TRANSFORMATIONS OF INTEGER SEQUENCES N. J. A. Sloane This is a plain text file giving a number of Maple procedures for performing transformations on sequences and numbers. This is a subpage of the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (see which makes extensive use of these transformations. The Maple Procedures Instructions for downloading these procedures: Download this file, strip off everything above "#### 1 ####"" (about 8 lines below), store the result in a file called transforms. It can then be read directly into Maple by saying (in Maple) read transforms; #### 1 #### # This is the official version of transforms # May 10 2020: Added MP, COMPl2, binary # May 09 2020: corrected POLY, WEIGH # May 26 2017: added new operations, fixed REVERT etc # Oct 12 2013: added digprod, digprod0, improved digsum # Jan 05 2013: Corrections and test code (at end of file) from Michael Somos # Nov 26 2011: Added FREQ # Jul 16 2011: Added LAGRANGE # Oct 22 2010: added two Van Eck transforms # Oct 16 2010: Richard Mathar sent AERATE, DIRICHLETi, LODUMO, digcat2, digcatL # added RUNS Nov 29 2009 # added stoint Jun 27 2009 # added ConvOffs and ConvOffsStoT from Richard Mathar, Feb 01 2008 # added INVERSE Oct 20 2005 # added INVERSE2 Feb 16 2017 # Jul 01 2004: I had to make many changes to get this to run # correctly under the new Maple (9.5). I really love how # Maple makes changes so that programs written in old # versions never run under the new version. # added LAH and LAHi, Oct 05 2003 # added RECORDS Sep 17 2002 # added SHADOW Aug 02 2002 # added CONTINUANTi Jul 18, 2002 # added transforms from Antti Karttunen, Jul 12 2002 # added HANKEL, lHANKEL, CONTINUANT, Jun 10, 2002 # added dirsort Jan 19 2002 # Dec 24 2001: signs corrected in REVERT and REVEGF transforms. # Modified Jun 17 2001 # Memo to myself: to create the file transforms.txt do # make transforms.txt # A collection of Maple procedures for transforming sequences # These mostly work on lists. Example: # a:=[1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21]; # # [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21] # # BINOMIAL(a); # # [1, 2, 5, 13, 34, 89, 233, 610] # In case of trouble they return the empty list [], not an error message. # Requires that you have already done: with(numtheory, mobius): # with(combinat, stirling1, stirling2 ), and loaded gfun: with(numtheory, mobius): with(combinat, stirling1, stirling2 ): # for maple6 i changed the following line on 4/11/00 from #with(share): with(gfun): # to with(gfun): # (actually the gfun package isn't used much, and # most of these transforms will work without it) # Reference : M. Bernstein and NJAS, Some Canonical Sequences of Integers, # Linear Algebra and its Applications 1995 volume 226-228 pages 57-72 # Available via my home page # # Summary: # AERATE aerate by insertion of zeros into a sequence # ALLDIFFS all differences a(j)-a(i), j>i # ANDCONV AND-convolution, SUM a(k).AND.a(n-k) # BINOMIAL from 1st diag of diff table to top row # BINOMIALi inverse: from sequence to leading diag of diff table # BIN1 a variant of BINOMIAL used by Zagier # BISECT(a,0), BISECT(a,1) bisect a sequence # BOUS boustrophedon transform # BOUS2 boustrophedon transform (official boust. transform) # BOUS2i inv. boust transform (official boust. transform) # CHAR characteristic function of sequence # COMP complement of sequence # COMPl complement of sequence (long version) # COMPl2 compute complement of a sequence (long version 2) # COMPOSE compose two sequences # COMPSQRT functional square root # CONTINUANT continuant transform, cf. Concrete Math. p. 301 # CONTINUANTi inverse continuant transform (not always integral) # CONV simple convolution, expand A(x)*B(x) # CONVi square root of convolution, not always integral # ConvOffs see code for description # ConvOffsStoT see code for description # DECIMATE(a,k,0), DECIMATE(a,k,1), ... decimate a sequence # DIFF first difference # DIGREV reverse digits (use digrev for single numbers) # DIGSUM sum of digits (use digsum for single numbers) # DIRICHLET Dirichlet convolution of two sequences # DIRICHLETi Dirichlet inverse of an arithmetic sequence # ECKb Backwards Van Eck transform # ECKf Forwards Van Eck transform # EULER Euler Xfm # EULERi inverse Euler Xfm # EXP egf of b = exp (egf of a) # EXPCONV exponential convolution, expand E1(x)*E2(x) # EXTRACT extract subsequence # FREQ b[n] = number of i <= n such that a[i]=a[n] # GCDCONV GCD-convolution, SUM a(k).gcd.a(n-k) # HANKEL Hankel transform # HEAP Given a, start with heap of 1, add largest entry in a <= heap to heap; b gives successive sizes of heaps # INVERSE inverse of permutation # INVERSE2 smallest inverse of n in a, or 0 if missing value # INVERT a's from b's in 1+SUM a_i x^i = 1/(1-SUM b_i x^i) # INVERTi inverse, b's from a's # LAGRANGE How many terms of a are needed to sum to n # LAH egf of b = egf of a at x/(1-x) # LAHi egf of b = egf of a at x/(1+x) # LCMCONV LCM-convolution, SUM a(k).lcm.a(n-k) # LEFT shift left # lHANKEL little Hankel transform # LISTTOLISTDIV divides nth term by n! # LISTTOLISTMULT multiplies nth term by n! # LODUMO Deleham's Lodumo_m transform # LOG egf of b = log (egf of a) # MASKCONV mask-convolution # MASKTRANS mask-convolution with all-1's sequence # MASKTRANSi inverse # MOBIUS Mobius (or Lambert) transform # MOBIUSi inverse Mobius (or sum of divisors) transform # MONO sort, discard duplicates # MONO2 sort, discard duplicates, but only if different from orig. # MP Maple Print (prints a sequence on one long line) # myhead first L (default 100) terms of a sequence # mytail last L (default 100) terms of a sequence # M2 multiply all except 1st term by 2 # M2i divide all except 1st term by 2 # NEGATE negate all except 1st term # ORCONV OR-convolution, SUM a(k).OR.a(n-k) # PARTITION partition Xfm (without repetition) # PARTITIONi inverse partition Xfm (without repetition) # POLY get polynomial for sequence from leading diagonal of difference table # POWERS extracts powers of x in f through degree n # PRODS sequence of partial products # PSUM partial sums # PSUMSIGN alternating sign partial sums # RECORDS extracts records from a list # REVERT reversion # REVEGF reversion of e.g.f. # RIGHT shift right, prepending a 1 # RUNS lengths of successive runs of identical terms # SEQPI produces the pi function for a monotonic sequence a[] # SERIESTOLISTDIV divides nth term by n! # SERIESTOLISTMULT multiplies nth term by n! # SERIESTOSERIESDIV divides nth term by n! # SERIESTOSERIESMULT multiplies nth term by n! # SERIES2 series expansion of function of 2 variables # SERIES2TOLIST converts output of SERIES2 to a list, order 00,10,01,20,11,02,... # SERIES2TOLISTMULT ditto, multiplying coefft of x^i*y^j by i!*j! # SERIES2HTOLIST converts output of SERIES2 to a list, order 00,10,11,20,21,22,... # SERIES2HTOLISTMULT ditto, multiplying coefft of x^i*y^j by i!*j! # SHADOW see Lorenz Halbeisen and Norbert Hungerbuehler reference in sequence database under A000522 # STIRLING Stirling Xfm (of 2nd kind) # STIRLINGi inverse Stirling Xfm (equivalently, Stirling transform of 1st kind) # STIRB Stirling-Bernoulli transform # SUPPORT positions where list is nonzero # TRISECT(a,0), .. TRISECT(a,2) trisect a sequence # UNBASE Does opposite of convert(n,base,b) # WEIGH b from a in 1+SUM b_n x^n=PROD(1+x^a_n) # XORCONV XOR-convolution, SUM a(k).XOR.a(n-k) # others: # ANDnos logical AND of two numbers using their binary expansions # binary binary representation of n, in human order # delta delta(f,n,k) = kth term of nth difference of f # deriv derivative of a numbers using its binary expansion # did did it divide? # dids did it divide (with sign)? # digcat2 concatenate two numbers # digcatL concatenate a list of numbers # digrev reverse digits # digprod product of digits # digprod0 product of nonzero digits # digsort sort digits into increasing order # digsortrev sort digits into decreasing order # digsum sum of digits # dim did it mask? # Etrans Euler Xfm (again) # eultrans2 2nd Euler trans from paper by Donaghey and Shapiro # but this is same as BINOMIALi # mex minimum excluded number # myconvert myconvert(n,b) = convert(n,base,b) in right order # nimsum nim sum # ORnos logical OR of two numbers using their binary expansions # pairtrans b(n)=a(n)+a(n-1) # pairtransi a(n)=b(n)-b(n-1)+b(n-2)-... # ptrans partition Xfm (with repetition) # stoint convert string to integer # traptrans inverse partition Xfm (with repetition) # weighout b from a in 1+SUM b_n x^n=PI (1+x^n)^a_n # weighouti a from b in 1+SUM b_n x^n=PI (1+x^n)^a_n # weighini a from b in 1+SUM b_n x^n=PI (1+x^a_n) # weigh2out b from a in 1+SUM b_n x^n=PI (x^-n+1+x^n)^a_n # weigh2outi a from b in 1+SUM b_n x^n=PI (x^-n+1+x^n)^a_n # weigh2in b from a in 1+SUM b_n x^n=PI (x^-a_n+1+x^a_n) # weigh2ini a from b in 1+SUM b_n x^n=PI (x^-a_n+1+x^a_n) # wt Compute weight or number of 1's in binary expansion of n: # XORnos logical XOR of two numbers using their binary expansions delta:=proc(f,n,k) local i; add((-1)^(n-i)*binomial(n,i)*f(k+i),i=0..n); end: did:=proc(m,n) if irem(m,n) = 0 then 1 else 0: fi: end: dids:=proc(m,n) if irem(m,n) = 0 then (-1)^(m/n) else 0: fi: end: # Does it Mask (j over i)? dim := proc(j,i) if ANDnos(j,i) = i then 1; else 0; fi; end: mob:=proc(m,n) if irem(m,n) = 0 then mobius(m/n) else 0: fi: end: # Reference: Marc LeBrun's ( message # "half-baked generalized convolution sequence transforms" # posted 09 Jun 2001 on SeqFan mailing list ( # URL: # Also MASKCONV :=proc(a,b) local c,i,j,n; if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi; if whattype(b) <> list then RETURN([]); fi; n := min(nops(a),nops(b)); c := []; for j from 0 to n-1 do c := [ op(c), add( dim(j,i)*a[i+1]*b[(j-i)+1], i=0..j)]; od; RETURN(c); end: # MASKTRANS(a) is equivalent to MASKCONV(a,A000012), where A000012 is # the all-1's sequence. MASKTRANS :=proc(a) local c,i,j,n; if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi; n := nops(a); c := []; for j from 0 to n-1 do c := [ op(c), add( dim(j,i)*a[i+1], i=0..j)]; od; RETURN(c); end: MASKTRANSi := a -> MASKCONV(a,[seq((-1)^(wt(j) mod 2),j=0..nops(a)-1)]): # HEAP transform. Assumes a is monotonic and begins with 0 or 1 HEAP:=proc(a) local pttemp,pt,la,lb,MAXLEN,heap,b,i,k: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if a[1] < 0 or a[1] > 1 then RETURN([]); fi: la:=nops(a); lb:=1; heap:=1; b:=[heap]: pt:=1; MAXLEN:=min(50,la);; for k from 1 to MAXLEN do # Can we raise pt? pttemp:=pt; for i from pt+1 to la do if a[i] <= heap then pttemp:=i; else break; fi; od; pt:=pttemp; # Extend b? if lb < MAXLEN then heap:=heap+a[pt]; b:=[op(b),heap]; lb:=lb+1; else RETURN(b); fi; od; RETURN(b); end: # SUPPORT positions where list is nonzero, starting count at 1 SUPPORT:=proc(a) local b,i; if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]; for i from 1 to nops(a) do if a[i] <> 0 then b:=[op(b),i]; fi; od: RETURN(b); end: # MONO: sort abs values, discard duplicates MONO:=proc(a): if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: sort(convert(convert(map(abs,a),set),list)); end: # MONO2: sort abs values, discard dupes, return null unless seq. is changed MONO2:=proc(a) local b,bu: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=sort(convert(convert(map(abs,a),set),list)); if a = b then RETURN([]); else RETURN(b); fi; end: # COMP: compute complement of a sequence # i.e. vector [a[0]...a[i]...a[maxn]] which are numbers not in sequence # stopping at N if N < maxn is max |term| in sequence COMP:=proc(a) local maxn,notmember,b,c,n1,n,m: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: maxn:=80: # get monotonic and unique version b b:=MONO(a); n1:=nops(b); if n1 = 0 then RETURN([]); fi: n:=b[n1]; m:=min(maxn,n); notmember:=subs(_WZ=b,proc(x) not member(x,_WZ) end); c:=select(notmember,[$1..m]); # don't return anything if complement is too long or too short #if nops(c) < 10 or nops(c) >50 then RETURN([]); else RETURN(c); fi; end: # COMPl: compute complement of a sequence (long version) # i.e. vector [a[0]...a[i]...a[maxn]] which are numbers not in sequence # USE WITH CARE!!! COMPl:=proc(a) local notmember,b,n1,m: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: # get monotonic and unique version b b:=MONO(a); n1:=nops(b); if n1 = 0 then RETURN([]); fi: m:=min(b[n1],1000); notmember:=subs(_WZ=b,proc(x) not member(x,_WZ) end); select(notmember,[$1..m]); end: # CHAR: compute characteristic function of a sequence # i.e. vector [a[0]...a[i]...a[100]] which is 1 if |i| in sequence, 0 if not # stopping at N if N < 100 is max |term| in sequence CHAR:=proc(a) local maxn,ap,b,i,k,n,m: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: maxn:=100: for n from 0 to maxn do b[n]:=0; od; m:=0: for n from 1 to nops(a) do ap:=abs(a[n]): if ap <= maxn then b[ap]:=1; fi; if ap > m then m:=ap; fi; od; [seq(b[n],n=0.. min(maxn,m) )]; end: # return subsequence of sequence S starting at /start/ with period /period/ EXTRACT:=proc(S,period,start) local i,a,b; if whattype(S) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: a := nops(S)-start; b:=floor(a/period); [seq(S[period*i+start], i=0..b) ]; end: # b[n] = number of i <= n such that a[i]=a[n]. # Cf. A200779, A200780 FREQ:=proc(a) local b,i,c,n,t1: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]; for n from 1 to nops(a) do c:=0; t1:=a[n]; for i from 1 to n do if a[i]=t1 then c:=c+1; fi; od: b:=[op(b),c]; od; RETURN(b); end: # return subsequence of terms == j mod k DECIMATE:=proc(a,k,j) local b,i,l: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: l:=trunc( (nops(a)+k-1-j)/k ): if l < 1 then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: for i to l do b:=[op(b), a[k*(i-1)+j+1] ]: od: RETURN(b); end: BISECT:=proc(a,j) local b,i,l: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if j < 0 or j > 1 then RETURN([]); fi: l:=trunc( (nops(a)+1-j)/2 ): if l < 1 then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: for i to l do b:=[op(b), a[2*(i-1)+j+1] ]: od: RETURN(b); end: TRISECT:=proc(a,j) local b,i,l: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if j < 0 or j > 2 then RETURN([]); fi: l:=trunc( (nops(a)+2-j)/3 ): if l < 1 then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: for i to l do b:=[op(b), a[3*(i-1)+j+1] ]: od: RETURN(b); end: # Calculate first differences of a sequence DIFF:=proc(a) local b,i: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if nops(a) <= 1 then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: for i from 2 to nops(a) do b:=[op(b), a[i]-a[i-1] ]: od: RETURN(b); end: # Calculate all differences of a sequence. # Warning: unless the original sequence increases rapidly, # there could be small differences later in the sequence # that are missed! ALLDIFFS:=proc(a) local b,i,j: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if nops(a) <= 1 then RETURN([]); fi: b:={}: for i from 1 to nops(a)-1 do for j from i+1 to nops(a) do b:={op(b), a[j]-a[i] }: od: od: RETURN(sort(convert(b,list))); end: # PRODS Form sequence of partial products b[n] = a[1]*..*a[n] PRODS:=proc(a) local n,b,i,t1; if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a); b:=[]; if n > 0 then t1:=1; for i from 1 to n do t1:=t1*a[i]; b:=[ op(b), t1 ]; od; fi; RETURN(b); end: PSUM:=proc(a) local b,i,s: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if nops(a) <= 0 then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: s:=0: for i from 1 to nops(a) do s:=s+a[i]: b:=[op(b), s ]: od: RETURN(b); end: PSUMSIGN:=proc(a) local b,i,s: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if nops(a) <= 0 then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: s:=0: for i from 1 to nops(a) do s:=a[i]-s: b:=[op(b), s ]: od: RETURN(b); end: BINOMIAL:=proc(a) local b,i,k: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: for i to nops(a) do b:=[op(b), add( binomial(i-1,k)*a[k+1], k=0..i-1)]: od: RETURN(b); end: BINOMIALi:=proc(a) local b,i,k: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: for i to nops(a) do b:=[op(b), add( (-1)^(i-1-k)*binomial(i-1,k)*a[k+1], k=0..i-1)]: od: RETURN(b); end: # BIN1 was introduced by Don Zagier (see M. Kaneko, # "A recurrence formula for the Bernoulli numbers", # Proc. Japan Acad., 71 A (1995), 192-193). It is an involution # on the class of sequences a = [a_0, a_1, a_2, ...], # sending a to b where b_n = (-1)^n Sum_{i=0..n} binomial(n+1,i+1) a_i. BIN1:=proc(a) local b,i,j,k: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: for i to nops(a) do j:=i-1; b:=[op(b), (-1)^j*add( binomial(j+1,k+1)*a[k+1] , k=0..j)]: od: RETURN(b); end: # EULER takes [a_1,a_2,a_3,...] and produces [b_1,b_2,b_3,...] with # 1 + Sum_{n=1..inf} b_n x^n = 1 / Product_{n=1..inf} (1-x^n)^a_n. EULER:=proc(a) local b,c,i,d: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: c:=[]: for i to nops(a) do c:=[op(c), add( d*did(i,d)*a[d] , d=1..i)]: od: b:=[]: for i to nops(a) do b:=[op(b),(1/i)*(c[i]+ add( c[d]*b[i-d], d=1..i-1))]: od: RETURN(b); end: EULERi:=proc(b) local a,c,i,d: if whattype(b) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: c:=[]: for i to nops(b) do c:=[op(c),i*b[i]-add(c[d]*b[i-d], d=1..i-1)]: od: a:=[]: for i to nops(b) do a:=[op(a),(1/i)*add(mob(i,d)*c[d] , d=1..i)]: od: RETURN(a); end: MOBIUS:=proc(a) local b,i,d: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: for i to nops(a) do b:=[op(b), add( mob(i,d)*a[d], d=1..i)]: od: RETURN(b); end: MOBIUSi:=proc(a) local b,i,d: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: for i to nops(a) do b:=[op(b), add( did(i,d)*a[d] , d=1..i)]: od: RETURN(b); end: # POLY get polynomial for sequence from leading diagonal of difference table # Corrected by njas May 09 2020 POLY:=proc(a) local t1,b,i,k: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: sort(expand(add(binomial(_n,k)*a[k+1], k=0..nops(a)-1))); end: # POWERS extracts powers of x in f thru degree n POWERS:=proc(f,x,n) local i,g,lis; lis:=[]: g:=collect(expand(f),x); for i from 0 to n do if coeff(g,x,i) <> 0 then lis:=[op(lis),i]; fi; od; RETURN(lis); end: STIRLING:=proc(a) local b,i,k,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a): b:=[]: for i from 1 to n do b:=[op(b), add( combinat[stirling2](i,k)*a[k], k=1..i)]: od: RETURN(b); end: STIRLINGi:=proc(a) local b,i,k,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a): b:=[]: for i from 1 to n do b:=[op(b), add( combinat[stirling1](i,k)*a[k], k=1..i)]: od: RETURN(b); end: # The "Stirling-Bernoulli transform" maps a sequence b_0, b_1, b_2, ... # to a sequence c_0, c_1, c_2, ..., where if B has o.g.f. B(x), c has # e.g.f. exp(x)*B(1-exp(x)). More explicitly, # c_n = Sum_{m=0..n} (-1)^m*m!*Stirling2(n+1,m+1)*b_m. # Thanks to Masanobu Kaneko for telling me about this. STIRB:=proc(a) local b,j,k,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a): b:=[]: for j from 0 to n-1 do b:=[op(b), add( (-1)^k*k!*combinat[stirling2](j+1,k+1)*a[k+1], k=0..j)]: od: RETURN(b); end: # Cameron's A and inverse: 1+SUM a_n x^n = 1/(1 - SUM b_n x^n); n=1..inf # i.e. 1 + A(x) = 1/(1 - B(x) ) # a's from b's: INVERT:=proc(a) local t1,t2,x,b,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a)+1: b:=listtoseries(a,x,'ogf'): t1:=series(1/(1-x*b),x,n): t2:=subsop(1=NULL, seriestolist(t1,'ogf')): if type(t2,list(integer)) then RETURN(t2) else RETURN([]): fi: end: # inverse, b's from a's: INVERTi:=proc(a) local t1,x,b,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a)+1: b:=listtoseries(a,x,'ogf'): t1:=series(-1/(1+x*b),x,n): RETURN(subsop(1=NULL, seriestolist(t1,'ogf'))): end: # REVERT Reversion of a sequence. # Corrected (so that it works with the latest version of Maple), May 26 2017 # To test this, set a:=[1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17]; then REVERT(a) should produce # [1, -3, 13, -67, 381, -2307, 14589, -95235, 636925] REVERT:=proc(a) local ashift,t1,t2,x,b,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if a[1] <> 1 then RETURN([]); fi: ashift:=[0,op(a)]; b:=listtoseries(ashift,x,'ogf'): t1:=seriestoseries(b,'revogf'); t2:=subsop(1=NULL, seriestolist(t1,'ogf')): if type(t2,list(integer)) then RETURN(t2) else RETURN([]): fi: end: # REVEGF Exponential reversion of a sequence. # Corrected (so that it works with the latest version of Maple), May 26 2017 # To test this, set a:=[1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17]; then REVEGF(a) should produce # [1, -3, 22, -262, 4336, -91984, 2381408, ...] REVEGF:=proc(a) local ashift,t0,t3,i,t1,t2,x,b,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if a[1] <> 1 then RETURN([]); fi: ashift:=[0,op(a)]; b:=listtoseries(ashift,x,'egf'): t0:=seriestoseries(b,'revogf'): t1:=seriestolist(t0,'ogf'); t3:=[seq(t1[i]*(i-1)!,i=1..nops(t1))]; t2:=subsop(1=NULL,t3); if type(t2,list(integer)) then RETURN(t2) else RETURN([]): fi: end: COMPOSE:=proc(a,b) local t1,n,f,g,T,U,x,i,j; if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if whattype(b) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=min( nops(a), nops(b) ): f:=unapply(convert( [seq( op(i,a)*T^i, i=1..n )], `+`), T); g:=unapply(convert( [seq( op(j,b)*U^j, j=1..n )], `+`), U); t1:=seriestolist(series( f(g(x)) ,x,n+1)); RETURN(subsop(1=NULL,t1)); end: COMPSQRT:=proc(b,M) # Compositional square root of b(x) = Sum b[i]*x^i, i=1..M # Finds a(x) = Sum b[i]*x^i, i=1..M, such that a(a(x)) = b(x). # Example: COMPSQRT(sin(x),10); should produce # x-1/12*x^3-1/160*x^5-53/40320*x^7-23/71680*x^9+... local i,j,a1,t1,t2,t3,a,e,s,A,B; # set up the equations B:=series(b,x,M+1); a1:=abs(sqrt(coeff(B,x,1))); A:=a1*x + add(a[i]*x^i, i=2..M); t1:=unapply(A,x); t2:=t1(t1(x)); t3:=series(t2-B,x,M+1); for i from 2 to M do e[i]:=coeff(t3,x,i); od: # solve them for i from 2 to M do s[i]:=solve(e[i],a[i]); for j from 2 to M do e[j]:=eval(subs(a[i]=s[i],e[j])); od: od: # compute answer series(a1*x + add(s[i]*x^i, i=2..M), x, M+1); end: CONV:=proc(a,b) local c,i,k,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if whattype(b) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=min( nops(a), nops(b) ): c:=[]: for i from 0 to n-1 do c:=[ op(c), add( a[k+1]*b[i-k+1] , k=0..i)]: od; RETURN(c); end: CONVi:=proc(b) local n,B,a,A,i,t1,t2,t3: if whattype(b) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if b[1]=0 then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(b): B:=listtoseries(b,x,'ogf'): a:=[]: for i from 0 to n-1 do a:=[op(a),a||i]: od: A:=listtoseries(a,x,'ogf'): t1:=series(A^2-B,x,n): for i from 0 to n-1 do t2:= solve( coeff( t1,x,i ), a||i ): if whattype(t2) = exprseq then t3:=t2[1]: else t3:=t2: fi: t1:=subs(a||i=t3, t1): A:=subs(a||i=t3, A): od: RETURN(seriestolist(A,'ogf')): end: LCMCONV:=proc(a) local b,i,k,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a): b:=[]: for i from 0 to n-1 do b:=[op(b), add( lcm( a[k+1], a[i-k+1] ), k=0..i)]: od: RETURN(b); end: GCDCONV:=proc(a) local b,i,k,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a): b:=[]: for i from 0 to n-1 do b:=[op(b), add( gcd( a[k+1], a[i-k+1] ), k=0..i)]: od: RETURN(b); end: ANDCONV:=proc(a) local b,i,k,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a): b:=[]: for i from 0 to n-1 do b:=[op(b), add( ANDnos( a[k+1], a[i-k+1] ), k=0..i)]: od: RETURN(b); end: ORCONV:=proc(a) local b,i,k,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a): b:=[]: for i from 0 to n-1 do b:=[op(b), add( ORnos( a[k+1], a[i-k+1] ), k=0..i)]: od: RETURN(b); end: XORCONV:=proc(a) local b,i,k,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a): b:=[]: for i from 0 to n-1 do b:=[op(b), add( XORnos( a[k+1], a[i-k+1] ), k=0..i)]: od: RETURN(b); end: # form AND, OR, or XOR of two integers using their binary expansions ANDnos:=proc(n,m) local ans,n1,m1,k1,k2,q1,q2,sc; if n < 0 or m < 0 then ERROR(`negative argument`): fi: ans:=0: n1:=n: m1:=m: sc:=1: while n1 <> 0 or m1 <>0 do k1:=irem(n1,2,'q1'): k2:=irem(m1,2,'q2'): ans:=ans+sc*k1*k2; sc:=2*sc; n1:=q1: m1:=q2: od; RETURN(ans); end: ORnos:=proc(n,m) local k,ans,n1,m1,k1,k2,q1,q2,sc; if n < 0 or m < 0 then ERROR(`negative argument`): fi: ans:=0: n1:=n: m1:=m: sc:=1: while n1 <> 0 or m1 <>0 do k1:=irem(n1,2,'q1'): k2:=irem(m1,2,'q2'): if k1 = 1 or k2 = 1 then k:= 1; else k:= 0; fi; ans:=ans+sc*k; sc:=2*sc; n1:=q1: m1:=q2: od; RETURN(ans); end: XORnos:=proc(n,m) local k,ans,n1,m1,k1,k2,q1,q2,sc; if n < 0 or m < 0 then ERROR(`negative argument`): fi: ans:=0: n1:=n: m1:=m: sc:=1: while n1 <> 0 or m1 <>0 do k1:=irem(n1,2,'q1'): k2:=irem(m1,2,'q2'): if k1+k2 = 1 then k:= 1; else k:= 0; fi; ans:=ans+sc*k; sc:=2*sc; n1:=q1: m1:=q2: od; RETURN(ans); end: # Derivative of binary string of length n defined # by the binary expansion of u # Example: u=5 regarded as a binary string of length 4 is # 0101 with derivative (or difference) 111, so deriv(5,4) # returns 7. deriv:=proc(u,n) local t0,t1,t2; t0:=2^n+u; t1:=floor(t0/2); t2:=XORnos(t0,t1); ANDnos(t2,2^(n-1)-1); end: # LISTTOLISTDIV converts list to list by dividing nth term by n! LISTTOLISTDIV:=proc(a) local n,b,i; if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a); b:=[]; for i from 1 to n do b:=[ op(b), a[i]/(i-1)! ]; od; end: # LISTTOLISTMULT converts list to list by multiplying nth term by n! LISTTOLISTMULT:=proc(a) local n,b,i; if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a); b:=[]; for i from 1 to n do b:=[ op(b), a[i]*(i-1)! ]; od; end: # SERIESTOLISTDIV converts series to list by dividing nth term by n! SERIESTOLISTDIV:=proc(a) local t1,n,b,i; if whattype(a) <> series then RETURN([]); fi: t1:=seriestolist(a); n:=nops(t1); b:=[]; for i from 1 to n do b:=[ op(b), t1[i]/(i-1)! ]; od; end: # SERIESTOLISTMULT converts series to list by multiplying nth term by n! SERIESTOLISTMULT:=proc(a) local t1,n,b,i; if whattype(a) <> series then RETURN([]); fi: t1:=seriestolist(a); n:=nops(t1); b:=[]; for i from 1 to n do b:=[ op(b), t1[i]*(i-1)! ]; od; end: # SERIESTOSERIESDIV converts series to series by dividing nth term by n! SERIESTOSERIESDIV:=proc(a) local x,t1,n,b,i; if whattype(a) <> series then RETURN(0); fi: x:=op(0,a); t1:=seriestolist(a); n:=nops(t1); b:=0; for i from 1 to n do b:=b+t1[i]*x^(i-1)/(i-1)!; od; series(b,x,n+1); end: # SERIESTOSERIESMULT converts series to series by multiplying nth term by n! SERIESTOSERIESMULT:=proc(a) local x,t1,n,b,i; if whattype(a) <> series then RETURN(0); fi: x:=op(0,a); t1:=seriestolist(a); n:=nops(t1); b:=0; for i from 1 to n do b:=b+t1[i]*x^(i-1)*(i-1)!; od; series(b,x,n+1); end: # Procedure PARTITION takes a list l, # and determines the number P(i) of ways of # partitioning an integer i between 1 and max(list) into numbers from the list # (NOT counting repetitions). The output is the list [P(1), P(2),...]. # l should start with 1, otherwise the 0's in the output will be skipped. # A second argument can be used to cut down the length of the output, which can # otherwise quickly grow unmanageable under iterations: the argument is a # number >=0, which specifies how much longer the output list should be than # the input list. PARTITION := proc() local f, g, i,translist,n,lp,l: l:=args[1]: if whattype(l) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: l:=convert(l,set); lp:=convert(l,list); if nargs=1 then n:=max(op(lp)) else n:=args[2] fi: f := 1: for i to nops(lp) while lp[i]<=n do f:=f/(1-t^op(i,lp)) od: g:=taylor(f, t=0, n+1): translist := []: for i from 2 to nops(g)/2-1 do translist:=[op(translist),op(2*i-1,g)]: od: translist; end: PARTITIONi:=proc(l) local t,i,j,l1: if whattype(l) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: t:=EULERi(l); l1:=[]: for i to nops(t) do for j from 1 to t[i] do l1:=[op(l1),i] od: od: l1; end: # WEIGH transform: b from a in 1+SUM b_n x^n = PROD(1+x^a_n) # Usage: WEIGH([1,2,4,8]); will produce [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] WEIGH := proc() local a,x,f,n,g,i: a:=args[1]: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if nargs=1 then n:=max(op(a)) else n:=args[2] fi: f := 1: for i to nops(a) do f:=f*(1+x^a[i]) od: g:=taylor(f, x=0, n+1): RETURN( subsop( 1=NULL, seriestolist(g,'ogf'))): # RETURN( seriestolist(g)): end: # EXP converts [a_1, a_2, ...] to [b_1, b_2,...] where # 1 + EGF_B (x) = exp EGF_A (x) (Ref. Eigen Seq paper page 61) EXP:=proc(a) local i,t0,t1,t2,x,b,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[0,op(a)]; n:=nops(b)+1: t0:=series(exp(listtoseries(b,x,'egf')),x,n): t1:=seriestolist(t0,'ogf'); t2:=[seq(t1[i]*(i-1)!,i=1..nops(t1))]; RETURN(subsop(1=NULL,t2)); end: EXPCONV:=proc(a,b) local i,t0,t1,x,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if whattype(b) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=min(nops(a),nops(b)): t0:=series(listtoseries(a,x,'egf')*listtoseries(b,x,'egf'),x,n); t1:=seriestolist(t0,'ogf'); [seq(t1[i]*(i-1)!,i=1..nops(t1))]; end: # LOG converts [a_1, a_2, ...] to [b_1, b_2,...] where # 1 + EGF_A (x) = exp EGF_B (x) (Ref. Eigen Seq paper page 61) # i.e. EGF_A (x) = log( 1 + EGF_B (x) ). LOG:=proc(a) local t2,t0,i,t1,x,b,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[1,op(a)]; n:=nops(b)+1: t0:=series(log(listtoseries(b,x,'egf')),x,n): t1:=seriestolist(t0,'ogf'); t2:=[seq(t1[i]*(i-1)!,i=1..nops(t1))]; RETURN(subsop(1=NULL,t2)); end: # shift left LEFT:=proc(a) RETURN(subsop(1=NULL, a)): end: # shift right RIGHT:=proc(a) RETURN([1,op(a)]): end: # Calculate sequence of lengths of runs of identical terms RUNS:=proc(a) local b,i,prev,ct: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if nops(a) = 1 then RETURN([1]); fi; b:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(a) do if i=1 then prev:=a[1]; ct:=1; else if a[i] = prev then ct:=ct+1; else b := [op(b), ct]; ct:=1; prev:=a[i]; fi; fi; if i = nops(a) then b:=[op(b),ct]; fi; od; RETURN(b); end: M2:=proc(a) local i,b,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a): b:=[a[1]]: if n=1 then RETURN(b); fi: for i from 2 to n do b:=[op(b), 2*a[i] ]; od: RETURN(b); end: M2i:=proc(a) local i,b,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a): b:=[a[1]]: if n=1 then RETURN(b); fi: for i from 2 to n do b:=[op(b), a[i]/2 ]; od: RETURN(b); end: NEGATE:=proc(a) local i,b,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a): b:=[a[1]]: if n=1 then RETURN(b); fi: for i from 2 to n do b:=[op(b), -a[i] ]; od: RETURN(b); end: # other transforms: # weigh2out: b's from a's in # 1+SIGMA b_n x^n = nonnegative part of PI (x^-n + 1 + x^n)^a_n # a_n ---> b_n weigh2out := proc(a) local t0,n,x,f,i: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a)+1: f:= 1: for i to nops(a) do f:=f*(x^(-i)+1+x^i)^a[i]: od: t0:=seriestoseries( series( expand(f),x,n ),'ogf'): RETURN( seriestolist(t0,'ogf')): end: # eultrans2 eultrans2:=proc(a) local t0,x,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a)+1: t0:=series( (1/(1+x))*subs( x=x/(1+x), listtoseries(a,x,'ogf') ) , x, n): RETURN( seriestolist(t0,'ogf')): end: # weighout: b's from a's in # 1+SIGMA b_n x^n = PI (1+x^n)^a_n # (was Etrans2): a_n ---> b_n weighout := proc(l) local x,f, g, i : if whattype(l) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: f := 1: for i to nops(l) do f:=f*(1+x^i)^l[i] od: g:=taylor(f, x=0, nops(l)+1): RETURN( subsop( 1=NULL, seriestolist(g,'ogf'))): end: # weighouti: a's from b's in # 1+SIGMA b_n x^n = PI (1+x^n)^a_n # b_n ---> n_n weighouti := proc(b) local c,i,d,a: if whattype(b) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: c:=[]: for i to nops(b) do c:=[op(c),i*b[i]-add(c[d]*b[i-d], d=1..i-1)]: od: a:=[c[1]]; for i from 2 to nops(b) do a:=[op(a), c[i]/i- (1/i)*add(-dids(i,d)*a[d]*d , d=1..i-1)]: od: RETURN(a): end: # EULER (again) # Procedure Etrans takes a list l and determines the Euler transform # of the list. The output list starts with the *1st* coefficient in # the Taylor series. Etrans := proc(l) local f, g, i, j, translist: if whattype(l) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: f := 1: for i to nops(l) do f:=f/((1-t^i)^op(i,l)) od: g:=taylor(f, t=0, nops(l)+1): translist := []: for i from 2 to nops(g)/2-1 do for j from op(2*i-2,g)+1 to op(2*i,g)-1 do translist:=[op(translist),0]: od: translist:=[op(translist),op(2*i-1,g)]: od: translist; end: # Procedure ptrans takes a list l, # and determines the number P(i) of ways of partitioning an integer i between 1 # and max(list) into numbers from the list (WITH REPETITIONS). The output is # the list [P(1), P(2),...,P(m)]. l should start with 1, otherwise the 0's # in the output will be skipped. # A second argument can be used to cut down the length of the output, which can # otherwise quickly grow unmanageable under iterations: the argument is a # number >=0, which specifies how much longer the output list should be than # the input list. ptrans := proc() local f, g, i,translist,n,l: l:=args[1]: if whattype(l) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if nargs=1 then n:=max(op(l)) else n:=args[2]+nops(l) fi: f := 1: for i to nops(l) do f:=f/(1-t^op(i,l)) od: g:=taylor(f, t=0, n+1): translist := []: for i from 2 to nops(g)/2-1 do translist:=[op(translist),op(2*i-1,g)]: od: translist; end: # pairtrans pairtrans:=proc(a) local i,b,n; if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a): b:=[a[1]]: if n=1 then RETURN(b); fi: for i from 2 to n do b:=[op(b), a[i]+a[i-1] ]; od: RETURN(b); end: # I clarified these definitions: # The BOUS transform takes [a1,a2,a3,...] to [b0=1,b1,b2,...], # where the triangle is # b0=1 # a1 ---> b1 # b2 * <--- a2 # a3 ---> * * b3 # etc. # # The BOUS2 transform takes [a0,a1,a2,a3,...] to [b0,b1,b2,...], # where the triangle is # a0=b0 # a1 ---> b1 # b2 * <--- a2 # a3 ---> * * b3 # etc. BOUS:=proc(a) local c,i,j,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:= min( nops(a), 60); c[0,0]:=1; for i to n do c[i,0]:=a[i]; od; for i to n do for j to i do c[i,j] := c[i,j-1] + c[i-1,i-j]; od; od; RETURN([seq(c[i,i],i=0..n)]); end: BOUS2:=proc(a) local c,i,j,n: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:= min( nops(a), 60); for i from 0 to n-1 do c[i,0]:=a[i+1]; od; for i to n-1 do for j to i do c[i,j] := c[i,j-1] + c[i-1,i-j]; od; od; RETURN([seq(c[i,i],i=0..n-1)]); end: BOUS2i:=proc(b) local c,i,j,n: if whattype(b) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:= min( nops(b), 60); for i from 0 to n-1 do c[i,0]:=b[i+1]; od; for i to n-1 do for j to i do c[i,j] := c[i,j-1] - c[i-1,i-j]; od; od; RETURN([seq(c[i,i],i=0..n-1)]); end: CONTINUANT:=proc(a) option remember; local i,n,t0; # The n-th term of the transformed sequence is K_n(a_1, a_2, ..., a_n) # - cf. Graham, Knuth and Patashnik, Concrete Math., 2nd. ed., p. 302. # See A072347 for definition of continuant. if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a); if n = 0 then RETURN([]); fi; if n = 1 then RETURN(a); fi; t0:=[1,a[1]]; for i from 2 to n do t0:=[op(t0), a[i]*t0[i]+t0[i-1] ]; od; expand(subsop(1=NULL,t0)); end: CONTINUANTi:=proc(a) option remember; local i,n,t0,t1; # Inverse CONTINUANT transform # Warning: does not in general produce integers if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a); if n = 0 then RETURN([]); fi; if n = 1 then RETURN(a); fi; t0:=[a[1]]; t1:=[1,op(a)]; for i from 2 to n do t0:=[op(t0), (t1[i+1]-t1[i-1])/t1[i] ]; od; expand(t0); end: digsum := proc(n) add(d, d=convert(n, base, 10)) ; end proc: # A007953 digprod := proc(n) mul(d, d=convert(n, base, 10)) ; end proc: # A007954 digprod0 := proc(n) local d, j: d:=convert(n, base, 10): return mul(`if`(d[j]=0, 1, d[j]), j=1..nops(d)): end: # A051801 digrev:=proc(n) local b,i,j,n1,m; m:=0; b:=[]; n1:=abs(n); while n1<>0 do i:= n1 mod 10; b:=[op(b), i]; n1:=(n1-i)/10; od; for j from 1 to nops(b) do m:=10*m+b[j]; od; RETURN(m); end: digsort:=proc(n) local b,i,j,n1,m; m:=0; b:=[]; n1:=abs(n); while n1<>0 do i:= n1 mod 10; b:=[op(b), i]; n1:=(n1-i)/10; od; b:=sort(b); for j from 1 to nops(b) do m:=10*m+b[j]; od; RETURN(m); end: digsortrev:=proc(n) local b,i,j,n1,m; m:=0; b:=[]; n1:=abs(n); while n1<>0 do i:= n1 mod 10; b:=[op(b), i]; n1:=(n1-i)/10; od; b:=sort(b); b:=ListTools[Reverse](b); for j from 1 to nops(b) do m:=10*m+b[j]; od; RETURN(m); end: DIGSUM:=proc(a) local b,i: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: for i to nops(a) do b:=[op(b), digsum(a[i])]: od: RETURN(b); end: DIRICHLET:=proc(a,b) local c,i,d,s: # Dirichlet convoltion of [a_1, ...] and [b_1, ...] # Ref. Apostol, Intro. to Analytic Number Theory, Section 11.4, page 228. if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: if whattype(b) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: c:=[]: for i to min(nops(a),nops(b)) do s:=0; for d from 1 to i do if did(i,d) = 1 then s:=s+a[d]*b[i/d]; fi; od: c:=[op(c),s]: od: RETURN(c); end: DIGREV:=proc(a) local b,i: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: for i to nops(a) do b:=[op(b), digrev(a[i])]: od: RETURN(b); end: # mex = minimal excluded member of a set mex := proc(s) local n; for n from 0 while member(n,s) do od; n end: # nimsum of two numbers # write as sums of powers of 2, add them cancelling equal pairs nimsum:=proc(n1,n2) local v1,v2,l1,l2,i,ans,t1,t2; ans:=0; v1:=convert(n1,base,2); v2:=convert(n2,base,2); l1:=nops(v1); l2:=nops(v2); if l1 > l2 then t1:=v1; v1:=v2; v2:=t1; t2:=l1; l1:=l2; l2:=t2; fi; # now l1 is the shorter if l1 > 0 then for i from 1 to l1 do if v1[i] <> v2[i] then ans:=ans+2^(i-1); fi; od; fi; if l2 > l1 then for i from l1+1 to l2 do if v2[i] <> 0 then ans:=ans+2^(i-1); fi; od; fi; ans; end: # Compute weight or number of 1's in binary expansion of n: wt:=proc(n) local w,m,i; w:=0; m:=n; while m > 0 do i := m mod 2; w:=w+i; m:=(m-i)/2; od; w; end: # little Hankel lHANKEL:=proc(a) local b,i,k: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: for i from 2 to nops(a)-1 do b:=[op(b), a[i]^2 - a[i+1]*a[i-1] ]; od: RETURN(b); end: # Hankel HANKEL:=proc(a) local h,M,b,i,j,n,m0: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: m0:=floor((nops(a))/2); b:=[]: h:=(i,j)->a[i+j-1]; for n from 1 to m0 do M:=linalg[matrix](n,n,h); b:=[op(b),linalg[det](M)]; od: RETURN(b); end: # Shadow - see Lorenz Halbeisen and Norbert Hungerbuehler reference in sequence database under A000522 # Given a sequence a(0), a(1), ... the shadow is the sequence s(0), s(1), ... # where s(n) = number of i with 0 <= i < n such that n divides a(i). SHADOW:=proc(a) local n,b,t,j,t1: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: n:=nops(a); if n = 0 then RETURN([]); fi: if n = 1 then RETURN([0]); fi: b:=[0]: for t from 1 to n-1 do t1:=0; for j from 0 to t-1 do if a[j+1] mod t = 0 then t1:=t1+1; fi; od: b:=[op(b), t1]: od: RETURN(b); end: # SERIES2(f,x,y,n) returns the sum of all monomials x^i*y^j # in f with i < n and j < n. SERIES2:=proc(f,x,y,n) local i,j,t0,t1,t2,t3,t4; t0:=0; t1:=series(f,x,n); for i from 0 to n-1 do t2:=coeff(t1,x,i); t3:=series(t2,y,n); for j from 0 to n-1 do t4:=coeff(t3,y,j); if i+j < n then t0:=t0+t4*x^i*y^j; fi: od; od; sort(t0,[x,y], tdeg); end: # SERIES2TOLIST(f,x,y,n) takes output of SERIES2(f,x,y,n) # and produces a list obtained by reading the monomials in f # in the order 00, 10, 01, 20, 11, 02, 30, 21, 12, 03, ... # where total degree is < n SERIES2TOLIST:=proc(f,x,y,n) local i,j,k,t0,t1,t2; t0:=[]; for k from 0 to n-1 do for j from 0 to k do i:=k-j; t1:=coeff(f,x,i); t2:=coeff(t1,y,j); t0:=[op(t0),t2]; od; od; t0; end: # SERIES2TOLISTMULT(f,x,y,n) takes output of SERIES2(f,x,y,n) # and produces a list obtained by reading the monomials in f # in the order 00, 10, 01, 20, 11, 02, 30, 21, 12, 03, ... # where total degree is < n # and multipying the coefficient of x^i*y^j by i!*j!. SERIES2TOLISTMULT:=proc(f,x,y,n) local i,j,k,t0,t1,t2; t0:=[]; for k from 0 to n-1 do for j from 0 to k do i:=k-j; t1:=coeff(f,x,i); t2:=i!*j!*coeff(t1,y,j); t0:=[op(t0),t2]; od; od; t0; end: # SERIES2HTOLIST(f,x,y,n) takes output of SERIES2(f,x,y,n) # and produces a list obtained by reading the monomials in f # in the order 00, 10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, 33, ... # where both exponents are < n # It will complain if this would omit any terms - if there is a term x^i*y^j # with j>i for i<n. # The H stands for "horizontal". SERIES2HTOLIST:=proc(f,x,y,n) local i,j,k,t0,t1,t2; t0:=[]; for i from 0 to n-1 do t1:=coeff(f,x,i); for j from 0 to i do t2:=coeff(t1,y,j); t0:=[op(t0),t2]; od; # check for possible lost terms for j from i+1 to n-1 do t2:=coeff(t1,y,j); if t2 <> 0 then lprint("Error in SERIES2HTOLIST: missed term in row", i, t2*x^i*y^j); error "Perhaps try SERIES2TOLIST?"; fi; od: od; t0; end: # SERIES2HTOLISTMULT(f,x,y,n) takes output of SERIES2(f,x,y,n) # and produces a list obtained by reading the monomials in f # in the order 00, 10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, 33, ... # and multipying the coefficient of x^i*y^j by i!*j! # where both exponents are < n # It will complain if this would omit any terms - if there is a term x^i*y^j # with j>i for i<n. # The H stands for "horizontal". SERIES2HTOLISTMULT:=proc(f,x,y,n) local i,j,k,t0,t1,t2; t0:=[]; for i from 0 to n-1 do t1:=i!*coeff(f,x,i); for j from 0 to i do t2:=j!*coeff(t1,y,j); t0:=[op(t0),t2]; od; # check for possible lost terms for j from i+1 to n-1 do t2:=j!*coeff(t1,y,j); if t2 <> 0 then lprint("Error in SERIES2HTOLISTMULT: missed term in row", i, t2*x^i*y^j); error "Perhaps try SERIES2TOLISTMULT?"; fi; od: od; t0; end: # Transforms ADDONE, RIGHT0, SUMTABL, RAST and RASTxx contributed by # Antti Karttunen 12. July 2002. add1 := n -> n+1: ADDONE := a -> map(add1,a): # Increment each term by one. RIGHT0 := a -> [0,op(a)]: # Shift right, prepending 0. # SUMTABL(A001477,A001477) gives A003056. # SUMTABL(A000027,A000027) gives A003057. # and SUMTABL(A000027,A001477) & SUMTABL(A001477,A000027) give A002024. A025581 := n -> binomial(1+floor((1/2)+sqrt(2*(1+n))),2) - (n+1): # The X-projection & A002262 := n -> n - binomial(floor((1/2)+sqrt(2*(1+n))),2): # Y-projection (of A001477) SUMTABL := proc(a,b) local c,i,u; u := binomial(min(nops(a),nops(b))+1,2); c := []; for i from 0 to u-1 do c := [ op(c), a[A025581(i)+1]+b[A002262(i)+1] ]; od; RETURN(c); end: # Theorem: The set of the sequences where each n >= 0 occurs A000108(n) times # (i.e. the permutations of A072643) is closed under these two transformations. # The fixed point of RASTxx is A071673. RAST := (a,b) -> RIGHT0(ADDONE(SUMTABL(a,b))): RASTxx := a -> RIGHT0(ADDONE(SUMTABL(a,a))): # End of contributions from Antti Karttunen 12. July 2002. # RECORDS: Extract records and their positions from a list # Returns pair b, c where b = records, c = where they occurred (starting at 1) # Example: with(numtheory): t1:=[seq(sigma(n),n=1..200)]; #gives A000203; RECORDS(t1); # gives [A034885, A002093]; RECORDS := proc(a) local i,n,b,c,rec; if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([[],[]]); fi: n:=nops(a); if n=0 then RETURN([[],[]]); fi: if n=1 then RETURN([[a[1]],[1]]); fi; rec:=a[1]; b:=[rec]; c:=[1]; for i from 2 to n do if a[i] > rec then rec:=a[i]; b:=[op(b),rec]; c:=[op(c),i]; fi; od: RETURN([b,c]); end: # LAH and LAHi were suggested by Vladeta Jovovic (vladeta(AT)Eunet.yu), Oct 03, 2003 # The "LAH transform" maps a sequence a_0, a_1, a_2, ... # to a sequence b_0, b_1, b_2, ..., where if A has e.g.f. A(x), b has # e.g.f. A(x/(1-x)). More explicitly, # b_n = Sum_{m=0..n} (n!/m!)*binomial(n-1,m-1)*a_m. # Examples are sequences A084357 (from A000110) and A084358 (from A000670). LAH:=proc(a) local b,i,m: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: for i to nops(a) do b:=[op(b), add( ((i-1)!/m!)*binomial(i-2,m-1)*a[m+1] , m=0..i-1)]: od: RETURN(b); end: # LAH and LAHi were suggested by Vladeta Jovovic (vladeta(AT)Eunet.yu), Oct 03, 2003 # The "LAHi transform" maps a sequence a_0, a_1, a_2, ... # to a sequence b_0, b_1, b_2, ..., where if A has e.g.f. A(x), b has # e.g.f. A(x/(1+x)). More explicitly, # b_n = Sum_{m=0..n} (-1)^(n-m)*(n!/m!)*binomial(n-1,m-1)*a_m. # Examples are sequences A000110 (from A084357) and A000670 (from A084358). LAHi:=proc(a) local b,i,m: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]: for i to nops(a) do b:=[op(b), add( (-1)^(i-1-m)*((i-1)!/m!)*binomial(i-2,m-1)*a[m+1] , m=0..i-1)]: od: RETURN(b); end: # SEQPI: produces the pi function for a monotonic sequence a[] # Returns list b[], where b[n+1} gives number of terms in range 0 to n. # Generates at least M terms of b (if possible) and then stops at the next convenient stopping point. SEQPI:=proc(a,M) local b,la,L,i,s,at,ct: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: la:=nops(a); b:=[]: L:=min(a[la],M); ct:=0; s:=0; for at from 1 to la do for i from s to a[at]-1 do b:=[op(b),ct]; od: ct:=ct+1; s:=a[at]; if s>L then break; fi; od: b:=[op(b),ct]; RETURN(b); end: # UNBASE: Does opposite of convert(n,base,b) UNBASE:=proc(a) local N,i; if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: N:=add(a[i]*10^(i-1),i=1..nops(a)); RETURN(N); end: INVERSE := proc(a) local b,c,i,n,hit,ulim; if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: c:=sort(a); b:=[]; ulim:=min(1000,c[nops(c)]); for n from c[1] to ulim do hit:=0; for i from 1 to nops(a) do if a[i]=n then b:=[op(b),i]; hit:=1; break; fi; od; if hit = 0 then RETURN(b); fi; od; RETURN(b); end: # INVERSE2 smallest inverse of n in a, or 0 if missing value # ff = offset of a INVERSE2 := proc(a,ff) local nov,b,c,i,n,llim,ulim; if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: c:=sort(a); nov:=nops(convert(c,set)); lprint("Contains",nov,"values, in the range",c[1],"to",c[-1]); llim:=max(-1000,c[1]); ulim:=min(1000,c[-1]); b:=Array(llim..ulim,0); for n from llim to ulim do if member(n,a) then for i from 1 to nops(a) do if a[i]=n then b[n]:=i+ff-1; break; fi; od: fi; od; RETURN([seq(b[n],n=llim..ulim)]); end: # ConvOffs: from Richard J. Mathar, Jan 10 2008 # input: # L a list # output: # a list C with one more element than L. C[1]=L[1]. # C[2]=L[-1]. Recursively C[i]=C[i-1]*L[1-i]/L[i-1], 3<=i. # If L is empty, the list [1] is returned. # # Example: L=[1,4,10,20] returns [1,20,50,20,1] # Example: L=[1,2,3] returns [1,3,3,1] # Example: L=[1] returns [1,1] # Example: L=[] returns [1] # ConvOffs := proc(L) local C,i ; if nops(L) > 0 then C := [op(1,L),op(-1,L)] ; for i from 2 to nops(L) do C := [op(C), op(-i,L)*op(i,C)/op(i,L) ] ; od: else C := [1] ; fi ; RETURN(C) ; end: # ConvOffsStoT: from Richard J. Mathar, Jan 10 2008 # input: # S a list (that is, the first members of a virtually infinite sequence) # # verb verbosity parameter: if set to true, the output is printed # as a stream of numbers in a row-by-row fashion separated by commas. # # output: # a list of lists, where each of the lists represents a row n of # a triangle, n=0 up to the length of S, and is the list defined by # ConvOffs(sublist of first n elements of S). # # Example A056939: L=[1,4,10,20] returns # [[1], [1, 1], [1, 4, 1], [1, 10, 10, 1], [1, 20, 50, 20, 1]] # where [1] is generated by ConvOffs([]), [1,1] is generated by # ConvOffs([1]), [1,4,1] is generated by ConvOffs([1,4]), # [1,10,10,1] is generated by ConvOffs([1,4,10]) etc. # # tests: # ConvOffs([1,2,3]) ; # ConvOffsStoT([1,4,10,20],true) ; # ConvOffsStoT := proc(S,verb) local T,n, nrow,c ; # first row is from empty sub-list T := [[1]] ; for n from 1 to nops(S) do nrow := ConvOffs([op(1..n,S)]) ; if verb then for c in nrow do printf("%d, ",c) ; od: fi ; T := [op(T),nrow] ; od: RETURN(T) ; end: # stoint: convert string to integer stoint := proc(s) local n,a,a0,i; n:=length(s); a:=convert(s,'bytes'); a0:=0: for i from 1 to n do a0:=(a[i]-48)*10^(n-i)+a0: end do: a0; end: # Dirichlet inverse of an arithmetic function. # The input list L represents [a1,a2,a3,a4,....], the values of the original # arithmetic function at integer values of 1, 2, 3 etc. The value of a1 must # be nonzero. # The list returned is the inverse of the Dirichlet convolution, [b1, b2, b3,...]. # This means that the DIRICHLET(.,.) function returns the # identity if called with two parameters equal to the input and output of # DIRICHLETi(.). # # Example: # L := [seq(n mod 2, n=1..50)] ; # this is A000035 # DIRICHLETi(L) ; # this is A087003 # Richard J. Mathar, 2010-07-15 DIRICHLETi := proc(L) local Linv,n,d,finv; if not type(L,'list') then ERROR("Expected list type argument instead of ",whattype(L) ) ; end if; Linv := [1/op(1,L)] ; for n from 2 to nops(L) do finv := 0 ; for d in ( numtheory[divisors](n) minus {n} ) do op(n/d,L)*op(d,Linv) ; finv := finv - % * op(1,Linv) ; end do: Linv := [op(Linv),finv] ; end do: return Linv ; end proc: # Deleham's Lodumo_m transform of a sequence L. # The list a(n) is returned and defined by the smallest number not yet in # the list a(.) satisfying a(n)=L(n) (mod m). # @param L the input list of non-negative numbers # @param m the remainder of the modulo operation. This is only useful # if it's a number larger than 1. # @return the sequence of nonnegative numbers a(n) # # Example: generate A160016 from A159833: # A159833 := [seq(n^2*(n^2+15)/4,n=0..100) ]; # LODUMO(A159833,2) ; # # Example: generate A160081 from A000045: # A000045 := [combinat[fibonacci](n),n=0..100) ]; # LODUMO(A000045,5) ; # # Richard J. Mathar, 2009-04-30 LODUMO := proc(L,m) local a,n, an; if not type(L,'list') then ERROR("Expected list type argument instead of ",whattype(L) ) ; end if; a := [] ; for n from 1 to nops(L) do for an from op(n,L) mod m by m do if not an in a then a := [op(a),an] ; break; fi; od: end do; a ; end proc: # Integer value of the concatenation a//b of the base-10 decimal representations of two integers. # The arguments a and b are non-negative integers. # @param a The integer that represents the leading decimal digits of the result # @param b The integer that represents the trailing (low significant) decimal digits of the result # @return The integer obtained by concatenation of the base-10 digits of a and b # @author N. J. A. Sloane # @since 2010-10-16 # Example: # digcat2(3,4) ; # returns 34 # digcat2(3,40) ; # returns 340 # digcat2(3,0) ; # returns 30 # digcat2(37,0) ; # returns 370 # digcat2(0,800) ; # returns 800 # digcat2(-4,8) ; # error: negative value of an argument digcat2 := proc(a,b) if a < 0 or b < 0 then ERROR("Negative argument ",a," or ", b) ; end if; parse(cat(a,b)) ; end proc: # Integer value of the concatenation of the base-10 decimal representations of the integers in a list. # @param L The list of non-negative integers [a,b,c,d,...] # @return The integer obtained by concatenation of the base-10 digits, a//b//c//... # @since 2010-10-16 # @author N. J. A. Sloane # Example: # digcatL([3,4]) ; # returns 34 # digcatL([3,0,4]) ; # returns 304 # digcatL([123,456]) ; # returns 123456 # digcatL([3]) ; # returns 3 # digcatL([]) ; # empty list returns 0 # digcatL(3/4) ; # error: argument not of the list type digcatL := proc(L) local ret,i ; if not type(L,'list') then ERROR("Expected list type argument instead of ",whattype(L) ) ; end if; ret := 0 ; for i from 1 to nops(L) do ret := digcat2(ret,op(i,L)) ; end do; return ret ; end proc: # Aerate by insertion of zeros into the original list. # The list L(1),0,0,0,..., L(2),0,0,.. is returned where the number of # zeros spacing the original members of the list is controlled by a parameter. # @param L the input list # @param n the non-negative count of zeros to be inserted. # @return # @since Richard J. Mathar, 2009-06-23 # @author Richard J. Mathar AERATE := proc(L,n) local a,i,j; if not type(L,'list') then ERROR("Expected list type argument instead of ",whattype(L) ) ; end if; a := [] ; for i from 1 to nops(L) do a := [op(a),op(i,L),seq(0,j=1..n)] ; end do; a ; end proc: # Backwards Van Eck transform. Suggested by A181391. # If a[n] has appeared earlier in a, let a[m] be the most recent # occurrence, and set b[n]=n-m; otherwise b[n]=0. ECKb:=proc(a) local b,i,m,n; if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[0]; for n from 2 to nops(a) do # has a(n) appeared before? m:=0; for i from n-1 by -1 to 1 do if (a[i]=a[n]) then m:=n-i; break; fi od: b:=[op(b),m]; od: RETURN(b); end proc: # Forwards Van Eck transform. Suggested by A181391. # If a[n] appears again in a, let a[m] be the next # occurrence, and set b[n]=m-n; otherwise b[n]=0. # Warning: One should provide enough terms of a! ECKf:=proc(a) local b,i,m,n; if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: b:=[]; for n from 1 to nops(a)-1 do # does a(n) appear again? m:=0; for i from n+1 to nops(a) do if (a[i]=a[n]) then m:=i-n; break; fi od: b:=[op(b),m]; od: b:=[op(b),0]; RETURN(b); end proc: # LAGRANGE transform of a sequence {a(n)} # Suggested by Lagrange's theorem that at most 4 squares are needed to sum to n. # Returns b(n) = minimal number of terms of {a} needed to sum to n for 1 <= n <= M. # C = maximal number of terms of {a} to try to build n # M = upper limit on n # Internally, the initial terms of both a and b are taken to be 0, but since this is a number-theoretic function, the output starts at n=1 # Example. To produce A002828: # sq:=[seq(n^2, n=1..20)]; # LAGRANGE(sq,4,120); which produces # [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, ... LAGRANGE:=proc(a, C, M) local t1, ip, i, j, a1, a2, b, c, N1, N2, Nc; if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: # sort a, remove duplicates, include 0 t1:=sort(a); a1:=sort(convert(convert(a, set), list)); if not member(0, a1) then a1:=[0, op(a1)]; fi; N1:=nops(a1); b:=Array(1..M+1, -1); for i from 1 to N1 while a1[i]<=M do b[a1[i]+1]:=1; od; a2:=a1; N2:=N1; for ip from 2 to C do c:={}: for i from 1 to N1 while a1[i] <= M do for j from 1 to N2 while a1[i]+a2[j] <= M do c:={op(c), a1[i]+a2[j]}; od; od; c:=sort(convert(c, list)); Nc:=nops(c); for i from 1 to Nc do if b[c[i]+1] = -1 then b[c[i]+1]:= ip; fi; od; a2:=c; N2:=Nc; od; RETURN([seq(b[i], i=2..M+1)]); end: myhead:=proc(s, L::integer := 100 ) local s2,n; if whattype(s) <> list then s2:=convert(s,list); else s2:=s: fi; [seq(s2[n],n=1..min(L,nops(s2)))]; end: mytail:=proc(s, L::integer := 100 ) local s2,n; if whattype(s) <> list then s2:=convert(s,list); else s2:=s: fi; [seq(s2[n],n=max(1,nops(s2)-L+1)..nops(s2))]; end: # myconvert(n,b) = convert(n,base,b) but puts the digits in human order myconvert:=proc(n,b) local t1,t2,len,i; if n=0 then RETURN([0]); fi; t1:=convert(n,base,b); len:=nops(t1); t2:=[seq(t1[len+1-i],i=1..len)]; end: # Maple Print (prints a sequence on one long line) Added Feb 2018 MP:=proc(s) interface(screenwidth=1200): lprint(seq(s[i],i=1..nops(s))); interface(screenwidth=79): end: # COMPl2: compute complement of a sequence (long version) # i.e. vector [a[0]...a[i]...a[maxn]] which are numbers not in sequence # USE WITH CARE!!! COMPl2:=proc(a,M) local notmember,b,n1,m: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]); fi: # get monotonic and unique version b b:=MONO(a); n1:=nops(b); if n1 = 0 then RETURN([]); fi: m:=min(b[n1],M); notmember:=subs(_WZ=b,proc(x) not member(x,_WZ) end); select(notmember,[$1..m]); end: # binary: binary representation of n, in human order binary:=proc(n) local t1,L; if n<0 then ERROR("n must be nonnegative"); fi; if n=0 then return([0]); fi; t1:=convert(n,base,2); L:=nops(t1); [seq(t1[L+1-i],i=1..L)]; end: ### %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ### ### # Added Jan 05 2013: Michael Somos has very kindly supplied the ### # following code for checking these procedures. ### # To run it, save this is a file and strip off the ### characters from the beginning of each line ### ### # Maple test code for OEIS transforms, Michael Somos 31DEC2012 ### ### read("transforms"); ### ### chk:=proc(ex) ### if not evalb(parse(ex,statement)) then printf("%s: false\n",ex) end if; ### end: ### ### chk("delta(x->x^3,2,2)=18"); ### chk("did(8,3)=0"); ### chk("did(9,3)=1"); ### chk("dids(8,3)=0"); ### chk("dids(9,3)=-1"); ### chk("dim(26,10)=1"); ### chk("dim(10,26)=0"); ### chk("mob(10,2)=-1"); ### chk("mob(10,3)=0"); ### # 0 indexed MASKCONV ### chk("MASKCONV([1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8])=[5,16,22,60]"); ### # 0 indexed MASKTRANS ### chk("MASKTRANS([1,2,3,4])=[1,3,4,10]"); ### chk("MASKTRANS([a0,a1,a2,a3,a4])=[a0,a0+a1,a0+a2,a0+a1+a2+a3,a0+a4]"); ### # 0 indexed MASKTRANSi ### chk("MASKTRANSi([1,2,3,4])=[1,1,2,0]"); ### chk("MASKTRANSi([a0,a0+a1,a0+a2,a0+a1+a2+a3,a0+a4])=[a0,a1,a2,a3,a4]"); ### # 1 indexed SUPPORT ### chk("SUPPORT([0,1,2,0,5,4,0,-3])=[2,3,5,6,8]"); ### chk("SUPPORT([a1,a2,0,a4,0,a6,a7,0,0,a10])=[1,2,4,6,7,10]"); ### # no index MONO. numeric only in. ### chk("MONO([10,3,-2,-3,-10])=[2,3,10]"); ### # MONO2 has "abs(bu - nops(b))<10" test at end. don't use! TODO ### # 1 index out COMP. numeric only in. ### chk("COMP([6,4,2,10,7])=[1,3,5,8,9]"); ### # 0 indexed CHAR. numeric only in. ### chk("CHAR([6,4,2,10,7])=[0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1]"); ### # The following is a very peculiar function with "sequence" hardcoded ### sequence:=[[a],[b,c],[d],[x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6]]: ### # 1 indexed EXTRACT ### chk("EXTRACT(4,3,2)=[x2,x5]"); ### # 0 indexed DECIMATE ### chk("DECIMATE([0,0,2,0,0,5,0],3,2)=[2,5]"); ### chk("DECIMATE([a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6],3,2)=[a2,a5]"); ### # 0 indexed BISECT ### chk("BISECT([a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6],0)=[a0,a2,a4,a6]"); ### chk("BISECT([a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6],1)=[a1,a3,a5]"); ### # 0 indexed TRISECT ### chk("TRISECT([a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6],0)=[a0,a3,a6]"); ### chk("TRISECT([a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6],1)=[a1,a4]"); ### chk("TRISECT([a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6],2)=[a2,a5]"); ### # no index DIFF ### chk("DIFF([9,4,1,0,1,4,9])=[-5,-3,-1,1,3,5]"); ### chk("DIFF([a,b,c,d,e,f])=[b-a,c-b,d-c,e-d,f-e]"); ### # no index PRODS. comment is wrong about b[n] = a[1]*..*a[n] TODO ### chk("PRODS([1,2,3,4,5])=[1,2,6,24,120]"); ### chk("PRODS([a,b,c,d,e])=[a,a*b,a*b*c,a*b*c*d,a*b*c*d*e]"); ### # no index PSUM. ### chk("PSUM([1,2,3,4,5])=[1,3,6,10,15]"); ### chk("PSUM([a,b,c,d,e])=[a,a+b,a+b+c,a+b+c+d,a+b+c+d+e]"); ### # no index PSUMSIGN. ### chk("PSUMSIGN([1,2,3,4,5])=[1,1,2,2,3]"); ### chk("PSUMSIGN([a,b,c,d,e])=[a,b-a,c-b+a,d-c+b-a,e-d+c-b+a]"); ### # 0 indexed BINOMIAL ### chk("BINOMIAL([1,2,4,8,16])=[1,3,9,27,81]"); ### chk("BINOMIAL([a0,a1,a2,a3])=[a0,a0+a1,a0+2*a1+a2,a0+3*a1+3*a2+a3]"); ### # 0 indexed BINOMIALi ### chk("BINOMIALi([1,3,9,27,81])=[1,2,4,8,16]"); ### chk("BINOMIALi([a0,a0+a1,a0+2*a1+a2,a0+3*a1+3*a2+a3])=[a0,a1,a2,a3]"); ### # 1 indexed BIN1 ### chk("BIN1([a1,a2,a3,a4])=[a1,-2*a1-a2,3*a1+3*a2+a3,-4*a1-6*a2-4*a3-a4]"); ### chk("BIN1([2,4,8,16])=[2,-8,26,-80]"); ### # 1 indexed EULER. ### chk("EULER([1,1,0,0,0,0,0])=[1,2,2,3,3,4,4]"); ### chk("simplify(EULER([a1,a2,a3]))=[a1,a2+a1/2+a1^2/2,a3+a1*a2+a1/3+a1^2/2+a1^3/6]"); ### # 1 indexed EULERi ### chk("EULERi([1,2,2,3,3,4,4])=[1,1,0,0,0,0,0]"); ### chk("simplify(EULERi([a1,a2+a1/2+a1^2/2,a3+a1*a2+a1/3+a1^2/2+a1^3/6]))=[a1,a2,a3]"); ### # 1 indexed MOBIUS ### chk("MOBIUS([1,3,4,7,6,12])=[1,2,3,4,5,6]"); ### chk("MOBIUS([a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6])=[a1,a2-a1,a3-a1,a4-a2,a5-a1,a6-a3-a2+a1]"); ### # 1 indexed MOBIUSi ### chk("MOBIUSi([1,2,3,4,5,6])=[1,3,4,7,6,12]"); ### chk("MOBIUSi([a1,a2-a1,a3-a1,a4-a2,a5-a1,a6-a3-a2+a1])=[a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6]"); ### # 1 indexed STIRLING ### chk("STIRLING([1,2,3,4,5])=[1,3,10,37,151]"); ### chk("STIRLING([a1,a2,a3,a4])=[a1,a1+a2,a1+3*a2+a3,a1+7*a2+6*a3+a4]"); ### # 1 indexed STIRLINGi ### chk("STIRLINGi([1,3,10,37,151])=[1,2,3,4,5]"); ### chk("STIRLINGi([a1,a1+a2,a1+3*a2+a3,a1+7*a2+6*a3+a4])=[a1,a2,a3,a4]"); ### # 1 indexed STIRB ### chk("STIRB([1,2,3,4,5,6])=[1,-1,1,-1,1,-1]"); ### chk("STIRB([a1,a2,a3,a4])=[a1,a1-a2,a1-3*a2+2*a3,a1-7*a2+12*a3-6*a4]"); ### # 1 indexed INVERT. numeric only bug. should be INVERT:=proc(b). TODO ### chk("INVERT([1,2,3,4,5])=[1,3,8,21,55]"); ### # 1 indexed INVERTi. numeric only bug. ### chk("INVERTi([1,3,8,21,55])=[1,2,3,4,5]"); ### # 1 indexed REVERT. numeric only bug. ### chk("REVERT([1,2,3,4,5])=[1,-2,5,-14,42]"); ### # 1 indexed REVEGF. numeric only bug. ### chk("REVEGF([1,2,3,4,5])=[1,-4,39,-616,13505]"); ### # 1 indexed COMPOSE. ### chk("COMPOSE([4,3,2,1],[1,2,3,4])=[4,11,26,59]"); ### chk("COMPOSE([a1,a2,a3],[b1,b2,b3])=[a1*b1,a1*b2+a2*b1^2,a1*b3+2*a2*b1*b2+a3*b1^3]"); ### # 0 indexed CONV. ### chk("CONV([4,3,2,1,0],[0,1,2,3,4])=[0,4,11,20,30]"); ### chk("CONV([a0,a1,a2],[b0,b1,b2])=[a0*b0,a0*b1+a1*b0,a0*b2+a1*b1+a2*b0]"); ### # 0 indexed CONVi. ### chk("CONVi([1,4,10,20,35])=[1,2,3,4,5]"); ### chk("CONVi([a0*a0,2*a0*a1,2*a0*a2+a1*a1])=[a0,a1,a2]"); ### # 0 indexed LISTTOLSITDIV. ### chk("LISTTOLISTDIV([1,4,9,16,25])=[1,4,9/2,8/3,25/24]"); ### chk("LISTTOLISTDIV([a0,a1,a2,a3,a4])=[a0,a1,a2/2,a3/6,a4/24]"); ### # 0 indexed LISTTOLSITMUL. ### chk("LISTTOLISTMULT([1,4,9,16,25])=[1,4,18,96,600]"); ### chk("LISTTOLISTMULT([a0,a1,a2,a3,a4])=[a0,a1,2*a2,6*a3,24*a4]"); ### # no index PARTITION. 1 indexed out. numeric input only okay. ### chk("PARTITION([1,3,5,13])=[1,1,2,2,3,4,4,5,6,7,8,9,11]"); ### # 1 indexed PARITITION1. numeric input only okay. ### chk("PARTITIONi([1,1,2,2,3,4,4,5,6,7,8,9,11])=[1,3,5,13]"); ### # 1 indexed EXP. ### chk("EXP([1,2,3,4])=[1,3,10,41]"); ### chk("EXP([a1,a2,a3])=[a1,a2+a1*a1,a3+3*a1*a2+a1*a1*a1]"); ### # 1 indexed LOG. ### chk("LOG([1,3,10,41])=[1,2,3,4]"); ### chk("simplify(LOG([a1,a2+a1*a1,a3+3*a1*a2+a1*a1*a1]))=[a1,a2,a3]"); ### # 0 indexed EXPCONV. ### chk("EXPCONV([1,2,3,4],[4,3,2,1])=[4,11,26,56]"); ### chk("EXPCONV([a0,a1,a2],[b0,b1,b2])=[a0*b0,a0*b1+a1*b0,a0*b2+2*a1*b1+a2*b0]"); ### # no index LEFT. ### chk("LEFT([4,3,2,1])=[3,2,1]"); ### chk("LEFT([a,b,c,d,e])=[b,c,d,e]"); ### # no index RIGHT. ### chk("RIGHT([4,3,2,1])=[1,4,3,2,1]"); ### chk("RIGHT([a,b,c,d,e])=[1,a,b,c,d,e]"); ### # no index RUNS. ### chk("RUNS([4,3,2,2,2,1,3,3,4])=[1,1,3,1,2,1]"); ### chk("RUNS([a,b,c,c,c,d,b,b,a])=[1,1,3,1,2,1]"); ### # 0 indexed M2. ### chk("M2([5,4,3,2,1])=[5,8,6,4,2]"); ### chk("M2([a,b,c,d,e])=[a,2*b,2*c,2*d,2*e]"); ### # 0 indexed M2i. ### chk("M2i([5,8,6,4,2])=[5,4,3,2,1]"); ### chk("M2i([a,2*b,2*c,2*d,2*e])=[a,b,c,d,e]"); ### # 0 indexed NEGATE. ### chk("NEGATE([5,4,3,2,1])=[5,-4,-3,-2,-1]"); ### chk("NEGATE([a,b,c,d,e])=[a,-b,-c,-d,-e]"); ### # 0 indexed eultrans2. (=BINOMIALi) ### chk("eultrans2([1,1,2,3,5,8,13])=[1,0,1,-1,2,-3,5]"); ### chk("eultrans2([a0,a1,a2,a3])=[a0,a1-a0,a2-2*a1+a0,a3-3*a2+3*a1-a0]"); ### # 1 indexed Etrans. ### chk("Etrans([1,1,0,0,0,0,0])=[1,2,2,3,3,4,4]"); ### chk("simplify(Etrans([a1,a2,a3]))=[a1,a2+a1/2+a1^2/2,a3+a1*a2+a1/3+a1^2/2+a1^3/6]"); ### # no index pairtrans. ### chk("pairtrans([5,4,3,2,1])=[5,9,7,5,3]"); ### chk("pairtrans([a,b,c,d,e])=[a,a+b,b+c,c+d,d+e]"); ### # 1 indexed BOUS in. 0 indexed out. b0=1 always. ### chk("BOUS([5,4,3,2,1])=[1,6,15,32,83,262]"); ### chk("BOUS([a1,a2,a3,a4])=[1,1+a1,1+2*a1+a2,2+3*a1+3*a2+a3,5+8*a1+6*a2+4*a3+a4]"); ### # 0 indexed BOUS2. ### chk("BOUS2([5,4,3,2,1])=[5,9,16,33,84]"); ### chk("BOUS2([a0,a1,a2,a3])=[a0,a1+a0,a2+2*a1+a0,a3+3*a2+3*a1+2*a0]"); ### # 0 indexed BOUS2i. ### chk("BOUS2i([5,4,3,2,1])=[5,-1,0,-5,4]"); ### chk("BOUS2i([a0,a1,a2,a3])=[a0,a1-a0,a2-2*a1+a0,a3-3*a2+3*a1-2*a0]"); ### # 1 indexed CONTINUANT. ### chk("CONTINUANT([5,4,3,2,1])=[5,21,68,157,225]"); ### chk("CONTINUANT([a,b,c,d])=[a,a*b+1,a*b*c+a+c,a*b*c*d+a*b+a*d+c*d+1]"); ### # 1 indexed CONTINUANTi. ### chk("CONTINUANTi([5,21,68,157,225])=[5,4,3,2,1]"); ### chk("CONTINUANTi([a,b,c,d])=[a,b/a-1/a,c/b-a/b,d/c-b/c]"); ### # 1 indexed DIRICHLET. ### chk("DIRICHLET([5,4,3,2,1],[1,2,3,4,5])=[5,14,18,30,26]"); ### chk("DIRICHLET([a1,a2,a3,a4],[b1,b2,b3,b4])=[a1*b1,a1*b2+a2*b1,a1*b3+a3*b1,a1*b4+a2*b2+a4*b1]"); ### # 1 indexed DIRICHLETi. ### chk("DIRICHLETi([1,2,3,4,5,6])=[1,-2,-3,0,-5,6]"); ### chk("DIRICHLETi([1/a,b,c,d,e])=[a,-a^2*b,-a^2*c,a^3*b^2-a^2*d,-a^2*e]"); ### # no indexed lHANKEL. ### chk("lHANKEL([1,4,9,16,25,36])=[7,17,31,49]"); ### chk("lHANKEL([a,b,c,d,e])=[b*b-a*c,c*c-b*d,d*d-c*e]"); ### # no indexed HANKEL. ### chk("HANKEL([6,5,4,3,2,1])=[6,-1,0]"); ### chk("HANKEL([a,b,c,d,e,f])=[a,a*c-b*b,a*c*e-a*d*d-b*b*e+2*b*c*d-c*c*c]"); ### # no index SERIES2TOLIST. ### chk("SERIES2TOLIST(a+b*x+c*y+d*x*x+e*x*y+f*y*y,x,y,3)=[a,b,c,d,e,f]"); ### # no index SERIES2TOLISTMULT. ### chk("SERIES2TOLISTMULT(a+b*x+c*y+d*x*x+e*x*y+f*y*y,x,y,3)=[a,b,c,2*d,e,2*f]"); ### # no index RIGHT0. ### chk("RIGHT0([5,4,3,2,1])=[0,5,4,3,2,1]"); ### chk("RIGHT0([a,b,c,d,e])=[0,a,b,c,d,e]"); ### # 0 indexed SUMTABL. ### chk("SUMTABL([4,3,2,1],[1,2,3,4])=[5,4,6,3,5,7,2,4,6,8]"); ### chk("SUMTABL([a0,a1,a2],[b0,b1,b2])=[a0+b0,a1+b0,a0+b1,a2+b0,a1+b1,a0+b2]"); ### # 0 indexed LAH. ### chk("LAH([5,4,3,2,1])=[5,4,11,44,229]"); ### chk("LAH([a0,a1,a2,a3,a4])=[a0,a1,a2+2*a1,a3+6*a2+6*a1,a4+12*a3+36*a2+24*a1]"); ### # 0 indexed LAHi. ### chk("LAHi([5,4,3,2,1])=[5,4,-5,8,-11]"); ### chk("LAHi([a0,a1,a2,a3,a4])=[a0,a1,a2-2*a1,a3-6*a2+6*a1,a4-12*a3+36*a2-24*a1]"); ### # 1 indexed INVERSE. numeric input only. RETURN(b) missing bug ### chk("INVERSE([4,5,3,2,1])=[5,4,3,1,2]"); ### # no index digcatL. numeric input only. ### chk("digcatL([5,43,210])=543210"); ### # 0 indexed AERATE. ### chk("AERATE([5,4,3,2,1],1)=[5,0,4,0,3,0,2,0,1,0]"); ### chk("AERATE([a,b,c,d],2)=[a,0,0,b,0,0,c,0,0,d,0,0]"); ### ### printf("done"); ### ### %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%