (Gear).</p> <h2>Camera</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Camera (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Camera (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>Samsung put cameras in a couple of its older Gears, but none in this group let you take pictures. Most of them can, however, serve as remote controls for your phone's camera.</p> <h2>Storage</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Storage (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Storage (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>4 GB seems to be the standard storage on touch screen watches. And since most apps only take up a few MBs of space at the most, this should be more than enough.</p> <p>This is one of Pebble's biggest drawbacks: it can only store eight apps (including third-party watch faces) at a time. That puts an unusually low ceiling on what you can do with it.</p> <h2>Processor</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Processor (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Processor (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>Wearable operating systems are so light that smartwatches don't need ultra-powerful processors. Performance isn't a concern in any of these watches.</p> <p>Most Android Wear watches run on Qualcomm's Snapdragon 400 – the same chip found in the <a href="" target="_blank">Moto G</a> smartphone. But in an apparent cost-cutting move, Motorola opted for an older Texas Instruments OMAP processor in the Moto 360. Its performance is fine, but its weaker power management may have contributed to those initial battery life concerns.</p> <h2>RAM</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="RAM (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="RAM (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>Half a gig of RAM is the order of the day in touchscreen smartwatches. The lower-powered Pebble gets by with 128 KB.</p> <h2>Speaker</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Speaker (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Speaker (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>You can talk to Android Wear watches, but they won't talk back to you. Samsung's Gear can, if you want it to.</p> <h2>Phone calls</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Phone calls (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Phone calls (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>That means the Gear S is also the only one that lets you take and make phone calls on the watch. The other watches notify you of calls, and let you answer or reject them, but you'll need to grab your phone for the actual call.</p> <h2>Release</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Release (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Release (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>The original Pebble is nearly two years old, but we included it for its combination of price (see below) and established software ecosystem. The rest of these watches launched this year, most of them in the last few months.</p> <p>If Pebble follows its pattern from the last couple of years, we could potentially see a new model right after New Year's, at CES 2015.</p> <h2>Price</h2> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Price (row 1)"/></a></div> <div class="article_img"><a href="/web/20150317014632/" target="_blank"><img src="" width="" alt="Price (row 2)"/></a></div> <p>If you're shopping in the US$100 range, then the plastic Pebble is a solid deal (along with the <a href="" target="_blank">Martian Notifier</a>, which is also worth a look).</p> <p>You won't pay less than $200 for any of the other watches in our group. The Asus ZenWatch, though, might provide the best combination of price, style and features. It's among the cheapest Android Wear watches – and it's also one of the best-looking. For $50 more, the Moto 360 is also stylish (if a little bulky) and for $100 more, the G Watch R adds a diver's watch theme (and fully round screen) to Android Wear.</p> <p>The Gear S doesn't come cheap. It runs between $300-400 full retail (carriers are pricing it differently), and also requires its own data plan (they're priced like tablet plans). Carriers also offer the Gear discounted upfront with a contract or installment plan.</p> <p>For deeper dives on each of these watches, you can hit up our full reviews:</p> <ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">Asus ZenWatch review</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Gear S review</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Moto 360 review</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">LG G Watch R review</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Pebble Steel review</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Pebble review</a></li></ul> <p>If you're shopping for other mobile devices this holiday season, you can also check out our latest <a href="" target="_blank">Smartphone Comparison Guide</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Tablet Comparison Guide</a>.</p> <p><em>Updated 11/26: we originally had the G Watch R's height and width switched in the "size" image</em></p> <!-- INTEL BANNER --> <span class="title share_bar">Share</span> <div id="article_share_bar" class="dotsontop share_bar"> <div class="as_button fb_as_button"><div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="false" data-layout="box_count" data-show-faces="false" data-share="true"></div><script type="text/javascript">_ga.trackFacebook();</script></div> <div class="as_button"><a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="vertical" data-via="gizmag">Tweet</a></div> <div class="as_button"><div class="g-plusone" data-size="tall" data-href=""></div></div> <div class="as_button stumble_as_button"><iframe style="overflow: hidden; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; " src="" width="50" height="60" id="iframe-stmblpn-widget-2"></iframe></div> <div class="as_button"><div class="pin-it-button" data-url="" data-image="" data-description="Wearables still aren't quite mainstream products, but smartwatches did grow in popularity – not to mention quality – this year. 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Will has a Master's degree from U.C. Irvine and a Bachelor's from West Virginia University. He currently lives in New Mexico with his wife, Jessica.<br/> <a href="/web/20150317014632/">All articles by Will Shanklin</a> <span id="author_byline_links"> <!-- RSS Link --> <!-- <span class="bootbtn" id="rss-author-button"> <a></a> </span> --> </span> <br class="clear_both"> </div> <!-- Tags --> <div id="tags"> <span class="title">Tags</span> <div class="dotsontop"> <ul> <li>» <a href="/web/20150317014632/" rel="tag">Asus ZenWatch</a></li> <li>» <a href="/web/20150317014632/" rel="tag">LG G Watch R</a></li> <li>» <a href="/web/20150317014632/" rel="tag">Moto 360</a></li> <li>» <a href="/web/20150317014632/" rel="tag">Pebble</a></li> <li>» <a href="/web/20150317014632/" rel="tag">Pebble Steel</a></li> <li>» <a href="/web/20150317014632/" rel="tag">Product Comparison</a></li> <li>» <a href="/web/20150317014632/" rel="tag">Samsung Gear S</a></li> <li>» <a href="/web/20150317014632/" rel="tag">Smartwatch</a></li> <li>» <a href="/web/20150317014632/" rel="tag">Wearable</a></li> <li>» <a href="/web/20150317014632/" rel="tag">wearable computing</a></li> <li>» <a href="/web/20150317014632/" rel="tag">wearable electronics</a></li> </ul> <div class="clear_both"></div> </div> </div> <div id="bing_unit"><!-- bing_unit --></div> <!-- Comments --> <span class="title" id="comments">11 Comments</span> <div class="dotsontop"> <div id="comment-352480" class="a_comment"> <p>My pebble is still going strong, not planning on replacing it until an amazing smart watch comes out and I don't see that happening until Apple gives android market s ideas. </p> <span class="name">exodous</span><br> <span class="date"> 21st November, 2014 @ 07:22 pm PST</span> </div> <div id="comment-352501" class="a_comment"> <p>not there yet, wait till 2017 or 2018 until the first smart watch has any value at all to complement or replace your smartphone or fitness tracker. until then, these smart watches are just pointless accessories. </p> <p></p> <p>don't believe me? just wait until you see someone with a smart watch and politely ask them about their experience and ask them how useful it is to them and in what ways does it help them to do things they don't usually get done with their smartphone. </p> <p></p> <p></p> <span class="name">zevulon</span><br> <span class="date"> 21st November, 2014 @ 08:28 pm PST</span> </div> <div id="comment-352513" class="a_comment"> <p>Dude!!!! 80 pictures? For real? </p> <p>Never heard of spreadsheets?. </p> <p>I am sharing this with friend, because this is the most useless use of graphs , ever!!! </p> <span class="name">ru4real</span><br> <span class="date"> 22nd November, 2014 @ 12:07 am PST</span> </div> <div id="comment-352633" class="a_comment"> <p>You left out the Gear 2 Neo </p> <p>It gives you the best mix of size, weight, functionality and price. </p> <p>Make and receive calls. </p> <p>Send and receive text. (send using S voice) </p> <p>Swappable bands. </p> <p>Fitness tracking. </p> <p>Sleep tracking. </p> <p>2-3 day battery. </p> <p>Universal remote control. </p> <p>Song identifier (via app in the Gear store. Should also work with Gear S) </p> <span class="name">Geoff Fox</span><br> <span class="date"> 23rd November, 2014 @ 06:12 am PST</span> </div> <div id="comment-352654" class="a_comment"> <p>I liked the format of this article, it allowed me to just skip through the whole thing and only stop and read if I wanted details :) </p> <p></p> <p>Wondering why the Microsoft band is not included? Its a pretty good contender, will work with all three of the major mobile OSs, has voice, etc. and the most sensors. Not suggesting its better but its better then some of these. </p> <span class="name">Rann Xeroxx</span><br> <span class="date"> 23rd November, 2014 @ 09:38 am PST</span> </div> <div id="comment-352687" class="a_comment"> <p>I'm still using a SonySmartwatch 1.0 as my phone is a Droid Pro+ running Gingerbread. I agree with exodous that there are not many advantages to these new watches. The most useful attribute is the buzzer to alert me to calendar entries and emails that have just arrived, and also to tell me if I have forgotten to take my phone. Smartwatch 1.0 does that well enough. To be honest, I never use any other features. </p> <span class="name">charlieFreak</span><br> <span class="date"> 24th November, 2014 @ 02:11 am PST</span> </div> <div id="comment-352759" class="a_comment"> <p>yes, seems like MS band should have been in here. it is a very nice, sleek, and small smart watch... </p> <span class="name">Kalides Evony</span><br> <span class="date"> 24th November, 2014 @ 03:52 pm PST</span> </div> <div id="comment-352819" class="a_comment"> <p>Is there an image in the article that shows the name of each watch against an image of that watch? </p> <p>If there is, I couldn't find it. Are we supposed to know, or infer that critical piece of information? </p> <p></p> <span class="name">Mulangi</span><br> <span class="date"> 25th November, 2014 @ 12:22 am PST</span> </div> <div id="comment-352822" class="a_comment"> <p>I still think the Samsung Gear 2 has some of the handiest features, the remote control, camera, and of course the phone. Plus all the standard features. Surprisingly I find one of the most useful features is the infared remote control. </p> <span class="name">sgh77</span><br> <span class="date"> 25th November, 2014 @ 01:54 am PST</span> </div> <div id="comment-354448" class="a_comment"> <p>Any chance you can update this article to include the Sony Smartwatch 3? It has some interesting features (e.g., 3G radio, WiFi, etc). </p> <span class="name">Jetster</span><br> <span class="date"> 3rd December, 2014 @ 03:26 pm PST</span> </div> <div id="comment-368830" class="a_comment"> <p>"Wearables still aren't quite mainstream products" because they still aren't quite good for much. That comes from too much marketing and not enough engineering. </p> <span class="name">Eddie</span><br> <span class="date"> 8th March, 2015 @ 01:13 pm PDT</span> </div> </div> <span class="title">Post a Comment</span> <div class="dotsontop" id="comment_form_div"> <div id="comment_form" data-article="34880"> <div id="comments_login"> <form action="/web/20150317014632/" name="login_form" id="login_form" onsubmit="return false;"> <p class="bold">Login with your gizmag account:</p> <p id="login_status"></p> <label for="email">Email</label><input type="text" name="email" id="email" value=""/> <label for="password">Password</label><input type="password" name="password" id="password" value=""/> <input type="submit" value="Log In" class="med"/> <div id="options"> <a href="/web/20150317014632/">Register here</a><br> <a href="/web/20150317014632/">Forgotten your password?</a> </div> <input type="hidden" id="expired_comment" value=""/> </form> </div> <div id="facebook_login"> <p>Or <span class="bold">Login with Facebook:</span></p><br/> <div class="fb-login-button" data-scope="email" data-max-rows="1" data-onlogin="loginFUser(34880);" data-autologoutlink="true"></div> </div> </div> <div class="clear_both"></div> </div> <!-- Related Articles: cached --> <span class="title">Related Articles</span> <div id="related_articles" class="dotsontop"> <ul> <li data-id="34792"> <a href="/web/20150317014632/" title="Gizmag takes a quick look at the radically different approaches we're seeing in the smartw..." data-id="34792"> <img src="" alt="Gizmag takes a quick look at the radically different approaches we're seeing in the smartw..."/> </a> <a class="rel_title" href="/web/20150317014632/">Samsung Gear S and Pebble Steel: Smartwatch polar opposites, in pictures</a> <p class="rel_date">17th November, 2014</p> </li> <li data-id="32701"> <a href="/web/20150317014632/" title="Samsung is launching its first Android Wear-based smartwatch, the Gear Live" data-id="32701"> <img src="" alt="Samsung is launching its first Android Wear-based smartwatch, the Gear Live"/> </a> <a class="rel_title" href="/web/20150317014632/">Samsung is at it again, launches Gear Live smartwatch running Android Wear</a> <p class="rel_date">25th June, 2014</p> </li> <li data-id="34265"> <a href="/web/20150317014632/" title="Omate's new smartwatch is an attractive, fashion-first smartwatch design exclusively for w..." data-id="34265"> <img src="" alt="Omate's new smartwatch is an attractive, fashion-first smartwatch design exclusively for w..."/> </a> <a class="rel_title" href="/web/20150317014632/">Omate’s Lutetia is a round-faced smartwatch aimed at women</a> <p class="rel_date">15th October, 2014</p> </li> <li data-id="33694"> <a href="/web/20150317014632/" title="Gizmag compares the features and specs of the Samsung Gear S (left) and Motorola Moto 360 ..." data-id="33694"> <img src="" alt="Gizmag compares the features and specs of the Samsung Gear S (left) and Motorola Moto 360 ..."/> </a> <a class="rel_title" href="/web/20150317014632/">Samsung Gear S vs. Moto 360</a> <p class="rel_date">5th September, 2014</p> </li> <li data-id="29683"> <a href="/web/20150317014632/" title="Pebble just announced the biggest set of updates to its smartwatch (and its developer tool..." data-id="29683"> <img src="" alt="Pebble just announced the biggest set of updates to its smartwatch (and its developer tool..."/> </a> <a class="rel_title" href="/web/20150317014632/">Pebble smartwatch to soon support full iOS notifications, gesture input</a> <p class="rel_date">6th November, 2013</p> </li> <li data-id="31264"> <a href="/web/20150317014632/" title="The Moto 360 will be available in summer 2014 (Northern Hemisphere) " data-id="31264"> <img src="" alt="The Moto 360 will be available in summer 2014 (Northern Hemisphere) "/> </a> <a class="rel_title" href="/web/20150317014632/">Moto 360: Motorola's first Android smart watch</a> <p class="rel_date">18th March, 2014</p> </li> </ul> <div class="clear_both"></div> </div> <!-- Google Search Box --> <div id="search_form_bottom"> <form action="" id="cse-search-box-bottom"> <span class="title">Looking for something? 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