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85.603 47.032 86.547 43.156 88.357 40.318c6.523-10.228 16.409-16.646 27.868-17.609C127.253 21.781 139.95 25.944 152.503 37.442c22.412 20.368 46.738 79.744 54.561 146.119C218.007 180.321 241.576 175.264 267.062 181.844 269.78 166.773 278.853 125.979 301.79 93.65c17.231-24.412 38.803-44.053 59.217-54.405 14.473-7.339 28.468-10.014 40.198-7.057C432.077 39.97 428.056 72.738 399.558 97.715c-17.045 14.94-46.599 52.036-64.424 78.247-7.327 10.774-12.689 19.573-14.036 24.032C320.972 200.411 320.797 200.801 320.583 201.159 324.988 210.807 328.015 222.271 329.735 234.343 334.147 265.307 330.088 300.103 321.004 316.767L320.998 316.777C320.029 318.544 319.003 320.287 317.925 322.003 321.837 321.83 324.475 321.712 324.475 321.712 325.202 316.059 327.005 306.042 331.25 297.347 335.987 287.647 343.68 279.728 355.369 279.232 364.167 278.859 371.454 280.692 376.979 283.746 376.997 283.719 377.015 283.692 377.034 283.665 377.034 283.665 380.54 278.57 386.077 275.453 390.237 273.11 395.424 271.861 401.118 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367.709 153.533 367.115 152.509 366.024 151.486 364.933 150.984 363.454 151.132 361.965L151.803 355.225 147.629 355.416 149.43 362.106C149.838 363.621 149.538 365.238 148.614 366.505 147.691 367.772 146.243 368.552 144.677 368.628L127.126 369.472C124.31 369.607 121.903 367.466 121.709 364.653L119.812 337.083C119.717 335.697 120.182 334.33 121.104 333.29 122.027 332.251 123.328 331.625 124.716 331.554L170.152 329.234C170.556 329.101 170.983 329.015 171.428 328.984 171.935 328.95 172.43 328.989 172.902 329.094L177.988 328.834c-9.083-12.604-13.224-30.186-14.648-47.24C161.087 254.624 165.41 229.184 165.41 229.184 165.888 226.365 168.565 224.465 171.384 224.943 174.203 225.422 176.103 228.099 175.624 230.918c0 0-4.101 24.18-1.96000000000001 49.814C175.036 297.152 178.856 314.266 188.507 325.461 189.314 326.39 190.122 327.294 190.933 328.173L214.208 326.985C217.064 326.839 219.5 329.039 219.646 331.894 219.792 334.75 217.592 337.186 214.736 337.332L201.284 338.019C210.917 345.972 220.661 350.829 230.09 353.49 225.019 346.304 222.247 338.156 221.376 332.827 221.046 330.808 221.936 328.783 223.646 327.661 225.357 326.538 227.568 326.527 229.29 327.634 238.465 333.531 246.735 335.123 253.532 333.476 256.357 332.792 258.893 331.547 261.091 329.875 251.961 329.434 245.756 326.631 241.5 323.249 231.793 315.533 231.587 304.145 231.587 304.145 231.54 302.261 232.52 300.499 234.147 299.545 235.773 298.592 237.79 298.598 239.411 299.56 248.048 304.688 256.372 305.707 263.951 299.837 263.323 291.373 262.167 265.635 269.794 250.967 278.259 234.5 293.71 226.341 301.479 223.123 298.765 213.482 293.71 205.381 283.24 198.988 281.33 197.822 280.385 195.561 280.896 193.382c0 0 13.761-58.499 50.623-100.896L331.527 92.477c19.813-22.681 34.346-27.369 43.539-27.001C386.3 65.926 391.372 73.529 391.372 73.529 392.775 75.529 392.591 78.237 390.931 80.028c-26.26 28.321-56.559 63.651-79.829 105.928C312.205 187.228 313.262 188.583 314.273 190.015zM305.033 322.577C307.563 319.123 309.875 315.514 311.91 311.803 320.279 296.445 323.543 264.335 319.478 235.804 316.834 217.249 311.165 200.129 301.166 190.519 299.49 188.909 299.092 186.38 300.191 184.333c22.861-42.561 52.831-78.362 79.391-107.284C374.112 74.508 361.523 73.889 339.334 99.288c-29.986 34.493-43.954 80.144-47.449 92.977C304.438 201.036 309.924 212.102 312.673 225.346 313.227 228.013 311.62 230.653 308.997 231.388c0 0-20.426 5.70599999999999-29.992 24.323C279 255.719 278.996 255.727 278.992 255.735 270.832 271.407 274.485 301.451 274.485 301.451 274.669 303.075 274.077 304.69 272.887 305.81 264.57 313.633 255.615 315.804 246.265 313.589 246.766 314.123 247.324 314.643 247.947 315.138 252.35 318.637 259.663 320.68 271.605 318.964 273.514 318.69 275.417 319.499 276.544 321.063 277.672 322.628 277.837 324.689 276.973 326.413 272.734 334.873 265.392 341.264 255.971 343.546 249.922 345.011 242.936 344.792 235.316 342.125 236.845 345.181 238.844 348.277 241.354 350.989 244.071 353.908 250.141 356.815 259.008 355.476 262.538 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class="td-offset-anchor"></a> <section class="row td-box td-box--white td-box--gradient td-box--height-auto rosenpass-overview-links pb-0"> <div class="col"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-sm-4 mb-5 mb-sm-0 text-center"> <div class="mb-4 h1"> <i class="fas fa-lock"></i> </div> <h4 class="h3">Post-Quantum Secure</h4> <div class="mb-0"> <strong>Rosenpass</strong> is a key-exchange protocol using techniques that are secure against attacks from quantum computers. It achieves the same security guarantees as WireGuard, using two strong post-quantum key exchange methods – Classic McEliece and Kyber. </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 mb-5 mb-sm-0 text-center"> <div class="mb-4 h1"> <i class="fas fa-dragon"></i> </div> <h4 class="h3">Works with WireGuard</h4> <div class="mb-0"> <strong>Rosenpass</strong> keeps WireGuard security intact and adds on to it; Rosenpass handles post-quantum security, WireGuard handles pre-quantum security. </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 mb-5 mb-sm-0 text-center"> <div class="mb-4 h1"> <i class="fas fa-box-open"></i> </div> <h4 class="h3">Free and Open Source</h4> <div class="mb-0"> <strong>Rosenpass</strong> is Free and Open Source Software under the Apache 2.0 and MIT license and developed by hackers and researchers. </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="about"> <a id="td-block-3" class="td-offset-anchor"></a> <section class="row td-box td-box--white td-box--gradient td-box--height-auto "> <div class="col"> <div class="row "> <p><strong>Rosenpass</strong> is free and <strong>open-source</strong> software based on the latest research in the field of <strong>cryptography</strong>. It is intended to be used with WireGuard VPN, but can work with all software that uses pre-shared keys. It uses two cryptographic methods (Classic McEliece and Kyber) to secure systems against attacks with <strong>quantum computers</strong>.</p> <p><strong>Rosenpass</strong> is also a <strong>science communication</strong> project that intends to make cryptography easy to understand for everyone. </p> <h4>“Explain it like …”</h4> <p> On that note, we have provided a series in-depth of explanations about what <strong>Rosenpass</strong> does at different levels. Pick whatever you feel suits you best! :D </p> <div class="link-collection"> <a class="link-block btn btn-light" href="#-im-five">Explain it like I'm five!</a> <a class="link-block btn btn-secondary" href="#-im-a-tech-journalist">… a tech journalist!</a> <a class="link-block btn btn-primary" href="#-im-a-developer">… a developer!</a> <a class="link-block btn btn-dark" href="#-im-a-cryptographer">… a cryptographer!</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div><a id="td-block-4" class="td-offset-anchor"></a></div> <section class="row td-box td-box--light lead-block position-relative td-box--height-auto "> <div class="col-12"> <div class="container text-center td-arrow-down"> <div class="h4 lead mb-0"> <h3 id="-im-five">… I’m five!<a class="td-heading-self-link" href="#-im-five" aria-label="Heading self-link"></a></h3> <p>(Meaning you don't have to know a lot about computers to understand this.)</p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <a id="td-block-5" class="td-offset-anchor"></a> <section class="row td-box td-box--white td-box--gradient td-box--height-auto "> <div class="col"> <div class="row "> <h4 id="what-is-cryptograph">What is cryptography?</h4> <p>Have you ever tried <strong>writing a message</strong> to a friend that <strong>only they could read</strong>? You might have told them: "Take each letter and move it forward three places in the alphabet!". Then you would have moved each letter of your message three places backward before writing it down. Encryption is basically like that, but *a lot* more complicated! And you can do other useful stuff with it. For example, you can make sure the message really does come from the person it claims to be from.</p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="eli5-images td-box td-box--white " > <img class="eli5-image col" src="" alt="Childish drawing of a girl handing a note to a boy." /> <img class="eli5-image col" src="" alt="Girl handing a letter to the boy. Both have notes at their desks. " /> <img class="eli5-image col" src="" alt="Decoding the letter with the note. " /> </section> <a id="td-block-7" class="td-offset-anchor"></a> <section class="row td-box td-box--white td-box--gradient td-box--height-auto "> <div class="col"> <div class="row "> <h4 id="why-do-we-need-cryptography">Why do we need cryptography?</h4> <p>Without cryptography, every message you send on your phone or computer could be <strong>read by everyone</strong> on the way between you and the receiver of that message. It's like sending a letter without an envelope! That might not be such a big problem for the GIFs you send to your friends (We also send postcards without envelopes, after all!), but there are parts of our communication that really shouldn't be public. Like when you buy something online: If you sent your <strong>credit card information</strong> unencrypted, it would mean that everyone could read that data and go buy something with your money!</p> <h4 id="what-is-a-quantum-computer">What is a quantum computer?</h4> <p>Regular computers only know two states: 0 (= power off) and 1 (= power on). When you send data on a regular computer, it maps every character to a long sequence of <strong>ones and zeros</strong>.</p> <p>All over the world, scientists are trying to build computers that use quantum mechanics to have <strong>more than just these two states</strong>, because that would make them much <strong>faster</strong> than the computers we have today. They made prototypes that kind of work, but they are huge, unstable (because they are super sensitve to their environment) and <strong>can't really do much, yet</strong>. </p> <h4 id="what-makes-quantum-computers-so-bad-for-cryptography">What makes quantum computers so bad for cryptography?</h4> <p>Cryptography is so secure because it takes your message and does some <strong>math</strong> with it, that's <strong>super hard for computers</strong> to undo. Your communication partner exchanged a <strong>"key"</strong> with you at some point. That's basically a long series of ones and zeros. With this, your computer can <strong>restore the original message</strong> pretty fast. Someone who doesn't have your key could just <strong>try all possible combinations</strong> of ones and zeros to find out which of them is your key. But it would take them centuries to try all possible combinations!</p> <p>The problem with <strong>quantum computers</strong> is that they are <strong>super good at the math</strong> that's so hard for normal computers. So suddenly, trying all possible combinations doesn't take years anymore. Just minutes!</p> <p>(You can also use quantum computers to make cryptography that's impossible to break even for quantum computers. But that's a whole other story. Everyone who wants to use it would need a quantum computers or at least a special device for that. So that's even much farther in the future than a few huge but functioning quantum computers that can break regular cryptography!)</p> <h4 id="what-can-we-do-to-protect-our-encryption-against-quantum-computers">What can we do to protect our encryption against quantum computers?</h4> <p>Cryptographers, the scientists that invent cryptography, have been watching the development of quantum computers closely. Their whole job is to <strong>solve complex mathematical problems</strong> and finding a way to protect encryption that's made on regular computers from attacks from quantum computers is an interesting and very important problem. </p> <p>So they tried (and still try) new things and held contests to <strong>find cyphers</strong> that could withstand quantum computer attacks. A cypher is like a set of instructions on what math you have to do with a message to encrypt and decrypt it. Then they proceeded to try and break each other's cyphers. That's just what scientist do to make sure that they really found the right solution. Even if it hurts, it's better when a fellow scientist breaks your cypher then when attacker does (without your knowledge)!</p> <h4 id="what-is-a-vpn">What is a VPN?</h4> <p>A VPN or <strong>Virtual Private Network</strong> is like a <strong>tunnel</strong> that you can send your messages through, so that <strong>nobody can see</strong> them. Not even when and where they go to! This tunnel is also <strong>made of encryption</strong>! Many companies use VPNs so that their employees who work from home or are on a business trip can connect to the company network. This makes sure that their competitiors or people who want to harm them can't know what they are working on. </p> <p>But you can also use a VPN at home. There are many providers that offer easy to use VPN software. </p> <h4 id="what-is-wireguard">What is WireGuard?</h4> <p>Many people think that software is secure if you just do your best to hide it's code from everyone's eyes. But that's not true. Software is the most secure when everyone can have a look at it and check that it really does what it does and nothing else. </p> <p>That's what makes <strong>WireGuard</strong> stand out among other <strong>VPNs</strong>. It is made of <strong>short and easy to read code</strong> that everyone can access. That's why people trust it to be really <strong>secure</strong>. </p> <h4 id="what-does-rosenpass-do">What does Rosenpass do?</h4> <p><strong>Rosenpass</strong> is a piece of <strong>software</strong> that uses two of the <strong>post-quantum-secure cyphers</strong> the scientists found. It <strong>generates keys</strong> with those cyphers and <strong>hands them to WireGuard</strong>. Like WireGuard, it is easy to read and anyone can have a look at what it does.</p> <p>WireGuard already comes with it's own cyphers, but those are not post-quantum-secure. <strong>Rosenpass</strong> doesn't replace those cyphers, but just kind of wraps around them. That means that even if there were something wrong with Rosenpass, the encryption can't get worse than the one WireGuard already has. Just better. Having <strong>failsafes</strong> like that is important in writing secure software. </p> <h4 id="how-can-i-use-rosenpass">How can I use Rosenpass?</h4> <p>If you don't know a lot about computers, you will probably never install <strong>Rosenpass</strong> yourself. But you could subscribe to a <strong>VPN provider</strong> that uses WireGuard and <strong>Rosenpass</strong> to make <strong>your communication secure against attacks from quantum computers</strong>. </p> </div> </div> </section> <div><a id="td-block-8" class="td-offset-anchor"></a></div> <section class="row td-box td-box--secondary lead-block position-relative td-box--height-auto "> <div class="col-12"> <div class="container text-center td-arrow-down"> <div class="h4 lead mb-0"> <h3 id="-im-a-tech-journalist">… I’m a tech journalist!<a class="td-heading-self-link" href="#-im-a-tech-journalist" aria-label="Heading self-link"></a></h3> </div> </div> </div> </section> <a id="td-block-9" class="td-offset-anchor"></a> <section class="row td-box td-box--light td-box--gradient td-box--height-auto "> <div class="col"> <div class="row "> <p>Rosenpass provides a complement to the well-known WireGuard protocol, adding quantum-hardened cryptography and key exchange while keeping the established WireGuard standard encryption security. So Rosenpass functions as an add-on, enhancing WireGuard's key negotiation process with Post Quantum Secure (PQS) cryptography, based a combination of Classic McEliece and Kyber.</p> <p>Rosenpass is free and open-source software. This means it can be publicly reviewed and adapted by other developers for their purposes. All contributions to Rosenpass are provided both under a Apache 2.0 and an MIT License. When using Rosenpass itself, the user may choose under which license to use Rosenpass.<br>(See the <a href="/#license">License</a> section for detailed information.) </p> <p>Rosenpass uses symbolically verified, state-of-the-art cryptography. This project is part of a wider effort to break new ground in improving the security of an important component of the public internet.</p> <p>The project is run by a team of cryptographers, researchers, open-source developers, hackers and designers. We emphasise verifiable security, usability, and science communication. It is provided as a small package in a GitHub repository, and is easy to install and maintain alongside your WireGuard installation.</p> <p>Rosenpass is written in Rust. The application serves as a reference implementation. It aids developers in implementing and adapting the protocol to other systems by providing readable source code and ample documentation. The software developed to implement Rosenpass can be easily adapted to other pieces of the internet security landscape, preserving trust and safety of future networks.</p> </div> </div> </section> <div><a id="td-block-10" class="td-offset-anchor"></a></div> <section class="row td-box td-box--primary lead-block position-relative td-box--height-auto "> <div class="col-12"> <div class="container text-center td-arrow-down"> <div class="h4 lead mb-0"> <h3 id="-im-a-developer">… I’m a developer!<a class="td-heading-self-link" href="#-im-a-developer" aria-label="Heading self-link"></a></h3> </div> </div> </div> </section> <a id="td-block-11" class="td-offset-anchor"></a> <section class="row td-box td-box--white td-box--gradient td-box--height-auto "> <div class="col"> <div class="row "> <p>Rosenpass implements a post-quantum-secure key exchange in the spirit of the <a href="">Noise Protocol Framework</a>. The motivating use case is integrating with the WireGuard VPN. In this mode, the shared secret generated by Rosenpass is supplied to WireGuard as its pre-shared symmetric key (PSK). This results in a WireGuard VPN connection with hybrid post-quantum security.</p> <p>While Rosenpass is designed with WireGuard in mind, it can be used as a stand-alone tool to exchange keys. Using this mode, it can be employed to secure other protocols against attacks from quantum computers. The other protocol needs to provide security, assuming a secure PSK is used for this to work. To use this mode, the `rosenpass` binary must be used together with the `outfile <FILE>` parameter. Rosenpass will write a key to the given file every two minutes, and print a message on standard out to notify the user or the calling script that the key has changed.</p> <p>The implementation is written in Rust but uses libsodium and liboqs, both of which are C libraries. This does not result in pretty code everywhere, but enables some advanced security features. We use a couple of techniques to make sure the code is secure. We use variable colouring (gating use of a secret value through a `.secret()` method), and the code zeroises all key material.</p> <h4 id="repo">Repo</h4> <p>We maintain a public GitHub repository for Rosenpass and welcome all kinds of contributions:</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Check the <a href="/start">Getting Started</a> section for further information.</p> </div> </div> </section> <div><a id="td-block-12" class="td-offset-anchor"></a></div> <section class="row td-box td-box--dark lead-block position-relative td-box--height-auto "> <div class="col-12"> <div class="container text-center td-arrow-down"> <div class="h4 lead mb-0"> <h3 id="-im-a-cryptographer">… I’m a cryptographer!<a class="td-heading-self-link" href="#-im-a-cryptographer" aria-label="Heading self-link"></a></h3> </div> </div> </div> </section> <a id="td-block-13" class="td-offset-anchor"></a> <section class="row td-box td-box--light td-box--gradient td-box--height-auto "> <div class="col"> <div class="row "> <p>The Rosenpass protocol provides a post-quantum-secure authenticated key exchange, based on the work "Post-quantum WireGuard" (PQWG) by Hülsing, Ning, Schwabe, Weber, and Zimmermann<a href="#pqwg"><sup>1</sup></a>. Apart from some tweaks to the protocol internals, we provide security against what we call <em>state disruption attacks</em> as a major contribution.</p> <p>Both the classic WireGuard protocol (WG)<a href="#wg"><sup>2</sup></a> and PQWG rely on a timestamp to protect against replay of the first protocol message. By setting the system time to a future date, an attacker can trick the initiator into generating a kill-packet that can be used to inhibit future handshakes without special access. This renders the initiator's static key pair practically useless. Assuming an attacker's ability to modify the system time is realistic due to the use of the insecure NTP protocol on many systems, as described in <a href="">WireGuard CVE-2021-46873</a>.</p> <p>Instead of attempting to protect against replay attacks on the first protocol message, Rosenpass uses a stateless responder, so replay of the first message leads to no attack. To achieve this, we move the responder state into an encrypted cookie and have the responder include it with their message. The initiator returns this cookie in their reply, so the responder can restore it before processing the reply.</p> <p>In practice, Rosenpass is meant to be used together with WireGuard to achieve hybrid post-quantum security. In this scenario, WireGuard is still used as the main VPN protocol for transporting data while Rosenpass runs on the side and supplies the WireGuard implementation with keys to be used as the pre-shared key (PSK) during its handshake. Just like WireGuard, Rosenpass executes a new handshake every two minutes.</p> <p>A cryptographic proof of security is in the works. At this time, we provide a symbolic analysis of the protocol using ProVerif and a practical implementation of the protocol in the Rust programming language. The implementation uses cryptographic primitives from liboqs<a href="#liboqs"><sup>3</sup></a> and libsodium<a href="#libsodium"><sup>4</sup></a>.</p> <hr> <h4 id="references">References</h4> <ol> <li id="pqwg">Andreas Hülsing, Kai-Chun Ning, Peter Schwabe, Florian Weber, and Philip R. Zimmermann. Post-quantum WireGuard. <a href=""></a></li> <li id="wg">Jason A. Donenfeld. WireGuard: Next Generation Kernel Network Tunnel. NDSS 2017 <a href=""></a></li> <li id="liboqs">Douglas Stebila, Michele Mosca. Post-quantum key exchange for the Internet and the Open Quantum Safe project. In Roberto Avanzi, Howard Heys, editors, Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC) 2016, LNCS, vol. 10532, pp. 1–24. Springer, October 2017. <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></li> <li id="libsodium"><a href=""></a></li> </ol> </div> </div> </section> </div> </main> <footer class="py-5 row d-print-none footer"> <p class=" text-center mb-1"><a href="/press/">Press</a> | <a href="/impressum/" >Impressum</a> | <a href="/contributors/#contact">Contact</a></p> <p class=" text-center text-xs mb-1">Funded through <a href="">NLNet</a> with financial support from the European Commission's <a href="">NGI Assure</a> program <br/> and ProtoType Fund of the <a href="">Open Knowledge Foundation Germany</a>, financed by the <a href="">Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).</a></p></p> <p class=" text-center text-xs">Website and mail hosting sponsored by <a href="">Servercow</a>.</p> <div class="container-fluid mx-sm-5 text-center text-xs"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-6 col-sm-4 text-xs-center order-sm-2"> </div> <div class="col-6 col-sm-4 text-right text-xs-center order-sm-3"> </div> <div class="col-12 col-sm-4 text-center py-2 order-sm-2"> </div> </div> </div> </footer> </div> </body> </html>