Star Wars: Dark Forces - Remaster (2024) - MobyGames
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:single-line-per-item="true"></toggle-long-text> </dd> </dl> </div> <div class="info-score"> <dl class="metadata"> <dt><span data-tooltip="Overall score and rank compared to all games with rankings">Moby Score</span></dt> <dd> <div class="mobyscore" style="background: #00ff00;" data-tooltip="Based on a bayesian average of critic and player ratings"> 7.8 </div> <small class="text-muted">#3,838 of <span data-tooltip="Total number of ranked games">25.7K</a></small> </dd> <dt>Critics</dt> <dd> 79% <small class="text-muted" data-tooltip="29 ratings">(<a href="/game/218485/star-wars-dark-forces-remaster/reviews/">29</a>)</small> </dd> <dt>Review Ranking</dt> <dd> <ul id="platformRankings" class="list-group toggle-long-text mb-0"> <li class="text-nowrap-desktop"><span data-tooltip="#202 of 339 ranked Xbox Series games">#202</span> on <a href="/platform/xbox-series/">Xbox Series</a></li> <li class="text-nowrap-desktop"><span data-tooltip="#284 of 614 ranked PlayStation 5 games">#284</span> on <a href="/platform/playstation-5/">PlayStation 5</a></li> <li class="text-nowrap-desktop"><span data-tooltip="#472 of 1,743 ranked Nintendo Switch games">#472</span> on <a href="/platform/switch/">Nintendo Switch</a></li> <li class="text-nowrap-desktop"><span data-tooltip="#1,860 of 8,675 ranked Windows games">#1,860</span> on <a href="/platform/windows/">Windows</a></li> </ul> <toggle-long-text element-id="platformRankings" :small-text="true" :single-line-per-item="true"></toggle-long-text> </dd> <dt>Collected By</dt> <dd>22 players</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="info-genres"> <dl class="metadata"><dt>Genre</dt> <dd><a href="">Action</a><br></dd><dt>Perspective</dt> <dd><a href="">1st-person</a><br></dd><dt>Gameplay</dt> <dd><a href="">Shooter</a><br></dd><dt>Interface</dt> <dd><a href="">Direct control</a><br></dd><dt>Setting</dt> <dd><a href="">Sci-fi / futuristic</a><br></dd><dt>Misc</dt> <dd><a href="">Licensed</a><br></dd></dl> </div> <div class="info-specs"> Windows Specs <hr> <dl class="metadata"> <dt>Business Model</dt> <dd> <a href="/attributes/attribute/124/">Commercial</a> </dd> <dt>Media Type</dt> <dd> <a href="/attributes/attribute/524/">Download</a> </dd> <dt>Input Devices Supported/Optional</dt> <dd> <a href="/attributes/attribute/2371/">Gamepad</a>, <a href="/attributes/attribute/23/">Keyboard</a>, <a href="/attributes/attribute/24/">Mouse</a> </dd> <dt>Number of Offline Players</dt> <dd> <a href="/attributes/attribute/489/">1 Player</a> </dd> <span class="text-nowrap">[ <a href="/game/218485/star-wars-dark-forces-remaster/specs/">view all 14 specs</a> ]</span> </dl> </div> </div> <random uri="game"></random> <div class="border border-1 mb" data-nosnippet> <div class="flex flex-wrap flex-gap"> <div> <b class="text-nowrap">Buy on PlayStation 4</b> <hr> <a href="" rel="nofollow" class="text-nowrap-desktop link-external" target="_blank" title="Price last updated at 11/13 1:33 AM"> £24.49 new on</a><br> </div> <div> <b class="text-nowrap">Buy on PlayStation 5</b> <hr> <a href="" rel="nofollow" class="text-nowrap-desktop link-external" target="_blank" title="Price last updated at 11/13 1:33 AM"> £24.49 new on</a><br> </div> <div class="hide-sm"> <b class="text-nowrap">Buy on Windows</b> <hr> <a href="" rel="nofollow" class="text-nowrap-desktop link-external" target="_blank" title="Price last updated at 11/29 10:18 AM"> $17.99 new on Steam</a><br> <a href="" rel="nofollow" class="text-nowrap-desktop link-external" target="_blank" title="Price last updated at 11/30 4:52 AM"> $17.99 new on</a><br> </div> <div class="hide-sm"> <b class="text-nowrap">Buy on Xbox One</b> <hr> <a href="" rel="nofollow" class="text-nowrap-desktop link-external" target="_blank" title="Price last updated at 11/30 5:08 AM"> $19.49 new on</a><br> </div> <div class="hide-sm"> <b class="text-nowrap">Buy on Xbox Series</b> <hr> <a href="" rel="nofollow" class="text-nowrap-desktop link-external" target="_blank" title="Price last updated at 11/30 5:08 AM"> $19.49 new on</a><br> </div> </div> </div> <div class="border border-1 mb"> <b>Original</b> <ul id="related1" class="list-group toggle-long-text toggle-max-3 mb-0"> <li> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="108" height="136" alt="box cover" class="img-thumbnail-box img-thumbnail-xs"> </a> <a href="">Star Wars: Dark Forces</a> <small class="text-muted">(1995)</small></li> </ul> <toggle-long-text element-id="related1" :small-text="true" :single-line-per-item="true"></toggle-long-text> </div> <div class="border border-1 border-notice text-sm mb"> <b>Wanted:</b> We need a MobyGames approved description! <b><a href="/contribute/game-description/218485/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">Contribute Description</a></b> (+4 points) </div> <section id="gameOfficialDescription" v-pre> <details class="mb"> <summary class="no-select text-bold"> Official Description (Ad Blurb) </summary> <p><img src=""></p> <p><i>Star Wars</i>™: Dark Forces Remaster has been brought to life by the team at <strong>Nightdive Studios</strong>, fully remastered through its proprietary KEX engine, allowing the game to run on modern gaming devices at up to 4K resolution at 120FPS. New and returning players will enjoy <i>Star Wars</i>: Dark Forces Remaster’s upgraded gameplay, high-resolution textures, enhanced lighting and rendering, and support for gamepads.</p> <p>The original 1995 <i>Star Wars</i>: Dark Forces raised the bar for FPS games, offering players a significant degree of movement and interactivity, a large selection of items and power-ups, and engaging environments. </p> <p><img src=""></p> <p>In the first <i>Star Wars</i> FPS video game, players assume the role of Kyle Katarn, a defector of the Galactic Empire turned mercenary for hire. Katarn joins the Rebel Alliance’s covert operations division tasked with infiltrating the Galactic Empire, where he discovers the secret Dark Trooper Project. The development of this powerful new series of Imperial battle droids and power-armored stormtroopers stands to strengthen the Empire’s grip on the galaxy unless Katarn and the Rebel Alliance intervene.</p><h2>Key Features:</h2><p></p> <ul><li>All fourteen original levels, featuring <i>Star Wars</i>™ worlds and capital ships </li><li>Use your ability to jump, duck, and crawl to solve puzzles and defeat enemies </li><li>Your Personal Digital Assistant provides you with in game information such including map, inventory, and mission briefing </li><li>Engaging first-person ground combat featuring ten weapons and twenty types of enemies </li><li>Up to 4K 120FPS visuals </li><li>Advanced 3D rendering enables updated lighting and atmospheric effects </li><li>Modern gamepad support adds a new weapon wheel, and rumble </li><li>Controller Support - vibration and gyro controls </li><li>A variety of power-ups are made available to the player, including health, shields, weapons and ammunition </li><li>For combat, the player may use fists, explosive landmines and thermal detonators, as well as blasters and other ranged weapons </li><li>Includes immersive environmental puzzles and mazes </li></ul> <p><img src=""></p> <p> <cite>Source: Steam Store Description</cite> </p> </details> </section> <section id="gameGroups"> <h2>Groups <a href="/contribute/game-group-game/game/218485/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">+</a></h2> <ul class="list-group flex flex-wrap gap-xxs"> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">3D Engine: Kex</a> </li> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Gameplay feature: Auto-mapping</a> </li> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Remastered releases</a> </li> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Setting: Space station / Spaceship</a> </li> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Star Wars licensees</a> </li> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Star Wars: Dark Forces / Jedi Knight series</a> </li> </ul> </section><h2> <a href="/game/218485/star-wars-dark-forces-remaster/screenshots/">Screenshots</a> <!-- a href="/contribute/game-shots/218485/" class="link-contributor">+</a--> </h2> <div id="gameShots" class="img-holder mb"> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="338" alt="screenshot"> </a> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="338" alt="screenshot"> </a> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="338" alt="screenshot"> </a> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="338" alt="screenshot"> </a> <a href="" class="hide-sm"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="338" alt="screenshot"> </a> </div> <h2> <a href="/game/218485/star-wars-dark-forces-remaster/promo/">Promos</a> <!--a href="/contribute/promo-images/218485/" class="link-contributor">+</a--> </h2> <div id="gamePromoImages" class="img-holder mb"> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="338" alt="promo image"> </a> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="338" alt="promo image"> </a> <a href="" class="hide-sm"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="338" alt="promo image"> </a> <a href="" class="hide-sm"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="338" alt="promo image"> </a> <a href="" class="hide-sm"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="338" alt="promo image"> </a> </div> <section id="gameVideos"> <h2> <a href="/game/218485/star-wars-dark-forces-remaster/videos/">Videos</a> </h2> <div class="grid-overview-videos mb-0"> <div class="lazyframe" data-src="" data-vendor="youtube"></div> <div class="lazyframe hide-sm" data-src="" data-vendor="youtube"></div> <div class="border flex flex-center"> <div> <p> See any errors or missing info for this game? </p> <p class="mb-0"> You can <a href="/contribute/game-correction/218485/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">submit a correction</a>, contribute <a href="/contribute/game-trivia/218485/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">trivia</a>, <a href="/contribute/game-group-game/game/218485/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">add to a game group</a>, <a href="/contribute/game-site/218485/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">add a related site</a> or <a href="/contribute/alternate-title/218485/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">alternate title</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="gameCredits"> <h2>Credits (Windows version)</h2> <p class="text-sm text-muted"> 73 People (59 developers, 14 thanks) · <a href="/game/218485/star-wars-dark-forces-remaster/credits/windows/">View all</a> </p> <div class="overflow-x-scroll"> <table class="table table-credits"> <tr> <td valign="top">Chief Executive Officer</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 367440, "name": "Stephen Kick", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Stephen Kick</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Chief Operating Officer</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1416754, "name": "Joe C. Johnson", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Joe C. Johnson</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Director of Business Development</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 54861, "name": "Larry Kuperman", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Larry Kuperman</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Executive Producer</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 635723, "name": "Daniel Grayshon", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Daniel Grayshon</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Lead Engine Programmer</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 294051, "name": "Samuel Villarreal", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Samuel Villarreal</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Lead Developer</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 702302, "name": "James Haley", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">James Haley</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Multiplayer Lead</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 853995, "name": "Edward Richardson", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Edward Richardson</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Developers</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 533231, "name": "Daniel Albano", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Daniel Albano</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1416755, "name": "Jonathan Barkley", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Jonathan Barkley</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 764206, "name": "Alex Reimann Cunha Lima", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Alex Reimann Cunha Lima</a> (as Alex Reimann Cunha)</li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1369986, "name": "Lexi Mayfield", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Lexi Mayfield</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1088152, "name": "Sebastian Reddi", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Sebastian Reddi</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1166759, "name": "Eric Serio", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Eric Serio</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1570798, "name": "Michael Smith", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Michael Smith</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 997183, "name": "Max Waine", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Max Waine</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Artists</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1088154, "name": "Amy Leeds", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Amy Leeds</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1431382, "name": "Brendan McKinney", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Brendan McKinney</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1570799, "name": "Albert Marin Garau", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Albert Marin Garau</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1369736, "name": "Kevin Fox", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Kevin Fox</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 374897, "name": "Jonatan P\u00f6lj\u00f6", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Jonatan Pöljö</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Project Lead</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 997183, "name": "Max Waine", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Max Waine</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Project Manager</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 962949, "name": "Leo Mikkola", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Leo Mikkola</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Project Coordinator</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 936393, "name": "Adam Grayshon", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Adam Grayshon</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Porting and Rendering</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 294051, "name": "Samuel Villarreal", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Samuel Villarreal</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Additional Programming</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 533231, "name": "Daniel Albano", "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Daniel Albano</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="text-muted">[ <a href="/game/218485/star-wars-dark-forces-remaster/credits/windows/">full credits</a> ]</td> </tr> </table> </div> </section> <h2 id="reviews"><a href="/game/218485/star-wars-dark-forces-remaster/reviews/">Reviews</a></h2> <div class="grid-split"> <section id="critic-reviews"> <h4>Critics</h4> <p> Average score: 79% <span class="text-muted">(based on 29 ratings)</span> </p> <critic-reviews :reviews='[{"citation": "Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster is a masterclass in storytelling and gameplay, offering players an unforgettable journey through the Star Wars universe. Whether you\u0027re a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the franchise, this iconic first-person shooter is sure to leave a lasting impression and remind you why Star Wars continues to captivate audiences of all ages.", "date": "2024-02-28", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296931572", "grade": null, "id": 547131, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 100.0, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 5.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259446", "first_year": 2006, "id": 186, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Hardcore Gamer Magazine", "num_reviews": 1134, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 180419, "internal_url": "", "name": "Plok"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster\u0027s gameplay has held up remarkably well. Combining this gameplay with an outstanding remaster -- giving us high resolutions, framerates, and thus greater clarity -- Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster is going down as one of my favorite retro shooters of all time.", "date": "2024-02-28", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296931567", "grade": null, "id": 547126, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 95.0, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 9.5, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=410327893", "first_year": 2013, "id": 1938, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "TechRaptor", "num_reviews": 611, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 180419, "internal_url": "", "name": "Plok"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster is another resounding success for Nightdive, bringing a curious, nostalgia-laced FPS into the modern age with bells and whistles to boot. With enhanced gameplay, revamped visuals, and a wealth of accessibility options, this is easily the best way to experience Dark Forces and revisit an oft-forgotten era of Star Wars. Minor frame rate hiccups aside, this is an absolute must-play for fans of far-away galactic conflict.", "date": "2024-02-28", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296927772", "grade": null, "id": 546968, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 90.0, "platform": {"id": 203, "name": "Nintendo Switch"}, "score": 9.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257618", "first_year": 2005, "id": 1155, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Nintendo Life", "num_reviews": 5686, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 760723, "internal_url": "", "name": "Koterminus"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster \u00e4r en ren och sk\u00e4r triumf, och kan mycket v\u00e4l vara det b\u00e4sta hittills fr\u00e5n Nightdive. F\u00f6r s\u00e5 n\u00e4r som p\u00e5 n\u00e5gra sm\u00e5 skavanker \u00e4r detta rymd\u00e4ventyr farligt n\u00e4ra att n\u00e5 upp till den perfektion som Quake Remastered levererade h\u00e4rom\u00e5ret. Ett makal\u00f6st arbete, proppfullt med f\u00f6rb\u00e4ttringar och utf\u00f6rt med en o\u00f6vertr\u00e4ffad fingertoppsk\u00e4nsla som g\u00f6r en helt kollrig av lycka.", "date": "2024-03-05", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296968488", "grade": null, "id": 548503, "internal_url": "", "language": "sv", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 90.0, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 9.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "se", "flag": "", "id": 21, "name": "Sweden"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257982", "first_year": 2001, "id": 626, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "sv", "id": 137, "name": "Swedish", "ordering": 1370}], "last_year": null, "name": "Gamereactor (Sweden)", "num_reviews": 1080, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 111083, "internal_url": "", "name": "Utritum"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "It\u0027s showing its age in places, but Dark Forces Remaster is another epic offering from Nightdive Studios, which looks and plays better than you remember.", "date": "2024-04-11", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297111782", "grade": null, "id": 553567, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 87.0, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 87.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49258064", "first_year": 1987, "id": 1166, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Retro Gamer", "num_reviews": 1399, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 65110, "internal_url": "", "name": "Tim Janssen"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster \u00e9 uma remasteriza\u00e7\u00e3o que n\u00e3o sab\u00edamos que precis\u00e1vamos. O game preserva toda a ess\u00eancia do original, enquanto traz melhorias visuais e uma s\u00e9rie de extras. Sua hist\u00f3ria \u00e9 interessante, contando com a presen\u00e7a de alguns personagens j\u00e1 conhecidos e uma gameplay que \u00e9 naturalmente uma evolu\u00e7\u00e3o de Doom. Um trabalho primoroso da Nightdive Studios contribuindo para a preserva\u00e7\u00e3o e acessibilidade de um game que foi um marco na \u00e9poca e nos deixando ansiosos para um poss\u00edvel remaster da sequ\u00eancia.", "date": "2024-03-11", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297029989", "grade": null, "id": 550651, "internal_url": "", "language": "pt", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 85.0, "platform": {"id": 288, "name": "PlayStation 5"}, "score": 85.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "br", "flag": "", "id": 27, "name": "Brazil"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=2738772169", "first_year": 2017, "id": 2485, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "pt", "id": 113, "name": "Portuguese", "ordering": 1130}], "last_year": null, "name": "PSX Brasil", "num_reviews": 318, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 111083, "internal_url": "", "name": "Utritum"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "After almost 30 years, Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster still holds up. The story is fine, with a general Star Wars vibe and overall clean presentation. The level design and action are good, and the objectives remain novel when compared to its contemporaries. Compared to later games in the series, Dark Forces Remaster is simpler and more enjoyable. Those looking to return to the game with this version will be pleased.", "date": "2024-02-28", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296931570", "grade": null, "id": 547129, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 85.0, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 8.5, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257907", "first_year": 2001, "id": 57, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Worth Playing", "num_reviews": 2960, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 180419, "internal_url": "", "name": "Plok"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Star Wars Dark Forces Remastered is an excellent and faithful remaster that honors the original while touching it up just enough for modern platforms. While there are a couple areas where I feel they could have done just a little more, I can\u2019t deny that this is the best way to play an excellent first person shooter. Whether you\u2019re returning to it after three decades, or playing for the first time, there has never been a better version of Star Wars Dark Forces.", "date": "2024-02-28", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296933120", "grade": null, "id": 547296, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 85.0, "platform": {"id": 203, "name": "Nintendo Switch"}, "score": 8.5, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259575", "first_year": 2001, "id": 350, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "NintendoWorldReport", "num_reviews": 1749, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 180419, "internal_url": "", "name": "Plok"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Reaffirming the fact that Star Wars: Dark Forces has long earned its place in the pantheon of first-person shooters, this remaster from those wizards at Nightdive Studios not only provides the LucasArts shooter in its very best light with a swathe of modern bells and whistles, but most crucially it allows current audiences to enjoy not just one of the best shooters of the 1990s, but also one of the best Star Wars games ever made.", "date": "2024-02-29", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296968494", "grade": null, "id": 548505, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 85.0, "platform": {"id": 288, "name": "PlayStation 5"}, "score": 8.5, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49258043", "first_year": 2007, "id": 947, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "PlayStation Universe", "num_reviews": 1709, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 111083, "internal_url": "", "name": "Utritum"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "To summarize, Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster delivers a nostalgic yet polished experience for old fans and new fans alike. It\u0027s a great remaster of an iconic, yet somewhat flawed game. Nightdive Studios\u0027 efforts in beautifully upscaling the graphics and faithfully preserving the audio don\u0027t go unnoticed, and it\u0027s another slam dunk in their repertoire of mid-90s remasters. While the game retains its pioneering gameplay mechanics, such as vertical aiming, some aspects, like the maze-like level design, remain untouched. However, the quality-of-life improvements, like customizable controls and the ability to toggle between graphic styles, enhances the overall experience.", "date": "2024-04-07", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297094219", "grade": null, "id": 552943, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 80.0, "platform": {"id": 203, "name": "Nintendo Switch"}, "score": 8.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=712235650", "first_year": 2015, "id": 3030, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Gaming Outsider, The", "num_reviews": 134, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 111083, "internal_url": "", "name": "Utritum"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Nightdive Studios have done it yet again. This is another faultless remaster of a creaky old first person shooter. Unlike the recently revided Turok 3 though, Dark Forces was a truly great game when it was originally released back in 1995. And it still is, provided you go into it with appropriate expectations. Often cited as Doom clone, it is undeniably basic when compared to titles in the genre nowadays. However it possesses excellent core mechanics that still hold up today. The gunplay, movement, and level design are all superb. For the time it was impressive, and nowadays it remains eminently playable.", "date": "2024-04-09", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297318627", "grade": null, "id": 562812, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 80.0, "platform": {"id": 203, "name": "Nintendo Switch"}, "score": 4.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259354", "first_year": 2006, "id": 561, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "GameZebo", "num_reviews": 2049, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 111083, "internal_url": "", "name": "Utritum"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "While there are some small technical issues here that are atypical for a Nightdive release, it\u2019s nothing that should keep you from digging into this excellent remaster of Star Wars: Dark Forces. The old-school charms of the game are given just enough of a boost to make it a blast to play even in the current year, even if some aspects like the save system are perhaps a bit too old-school. Overall, another fine effort from Nightdive and yet another solid Star Wars release on the Switch.", "date": "2024-03-12", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297514170", "grade": null, "id": 576156, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 80.0, "platform": {"id": 203, "name": "Nintendo Switch"}, "score": 4.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49252544", "first_year": 2009, "id": 1348, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Touch Arcade", "num_reviews": 1081, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 65110, "internal_url": "", "name": "Tim Janssen"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Nightdive Studios did a fantastic job at bringing Star Wars: Dark Forces back from the grave. With older games becoming less and less playable, it\u0027s nice to see Dark Forces get a proper port to modern platforms, and I can\u2019t wait to see what the studio does next.", "date": "2024-03-08", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296968807", "grade": null, "id": 548506, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 80.0, "platform": {"id": 289, "name": "Xbox Series"}, "score": 4.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=4053445519", "first_year": 2009, "id": 2830, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "MonsterVine", "num_reviews": 239, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 111083, "internal_url": "", "name": "Utritum"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "This project also poses exciting questions for the road ahead, as Nightdive\u0027s deal with Disney to overhaul Dark Forces leaves open the possibility for a remaster of Jedi Knight. Dark Forces\u0027 sequel is not just a great Star Wars FPS, but one of the best 3D shooters of the nineties, with a truly colossal sense of scale and some incredibly advanced ideas for its time. But always in motion is the future. For now? Job done.", "date": "2024-02-29", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296931538", "grade": null, "id": 547114, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 80.0, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 4.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259334", "first_year": 1999, "id": 13, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": " (UK)", "num_reviews": 5329, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 180419, "internal_url": "", "name": "Plok"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "In addition to proving that many of the timeless qualities of the original have endured, Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster also shows once again just how much love and effort Nightdive Studios puts into the remasters that it works on.", "date": "2024-03-05", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296968490", "grade": null, "id": 548504, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 80.0, "platform": {"id": 288, "name": "PlayStation 5"}, "score": 8.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257959", "first_year": 2009, "id": 1554, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "GamingBolt", "num_reviews": 445, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 111083, "internal_url": "", "name": "Utritum"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Posso afirmar com certeza que Star Wars Dark Forces Remastered foi feito por uma equipe que realmente admira e respeita o legado do t\u00edtulo original de 1995. O conte\u00fado extra e as melhorias gr\u00e1ficas introduzidas nesta remasteriza\u00e7\u00e3o s\u00e3o muito bem-vindas, mas no fim do dia, ainda \u00e9 muito pouco para se tornar uma oferta atrativa aos olhos de quem j\u00e1 possui a vers\u00e3o cl\u00e1ssica no PC. Por\u00e9m, se voc\u00ea nunca teve contato com o t\u00edtulo antes, ent\u00e3o Dark Forces continua sendo um prato cheio para quem \u00e9 f\u00e3 de FPS no estilo Doom ou simplesmente s\u00f3 gosta muito do universo de Star Wars. A portabilidade da vers\u00e3o de Switch tamb\u00e9m pode ser um fator muito importante para quem prefere jogar no conforto da cama. Se voc\u00ea se encaixa nesse perfil, eu n\u00e3o poderia recomendar mais.", "date": "2024-03-13", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297149407", "grade": null, "id": 555400, "internal_url": "", "language": "pt", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 80.0, "platform": {"id": 203, "name": "Nintendo Switch"}, "score": 8.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "br", "flag": "", "id": 27, "name": "Brazil"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=498044089", "first_year": 2008, "id": 2991, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "pt", "id": 113, "name": "Portuguese", "ordering": 1130}], "last_year": null, "name": "Nintendo Blast", "num_reviews": 169, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 111083, "internal_url": "", "name": "Utritum"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Nightdive Studios serves up another fantastically thorough revamp of a retro classic with Star Wars: Dark Forces. It may not quite have the reputation of the likes of Quake 2 or System Shock, but this is a fun Star Wars shooter nevertheless, one of the better efforts from the \u002790s, and a game that looks and feels the absolute business thanks to enhanced graphics, modernised controls, fancy lighting techniques and all manner of other bells and whistles. Not quite essential, then, but a damn good time regardless, especially for fans of the original Star Wars franchise.", "date": "2024-02-28", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296933119", "grade": null, "id": 547295, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 80.0, "platform": {"id": 289, "name": "Xbox Series"}, "score": 8.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=1037890180", "first_year": 2010, "id": 2113, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Pure Xbox", "num_reviews": 298, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 180419, "internal_url": "", "name": "Plok"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Star Wars: Dark Forces is a technical masterpiece that stands above many of the games of its era, with the old LucasArts sensibility and polish shining even thirty years later. Creative, unique, and exciting, it\u2019s a shame that only two games were produced in this way: this, and the unjustly forgotten Outlaws. For many players, the remaster will be the preferred way to play: it places emphasis on some of the best or most impressive elements of the original game; it is immediately, easily playable; it features a lost level. But it\u0027s not a flawless remaster: ancient technical issues persist, and new problems emerge to frustrate the player.", "date": "2024-03-17", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297029991", "grade": null, "id": 550652, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 80.0, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 4.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=4296389667", "first_year": 2021, "id": 3651, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Boss Rush", "num_reviews": 15, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 111083, "internal_url": "", "name": "Utritum"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "The Force is strong with Nightdive. They took an old, but iconic Star Wars shooter, adapted it to their magnificent engine, remade its assets, tinkered with the presentation and gameplay, and delivered the ultimate Dark Forces experience. A game once touted to be borderline forgotten is now available on modern platforms in way that makes its original build feel like crap in comparison. It runs like a dream, it looks great (considering the game it was based on, of course), it\u2019s plastered with content, and it\u2019s overall a blast to play. Nightdive\u2019s first foray into retro Star Wars remastering was a surefire hit, and I can\u2019t wait to see what they\u2019ll revive next. Jedi Knight? X-Wing? Both?", "date": "2024-02-28", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296931569", "grade": null, "id": 547128, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 80.0, "platform": {"id": 289, "name": "Xbox Series"}, "score": 8.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "==", "flag": "", "id": 56, "name": "Worldwide"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=2711448923", "first_year": 2017, "id": 2470, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Way Too Many Games", "num_reviews": 2094, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 180419, "internal_url": "", "name": "Plok"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "The end result, then, is a great remaster of a game that offers\u2014very strictly\u2014a mid-1990s FPS experience. If you like/liked that experience then you\u0027ll love this, as Dark Forces Remaster is the definitive version of this game to play. But if modern FPS trappings are what you\u0027re used to, and have no love for the original, you\u0027ll likely be left wanting.", "date": "2024-02-28", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296931563", "grade": null, "id": 547123, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 78.0, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 78.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259440", "first_year": 1994, "id": 22, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "PC Gamer", "num_reviews": 1995, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 180419, "internal_url": "", "name": "Plok"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Overall, Star Wars: Dark Forces is a fun game. The gameplay is old school: shot first and ask questions later. The visuals and audio are enhanced but it is, without a doubt, a retro experience. If you like old school first person shooters, then you\u0027ll enjoy this game.", "date": "2024-03-06", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296968808", "grade": null, "id": 548507, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 75.0, "platform": {"id": 289, "name": "Xbox Series"}, "score": 7.5, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49258058", "first_year": 2013, "id": 1785, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "GamesReviews", "num_reviews": 70, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 111083, "internal_url": "", "name": "Utritum"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Dark Forces blijft een kind van zijn tijd, maar de remaster is gewoon smullen voor iedere oude rebel die er al in 1995 bij was en geeft ook jongere Star Wars-fans toegang tot een klassieker.", "date": "2024-03-29", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297142736", "grade": null, "id": 554924, "internal_url": "", "language": "nl", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 74.0, "platform": {"id": 288, "name": "PlayStation 5"}, "score": 74.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "be", "flag": "", "id": 4, "name": "Belgium"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49258063", "first_year": 1994, "id": 44, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "nl", "id": 34, "name": "Dutch", "ordering": 340}], "last_year": null, "name": "Gameplay (Benelux)", "num_reviews": 15496, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 65110, "internal_url": "", "name": "Tim Janssen"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Dark Forces blijft een kind van zijn tijd, maar de remaster is gewoon smullen voor iedere oude rebel die er al in 1995 bij was en geeft ook jongere Star Wars-fans toegang tot een klassieker.", "date": "2024-03-29", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297142732", "grade": null, "id": 554920, "internal_url": "", "language": "nl", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 74.0, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 74.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "be", "flag": "", "id": 4, "name": "Belgium"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49258063", "first_year": 1994, "id": 44, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "nl", "id": 34, "name": "Dutch", "ordering": 340}], "last_year": null, "name": "Gameplay (Benelux)", "num_reviews": 15496, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 65110, "internal_url": "", "name": "Tim Janssen"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Dark Forces blijft een kind van zijn tijd, maar de remaster is gewoon smullen voor iedere oude rebel die er al in 1995 bij was en geeft ook jongere Star Wars-fans toegang tot een klassieker.", "date": "2024-03-29", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297142733", "grade": null, "id": 554921, "internal_url": "", "language": "nl", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 74.0, "platform": {"id": 141, "name": "PlayStation 4"}, "score": 74.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "be", "flag": "", "id": 4, "name": "Belgium"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49258063", "first_year": 1994, "id": 44, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "nl", "id": 34, "name": "Dutch", "ordering": 340}], "last_year": null, "name": "Gameplay (Benelux)", "num_reviews": 15496, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 65110, "internal_url": "", "name": "Tim Janssen"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Dark Forces blijft een kind van zijn tijd, maar de remaster is gewoon smullen voor iedere oude rebel die er al in 1995 bij was en geeft ook jongere Star Wars-fans toegang tot een klassieker.", "date": "2023-03-29", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297142734", "grade": null, "id": 554922, "internal_url": "", "language": "nl", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 74.0, "platform": {"id": 142, "name": "Xbox One"}, "score": 74.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "be", "flag": "", "id": 4, "name": "Belgium"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49258063", "first_year": 1994, "id": 44, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "nl", "id": 34, "name": "Dutch", "ordering": 340}], "last_year": null, "name": "Gameplay (Benelux)", "num_reviews": 15496, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 65110, "internal_url": "", "name": "Tim Janssen"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Dark Forces blijft een kind van zijn tijd, maar de remaster is gewoon smullen voor iedere oude rebel die er al in 1995 bij was en geeft ook jongere Star Wars-fans toegang tot een klassieker.", "date": "2024-03-29", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297142735", "grade": null, "id": 554923, "internal_url": "", "language": "nl", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 74.0, "platform": {"id": 203, "name": "Nintendo Switch"}, "score": 74.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "be", "flag": "", "id": 4, "name": "Belgium"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49258063", "first_year": 1994, "id": 44, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "nl", "id": 34, "name": "Dutch", "ordering": 340}], "last_year": null, "name": "Gameplay (Benelux)", "num_reviews": 15496, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 65110, "internal_url": "", "name": "Tim Janssen"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Dark Forces blijft een kind van zijn tijd, maar de remaster is gewoon smullen voor iedere oude rebel die er al in 1995 bij was en geeft ook jongere Star Wars-fans toegang tot een klassieker.", "date": "2024-03-29", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297142737", "grade": null, "id": 554925, "internal_url": "", "language": "nl", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 74.0, "platform": {"id": 289, "name": "Xbox Series"}, "score": 74.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "be", "flag": "", "id": 4, "name": "Belgium"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49258063", "first_year": 1994, "id": 44, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "nl", "id": 34, "name": "Dutch", "ordering": 340}], "last_year": null, "name": "Gameplay (Benelux)", "num_reviews": 15496, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 65110, "internal_url": "", "name": "Tim Janssen"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster is not for the impatient gamer. It\u0027s a fun, mindless shooter set in the Star Wars universe that fans of the genre and the franchise will learn to appreciate. However, bland level color palettes makes it too easy to get lost and go around in circles; requiring to display the map in order to find doors otherwise blended in the decor. But at least cheat codes can alleviate the frustration a bit. Younger gamers used to Call of Duty\u0027s hand-holding might find this FPS experience frustrating as they go around in circles, but older gamers will revel in re-expericing this classic N64 experience. If you\u0027re played this in the past, this is a no-brainer. If you\u0027re more used to the CoD series, you might find endless frustration instead of fun.", "date": "2024-04-21", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297435165", "grade": null, "id": 571378, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 70.0, "platform": {"id": 289, "name": "Xbox Series"}, "score": 70.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=728158355", "first_year": 2019, "id": 3038, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Complete Xbox", "num_reviews": 86, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 111083, "internal_url": "", "name": "Utritum"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "So, the result is a decent remaster of an okay game. Not bad, better than middling, but not good. Given that it has the Star Wars license, Dark Forces was no doubt successful in 1995 and will most likely be successful now. And it should be. Because even mediocre games can be worthwhile, and they often have a story to tell. I\u2019ll always be grateful when Nightdive and other studios go to the effort to revive them, and I will always be here asking for more.", "date": "2024-02-28", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296931571", "grade": null, "id": 547130, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 70.0, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 7.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259382", "first_year": 2007, "id": 654, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Destructoid", "num_reviews": 2090, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 180419, "internal_url": "", "name": "Plok"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "PC-Spieler stehen also vor der Wahl: Das etwas kostspieligere Remaster spielen oder lieber das g\u00fcnstigere Original mit der Force Engine anwerfen? Schon allein deshalb wirkt der Preis von Nightdives Neuauflage etwas zu hoch gegriffen. Wir finden: Bei einem fast 30 Jahre alten Spiel h\u00e4tte es auch ruhig ein Zehner weniger sein d\u00fcrfen.", "date": "2024-02-28", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296931581", "grade": null, "id": 547132, "internal_url": "", "language": "de", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 70.0, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 7.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "de", "flag": "", "id": 9, "name": "Germany"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257669", "first_year": 1992, "id": 40, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "de", "id": 47, "name": "German", "ordering": 470}], "last_year": null, "name": "PC Games (Germany)", "num_reviews": 6352, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 180419, "internal_url": "", "name": "Plok"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Star Wars: Dark Forces macht als Remaster viel richtig, verschenkt aber auch einiges an Potenzial.", "date": "2024-02-28", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296933012", "grade": null, "id": 547282, "internal_url": "", "language": "de", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 70.0, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 70.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "de", "flag": "", "id": 9, "name": "Germany"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257644", "first_year": 1997, "id": 72, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "de", "id": 47, "name": "German", "ordering": 470}], "last_year": null, "name": "GameStar (Germany)", "num_reviews": 6488, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 180419, "internal_url": "", "name": "Plok"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ",3409369.html"}, {"citation": "Importantly, Dark Forces Remaster achieves the key goal for every remaster: it makes you wish they\u2019d make a new sequel in a similar style. Apex Legends developer Respawn are known to be fans and have said their new Star Wars first person shooter, rumoured to be based on The Mandalorian, does take inspiration from Dark Forces. That\u2019s good, but we hope that means Kyle Katarn gets a cameo too.", "date": "2024-02-28", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296933022", "grade": null, "id": 547283, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 70.0, "platform": {"id": 288, "name": "PlayStation 5"}, "score": 7.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259540", "first_year": 2010, "id": 1421, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "", "num_reviews": 878, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 180419, "internal_url": "", "name": "Plok"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Star Wars: Dark Forces Remastered is a remaster done right. Its main issue is the game it is remastering doesn\u2019t hold up to modern titles well enough. If you have that itch to dive back in and the $30 price isn\u2019t too much then it is well worth the price. If you don\u2019t have those feelings though, it\u2019s tough to recommend.", "date": "2024-02-28", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296931568", "grade": null, "id": 547127, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 65.0, "platform": {"id": 289, "name": "Xbox Series"}, "score": 6.5, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "==", "flag": "", "id": 56, "name": "Worldwide"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=931896222", "first_year": 2019, "id": 3078, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "XboxEra", "num_reviews": 295, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 180419, "internal_url": "", "name": "Plok"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Star Wars Dark Forces Remastered looks pretty good for being a remaster of a 1995 game. The cutscenes clearly got the most attention, and that\u2019s okay, but it would have been nice to see a more involved remake instead of a remaster. The gameplay is fine, but nothing extraordinary. Used as a building block for what the sequel would eventually bring, it feels like just another Quake.", "date": "2024-02-28", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296931566", "grade": null, "id": 547125, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 60.0, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 6.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "ca", "flag": "", "id": 5, "name": "Canada"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49252370", "first_year": 2010, "id": 1796, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "CGMagazine / Comics and Gaming Magazine", "num_reviews": 715, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 180419, "internal_url": "", "name": "Plok"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "To less wizened players, this might, understandably, all prove too much to make this remaster either enjoyable or worthwhile. But if you\u0027re willing to try and divine the inner workings of Dark Forces with a bit of spit and elbow grease, then there\u0027s certainly an interesting artefact to be found here - even if it\u0027s frequently wonky and obtuse in places. Despite the aimless wandering, I did have a good time with Star Wars Dark Forces Remaster, especially after only experiencing it through a demo disc all those years ago. But I\u0027m also glad it\u0027s over now, and that I can go back to playing properly new games again. In that sense, Dark Forces Remaster is a complete success. It\u0027s reminded me of a fun memory from a long time ago, and having now revisited it and admired it from every angle, I\u0027m happy to put it back in the carbon freezer, far, far away.", "date": "2024-02-28", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296931564", "grade": null, "id": 547124, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": null, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 0.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=1366217197", "first_year": 2008, "id": 2154, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Rock, Paper, Shotgun", "num_reviews": 2022, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 180419, "internal_url": "", "name": "Plok"}, "type": {"id": 6, "name": "Unscored"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "If you can stomach the price, Dark Forces Remaster is an interesting chapter in the early years of the first-person shooter. It\u0027s not always fun; navigation is often its own puzzle, and there\u0027s a stage late in the game with a sequence of locked doors that drove me to the edge (and from there to a guide). But the game offers an insight into where the genre was going, rapidly and smartly iterating on Doom\u0027s brilliant formula, as well as opening the way to a sequel that easily ranks as one of the best shooters ever made.", "date": "2024-06-05", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297598520", "grade": null, "id": 581247, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": null, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 0.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=4295404220", "first_year": 2022, "id": 3251, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "SUPERJUMP", "num_reviews": 37, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 111083, "internal_url": "", "name": "Utritum"}, "type": {"id": 6, "name": "Unscored"}, "url": ""}]'></critic-reviews> </section> </div> <section id="analytics"> <h2>Analytics</h2><div class="position-relative border border-mobypro bg-mobypro pt-xxl mb" data-nosnippet> <a href="/mobypro/" class="mobypro">MobyPro <sup class="text-upper text-success">Early Access</sup></a> <p class="mb-0"> Upgrade to <a href="/mobypro/">MobyPro</a> to view research rankings and price history! 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Last modified March 1, 2024.</small></span> </p> </section> </main> <hr> <footer> <p> <a href="/info/about/">About</a> · <a href="/info/faq/">FAQ</a> · <a href="/mobypro/">MobyPro</a> · <a href="/stats/">Stats</a> · <a href="/info/standards/">Standards</a> · <a href="/info/style-guide/">Style Guide</a> · <a href="/info/api/">API</a> · <a href="/info/contact/">Contact</a> · <a href="/changelog/">Change Log</a> · <a href="/info/privacy/">Privacy Policy</a> · <a href="/info/terms/">Terms of Use</a> </p> <p> © 1999–2024 MobyGames ™ </p> <p> <small class="text-muted">v20241125</small> </p> </footer> <tooltip ref="tooltip"></tooltip> <popover ref="popover"></popover> </div> <script> document.body.addEventListener('htmx:configRequest', (event) => { event.detail.headers['X-CSRF-Token'] = 'c0f261de-93ef-4f89-a670-d64a46531bc1'; }) </script> <script type="module" src=""></script> <script type="module" src=""></script> </body> </html>