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at búgva í Føroyum sambært Landsfólkaskránni. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/3">Fólkatal</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/folkatal/bustadartilknyti" title="Lýsir persónar, sum í longri áramál hava búð og virkað í Føroyum" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/602">Bústaðartilknýti</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/folkatal/fodiland" title="Føðilandið hjá øllum, sum eru skrásett at búgva í Føroyum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/173">Føðiland</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/folkatal/rikisborgaraskapur" title="Ríkisborgaraskapur hjá øllum, sum eru skrásett at búgva í Føroyum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/4">Ríkisborgaraskapur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/folkatal/huski" title="Talið av húskjum í Føroyum " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/490">Húski</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/folkatal/framrokning-endad" title="Framrokning av fólkatalinum næstu 40 árini. &nbsp; " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/5">Framrokning (endað)</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/folkatal/novn" title="Yvirlit yvir nøvn og eftirnøvn " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/494">Nøvn</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Lívsævi <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/livsaevi/livialdur" title="Roknaður livialdur hjá føroyingum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/18">Livialdur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/livsaevi/midalaldur" title="Miðalaldurin lýsir, hvussu aldursbýtið er hjá øllum persónum, sum búgva í Føroyum við ársbyrjan. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/512">Miðalaldur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/livsaevi/deydaorsakir" title="Deyðaorsakir, staðfestar við læknaligari deyðaváttan. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/19">Deyðaorsakir</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/livsaevi/fosturtokur" title="Fosturtøkur eru framdar fosturtøkur, um kvinnan er skrásett at búgva í Føroyum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/20">Fosturtøkur</a> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru færri enn 6 menuir á level 2, enda kolonnu um tvær menuir eru skrivaðar --> </li> </ul> <!-- 2. og 3. kolonnur um tað er færri enn 6 menuir á øðrum stigi --> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-3"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Fødd og deyð <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/fodd-og-deyd/burdaravlop" title="Burðaravlop er munurin millum fødd og deyð " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/421">Burðaravlop</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/fodd-og-deyd/fodd" title="Í føðitalinum telja livandi fødd børn, ið eru skrásett at búgva í Føroyum føðidagin. &nbsp; " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/7">Fødd</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/fodd-og-deyd/deyd" title="Í deyðatalinum telja deyð, sum eru skrásett at búgva í Føroyum deyðadagin. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/8">Deyð</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Flyting <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/flyting/nettoflyting" title="Nettoflyting er munurin ímillum tilflyting og fráflyting. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/284">Nettoflyting</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/flyting/innlendisflyting" title="Innlendisflyting er flyting millum bygdir, kommunur, oyggjar, økir og sýslur í Føroyum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/11">Innlendisflyting</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/flyting/uttanlandsflyting" title="Uttanlandsflyting er flyting til og úr Føroyum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/12">Uttanlandsflyting</a> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru færri enn 6 menuir á level 2, enda kolonnu um tvær menuir eru skrivaðar --> </li> </ul> <!-- 2. og 3. kolonnur um tað er færri enn 6 menuir á øðrum stigi --> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-3"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Hjúnastøða <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/hjunastoda/vigslur-og-skilnadir" title="Allar vígslur í Føroyum og skilnaðir hjá teimum, sum eru skrásett at búgva í Føroyum.&nbsp; " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/14">Vígslur og skilnaðir</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/hjunastoda/einkjur-og-einkjumenn" title="Einkjur og einkjumenn eru øll, sum eru skrásett at búgva í Føroyum, ið vóru gift, tá makin doyði. &nbsp; " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/16">Einkjur og einkjumenn</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Manntal 2011 <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/manntal-2011/huski" title="Húskisslag, húskisstødd, húskisbýti v.m. &nbsp; " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/176">Húski</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/manntal-2011/utbugving" title="Útbúgving í 4 høvuðsbólkum eftir hægsta útbúgvingarstigi hjá teimum spurdu. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/181">Útbúgving</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/manntal-2011/arbeidi" title="Lýsir tilknýti til arbeiðsmarknaðin, arbeiðstíð v.m. hjá øllum spurdum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/182">Arbeiði</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/manntal-2011/pendling" title="Pendling er tá fólk ferðast millum bústaðin og arbeiðsplássið ella skúlan í aðrari bygd ella øðrum býi. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/178">Pendling</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/manntal-2011/atrunadur" title="Trúgv og samkomutilknýti hjá teimum, ið svaraðu. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/175">Átrúnaður</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class="mega-menu"> <a href="#"> <div> Samfelag <i class="icon-angle-down"></i> </div> </a> <div class="mega-menu-content style-2 clearfix"> <div class="d-none d-lg-block"> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-3 "> <li> <div class="clearfix" style="height: 100%"> <img src="/themes/custom/hagstovaforoya/images/magazine/carousel/2.jpg" /> <p class="topmargin-sm nobottommargin mega-menu-title-display"> Nýggjastu tøl um samfelag og samfelagsviðurskifti </p> </div> </li> <li></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-2"> <!-- Fyrsta kolonna verður gjørd her --> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Almannamál <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/almannamal/pensjonistar" title="Pensjónistar eru fólk í fáa fólkapensjón ella fyritíðarpensjón. &nbsp; " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/134">Pensjónistar</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/almannamal/heimloysi" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/522">Heimloysi</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/almannamal/sjukradagpengar" title="Sjúkradagpengar, ið løntakarar fáa vegna sjúku, skaðatilburð ella barnsburð. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/136">Sjúkradagpengar</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/almannamal/einsamallir-uppihaldarar" title="Einsamallir uppihaldarar eru tey, sum einsamøll forsyrgja einum ella fleiri børnum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/137">Einsamallir uppihaldarar</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Heilsa <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/heilsa/sjukrahus" title="Starvsfólk og sjúklingar á sjúkrahúsunum í Føroyum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/148">Sjúkrahús</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/heilsa/kommunu-og-tannlaeknar" title="Yvirlit yvir kommunu- og tannlæknar í Føroyum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/147">Kommunu- og tannlæknar</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/heilsa/apoteksvirksemi" title="Apoteksverkið er stovnur undir Landsstýrinum. Apoteksverkið umfatar apotekini, landsapotekaraembætið og apoteksgrunnin. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/146">Apoteksvirksemi</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/heilsa/rusdrekkasola" title="Rúsdrekkasølan fevnir um søluna av øli, víni, brennivíni og tollfríum rúsdrekka. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/143">Rúsdrekkasøla</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/livsaevi/deydaorsakir" title="Deyðaorsakir, staðfestar við læknaligari deyðaváttan. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/19">Deyðaorsakir</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/folk/livsaevi/fosturtokur" title="Fosturtøkur eru framdar fosturtøkur, um kvinnan er skrásett at búgva í Føroyum." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/20">Fosturtøkur</a> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru fleiri enn 6 menuir á level 2, enda kolonnu um tvær menuir eru skrivaðar --> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru fleiri enn 6 menuir á level 2, ger nýggja kolonnur tá samlaða talið skal býtast í trý --> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-2"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Inntøkubýti <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/lonir-og-inntokubyti/samlad-inntoka" title="Inntøka, sum stavar frá lønargjaldingum, yvirskoti, veitingum og ognarinntøkum." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/491">Samlað inntøka</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/lonir-og-inntokubyti/tok-inntoka" title="Tøk inntøka er inntøka eftir skatt og onnur lógarkravd gjøld." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/493">Tøk inntøka</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/lonir-og-inntokubyti/javnvirdisinntoka" title="Javnvirðisinntøkan er inntøkan hjá tí einstaka, tá atlit eru tikin til, hvørjum húski tann einstaki býr í. Er ein umroknað húskisinntøka við atliti til talið av vaksnum og børnum í húskinum." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/492">Javnvirðisinntøka</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/lonir-og-inntokubyti/inntokubyti" title="Inntøkubýtið lýsir, hvussu inntøkurnar í Føroyum eru býttar." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/107">Inntøkubýti</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/lonir-og-inntokubyti/fataekavadi" title="Fátækaváðin er eitt altjóða mát, ið lýsir borgarnar í samfelagnum við lutfalsligu fækst nýstlumøguleikum." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/108">Fátækaváði</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Arbeiði <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/arbeidi/arbeidsmegi-kanning" title="Arbeiðsmegi er altjóða mát, sum telur partin av fólkinum millum 15-74 ár, ið kunna veita arbeiðsmegi til arbeiðsmarknaðin." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/51">Arbeiðsmegi, kanning</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/arbeidi/starvsfolk" title="Løntakarar er talið av føroyskum løntakarum millum 16 og 74 ár, sum fáa løn um samtíðarskattaskipanina. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/52">Starvsfólk</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/arbeidi/arbeidsloysi" title="Arbeiðsleys eru persónar, sum eru uttan nakað arbeiði, eru fult tøk fyri arbeiðsmarknaðin og eru virkin arbeiðssøkjandi. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/422">Arbeiðsloysi</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/arbeidi/lon-skattad" title="Lønargjaldingar eru A-skattskyldugar lønir, sum fyritøkur við heimstaði í Føroyum gjalda. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/184">Løn (A-skattað)</a> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru fleiri enn 6 menuir á level 2, enda kolonnu um tvær menuir eru skrivaðar --> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru fleiri enn 6 menuir á level 2, ger nýggja kolonnur tá samlaða talið skal býtast í trý --> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-2"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Útbúgving <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/utbugving/folkaskulin" title="Fólkaskúlin er almenni skúlin, ið bjóðar undirvísing í 9 ára grundskúla og sjálvbodna 10. árið. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/152">Fólkaskúlin</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/utbugving/lestrarstudul" title="Lestrarstuðul til føroysk lesandi. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/155">Lestrarstuðul</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/utbugving/fritidarundirvising" title="Frítíðarundirvísing fevnir um øll tilboð hjá Tórshavnar Kvøld-, Ungdóms- og Listaskúli, umframt yrkiskenda undirvísing innan landbúnað og maritima økið. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/156">Frítíðarundirvísing</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Val <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/val/logtingsval" title="Atkvøðubýtið til løgtingsval. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/165">Løgtingsval</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/val/folkatingsval" title="Atkvøðubýtið til fólkatingsval í Føroyum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/166">Fólkatingsval</a> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru fleiri enn 6 menuir á level 2, enda kolonnu um tvær menuir eru skrivaðar --> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru fleiri enn 6 menuir á level 2, ger nýggja kolonnur tá samlaða talið skal býtast í trý --> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-2"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Mentan og átrúnaður <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/mentan-og-atrunadur/bokur-og-tidindablod" title="Bøkur útgivnar í Føroyum og upplagið hjá føroyskum tíðindabløðum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/138">Bøkur og tíðindabløð</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/mentan-og-atrunadur/sovn" title="Bókasøvn, tjóðsøvn v.m. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/160">Søvn</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/mentan-og-atrunadur/sjonleikur-og-biografar" title="Leikir og vitjandi til sjónleikir, umframt kunning um biografar í Føroyum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/161">Sjónleikur og biografar</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/mentan-og-atrunadur/mentanargrunnur-landsins" title="Endamál grunsins er at styðja starv fyri føroyskum máli, bókmentum, list, vísindum og øðrum mentanarmálum, bæði hjá leikum og lærdum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/162">Mentanargrunnur Landsins</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/mentan-og-atrunadur/folkakirkjan" title="Yvirlit yvir kirkjur, prestar, prestagjøld og limir í Fólkakirkjuni. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/163">Fólkakirkjan</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Rættur og løgregla <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/raettur-og-logregla/raettarmal" title="Rættarmál eru ymisk mál, ið eru komin fyri í rættinum ella sum rætturin hevur viðgjørt á einhvønn hátt. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/157">Rættarmál</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/raettur-og-logregla/logreglumal" title="Mál, ið løgreglan tekur sær av, so sum revsimál, kriminalmál, ferðsluóhapp, ferðsluvanlukkur v.m. &nbsp; " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/158">Løgreglumál</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/samfelag/raettur-og-logregla/tinglysing" title="Tinglýsingar í akfarsbókini, av leysafæi, av fastari ogn v.m. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/159">Tinglýsing</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class="mega-menu"> <a href="#"> <div> Vinna <i class="icon-angle-down"></i> </div> </a> <div class="mega-menu-content style-2 clearfix"> <div class="d-none d-lg-block"> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-3 "> <li> <div class="clearfix" style="height: 100%"> <img src="/themes/custom/hagstovaforoya/images/magazine/carousel/4.jpg" /> <p class="topmargin-sm nobottommargin mega-menu-title-display"> Nýggjastu tøl um vinnur og vinnugreinar </p> </div> </li> <li></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-2"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> A Landbúnaður, skógrøkt og fiskiveiða <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/landbunadur-skogrokt-og-fiskiveida/figgjarstoda" title="Fíggjarstøða í vinnugreinini landbúnaður, skógrøkt og fiskiveiða. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/515">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/landbunadur-skogrokt-og-fiskiveida/rakstur" title="Rakstur í vinnugreinini landbúnaður, skógrøkt og fiskiveiða. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/513">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/umhvorvi/natturutilfeingi/grind" title="Grindir, hvalir, hvalisløg og hvalvágir." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/128">Grind</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/konjukturbarometur/tilfeingisvinna" title="Vísitøl, sum siga nakað um, hvussu vinnan metir, at tíðirnar eru." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/102">Gongd og væntanir í tilfeingisvinnuni</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> B Námsvinna og grótbrot <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/b-namsvinna-og-grotbrot/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/524">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/b-namsvinna-og-grotbrot/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/526">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> C Framleiðsluvinna <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/c-framleidsluvinna/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/527">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/c-framleidsluvinna/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/528">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> D El-, gass- og fjarhitaveiting <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/d-el-gass-og-fjarhitaveiting/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/530">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/d-el-gass-og-fjarhitaveiting/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/531">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/umhvorvi/orka/el-framleidsla-hja-sev" title="El-framleiðsla og orkukeldur hjá SEV." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/127">El-framleiðsla hjá SEV</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/umhvorvi/orka/el-sola-hja-sev" title="El-søla og keyparar hjá SEV." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/126">El-søla hjá SEV</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> </li> </ul> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-2"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> E Vatnveiting; kloakkir og ruskviðgerð <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/e-vatnveiting-kloakkir-og-ruskvidgerd/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/533">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/e-vatnveiting-kloakkir-og-ruskvidgerd/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/534">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> F Byggivinna <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/f-byggivinna/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/536">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/f-byggivinna/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/537">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/konjukturbarometur/byggivinna" title="Vísitøl, sum siga nakað um, hvussu vinnan metir, at tíðirnar eru." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/103">Gongd og væntanir í byggivinnuni</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> G Heil- og smásøla; umvæling av akførum <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/g-heil-og-smasola-umvaeling-av-akforum/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/539">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/g-heil-og-smasola-umvaeling-av-akforum/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/540">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> H Flutnings- og goymsluvinna <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/h-flutnings-og-goymsluvinna/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/542">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/h-flutnings-og-goymsluvinna/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/543">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/h-flutnings-og-goymsluvinna/ferdandi" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/583">Ferðandi</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> </li> </ul> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-2"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> I Gisting og matstovuvinna <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/i-gisting-og-matstovuvinna/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/545">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/i-gisting-og-matstovuvinna/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/546">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> J Kunning og samskifti <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/j-kunning-og-samskifti/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/548">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/j-kunning-og-samskifti/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/549">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> L Søla, útleiga og umsiting av fastognum <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/l-sola-utleiga-og-umsiting-av-fastognum/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/551">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/l-sola-utleiga-og-umsiting-av-fastognum/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/552">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/prisir/sethusaprisir-og-sola" title="Sethúsasølan er gjørd upp eftir prísi, tali og staði" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/171">Sethúsaprísir og -søla</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> M Serkøn, vísindalig og tøknilig tænastuveiting <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/m-serkon-visindalig-og-toknilig-taenastuveiting/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/554">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/m-serkon-visindalig-og-toknilig-taenastuveiting/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/555">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> </li> </ul> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-2"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> N Umsitingarligar o.l. tænastuveitingar <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/n-umsitingarligar-ol-taenastuveitingar/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/557">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/n-umsitingarligar-ol-taenastuveitingar/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/558">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> P Undirvísing <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/p-undirvising/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/563">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/p-undirvising/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/564">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> Q Heilsu- og almannaverk <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/q-heilsu-og-almannaverk/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/566">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/q-heilsu-og-almannaverk/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/567">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> R List, undirhald og ítróttir <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/r-list-undirhald-og-itrottir/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/569">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/r-list-undirhald-og-itrottir/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/570">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> </li> </ul> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-2"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu firstMenuLetter "> S Aðrar tænastuveitingar <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/s-adrar-taenastuveitingar/rakstur" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/572">Rakstur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/s-adrar-taenastuveitingar/figgjarstoda" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/573">Fíggjarstøða</a> </li> </ul> <!-- TEST --> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class="mega-menu"> <a href="#"> <div> Búskapur <i class="icon-angle-down"></i> </div> </a> <div class="mega-menu-content style-2 clearfix"> <div class="d-none d-lg-block"> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-3 "> <li> <div class="clearfix" style="height: 100%"> <img src="/themes/custom/hagstovaforoya/images/magazine/carousel/3.jpg" /> <p class="topmargin-sm nobottommargin mega-menu-title-display"> Nýggjastu tøl um búskapin </p> </div> </li> <li></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-2"> <!-- Fyrsta kolonna verður gjørd her --> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Tjóðarbúskapur <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/tjodarbuskapur/btu-og-hovudstol" title="BTÚ og onnur høvuðstøl í tjóðarroknskapinum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/95">BTÚ og høvuðstøl</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/tjodarbuskapur/vinnugreinar" title="Vinnugreinar í tjóðarroknskapinum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/297">Vinnugreinar</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/tjodarbuskapur/geirar" title="Geirar í tjóðarroknskapinum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/97">Geirar</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/tjodarbuskapur/gjaldsjavni" title="Gjaldsjavnin er ein uppgerð av øllum viðskiftum við umheimin. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/85">Gjaldsjavni</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Almenn fyrisiting og tænasta <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/almenn-fyrisiting-og-taenasta/almennar-utreidslur" title="Almennar útreiðslur eru allar úreiðslurnar, sum geirin almenn fyrisiting og tænasta&nbsp;hevur í einum ári. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/514">Almennar útreiðslur</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/almenn-fyrisiting-og-taenasta/almenn-fyrisiting-og-taenasta" title="Geirin, almenn fyrisiting og tænasta, í tjóðarroknskapinum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/291">Almenn fyrisiting og tænasta</a> <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/almenn-fyrisiting-og-taenasta/landsfyrisiting-og-taenasta" title="Undirgeiri í geiranum Almenn fyrisiting og tænasta. " class="mega-menu-fourth-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/92">Landsfyrisiting og tænasta</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/almenn-fyrisiting-og-taenasta/kommunufyrisiting-og-taenasta" title="Undirgeiri í geiranum Almenn fyrisiting og tænasta. " class="mega-menu-fourth-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/93">Kommunufyrisiting og tænasta</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/almenn-fyrisiting-og-taenasta/rikisfyrisiting-og-taenasta" title="Undirgeiri í geiranum Almenn fyrisiting og tænasta. " class="mega-menu-fourth-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/91">Ríkisfyrisiting og tænasta</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/almenn-fyrisiting-og-taenasta/sosialir-trygdargrunnar" title="Undirgeiri í geiranum Almenn fyrisiting og tænasta. " class="mega-menu-fourth-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/287">Sosialir trygdargrunnar</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/almenn-fyrisiting-og-taenasta/skattir" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/521">Skattir</a> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru fleiri enn 6 menuir á level 2, enda kolonnu um tvær menuir eru skrivaðar --> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru fleiri enn 6 menuir á level 2, ger nýggja kolonnur tá samlaða talið skal býtast í trý --> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-2"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Kommunufíggjarmál <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/kommunufiggjarmal/kommunal-figgjarvidurskifti" title="Inntøkur og útreiðslur hjá kommunum " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/497">Kommunal fíggjarviðurskifti</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Uttanlandshandil <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/uttanlandshandil/uttanlandshandil-vid-vorum" title="Virði á inn- og útfluttum vørum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/84">Uttanlandshandil við vørum</a> <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/uttanlandshandil-vid-vorum/innflutningur-av-vorum" title="Innflutningurin fevnir um allar vørur, ið verða innfluttar til Føroyar. " class="mega-menu-fourth-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/239">Innflutningur av vørum</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/uttanlandshandil-vid-vorum/utflutningur-av-vorum" title="Útflutningurin fevnir um allar vørur, ið verða útfluttar úr Føroyum. " class="mega-menu-fourth-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/240">Útflutningur av vørum</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/uttanlandshandil/uttanlandshandil-vid-taenastum" title="Virði á inn- og útfluttum tænastum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/299">Uttanlandshandil við tænastum</a> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru fleiri enn 6 menuir á level 2, enda kolonnu um tvær menuir eru skrivaðar --> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru fleiri enn 6 menuir á level 2, ger nýggja kolonnur tá samlaða talið skal býtast í trý --> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-2"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Nýskapan, gransking og menning <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/nyskapan-gransking-og-menning/gransking-og-menning" title="Gransking og menning á royndarstigi (G&amp;M) er skapandi og skipað arbeiði, hvørs endamál er at skapa nýggja vitan og at finna nýggjar hættir at brúka tøka vitan." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/605">Gransking og menning</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/nyskapan-gransking-og-menning/nyskapan" title="Nýskapanarvirksemi fevnir um alt menningar-, fíggjar- og vinnuvirksemi, ið verður framt við eini nýskapan sum endamál.&nbsp;" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/610">Nýskapan</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Prísir <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/prisir/brukarapristal" title="Endamálið við einum prístali er at máta prísbroytingar. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/170">Brúkaraprístal</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/prisir/sethusaprisir-og-sola" title="Sethúsasølan er gjørd upp eftir prísi, tali og staði. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/171">Sethúsaprísir og -søla</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/vinna/g-heil-og-smasola-umvaeling-av-akforum/smasoluvisitol" title="Smásøluvísitalið lýsir gongdina í smásøluni, bæði í nøgd og prísi." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/75">Smásøluvísitøl</a> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru fleiri enn 6 menuir á level 2, enda kolonnu um tvær menuir eru skrivaðar --> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru fleiri enn 6 menuir á level 2, ger nýggja kolonnur tá samlaða talið skal býtast í trý --> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-2"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Fíggjarstovnar <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/figgjarstovnar/javnin-hja-peningastovnunum" title="Javnin hjá føroysku&nbsp;peningastovnunum og deildum teirra uttanlands. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/168">Javnin hjá peningastovnunum</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/figgjarstovnar/inn-og-utlan-til-foroyskar-eindir" title="Inn- og útlán hjá føroysku peningastovnunum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/185">Inn- og útlán til føroyskar eindir</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/figgjarstovnar/inn-og-utlan-bindingartid" title="Bindingartíð á lánum í føroyskum peningastovnum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/186">Inn- og útlán - bindingartíð</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Konjunktur-barometur <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/konjukturbarometur/treystital" title="Treystitalið er samanvigaði ávísin fyri bæði brúkarar og vinnu. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/187">Treystital</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/konjukturbarometur/brukarin" title="Konjunkturbarometrið í síni heild eru ávísar, sum siga nakað um, hvussu brúkarar og vinna meta, at tíðirnar eru. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/101">Brúkarin</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/konjukturbarometur/tilfeingisvinna" title="Konjunkturbarometrið í síni heild eru ávísar, sum siga nakað um, hvussu brúkarar og vinna meta, at tíðirnar eru. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/102">Tilfeingisvinna</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/konjukturbarometur/byggivinna" title="Konjunkturbarometrið í síni heild eru ávísar, sum siga nakað um, hvussu brúkarar og vinna meta, at tíðirnar eru. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/103">Byggivinna</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/konjukturbarometur/handilsvinna" title="Konjunkturbarometrið í síni heild eru ávísar, sum siga nakað um, hvussu brúkarar og vinna meta, at tíðirnar eru. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/104">Handilsvinna</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/buskapur/konjukturbarometur/taenastuvinna" title="Konjunkturbarometrið í síni heild eru ávísar, sum siga nakað um, hvussu brúkarar og vinna meta, at tíðirnar eru. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/105">Tænastuvinna</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class="mega-menu"> <a href="#"> <div> Umhvørvi <i class="icon-angle-down"></i> </div> </a> <div class="mega-menu-content style-2 clearfix"> <div class="d-none d-lg-block"> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-3 "> <li> <div class="clearfix" style="height: 100%"> <img src="/themes/custom/hagstovaforoya/images/magazine/carousel/5.jpg" /> <p class="topmargin-sm nobottommargin mega-menu-title-display"> Nýggjastu tøl um umhvørvi </p> </div> </li> <li></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-3"> <!-- Fyrsta kolonna verður gjørd her --> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Land <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/umhvorvi/land/oyggjar-fjoll-holmar-og-votn" title="Stødd og hædd á oyggjum, fjøllum, hólmum og vøtnum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/122">Oyggjar, fjøll, hólmar og vøtn</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/umhvorvi/land/ognar-og-landsjord" title="Landsjørð er jørð, sum tað almenna eigur, og ognarjørð er jørð, sum fólk eigur. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/129">Ognar- og landsjørð</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/umhvorvi/land/matrikulnummur-og-lutir" title="Talið av samsvarar við talið av eigindómum. Hvør eigindómur kann hava ein ella fleiri lutir. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/123">Matrikulnummur og lutir</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Veðurlag <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/umhvorvi/vedurlag/vedurlag" title="Veðrið í Tórshavn og kring Føroyar sambært DMI. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/172">Veðurlag</a> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru færri enn 6 menuir á level 2, enda kolonnu um tvær menuir eru skrivaðar --> </li> </ul> <!-- 2. og 3. kolonnur um tað er færri enn 6 menuir á øðrum stigi --> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-3"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Samferðsla <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/umhvorvi/samferdsla/motorakfor" title="Tal av skrásettum akførum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/133">Motorakfør</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/umhvorvi/samferdsla/tunlar" title="Tunnilskervi í Føroyum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/130">Tunlar</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/umhvorvi/samferdsla/ferdsluohapp" title="Ferðsluóhapp, sum eru skrásett hjá løgregluni. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/132">Ferðsluóhapp</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Náttúrutilfeingi <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/umhvorvi/natturutilfeingi/tilfarsstreymar" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/510">Tilfarsstreymar</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/umhvorvi/natturutilfeingi/grind" title="Grindir, hvalir, hvalasløg og hvalvágir. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/128">Grind</a> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru færri enn 6 menuir á level 2, enda kolonnu um tvær menuir eru skrivaðar --> </li> </ul> <!-- 2. og 3. kolonnur um tað er færri enn 6 menuir á øðrum stigi --> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-3"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Orka <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/umhvorvi/orka/oljunytsla" title="Oljunýtslan í Føroyum og hjá føroyskum skipum. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/125">Oljunýtsla</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/umhvorvi/orka/el-sola-hja-sev" title="El-søla og keyparar hjá SEV. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/126">El-søla hjá SEV</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/umhvorvi/orka/el-framleidsla-hja-sev" title="El-framleiðsla og orkukeldur hjá SEV. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/127">El-framleiðsla hjá SEV</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class="mega-menu"> <a href="#"> <div> <i class="icon-map-marker nomargin"></i> Øki <i class="icon-angle-down"></i> </div> </a> <div class="mega-menu-content style-2 clearfix"> <div class="d-none d-lg-block"> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-3 "> <li> <div class="clearfix" style="height: 100%"> <img src="/themes/custom/hagstovaforoya/images/magazine/carousel/6.jpg" /> <p class="topmargin-sm nobottommargin mega-menu-title-display"> Nýggjastu tøl og gongdin í einstøku økjunum í Føroyum </p> </div> </li> <li></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-2"> <!-- Fyrsta kolonna verður gjørd her --> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Norðoya øki <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/nordoya-oki/folkatal-i-nordoya-oki" title="Fólkatal, flytingar og burðaravlop í Norðoya øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/428">Fólkatal í Norðoya øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/nordoki-oki/huski-i-nordoya-oki" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/576">Húski í Norðoya øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/nordoya-oki/starvsfolk-i-nordoya-oki" title="Løntakarar í Norðoya sýslu. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/469">Starvsfólk í Norðoya øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/nordoya-oki/arbeidsloysi-i-nordoya-oki" title="Arbeiðsloysi í Norðoya øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/470">Arbeiðsloysi í Norðoya øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/nordoya-oki/lon-skattad-i-nordoya-oki" title="Lønargjaldingari í Norðoya øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/471">Løn (A-skattað) í Norðoya øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/nordoya-oki/arbeidsmegi-i-nordoya-oki" title="Arbeiðsmegi í Norðoya øki." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/429">Arbeiðsmegi í Norðoya øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/nordoya-oki/inntokubyti-i-nordoya-oki" title="Inntøkubýti í Norðoya øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/430">Inntøkubýti í Norðoya øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/nordoya-oki/fataekavadi-i-nordoya-oki" title="Fátækaváði í Norðoya øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/431">Fátækaváði í Norðoya øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/nordoya-oki/land-og-umhvorvi-i-nordoya-oki" title="Landslag og&nbsp;jørð í Norðoya øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/432">Land og umhvørvi í Norðoya øki</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Eysturoyar øki <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/eysturoyar-oki/folkatal-i-eysturoyar-oki" title="Fólkatal, flytingar og burðaravlop í Eysturoyar øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/439">Fólkatal í Eysturoyar øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/eysturoyar-oki/huski-i-eysturoyar-oki" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/577">Húski í Eysturoyar øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/eysturoyar-oki/starvsfolk-i-eysturoyar-oki" title="Løntakarar í Eysturoyar øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/473">Starvsfólk í Eysturoyar øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/eysturoyar-oki/arbeidsloysi-i-eysturoyar-oki" title="Arbeiðsloysi í Eysturoyar øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/472">Arbeiðsloysi í Eysturoyar øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/eysturoyar-oki/lon-skattad-i-eysturoyar-oki" title="Lønargjaldingari í Eysturoyar øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/474">Løn (A-skattað) í Eysturoyar øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/eysturoyar-oki/arbeidsmegi-i-eysturoyar-oki" title="Arbeiðsmegi í Eysturoyar øki." class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/440">Arbeiðsmegi í Eysturoyar øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/eysturoyar-oki/inntokubyti-i-eysturoyar-oki" title="Inntøkubýti í Eysturoyar øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/441">Inntøkubýti í Eysturoyar øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/eysturoyar-oki/fataekavadi-i-eysturoyar-oki" title="Fátækaváði í Eysturoyar øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/442">Fátækaváði í Eysturoyar øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/eysturoyar-oki/land-og-umhvorvi-i-eysturoyar-oki" title="Landslag og jørð&nbsp;í Eysturoyar øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/443">Land og umhvørvi í Eysturoyar øki</a> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru fleiri enn 6 menuir á level 2, enda kolonnu um tvær menuir eru skrivaðar --> </li> </ul> <!-- Tá tað eru fleiri enn 6 menuir á level 2, ger nýggja kolonnur tá samlaða talið skal býtast í trý --> <ul class="mega-menu-column col-lg-2"> <li class="mega-menu-title mainNavigationSecondLevelMenu "> Norðstreymoyar øki <ul> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/nordstreymoyar-oki/folkatal-i-nordstreymoyar-oki" title="Fólkatal, flytingar og burðaravlop í Norðstreymoyar øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/444">Fólkatal í Norðstreymoyar øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/nordstreymoyar-oki/huski-i-nordstreymoyar-oki" class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/578">Húski í Norðstreymoyar øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/nordstreymoyar-oki/starvsfolk-i-nordstreymoyar-oki" title="Løntakarar í Norðstreymoyar øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/476">Starvsfólk í Norðstreymoyar øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/nordstreymoyar-oki/arbeidsloysi-i-nordstreymoyar-oki" title="Arbeiðsloysi í Norðstreymoyar øki. " class="mega-menu-third-level" data-drupal-link-system-path="taxonomy/term/477">Arbeiðsloysi í Norðstreymoyar øki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/fo/oki/nordstreymoyar-oki/lon-skattad-i-nordstreymoyar-oki" title="Lønargjaldingari í Norðstreymoyar øki. 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Vilhelm" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Statistics Faroe Islands</A>" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###<b>Households</b>#Households are registered as persons having the same residence. Households are calculated primo monthly. Entire population included. Adult is 18 years and older." }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20230918 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "IB07011" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "M" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "month": "TLIST(M1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Íbúgvar og val" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "IB07011 Húskir skift á húskisslag, øki og mánaðir (2010M01-2023M07)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Húskir eftir eind og mánaður" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Húskir" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "eind" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "mánaður" }, "VARIABLECODE[fo]": { "eind": "unit", "mánaður": "month" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "eind": "Húski", "mánaður": [ "2021M07", "2021M08", "2021M09", "2021M10", "2021M11", "2021M12", "2022M01", "2022M02", "2022M03", "2022M04", "2022M05", "2022M06", "2022M07", "2022M08", "2022M09", "2022M10", "2022M11", "2022M12", "2023M01", "2023M02", "2023M03", "2023M04", "2023M05", "2023M06", "2023M07" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "mánaður": [ "TLIST(M1),\"202107", "202108", "202109", "202110", "202111", "202112", "202201", "202202", "202203", "202204", "202205", "202206", "202207", "202208", "202209", "202210", "202211", "202212", "202301", "202302", "202303", "202304", "202305", "202306", "202307" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "eind": "HOUSEHOLDS" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20230830 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "húski" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Høgni P. 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Vaksin eru persónar 18 ár og eldri." }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "mánaður": "TLIST(M1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "18563", "18597", "18644", "18679", "18707", "18709", "18714", "18741", "18752", "18776", "18777", "18791", "18792", "18789", "18826", "18863", "18903", "18923", "18958", "18994", "19010", "19031", "19058", "19115", "19145", "" ] }, seriesNames: 'húski', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "line", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { "enabled": false }, "title": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 1, }, "subtitle": { "text": "", 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</div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/4" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="e41a4051eb446018f597c9f33a988775"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="3"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> 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"1996M09", "1996M10", "1996M11", "1996M12", "1997M01", "1997M02", "1997M03", "1997M04", "1997M05", "1997M06", "1997M07", "1997M08", "1997M09", "1997M10", "1997M11", "1997M12", "1998M01", "1998M02", "1998M03", "1998M04", "1998M05", "1998M06", "1998M07", "1998M08", "1998M09", "1998M10", "1998M11", "1998M12", "1999M01", "1999M02", "1999M03", "1999M04", "1999M05", "1999M06", "1999M07", "1999M08", "1999M09", "1999M10", "1999M11", "1999M12", "2000M01", "2000M02", "2000M03", "2000M04", "2000M05", "2000M06", "2000M07", "2000M08", "2000M09", "2000M10", "2000M11", "2000M12", "2001M01", "2001M02", "2001M03", "2001M04", "2001M05", "2001M06", "2001M07", "2001M08", "2001M09", "2001M10", "2001M11", "2001M12", "2002M01", "2002M02", "2002M03", "2002M04", "2002M05", "2002M06", "2002M07", "2002M08", "2002M09", "2002M10", "2002M11", "2002M12", "2003M01", "2003M02", "2003M03", "2003M04", "2003M05", "2003M06", "2003M07", "2003M08", "2003M09", "2003M10", "2003M11", "2003M12", "2004M01", "2004M02", "2004M03", "2004M04", "2004M05", "2004M06", "2004M07", "2004M08", "2004M09", "2004M10", "2004M11", "2004M12", "2005M01", "2005M02", "2005M03", "2005M04", "2005M05", "2005M06", "2005M07", "2005M08", "2005M09", "2005M10", "2005M11", "2005M12", "2006M01", "2006M02", "2006M03", "2006M04", "2006M05", "2006M06", "2006M07", "2006M08", "2006M09", "2006M10", "2006M11", "2006M12", "2007M01", "2007M02", "2007M03", "2007M04", "2007M05", "2007M06", "2007M07", "2007M08", "2007M09", "2007M10", "2007M11", "2007M12", "2008M01", "2008M02", "2008M03", "2008M04", "2008M05", "2008M06", "2008M07", "2008M08", "2008M09", "2008M10", "2008M11", "2008M12", "2009M01", "2009M02", "2009M03", "2009M04", "2009M05", "2009M06", "2009M07", "2009M08", "2009M09", "2009M10", "2009M11", "2009M12", "2010M01", "2010M02", "2010M03", "2010M04", "2010M05", "2010M06", "2010M07", "2010M08", "2010M09", "2010M10", "2010M11", "2010M12", "2011M01", "2011M02", "2011M03", "2011M04", "2011M05", "2011M06", "2011M07", "2011M08", "2011M09", "2011M10", "2011M11", "2011M12", "2012M01", "2012M02", "2012M03", "2012M04", "2012M05", "2012M06", "2012M07", "2012M08", "2012M09", "2012M10", "2012M11", "2012M12", "2013M01", "2013M02", "2013M03", "2013M04", "2013M05", "2013M06", "2013M07", "2013M08", "2013M09", "2013M10", "2013M11", "2013M12", "2014M01", "2014M02", "2014M03", "2014M04", "2014M05", "2014M06", "2014M07", "2014M08", "2014M09", "2014M10", "2014M11", "2014M12", "2015M01", "2015M02", "2015M03", "2015M04", "2015M05", "2015M06", "2015M07", "2015M08", "2015M09", "2015M10", "2015M11", "2015M12", "2016M01", "2016M02", "2016M03", "2016M04", "2016M05", "2016M06", "2016M07", "2016M08", "2016M09", "2016M10", "2016M11", "2016M12", "2017M01", "2017M02", "2017M03", "2017M04", "2017M05", "2017M06", "2017M07", "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08", "2019M09", "2019M10", "2019M11", "2019M12", "2020M01", "2020M02", "2020M03", "2020M04", "2020M05", "2020M06", "2020M07", "2020M08", "2020M09", "2020M10", "2020M11", "2020M12", "2021M01", "2021M02", "2021M03", "2021M04", "2021M05", "2021M06", "2021M07", "2021M08", "2021M09", "2021M10", "2021M11", "2021M12", "2022M01", "2022M02", "2022M03", "2022M04", "2022M05", "2022M06", "2022M07", "2022M08", "2022M09", "2022M10", "2022M11", "2022M12", "2023M01", "2023M02", "2023M03", "2023M04", "2023M05", "2023M06", "2023M07", "2023M08", "2023M09", "2023M10", "2023M11", "2023M12", "2024M01", "2024M02", "2024M03", "2024M04" ] }, "ELIMINATION": { "long-term residency": "Total (long-term residency)" }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20240510 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "persons" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Erla Thorsteinsson" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "Statistics Faroe Islands:" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected", "long-term residency": "Persons who have resided in the Faroe Islands for either seven out of ten consecutive years or half of their life are classified as having long-term residency.", "month": "Primo" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20240610 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "IB01053" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "M" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "month": "TLIST(M1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Íbúgvar og val" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "IB01053 Fólkið skift á bústaðartilknýti, ríkisborgaraskap, kyn og aldur (1995M01-2024M04)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Fólkið eftir bústaðartilknýti og mánaður" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Fólkið" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "bústaðartilknýti" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "mánaður" }, "VARIABLECODE[fo]": { "bústaðartilknýti": "long-term residency", "mánaður": "month" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "bústaðartilknýti": [ "Tils. (bústaðartilknýti)", "Við bústaðartilknýti" ], "mánaður": [ "1995M01", "1995M02", "1995M03", "1995M04", "1995M05", "1995M06", "1995M07", "1995M08", "1995M09", "1995M10", "1995M11", "1995M12", "1996M01", "1996M02", "1996M03", "1996M04", "1996M05", "1996M06", "1996M07", "1996M08", "1996M09", "1996M10", "1996M11", "1996M12", "1997M01", "1997M02", "1997M03", "1997M04", "1997M05", "1997M06", "1997M07", "1997M08", "1997M09", "1997M10", "1997M11", "1997M12", "1998M01", "1998M02", "1998M03", "1998M04", "1998M05", "1998M06", "1998M07", "1998M08", "1998M09", "1998M10", "1998M11", "1998M12", "1999M01", "1999M02", "1999M03", "1999M04", "1999M05", "1999M06", "1999M07", "1999M08", "1999M09", "1999M10", "1999M11", "1999M12", "2000M01", "2000M02", "2000M03", "2000M04", "2000M05", "2000M06", "2000M07", "2000M08", "2000M09", "2000M10", "2000M11", "2000M12", "2001M01", "2001M02", "2001M03", "2001M04", "2001M05", "2001M06", "2001M07", "2001M08", "2001M09", "2001M10", "2001M11", "2001M12", "2002M01", "2002M02", "2002M03", "2002M04", "2002M05", "2002M06", "2002M07", "2002M08", "2002M09", "2002M10", "2002M11", "2002M12", "2003M01", "2003M02", "2003M03", "2003M04", "2003M05", "2003M06", "2003M07", "2003M08", "2003M09", "2003M10", "2003M11", "2003M12", "2004M01", "2004M02", "2004M03", "2004M04", "2004M05", "2004M06", "2004M07", "2004M08", "2004M09", "2004M10", "2004M11", "2004M12", "2005M01", "2005M02", "2005M03", "2005M04", "2005M05", "2005M06", "2005M07", "2005M08", "2005M09", "2005M10", "2005M11", "2005M12", "2006M01", "2006M02", "2006M03", "2006M04", "2006M05", "2006M06", "2006M07", "2006M08", "2006M09", "2006M10", "2006M11", "2006M12", "2007M01", "2007M02", "2007M03", "2007M04", "2007M05", "2007M06", "2007M07", "2007M08", "2007M09", "2007M10", "2007M11", "2007M12", "2008M01", "2008M02", "2008M03", "2008M04", "2008M05", "2008M06", "2008M07", "2008M08", "2008M09", "2008M10", "2008M11", "2008M12", "2009M01", "2009M02", "2009M03", "2009M04", "2009M05", "2009M06", "2009M07", "2009M08", "2009M09", "2009M10", "2009M11", "2009M12", "2010M01", "2010M02", "2010M03", "2010M04", "2010M05", "2010M06", "2010M07", "2010M08", "2010M09", "2010M10", "2010M11", "2010M12", "2011M01", "2011M02", "2011M03", "2011M04", "2011M05", "2011M06", "2011M07", "2011M08", "2011M09", "2011M10", "2011M11", "2011M12", "2012M01", "2012M02", "2012M03", "2012M04", "2012M05", "2012M06", "2012M07", "2012M08", "2012M09", "2012M10", "2012M11", "2012M12", "2013M01", "2013M02", "2013M03", "2013M04", "2013M05", "2013M06", "2013M07", "2013M08", "2013M09", "2013M10", "2013M11", "2013M12", "2014M01", "2014M02", "2014M03", "2014M04", "2014M05", "2014M06", "2014M07", "2014M08", "2014M09", "2014M10", "2014M11", "2014M12", "2015M01", "2015M02", "2015M03", "2015M04", "2015M05", "2015M06", "2015M07", "2015M08", "2015M09", "2015M10", "2015M11", "2015M12", "2016M01", "2016M02", "2016M03", "2016M04", "2016M05", "2016M06", "2016M07", "2016M08", "2016M09", "2016M10", "2016M11", "2016M12", "2017M01", "2017M02", "2017M03", 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"199503", "199504", "199505", "199506", "199507", "199508", "199509", "199510", "199511", "199512", "199601", "199602", "199603", "199604", "199605", "199606", "199607", "199608", "199609", "199610", "199611", "199612", "199701", "199702", "199703", "199704", "199705", "199706", "199707", "199708", "199709", "199710", "199711", "199712", "199801", "199802", "199803", "199804", "199805", "199806", "199807", "199808", "199809", "199810", "199811", "199812", "199901", "199902", "199903", "199904", "199905", "199906", "199907", "199908", "199909", "199910", "199911", "199912", "200001", "200002", "200003", "200004", "200005", "200006", "200007", "200008", "200009", "200010", "200011", "200012", "200101", "200102", "200103", "200104", "200105", "200106", "200107", "200108", "200109", "200110", "200111", "200112", "200201", "200202", "200203", "200204", "200205", "200206", "200207", "200208", "200209", "200210", "200211", "200212", "200301", "200302", "200303", "200304", "200305", "200306", 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class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="4"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '4', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder4', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'ávísi', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" 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"2012M01", "2012M06", "2013M01", "2013M06", "2014M01", "2014M06", "2015M01", "2015M06", "2016M01", "2016M06", "2017M01", "2017M06", "2018M01", "2018M06", "2019M01", "2019M06", "2020M01", "2020M06", "2021M01", "2021M06", "2022M01", "2022M06", "2023M01", "2023M06", "2024M01", "2024M06", "2025M01" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "Month": [ "TLIST(M1),\"200601", "200602", "200603", "200604", "200605", "200606", "200607", "200608", "200609", "200610", "200611", "200612", "200701", "200702", "200703", "200704", "200705", "200706", "200707", "200708", "200709", "200710", "200711", "200712", "200801", "200802", "200803", "200804", "200805", "200806", "200807", "200808", "200809", "200810", "200811", "200812", "200901", "200902", "200903" ] }, "CODES": { "Measure": [ "OBS", "AVG" ], "Indicator": "COMP", "Month": [ "2006M01", "2006M06", "2007M01", "2007M06", "2008M01", "2008M06", "2009M01", "2009M06", "2010M01", "2010M06", "2011M01", "2011M06", "2012M01", "2012M06", "2013M01", "2013M06", "2014M01", "2014M06", "2015M01", "2015M06", "2016M01", "2016M06", "2017M01", "2017M06", "2018M01", "2018M06", "2019M01", "2019M06", "2020M01", "2020M06", "2021M01", "2021M06", "2022M01", "2022M06", "2023M01", "2023M06", "2024M01", "2024M06", "2025M01" ] }, "PRECISION": { "Measure,Averaged": "1" }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20250204 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "indicators and pct." }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Birita Mortansdóttir" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Statistics Faroe Islands</A>" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###The composite indicator is based on indicators from business a nd consumer surveys. The indicators of each survey are calculated as average of 'balances' between positive and negative replies of a selection of questions, e.g. the consumer index ''is an aricthmetic mean of 4 of the 15 questions in the survey. The com posite indicator and each of the indicators are in the range from plus 100 to minus 100. Any single value only makes sense when compared to previous answers to the same question." }, "VALUENOTE": { "Measure,Averaged": "To estimate the level of the figure, the arithmetic average of all measurements so far is provided. In time this average will converge to the neutral value for each question." }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20250804 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "KB01010" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "H" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "Month": "TLIST(M1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Konjunkturbarometrið" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "KB01010 Treystital (samanvigaður ávísi), 2 ferðir um árið (2006M06-2025M01)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Treystital og % eftir Mát, Ávísi og Mánaður" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Treystital og %" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": [ "Mát", "Ávísi" ] }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "Mánaður" }, "VARIABLECODE[fo]": { "Mát": "Measure", "Ávísi": "Indicator", "Mánaður": "Month" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "Mát": [ "Mált", "Miðal" ], "Ávísi": "Treystital (samanvigaður ávísi)", "Mánaður": [ "2006M01", "2006M06", "2007M01", "2007M06", "2008M01", "2008M06", "2009M01", "2009M06", "2010M01", "2010M06", "2011M01", "2011M06", "2012M01", "2012M06", "2013M01", "2013M06", "2014M01", "2014M06", "2015M01", "2015M06", "2016M01", "2016M06", "2017M01", "2017M06", "2018M01", "2018M06", "2019M01", "2019M06", "2020M01", "2020M06", "2021M01", "2021M06", "2022M01", "2022M06", "2023M01", "2023M06", "2024M01", "2024M06", "2025M01" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "Mánaður": [ "TLIST(M1),\"200601", "200602", "200603", "200604", "200605", "200606", "200607", "200608", "200609", "200610", "200611", "200612", "200701", "200702", "200703", "200704", "200705", "200706", "200707", "200708", "200709", "200710", "200711", "200712", "200801", "200802", "200803", "200804", "200805", "200806", "200807", "200808", "200809", "200810", "200811", "200812", "200901", "200902", "200903" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "Mát": [ "OBS", "AVG" ], "Ávísi": "COMP" }, "PRECISION[fo]": { "Mát,Miðal": "1" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20250204 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "ávísar og %" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Birita Mortansdóttir" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Hagstova Føroya</A>" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###Treystitalið, samanvigaði ávísin (en: indicator), er eitt roknað tal vi ð støði í vektaðum ávísum frá spurnarkanningum fyri fýra vinnubólkar og fyri brúkarar. Ávísarnir fyri einstøku kanningarnar eru miðaltøl av nettotølum fyri útvaldar spurningar, t.d. er brúkaraávísin eitt miðaltal av nettotølunum fyri 4 av 15 spurningum í brúkarakanningini. Treystitalið og einstøku ávísarnir kunnu liggja frá pluss 100 til minus 100. Eitt einstakt tal hevur einans innihald um sammet verður við onnur tøl fyri sama spurning.#---#Tað eru 3 týðandi hugtøk, ið nýtt verða í konjunkturbarometrin um, hesi eru nettotal, ávísi og samanvigaður ávísi.##<b>Nettotal</b>#Nettotal er eitt roknað miðaltal út frá %-býtinum av svarum til hvønn einstakan spurning. Niðanfyri eru tvey dømi sett upp, ið lýsa munin í útrokning av nettotali í mun til ymsar svarmø guleikar.##<u>Dømi 1</u>:#Ein spurningur í kanningini til tænastuvinnuna hevur orðingina 'Hvussu er eftirspurningurin (í krónum) eftir tykkara vørum og tænastum broyttur seinastu 12 mánaðirnar?'.##Svarmøguleikarnir til henda spurningin eru tríggir: 1) Va ksandi, 2) Óbroyttur og 3) Minkandi.##Tá allar umleið 30 tænastufyritøkurnar hava svarað, kann %-býtið av svarmøguleikunum síggja soleiðis út:##- Vaksandi: 52%#- Óbroyttur: 46%#- Minkandi: 2%##Tey, sum svaraðu, at eftirspurningurin hevur verið óbroyttur, verða soldað frá. Hetta gevur eitt nettotal fyri spurningin á 50. Tað merkir, at 50 prosentstig fleiri (52 minus 2) svaraðu játtandi enn sýtandi.##<u>Dømi 2</u>:#Ein spurningur í kanningini til brúkararnar hevur orðingina 'Hvussu hevur fíggjarliga støða n broytt seg hjá tínum/tykkara húsarhaldi seinastu 12 mánaðirnar?'.##Svarmøguleikarnir til henda spurningin eru 1) Nógv betur, 2) Nakað betur, 3) Óbroytt, 4) Nakað verri, 5) Nógv verri og 6) Veit ikki.##Tá allir uml. 500-550 brúkararnir hava svarað vegna sítt húsarhald, kann %-býtið av svarmøguleikunum t.d. síggja soleiðis út:##- Nógv betur: 3%#- Nakað betur: 16%#- Óbroytt: 49%#- Nakað verri: 25%#- Nógv verri: 6%#- Veit ikki: 1%##Í hesum føri verður býtið av svarmøguleikunum vigað. 'Nógv betur' telur 1, 'Nakað betur' telur 0,5, 'Nakað verri' telur -0,5 og 'Nógv verri' telur -1. Tey, sum ikki vita og tey, sum siga, at fíggjarstøðan er óbroytt, verða soldað frá. Nettotalið verður í døminum 1 x 3 + 0,5 x 16 - 0,5 x 25 -1 x 6 = -8.##Eitt nettotal kann ligg ja millum pluss 100 og minus 100.##<b>Ávísi</b>#Við støði í útvaldum nettotølum í hvørjari einstakari kanning verður ein ávísi roknaður.##1. Ávísin fyri <u>brúkarakanngina</u> verður roknaður sum miðal av nettotølum í hesum 4 spurningum:#- Hvussu væntar tú fíggjarliga støðan hjá tínum/tykkara húsarhaldi broytist næstu 12 mánaðirnar?#- Hvussu metir tú gongdin í føroyska búskapinum verður næstu 12 mánaðirnar?#- Hvussu metir tú arbeiðsloysi broytist næstu 12 mánaðirnar? (negativt fortekn)#- Hvussu sannlíkt er tað, at tú/tit koma at spara pening upp næstu 12 mánaðirnar?##2. Ávísin fyri kanningina av <u>tilfeingisvinnuni</u> og øðrum ídnaði verður roknaður sum miðal av nettotølum í hesum 3 spurningum:#- Hvussu meta tit um samlaðu bíleggingarnar í løtuni?#- Hvussu er við goymsluni av lidnum vørum í løtuni? (negativt fortekn)#- Hvussu vænta tit at gongdin í tykkara framleiðslu fer at verða komandi 12 mánaðirnar?##3. Ávísin fyri kanningina av <u>byggivinnuni</u> verður roknaður sum miðal av nettotølum í hesum 2 spurningum:#- Metir tú, at tykkara samlaðu bíleggingar í løtuni eru ...?#- Hvussu vænta tit, at tørvurin eftir arbeiðsfólki broytist komandi 12 mánaðirnar?##4. Ávísin fyri kanningina av <u>handilsvinnuni</u> verður roknaður sum miðal av nettotølum í h esum 3 spurningum:#- Hvussu hevur gongdin í virkseminum/søluni hjá fyritøkuni verið seinastu 12 mánaðirnar?#- Hvussu metir tú, at støddin á vørugoymsluni er í løtuni (í mun til vanliga stødd)? (negativt fortekn)#- Hvussu kemur gongdin í virkseminum/sølun i væntandi at vera komandi 12 mánaðirnar?##5. Ávísin fyri kanningina av <u>tænastuvinnuni</u> verður roknaður sum miðal av nettotølum í hesum 3 spurningum:#- Hvussu hevur gongdin hjá fyritøkuni verið seinastu 12 mánaðirnar?#- Hvussu er eftirspurningurin (í krónum) eftir tykkara vørum og tænastum broyttur seinastu 12 mánaðirnar?#- Hvussu vænta tit, at eftirspurningurin (í umsetningi) broytist komandi 12 mánaðirnar?##Ein ávísi kann liggja millum pluss 100 og minus 100.##<b>Treystital</b>#Við støði í ávísu num frá øllum fimm kanningunum verður treystitalið roknað sum ein samanviging við hesum vektum:##1. Ávísin frá brúkarakanningini: 20% #2. Ávísin frá kanningini av tilfeingisvinnum og øðrum ídnaði: 40%#3. Ávísin frá kanningini av byggivinnu: 5%#4. Ávísin frá kanningini av handilsvinnu: 5%#5. Ávísin frá kanningini av tænastuvinnuni: 30%##Ein samanvigaður ávísi kann liggja millum pluss 100 og minus 100.#" }, "VALUENOTE[fo]": { "Mát,Miðal": "Til at meta, hvørjari legu talið ligur í, er miðalviðið av øllum málingum higartil upplýst. Við tíðini verður hetta talið besta boð upp á markið millum góðar og ringar tíðir." }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "Mánaður": "TLIST(M1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "\"..\"", "40.0", "46.0", "36.0", "22.0", "-6.0", "-29.0", "-10.0", "-4.0", "7.0", "9.0", "26.0", "5.0", "11.0", "15.0", "31.0", "21.0", "35.0", "16.0", "22.0", "19.0", "15.0", "29.0", "25.0", "25.0", "23.0", "19.0", "20.0", "32.0", "-16.0", "-10.0", "9.0", "27.0", "27.0", "15.0", "4.0", "-3.0", "-8.0", "9.0", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "14.6", "" ] }, seriesNames: '', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', 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pulsesleft testimonial oc-item"> <div class="col_full" style="position: absolute; margin-top: -10px; z-index: 10"> <div class="fleft t700 nobottommargin" > <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/120"> Fólkanætur, gistingarhús</a> <div style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2025-01-28 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/120" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="1028a69faa2ad0c35823c8e76ef85689"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="5"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '5', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder5', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'fólkanætur', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20150317 09:30" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "VV07021_GIST_HUS_T" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "YES" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "VV" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Ecomomic activities" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "VV07021 Overnight stay on hotel, hostel, guest-house by region and country of residence (2013M01-2024M12)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "Accommodation on hotel by unit and month" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "Accommodation on hotel" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": "unit" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "month" }, "VARIABLECODE": { "unit": "unit", "month": "month" }, "VALUES": { "unit": [ "Overnight stay" ], "month": [ "2013M01", "2013M02", "2013M03", "2013M04", "2013M05", "2013M06", "2013M07", "2013M08", "2013M09", "2013M10", "2013M11", "2013M12", "2014M01", "2014M02", "2014M03", "2014M04", "2014M05", "2014M06", "2014M07", "2014M08", "2014M09", "2014M10", "2014M11", "2014M12", "2015M01", "2015M02", "2015M03", "2015M04", "2015M05", "2015M06", "2015M07", "2015M08", "2015M09", "2015M10", "2015M11", "2015M12", "2016M01", "2016M02", "2016M03", "2016M04", "2016M05", "2016M06", "2016M07", "2016M08", "2016M09", "2016M10", "2016M11", "2016M12", "2017M01", "2017M02", "2017M03", "2017M04", "2017M05", "2017M06", "2017M07", "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08", "2019M09", "2019M10", "2019M11", "2019M12", "2020M01", "2020M02", "2020M03", "2020M04", "2020M05", "2020M06", "2020M07", "2020M08", "2020M09", "2020M10", "2020M11", "2020M12", "2021M01", "2021M02", "2021M03", "2021M04", "2021M05", "2021M06", "2021M07", "2021M08", "2021M09", "2021M10", "2021M11", "2021M12", "2022M01", "2022M02", "2022M03", "2022M04", "2022M05", "2022M06", "2022M07", "2022M08", "2022M09", "2022M10", "2022M11", "2022M12", "2023M01", "2023M02", "2023M03", "2023M04", "2023M05", "2023M06", "2023M07", "2023M08", "2023M09", "2023M10", "2023M11", "2023M12", "2024M01", "2024M02", "2024M03", 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"202003", "202004", "202005", "202006", "202007", "202008", "202009", "202010", "202011", "202012", "202101", "202102", "202103", "202104", "202105", "202106", "202107", "202108", "202109", "202110", "202111", "202112", "202201", "202202", "202203", "202204", "202205", "202206", "202207", "202208", "202209", "202210", "202211", "202212", "202301", "202302", "202303", "202304", "202305", "202306", "202307", "202308", "202309", "202310", "202311", "202312", "202401", "202402", "202403", "202404", "202405", "202406", "202407", "202408", "202409", "202410", "202411", "202412" ] }, "CODES": { "unit": "STAYS", "month": [ "2013M01", "2013M02", "2013M03", "2013M04", "2013M05", "2013M06", "2013M07", "2013M08", "2013M09", "2013M10", "2013M11", "2013M12", "2014M01", "2014M02", "2014M03", "2014M04", "2014M05", "2014M06", "2014M07", "2014M08", "2014M09", "2014M10", "2014M11", "2014M12", "2015M01", "2015M02", "2015M03", "2015M04", "2015M05", "2015M06", "2015M07", "2015M08", "2015M09", "2015M10", "2015M11", "2015M12", "2016M01", "2016M02", "2016M03", "2016M04", "2016M05", "2016M06", "2016M07", "2016M08", "2016M09", "2016M10", "2016M11", "2016M12", "2017M01", "2017M02", "2017M03", "2017M04", "2017M05", "2017M06", "2017M07", "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08", "2019M09", "2019M10", "2019M11", "2019M12", "2020M01", "2020M02", "2020M03", "2020M04", "2020M05", "2020M06", "2020M07", "2020M08", "2020M09", "2020M10", "2020M11", "2020M12", "2021M01", "2021M02", "2021M03", "2021M04", "2021M05", "2021M06", "2021M07", "2021M08", "2021M09", "2021M10", "2021M11", "2021M12", "2022M01", "2022M02", "2022M03", "2022M04", "2022M05", "2022M06", "2022M07", "2022M08", "2022M09", "2022M10", "2022M11", "2022M12", "2023M01", "2023M02", "2023M03", "2023M04", "2023M05", "2023M06", "2023M07", "2023M08", "2023M09", "2023M10", "2023M11", "2023M12", "2024M01", "2024M02", "2024M03", "2024M04", "2024M05", "2024M06", "2024M07", "2024M08", "2024M09", "2024M10", "2024M11", "2024M12" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20250128 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "number" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Statistics Faroe Islands</A>" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected##The figures encompasses hotels with 12 or more rooms" }, "DATANOTE": { "TABLE": "6" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20250226 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "VV07021" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "M" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "month": "TLIST(M1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Vinna og veiða" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "VV07021 Gistingar á gistingarhúsum skiftar á øki og bústaðarland (2013M01-2024M12)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Gistingar á gistingarhúsum eftir teljieind og mánaður" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Gistingar á gistingarhúsum" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "teljieind" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "mánaður" }, "VARIABLECODE[fo]": { "teljieind": "unit", "mánaður": "month" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "teljieind": "Fólkanætur", "mánaður": [ "2013M01", "2013M02", "2013M03", "2013M04", "2013M05", "2013M06", "2013M07", "2013M08", "2013M09", "2013M10", "2013M11", "2013M12", "2014M01", "2014M02", "2014M03", "2014M04", "2014M05", "2014M06", "2014M07", "2014M08", "2014M09", "2014M10", "2014M11", "2014M12", "2015M01", "2015M02", "2015M03", "2015M04", "2015M05", "2015M06", "2015M07", "2015M08", "2015M09", "2015M10", "2015M11", "2015M12", "2016M01", "2016M02", "2016M03", "2016M04", "2016M05", "2016M06", "2016M07", "2016M08", "2016M09", "2016M10", "2016M11", "2016M12", "2017M01", "2017M02", "2017M03", "2017M04", "2017M05", "2017M06", "2017M07", "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08", "2019M09", "2019M10", "2019M11", "2019M12", "2020M01", "2020M02", "2020M03", "2020M04", "2020M05", "2020M06", "2020M07", "2020M08", "2020M09", "2020M10", "2020M11", "2020M12", "2021M01", "2021M02", "2021M03", "2021M04", "2021M05", "2021M06", "2021M07", "2021M08", "2021M09", "2021M10", "2021M11", "2021M12", "2022M01", "2022M02", "2022M03", "2022M04", "2022M05", "2022M06", "2022M07", "2022M08", "2022M09", "2022M10", "2022M11", "2022M12", "2023M01", "2023M02", "2023M03", "2023M04", "2023M05", "2023M06", "2023M07", "2023M08", "2023M09", "2023M10", "2023M11", "2023M12", "2024M01", "2024M02", "2024M03", "2024M04", "2024M05", "2024M06", "2024M07", "2024M08", "2024M09", "2024M10", "2024M11", "2024M12" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "mánaður": [ "TLIST(M1),\"201301", "201302", "201303", "201304", "201305", "201306", "201307", "201308", "201309", "201310", "201311", "201312", "201401", "201402", "201403", "201404", "201405", "201406", "201407", "201408", "201409", "201410", "201411", "201412", "201501", "201502", "201503", "201504", "201505", "201506", "201507", "201508", "201509", "201510", "201511", "201512", "201601", "201602", "201603", "201604", "201605", "201606", "201607", "201608", "201609", "201610", "201611", "201612", "201701", "201702", "201703", "201704", "201705", "201706", "201707", "201708", "201709", "201710", "201711", "201712", "201801", "201802", "201803", "201804", "201805", "201806", "201807", "201808", "201809", "201810", "201811", "201812", "201901", "201902", "201903", "201904", "201905", "201906", "201907", "201908", "201909", "201910", "201911", "201912", "202001", "202002", "202003", "202004", "202005", "202006", "202007", "202008", "202009", "202010", "202011", "202012", "202101", "202102", "202103", "202104", "202105", "202106", "202107", "202108", "202109", "202110", "202111", "202112", "202201", "202202", "202203", "202204", "202205", "202206", "202207", "202208", "202209", "202210", "202211", "202212", "202301", "202302", "202303", "202304", "202305", "202306", "202307", "202308", "202309", "202310", "202311", "202312", "202401", "202402", "202403", "202404", "202405", "202406", "202407", "202408", "202409", "202410", "202411", "202412" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "teljieind": "STAYS" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20250128 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "tal" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "DATANOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "6" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Hagstova Føroya</A>" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart##Uppgerðin fevnir um gistingarhús, sum eru hava 12 ella fleiri kømur" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "mánaður": "TLIST(M1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "2620", "4174", "5414", "6112", "9761", "12722", "15944", "13269", "10268", "6606", "4873", "2942", "3211", "4394", "6866", "5482", "10755", "13778", "17570", "13639", "11038", "5533", "4615", "2581", "3035", "3702", "8085", "6891", "12369", "16757", "19128", "17551", "10942", "8240", "6072", "2896", "3469", "5256", "7583", "9210", "13281", "17278", "20966", "18679", "11596", "8201", "6246", "3489", "5114", "5339", "7844", "11286", "16048", "18133", "21863", "19717", "14213", "9957", "7397", "3749", "4751", "5662", "10053", "11597", "16313", "19660", "22793", "21476", "14808", "10313", "8435", "4113", "5366", "6114", "9890", "13245", "17480", "21006", "24538", "22186", "15635", "13431", "10448", "4727", "4613", "6490", "4520", "1352", "2735", "4246", "20171", "15194", "10501", "8717", "8408", "5869", "5522", "7417", "9521", "9669", "10364", "15321", "31029", "26465", 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btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="26d5ee2f7d0366a91a5f9a37cd3b303c"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="6"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '6', storageName: 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"month": [ "2013M01", "2013M02", "2013M03", "2013M04", "2013M05", "2013M06", "2013M07", "2013M08", "2013M09", "2013M10", "2013M11", "2013M12", "2014M01", "2014M02", "2014M03", "2014M04", "2014M05", "2014M06", "2014M07", "2014M08", "2014M09", "2014M10", "2014M11", "2014M12", "2015M01", "2015M02", "2015M03", "2015M04", "2015M05", "2015M06", "2015M07", "2015M08", "2015M09", "2015M10", "2015M11", "2015M12", "2016M01", "2016M02", "2016M03", "2016M04", "2016M05", "2016M06", "2016M07", "2016M08", "2016M09", "2016M10", "2016M11", "2016M12", "2017M01", "2017M02", "2017M03", "2017M04", "2017M05", "2017M06", "2017M07", "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08", "2019M09", "2019M10", "2019M11", "2019M12", "2020M01", "2020M02", "2020M03", "2020M04", "2020M05", "2020M06", "2020M07", "2020M08", "2020M09", "2020M10", "2020M11", "2020M12", "2021M01", "2021M02", "2021M03", "2021M04", "2021M05", "2021M06", "2021M07", "2021M08", "2021M09", "2021M10", "2021M11", "2021M12", "2022M01", "2022M02", "2022M03", "2022M04", "2022M05", "2022M06", "2022M07", "2022M08", "2022M09", "2022M10", "2022M11", "2022M12", "2023M01", "2023M02", "2023M03", "2023M04", "2023M05", "2023M06", "2023M07", "2023M08", "2023M09", "2023M10", "2023M11", "2023M12", "2024M01", "2024M02", "2024M03", "2024M04", "2024M05", "2024M06", "2024M07", "2024M08", "2024M09", "2024M10", "2024M11" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "month": [ "TLIST(M1),\"201301", "201302", "201303", "201304", "201305", "201306", "201307", "201308", "201309", "201310", "201311", "201312", "201401", "201402", "201403", "201404", "201405", "201406", "201407", "201408", "201409", "201410", "201411", "201412", "201501", "201502", "201503", "201504", "201505", "201506", "201507", "201508", "201509", "201510", "201511", "201512", "201601", "201602", "201603", "201604", "201605", "201606", "201607", "201608", "201609", "201610", "201611", "201612", "201701", "201702", "201703", "201704", "201705", "201706", "201707", "201708", "201709", "201710", "201711", "201712", "201801", "201802", "201803", "201804", "201805", "201806", "201807", "201808", "201809", "201810", "201811", "201812", "201901", "201902", "201903", "201904", "201905", "201906", "201907", "201908", "201909", "201910", "201911", "201912", "202001", "202002", "202003", "202004", "202005", "202006", "202007", "202008", "202009", "202010", "202011", "202012", "202101", "202102", "202103", "202104", "202105", "202106", "202107", "202108", "202109", "202110", "202111", "202112", "202201", "202202", "202203", "202204", "202205", "202206", "202207", "202208", "202209", "202210", "202211", "202212", "202301", "202302", "202303", "202304", "202305", "202306", "202307", "202308", "202309", "202310", "202311", "202312", "202401", "202402", "202403", "202404", "202405", "202406", "202407", "202408", "202409", "202410", "202411" ] }, "CODES": { "unit": "ROOMS_PCT", "month": [ "2013M01", "2013M02", "2013M03", "2013M04", "2013M05", "2013M06", "2013M07", "2013M08", "2013M09", "2013M10", "2013M11", "2013M12", "2014M01", "2014M02", "2014M03", "2014M04", "2014M05", "2014M06", "2014M07", "2014M08", "2014M09", "2014M10", "2014M11", "2014M12", "2015M01", "2015M02", "2015M03", "2015M04", "2015M05", "2015M06", "2015M07", "2015M08", "2015M09", "2015M10", "2015M11", "2015M12", "2016M01", "2016M02", "2016M03", "2016M04", "2016M05", "2016M06", "2016M07", "2016M08", "2016M09", "2016M10", "2016M11", "2016M12", "2017M01", "2017M02", "2017M03", "2017M04", "2017M05", "2017M06", "2017M07", "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08", "2019M09", "2019M10", "2019M11", "2019M12", "2020M01", "2020M02", "2020M03", "2020M04", "2020M05", "2020M06", "2020M07", "2020M08", "2020M09", "2020M10", "2020M11", "2020M12", "2021M01", "2021M02", "2021M03", "2021M04", "2021M05", "2021M06", "2021M07", "2021M08", "2021M09", "2021M10", "2021M11", "2021M12", "2022M01", "2022M02", "2022M03", "2022M04", "2022M05", "2022M06", "2022M07", "2022M08", "2022M09", "2022M10", "2022M11", "2022M12", "2023M01", "2023M02", "2023M03", "2023M04", "2023M05", "2023M06", "2023M07", "2023M08", "2023M09", "2023M10", "2023M11", "2023M12", "2024M01", "2024M02", "2024M03", "2024M04", "2024M05", "2024M06", "2024M07", "2024M08", "2024M09", "2024M10", "2024M11" ] }, "PRECISION": { "unit,Rooms, capacity in per cent": "1" }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20250109 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "number" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Statistics Faroe Islands</A>" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected##The figures encompasses hotels with 12 or more rooms" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20250128 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "VV07031" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "M" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "month": "TLIST(M1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Vinna og veiða" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "VV07031 Nýtslustig á gistingarhúsum skift á øki (2013M01-2024M11)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Gistingar á gistingarhúsum eftir mát og mánaður" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Gistingar á gistingarhúsum" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "mát" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "mánaður" }, "VARIABLECODE[fo]": { "mát": "unit", "mánaður": "month" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "mát": "Kømur, nýtslustig í %", "mánaður": [ "2013M01", "2013M02", "2013M03", "2013M04", "2013M05", "2013M06", "2013M07", "2013M08", "2013M09", "2013M10", "2013M11", "2013M12", "2014M01", "2014M02", "2014M03", "2014M04", "2014M05", "2014M06", "2014M07", "2014M08", "2014M09", "2014M10", "2014M11", "2014M12", "2015M01", "2015M02", "2015M03", "2015M04", "2015M05", "2015M06", "2015M07", "2015M08", "2015M09", "2015M10", "2015M11", "2015M12", "2016M01", "2016M02", "2016M03", "2016M04", "2016M05", "2016M06", "2016M07", "2016M08", "2016M09", "2016M10", "2016M11", "2016M12", "2017M01", "2017M02", "2017M03", "2017M04", "2017M05", "2017M06", "2017M07", "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08", "2019M09", "2019M10", "2019M11", "2019M12", "2020M01", "2020M02", "2020M03", "2020M04", "2020M05", "2020M06", "2020M07", "2020M08", "2020M09", "2020M10", "2020M11", "2020M12", "2021M01", "2021M02", "2021M03", "2021M04", "2021M05", "2021M06", "2021M07", "2021M08", "2021M09", "2021M10", "2021M11", "2021M12", "2022M01", "2022M02", "2022M03", "2022M04", "2022M05", "2022M06", "2022M07", "2022M08", "2022M09", "2022M10", "2022M11", "2022M12", "2023M01", "2023M02", "2023M03", "2023M04", "2023M05", "2023M06", "2023M07", "2023M08", "2023M09", "2023M10", "2023M11", "2023M12", "2024M01", "2024M02", "2024M03", "2024M04", "2024M05", "2024M06", "2024M07", "2024M08", "2024M09", "2024M10", "2024M11" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "mánaður": [ "TLIST(M1),\"201301", "201302", "201303", "201304", "201305", "201306", "201307", "201308", "201309", "201310", "201311", "201312", "201401", "201402", "201403", "201404", "201405", "201406", "201407", "201408", "201409", "201410", "201411", "201412", "201501", "201502", "201503", "201504", "201505", "201506", "201507", "201508", "201509", "201510", "201511", "201512", "201601", "201602", "201603", "201604", "201605", "201606", "201607", "201608", "201609", "201610", "201611", "201612", "201701", "201702", "201703", "201704", "201705", "201706", "201707", "201708", "201709", "201710", "201711", "201712", "201801", "201802", "201803", "201804", "201805", "201806", "201807", "201808", "201809", "201810", "201811", "201812", "201901", "201902", "201903", "201904", "201905", "201906", "201907", "201908", "201909", "201910", "201911", "201912", "202001", "202002", "202003", "202004", "202005", "202006", "202007", "202008", "202009", "202010", "202011", "202012", "202101", "202102", "202103", "202104", "202105", "202106", "202107", "202108", "202109", "202110", "202111", "202112", "202201", "202202", "202203", "202204", "202205", "202206", "202207", "202208", "202209", "202210", "202211", "202212", "202301", "202302", "202303", "202304", "202305", "202306", "202307", "202308", "202309", "202310", "202311", "202312", "202401", "202402", "202403", "202404", "202405", "202406", "202407", "202408", "202409", "202410", "202411" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "mát": "ROOMS_PCT" }, "PRECISION[fo]": { "mát,Kømur, nýtslustig í %": "1" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20250109 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "tal" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Hagstova Føroya</A>" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart## Uppgerðin fevnir um gistingarhús, sum eru hava 12 ella fleiri kømur" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "mánaður": "TLIST(M1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "19.0607973709245", "32.1428571428571", "32.0245611000605", "40.3306523681859", "58.6612470812073", "73.8977072310406", "73.1101335940046", "65.0739752607325", "61.2128922815946", "38.0037757530986", "31.1421319796954", "16.5220239069920", "20.5516366806689", "30.9845559845560", "40.1625215464171", "34.5122985581001", "59.2662871600253", "71.6315378610461", "78.2579134244920", "65.8306262748357", 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nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/422" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="47beb02b04980690a28e5ea3c3e73ced"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="7"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var 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"HEADING": { "TABLE": "month" }, "VARIABLECODE": { "measure": "measure", "month": "month" }, "VALUES": { "measure": [ "Unemployment rate", "Unemployment rate, trend" ], "month": [ "1995M01", "1995M02", "1995M03", "1995M04", "1995M05", "1995M06", "1995M07", "1995M08", "1995M09", "1995M10", "1995M11", "1995M12", "1996M01", "1996M02", "1996M03", "1996M04", "1996M05", "1996M06", "1996M07", "1996M08", "1996M09", "1996M10", "1996M11", "1996M12", "1997M01", "1997M02", "1997M03", "1997M04", "1997M05", "1997M06", "1997M07", "1997M08", "1997M09", "1997M10", "1997M11", "1997M12", "1998M01", "1998M02", "1998M03", "1998M04", "1998M05", "1998M06", "1998M07", "1998M08", "1998M09", "1998M10", "1998M11", "1998M12", "1999M01", "1999M02", "1999M03", "1999M04", "1999M05", "1999M06", "1999M07", "1999M08", "1999M09", "1999M10", "1999M11", "1999M12", "2000M01", "2000M02", "2000M03", "2000M04", "2000M05", "2000M06", "2000M07", "2000M08", "2000M09", "2000M10", "2000M11", "2000M12", "2001M01", "2001M02", 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"2016M05", "2016M06", "2016M07", "2016M08", "2016M09", "2016M10", "2016M11", "2016M12", "2017M01", "2017M02", "2017M03", "2017M04", "2017M05", "2017M06", "2017M07", "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08", "2019M09", "2019M10", "2019M11", "2019M12", "2020M01", "2020M02", "2020M03", "2020M04", "2020M05", "2020M06", "2020M07", "2020M08", "2020M09", "2020M10", "2020M11", "2020M12", "2021M01", "2021M02", "2021M03", "2021M04", "2021M05", "2021M06", "2021M07", "2021M08", "2021M09", "2021M10", "2021M11", "2021M12", "2022M01", "2022M02", "2022M03", "2022M04", "2022M05", "2022M06", "2022M07", "2022M08", "2022M09", "2022M10", "2022M11", "2022M12", "2023M01", "2023M02", "2023M03", "2023M04", "2023M05", "2023M06", "2023M07", "2023M08", "2023M09", "2023M10", "2023M11", "2023M12", "2024M01", "2024M02", "2024M03", "2024M04", "2024M05", "2024M06", "2024M07", "2024M08", "2024M09", "2024M10", "2024M11", "2024M12" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "month": [ "TLIST(M1),\"199501", "199502", "199503", "199504", "199505", "199506", "199507", "199508", "199509", "199510", "199511", "199512", "199601", "199602", "199603", "199604", "199605", "199606", "199607", "199608", "199609", "199610", "199611", "199612", "199701", "199702", "199703", "199704", "199705", "199706", "199707", "199708", "199709", "199710", "199711", "199712", "199801", "199802", "199803", "199804", "199805", "199806", "199807", "199808", "199809", "199810", "199811", "199812", "199901", "199902", "199903", "199904", "199905", "199906", "199907", "199908", "199909", "199910", "199911", "199912", "200001", "200002", "200003", "200004", "200005", "200006", "200007", "200008", "200009", "200010", "200011", "200012", "200101", "200102", "200103", "200104", "200105", "200106", "200107", "200108", "200109", "200110", "200111", "200112", "200201", "200202", "200203", "200204", "200205", "200206", "200207", "200208", "200209", "200210", "200211", "200212", "200301", "200302", "200303", "200304", "200305", "200306", "200307", "200308", "200309", "200310", "200311", "200312", "200401", "200402", "200403", "200404", "200405", "200406", "200407", "200408", "200409", "200410", "200411", "200412", "200501", "200502", "200503", "200504", "200505", "200506", "200507", "200508", "200509", "200510", "200511", "200512", "200601", "200602", "200603", "200604", "200605", "200606", "200607", "200608", "200609", "200610", "200611", "200612", "200701", "200702", "200703", "200704", "200705", "200706", "200707", "200708", "200709", "200710", "200711", "200712", "200801", "200802", "200803", "200804", "200805", "200806", "200807", "200808", "200809", "200810", "200811", "200812", "200901", "200902", "200903", "200904", "200905", "200906", "200907", "200908", "200909", "200910", "200911", "200912", "201001", 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"201806", "201807", "201808", "201809", "201810", "201811", "201812", "201901", "201902", "201903", "201904", "201905", "201906", "201907", "201908", "201909", "201910", "201911", "201912", "202001", "202002", "202003", "202004", "202005", "202006", "202007", "202008", "202009", "202010", "202011", "202012", "202101", "202102", "202103", "202104", "202105", "202106", "202107", "202108", "202109", "202110", "202111", "202112", "202201", "202202", "202203", "202204", "202205", "202206", "202207", "202208", "202209", "202210", "202211", "202212", "202301", "202302", "202303", "202304", "202305", "202306", "202307", "202308", "202309", "202310", "202311", "202312", "202401", "202402", "202403", "202404", "202405", "202406", "202407", "202408", "202409", "202410", "202411", "202412" ] }, "CODES": { "measure": [ "UNE_FE_PCT_LF", "TR_UNE_FE_PCT_LF" ], "month": [ "1995M01", "1995M02", "1995M03", "1995M04", "1995M05", "1995M06", "1995M07", "1995M08", "1995M09", "1995M10", "1995M11", "1995M12", "1996M01", "1996M02", "1996M03", "1996M04", "1996M05", "1996M06", "1996M07", "1996M08", "1996M09", "1996M10", "1996M11", "1996M12", "1997M01", "1997M02", "1997M03", "1997M04", "1997M05", "1997M06", "1997M07", "1997M08", "1997M09", "1997M10", "1997M11", "1997M12", "1998M01", "1998M02", "1998M03", "1998M04", "1998M05", "1998M06", "1998M07", "1998M08", "1998M09", "1998M10", "1998M11", "1998M12", "1999M01", "1999M02", "1999M03", "1999M04", "1999M05", "1999M06", "1999M07", "1999M08", "1999M09", "1999M10", "1999M11", "1999M12", "2000M01", "2000M02", "2000M03", "2000M04", "2000M05", "2000M06", "2000M07", "2000M08", "2000M09", "2000M10", "2000M11", "2000M12", "2001M01", "2001M02", "2001M03", "2001M04", "2001M05", "2001M06", "2001M07", "2001M08", "2001M09", "2001M10", "2001M11", "2001M12", "2002M01", "2002M02", "2002M03", "2002M04", "2002M05", "2002M06", "2002M07", "2002M08", "2002M09", "2002M10", "2002M11", "2002M12", "2003M01", "2003M02", "2003M03", "2003M04", "2003M05", "2003M06", "2003M07", "2003M08", "2003M09", "2003M10", "2003M11", "2003M12", "2004M01", "2004M02", "2004M03", "2004M04", "2004M05", "2004M06", "2004M07", "2004M08", "2004M09", "2004M10", "2004M11", "2004M12", "2005M01", "2005M02", "2005M03", "2005M04", "2005M05", "2005M06", "2005M07", "2005M08", "2005M09", "2005M10", "2005M11", "2005M12", "2006M01", "2006M02", "2006M03", "2006M04", "2006M05", "2006M06", "2006M07", "2006M08", "2006M09", "2006M10", "2006M11", "2006M12", "2007M01", "2007M02", "2007M03", "2007M04", "2007M05", "2007M06", "2007M07", "2007M08", "2007M09", "2007M10", "2007M11", "2007M12", "2008M01", "2008M02", "2008M03", "2008M04", "2008M05", "2008M06", "2008M07", "2008M08", "2008M09", "2008M10", "2008M11", "2008M12", "2009M01", "2009M02", "2009M03", "2009M04", "2009M05", "2009M06", "2009M07", "2009M08", "2009M09", "2009M10", "2009M11", "2009M12", "2010M01", "2010M02", "2010M03", "2010M04", "2010M05", "2010M06", "2010M07", "2010M08", "2010M09", "2010M10", "2010M11", "2010M12", "2011M01", "2011M02", "2011M03", "2011M04", "2011M05", "2011M06", "2011M07", "2011M08", "2011M09", "2011M10", "2011M11", "2011M12", "2012M01", "2012M02", "2012M03", "2012M04", "2012M05", "2012M06", "2012M07", "2012M08", "2012M09", "2012M10", "2012M11", "2012M12", "2013M01", "2013M02", "2013M03", "2013M04", "2013M05", "2013M06", "2013M07", "2013M08", "2013M09", "2013M10", "2013M11", "2013M12", "2014M01", "2014M02", "2014M03", "2014M04", "2014M05", "2014M06", "2014M07", "2014M08", "2014M09", "2014M10", "2014M11", "2014M12", "2015M01", "2015M02", "2015M03", "2015M04", "2015M05", "2015M06", "2015M07", "2015M08", "2015M09", "2015M10", "2015M11", "2015M12", "2016M01", "2016M02", "2016M03", "2016M04", "2016M05", "2016M06", "2016M07", "2016M08", "2016M09", "2016M10", "2016M11", "2016M12", "2017M01", "2017M02", "2017M03", "2017M04", "2017M05", "2017M06", "2017M07", "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08", "2019M09", "2019M10", "2019M11", "2019M12", "2020M01", "2020M02", "2020M03", "2020M04", "2020M05", "2020M06", "2020M07", "2020M08", "2020M09", "2020M10", "2020M11", "2020M12", "2021M01", "2021M02", "2021M03", "2021M04", "2021M05", "2021M06", "2021M07", "2021M08", "2021M09", "2021M10", "2021M11", "2021M12", "2022M01", "2022M02", "2022M03", "2022M04", "2022M05", "2022M06", "2022M07", "2022M08", "2022M09", "2022M10", "2022M11", "2022M12", "2023M01", "2023M02", "2023M03", "2023M04", "2023M05", "2023M06", "2023M07", "2023M08", "2023M09", "2023M10", "2023M11", "2023M12", "2024M01", "2024M02", "2024M03", "2024M04", "2024M05", "2024M06", "2024M07", "2024M08", "2024M09", "2024M10", "2024M11", "2024M12" ] }, "PRECISION": { "measure,Unemployment rate": "1", "measure,Unemployment rate, trend": "1" }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20250127 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "number and pct." }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Maria Heen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "Statistics Faroe Islands:" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": " •• Data not available or too uncertain##The unemployment figures are based on administration registers of Unemployment Insurance and Social Security#In Nov. 2005 and Dec. 2015 data breaks occur due to a changes in estimation method", "measure": "The trend/seasonally adjusted figures are calculated independently and can therefore not be added" }, "VALUENOTE": { "measure,Unemployment rate": "Full time unemployed in pct. of labour force" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20250225 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "ARL02011" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "M" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "month": "TLIST(M1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Arbeiði og lønir" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "ARL02011 Arbeiðsloysi í tali og % skift á kyn (1995M01-2024M12)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Arbeiðsloysi eftir mát og mánaður" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Arbeiðsloysi" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "mát" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "mánaður" }, "VARIABLECODE[fo]": { "mát": "measure", "mánaður": "month" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "mát": [ "Arbeiðsleys í %", "Arbeiðsleys í %, trendur" ], "mánaður": [ "1995M01", "1995M02", "1995M03", "1995M04", "1995M05", "1995M06", "1995M07", "1995M08", "1995M09", "1995M10", "1995M11", "1995M12", "1996M01", "1996M02", "1996M03", "1996M04", "1996M05", "1996M06", "1996M07", "1996M08", "1996M09", "1996M10", "1996M11", "1996M12", "1997M01", "1997M02", "1997M03", "1997M04", "1997M05", "1997M06", "1997M07", "1997M08", "1997M09", "1997M10", "1997M11", "1997M12", "1998M01", "1998M02", "1998M03", "1998M04", "1998M05", "1998M06", "1998M07", "1998M08", "1998M09", "1998M10", "1998M11", "1998M12", "1999M01", "1999M02", "1999M03", "1999M04", "1999M05", "1999M06", "1999M07", "1999M08", "1999M09", "1999M10", "1999M11", "1999M12", "2000M01", "2000M02", "2000M03", "2000M04", "2000M05", "2000M06", "2000M07", "2000M08", "2000M09", "2000M10", "2000M11", "2000M12", "2001M01", "2001M02", "2001M03", "2001M04", "2001M05", "2001M06", "2001M07", "2001M08", "2001M09", "2001M10", "2001M11", "2001M12", "2002M01", "2002M02", "2002M03", "2002M04", "2002M05", "2002M06", "2002M07", "2002M08", "2002M09", "2002M10", "2002M11", "2002M12", "2003M01", "2003M02", "2003M03", "2003M04", "2003M05", "2003M06", "2003M07", "2003M08", "2003M09", "2003M10", "2003M11", "2003M12", "2004M01", "2004M02", "2004M03", "2004M04", "2004M05", "2004M06", "2004M07", "2004M08", "2004M09", "2004M10", "2004M11", "2004M12", "2005M01", "2005M02", "2005M03", "2005M04", "2005M05", "2005M06", "2005M07", "2005M08", "2005M09", "2005M10", "2005M11", "2005M12", "2006M01", "2006M02", "2006M03", "2006M04", "2006M05", "2006M06", "2006M07", "2006M08", "2006M09", "2006M10", "2006M11", "2006M12", "2007M01", "2007M02", "2007M03", "2007M04", "2007M05", "2007M06", "2007M07", "2007M08", "2007M09", "2007M10", "2007M11", "2007M12", "2008M01", "2008M02", "2008M03", "2008M04", "2008M05", "2008M06", "2008M07", "2008M08", "2008M09", "2008M10", "2008M11", "2008M12", "2009M01", "2009M02", "2009M03", "2009M04", "2009M05", "2009M06", "2009M07", "2009M08", "2009M09", "2009M10", "2009M11", "2009M12", "2010M01", "2010M02", "2010M03", "2010M04", "2010M05", "2010M06", "2010M07", "2010M08", "2010M09", "2010M10", "2010M11", "2010M12", "2011M01", "2011M02", "2011M03", "2011M04", "2011M05", "2011M06", "2011M07", "2011M08", "2011M09", "2011M10", "2011M11", "2011M12", "2012M01", "2012M02", "2012M03", "2012M04", "2012M05", "2012M06", "2012M07", "2012M08", "2012M09", "2012M10", "2012M11", "2012M12", "2013M01", "2013M02", "2013M03", "2013M04", "2013M05", "2013M06", "2013M07", "2013M08", "2013M09", "2013M10", "2013M11", "2013M12", "2014M01", "2014M02", "2014M03", "2014M04", "2014M05", "2014M06", "2014M07", "2014M08", "2014M09", "2014M10", "2014M11", "2014M12", "2015M01", "2015M02", "2015M03", "2015M04", "2015M05", "2015M06", "2015M07", "2015M08", "2015M09", "2015M10", "2015M11", "2015M12", "2016M01", "2016M02", "2016M03", "2016M04", "2016M05", "2016M06", "2016M07", "2016M08", "2016M09", "2016M10", "2016M11", "2016M12", "2017M01", "2017M02", "2017M03", "2017M04", "2017M05", "2017M06", "2017M07", "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08", "2019M09", "2019M10", "2019M11", "2019M12", "2020M01", "2020M02", "2020M03", "2020M04", "2020M05", "2020M06", "2020M07", "2020M08", "2020M09", "2020M10", "2020M11", "2020M12", "2021M01", "2021M02", "2021M03", "2021M04", "2021M05", "2021M06", "2021M07", "2021M08", "2021M09", "2021M10", "2021M11", "2021M12", "2022M01", "2022M02", "2022M03", "2022M04", "2022M05", "2022M06", "2022M07", "2022M08", "2022M09", "2022M10", "2022M11", "2022M12", "2023M01", "2023M02", "2023M03", "2023M04", "2023M05", "2023M06", "2023M07", "2023M08", "2023M09", 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"20250127 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "tal og %" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Maria Heen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Hagstova Føroya:" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###Arbeiðsloysið er uppgjørt út frá skráunum hjá Arbeiðsloysisskipanini og Almannaverkinum#Í nov. 2005 og des. 2015 vórðu broytingar gjørdar í uppgerðarmátanum. Tølini eru tí ikki fult sambærlig tvørtur um dátubrotini", "mát": "Av tí at trend/ártíðarjavning verður roknað hvør sær fyri menn, kvinnur og bæði kyn tilsamans, ber ikki til at leggja tølini fyri menn og kvinnur saman" }, "VALUENOTE[fo]": { "mát,Arbeiðsleys í %": "Fulltíðararbeiðsleys í % av arbeiðsfjøld" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "mánaður": "TLIST(M1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "\"-\"", "\"-\"", "\"-\"", "14.901200", "14.032200", "12.801300", "12.792300", "12.350200", "12.081900", "12.120000", "12.352000", "12.912600", "12.813200", "12.209200", "12.058300", "11.555300", "10.019700", "9.197090", "8.716360", "8.482030", "8.519070", "8.466110", "8.669070", "8.642700", "9.171570", "9.673020", "9.472250", "9.835670", "7.616530", "7.175550", "7.514010", "7.727920", "7.583910", "7.598540", "7.416510", "7.553990", "7.543910", "7.146170", "7.791370", "7.502410", "6.630790", "6.380470", "6.151970", "5.981480", "5.963960", "5.882880", "5.856660", "6.102640", 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js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="4f0995767a57a4464ba68d84d6c17b54"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="8"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '8', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder8', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'mió. kr. ', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20180419 09:00" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "6" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "2" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "PF01030_MFI_GEIRI" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "YES" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "PF" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Money and Credit Market" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "PF01030 Faroese and Danish banks and mortgage banks: Deposits from and loans to Faroese units by institutional sector and original maturity (2013M09-2019M12)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "Monetary Financial Institutions by instrument and month" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "Monetary Financial Institutions" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": "instrument" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "month" }, "VALUES": { "instrument": [ "Innlánsyvirskot" ], "month": [ "2013M09", "2013M10", "2013M11", "2013M12", "2014M01", "2014M02", "2014M03", "2014M04", "2014M05", "2014M06", "2014M07", "2014M08", "2014M09", "2014M10", "2014M11", "2014M12", "2015M01", "2015M02", "2015M03", "2015M04", "2015M05", "2015M06", "2015M07", "2015M08", "2015M09", "2015M10", "2015M11", "2015M12", "2016M01", "2016M02", "2016M03", "2016M04", "2016M05", "2016M06", "2016M07", "2016M08", "2016M09", "2016M10", "2016M11", "2016M12", "2017M01", "2017M02", "2017M03", "2017M04", "2017M05", "2017M06", "2017M07", "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08", "2019M09", "2019M10", "2019M11", "2019M12" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "month": [ "TLIST(M1),\"201309", "201310", "201311", "201312", "201401", "201402", "201403", "201404", "201405", "201406", "201407", "201408", "201409", "201410", "201411", "201412", "201501", "201502", "201503", "201504", "201505", "201506", "201507", "201508", "201509", "201510", "201511", "201512", "201601", "201602", "201603", "201604", "201605", "201606", "201607", "201608", "201609", "201610", "201611", "201612", "201701", "201702", "201703", "201704", "201705", "201706", "201707", "201708", "201709", "201710", "201711", "201712", "201801", "201802", "201803", "201804", "201805", "201806", "201807", "201808", "201809", "201810", "201811", "201812", "201901", "201902", "201903", "201904", "201905", "201906", "201907", "201908", "201909", "201910", "201911", "201912" ] }, "CODES": { "instrument": "Innlánsyvirskot", "month": [ "2013M09", "2013M10", "2013M11", "2013M12", "2014M01", "2014M02", "2014M03", "2014M04", "2014M05", "2014M06", "2014M07", "2014M08", "2014M09", "2014M10", "2014M11", "2014M12", "2015M01", "2015M02", "2015M03", "2015M04", "2015M05", "2015M06", "2015M07", "2015M08", "2015M09", "2015M10", "2015M11", "2015M12", "2016M01", "2016M02", "2016M03", "2016M04", "2016M05", "2016M06", "2016M07", "2016M08", "2016M09", "2016M10", "2016M11", "2016M12", "2017M01", "2017M02", "2017M03", "2017M04", "2017M05", "2017M06", "2017M07", "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08", "2019M09", "2019M10", "2019M11", "2019M12" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20200218 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "DKK mill." }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Gilli Wardum" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "Landsbanki Føroya & Centralbank of Denmark" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###Description of data-set##Dimensions in this data-set are: time , original maturity, instrument, sector and MFI-group.#In the dimension 'MFI-group' you will find the monetary financial institutions (MFIs) by their country of domicile. The population consists of Faroese and Danish MFIs. Faroese MFIs are banks and thei r subsidiaries and branches abroad. Danish MFIs relevant to this data-set are mainly danish banks and mortgage institutions.#All instruments except deposits and loans have been excluded.#The dimension 'Sector' has been structured by a 3-level hierarchy: The top level includes all sectors. The medium level shows institutional main sectors: '1. Non-financial corporations', '2. Financial corporations', '3. General government' and '4. Housholds and non-profit institutions serving housholds (NPISH)'. The thi rd level shows a grouping of sub-sectors.#Loans from one MFI to another are excluded from this cube. The same goes for deposits.#Outstanding amounts are shown in DKK millions by end of month.##Same figures shown in the tool 'Tableau':#http://www.hagstova .fo/sites/default/files/en/statbank/money-and-credit-market/MFI-3-en.html" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20200318 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "PF01030" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "M" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "month": "TLIST(M1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Peninga- og fíggjarviðurskifti" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "PF01030 Føroyskir og danskir peninga- og realkreditstovnar: Innlán frá og útlán til føroyskar eindir skift á geira og bindingartíð (2013M09-2019M12)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Fíggjarstovnar eftir fíggjaramboð og mánaður" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Fíggjarstovnar" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "fíggjaramboð" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "mánaður" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "fíggjaramboð": "Innlánsyvirskot", "mánaður": [ "2013M09", "2013M10", "2013M11", "2013M12", "2014M01", "2014M02", "2014M03", "2014M04", "2014M05", "2014M06", "2014M07", "2014M08", "2014M09", "2014M10", "2014M11", "2014M12", "2015M01", "2015M02", "2015M03", "2015M04", "2015M05", "2015M06", "2015M07", "2015M08", "2015M09", "2015M10", "2015M11", "2015M12", "2016M01", "2016M02", "2016M03", "2016M04", "2016M05", "2016M06", "2016M07", "2016M08", "2016M09", "2016M10", "2016M11", "2016M12", "2017M01", "2017M02", "2017M03", "2017M04", "2017M05", "2017M06", "2017M07", "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08", "2019M09", "2019M10", "2019M11", "2019M12" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "mánaður": [ "TLIST(M1),\"201309", "201310", "201311", "201312", "201401", "201402", "201403", "201404", "201405", "201406", "201407", "201408", "201409", "201410", "201411", "201412", "201501", "201502", "201503", "201504", "201505", "201506", "201507", "201508", "201509", "201510", "201511", "201512", "201601", "201602", "201603", "201604", "201605", "201606", "201607", "201608", "201609", "201610", "201611", "201612", "201701", "201702", "201703", "201704", "201705", "201706", "201707", "201708", "201709", "201710", "201711", "201712", "201801", "201802", "201803", "201804", "201805", "201806", "201807", "201808", "201809", "201810", "201811", "201812", "201901", "201902", "201903", "201904", "201905", "201906", "201907", "201908", "201909", "201910", "201911", "201912" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "fíggjaramboð": "Innlánsyvirskot" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20200218 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "mió. kr." }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Gilli Wardum" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Landsbanki Føroya & Danmarks Nationalbank" }, "NOTEX[fo]": { "TABLE": "Teksturin í talvuni víkur frá upprunatekstinum í dátustovninum, tí hann hevur verið broyttur við hond##Teksturin í talvuni víkur frá upprunatekstinum í dátustovninum, tí hann hevur verið broyttur við hond##Teksturin í talvuni víkur frá upprunatekstinum í dátustovninum, tí hann hevur verið broyttur við hond" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###Lýsing av dátusavni##Tættir (dimensiónir) í hesum savninum eru: tíð (ár -máni), upprunalig bindingartíð, fíggjaramboð, geiri og MFI-bólkur.#Í táttinum 'MFI-bólkur' eru fíggjarfyritøkurnar skiftar á landið, tær eru heimahoyrandi í. Savnið fevnir um føroyskar og danskar peningaligar fíggjarstovnar. Føroyski parturin fevnir um peningastovnarnar (umframt deildir teirra í útlondum). Danski parturin fevnir í høvuðsheitum um peningastovnar og realkreditfeløg.#Av fíggjaramboðum eru bert 'Innlán' og 'Útlán' tikin við.#Tátturin 'Geiri' er skipaður við trimum stigum: Ovasta stigið fev nir um 'Allar geirar', sum á næsta stigi verður útgreinað til '1. Ikki-fíggjarlig feløg', '2. Fíggjarlig feløg', '3. Almenn fyrisiting og tænasta' og '4. Húsarhald'. Á lægsta stigi verða t.d. ikki-fíggjarlig feløg greinaði á feløg undir almennum ræði og privat feløg.#Útlán frá einum peningastovni til annan eru ikki við í savninum. Sama er galdandi viðvíkjandi innlánum.#Upphæddir vera vístar í mió. kr og stava frá javnum við mánaðarlok.##Somu tøl víst í amboðnum 'Tableau':# fault/files/fo/hagtalsgrunnur/peninga-og-figgjarvidurskifti/MFI-3-fo.html" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "mánaður": "TLIST(M1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "-3497.016620", "-3049.487286", "-2862.619010", "-2759.150571", "-2742.206365", "-2857.986271", "-2840.032212", "-2696.181993", "-2940.289219", "-2789.091798", "-2601.742328", "-2521.998676", "-2353.470108", "-2258.042672", "-1929.219745", "-2019.008885", "-1974.087098", "-2037.771626", "-2239.934673", "-2264.567505", "-1963.656240", "-1954.261785", "-1472.224124", "-1516.379129", "-1413.175722", "-1374.881737", "-1390.763520", "-2147.270983", "-1845.169159", "-1736.196842", "-1562.189836", "-1610.811396", "-1445.790787", "-1095.536508", "-871.237437", "-1028.791832", "-1293.664105", "-1360.105057", "-1230.556028", "1346.458020", "1610.462654", "1351.152199", "1338.008337", "1850.768861", "1461.942225", "-383.837349", "-225.471504", "-423.386105", "-207.887754", "-212.528034", "-559.995599", "-552.714458", "-541.969154", "-430.836886", "-171.314376", "309.932381", "-75.331153", "-257.611521", "-13.986616", "-589.942750", "-506.983610", "-463.323567", "-542.332353", "-891.066164", "-555.283569", "-406.282061", "-431.257773", "-285.145796", "-577.194614", "-28.064071", "-155.902410", "-554.021680", "-671.412516", "-1153.518239", "-1298.380095", "-1465.983183", "" ] }, seriesNames: '', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "column", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { "enabled": false }, "title": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 1, }, "subtitle": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 22 }, "legend": { "enabled": true, "layout": "horizontal", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "align": "center", "verticalAlign": "top", "y": 5 }, "xAxis": { "title": { "enabled": false }, "tickInterval": 31104000000, "min": 0, "max": 0, "type": "datetime", "labels": { "style": { "color": "#000", "fontSize": "11px" } } }, "yAxis": { "title": { "textAlign": "left", "reserveSpace": false, "align": "high", "offset": 0, "rotation": 0, "y": -25, "x": 0, "text": "", "style": { "whiteSpace": "nowrap" } }, "lineColor": "#000", "tickColor": "#000", "labels": {} }, "tooltip": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "line": { "marker": { "enabled": false }, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false } }, "series": { "showInNavigator": true } } }, sortDirection: 0, animate: 0, showYAxisDecimalPoint: 0, visiblePeriodFrom: '24', visiblePeriodTo: '', unitName: 'mió. kr.', chartType: 'column', chartHeight: '', sortSeriesBySize: -1, showLastValue: '', tableType: 0, tableUnit: '', tableCategoryLevels: '', tableShowTotal: (1) == 1, dataFactor: 1, numberOfDecimalsToShow: 2, numberOfDecimalsToShowInPercent: 1, tableElementCount: 0, tableShowPercent: (1) == 1, pxid: '4f0995767a57a4464ba68d84d6c17b54', embedLink: location.href.split('?')[0] + '?px-web-graph=4f0995767a57a4464ba68d84d6c17b54', hideNavigator: (0) == 1, hideNavigatorLines: (0) == 1, yAxisMinValue: null, yAxisMaxValue: null, linkOverwrite: '', indexPoint: '', allowViewFullScreen: 1, allowViewData: 1, allowDownloadData: 1, allowEmbedding: 1 }); 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Hetta merkir at allar príshækkingar í tíðarskeiðnum eru við - tað sum vøran kostar í handlunum." }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ársfjórðingur": "TLIST(Q1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "156.5622524000000", "137.8544338000000", "146.6286356000000", "147.8554925000000", "163.7764556000000", "142.3668954000000", "155.0410992000000", "157.6442552000000", "170.7730901000000", "147.5086392000000", "160.9668654000000", "161.5747277000000", "170.9256731000000", "151.3375518000000", "161.1644546000000", "158.7736882000000", "172.9071524000000", "148.6683167000000", "167.7738268000000", "168.8569754000000", "183.8920944000000", "145.2330247643560", "146.6496233015660", "147.9544763195110", "149.1891485759860", "151.1050353306060", "153.5226637421760", "155.7595191174740", "157.4658529377680", "158.6738285370810", "159.6593770253390", "160.8193014267610", "161.8084472278420", "162.0499568103030", "161.4089202356520", "160.4566988544860", "159.8460114677730", 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"AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20150301 09:00" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "6" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "1" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "VV05011_HANDIL_MVG_T" }, "AGGREGALLOWED": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "YES" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "VV" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Ecomomic activities" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "VV05011 Index for retail trade by commodity groups and inflation adjustment (2001Q1-2024Q2)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "Index for retail trade, -- G.47.5.9 Retail sale of furniture, lighting equipment and other household articles in specialised stores, Observed (2015 Q1 = 100) by inflation adjustment and quarter" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "Index for retail trade, -- G.47.5.9 Retail sale of furniture, lighting equipment and other household articles in specialised stores, Observed (2015 Q1 = 100)" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": "inflation adjustment" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "quarter" }, "VARIABLECODE": { "inflation adjustment": "inflation adjustment", "quarter": "quarter" }, "VALUES": { "inflation adjustment": [ "Nominal prices", "Real prices" ], "quarter": [ "2001Q1", "2001Q2", "2001Q3", "2001Q4", "2002Q1", "2002Q2", "2002Q3", "2002Q4", "2003Q1", "2003Q2", "2003Q3", "2003Q4", "2004Q1", "2004Q2", "2004Q3", "2004Q4", "2005Q1", "2005Q2", "2005Q3", "2005Q4", "2006Q1", "2006Q2", "2006Q3", "2006Q4", "2007Q1", "2007Q2", "2007Q3", "2007Q4", "2008Q1", "2008Q2", "2008Q3", "2008Q4", "2009Q1", "2009Q2", "2009Q3", "2009Q4", "2010Q1", "2010Q2", "2010Q3", "2010Q4", "2011Q1", "2011Q2", "2011Q3", "2011Q4", "2012Q1", "2012Q2", "2012Q3", "2012Q4", "2013Q1", "2013Q2", "2013Q3", "2013Q4", "2014Q1", "2014Q2", "2014Q3", "2014Q4", "2015Q1", "2015Q2", "2015Q3", "2015Q4", "2016Q1", "2016Q2", "2016Q3", "2016Q4", "2017Q1", "2017Q2", "2017Q3", "2017Q4", "2018Q1", "2018Q2", "2018Q3", "2018Q4", "2019Q1", "2019Q2", "2019Q3", "2019Q4", "2020Q1", "2020Q2", "2020Q3", "2020Q4", "2021Q1", "2021Q2", "2021Q3", "2021Q4", "2022Q1", "2022Q2", "2022Q3", "2022Q4", "2023Q1", "2023Q2", "2023Q3", "2023Q4", "2024Q1", "2024Q2" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "quarter": [ "TLIST(Q1),\"20011", "20012", "20013", "20014", "20021", "20022", "20023", "20024", "20031", "20032", "20033", "20034", "20041", "20042", "20043", "20044", "20051", "20052", "20053", "20054", "20061", "20062", "20063", "20064", "20071", "20072", "20073", "20074", "20081", "20082", "20083", "20084", "20091", "20092", "20093", "20094", "20101", "20102", "20103", "20104", "20111", "20112", "20113", "20114", "20121", "20122", "20123", "20124", "20131", "20132", "20133", "20134", "20141", "20142", "20143", "20144", "20151", "20152", "20153", "20154", "20161", "20162", "20163", "20164", "20171", "20172", "20173", "20174", "20181", "20182", "20183", "20184", "20191", "20192", "20193", "20194", "20201", "20202", "20203", "20204", "20211", "20212", "20213", "20214", "20221", "20222", "20223", "20224", "20231", "20232", "20233", "20234", "20241", "20242" ] }, "CODES": { "inflation adjustment": [ "NOMINAL", "REAL" ], "quarter": [ "2001Q1", "2001Q2", "2001Q3", "2001Q4", "2002Q1", "2002Q2", "2002Q3", "2002Q4", "2003Q1", "2003Q2", "2003Q3", "2003Q4", "2004Q1", "2004Q2", "2004Q3", "2004Q4", "2005Q1", "2005Q2", "2005Q3", "2005Q4", "2006Q1", "2006Q2", "2006Q3", "2006Q4", "2007Q1", "2007Q2", "2007Q3", "2007Q4", "2008Q1", "2008Q2", "2008Q3", "2008Q4", "2009Q1", "2009Q2", "2009Q3", "2009Q4", "2010Q1", "2010Q2", "2010Q3", "2010Q4", "2011Q1", "2011Q2", "2011Q3", "2011Q4", "2012Q1", "2012Q2", "2012Q3", "2012Q4", "2013Q1", "2013Q2", "2013Q3", "2013Q4", "2014Q1", "2014Q2", "2014Q3", "2014Q4", "2015Q1", "2015Q2", "2015Q3", "2015Q4", "2016Q1", "2016Q2", "2016Q3", "2016Q4", "2017Q1", "2017Q2", "2017Q3", "2017Q4", "2018Q1", "2018Q2", "2018Q3", "2018Q4", "2019Q1", "2019Q2", "2019Q3", "2019Q4", "2020Q1", "2020Q2", "2020Q3", "2020Q4", "2021Q1", "2021Q2", "2021Q3", "2021Q4", "2022Q1", "2022Q2", "2022Q3", "2022Q4", "2023Q1", "2023Q2", "2023Q3", "2023Q4", "2024Q1", "2024Q2" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20240926 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "Index" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Marita Klein Joensen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "Statistics Faroe Islands" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###" }, "VALUENOTE": { "inflation adjustment,Nominal prices": "The prices in retail sales are calculated as nominel prices / Current prices which means that the calculation contain all the price changes in the measured period and this is the marketprice for the commodities.", "inflation adjustment,Real prices": "The retail sales are calculated in real prices / constant prices which means that the changes in the prices of the commodities in the measured period are subtracted and the result is a value representing the quantity of sold commodities." }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20250107 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "VV05011" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "Q" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "quarter": "TLIST(Q1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Vinna og veiða" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "VV05011 Smásøla, vísitøl skift á vørubólkar og prísjavning (2001Q1-2024Q2)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Vísitøl fyri smásølu, -- G.47.5.9 Serhandlar við innbúgvi, ljósbúnaði o.a. húsarhaldsútgerð, Mált (2015 1. ársfj. = 100) eftir prísjavning og ársfjórðingur" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Vísitøl fyri smásølu, -- G.47.5.9 Serhandlar við innbúgvi, ljósbúnaði o.a. húsarhaldsútgerð, Mált (2015 1. ársfj. = 100)" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "prísjavning" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "ársfjórðingur" }, "VARIABLECODE[fo]": { "prísjavning": "inflation adjustment", "ársfjórðingur": "quarter" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "prísjavning": [ "Í ársins prísum (virði)", "Í føstum prísum (mongd)" ], "ársfjórðingur": [ "2001Q1", "2001Q2", "2001Q3", "2001Q4", "2002Q1", "2002Q2", "2002Q3", "2002Q4", "2003Q1", "2003Q2", "2003Q3", "2003Q4", "2004Q1", "2004Q2", "2004Q3", "2004Q4", "2005Q1", "2005Q2", "2005Q3", "2005Q4", "2006Q1", "2006Q2", "2006Q3", "2006Q4", "2007Q1", "2007Q2", "2007Q3", "2007Q4", "2008Q1", "2008Q2", "2008Q3", "2008Q4", "2009Q1", "2009Q2", "2009Q3", "2009Q4", "2010Q1", "2010Q2", "2010Q3", "2010Q4", "2011Q1", "2011Q2", "2011Q3", "2011Q4", "2012Q1", "2012Q2", "2012Q3", "2012Q4", "2013Q1", "2013Q2", "2013Q3", "2013Q4", "2014Q1", "2014Q2", "2014Q3", "2014Q4", "2015Q1", "2015Q2", "2015Q3", "2015Q4", "2016Q1", "2016Q2", "2016Q3", "2016Q4", "2017Q1", "2017Q2", "2017Q3", "2017Q4", "2018Q1", "2018Q2", "2018Q3", "2018Q4", "2019Q1", "2019Q2", "2019Q3", "2019Q4", "2020Q1", "2020Q2", "2020Q3", "2020Q4", "2021Q1", "2021Q2", "2021Q3", "2021Q4", "2022Q1", "2022Q2", "2022Q3", "2022Q4", "2023Q1", "2023Q2", "2023Q3", "2023Q4", "2024Q1", "2024Q2" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ársfjórðingur": [ "TLIST(Q1),\"20011", "20012", "20013", "20014", "20021", "20022", "20023", "20024", "20031", "20032", "20033", "20034", "20041", "20042", "20043", "20044", "20051", "20052", "20053", "20054", "20061", "20062", "20063", "20064", "20071", "20072", "20073", "20074", "20081", "20082", "20083", "20084", "20091", "20092", "20093", "20094", "20101", "20102", "20103", "20104", "20111", "20112", "20113", "20114", "20121", "20122", "20123", "20124", "20131", "20132", "20133", "20134", "20141", "20142", "20143", "20144", "20151", "20152", "20153", "20154", "20161", "20162", "20163", "20164", "20171", "20172", "20173", "20174", "20181", "20182", "20183", "20184", "20191", "20192", "20193", "20194", "20201", "20202", "20203", "20204", "20211", "20212", "20213", "20214", "20221", "20222", "20223", "20224", "20231", "20232", "20233", "20234", "20241", "20242" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "prísjavning": [ "NOMINAL", "REAL" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20240926 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "vísitøl" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Marita Klein Joensen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Hagstova Føroya" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###" }, "VALUENOTE[fo]": { "prísjavning,Í ársins prísum (virði)": "Uppgjørt í ársins prísum er tað sama sum uppgjørt í nominellum prísum. Hetta merkir at allar príshækkingar í tíðarskeiðnum eru við - tað sum vøran kostar í handlunum.", "prísjavning,Í føstum prísum (mongd)": "Uppgjørt í føstum prísum merkir at prísvøksturin er drigin frá, og á henda hátt finna vit virðið í kr. fyri mongdina." }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ársfjórðingur": "TLIST(Q1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "58.458224", "70.282030", "67.630309", "100.230859", "68.757438", "72.183474", "73.254493", "110.112525", "71.245262", "75.095073", "70.584957", "101.959231", "68.338477", "73.557322", "75.330557", "105.655648", "74.079084", "90.184413", "80.045797", "124.316173", "82.455709", "98.135858", "102.889003", "144.796884", "94.670558", "103.621401", "100.651257", "138.698540", "90.135625", "102.203668", "91.675244", "123.853786", "70.900642", "79.256901", "79.305002", "105.668199", "74.233514", "76.075548", "91.297008", "99.841339", "79.206574", "91.402733", "85.041591", "119.320907", "77.042440", "101.238435", "88.142503", "120.405380", "85.916863", "107.355881", "101.901284", "129.626218", "96.781713", "125.078853", "114.538730", "130.028819", "100.000000", "138.189495", "117.056886", "145.891766", "112.458019", "143.902795", "126.617795", "167.749097", "127.251350", "153.548689", "135.765534", "172.366947", "146.235861", "156.885885", "132.321852", "178.312200", "137.332562", "179.335572", "153.017170", "193.678750", "155.491129", "198.718429", "187.034888", "227.944441", "189.441340", "188.107160", "169.136201", "213.149121", "151.566080", "219.085126", "161.572011", "214.602210", "162.520085", "219.488230", "171.122006", "252.856002", "155.105187", "182.278005", "56.510487", "67.535133", "64.987051", "96.027080", "65.099460", "68.209613", "69.493394", "104.356616", "67.126200", "70.891624", "66.764361", "96.064434", "64.450289", "69.575839", "71.113927", "99.839069", "70.137987", "86.145860", "76.993828", "120.899551", "80.270306", "95.247114", "100.061271", "140.393660", "91.976165", "100.773539", 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class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="11"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '11', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder11', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'mió. kr.', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20000101 09:00" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "1" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "1" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "UH01011_UH_INNBEC_T" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "UH" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Foreign trade" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "UH01011 Import by BEC-groups and country of origin (1988M01-2019M08)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "Imports by month" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "Imports" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "month" }, "VALUES": { "month": [ "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "month": [ "TLIST(M1),\"201708", "201709", "201710", "201711", "201712", "201801", "201802", "201803", "201804", "201805", "201806", "201807", "201808", "201809", "201810", "201811", "201812", "201901", "201902", "201903", "201904", "201905", "201906", "201907", "201908" ] }, "CODES": { "month": [ "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20191021 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "DKK 1,000" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Petur Mohr Dam" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Statistics Faroe Islands</A>" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###BEC=Broad Economic Categories. International classification in terms of numeration of goods by final use. The figures therefore show imports in accordance with use in the Faroe Islands. ##Import value by CIF=Cost Insurance and Freight.##004 Germany: Fr Germany 1988-1990#005 Italy: incl. San Marino 1988-1993#021 Ceu ta: Canary Islands 1988-1996#094 Serbia and Montenegro: Fed. Rep. of Yugoslavia 1997-2003#322 Congo (Dem. Rep.): Zaire until 1998#676 Myanmar: Burma" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20191119 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "UH01011" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "M" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "month": "TLIST(M1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Uttanlandshandil" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "UH01011 Innflutningur skiftur á B.E.C. vørubólkar og upprunaland (1988M01-2019M08)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Innflutningurin eftir mánaður" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Innflutningurin" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "mánaður" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "mánaður": [ "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "mánaður": [ "TLIST(M1),\"201708", "201709", "201710", "201711", "201712", "201801", "201802", "201803", "201804", "201805", "201806", "201807", "201808", "201809", "201810", "201811", "201812", "201901", "201902", "201903", "201904", "201905", "201906", "201907", "201908" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20191021 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "1.000 kr." }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Petur Mohr Dam" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Hagstova Føroya</A>" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###BEC=Broad Economic Categories. Tað er altjóðaflokking viðvíkjandi vørun umrum eftir tí endaligu nýtslu, sum vøran vanliga fer til. Talvurnar vísa tí innflutningin eftir tí nýtsluslagi, hann fer til í Føroyum.##Innflutningsvirðið er gjørt upp í CIF=Cost Insurance and Freight.##004 Týskland: Vesturtýskland 1988-1990#005 Italia : íroknað San Marino 1988-1993#021 Ceuta: Kanarisku Oyggjarnar 1988-1996#094 Serbia og Montenegro: Jugoslaviska Sambandslýðveldið 1997-2003#322 Demokratiska Lýðveldið Congo: Sair til og við 1997#676 Myanmar: Burma" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "mánaður": "TLIST(M1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "531790.6", "623927.9", "686445.6", "600384.0", "604089.4", "480165.7", "562685.7", "616739.4", "628523.1", "697808.1", "666016.7", "827201.8", "547687.7", "649078.2", "704585.7", "722814.1", "639907.3", "558279.5", "503079.3", "660132.9", "635103.9", "675260.2", "611397.4", "637420.7", "585285.9", "" ] }, seriesNames: 'Tilsamans', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "line", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { "enabled": false }, "title": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 1, }, "subtitle": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 22 }, "legend": { "enabled": true, "layout": "horizontal", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "align": "center", "verticalAlign": "top", "y": 5 }, "xAxis": { "title": { "enabled": false }, "tickInterval": 31104000000, "min": 0, "max": 0, "type": "datetime", "labels": { "style": { "color": "#000", "fontSize": "11px" } } }, "yAxis": { "title": { "textAlign": "left", "reserveSpace": false, "align": "high", "offset": 0, "rotation": 0, "y": -25, "x": 0, "text": "", "style": { "whiteSpace": "nowrap" } }, "lineColor": "#000", "tickColor": "#000", "labels": {} }, "tooltip": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "line": { "marker": { "enabled": false }, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false } }, "series": { "showInNavigator": true } } }, sortDirection: 0, animate: 0, showYAxisDecimalPoint: 0, visiblePeriodFrom: '', visiblePeriodTo: '', unitName: 'mió. kr. 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The used classification is the nomenclature of countries and territories for the external trade statistics of the European Union and statistics of trade between Member States — known as the ‘Geonomenclature’ and abbreviat ed to GEONOM##<b>CIF and FOB</b>#Imports in CIF=Cost, Insurance and Freight value.##Export value by FOB=Free On Board##<b>BEC</b>#BEC=Broad Economic Categories. International classification in terms of numeration of goods by final use." }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20240918 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "UH01016" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "M" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "month": "TLIST(M1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Uttanlandshandil" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "UH01016 Inn- og útflutningur skiftur á BEC-vørubólkar og land (1988M01-2024M06)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Innflutningurin, Virði eftir rák og mánaður" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Innflutningurin, Virði" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "rák" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "mánaður" }, "VARIABLECODE[fo]": { "rák": "flow", "mánaður": "month" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "rák": "Útflutningur", "mánaður": [ "2022M06", "2022M07", "2022M08", "2022M09", "2022M10", "2022M11", "2022M12", "2023M01", "2023M02", "2023M03", "2023M04", "2023M05", "2023M06", "2023M07", "2023M08", "2023M09", "2023M10", "2023M11", "2023M12", "2024M01", "2024M02", "2024M03", "2024M04", "2024M05", "2024M06" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "mánaður": [ "TLIST(M1),\"202206", "202207", "202208", "202209", "202210", "202211", "202212", "202301", "202302", "202303", "202304", "202305", "202306", "202307", "202308", "202309", "202310", "202311", "202312", "202401", "202402", "202403", "202404", "202405", "202406" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "rák": "P61" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20240815 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "kr. og kilo" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Heri Joensen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Hagstova Føroya</A>" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###<b>Upprunaland og nýtsluland</b>#Londini eru skipað eftir landakotu. Lo nd og landakotur er flokkað sambært geonomenklaturi (stytt GEONOM) hjá ES.##<b>CIF and FOB</b>#Innflutningsvirðið er gjørt upp í CIF (Cost Insurance and Freight). Tað merkir, at umframt virðið á vøruni, eru útreiðslur í samband við flutningin av vøruni t alt við í uppgjørda virðinum.##Útflutningsvirðið er gjørt upp í FOB (Free On Board). Tað merkir, at útreiðslur í samband við flutning av vøruni ikki er við í uppgjørda virðinum.##<b>BEC</b>#BEC=Broad Economic Categories. Tað er altjóða flokking viðvíkjan di vørunumrum eftir tí endaligu nýtslu, sum vøran vanliga fer til." }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "mánaður": "TLIST(M1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "978459018.6", "1012633717.6", "1115345988.6", "1136459681.9", "1095667146.9", "1124798301.6", "1096457918.9", "1106179017.4", "1015591082.9", "1288984119.8", "1030746417.0", "959960680.5", "795982619.3", "981486223.5", "1315969275.9", "1180813147.3", "904154644.5", "1097449520.6", "1015091381.8", "1022337969.9", "1257365745.3", "953261016.2", "1287541996.9", "633348666.5", "755705612.3", "" ] }, seriesNames: '', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "line", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { "enabled": false }, "title": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 1, }, "subtitle": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 22 }, "legend": { "enabled": true, "layout": "horizontal", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "align": "center", "verticalAlign": "top", "y": 5 }, "xAxis": { "title": { "enabled": false }, "tickInterval": 31104000000, "min": 0, "max": 0, "type": "datetime", "labels": { "style": { "color": "#000", "fontSize": "11px" } } }, "yAxis": { "title": { "textAlign": "left", "reserveSpace": false, "align": "high", "offset": 0, "rotation": 0, "y": -25, "x": 0, "text": "", "style": { "whiteSpace": "nowrap" } }, "lineColor": "#000", "tickColor": "#000", "labels": {} }, "tooltip": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "line": { "marker": { "enabled": false }, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false } }, "series": { "showInNavigator": true } } }, sortDirection: 0, animate: 0, showYAxisDecimalPoint: 0, visiblePeriodFrom: '', visiblePeriodTo: '', unitName: 'mió. kr.', chartType: '', chartHeight: '', sortSeriesBySize: -1, showLastValue: '1', tableType: 0, tableUnit: '', tableCategoryLevels: '', tableShowTotal: (1) == 1, dataFactor: 1e-06, numberOfDecimalsToShow: 2, numberOfDecimalsToShowInPercent: 1, tableElementCount: 0, tableShowPercent: (1) == 1, pxid: '3829e0b823c3ca10d6bf39c4770ca44f', embedLink: location.href.split('?')[0] + '?px-web-graph=3829e0b823c3ca10d6bf39c4770ca44f', hideNavigator: (0) == 1, hideNavigatorLines: (0) == 1, yAxisMinValue: null, yAxisMaxValue: null, linkOverwrite: '', indexPoint: '', allowViewFullScreen: 1, allowViewData: 1, allowDownloadData: 1, allowEmbedding: 1 }); </script></div> </div> <div class="promo pulsesleft testimonial oc-item"> <div class="col_full" style="position: absolute; margin-top: -10px; z-index: 10"> <div class="fleft t700 nobottommargin" > <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/52"> Starvsfólk (høvuðsstarv)</a> <div style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2025-01-14 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/52" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="5fa9c684024d5bebf09fa3773b8004db"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="13"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '13', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder13', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'starvsfólk', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20240829 09:00" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "STF01010_HOV_MD" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "YES" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "AM" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Labour and wages" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "STF01010 Employees and jobs by institutional sector, main activity, sex, value mode and month (1985M01-2024M07)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "Employees, Observed value by measure and month" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "Employees, Observed value" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": "measure" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "month" }, "VARIABLECODE": { "measure": "measure", "month": "month" }, "VALUES": { "measure": [ "Employees (main job)" ], "month": [ "2022M07", "2022M08", "2022M09", "2022M10", "2022M11", "2022M12", "2023M01", "2023M02", "2023M03", "2023M04", "2023M05", "2023M06", "2023M07", "2023M08", "2023M09", "2023M10", "2023M11", "2023M12", "2024M01", "2024M02", "2024M03", "2024M04", "2024M05", "2024M06", "2024M07" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "month": [ "TLIST(M1),\"202207", "202208", "202209", "202210", "202211", "202212", "202301", "202302", "202303", "202304", "202305", "202306", "202307", "202308", "202309", "202310", "202311", "202312", "202401", "202402", "202403", "202404", "202405", "202406", "202407" ] }, "CODES": { "measure": "MAINJOB", "month": [ "2022M07", "2022M08", "2022M09", "2022M10", "2022M11", "2022M12", "2023M01", "2023M02", "2023M03", "2023M04", "2023M05", "2023M06", "2023M07", "2023M08", "2023M09", "2023M10", "2023M11", "2023M12", "2024M01", "2024M02", "2024M03", "2024M04", "2024M05", "2024M06", "2024M07" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20240829 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "number and percentage" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Maria Heen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "Statistics Faroe Islands:" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected##According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) person s in employment are those of working age who, during a short reference period, were engaged in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or profit. This is comprised ofa) employed persons 'at work', who worked for at least one hour during the reference period (often set to one week); andb) employed persons 'not at work' due to temporary absence (such as shift work, flex time, compensatory leave for overtime, parental leave or illness).The source to employment numbers are monthly wages i n cash paid by an employer to an employee through the pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) tax system. In accordance with the international standards, a monthly wage threshold is set at 4 times the hourly minimumwage+holidaypay from the collective agreement between th e Faroese Worker's Union (FA) and the Faroese Employers Association (FEA). Thus, if the montly wage received is below the mark, the person is not coinsidered an employee that month. The Faroese Safety Authority states that children under the age of 13 ca nnot be employed, which thus is set to be the minimum age threshold.In accordance with the above mentioned an employee is set to be a person at age 13 or above, who in the relevant month received a wage of minimum one hour a week or more through the pay- as-you-earn (PAYE) tax system." }, "VALUENOTE": { "measure,Employees (main job)": "Main job of an employee is set to be the main activity and institutional sector of the employer from which the largest wage is received. An employee only counts once." }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20240911 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "STF01010" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "M" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "month": "TLIST(M1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Arbeiði og lønir" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "STF01010 Starvsfólk og størv skift á geira, høvuðsvinnugrein, kyn, virðishátt og mánað (1985M01-2024M07)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Starvsfólk, Mált eftir mát og mánaður" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Starvsfólk, Mált" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "mát" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "mánaður" }, "VARIABLECODE[fo]": { "mát": "measure", "mánaður": "month" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "mát": "Starvsfólk (høvuðsstarv)", "mánaður": [ "2022M07", "2022M08", "2022M09", "2022M10", "2022M11", "2022M12", "2023M01", "2023M02", "2023M03", "2023M04", "2023M05", "2023M06", "2023M07", "2023M08", "2023M09", "2023M10", "2023M11", "2023M12", "2024M01", "2024M02", "2024M03", "2024M04", "2024M05", "2024M06", "2024M07" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "mánaður": [ "TLIST(M1),\"202207", "202208", "202209", "202210", "202211", "202212", "202301", "202302", "202303", "202304", "202305", "202306", "202307", "202308", "202309", "202310", "202311", "202312", "202401", "202402", "202403", "202404", "202405", "202406", "202407" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "mát": "MAINJOB" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20240829 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "tal og prosent" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Maria Heen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Hagstova Føroya:" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart##Hagtøl um starvsfólk og størv fylgja leiðreglunum í handbókunum um starv sfólk og størv hjá International Labour Organization (ILO) undir Sameindu Tjóðum.#Sambært International Labour Organization (ILO) er eitt starvsfólk ein persónur í arbeiðsførum aldri, sum í styttri tíðarskeiði hevur verið í starvi hjá arbeiðsgevara og he vur framleitt vørur ella veita tænastur fyri løn. #Hetta fevnir um#a) persónar í starvi, sum hava arbeitt minst 1 tíma í tíðarskeiðinum (ofta sett til at vera 1 vika)#b) persónar í starvi, men eru fyribils úr arbeiði (sum til dømis sjúkufarloyvi, barsils farloyvi ella avspáking).#Keldan til starvsfólk eru mánaðarligar lønir ígjøgnum samtíðarskattaskipanina (STSS). Í samsvar við altjóða mátið, sum er 1 tíma um vikuna, er mánaðarliga lønarmarkvirðið roknað sum 4 tímalønir hjá einum arbeiðsfólki, av tí tað eru umleið fýra vikur í einum mánaði. Tímalønin er sett sum minstuløn + frítíðarløn efir sáttmálanum millum Føroya Arbeiðarafelag og Føroya Arbeiðsgevarafelag. #Tað merkir, at um mánaðarliga lønin er lægri enn markið, telur persónurin ikki við sum starvs fólk tann mánaðan. Sambært Arbeiðs- og Brunaeftirlitinum, kunnu børn yngri enn 13 ár ikki verða sett í arbeiði, og er hetta tískil sett sum niðara aldursmark í hagtølunum.#Við støði í tí omanfyri Hagstova Føroya fevnir uppgerðin av starvsfólkum um persón ar, ið eru 13 ár ella eldri, og sum í mánaðinum fáa løn svarandi til 4 tíman um mánaðin ella meira gjøgnum STSS." }, "VALUENOTE[fo]": { "mát,Starvsfólk (høvuðsstarv)": "SStarvsfólk verða flokkað í høvuðsvinnugrein og geira hjá arbeiðsgevaranum, sum starvsfólkið fær størstu lønina frá. Her telja hvørt starvsfólk bert við einaferð, hóast sami persónur hevur størv hjá fleiri arbeiðsgevarum." }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "mánaður": "TLIST(M1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "29722", "28809", "29368", "29339", "29500", "29836", "28718", "29097", "29403", "29092", "29598", "29802", "30023", "29122", "29354", "29481", "29574", "30152", "29005", "29343", "29339", "29620", "29902", "29422", "30323", "" ] }, seriesNames: '', seriesColor: '#00a6ed, #7fb800', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '1,0', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "line", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { "enabled": false }, "title": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 1, }, "subtitle": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 22 }, "legend": { "enabled": false, "layout": "horizontal", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "align": "center", "verticalAlign": "top", "y": 5 }, "xAxis": { "title": { "enabled": false }, "tickInterval": 31104000000, "min": 0, "max": 0, "type": "datetime", "labels": { "style": { "color": "#000", "fontSize": "11px" } } }, "yAxis": { "title": { "textAlign": "left", "reserveSpace": false, "align": "high", "offset": 0, "rotation": 0, "y": -25, "x": 0, "text": "", "style": { "whiteSpace": "nowrap" } }, "lineColor": "#000", "tickColor": "#000", "labels": {} }, "tooltip": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "line": { "marker": { "enabled": false }, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false } }, "series": { "showInNavigator": true } } }, sortDirection: 0, animate: 0, showYAxisDecimalPoint: 0, visiblePeriodFrom: '', visiblePeriodTo: '', unitName: '', chartType: '', chartHeight: '', sortSeriesBySize: -1, showLastValue: '1,0', tableType: 0, tableUnit: '', tableCategoryLevels: '', tableShowTotal: (1) == 1, dataFactor: 1, numberOfDecimalsToShow: 2, numberOfDecimalsToShowInPercent: 1, tableElementCount: 0, tableShowPercent: (1) == 1, pxid: '5fa9c684024d5bebf09fa3773b8004db', embedLink: location.href.split('?')[0] + '?px-web-graph=5fa9c684024d5bebf09fa3773b8004db', hideNavigator: (0) == 1, hideNavigatorLines: (0) == 1, yAxisMinValue: null, yAxisMaxValue: null, linkOverwrite: '', indexPoint: '', allowViewFullScreen: 1, allowViewData: 1, allowDownloadData: 1, allowEmbedding: 1 }); </script></div> </div> <div class="promo pulsesleft testimonial oc-item"> <div class="col_full" style="position: absolute; margin-top: -10px; z-index: 10"> <div class="fleft t700 nobottommargin" > <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/184"> Løn (A-skattað)</a> <div style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2025-01-13 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/184" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="1b0e2491e881a4e610c5a042651f0fbe"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="14"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '14', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder14', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'mió. kr. 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January", "1985 February", "1985 March", "1985 April", "1985 May", "1985 June", "1985 July", "1985 August", "1985 September", "1985 October", "1985 November", "1985 December", "1986 January", "1986 February", "1986 March", "1986 April", "1986 May", "1986 June", "1986 July", "1986 August", "1986 September", "1986 October", "1986 November", "1986 December", "1987 January", "1987 February", "1987 March", "1987 April", "1987 May", "1987 June", "1987 July", "1987 August", "1987 September", "1987 October", "1987 November", "1987 December", "1988 January", "1988 February", "1988 March", "1988 April", "1988 May", "1988 June", "1988 July", "1988 August", "1988 September", "1988 October", "1988 November", "1988 December", "1989 January", "1989 February", "1989 March", "1989 April", "1989 May", "1989 June", "1989 July", "1989 August", "1989 September", "1989 October", "1989 November", "1989 December", "1990 January", "1990 February", "1990 March", "1990 April", "1990 May", "1990 June", "1990 July", "1990 August", "1990 September", "1990 October", "1990 November", "1990 December", "1991 January", "1991 February", "1991 March", "1991 April", "1991 May", "1991 June", "1991 July", "1991 August", "1991 September", "1991 October", "1991 November", "1991 December", "1992 January", "1992 February", "1992 March", "1992 April", "1992 May", "1992 June", "1992 July", "1992 August", "1992 September", "1992 October", "1992 November", "1992 December", "1993 January", "1993 February", "1993 March", "1993 April", "1993 May", "1993 June" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "month": [ "TLIST(M1),\"198501", "198502", "198503", "198504", "198505", "198506", "198507", "198508", "198509", "198510", "198511", "198512", "198601", "198602", "198603", "198604", "198605", "198606", "198607", "198608", "198609", "198610", "198611", "198612", "198701", "198702", "198703", "198704", "198705", "198706", "198707", "198708", "198709", "198710", "198711", "198712", "198801", "198802", "198803", "198804", "198805", "198806", "198807", "198808", "198809", "198810", "198811", "198812", "198901", "198902", "198903", "198904", "198905", "198906", "198907", "198908", "198909", "198910", "198911", "198912", "199001", "199002", "199003", "199004", "199005", "199006", "199007", "199008", "199009", "199010", "199011", "199012", "199101", "199102", "199103", "199104", "199105", "199106", "199107", "199108", "199109", "199110", "199111", "199112", "199201", "199202", "199203", "199204", "199205", "199206", "199207", "199208", "199209", "199210", "199211", "199212", "199301", "199302", "199303", "199304", "199305", "199306" ] }, "CODES": { "value mode": [ "OBSERVED", "SESONAL_ADDATIVE_M_TREND" ], "month": [ "1985M01", "1985M02", "1985M03", "1985M04", "1985M05", "1985M06", "1985M07", "1985M08", "1985M09", "1985M10", "1985M11", "1985M12", "1986M01", "1986M02", "1986M03", "1986M04", "1986M05", "1986M06", "1986M07", "1986M08", "1986M09", "1986M10", "1986M11", "1986M12", "1987M01", "1987M02", "1987M03", "1987M04", "1987M05", "1987M06", "1987M07", "1987M08", "1987M09", "1987M10", "1987M11", "1987M12", "1988M01", "1988M02", "1988M03", "1988M04", "1988M05", "1988M06", "1988M07", "1988M08", "1988M09", "1988M10", "1988M11", "1988M12", "1989M01", "1989M02", "1989M03", "1989M04", "1989M05", "1989M06", "1989M07", "1989M08", "1989M09", "1989M10", "1989M11", "1989M12", "1990M01", "1990M02", "1990M03", "1990M04", "1990M05", "1990M06", "1990M07", "1990M08", "1990M09", "1990M10", "1990M11", "1990M12", "1991M01", "1991M02", "1991M03", "1991M04", "1991M05", "1991M06", "1991M07", "1991M08", "1991M09", "1991M10", "1991M11", "1991M12", "1992M01", "1992M02", "1992M03", "1992M04", "1992M05", "1992M06", "1992M07", "1992M08", "1992M09", "1992M10", "1992M11", "1992M12", "1993M01", "1993M02", "1993M03", "1993M04", "1993M05", "1993M06" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20241213 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "DKK" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Maria Heen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "Statistics Faroe Islands:" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###<b>Wage:</b>#Wage as a statistical concept is part of the wide r definition of compensation of employees. Compensation is divided intoa) wages and salaries andb) employers' social contributions.The definitions and terms used here are based on the guidelines provided in the 'System of National Accounts' (SNA) by the United Nations and the 'European System of Accounts' (ESA) by Eurostat.According to this definition wages and salaries in cash include components such as basic wage, enhanced payments, overtime, holiday pay and employment benefits. Employers' social cont ributions, such as pension, unemployment insurance and parental leave pay are not included.The wage statistics are based on wages in cash paid by an employer to an employee through the pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) tax system. Thus the wage statistics only incl ude A-taxed wages (taxes are deducted directly from income) from employers that are economically active in the Faroe Islands. All wages that meet these conditions are included no matter the employee's country of residence.Wages count for each employer. T hus if a person has three different employers they receive three wages. Multiple wages from the same employer are grouped together into one." }, "VALUENOTE": { "value mode,Observed value": "Wage expenditure", "value mode,Trend": "A depiction of the overall trend in wages by adjusting for seasonal effects and error components in the figures." }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20250113 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "LON01010" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "M" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "month": "TLIST(M1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Arbeiði og lønir" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "LON01010 Løn (útgoldin) skift á geira, høvuðsvinnugrein, kyn, virðishátt og mánað (1985 jan–2024 nov)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Løn eftir virðisháttur og mánaður" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Løn" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "virðisháttur" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "mánaður" }, "VARIABLECODE[fo]": { "virðisháttur": "value mode", "mánaður": "month" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "virðisháttur": [ "Mált", "Trendur" ], "mánaður": [ "1985 januar", "1985 februar", "1985 mars", "1985 apríl", "1985 mai", "1985 juni", "1985 juli", "1985 august", "1985 september", "1985 oktober", "1985 november", "1985 desember", "1986 januar", "1986 februar", "1986 mars", "1986 apríl", "1986 mai", "1986 juni", "1986 juli", "1986 august", "1986 september", "1986 oktober", "1986 november", "1986 desember", "1987 januar", "1987 februar", "1987 mars", "1987 apríl", "1987 mai", "1987 juni", "1987 juli", "1987 august", "1987 september", "1987 oktober", "1987 november", "1987 desember", "1988 januar", "1988 februar", "1988 mars", "1988 apríl", "1988 mai", "1988 juni", "1988 juli", "1988 august", "1988 september", "1988 oktober", "1988 november", "1988 desember", "1989 januar", "1989 februar", "1989 mars", "1989 apríl", "1989 mai", "1989 juni", "1989 juli", "1989 august", "1989 september", "1989 oktober", "1989 november", "1989 desember", "1990 januar", "1990 februar", "1990 mars", "1990 apríl", "1990 mai", "1990 juni", "1990 juli", "1990 august", "1990 september", "1990 oktober", "1990 november", "1990 desember", "1991 januar", "1991 februar", "1991 mars", "1991 apríl", "1991 mai", "1991 juni", "1991 juli", "1991 august", "1991 september", "1991 oktober", "1991 november", "1991 desember", "1992 januar", "1992 februar", "1992 mars", "1992 apríl", "1992 mai", "1992 juni", "1992 juli", "1992 august", "1992 september", "1992 oktober", "1992 november", "1992 desember", "1993 januar", "1993 februar", "1993 mars", "1993 apríl", "1993 mai", "1993 juni" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "mánaður": [ "TLIST(M1),\"198501", "198502", "198503", "198504", "198505", "198506", "198507", "198508", "198509", "198510", "198511", "198512", "198601", "198602", "198603", "198604", "198605", "198606", "198607", "198608", "198609", "198610", "198611", "198612", "198701", "198702", "198703", "198704", "198705", "198706", "198707", "198708", "198709", "198710", "198711", "198712", "198801", "198802", "198803", "198804", "198805", "198806", "198807", "198808", "198809", "198810", "198811", "198812", "198901", "198902", "198903", "198904", "198905", "198906", "198907", "198908", "198909", "198910", "198911", "198912", "199001", "199002", "199003", "199004", "199005", "199006", "199007", "199008", "199009", "199010", "199011", "199012", "199101", "199102", "199103", "199104", "199105", "199106", "199107", "199108", "199109", "199110", "199111", "199112", "199201", "199202", "199203", "199204", "199205", "199206", "199207", "199208", "199209", "199210", "199211", "199212", "199301", "199302", "199303", "199304", "199305", "199306" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "virðisháttur": [ "OBSERVED", "SESONAL_ADDATIVE_M_TREND" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20241213 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "kr." }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Maria Heen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Hagstova Føroya:" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###<b>Løn:</b>#Løn sum hagfrøðiligt hugtak er partur av tí breiðu allýsing ini av viðurlagi til starvsfólk. Viðurlag er tvíbýtt ía) løn,b) ískoyti hjá arbeiðsgevarum til sosialar skipanir, herundir pensjón.Hugtøkini byggja á allýsingina í tjóðarroknskaparhandbókunum 'System of National Accounts' hjá ST og 'European System of Ac counts' hjá Eurostat.Eftir hesi allýsing fevnir løn um lønarpartar so sum grundløn, viðbøtur, yvirtíðargjøld, frítíðarløn, starvsfólkaágóðar, men ikki um sosial gjøld hjá arbeiðsgevaranum so sum eftirløn, arbeiðsloysistrygging og barsilsgjald.Hagtølini u m lønir fevna um løn í peningi, ið verður goldin av einum arbeiðsgevara til eitt starvsfólk um samtíðarskattaskipanina. Tískil fevna lønir einans um A-skattskyldugar inntøkur frá arbeiðsgevarum, ið eru búskaparliga virknir í Føroyum. Allar lønir, sum lúk a oman fyri nevndu krøv, telja við, uttan mun til um starvsfólkið er búsitandi í Føroyum ella uttanlands.Útgoldnar lønir telja fyri hvønn arbeiðsgevara. Hevur ein persónur tríggjar ymiskar arbeiðsgevarar fær persónurin tríggjar útgoldnar lønir. Fær ein p ersónur fleiri lønir frá sama arbeiðsgevara verða hesar flokkaðar saman til eina løn. #" }, "VALUENOTE[fo]": { "virðisháttur,Mált": "Útgoldin løn", "virðisháttur,Trendur": "Trendurin lýsir rákið í lønunum við at reinsa fyri árstíðarfrávik og aðrar tilvildarligar broytingar í lønunum." }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "mánaður": "TLIST(M1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "185414262.62", "206062923.18", "223122426.35", "231054860.62", "279239329.09", "260489305.15", "276638005.37", "239513626.82", "236943396.30", "269871986.24", "226882447.79", "295089872.15", "197561464.95", "233020287.13", "274529813.28", "254418103.85", "370513384.20", "287334275.02", "325107976.87", "252506058.91", "284749722.77", "286792380.47", "257707713.19", "323596063.27", "227637834.23", "263312091.94", "302435679.99", "328768239.17", "254001030.25", "293127837.82", "338943570.27", "271513201.54", "318737687.88", "312406097.81", "319114080.95", "398060181.62", "252821462.06", 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09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/170" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="3534018967221eb4b16976e72fa0da1f"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="15"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> 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Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2024-10-08 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/95" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="3767a198a305532a72a9e499982c46ff"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="16"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum 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btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="a921723a7794574ef087e2dc049ae390"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="17"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '17', storageName: 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"VARIABLECODE": { "measure": "measure", "year": "year" }, "VALUES": { "measure": [ "Period-to-period real growth (per cent)" ], "year": [ "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "CODES": { "measure": "D29,D39", "year": [ "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20241008 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "DKK million and percent" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Gilli Wardum" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Statistics Faroe Islands</A>" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy 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class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="18"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '18', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder18', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'prosent', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20000101 09:30" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "6" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": 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"HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "ár" }, "VARIABLECODE[fo]": { "virkisøki": "function", "ár": "year" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "virkisøki": "Útreiðslur tilsamans", "ár": [ "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "virkisøki": "TOT" }, "DOMAIN[fo]": { "virkisøki": "cofog-fo" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20231003 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "mió. kr." }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Torborg Fossdalsá Brend" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Hagstova Føroya</A>" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "10479.446180000000000", "10998.371530000000000", "11961.905000000000000", "11707.521850000000000", 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"TABLE": "VB05010 Roknskaparhagtøl skift á kontur/lyklatøl og NACE-vinnugrein (1998-2023)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Vinnuroknskapir, Allar vinnugreinar, Úrslit uttan kapitalpartar eftir ár" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Vinnuroknskapir, Allar vinnugreinar, Úrslit uttan kapitalpartar" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "ár" }, "VARIABLECODE[fo]": { "ár": "year" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "ár": [ "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20241003 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "tal, kr. og %" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Marita Klein Joensen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Hagstova Føroya</A>" }, "NOTEX[fo]": { "TABLE": "Teksturin í talvuni víkur frá upprunatekstinum í dátustovninum, tí hann hevur verið broyttur við hond##Teksturin í talvuni víkur frá upprunatekstinum í dátustovninum, tí hann hevur verið broyttur við hond##Teksturin í talvuni víkur frá upprunatekstinum í dátustovninum, tí hann hevur verið broyttur við hond##Teksturin í talvuni víkur frá upprunatekstinum í dátustovninum, tí hann hevur verið broyttur við hond##Teksturin í talvuni víkur frá upprunatekstinum í dátustovninum, tí hann hevur verið broyttur við hond" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart##Hagtølini fevna um allar fyritøkur, sum eru partur av geiranum ikki-fígg jarlig feløg, tó undantikið kvasifyritøkur, so sum Apoteksverkið og Rúsdrekkasøla Landsins. Einstaklingavirkir (Fa.), eru ikki partur av hesi uppgerðini, tí tey eru partur av húsarhaldsgeiranum." }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "725844766.890000000000000", "700416096.060000000000000", "379991343.680000000000000", "120419899.570000000000000", "226140669.010000000000000", "327556660.000000000000000", "1110120843.150000000000000", "521585136.250001000000000", "-92563846.179999100000000", "37409913.690000000000000", "690108584.450000000000000", "785138901.320000000000000", "726389397.220000000000000", "1498457340.630000000000000", "1830007676.140000000000000", "1296619561.250000000000000", "2368894342.090000000000000", "2722764946.420000000000000", "2355625737.690000000000000", "2637697789.030000000000000", "1584290974.210000000000000", "2793443389.510000000000000", "3465146589.190000000000000", "3787199562.070000000000000", "" ] }, seriesNames: '', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', 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class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="21"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '21', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder21', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'krónur', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20000101 09:30" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "15" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "1" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "LK01010_ALM_INTUTR" }, "AGGREGALLOWED": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "LK" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Public finance" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "LK01010 General government, revenue and expenditure (1998-2023)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "General government, revenue and expenditure by type, institutional sector and year" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "General government, revenue and expenditure" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": [ "type", "institutional sector" ] }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "year" }, "VARIABLECODE": { "type": "type", "institutional sector": "institutional sector", "year": "year" }, "VALUES": { "type": [ "C Total revenue (A+B)" ], "institutional sector": [ "General government" ], "year": [ "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "CODES": { "type": "A_PLUS_B_PLUS_C", "institutional sector": "S13", "year": [ "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] 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"type", "geiri": "institutional sector", "ár": "year" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "slag": "C Inntøkur samanlagt (A+B)", "geiri": "Almenn fyrisiting og tænasta", "ár": [ "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "slag": "A_PLUS_B_PLUS_C", "geiri": "S13" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20241003 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "mió. kr." }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Torborg Fossdalsá Brend" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Hagstova Føroya</A>" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "10972.708011000000000", "11084.061837000000000", "11776.511556000000000", "12434.761927000000000", "13136.419417000000000", "" ] 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class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="22"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '22', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder22', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: '', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20000101 09:00" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "1" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "1" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "UH01011_UH_INNBEC_T" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "UH" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Foreign trade" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "UH01011 Import by BEC-groups and country of origin (1988M01-2019M08)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "Imports by month" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "Imports" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "month" }, "VALUES": { "month": [ "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "month": [ "TLIST(M1),\"201708", "201709", "201710", "201711", "201712", "201801", "201802", "201803", "201804", "201805", "201806", "201807", "201808", "201809", "201810", "201811", "201812", "201901", "201902", "201903", "201904", "201905", "201906", "201907", "201908" ] }, "CODES": { "month": [ "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20191021 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "DKK 1,000" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Petur Mohr Dam" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Statistics Faroe Islands</A>" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###BEC=Broad Economic Categories. International classification in terms of numeration of goods by final use. The figures therefore show imports in accordance with use in the Faroe Islands. ##Import value by CIF=Cost Insurance and Freight.##004 Germany: Fr Germany 1988-1990#005 Italy: incl. San Marino 1988-1993#021 Ceu ta: Canary Islands 1988-1996#094 Serbia and Montenegro: Fed. Rep. of Yugoslavia 1997-2003#322 Congo (Dem. Rep.): Zaire until 1998#676 Myanmar: Burma" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20191119 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "UH01011" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "M" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "month": "TLIST(M1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Uttanlandshandil" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "UH01011 Innflutningur skiftur á B.E.C. vørubólkar og upprunaland (1988M01-2019M08)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Innflutningurin eftir mánaður" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Innflutningurin" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "mánaður" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "mánaður": [ "2017M08", "2017M09", "2017M10", "2017M11", "2017M12", "2018M01", "2018M02", "2018M03", "2018M04", "2018M05", "2018M06", "2018M07", "2018M08", "2018M09", "2018M10", "2018M11", "2018M12", "2019M01", "2019M02", "2019M03", "2019M04", "2019M05", "2019M06", "2019M07", "2019M08" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "mánaður": [ "TLIST(M1),\"201708", "201709", "201710", "201711", "201712", "201801", "201802", "201803", "201804", "201805", "201806", "201807", "201808", "201809", "201810", "201811", "201812", "201901", "201902", "201903", "201904", "201905", "201906", "201907", "201908" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20191021 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "1.000 kr." }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Petur Mohr Dam" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Hagstova Føroya</A>" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###BEC=Broad Economic Categories. Tað er altjóðaflokking viðvíkjandi vørun umrum eftir tí endaligu nýtslu, sum vøran vanliga fer til. Talvurnar vísa tí innflutningin eftir tí nýtsluslagi, hann fer til í Føroyum.##Innflutningsvirðið er gjørt upp í CIF=Cost Insurance and Freight.##004 Týskland: Vesturtýskland 1988-1990#005 Italia : íroknað San Marino 1988-1993#021 Ceuta: Kanarisku Oyggjarnar 1988-1996#094 Serbia og Montenegro: Jugoslaviska Sambandslýðveldið 1997-2003#322 Demokratiska Lýðveldið Congo: Sair til og við 1997#676 Myanmar: Burma" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "mánaður": "TLIST(M1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "531790.6", "623927.9", "686445.6", "600384.0", "604089.4", "480165.7", "562685.7", "616739.4", "628523.1", "697808.1", "666016.7", "827201.8", "547687.7", "649078.2", "704585.7", "722814.1", "639907.3", "558279.5", "503079.3", "660132.9", "635103.9", "675260.2", "611397.4", "637420.7", "585285.9", "" ] }, seriesNames: '', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "line", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { "enabled": false }, "title": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 1, }, "subtitle": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 22 }, "legend": { "enabled": true, "layout": "horizontal", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "align": "center", "verticalAlign": "top", "y": 5 }, "xAxis": { "title": { "enabled": false }, "tickInterval": 31104000000, "min": 0, "max": 0, "type": "datetime", "labels": { "style": { "color": "#000", "fontSize": "11px" } } }, "yAxis": { "title": { "textAlign": "left", "reserveSpace": false, "align": "high", "offset": 0, "rotation": 0, "y": -25, "x": 0, "text": "", "style": { "whiteSpace": "nowrap" } }, "lineColor": "#000", "tickColor": "#000", "labels": {} }, "tooltip": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "line": { "marker": { "enabled": false }, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false } }, "series": { "showInNavigator": true } } }, sortDirection: 0, animate: 0, showYAxisDecimalPoint: 1, visiblePeriodFrom: '', visiblePeriodTo: '', unitName: '', chartType: '', chartHeight: '', sortSeriesBySize: -1, showLastValue: '1', tableType: 0, tableUnit: '', tableCategoryLevels: '', tableShowTotal: (1) == 1, dataFactor: 1, numberOfDecimalsToShow: 2, numberOfDecimalsToShowInPercent: 1, tableElementCount: 0, tableShowPercent: (1) == 1, pxid: 'fba91887de010ceda4d2bf6410a03272', embedLink: location.href.split('?')[0] + '?px-web-graph=fba91887de010ceda4d2bf6410a03272', hideNavigator: (0) == 1, hideNavigatorLines: (0) == 1, yAxisMinValue: null, yAxisMaxValue: null, linkOverwrite: '', indexPoint: '', allowViewFullScreen: 1, allowViewData: 1, allowDownloadData: 1, allowEmbedding: 1 }); 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Vilhelm" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "Statistics Faroe Islands" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###" }, "VALUENOTE": { "measure,Risk of poverty 60%": "Proportion of the population with a level of income below 60% of the median household income" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20210505 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "IP01020" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "A" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "year": "TLIST(A1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Inntøkur og prísir" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "IP01020 Fátækraváði og fátækraglopp skift á aldur, kyn, húskisslag og øki (2009-2018)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Inntøkuuppgerð eftir mát, ár og kyn" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Inntøkuuppgerð" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "mát" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": [ "ár", "kyn" ] }, "VALUES[fo]": { "mát": "Fátækraváði 60%", "ár": [ "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018" ], "kyn": "Bæði kyn" }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "mát": "001", "kyn": "TOT" }, "ELIMINATION[fo]": { "kyn": "Bæði kyn" }, "PRECISION[fo]": { "mát,Fátækraváði 60%": "1" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20200514 09:30" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "tal" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Høgni P. Vilhelm" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Hagstova Føroya" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###" }, "VALUENOTE[fo]": { "mát,Fátækraváði 60%": "Parturin av fólki við inntøku undir 60% av medianinntøkuni" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "10.850625026305800", "10.656928248329700", "10.142757517331900", "10.491790002227100", "10.089050395335800", "" ] }, seriesNames: '', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "line", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { "enabled": false }, "title": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 1, }, "subtitle": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 22 }, "legend": { "enabled": true, "layout": "horizontal", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "align": "center", "verticalAlign": "top", "y": 5 }, "xAxis": { "title": { "enabled": false }, "tickInterval": 31104000000, "min": 0, "max": 0, "type": "datetime", "labels": { "style": { "color": "#000", "fontSize": "11px" } } }, "yAxis": { "title": { "textAlign": "left", "reserveSpace": false, "align": "high", "offset": 0, "rotation": 0, "y": -25, "x": 0, "text": "", "style": { "whiteSpace": "nowrap" } }, "lineColor": "#000", "tickColor": "#000", "labels": {} }, "tooltip": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "line": { "marker": { "enabled": false }, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false } }, "series": { "showInNavigator": true } } }, sortDirection: 0, animate: 0, showYAxisDecimalPoint: 1, visiblePeriodFrom: '', visiblePeriodTo: '', unitName: '%', chartType: '', chartHeight: '', sortSeriesBySize: -1, showLastValue: '1', tableType: 0, tableUnit: '', tableCategoryLevels: '', tableShowTotal: (1) == 1, dataFactor: 1, numberOfDecimalsToShow: 2, numberOfDecimalsToShowInPercent: 1, tableElementCount: 0, tableShowPercent: (1) == 1, pxid: 'ffd5aeac5742ca7dcabdfc8746126b2c', embedLink: location.href.split('?')[0] + '?px-web-graph=ffd5aeac5742ca7dcabdfc8746126b2c', hideNavigator: (0) == 1, hideNavigatorLines: (0) == 1, yAxisMinValue: null, yAxisMaxValue: null, linkOverwrite: '', indexPoint: '', allowViewFullScreen: 1, allowViewData: 1, allowDownloadData: 1, allowEmbedding: 1 }); </script></div> </div> <div class="promo pulsesleft testimonial oc-item"> <div class="col_full" style="position: absolute; margin-top: -10px; z-index: 10"> <div class="fleft t700 nobottommargin" > <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/34"> Landbúnaður, mjólkarframleiðsla</a> <div style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2024-08-14 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/34" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="2994dfc00aec046e50772fe54d742454"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="24"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '24', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder24', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: ' mió litrar ', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20000101 09:30" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "VV03020_LB_MJOLK" }, "AGGREGALLOWED": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "VV" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Ecomomic activities" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "VV03020 Milk- and beefproduction (1990-2019)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "Milk- and beefproduction by milk and beef and year" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "Milk- and beefproduction" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": "milk and beef" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "year" }, "VALUES": { "milk and beef": [ "Weighed milk in 1,000 l." ], "year": [ "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "CODES": { "milk and beef": "MILK", "year": [ "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20200325 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "various" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>MBM</A> og <A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Búnaðarstovan</A>" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###The figures are calculated from the subsidies, and when the su bsidies are only granted for cattle older then 15 months, the actual quantity of beef is a bit higher then the figures are showing." }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20210325 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "VV03020" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "A" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "year": "TLIST(A1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Vinna og veiða" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "VV03020 Framleiðsla av mjólk og neytakjøti (1990-2019)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Framleiðsla av mjólk og neytakjøti eftir mjólk og kjøt og ár" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Framleiðsla av mjólk og neytakjøti" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "mjólk og kjøt" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "ár" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "mjólk og kjøt": "Innvigað mjólk 1.000 l.", "ár": [ "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "mjólk og kjøt": "MILK" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20200325 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "ymiskt" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>MBM</A> og <A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Búnaðarstovan</A>" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###Av tí at tølini fyri neytakjøt eru gjørd upp eftir studninginum, er ver uliga neytakjøtið nakað hægri enn tað, talvan vísir. Studningur verður bara latin fyri neyt eldri enn 15 mðr." }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "5849", "6370", "6699", "6716", "6460", "6153", "6113", "6372", "6170", "6620", "6752", "7033", "7490", "7266", "7581", "7432", "7104", "7272", "7162", "7184", "7103", "7227", "6840", "6920", "7104", "7441", "7743", "7361", "7177", "7384", "" ] }, seriesNames: '', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "line", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { "enabled": false }, "title": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 1, }, "subtitle": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 22 }, "legend": { "enabled": true, "layout": "horizontal", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "align": "center", "verticalAlign": "top", "y": 5 }, "xAxis": { "title": { "enabled": false }, "tickInterval": 31104000000, "min": 0, "max": 0, "type": "datetime", "labels": { "style": { "color": "#000", "fontSize": "11px" } } }, "yAxis": { "title": { "textAlign": "left", "reserveSpace": false, "align": "high", "offset": 0, "rotation": 0, "y": -25, "x": 0, "text": "", "style": { "whiteSpace": "nowrap" } }, "lineColor": "#000", "tickColor": "#000", "labels": {} }, "tooltip": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "line": { "marker": { "enabled": false }, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false } }, "series": { "showInNavigator": true } } }, sortDirection: 0, animate: 0, showYAxisDecimalPoint: 0, visiblePeriodFrom: '60', visiblePeriodTo: '', unitName: 'mió. l.', chartType: '', chartHeight: '', sortSeriesBySize: -1, showLastValue: '1', tableType: 0, tableUnit: '', tableCategoryLevels: '', tableShowTotal: (1) == 1, dataFactor: 0.001, numberOfDecimalsToShow: 2, numberOfDecimalsToShowInPercent: 1, tableElementCount: 0, tableShowPercent: (1) == 1, pxid: '2994dfc00aec046e50772fe54d742454', embedLink: location.href.split('?')[0] + '?px-web-graph=2994dfc00aec046e50772fe54d742454', hideNavigator: (0) == 1, hideNavigatorLines: (0) == 1, yAxisMinValue: null, yAxisMaxValue: null, linkOverwrite: '', indexPoint: '', allowViewFullScreen: 1, allowViewData: 1, allowDownloadData: 1, allowEmbedding: 1 }); </script></div> </div> <div class="promo pulsesleft testimonial oc-item"> <div class="col_full" style="position: absolute; margin-top: -10px; z-index: 10"> <div class="fleft t700 nobottommargin" > <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/147"> Viðtalur, kommunulæknar</a> <div style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2024-06-27 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/147" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="cdb4a75441205babb97182a788a737e4"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="25"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '25', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder25', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'viðtalur', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20191121 09:00" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "HM01015_HV_LVITOEKI" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "YES" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "HM" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Health" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "HM01015 Consultations at general practitioners, by region (2016-2018)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "General practitioners by year" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "General practitioners" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "year" }, "VALUES": { "year": [ "2016", "2017", "2018" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2016", "2017", "2018" ] }, "CODES": { "year": [ "2016", "2017", "2018" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20191125 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "number" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Hans Pauli Strøm" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and the Dentist's union" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###Not included in the figures are prophylactic consultations (va ccinations, contraceptive information, medical examination of children and pregmant women)#" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "19001231 09:30" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "HM01015" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "A" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "year": "TLIST(A1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Heilsumál" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "HM01015 Viðtalur hjá kommunulæknum skift á bústað (2016-2018)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Læknar eftir ár" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Læknar" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "ár" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "ár": [ "2016", "2017", "2018" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2016", "2017", "2018" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20191125 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "tal" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Hans Pauli Strøm" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Almanna- og Heilsumálaráðið og Tannlæknafelagið" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart##Uppí tølunum eru ikki vitjanir í sambandi við profylaksir (koppsetingar, upplýsing um gitnaðarfyribyrging, heilsukanningar av barnakonum og læknakanningar av børnum).#" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "295648", "298384", "319330", "" ] }, seriesNames: 'Viðtalur', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "line", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { "enabled": false }, "title": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 1, }, "subtitle": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 22 }, "legend": { "enabled": true, "layout": "horizontal", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "align": "center", "verticalAlign": "top", "y": 5 }, "xAxis": { "title": { "enabled": false }, "tickInterval": 31104000000, "min": 0, "max": 0, "type": "datetime", "labels": { "style": { "color": "#000", "fontSize": "11px" } } }, "yAxis": { "title": { "textAlign": "left", "reserveSpace": false, "align": "high", 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allowViewFullScreen: 1, allowViewData: 1, allowDownloadData: 1, allowEmbedding: 1 }); </script></div> </div> <div class="promo pulsesleft testimonial oc-item"> <div class="col_full" style="position: absolute; margin-top: -10px; z-index: 10"> <div class="fleft t700 nobottommargin" > <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/138"> Bókaútgávur</a> <div style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2024-06-12 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/138" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="87e3defb661d5b3d1f2e5832d7bad45b"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="26"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '26', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder26', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: '', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20000101 09:30" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "MM01020_MENT_BOKUTG" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "MM" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Culture and religion" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "MM01020 Faroese book publications by original language and genre (1967-2021)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "Faroese book production by original language and year" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "Faroese book production" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": "original language" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "year" }, "VALUES": { "original language": [ "Bókaútgávur" ], "year": [ "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021" ] }, "CODES": { "original language": "Bókaútgávur", "year": [ "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20220622 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "number" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "National library of the Faroe Islands" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###<b>E-editions:</b> e-books and interactive books and pdf's are included if they are not published in other formats" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20230621 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "MM01020" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "A" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "year": "TLIST(A1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Mentan og átrúnaður" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "MM01020 Føroysk bókaútgáva skift á upprunamál og bókmentagrein (1967-2021)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Føroysk bókaútgáva eftir upprunamál og ár" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Føroysk bókaútgáva" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "upprunamál" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "ár" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "upprunamál": "Bókaútgávur", "ár": [ "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "upprunamál": "Bókaútgávur" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20220622 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "tal" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Føroya Landsbókasavn" }, "NOTEX[fo]": { "TABLE": "Teksturin í talvuni víkur frá upprunatekstinum í dátustovninum, tí hann hevur verið broyttur við hond##Teksturin í talvuni víkur frá upprunatekstinum í dátustovninum, tí hann hevur verið broyttur við hond##Teksturin í talvuni víkur frá upprunatekstinum í dátustovninum, tí hann hevur verið broyttur við hond##Teksturin í talvuni víkur frá upprunatekstinum í dátustovninum, tí hann hevur verið broyttur við hond##Teksturin í talvuni víkur frá upprunatekstinum í dátustovninum, tí hann hevur verið broyttur við hond" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###<b>e-útgávur:</b> e-bøkur, s-bøkur og pdf’ar eru taldar við í uppgerðin a, um tær eru einasti útgávuháttur" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "202", "206", "198", "178", "212", "" ] }, seriesNames: '', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "line", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { "enabled": false }, "title": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 1, }, "subtitle": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 22 }, "legend": { "enabled": true, "layout": "horizontal", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", 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tableElementCount: 0, tableShowPercent: (1) == 1, pxid: '87e3defb661d5b3d1f2e5832d7bad45b', embedLink: location.href.split('?')[0] + '?px-web-graph=87e3defb661d5b3d1f2e5832d7bad45b', hideNavigator: (0) == 1, hideNavigatorLines: (0) == 1, yAxisMinValue: null, yAxisMaxValue: null, linkOverwrite: '', indexPoint: '', allowViewFullScreen: 1, allowViewData: 1, allowDownloadData: 1, allowEmbedding: 1 }); </script></div> </div> <div class="promo pulsesleft testimonial oc-item"> <div class="col_full" style="position: absolute; margin-top: -10px; z-index: 10"> <div class="fleft t700 nobottommargin" > <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/163"> Fólkakirkjan, limir</a> <div style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2024-06-10 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/163" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="643d9fd3da204355702a01c9faaba8d2"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="27"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '27', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder27', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: '% av fólkatalinum', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20000101 09:30" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "12" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "MM03010_ATRUD_PRGJ" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "MM" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Culture and religion" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "MM03010 Parishes, 1st January (2000-2019)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "Parishes by unit and year" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "Parishes" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": "unit" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "year" }, "VALUES": { "unit": [ "Members of National Church in pct. of population" ], "year": [ "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020" ] }, "CODES": { "unit": "PRC", "year": [ "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020" ] }, "PRECISION": { "unit,Members of National Church in pct. of population": "1" }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20200525 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "number" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "The Faroese Diocese Board/National Register Office" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20210525 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "MM03010" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "A" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "year": "TLIST(A1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Mentan og átrúnaður" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "MM03010 Prestagjøldini, 1. januar (2000-2019)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Prestagjøld eftir eind og ár" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Prestagjøld" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "eind" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "ár" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "eind": "Limir í fólkakirkjuni í % av fólkatalinum", "ár": [ "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "eind": "PRC" }, "PRECISION[fo]": { "eind,Limir í fólkakirkjuni í % av fólkatalinum": "1" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20200525 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "tal" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Føroya Stiftsstjórn/Landsfólkayvirlitið" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "84.348919381761", "84.141016082650", "83.852013514364", "83.691227778701", "83.727718775231", "83.721558441558", "83.587469959393", "83.254331311710", "82.946948347150", "82.733946467604", "82.442669308729", "82.242137581943", "82.145978111606", "81.959587149295", "81.564061953638", "81.103804889966", "80.686609114636", "80.261515601783", "79.670565302144", "79.134869808644", "" ] }, seriesNames: '', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', 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pulsesleft testimonial oc-item"> <div class="col_full" style="position: absolute; margin-top: -10px; z-index: 10"> <div class="fleft t700 nobottommargin" > <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/127"> El-framleiðsla, SEV</a> <div style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2024-05-30 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/127" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="4902365fa49128f1e87a283b14ffa822"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="28"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '28', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder28', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'MWh', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20000101 09:30" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "7" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "UO03020_ORK_ELGERD" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "YES" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "UO" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Environment and energy" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "UO03020 Electricity production of SEV by hydro, wind and thermal in MWh (1990-2019)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "Electricity production by production and year" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "Electricity production" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": "production" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "year" }, "VALUES": { "production": [ "Total" ], "year": [ "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "CODES": { "production": "9999", "year": [ "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "ELIMINATION": { "production": "Total" }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20200603 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "MWh" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Høgni P. Vilhelm" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "SEV" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20210602 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "UO03020" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "A" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "year": "TLIST(A1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Umhvørvi og orka" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "UO03020 El-framleiðslan hjá SEV skift á vatn, vind og termiska orku í MWh (1990-2019)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "El-framleiðslan eftir slag og ár" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "El-framleiðslan" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "slag" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "ár" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "slag": "Tilsamans", "ár": [ "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "slag": "9999" }, "ELIMINATION[fo]": { "slag": "Tilsamans" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20200603 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "MWh" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Høgni P. Vilhelm" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "SEV" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "305416.0000000", "314408.9396531", "317352.3930000", "334322.9110000", "352003.1370000", "386086.5920000", "" ] }, seriesNames: '', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "line", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { "enabled": false }, "title": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 1, }, "subtitle": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 22 }, "legend": { "enabled": true, "layout": "horizontal", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "align": "center", "verticalAlign": "top", "y": 5 }, "xAxis": { "title": { "enabled": false }, "tickInterval": 31104000000, "min": 0, "max": 0, "type": "datetime", "labels": { "style": { "color": "#000", "fontSize": "11px" } } }, "yAxis": { "title": { "textAlign": "left", "reserveSpace": false, "align": "high", "offset": 0, "rotation": 0, "y": -25, "x": 0, "text": "", "style": { "whiteSpace": "nowrap" } }, "lineColor": "#000", "tickColor": "#000", "labels": {} }, "tooltip": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "line": { "marker": { "enabled": false }, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false } }, "series": { "showInNavigator": true } } }, sortDirection: 0, animate: 0, showYAxisDecimalPoint: 1, visiblePeriodFrom: '', visiblePeriodTo: '', unitName: 'MWh', chartType: '', chartHeight: '', sortSeriesBySize: -1, showLastValue: '1', tableType: 0, tableUnit: '', tableCategoryLevels: '', tableShowTotal: (1) == 1, dataFactor: 1, numberOfDecimalsToShow: 2, numberOfDecimalsToShowInPercent: 1, tableElementCount: 0, tableShowPercent: (1) == 1, pxid: '4902365fa49128f1e87a283b14ffa822', embedLink: location.href.split('?')[0] + '?px-web-graph=4902365fa49128f1e87a283b14ffa822', hideNavigator: (0) == 1, hideNavigatorLines: (0) == 1, yAxisMinValue: null, yAxisMaxValue: null, linkOverwrite: '', indexPoint: '', allowViewFullScreen: 1, allowViewData: 1, allowDownloadData: 1, allowEmbedding: 1 }); </script></div> </div> <div class="promo pulsesleft testimonial oc-item"> <div class="col_full" style="position: absolute; margin-top: -10px; z-index: 10"> <div class="fleft t700 nobottommargin" > <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/126"> El-søla, SEV</a> <div style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2024-05-30 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/126" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="7dca5bacb50b84900da769c6bc0ca03c"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="29"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; 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Vilhelm" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "SEV" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "283810.538907", "288063.238000", "291428.714580", "306491.717258", "320522.787000", "350425.437000", "" ] }, seriesNames: 'Tilsamans', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "line", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { 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class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/14" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="3ec5b39f3536ca7438878507ffbfd925"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="30"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var 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"STUB": { "TABLE": "marriages and divorces" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": [ "year", "unit" ] }, "VALUES": { "marriages and divorces": [ "Total marriage", "Divorces" ], "year": [ "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ], "unit": [ "In numbers" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "CODES": { "marriages and divorces": [ "TOTMAR", "DIV" ], "year": [ "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ], "unit": "NUM" }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20200428 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "persons" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Jógvan Bærentsen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Statistics Faroe Islands</A>" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###All performed weddings, wether or not the bride and groom are residents" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20210429 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "IB04010" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "A" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "year": "TLIST(A1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Íbúgvar og val" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "IB04010 Vígslur og hjúnaskilnaðir (1990-2019)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Vígslur og hjúnaskilnaðir eftir vígslur og hjúnaskilnaðir, ár og eind" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Vígslur og hjúnaskilnaðir" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "vígslur og hjúnaskilnaðir" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": [ "ár", "eind" ] }, "VALUES[fo]": { "vígslur og hjúnaskilnaðir": [ "Vígslur tilsamans", "Hjúnaskilnaðir" ], "ár": [ "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ], "eind": "Í tali" }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "vígslur og hjúnaskilnaðir": [ "TOTMAR", "DIV" ], "eind": "NUM" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20200428 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "persónar" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Jógvan Bærentsen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= 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style="position: absolute; margin-top: -10px; z-index: 10"> <div class="fleft t700 nobottommargin" > <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/583"> Ferðafólkaflutningur</a> <div style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2024-05-01 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/583" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="800ed7d8e4931ce043a48a6324cf75e3"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="31"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '31', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder31', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'ferðandi', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20000101 09:30" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "SS01010_FERD_SJOLOFT" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "SS" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Transport and communication" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "SS01010 Passenger transport to and from the Faroe Islands, by air and sea (1975-2019)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "International passenger transport by by air and sea and year" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "International passenger transport" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": "by air and sea" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "year" }, "VALUES": { "by air and sea": [ "Total (air and sea)", "By air", "By sea" ], "year": [ "1975", "1976", "1977", "1978", "1979", "1980", "1981", "1982", "1983", "1984", "1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"1975", "1976", "1977", "1978", "1979", "1980", "1981", "1982", "1983", "1984", "1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "CODES": { "by air and sea": [ "TOT", "ByAir", "BySea" ], "year": [ "1975", "1976", "1977", "1978", "1979", "1980", "1981", "1982", "1983", "1984", "1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "199", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "ELIMINATION": { "by air and sea": "Total (air and sea)" }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20200427 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "number" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "Vagar Airport and Smyril Line" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20210427 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "SS01010" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "A" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "year": "TLIST(A1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Samferðsla og samkifti" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "SS01010 Ferðafólkaflutningur millum Føroyar og útlond, loft- og sjóvegis (1975-2019)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Millumlanda ferðafólkaflutningur eftir loft- og sjóvegis og ár" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Millumlanda ferðafólkaflutningur" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "loft- og sjóvegis" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "ár" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "loft- og sjóvegis": [ "Tils (loft. og sjóvegis)", "Loftvegis", "Sjóvegis" ], "ár": [ "1975", "1976", "1977", "1978", "1979", "1980", "1981", "1982", "1983", "1984", "1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"1975", "1976", "1977", "1978", "1979", "1980", "1981", "1982", "1983", "1984", "1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "loft- og sjóvegis": [ "TOT", "ByAir", "BySea" ] }, "ELIMINATION[fo]": { "loft- og sjóvegis": "Tils (loft. og sjóvegis)" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20200427 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "tal" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Vága Floghavn og Smyril Line" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "54788", "66765", "76238", "81211", "81667", "90804", "99634", "98379", "111783", "117194", "122941", "117667", "129113", "142956", "134566", "121633", "121603", "126349", "110800", "120646", "129381", "143428", "141941", "148976", "156526", "172445", "186053", "194862", "213336", "221103", "238379", "277349", "285836", "282540", "257689", "256049", "250127", "270409", "283279", "296156", "322476", "340910", "387047", "424603", "472877", "33151", "35583", "41465", "45044", "48336", "48928", "53297", "55887", "60150", "61377", "68243", "81192", "90622", "104856", "97217", "88886", "87757", "91612", "85766", "89254", "96995", "108144", "115216", "119851", "126915", "140621", "151926", "153083", "159904", "163714", "178323", "204101", "216503", "218185", "201123", 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10px; font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2024-04-24 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/7" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="5e7e77901bc7ccff01a472532e1cc65e"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="32"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '32', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder32', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: '', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20000101 09:30" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "14" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "1" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "IB02040_FD_FERTKV1" }, "AGGREGALLOWED": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "YES" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "IB" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Population and elections" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "IB02040 Age specific fertility rates 1-year groups (1985-2023)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "Frequence of births by mother's age and year" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "Frequence of births" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": "mother's age" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "year" }, "VARIABLECODE": { "mother's age": "mother's age", "year": "year" }, "VALUES": { "mother's age": [ "Total fertility rate" ], "year": [ "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "CODES": { "mother's age": "TFR", "year": [ "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20240424 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "persons" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Erla Thorsteinsson" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "Statistics Faroe Islands:" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###The fertility rate is the number of live births per 1,000 wome n in a specified year.#Age-specific fertility rate is the number of live births per 1,000 women of the same age in a specified year.#Total fertility rates is the sum of the age-specific fertility rates in a year.##The fertility rate is calculated in rela tion to the number of women of reproductive age (15-49 years old), more precisely in relation to the average population of women aged 15-49 as it was in April of the year following the specified year.#The mother’s age is listed as her age at the end of t he year in which she gave birth.##The ‘per 1,000 unit’ is used to account for differences in population, sex distribution, etc. This makes it possible to compare periods with e.g. different populations.##Total fertility rate is the number of children tha t would be born to 1,000 women in their lifetime if the women had the exact current age-specific fertility rates throughout their reproductive lives, and none of the women died before the age of 50." }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20250429 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "IB02040" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "A" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "mother's age": "age", "year": "TLIST(A1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Íbúgvar og val" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "IB02040 Føðitíttleiki samanlagt og í 1-ára móðuraldursbólkum (1985-2023)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Føðitíttleiki eftir móðuraldur og ár" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Føðitíttleiki" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "móðuraldur" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "ár" }, "VARIABLECODE[fo]": { "móðuraldur": "mother's age", "ár": "year" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "móðuraldur": "Samlaður føðitíttleiki", "ár": [ "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "móðuraldur": "TFR" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20240424 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "persónar" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Erla Thorsteinsson" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Hagstova Føroya:" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###Føðitíttleiki er talið av børnum fødd á lívi fyri hvørji 1.000 konufólk í einum ávísum ári.#Aldursføðitíttleiki er talið av børnum fødd á lívi fyri hvørji 1.000 konufólk í einum ávísum aldri í einum ávísum ári.#Samlaði føðitíttleikin er summurin av aldursføðitíttleikunum í einum ári.##Føðitíttleiki verður roknaður í mun til tal av kvinnum í barnførum aldri, t.e. 15-49 ár, meiri nágreiniliga í mun til miðalfólkatalið av kvinnum 15-49 ár í uppgerðarárinum, sum tað sá í aprílmánaða árið eftir uppgerðarárið.#Móðuraldur er aldurin, mamman hevði við ársenda, tað árið hon føddi.# #Eindin 'fyri hvørji 1.000' verður brúkt, soleiðis at hagtølini taka fyrivarni fyri munum í fólkatali, kynsbýti v.m. Á henda hátt ber til at samanbera tíðarskeið við ymiskum fólkatali v.m.##Samlaður føðitíttleiki skal tulkast sum talið av børnum, sum 1.0 00 konufólk høvdu borið í heim í sínum lívi, um tær í øllum sínum barnføra aldri áttu sama tal av børnum, sum aldursføðitíttleikin er í uppgerðarárinum, og eingin teirra doyði fyri 50 ára dagin." }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "móðuraldur": "age", "ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "2576.68944080241000", "2427.84537358431000", "2639.27735191503000", "2492.61117491805000", "2511.79934032908000", "2434.06872394458000", "2349.84012747437000", "2325.02053940836000", "2071.25607974232000", "1858.64886807315000", "" ] }, seriesNames: '', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "line", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { "enabled": false }, "title": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 1, }, "subtitle": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 22 }, "legend": { "enabled": false, "layout": "horizontal", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "align": "center", "verticalAlign": "top", "y": 5 }, "xAxis": { "title": { "enabled": false }, "tickInterval": 31104000000, "min": 0, "max": 0, "type": "datetime", "labels": { "style": { "color": "#000", "fontSize": "11px" } } }, "yAxis": { "title": { "textAlign": "left", "reserveSpace": false, "align": "high", "offset": 0, "rotation": 0, "y": -25, "x": 0, "text": "", "style": { "whiteSpace": "nowrap" } }, "lineColor": "#000", "tickColor": "#000", "labels": {} }, "tooltip": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "line": { "marker": { "enabled": false }, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false } }, "series": { "showInNavigator": true } } }, sortDirection: 0, animate: 0, showYAxisDecimalPoint: 0, visiblePeriodFrom: '', visiblePeriodTo: '', unitName: '', chartType: '', chartHeight: '', sortSeriesBySize: -1, showLastValue: '1', tableType: 0, tableUnit: '', tableCategoryLevels: '', tableShowTotal: (1) == 1, dataFactor: 1, numberOfDecimalsToShow: 1, numberOfDecimalsToShowInPercent: 1, tableElementCount: 0, tableShowPercent: (1) == 1, pxid: '5e7e77901bc7ccff01a472532e1cc65e', embedLink: location.href.split('?')[0] + '?px-web-graph=5e7e77901bc7ccff01a472532e1cc65e', hideNavigator: (1) == 1, hideNavigatorLines: (1) == 1, yAxisMinValue: null, yAxisMaxValue: null, linkOverwrite: '', indexPoint: '', allowViewFullScreen: 1, allowViewData: 1, allowDownloadData: 1, allowEmbedding: 1 }); </script></div> </div> <div class="promo pulsesleft testimonial oc-item"> <div class="col_full" style="position: absolute; margin-top: -10px; z-index: 10"> <div class="fleft t700 nobottommargin" > <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/171"> Sethúsasøla</a> <div style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2024-04-02 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/171" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="a3f098f107184d7cf735af47b3ac872d"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="33"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '33', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder33', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'kr.', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20000101 09:30" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "14" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "IP04010_HUS_SOLUR" }, "AGGREGALLOWED": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "IP" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Prices and income" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "IP04010 House prices and number of sold houses (1985-2019)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "House prices by sold houses and prices, year and place" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "House prices" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": "sold houses and prices" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": [ "year", "place" ] }, "VALUES": { "sold houses and prices": [ "Annual average prices" ], "year": [ "1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ], "place": [ "Country total" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "CODES": { "sold houses and prices": "KR", "year": [ "1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ], "place": "TOT" }, "ELIMINATION": { "place": "Country total" }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20190331 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "number and DKK" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "Betri Banki, Kredittdeildin" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###Betri records prices on the Faroese housing market quarterly. The figures for trading of dwellings are obtained from The Land Register, where all tradings are registered.#The prices are processed in order to illustrate the cost of ordinary dwellings. The numbers are 'sieved' so to speak. Thus these dwellings are om itted:# - Building grounds# - Apartments# - Houses on building grounds less than 250 square metres# - Houses on building grounds greater than 1,000 square metres as the boulding ground probably represents a large part of the total amount# - House trading s considered not representing market conditions, e.g. extra favorable prices between family members# - Houses that are sold extraordinarily expensive# - Houses traded on forced sales#Consequently the figures should represent the prices of average dwellin g houses obtained in free trade", "place": "<b>Tórshavn:</b> Tórshavn, Hoyvík and Argir.#<b>Larger villages and cities:</b> Klaksvík, Runavík, Glyvrar, Fuglafjørður, Gøta, Kollafjørður, Vágur, Tvøroyri, Froðba, Trongisvágur, Miðvágur and Vestmanna.#<b>Smaller villages:</b> All villages not listed above." }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20210330 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "IP04010" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "A" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "year": "TLIST(A1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Inntøkur og prísir" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "IP04010 Sethúsaprísir og sethúsasølur (1985-2019)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Sethúsaprísir eftir seld sethús og prísir, ár og stað" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Sethúsaprísir" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "seld sethús og prísir" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": [ "ár", "stað" ] }, "VALUES[fo]": { "seld sethús og prísir": "Miðalprísur", "ár": [ "1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ], "stað": "Tils. (stað)" }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "seld sethús og prísir": "KR", "stað": "TOT" }, "ELIMINATION[fo]": { "stað": "Tils. (stað)" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20190331 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "tal og kr." }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Betri Banki, Kredittdeildin" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###Betri ger upp prísirnar í bústaðahandli í Føroyum hvønn ársfjórðing. Tø lini yvir bústaðakeyp- og -sølur stava frá almennu tinglýsingini, har allir handlarnir verða skrásettir.#Prísirnir eru viðgjørdir á slíkan hátt, at teir geva eina mynd av kostnaðinum, sum vanligir bústaðir verða keyptir og seldir fyri. Tølini verða so at siga “sáldað”. Soleiðis verða hesi ikki tikin við:# - Grundøki# - Íbúðir# - Hús á grundøkjum minni enn 250 fermetrar# - Hús á grundøkjum størri enn 1.000 fermetrar, tí har kann roknast við, at grundstykkjaprísurin er stórur partur av søluni# - Hús, ið i kki verða hildin at umboða marknaðartreytir, t.d. serliga lágir prísir í sølum millum familjulimir# - Hús, ið verða seld serliga dýrt# - Hús, sum eru yvirtikin á tvingsilssølu#Á henda hátt skuldu tølini umboðað prísin á miðalsethúsum í fríum handli.", "stað": "<b>Tórshavn:</b> Tórshavn, Hoyvík og Argir.#<b>Størri bygdir og býir:</b> Klaksvík, Runavík, Glyvrar, Fuglafjørður, Gøta, Kollafjørður, Vágur, Tvøroyri, Froðba, Trongisvágur, Miðvágur og Vestmanna.#<b>Smærri bygdir:</b> Aðrar bygdir, ið ikki eru nevndar omanfyri, eru í bólkinum 'smærri bygdir'.#" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "705870.00000000000000", "732869.00000000000000", "823753.00000000000000", "1019538.00000000000000", 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oc-item"> <div class="col_full" style="position: absolute; margin-top: -10px; z-index: 10"> <div class="fleft t700 nobottommargin" > <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/128"> Grind, hvalir</a> <div style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2024-03-21 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/128" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="bc1811e4b58ee3bd0f7c967020229e77"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="34"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '34', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder34', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'hvalir', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20000101 09:30" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "VV04010_GRIND_HVALSK" }, "AGGREGALLOWED": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "VV" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Ecomomic activities" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "VV04010 Whale hunts, pilot whales and skinn (1951-2019)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "Pilot whale hunts by whales and skinn by hunts, whales and skinn values and year" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "Pilot whale hunts by whales and skinn" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": "hunts, whales and skinn values" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "year" }, "VALUES": { "hunts, whales and skinn values": [ "Pilot whales" ], "year": [ "1951", "1952", "1953", "1954", "1955", "1956", "1957", "1958", "1959", "1960", "1961", "1962", "1963", "1964", "1965", "1966", "1967", "1968", "1969", "1970", "1971", "1972", "1973", "1974", "1975", "1976", "1977", "1978", "1979", "1980", "1981", "1982", "1983", "1984", "1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"1951", "1952", "1953", "1954", "1955", "1956", "1957", "1958", "1959", "1960", "1961", "1962", "1963", "1964", "1965", "1966", "1967", "1968", "1969", "1970", "1971", "1972", "1973", "1974", "1975", "1976", "1977", "1978", "1979", "1980", "1981", "1982", "1983", "1984", "1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "CODES": { "hunts, whales and skinn values": "GRIND", "year": [ "1951", "1952", "1953", "1954", "1955", "1956", "1957", "1958", "1959", "1960", "1961", "1962", "1963", "1964", "1965", "1966", "1967", "1968", "1969", "1970", "1971", "1972", "1973", "1974", "1975", "1976", "1977", "1978", "1979", "1980", "1981", "1982", "1983", "1984", "1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20200324 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "number" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Natural History Museum</A>" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20210324 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "VV04010" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "A" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "year": "TLIST(A1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Vinna og veiða" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "VV04010 Grindir, grindahvalir og skinn (1951-2019)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Grindir, hvalir og skinn í tali eftir grindir, hvalir og skinn og ár" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Grindir, hvalir og skinn í tali" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "grindir, hvalir og skinn" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "ár" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "grindir, hvalir og skinn": "Grindahvalir", "ár": [ "1951", "1952", "1953", "1954", "1955", "1956", "1957", "1958", "1959", "1960", "1961", "1962", "1963", "1964", "1965", "1966", "1967", "1968", "1969", "1970", "1971", "1972", "1973", "1974", "1975", "1976", "1977", "1978", "1979", "1980", "1981", "1982", "1983", "1984", "1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"1951", "1952", "1953", "1954", "1955", "1956", "1957", "1958", "1959", "1960", "1961", "1962", "1963", "1964", "1965", "1966", "1967", "1968", "1969", "1970", "1971", "1972", "1973", "1974", "1975", "1976", "1977", "1978", "1979", "1980", "1981", "1982", "1983", "1984", "1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "grindir, hvalir og skinn": "GRIND" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20200324 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "tal" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Náttúrugripasavnið</A>" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "2794", "1242", "2100", "2010", "885", "1816", "2085", "2619", "1426", "1795", "1892", "1813", "2204", "1364", "1620", "1485", "1973", "1650", "1395", "388", "1015", "511", "1050", "679", "1086", "532", "897", "1092", "1674", "2775", "2909", "2649", "1685", "1926", "2596", "1676", "1450", "1738", "1260", "917", "722", "1572", "808", "1201", "228", "1512", "1062", "812", "607", "588", "918", "626", "503", "1010", "302", "856", "633", "\"-\"", "310", "1107", "726", "713", "1104", "48", "501", "295", "1203", "624", "682", "" ] }, seriesNames: '', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "column", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, 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font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2024-03-05 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/125" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="1075206e2477eb701e40d9d13824598a"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="35"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '35', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder35', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'tons', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20000101 09:30" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "12" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "UO03010_ORK_OLJUN" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "YES" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "UO" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Environment and energy" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "UO03010 Consumption of oil in tonnes by consumer groups (1992-2019)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "Consumption of oil in tonnes by oil and year" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "Consumption of oil in tonnes" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": "oil" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "year" }, "VALUES": { "oil": [ "Total" ], "year": [ "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "CODES": { "oil": "TOT", "year": [ "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "ELIMINATION": { "oil": "Total" }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20200305 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "tonnes" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Høgni P. Vilhelm" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "The Oil Companies and SEV" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###Consumption of oil is based on sales figures from the oil comp anies (Magn and EFFO) and the consumption of SEV#Faroese ships bunkering abroad are not included. As well as foreign ships bunkering in the Faroe Islands are not included#" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20210305 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "UO03010" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "A" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "year": "TLIST(A1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Umhvørvi og orka" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "UO03010 Oljunýtslan í tonsum skift á brúkarabólkar og oljuslag (1992-2019)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Oljunýtslan í tonsum eftir oljuslag og ár" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Oljunýtslan í tonsum" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "oljuslag" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "ár" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "oljuslag": "Tilsamans", "ár": [ "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "oljuslag": "TOT" }, "ELIMINATION[fo]": { "oljuslag": "Tilsamans" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20200305 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "tons" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Høgni P. Vilhelm" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Oljufeløgini og SEV" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart###Oljunýtslan er út frá sølutølunum hjá oljufeløgnum (Magn og EFFO) og ný tsluni hjá SEV#Føroysk skip í bunkra uttanlands, eru við í hesi uppgerð. Somuleiðis eru útlendsk skip, í bunkra í Føroyum drigin frá.#" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "229048.918241690000", "236474.946059805000", "266931.271692011000", "275375.421974620000", "286381.730843265000", "" ] }, seriesNames: '', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "line", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { "enabled": false }, "title": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 1, }, "subtitle": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 22 }, "legend": { "enabled": true, "layout": "horizontal", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "align": "center", "verticalAlign": "top", "y": 5 }, "xAxis": { "title": { "enabled": false }, "tickInterval": 31104000000, "min": 0, "max": 0, "type": "datetime", "labels": { "style": { "color": "#000", "fontSize": "11px" } } }, "yAxis": { "title": { "textAlign": "left", "reserveSpace": false, "align": "high", "offset": 0, "rotation": 0, "y": -25, "x": 0, "text": "", "style": { "whiteSpace": "nowrap" } }, "lineColor": "#000", "tickColor": "#000", "labels": {} }, "tooltip": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "line": { "marker": { "enabled": false }, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false } }, "series": { "showInNavigator": true } } }, sortDirection: 0, animate: 0, showYAxisDecimalPoint: 0, visiblePeriodFrom: '', visiblePeriodTo: '', unitName: 't.', chartType: '', chartHeight: '', sortSeriesBySize: -1, showLastValue: '1', tableType: 0, tableUnit: '', tableCategoryLevels: '', tableShowTotal: (1) == 1, dataFactor: 1, numberOfDecimalsToShow: 2, numberOfDecimalsToShowInPercent: 1, tableElementCount: 0, tableShowPercent: (1) == 1, pxid: '1075206e2477eb701e40d9d13824598a', embedLink: location.href.split('?')[0] + '?px-web-graph=1075206e2477eb701e40d9d13824598a', hideNavigator: (0) == 1, hideNavigatorLines: (0) == 1, yAxisMinValue: null, yAxisMaxValue: null, linkOverwrite: '', indexPoint: '', allowViewFullScreen: 1, allowViewData: 1, allowDownloadData: 1, allowEmbedding: 1 }); </script></div> </div> <div class="promo pulsesleft testimonial oc-item"> <div class="col_full" style="position: absolute; margin-top: -10px; z-index: 10"> <div class="fleft t700 nobottommargin" > <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/51"> Arbeiðsmegi</a> <div style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2024-01-22 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/51" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="5504a7962c49e2455b694acb5da0d575"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="36"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '36', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder36', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'prosent', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20000101 09:00" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "13" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "0" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "AM01020_AMK_AFAVALD" }, "AGGREGALLOWED": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "YES" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "AM" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Labour and wages" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "AM01020 Labour force and employed 15-74 years by sex and age (2005-2023)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "Labour force and employed, Labour force by unit and year" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "Labour force and employed, Labour force" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": "unit" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": "year" }, "VARIABLECODE": { "unit": "unit", "year": "year" }, "VALUES": { "unit": [ "In pct. of population" ], "year": [ "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "CODES": { "unit": "PCT_POP", "year": [ "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "PRECISION": { "unit,In pct. of population": "1" }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20240122 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "number and pct." }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Maria Heen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "Statistics Faroe Islands:" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected# * Omitted to prevent doublecount##The unemployment figures are made in accordance with standards of the International Labour Organisation under UN. This ensures that the figures are comparable with similar figures from other countries.##The labour force is given by adding employed and unemployed. Persons neither em ployed nor unemployed are counted as economically inactive.#The data is compiled from public registers where employed, selv-employed and unemployed are identified. The about 5,000 persons not found in the registers are estimated by surveying 1,000 on the m. The labour force survey is conducted in November each year estimating labour force status in the week containing 15 November.#In the survey all that worked for more than 1 hour in the reference week are counted as employed even if remunerated in kind. Those not working are counted as unemployd if they actively seek employment and are availabe for work within 2 weeks.#Before 2015 the data were not registerbased, but relied solely on surveying the full population 15-74 years.##The unemployment percenta ges in this survey are not comparable with other unemployment percentages from Statistics Faroe Islands which are based on records from the Unemployment insurance system (ALS) and the Social Affairs office.#", "year": "The figures for 2015-2019 were corrected in 2020" }, "VALUENOTE": { "year,2014": "The 2014 figures are estimated" }, "DATASYMBOL4": { "TABLE": "*" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20250122 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "AM01020" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "A" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "year": "TLIST(A1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Arbeiði og løn" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "AM01020 Arbeiðsmegi og arbeiðsvirkin 15-74 ár skift á kyn og aldur (2005-2023)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Arbeiðsmegi og arbeiðsvirkin, Arbeiðsmegi eftir eind og ár" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Arbeiðsmegi og arbeiðsvirkin, Arbeiðsmegi" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "eind" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": "ár" }, "VARIABLECODE[fo]": { "eind": "unit", "ár": "year" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "eind": "Í % av fólkatalinum", "ár": [ "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "eind": "PCT_POP" }, "PRECISION[fo]": { "eind,Í % av fólkatalinum": "1" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20240122 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "tal og %" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Maria Heen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Hagstova Føroya:" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart# * Lagt burturúr fyri ikki at telja dupult##Arbeiðsmegihagtølini eru gjø rd í samsvari við ásetingum frá altjóða arbeiðarafelagnum ILO undir ST. Hetta tryggjar, at tølini kunnu samanberast við samsvarandi hagtøl úr øðrum londum.##Arbeiðsmegin er roknað sum arbeiðsvirkin og arbeiðsleys tilsamans. Tey, sum hvørki hava arbeiði e lla eru arbeiðsleys, verða flokkað sum vinnuliga óvirkin.##Tølini eru fingin til vegar við støði í almennum skráum, har løntakarar, vinnurekandi og arbeiðsleys verða funnin. Hesi tølini verða síðani fullfíggjað við spurnakanning millum 1.000 av teimum, i ð ikki eru at finna í skráunum. Hesi 1.000 spurdu verða síðani upproknað til fulla talið av óskrásettum (uml. 5.000). Kanningin verður gjørd seinast í november hvørt ár, har spurt verður um arbeiðsviðurskifti í vikuni, sum 15. november er í.#Í spurnakann ingini verða øll, ið høvdu meira enn 1 tíma vinnuligt arbeiði í kanningarvikuni, flokkað sum arbeiðsvirkin, eisini um arbeiðið var ólønt. Tey sum einki arbeiði hava, verða bert flokkað sum arbeiðsleys, um tey eru virkin at leita sær arbeiði og eru til re iðar at byrja at arbeiða innan fyri 2 vikur.#Áðrenn 2015 bygdu tølini ikki á skráir, men høvdu støði burturav í spurnakanningini, ið varð upproknað til fulla arbeiðsmegi.##Arbeiðsloysið í hesi kanningini kann ikki beinleiðis samanberast við hini arbeiðsl oysistølini hjá Hagstovuni, ið eru grundað á skráir hjá arbeiðsloysistryggingini (ALS) og Almannastovuni.#", "ár": "Tølini fyri 2015-2019 vóru rættað í 2020" }, "VALUENOTE[fo]": { "ár,2014": "Tølini fyri 2014 eru estimeraði" }, "DATASYMBOL4[fo]": { "TABLE": "*" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "87.1667944964206", "86.2585315402507", "84.5472931617072", "86.2240795949136", "83.2720355257056", "81.6707447546012", "77.9603170012148", "83.3403382123227", "82.9014029687360", "82.4084462321911", "83.9239535081986", "83.4084507042254", "83.2335329341317", "85.0734810265409", "85.1642281680274", "84.3226182898366", "83.6201935652629", "84.9273639042548", "83.9222841869908", "" ] }, seriesNames: '', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "line", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { "enabled": false }, "title": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 1, }, "subtitle": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 22 }, "legend": { "enabled": true, "layout": "horizontal", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "align": "center", "verticalAlign": "top", "y": 5 }, "xAxis": { "title": { "enabled": false }, "tickInterval": 31104000000, "min": 0, "max": 0, "type": "datetime", "labels": { "style": { "color": "#000", "fontSize": "11px" } } }, "yAxis": { "title": { "textAlign": "left", "reserveSpace": false, "align": "high", "offset": 0, "rotation": 0, "y": -25, "x": 0, "text": "", "style": { "whiteSpace": "nowrap" } }, "lineColor": "#000", "tickColor": "#000", "labels": {} }, "tooltip": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "line": { "marker": { "enabled": false }, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false } }, "series": { "showInNavigator": true } } }, sortDirection: 0, animate: 0, showYAxisDecimalPoint: 0, visiblePeriodFrom: '', visiblePeriodTo: '', unitName: '', chartType: '', chartHeight: '', sortSeriesBySize: -1, showLastValue: '1', tableType: 0, tableUnit: '', tableCategoryLevels: '', tableShowTotal: (1) == 1, dataFactor: 1, numberOfDecimalsToShow: 2, numberOfDecimalsToShowInPercent: 1, tableElementCount: 0, tableShowPercent: (1) == 1, pxid: '5504a7962c49e2455b694acb5da0d575', embedLink: location.href.split('?')[0] + '?px-web-graph=5504a7962c49e2455b694acb5da0d575', hideNavigator: (0) == 1, hideNavigatorLines: (0) == 1, yAxisMinValue: null, yAxisMaxValue: null, linkOverwrite: '', indexPoint: '', allowViewFullScreen: 1, allowViewData: 1, allowDownloadData: 1, allowEmbedding: 1 }); </script></div> </div> <div class="promo pulsesleft testimonial oc-item"> <div class="col_full" style="position: absolute; margin-top: -10px; z-index: 10"> <div class="fleft t700 nobottommargin" > <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/148"> Heilsustarvsfólk á sjúkrahúsum</a> <div style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500"> Dagført <span class="pulselastupdated">2023-07-20 09:00:00</span> </div> </div> <div class="fright nobottommargin" style="margin-right: 40px;"> <a href="fo/taxonomy/term/148" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-micro"><b>Vís meira </b></a><br/> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 4px; z-index: -10"><!-- EXTRA CLASSES FOR HEADER --> <div class="highcharts-wrapper js--highcharts-wrapper px-web-graph-outer" data-pxid="3638db1b57516d75706ff701016964dc"> <div class="pxPlaceholder"> <div class="loader-outer"> <div class="loader"> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__bar"></div> <div class="loader__ball"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="commentfield"> <div class="pxWebGraph_tableLink"> <ul class="iconlist nobottommargin "> <li> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="tableLink" data-pxdataid="37"> <i class="icon-table"></i> <div class="tableLinkText"> Talva í grunninum </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if(!globalPxWebGraphSource) var globalPxWebGraphSource = 'Statistics Faroe Islands'; if (!pxDatas) var pxDatas = []; pxDatas.push({ id: '37', storageName: 'pxPlaceholder37', title: '', subtitle: '', yAxisName: 'ársverk', comment: '', displayType: 0, displayMode: 0, savedResultUrl: '', savedResultText: { "metadata": { "CHARSET": { "TABLE": "ANSI" }, "AXIS-VERSION": { "TABLE": "2010" }, "CODEPAGE": { "TABLE": "utf-8" }, "LANGUAGE": { "TABLE": "en" }, "LANGUAGES": { "TABLE": [ "en", "fo" ] }, "CREATION-DATE": { "TABLE": "20220701 09:00" }, "DECIMALS": { "TABLE": "15" }, "SHOWDECIMALS": { "TABLE": "1" }, "MATRIX": { "TABLE": "HM01022_HV_STARV_1" }, "COPYRIGHT": { "TABLE": "NO" }, "SUBJECT-CODE": { "TABLE": "HM" }, "SUBJECT-AREA": { "TABLE": "Health" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "TABLE": "HM01022 Personnel employed in hospital (2010-2022)" }, "TITLE": { "TABLE": "Staff at the hospitals by Occupations, Year and Measure" }, "CONTENTS": { "TABLE": "Staff at the hospitals" }, "STUB": { "TABLE": "Occupations" }, "HEADING": { "TABLE": [ "Year", "Measure" ] }, "VARIABLECODE": { "Occupations": "Occupations", "Year": "Year", "Measure": "Measure" }, "VALUES": { "Occupations": [ "Heilsustarvsfólk" ], "Year": [ "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022" ], "Measure": [ "Full-time equivalent" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "Year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022" ] }, "CODES": { "Occupations": "Heilsustarvsfólk", "Year": [ "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022" ], "Measure": "FTE" }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20230720 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "full-time equivalent" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Kári Holm Johannesen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "Lønarskipan Landsins and Búskaparskipan Landsins, both systems at Gjaldstova Føroya" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected##The occupational categories are based on Eurostat's classificat ion of health personnel employed in hospital to ensure the comparability of the figures. #Eurostat's classification is based on selected categories from the International Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08) developed by the International Labour Organ ization (ILO) in 2008.##Many employees (particularly physicians) employed in hospitals in the Faroe Islands are consultants from abroad. Information on the FTE cannot be obtained for these employees and therefore it has been necessary to convert their co mpensation to FTEs.#Similarly, the number of employees and their FTEs for treatments conducted abroad cannot be directly obtained. As a result, the cost of these treatments has been converted using appropriate conversion keys." }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "19001231 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "HM01022" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "A" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "Year": "TLIST(A1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Heilsumál" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "HM01022 Starvsfólk á sjúkrahúsum (2010-2022)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Størv eftir Starvsbólkar, Ár og Mát" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Størv" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "Starvsbólkar" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": [ "Ár", "Mát" ] }, "VARIABLECODE[fo]": { "Starvsbólkar": "Occupations", "Ár": "Year", "Mát": "Measure" }, "VALUES[fo]": { "Starvsbólkar": "Heilsustarvsfólk", "Ár": [ "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022" ], "Mát": "Ársverk" }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "Ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "Starvsbólkar": "Heilsustarvsfólk", "Mát": "FTE" }, "LAST-UPDATED[fo]": { "TABLE": "20230720 09:00" }, "UNITS[fo]": { "TABLE": "ársverk" }, "CONTACT[fo]": { "TABLE": "Kári Holm Johannesen" }, "SOURCE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Lønarskipan Landsins og Búskaparskipan Landsins hjá Gjaldstovu Føroya." }, "NOTEX[fo]": { "TABLE": "Teksturin í talvuni víkur frá upprunatekstinum í dátustovninum, tí hann hevur verið broyttur við hond" }, "NOTE[fo]": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Tekn:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Veruliga null (ikki rundað)# <b>0</b> Rundað til null# • Kann ikki koma fyri# •• Ikki til taks ella ikki álítandi# ••• Ikki upplýst, trúnaðarvart##Starvsbólkarnir byggja á flokking hjá Eurostat fyri starvsbólkar á sjúkr ahúsum. Tað skal tryggja, at tølini í mest møguligan mun eru sambærlig. #Flokkingin hjá Eurostat byggir í høvuðsheitum útvaldar bólkar í altjóða starvsbólkaflokkingini International Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08) hjá International Labour Organis ation (ILO) frá 2008.##Fleiri starvsfólk (serliga læknar), sum starvast á sjúkrahúsunum í Føroyum, eru útlendskir konsulentar. Fyri hesi er ársverk ikki upplýst og neyðugt hevur tí verið at umroknað teirra samsýning til ársverk.#Somuleiðis er talið av st arvsfólkum og árvserkum ikki upplýst í kelduni fyri sjúkraviðgerðir uttanlands. Her hevur verið neyðugt at umrokna kostnaðin av viðgerðunum við støði í viðkomandi býtislyklum.#" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE[fo]": { "Ár": "TLIST(A1)" }, "DESCRIPTIONDEFAULT": { "TABLE": "YES;" } }, "data": [ "798.643547426818000", "809.476389772911000", "812.652071924055000", "846.979787319577000", "857.794662296182000", "" ] }, seriesNames: 'Ársverk', seriesColor: '', seriesType: '', seriesDashStyle: '', seriesMarker: '', seriesTooltip: '', seriesSign: '', dataExtractionPeriods: '', dataFilter: '', legendsVisibility: '', legendsAlignment: '', pxSourceName: '', displayOptions: { "credits": { "enabled": false, }, "chart": { "type": "line", "className": "pulsurin", "height": 220, "borderWidth": 0, "spacing": [ 60, 0, 0, 0 ] }, "rangeSelector": { "enabled": false }, "exporting": { "buttons": { "contextButton": { "enabled": false } } }, "navigator": { "enabled": false }, "title": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 1, }, "subtitle": { "text": "", "align": "left", "y": 22 }, "legend": { "enabled": 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"2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018" ], "name": [ "Total (name)" ] }, "TIMEVAL": { "year": [ "TLIST(A1),\"1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018" ] }, "CODES": { "circulation": "UPL", "year": [ "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018" ], "name": "TOT" }, "LAST-UPDATED": { "TABLE": "20190521 09:00" }, "UNITS": { "TABLE": "number" }, "CONTACT": { "TABLE": "Simona Nielsen" }, "SOURCE": { "TABLE": "The newspapers" }, "NOTE": { "TABLE": "<b><u>Symbols:</u></b>## <b>-</b> Nil (exactly zero)# <b>0</b> Rounded to zero# • Not applicable# •• Not available or too uncertain# ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected###" }, "NEXT-UPDATE": { "TABLE": "20200526 09:00" }, "TABLEID": { "TABLE": "MM01010" }, "UPDATE-FREQUENCY": { "TABLE": "A" }, "VARIABLE-TYPE": { "year": "TLIST(A1)" }, "SUBJECT-AREA[fo]": { "TABLE": "Mentan og átrúnaður" }, "DESCRIPTION[fo]": { "TABLE": "MM01010 Upplagið hjá føroysku tíðindabløðunum (1998-2018)" }, "TITLE[fo]": { "TABLE": "Føroysk tíðindabløð eftir upplag/útgávur, ár og heiti" }, "CONTENTS[fo]": { "TABLE": "Føroysk tíðindabløð" }, "STUB[fo]": { "TABLE": "upplag/útgávur" }, "HEADING[fo]": { "TABLE": [ "ár", "heiti" ] }, "VALUES[fo]": { "upplag/útgávur": "Upplag", "ár": [ "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018" ], "heiti": "Tilsamans" }, "TIMEVAL[fo]": { "ár": [ "TLIST(A1),\"1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018" ] }, "CODES[fo]": { "upplag/útgávur": 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class="heading-block left nobottomborder col-lg-8"> <h2 >Tíðindi <i style="font-size: 16px; color: #adc5d6; position:relative; top: -1px" class="icon-info-sign" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="" data-original-title="Seinastu tøl og tíðindi, mánadag - fríggjadag kl. 09:00"></i><div class="newsoverviewfrontpage" style="float:right;"><a href="/fo/tidindi"></a></div></h2> </div> <div><div class="js-view-dom-id-dee8db9e1738ad9831a6af35b93b159418ed4397fc241215a1cefa5611d90382"> <div class="row bottommargin-sm clearfix"> <div class="col-lg-8 bottommargin"> <div class="ipost clearfix"> <div class="entry-image image_fade"> <a href="/fo/tidindi/19600-huski-i-foroyum-2700-fleiri-enn-fyri-tiggju-arum-sidani" hreflang="fo"><img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/extra_large/public/2025-02/kvivik_0.jpg?itok=tvudsyKw" width="1200" height="675" alt="K" /> </a> </div> <ul class="entry-meta clearfix"> <li><span class="badge badge-secondary"><a 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