Gastroenterology Online MSc - Queen Mary University of London

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Flexible learning schedule, allowing you to study alongside work commitments Developed and delivered by research and clinically active academics This programme is also available as a , , ."> <meta name="summarysearch" content="Designed as both a thorough introduction and update in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition, this part-time masters programme offers an examination of the modern world&rsquo;s most effective and highly-used research techniques. Flexible learning schedule, allowing you to study alongside work commitments Developed and delivered by research and clinically active academics This programme is also available as a , , ."> <meta name="structure" content=" Six compulsory taught modules 10,000-word dissertation/research project OR Clinical Case Reports (CCRs) "> <meta name="structuresearch" content=" Six compulsory taught modules 10,000-word dissertation/research project OR Clinical Case Reports (CCRs) "> <meta name="januarystart" content="Y"> <meta name="degreeapprenticeship" content="N"> <meta name="online" content="Online"> <meta name="coursepageurl" content=""> <!-- Terminalfour Search Metatags Start --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/ruxitagentjs_ICA7NVfqrux_10305250107141607.js" 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</nav> <main id="main-content"><div class="pgt-header slat" id="main-content" data-component="pgt-header" style="background-image: url('/media/ow-assets/assets/images/pgt/graduateCentre.jpg')"><div class="slat__container pgt-header__banner"> <div class="pgt-header__panel"><h1 class="th-s1 th-o pgt-header__title">Gastroenterology Online MSc</h1><div class="pgt-header__section pgt-header__details"><p>Part of: <a href="/study/medicine/">Medicine</a></p></div><div class="pgt-header__section pgt-header__acc"> <div class="pgt-header__accreditations"> <div class="pgt-header__accreditation"> </div> <div class="pgt-header__accreditation"> </div> <div class="pgt-header__accreditation"> </div> </div> </div></div><div class="pgt-header__overview slat__container"><div class="pgt-header__overview-summary prose"> <p>Designed as both a thorough introduction and update in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition, this part-time masters programme offers an examination of the modern world&rsquo;s most effective and highly-used research techniques.</p> <p><iframe src="" width="560" height="315" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p> </div><div class="pgt-header__overview-usps prose"><ul> <li>Flexible learning schedule, allowing you to study alongside work commitments</li> <li>Developed and delivered by research and clinically active academics</li> <li>This programme is also available as a full-time onsite MSc, full-time onsite PGDip, full-time online PGDip or part-time online PGDip.</li> </ul></div></div></div></div><!-- Retrieved staff-all --><nav class="course-nav course-nav--pgt slat" data-component="course-nav"><div class="course-nav__container slat__container"><div class="course-nav__head" data-role="head"><h1 class="course-nav__title">Gastroenterology Online MSc</h1></div><div class="course-nav__nav"><button class="course-nav__toggle" data-role="toggle"><svg class="icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"><use href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand" xlink:href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand"></use></svg>On this page</button><ul class="course-nav__items"><li data-role="jump"><a href="#course-apply-now">Application</a></li><li data-role="jump"><a href="#course-study">What you'll study</a></li><li data-role="jump"><a href="#course-teaching">Teaching</a></li><li data-role="jump"><a href="#course-learn">Where you'll learn</a</li><li data-role="jump"><a href="#course-career">Career paths</a></li><li data-role="jump"><a href="#course-funding">Fees and funding</a></li><li data-role="jump"><a href="#course-requirements">Entry requirements</a></li></ul></div></div></nav><div class="slat py-8" id="course-apply-now"><div class="slat__container"><div class="vertabs" data-component="vertical-tabs"><div class="vertabs__header"><h3 class="vertabs__title th-s3">Study options</h3></div><div class="vertabs__body"><div class="vertabs__options"><ul class="vertabs__tabs" data-role="tabs"><li class="vertabs__tab" data-role="tab"><a href="#full-time" data-role="trigger"><span class="vertabs__label-primary" data-role="plabel">Part-time</span><span class="vertabs__label-secondary" data-role="slabel">September 2025 | 2 years</span></a></li><li class="vertabs__tab" data-role="tab"><a href="#vt0" data-role="trigger"><span class="vertabs__label-primary" data-role="plabel">Part-time</span><span class="vertabs__label-secondary" data-role="slabel">January 2026 | 27 months</span></a></li></ul></div><div class="vertabs__container" data-role="container"><div class="vertabs__content" id="full-time" data-role="content"><div class="info-panel"><div class="info-panel__content"><dl class="info-panel__items"><dt>Starting in</dt><dd>September 2025</dd><dt>Location</dt><dd>Distance Learning</dd><dt>Fees</dt><dd>Home: &pound;6,150<br> Overseas: &pound;12,150<br /><a href="">EU/EEA/Swiss students</a><br><small>The course fee is charged per annum for 2 years. Note that fees may be subject to an increase on an annual basis - see details on our <a href="">tuition fees</a> page.</small></dd></dl></div><div class="info-panel__footer"><a class="action pgt-apply__submit" href="" aria-label="Apply for Gastroenterology Online MSc, Part-time for 2 year(s) starting in September 2025"><span class="twi action__label"><span class="twi__label"><span>Apply now</span></span></span></a><a class="action pgt-registerInterest__button" href="" aria-label=""><span class="twi action__label"><span class="twi__label"><span>Register your interest</span></span></span></a><div class="alert__container"> </div></div></div></div><div class="vertabs__content" id="vt0" data-role="content"><div class="info-panel"><div class="info-panel__content"><dl class="info-panel__items"><dt>Starting in</dt><dd>January 2026</dd><dt>Location</dt><dd>Distance Learning</dd><dt>Fees</dt><dd>Home: &pound;5,750<br> Overseas: &pound;11,450<br /><a href="">EU/EEA/Swiss students</a><br><small>The course fee is charged per annum for 2 years. Note that fees may be subject to an increase on an annual basis - see details on our <a href="">tuition fees</a> page.</small></dd></dl></div><div class="info-panel__footer"><a class="action pgt-apply__submit" href=";code1=PEDL-J3TM-01&amp;code2=0003" aria-label="Apply for Gastroenterology Online MSc, Part-time for 3 year(s) starting in January 2026"><span class="twi action__label"><span class="twi__label"><span>Apply now</span></span></span></a><a class="action pgt-registerInterest__button" href="" aria-label=""><span class="twi action__label"><span class="twi__label"><span>Register your interest</span></span></span></a><div class="alert__container"> </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="slat py-4" id="course-study"><div class="slat__container"><h2 class="separator md:mb-6 mb-4"><span class="separator__text">What you'll study</span></h2><div class="grid two-column"><div class="column-item grid__item"><div class="prose"> <p>This part-time Masters in Gastroenterology is aimed at practising clinicians wishing to understand the sciences underpinning clinical diseases and their management. It touches on a number of core topics, from paediatric and adolescent gastrointestinal GI through to adult GI diseases. You&rsquo;ll acquire a number of invaluable skills throughout the programme, including data analysis, research methods treatment application and diagnosis methodology. <br /><br />You&rsquo;ll be taught by world-leading experts, internationally recognised for their cutting-edge research in gastroenterology.&nbsp;</p> <h3 class="structure__subheading th-s3 text-blue mb-2 mt-4">Structure</h3> <ul> <li>Six compulsory taught modules</li> <li>10,000-word dissertation/research project OR Clinical Case Reports (CCRs)</li> </ul> </div></div><div class="column-item grid__item mt-4 md:mt-0"> <div class="message-card message-card--purple"> <div class="message-card__imageBlock"> <div class="image"> <img src="/media/qmul/postgraduate/1093_24-Postgraduate-journey-web-banner-600x400-v2.jpg" alt="Master Journey Webinars" class="image__image"> </div> </div> <div class="message-card__panel"> <div class="message-card__content"> <h3 class="message-card__heading"> Master Journey Webinars </h3> <p class="message-card__copy"> Your Masters Journey Webinars: Join our engaging webinar series designed to guide you through every step of your masters journey. </p> <a class="action action--inverted" href=""> <span class="twi action__label"> <span class="twi__label"><span> Register now</span></span></span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div></div><div class="grid two-column mt-4"><div class="column-item grid__item"><h3 class="th-s3 text-blue mb-2 mt-4">Compulsory/Core modules</h3><div class="disclosure-box" data-component="disclosure-box"><div class="disclosure-box__section" data-role="section"> <button class="disclosure-box__trigger" data-role="trigger" aria-expanded="false" type="button"> <svg class="icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <use href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand" xlink:href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand"></use> </svg> <h4 class="disclosure-box__title">The Basis of Gastro-Intestinal Disease</h4> </button> <div class="disclosure-box__content" data-role="content"><p> In this module, we will provide you with an introduction to the basic science of gastroenterology. We will cover the anatomy, histology, immunology, physiology (pharmacology and neuroscience), cell biology and genetics of gut function. In addition, lectures focus on research methodologies, allowing you to appraise the evidence base underpinning the taught content. You will learn important study skills such as drafting an essay, critical approach and referencing. </p></div> </div> <div class="disclosure-box__section" data-role="section"> <button class="disclosure-box__trigger" data-role="trigger" aria-expanded="false" type="button"> <svg class="icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <use href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand" xlink:href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand"></use> </svg> <h4 class="disclosure-box__title">Liver and Pancreatic Disease</h4> </button> <div class="disclosure-box__content" data-role="content"><p> In this module, we will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the study of liver and pancreatic diseases in adults, with a focus on research and science underpinning this speciality. Examples of topics you will cover in this module include causes of liver disease; liver disease in pregnancy; metals and liver; autoimmune liver disease; and liver and HIV. </p></div> </div> <div class="disclosure-box__section" data-role="section"> <button class="disclosure-box__trigger" data-role="trigger" aria-expanded="false" type="button"> <svg class="icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <use href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand" xlink:href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand"></use> </svg> <h4 class="disclosure-box__title">Adult Gastro-Intestinal Diseases: Luminal Diseases</h4> </button> <div class="disclosure-box__content" data-role="content"><p> In this module, we will look at aspects of adult luminal gastroenterology, excluding functional gastrointestinal disease. We will focus on research and science underpinning this speciality. </p></div> </div> <div class="disclosure-box__section" data-role="section"> <button class="disclosure-box__trigger" data-role="trigger" aria-expanded="false" type="button"> <svg class="icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <use href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand" xlink:href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand"></use> </svg> <h4 class="disclosure-box__title">Neurogastroenterology: Advanced Functional Gastro-Intestinal Diseases</h4> </button> <div class="disclosure-box__content" data-role="content"><p> In this module, you will undertake an advanced course in the field of Neurogastroenterology. Part of the module includes teaching and experience of complex diagnostic techniques within a GI physiology unit. This includes oesophageal and small bowel manometry, high-resolution manometry, impedance and nuclear medicine techniques. </p></div> </div> <div class="disclosure-box__section" data-role="section"> <button class="disclosure-box__trigger" data-role="trigger" aria-expanded="false" type="button"> <svg class="icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <use href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand" xlink:href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand"></use> </svg> <h4 class="disclosure-box__title">Paediatric and Adolescent Gastro-Intestinal and Liver Diseases, Gastro-Intestinal Infections</h4> </button> <div class="disclosure-box__content" data-role="content"><p> In this module, you will receive a thorough overview of gastrointestinal and liver diseases in children and adolescents, along with gastrointestinal infectious diseases. </p></div> </div> <div class="disclosure-box__section" data-role="section"> <button class="disclosure-box__trigger" data-role="trigger" aria-expanded="false" type="button"> <svg class="icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <use href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand" xlink:href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand"></use> </svg> <h4 class="disclosure-box__title">Introduction to Endoscopy and GI investigations (DL version)</h4> </button> <div class="disclosure-box__content" data-role="content"><p> In this module, you will gain knowledge and understanding of the principles and practice of the gastroenterology endoscopy and investigations. This module is intended as an update if you have some experience in endoscopy, and as an introduction for novices allowing you to accelerate further training after completion. </p></div> </div> </div><h3 class="th-s3 text-blue mb-2 mt-4">Compulsory/Core Elective modules</h3><div class="disclosure-box" data-component="disclosure-box"><div class="disclosure-box__section" data-role="section"> <button class="disclosure-box__trigger" data-role="trigger" aria-expanded="false" type="button"> <svg class="icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <use href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand" xlink:href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand"></use> </svg> <h4 class="disclosure-box__title">Dissertation - Clinical Case Reports</h4> </button> <div class="disclosure-box__content" data-role="content"><p> In this module, you will write up three case reports of patients from your clinical practice. You should describe the case using skills and knowledge acquired from previous modules. You will be expected to relate each case to basic science and/or research relevant to the case (e.g. evidence for treatment, pathology of disease, etc). </p></div> </div> <div class="disclosure-box__section" data-role="section"> <button class="disclosure-box__trigger" data-role="trigger" aria-expanded="false" type="button"> <svg class="icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <use href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand" xlink:href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#arrow-expand"></use> </svg> <h4 class="disclosure-box__title">Clinical Research in Gastro-intestinal Diseases</h4> </button> <div class="disclosure-box__content" data-role="content"><p> This module provides a thorough training in research methods, including original research leading to submission of a dissertation and presentation of the data. These skills are generic for any type of research work, and include background research, planning methods, practical work to collect data, analysis and presentation of the data, and defending the research in a viva. </p></div> </div> </div></div><div class="column-item grid__item"></div></div> <div class="grid two-column mt-4"><div class="column-item grid__item mt-4 md:mt-0"> <h3 class="th-s3 text-blue mb-3">Assessment</h3> <div class="pie" data-component="pie"> <div class="pie__chart"> <ul class="pie__legend" data-role="data"> <li data-size="67" data-color="#8a0a7f">67% Modules</li> <li data-size="33" data-color="#e4acdf">33% Research project</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="pie__notes prose"><ul> <li>Each module is examined through coursework and a written exam</li> <li>You will EITHER complete a 10,000-word dissertation, in addition to a ten-minute oral presentation and 15-minute viva OR submit a set of Clinical Case Reports (CCRs)</li> </ul></div> </div><div class="column-item grid__item"> <h3 class="th-s3 text-blue mb-2">Research project</h3> <div class="prose"> <p>The final project is your chance to conduct in-depth and independent research on a topic that is of direct interest to you and your career goals.</p> <p>You will complete either a research project or case series reports.</p> </div> </div></div></div></div><div class="slat py-8"> <div class="slat__container"> <div class="testimonial testimonial--muted"> <div class="testimonial__avatar testimonial--pgt"> <img class="testimonial__avatar-image" src="/media/blizard/images/Shaun-Koo-164x164.png" alt=" Shaun Koo, MSc Gastroenterology (intercalated) 2023" width="164" height="164"> </div> <div class="testimonial__panel"> <svg class="icon testimonial__quote-icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <use href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#quote-marks" xlink:href=" /media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#quote-marks"></use> </svg> <blockquote> <div class="testimonial__quote"> <p>Following my clinical placements with different hospitals across the Barts Health NHS Trust, I found that medical school often is a rapid whistle-stop tour through the myriad of body systems and specialty disciplines. As such, I wanted to dedicate exclusive study time to explore the realms of the digestive system with which I have become fascinated. The course is remarkable for the amazing teaching team we had the privilege to study under. Our lecturers were experts in the different fields of Hepatology, Neurogastroenterology and even Paediatric Gastroenterology, which allowed for engaging conversations about the growing landscape in Gastroenterology beyond simply learning disease diagnostics and management.</p> <p>I particularly enjoyed the focus on nurturing research skills, ranging from learning lab techniques to our independent coursework of essays, presentations and the final dissertation. The course is very comprehensive and future students will definitely benefit from the small student to teacher ratio and diverse coverage of emerging topics in Gastroenterology. I am currently finishing my fifth and final year of undergraduate medicine at Queen Mary and am looking forward to graduating and becoming a doctor. I am set in my future ambitions to become a specialist in Gastroenterology.</p> <p>In particular, I was very intrigued by our teachings in Neurogastroenterology and hope to practise in this sub-specialty in the future. I am also currently involved in clinical research in Gastroenterology, and the course has helped me to be well-equipped in research skills and clinical knowledge.</p> </div> <cite class="testimonial__citation"> &mdash; <p>Shaun Koo, MSc Gastroenterology (intercalated) 2023</p> </cite> </blockquote> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="slat py-4" id="course-teaching"><div class="slat__container"><h2 class="separator md:mb-6 mb-4"><span class="separator__text">Teaching</span></h2><div class="grid"><div class="grid__item grid__item--3/10"> <div class="prose"> <p>You'll be taught by internationally recognised academics in a variety of methods, including:</p> <ul> <li>online lectures and seminars</li> <li>podcasts</li> <li>reading material and guided reading exercises</li> <li>clinical case presentations</li> <li>group discussions via the QMplus portal.</li> </ul> <p>We invest in both your educational and personal development, and you will be assigned an Academic Adviser, who will support you during your studies.</p> <p>Blizard Institute distance learning (online) students* gave their experience a score of <strong>99% for overall satisfaction</strong>.</p> <p>*<em>Students who completed the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) 2024</em></p> </div> </div><div class="grid__item grid__item--7/10 mt-3 md:mt-0 flex-none"><div class="slider slider--profiles"> <div data-component="slider-profiles"> <div class="profile-slider-card"> <a href="/blizard/all-staff/profiles/nick-croft.html" class="profile-slider-card__link"> <div class="profile-slider-card__contents"> <div class="profile-slider-card__image"> <img src="/blizard/media/blizard/tmp/migration-files/blizard/images/stories/comform2content/p5/f400/31.jpg" alt="" style=" " /> </div> <h3 class="profile-slider-card__name">Professor Nick Croft</h3> <div class="profile-slider-card__title">Professor of Clinical Paediatric Gastroenterology</div> <p class="profile-slider-card__qualifications">MBBS PhD FRCPCH DCH MRCP(UK) SFHEA</p> <div class="prose profile-slider-card__bio"> <p>Dr Croft&rsquo;s work has largely been in leading and supporting clinical and translational research in the field of paediatric gastroenterology, in addition to his teaching roles. His research interests focus on paediatric gastroenterological diseases.</p> </div> <span class="profile-slider-card__icon"> <svg class="icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <use href="" xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </span> </div> </a> </div><div class="profile-slider-card"> <a href="/blizard/all-staff/profiles/alicia-eugenia-green.html" class="profile-slider-card__link"> <div class="profile-slider-card__contents"> <div class="profile-slider-card__image"> </div> <h3 class="profile-slider-card__name">Dr Alicia Green</h3> <div class="profile-slider-card__title">Clinical Teaching Fellow for the MSc and PGDip in Gastroenterology</div> <p class="profile-slider-card__qualifications">MBBS, MRCP (London) MSc (Gastroenterology)</p> <div class="prose profile-slider-card__bio"> <p>Dr Green is the lead of our online PGDip and MSc in Gastroenterology and of the dissertation module Clinical Case Report. Dr Green also lectures on and co- convenes three of the core modules of the PGDip and MSc Gastroenterology course including: -Liver and pancreatic diseases -Endoscopy and GI Investigations -Adult GI Diseases She is a member of the Neurogastroenterology group with active participation in clinical and research activities within the Wingate Institute team. </p> </div> <span class="profile-slider-card__icon"> <svg class="icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <use href="" xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </span> </div> </a> </div><div class="profile-slider-card"> <div class="profile-slider-card__contents"> <div class="profile-slider-card__image"> </div> <h3 class="profile-slider-card__name">Professor James Lindsay</h3> <div class="profile-slider-card__title">Professor of Inflammatory Bowel Disease</div> <p class="profile-slider-card__qualifications"></p> <div class="prose profile-slider-card__bio"> <p>Professor Lindsay is a Consultant Gastroenterologist at Barts Health NHS Trust. He runs the adolescent and adult Inflammatory Bowel Disease service at The Royal London Hospital with a full multidisciplinary team. He&rsquo;s on the Governing Board of the European Crohn&rsquo;s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO).</p> </div> <span class="profile-slider-card__icon"> <svg class="icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <use href="" xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </span> </div> </div><div class="profile-slider-card"> <a href="/blizard/all-staff/profiles/qasim-aziz.html" class="profile-slider-card__link"> <div class="profile-slider-card__contents"> <div class="profile-slider-card__image"> <img src="/blizard/media/blizard/images/staff/Qasim-Aziz_large.jpg" alt="Qasim Aziz staff photo" style=" " /> </div> <h3 class="profile-slider-card__name">Professor Qasim Aziz</h3> <div class="profile-slider-card__title">Professor of Neurogastroenterology; Director Wingate Institute of Neurogastroenterology; Deputy Lead Centre for Neuroscience, Surgery and Trauma</div> <p class="profile-slider-card__qualifications">PhD (Manchester), FRCP</p> <div class="prose profile-slider-card__bio"> <p>Professor Aziz is Director of the Wingate Institute of Neurogastroenterology at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. His research is aimed at understanding the neurophysiological basis of human brain-gut communication. </p> </div> <span class="profile-slider-card__icon"> <svg class="icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <use href="" xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </span> </div> </a> </div><div class="profile-slider-card"> <a href="/blizard/all-staff/profiles/ping-wang.html" class="profile-slider-card__link"> <div class="profile-slider-card__contents"> <div class="profile-slider-card__image"> <img src="/blizard/media/blizard/tmp/migration-files/blizard/images/stories/comform2content/p5/f534/31.jpg" alt="" style=" " /> </div> <h3 class="profile-slider-card__name">Professor Ping Wang</h3> <div class="profile-slider-card__title">Professor of Experimental Immunology</div> <p class="profile-slider-card__qualifications"></p> <div class="prose profile-slider-card__bio"> <p>Professor Wang&rsquo;s research concerns the regulation of antigen processing and presentation; the development of nano-vaccine for the treatment of chronic infectious diseases and the regulation of balanced adaptive immune responses and immune tolerance and is supported by Arthritis Research UK and MRC.</p> </div> <span class="profile-slider-card__icon"> <svg class="icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <use href="" xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div data-slider-controls class="slider-controls"></div> </div></div></div></div></div><div class="slat py-4" id="course-learn"><div class="slat__container"><h2 class="separator md:mb-6 mb-4"><span class="separator__text">Where you'll learn</span></h2><div class="grid two-column"><div class="column-item grid__item"> <h3 class="th-s3 text-blue mb-2">Facilities</h3> <div class="prose"> <p>At Queen Mary you will have access to a number of advanced facilities, including:</p> <ul> <li>access to QMplus, our bespoke online learning platform</li> <li>access to online library facilities and reading materials</li> <li>access to video and audio recordings of all lectures and other online resources</li> <li>video tutorials for lab-based work</li> <li>access to our campus facilities if you decide to visit at any point during your course</li> <li><span>Watch our video to discover online study at Queen Mary</span></li> </ul> <p><iframe src="" width="560" height="315" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p> </div> </div></div><div class="grid two-column mt-4"><div class="column-item grid__item"><h3 class="th-s3 text-blue mb-2">About the Institute</h3><div class="prose"> <h4>Blizard Institute</h4> <p>The Blizard Institute is the largest institute of&nbsp;the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. Our research and education span broad areas of modern biomedicine, with particular expertise in cell biology, genomics, immunology, neuroscience, primary care, population health and trauma sciences.</p> <p>Our research puts Queen Mary joint seventh in the UK (REF 2021). We work closely with linked NHS hospital trusts which means that the School&rsquo;s research and teaching is informed by an exceptionally wide-ranging and stimulating clinical environment.</p> <p>&nbsp;Barts Health NHS Trust is home to:</p> <ul> <li>One of the capital's leading trauma and emergency care centres in the UK (approaching 1,000 attendances daily)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</li> <li>Europe&rsquo;s largest Trauma Centre</li> <li>Europe&rsquo;s busiest Heart Centre.</li> </ul> <p>Queen Mary University is also part of the prestigious&nbsp;<a href="">Russell Group</a> - a body of leading UK universities dedicated to research and teaching excellence.</p> </div></div><div class="column-item grid__item mt-4 md:mt-0"><div class="school-info-card school-info-card--labelled" data-component="school-info-card"> <span class="school-info-card__label">Contact us</span> <h3 class="school-info-card__title"><a href="">Blizard Institute</a></h3> <div class="school-info-card__contact"> <ul class="school-info-card__meta"> <li class="school-info-card__meta-item"><a href="">Contact us</a></li> </ul> <ul class="social-list social-list--circled"> <li class="social-list__service"><a href="" class="social-list__service-link"><svg class="icon" xmlns=""><title>Blizard Institute Facebook</title><use href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#sm-facebook" xlink:href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#sm-facebook"></use></svg></a></li> <li class="social-list__service"><a href="" class="social-list__service-link"><svg class="icon" xmlns=""><title>Blizard Institute Twitter</title><use href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#sm-twitter" xlink:href="/media/ow-assets/assets/icons/sprite.svg#sm-twitter"></use></svg></a></li> </ul> </div> </div></div></div></div></div><div class="slat py-4" id="course-career"><div class="slat__container"><h2 class="separator md:mb-6 mb-4"><span class="separator__text">Career paths</span></h2><div class="grid two-column"><div class="column-item grid__item"> <div class="prose"> <p>During your studies you'll have access to support at every stage in your degree, including one-to-one academic guidance, tailored workshops and external guest speakers.</p> <p>This programme can be the first step to becoming a gastroenterologist as it gives excellent background knowledge of many aspects of gastroenterology. It also improves the knowledge of those already working in the field.</p> <p>This course is intended to add to &lsquo;hands-on clinical training&rsquo;, including knowledge of the basic science, research methodology and up-to-date research in the area. It may prepare you to undertake future research.</p> </div> </div><div class="column-item grid__item mt-2 md:mt-0"><ul class="stats-list ml-auto max-w-5"> <li class="stats-list__stat"> <strong class="stats-list__number"> 96%</strong> <span class="stats-list__context"> of Blizard postgraduate-taught students are in employment or further study (2020/21)</span> </li> <li class="stats-list__stat"> <strong class="stats-list__number"> 98%</strong> <span class="stats-list__context"> of Blizard postgraduate-taught students are in highly skilled work or study (2020/21)</span> </li> <li class="stats-list__stat"> <strong class="stats-list__number"> &pound;47k</strong> <span class="stats-list__context"> is the median UK salary of Blizard Institute postgraduate-taught graduates (2020/21). 87% earn above this.</span> </li> </ul> </div></div></div></div><div class="slat py-4" id="course-funding"><div class="slat__container"><h2 class="separator md:mb-6 mb-4"><span class="separator__text">Fees and funding</span></h2><div class="fees"><div class="grid grid--fixed three-column"><div class="grid__item fees__option--fixed"><h3 class="fees__title">Part-time study</h3><p class="text-base">September 2025 | 2 years</p><div class="fees__content"><ul><li>Home: &pound;6,150</li><li>Overseas: &pound;12,150<br /><a href="">EU/EEA/Swiss students</a></li></ul><small>The course fee is charged per annum for 2 years. Note that fees may be subject to an increase on an annual basis - see details on our <a href="">tuition fees</a> page.</small></div></div><div class="grid__item fees__option--fixed"><h3 class="fees__title">Part-time study</h3><p class="text-base">January 2026 | 27 months</p><div class="fees__content"><ul><li>Home: &pound;5,750</li><li>Overseas: &pound;11,450<br /><a href="">EU/EEA/Swiss students</a></li></ul><br><small>The course fee is charged per annum for 2 years. Note that fees may be subject to an increase on an annual basis - see details on our <a href="">tuition fees</a> page.</small></div></div></div><div class="fees__notes prose"><p>Queen Mary alumni can get a £1000, 10% or 20% discount on their fees depending on the programme of study. Find out more about the <a href="">Alumni Loyalty Award</a></p></div></div><div class="max-w-6"><h3 class="th-s3 text-blue mb-2 mt-4">Funding</h3><div class="prose"><div class="max-w-6 mx-auto"> <div class="prose"> <span id="d.en.698749"></span> <p>There are a number of ways you can fund your postgraduate degree.</p> <ul> <li><a href="/postgraduate/taught/funding_masters/">Scholarships and bursaries</a></li> <li><a href="/scholarships/postgraduate-loans/">Postgraduate loans (UK students)</a></li> <li><a href="/international-students/countries/">Country-specific</a><span> scholarships for international students</span></li> </ul> <p>Our <a href="">Advice and Counselling</a> service offers specialist support on financial issues, which you can access as soon as you apply for a place at Queen Mary. Before you apply, you can access our funding guides and advice on managing your money:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Advice for UK and EU students</a></li> <li><a href="">Advice for international students</a></li> </ul> </div> </div></div></div></div></div><div class="slat py-4" id="course-requirements"><div class="slat__container"><h2 class="separator md:mb-6 mb-4"><span class="separator__text">Entry requirements</span></h2><div class="grid two-column"><div class="column-item grid__item p-4 bg-grey-100"><div class="prose"><h3>UK</h3> <h4>Degree requirements</h4> <p>A Medical degree (non-UK medical degrees marked on a grading scale must be equivalent to UK 2:2 degree).</p> <h4>Other routes</h4><p>Those with a 2:2 or above at undergraduate level in a Science degree working as a Allied Health professional (such as Dietician, Physiologist) with at least one year experience will be considered on an individual basis.</p> <p>Applicants with Medical or Science degrees below this level will be considered on an individual basis if there is strong evidence of relevant professional experience.</p> <p>Professional experience of working in Gastroenterology is desirable.</p> <p>Find out more about <a href="">how to apply</a> for our postgraduate taught courses.</p></div></div><div class="column-item grid__item p-4 bg-grey-50"><div class="prose"><h3>International</h3></div><div class="select-toggle mt-4" data-component="select-toggle"><div class="select-toggle__toggle"><label class="label" for="countrySelect">Country of Qualification</label><select class="select" id="countrySelect" data-role="toggle"><option value="">Select a country</option><option value="#AFG">Afghanistan</option><option value="#ALB">Albania</option><option value="#DZA">Algeria</option><option value="#AGO">Angola</option><option value="#ARG">Argentina</option><option value="#ARM">Armenia</option><option value="#AUS">Australia</option><option value="#AUT">Austria</option><option value="#AZE">Azerbaijan</option><option value="#BHS">Bahamas</option><option value="#BHR">Bahrain</option><option value="#BGD">Bangladesh</option><option value="#BRB">Barbados</option><option value="#BLR">Belarus</option><option value="#BEL">Belgium</option><option value="#BLZ">Belize</option><option value="#BEN">Benin</option><option value="#BOL">Bolivia</option><option value="#BIH">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option><option value="#BWA">Botswana</option><option value="#BRA">Brazil</option><option value="#BRN">Brunei</option><option value="#BGR">Bulgaria</option><option value="#BDI">Burundi</option><option value="#KHM">Cambodia</option><option value="#CMR">Cameroon</option><option value="#CAN">Canada</option><option value="#CHL">Chile</option><option value="#CHN">China</option><option value="#COL">Colombia</option><option value="#COD">Congo, Dem. Rep. of</option><option value="#COG">Congo, Rep. of</option><option value="#CRI">Costa Rica</option><option value="#HRV">Croatia</option><option value="#CUB">Cuba</option><option value="#CYP">Cyprus</option><option value="#CZE">Czech Republic</option><option value="#DNK">Denmark</option><option value="#DOM">Dominican Republic</option><option value="#ECU">Ecuador</option><option value="#EGY">Egypt</option><option value="#SLV">El Salvador</option><option value="#ERI">Eritrea</option><option value="#EST">Estonia</option><option value="#SWZ">Eswatini</option><option value="#ETH">Ethiopia</option><option value="#FJI">Fiji</option><option value="#FIN">Finland</option><option value="#FRA">France</option><option value="#GMB">Gambia</option><option value="#GEO">Georgia</option><option value="#DEU">Germany</option><option value="#GHA">Ghana</option><option value="#GRC">Greece</option><option value="#GRD">Grenada</option><option value="#GTM">Guatemala</option><option value="#GIN">Guinea</option><option value="#GUY">Guyana</option><option value="#HND">Honduras</option><option value="#HKG">Hong Kong</option><option value="#HUN">Hungary</option><option value="#ISL">Iceland</option><option value="#IND">India</option><option value="#IDN">Indonesia</option><option value="#IRN">Iran</option><option value="#IRQ">Iraq</option><option value="#IRL">Ireland</option><option value="#ISR">Israel</option><option value="#ITA">Italy</option><option value="#CIV">Cote D’ivoire (Ivory Coast)</option><option value="#JAM">Jamaica</option><option value="#JPN">Japan</option><option value="#JOR">Jordan</option><option value="#KAZ">Kazakhstan</option><option value="#KEN">Kenya</option><option value="#KOS">Kosovo</option><option value="#KWT">Kuwait</option><option value="#KGZ">Kyrgyzstan</option><option value="#LAO">Laos</option><option value="#LVA">Latvia</option><option value="#LBN">Lebanon</option><option value="#LSO">Lesotho</option><option value="#LBR">Liberia</option><option value="#LBY">Libya</option><option value="#LIE">Liechtenstein</option><option value="#LTU">Lithuania</option><option value="#LUX">Luxembourg</option><option value="#MAC">Macau</option><option value="#MKD">Macedonia</option><option value="#MDG">Madagascar</option><option value="#MWI">Malawi</option><option value="#MYS">Malaysia</option><option value="#MDV">Maldives</option><option value="#MLT">Malta</option><option value="#MUS">Mauritius</option><option value="#MEX">Mexico</option><option value="#MDA">Moldova</option><option value="#MCO">Monaco</option><option value="#MNG">Mongolia</option><option value="#MNE">Montenegro</option><option value="#MAR">Morocco</option><option value="#MOZ">Mozambique</option><option value="#MMR">Myanmar</option><option value="#NAM">Namibia</option><option value="#NPL">Nepal</option><option value="#NLD">Netherlands</option><option value="#NZL">New Zealand</option><option value="#NGA">Nigeria</option><option value="#NOR">Norway</option><option value="#OMN">Oman</option><option value="#PAK">Pakistan</option><option value="#PSE">Palestine, State of</option><option value="#PAN">Panama</option><option value="#PNG">Papua New Guinea</option><option value="#PRY">Paraguay</option><option value="#PER">Peru</option><option value="#PHL">Philippines</option><option value="#POL">Poland</option><option value="#PRT">Portugal</option><option value="#PRI">Puerto Rico</option><option value="#QAT">Qatar</option><option value="#ROU">Romania</option><option value="#RUS">Russia</option><option value="#RWA">Rwanda</option><option value="#SAU">Saudi Arabia</option><option value="#SEN">Senegal</option><option value="#SRB">Serbia</option><option value="#SLE">Sierra Leone</option><option value="#SGP">Singapore</option><option value="#SVK">Slovakia</option><option value="#SVN">Slovenia</option><option value="#SOM">Somalia</option><option value="#ZAF">South Africa</option><option value="#KOR">South Korea</option><option value="#ESP">Spain</option><option value="#LKA">Sri Lanka</option><option value="#SDN">Sudan</option><option value="#SWE">Sweden</option><option value="#CHE">Switzerland</option><option value="#SYR">Syria</option><option value="#TWN">Taiwan</option><option value="#TJK">Tajikistan</option><option value="#TZA">Tanzania</option><option value="#THA">Thailand</option><option value="#TTO">Trinidad and Tobago</option><option value="#TUN">Tunisia</option><option value="#TUR">Turkey</option><option value="#TRNC">Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus</option><option value="#TKM">Turkmenistan</option><option value="#TCA">Turks and Caicos Islands</option><option value="#UGA">Uganda</option><option value="#UKR">Ukraine</option><option value="#ARE">United Arab Emirates</option><option value="#USA">United States of America</option><option value="#URY">Uruguay</option><option value="#UZB">Uzbekistan</option><option value="#VEN">Venezuela</option><option value="#VNM">Vietnam</option><option value="#YEM">Yemen</option><option value="#ZMB">Zambia</option><option value="#ZWE">Zimbabwe</option></select></div><div class="select-toggle__content"><div id="AFG" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Afghanistan</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Master Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 90%; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0 <br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 80%; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0 <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 70%; or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0 </p> </div> </div> <div id="ALB" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Albania</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 9.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 8 out of 10 <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 7 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="DZA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Algeria</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licence; Diplome de [subject area]; Diplome d'Etudes Superieures; Diplome de Docteur end Pharmacie; or Diplome de Docteur en Medecine from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 16 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 14 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 12 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="AGO" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Angola</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Grau de Licenciado/a (minimum 4 years) from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 17 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 15 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 13 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="ARG" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Argentina</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo/ Grado de Licenciado/ Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 9 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 7.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 6.5 out of 10 </p> </div> </div> <div id="ARM" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Armenia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 87 out of 100<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 75 out of 100<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 61 out of 100</p> </div> </div> <div id="AUS" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Australia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) or Bachelor Honours degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> High Distinction; or First Class with Honours <br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Distinction; or Upper Second Class with Honours <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Credit; or Lower Second Class with Honours </p> </div> </div> <div id="AUT" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Austria</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 1.5 out of 5.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 2.5 out of 5.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 3.5 out of 5.0</p> <p>The above relates to grading scale where 1 is the highest and 5 is the lowest.</p> </div> </div> <div id="AZE" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Azerbaijan</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma from a recognised institution. <br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 90%; or GPA 4.7 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 80%; or GPA 4 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 70%; or GPA 3.5 out of 5</p> </div> </div> <div id="BHS" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Bahamas</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from the University of West Indies.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> First Class Honours<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Upper Second Class Honours<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Lower Second Class Honours</p> </div> </div> <div id="BHR" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Bahrain</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.7 out of 4.0; or 90 out of 100<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.0; or 80 out of 100<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.3 out of 4.0; or 74 out of 100</p> </div> </div> <div id="BGD" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Bangladesh</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.2 to 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 to 3.3 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.3 to 2.7 out of 4.0</p> <p><span>Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from.&nbsp; For some institutions/degrees we will ask for different grades to above, so this is only a guide.&nbsp;</span></p> </div> </div> <div id="BRB" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Barbados</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from the University of West Indies, Cave Hill or Barbados Community College. <br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> First Class Honours*; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0**<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Upper Second Class Honours*; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0**<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Lower Second Class Honours*; or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0**</p> <p>*relates to: the University of West Indies, Cave Hill.</p> <p>**relates to:&nbsp;Barbados Community College.</p> </div> </div> <div id="BLR" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Belarus</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 9 out of 10; or 4.7 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 7 out of 10; or 4 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 5 out of 10; or 3.5 out of 5</p> </div> </div> <div id="BEL" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Belgium</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution. <br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 80% or 16/20*; or 78%**<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 70% or 14/20*; or 72%**<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 60% or 12/20*; or 65%**</p> <p>*Flanders (Dutch-speaking)/ Wallonia (French-speaking)<br>**German-speaking</p> </div> </div> <div id="BLZ" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Belize</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from the University of West Indies.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> First Class Honours <br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Upper Second Class Honours <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Lower Second Class Honours </p> </div> </div> <div id="BEN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Benin</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Maitrise or Masters from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 16 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 14 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 12 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="BOL" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Bolivia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Bachiller Universitario or Licenciado / Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 85%* or 80%**<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 75%* or 70%**<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 65%* or 60%**</p> <p>*relates to: Titulo de Bachiller Universitario</p> <p>**relates to: Licenciado / Titulo de [subject area]&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> <div id="BIH" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Bosnia and Herzegovina</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 9.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 8.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 7.5 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="BWA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Botswana</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 5 years) or Master Degree from the University of Botswana.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 80%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 70%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 60%</p> </div> </div> <div id="BRA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Brazil</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Título de Bacharel / Título de [subject area] or Título de Licenciado/a (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 8.25 out of 10 <br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 7.5 out of 10 <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 6.5 out of 10 </p> <p>The above grades assumes that the grading scale has a pass mark of 5.</p> </div> </div> <div id="BRN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Brunei</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Honours degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> First Class Honours <br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Upper Second Class Honours <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Lower Second Class Honours </p> </div> </div> <div id="BGR" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Bulgaria</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 5.75 out of 6.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 4.75 out of 6.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 4.0 out of 6.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="BDI" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Burundi</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 85%; or 16 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 75%; or 14 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 60%; or 12 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="KHM" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Cambodia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 80%; or GPA 3.5 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 70%; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 60%; or GPA 2.35 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="CMR" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Cameroon</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree; Licence; Diplome d'Etudes Superieures de Commerce; Diplome d'Ingenieur de Conception/ Travaux; Doctorat en Medecine/ Pharmacie; or Maitrise or Master 1 from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 16 out of 20; or GPA 3.6 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 14 out of 20; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 12 out of 20; or GPA 2.5 out of 4.0 </p> </div> </div> <div id="CAN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Canada</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Bachelor Honours Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.6 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.2 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.5 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="CHL" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Chile</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Grado de Licenciado en [subject area] or Titulo (Professional) de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 6.5 out of 7<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 5.5 out of 7<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 5 out of 7</p> </div> </div> <div id="CHN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>China</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 85 to 95% <br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 75 to 85%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 70 to 80%</p> <p>Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> <div id="COL" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Colombia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licenciado en [subject area] or Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 4.60 out of 5.00<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 4.00 out of 5.00<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 3.50 out of 5.00</p> </div> </div> <div id="COD" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Congo, Dem. Rep. of</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies or Diplome d'Etudes Speciales from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 16 out of 20; or 90%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 14 out of 20; or 80%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 12 out of 20; or 70%</p> </div> </div> <div id="COG" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Congo, Rep. of</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Diplome d'Etudes Superieures or Maitrise from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 16 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 14 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 12 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="CRI" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Costa Rica</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachiller or Licenciado from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 9 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 8 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 7.5 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="HRV" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Croatia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Advanced Diploma of Higher Education Level VII/1 (Diploma - Visoko obrazovanje) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 4.5 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 4 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 3 out of 5</p> </div> </div> <div id="CUB" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Cuba</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Licenciado/ Arquitecto/ Doctor/ Ingeniero from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 4.7 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 4 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 3.5 out of 5</p> </div> </div> <div id="CYP" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Cyprus</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 8 out of 10; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 7.0 out of 10; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 6.0 out of 10; or GPA 2.5 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="CZE" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Czech Republic</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 1.2 out of 4<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 1.5 out of 4<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 2.5 out of 4</p> <p><span>The above relates to grading scale where 1 is the highest and 4 is the lowest.</span></p> </div> </div> <div id="DNK" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Denmark</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 12 out of 12 (2007 onwards); or 11 out of 13 (before 2007)<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 7 out of 12 (2007 onwards); or 8 out of 13 (before 2007)<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 4 out of 12 (2007 onwards); or 7 out of 13 (before 2007)</p> </div> </div> <div id="DOM" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Dominican Republic</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licenciado/ Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 95/100<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 85/100<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 78/100</p> </div> </div> <div id="ECU" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Ecuador</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Licenciado / Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 90%; or 9/10; or 19/20; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 80%; or 8/10; or 18/20; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 70%; or 7/10; or 14/20; or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="EGY" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Egypt</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 85%; or GPA 3.7 out of 4<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 75%; or GPA 3.0 out of 4<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 65%; or GPA 2.5 out of 4</p> </div> </div> <div id="SLV" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>El Salvador</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licenciado/ Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 5 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 8.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 7.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 6.5 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="ERI" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Eritrea</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.4 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="EST" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Estonia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree; University Specialist's Diploma; or Professional Higher Education Diploma from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 4.5 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 3.5 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 2 out of 5</p> <p>The above grades assumes that 1 is the pass mark.&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> <div id="SWZ" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Eswatini</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 80%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 70%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 60%</p> </div> </div> <div id="ETH" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Ethiopia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.7 out of 4.0 <br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.5 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="FJI" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Fiji</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from one of the following institutions: Fiji National University, the University of Fiji, or the University of South Pacific, Fiji.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 4.0 out of 5.0*; or overall grade A with High Distinction pass**; or GPA 4.0 out of 4.5***<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.33 out of 5.0*; or overall grade B with Credit pass**; or GPA 3.5 out of 4.5***<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.33 out of 5.0*; or overall grade S (Satisfactory)**; or GPA 2.5 out of 4.5***</p> <p>*relates to&nbsp;Fiji National University</p> <p>**relate to&nbsp;the University of Fiji</p> <p>***relates to&nbsp;the University of South Pacific, Fiji</p> </div> </div> <div id="FIN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Finland</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree/ Kandidaatti/ Kandidat (minimum 180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution; or Bachelor degree (Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto/ Yrkeshögskoleexamen) from a recognised University of Applied Sciences.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 4.5 out of 5; or 2.8 out of 3<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 3.5 out of 5; or 2 out of 3<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 2.5 out of 5; or 1.4 out of 3</p> </div> </div> <div id="FRA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>France</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licence; Grade de Licence; Diplome d'Ingenieur; or Maitrise from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 14 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 12 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 11 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="GMB" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Gambia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 80%; or GPA 4.0 out of 4.3<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 67%; or GPA 3.3 out of 4.3<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 60%; or GPA 2.7 out of 4.3</p> </div> </div> <div id="GEO" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Georgia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution. <br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 91 out of 100; or 4.7 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 81 out of 100; or 4 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 71 out of 100; or 3.5 out of 5</p> </div> </div> <div id="DEU" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Germany</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 1.5 out of 5.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 2.5 out of 5.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 3.5 out of 5.0</p> <p>The above relates to grading scale where 1 is the highest and 5 is the lowest.</p> </div> </div> <div id="GHA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Ghana</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution. <br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> First Class<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Second Class (Upper Division)<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Second Class (Lower Division)</p> </div> </div> <div id="GRC" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Greece</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Degrees from recognised selected institutions in the University sector or Degrees (awarded after 2003) from recognised Technological Educational Institutes.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 8 out of 10*; or 9 out of 10**<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 7 out of 10*; or 7.5 out of 10**<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 6 out of 10*; or 6.8 out of 10**</p> <p>*Relates to degrees from the University Sector.<br>**Relates to degrees from Technological Educational Institutes.</p> </div> </div> <div id="GRD" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Grenada</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from the University of West Indies.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> First Class Honours<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Upper Second Class Honours <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Lower Second Class Honours </p> </div> </div> <div id="GTM" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Guatemala</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licenciado / Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 90%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 80%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 70%</p> <p>The above grades assumes that the pass mark is 61% or less.</p> </div> </div> <div id="GIN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Guinea</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Master; Maitrise; Diplome d'Etudes Superieures; or Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 16 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 14 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 12 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="GUY" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Guyana</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Graduate Diploma (Postgraduate) or Masters degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.4 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="HND" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Honduras</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Licenciado/a / Grado Academico de Licenciatura (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 90%; or 4.7 out of 5; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 80%; or 4.0 out of 5; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 70%; or 3.5 out of 5; or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="HKG" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Hong Kong</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Honours Degree from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> First Class Honours<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Upper Second Class Honours<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Lower Second Class Honours</p> </div> </div> <div id="HUN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Hungary</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor degree (Alapfokozat) or University Diploma (Egyetemi Oklevel) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 4.75 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 4 out of 5 <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 3.5 out of 5</p> </div> </div> <div id="ISL" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Iceland</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor degree (Baccalaureus or Bakkalarprof) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 8.25 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 7.25 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 6.5 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="IND" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>India</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 75% to 80%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 60% to 70%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 50% to 60%</p> <p><span>Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from.&nbsp; For some institutions/degrees we will ask for different grades to above, so this is only a guide.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p> <p>For India, offers may be made on the GPA scale.</p> <p>We do not consider the Bachelor of Vocation (B. Voc.) for Masters entry.</p> </div> </div> <div id="IDN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Indonesia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Sarjna I (S1) Bachelor Degree or Diploma IV (D4) (minimum 4 years) from selected degree programmes and institutions. <br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.6 to 3.8 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 to 3.2 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.67 to 2.8 out of 4.0</p> <p><span>Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from and the degree that you study.</span></p> </div> </div> <div id="IRN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Iran</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 17.5 to 18.5 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 15 to 16 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 13.5 to 14 out of 20</p> <p><span>Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p> </div> </div> <div id="IRQ" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Iraq</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 85 out of 100<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 75 out of 100<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 60 out of 100</p> </div> </div> <div id="IRL" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Ireland</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Honours Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> First Class Honours<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Second Class Honours Grade I<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Second Class Honours Grade II</p> </div> </div> <div id="ISR" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Israel</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 90%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 80%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 65%</p> </div> </div> <div id="ITA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Italy</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Laurea (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 110 out of 110 <br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 105 out of 110<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 94 out of 110</p> </div> </div> <div id="CIV" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Cote D’ivoire (Ivory Coast)</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Diplome d'Ingenieur; Doctorat en Medicine; Maitrise; Master; Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies; or Diplome d'Etudes Superieures Specialisees from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 16 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 14 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 12 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="JAM" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Jamaica</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from the University of West Indies (UWI) or a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.7 out of 4.0; or First Class Honours from the UWI<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.0; or Upper Second Class Honours from the UWI<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.4 out of 4.0; or Lower Second Class Honours from the UWI</p> </div> </div> <div id="JPN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Japan</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> S overall* or A overall**; or 90%; or GPA 3.70 out of 4.00<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> A overall* or B overall**; or 80%; or GPA 3.00 out of 4.00<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> B overall* or C overall**; or 70%; or GPA 2.3 out of 4.00</p> <p>*Overall mark is from the grading scale: S, A, B, C (S is highest mark)<br>**Overall mark is from the grading scale: A, B, C, D (A is highest mark)</p> </div> </div> <div id="JOR" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Jordan</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 85%; or GPA of 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 75%; or GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 70%; or GPA of 2.5 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="KAZ" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Kazakhstan</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 3.8 out of 4.0/4.33; or 4.7 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 3.33 out of 4.0/4.33; or 4.0 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 2.67 out of 4.0/4.33; or 3.5 out of 5</p> </div> </div> <div id="KEN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Kenya</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> First Class Honours; or GPA 3.6 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Second Class Honours Upper Division; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Second Class Honours Lower Division; or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="KOS" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Kosovo</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 9.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 8.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 7.5 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="KWT" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Kuwait</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.67 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.67 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="KGZ" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Kyrgyzstan</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 4.7 out of 5; or GPA 3.7 out of 4<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 4.0 out of 5; or GPA 3.0 out of 4 <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 3.5 out of 5; or GPA 2.4 out of 4</p> </div> </div> <div id="LAO" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Laos</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.4 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="LVA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Latvia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (awarded after 2002) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 9.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 7.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 6 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="LBN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Lebanon</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree; Licence; or Maitrise from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 90% or Grade A; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0; or 16 out of 20 (French system)<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 80% or Grade B; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0; or 13 out of 20 (French system)<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 70% or Grade C; or GPA 2.5 out of 4.0; or 12 out of 20 (French system)</p> </div> </div> <div id="LSO" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Lesotho</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Honours Degree (minimum 5 years total HE study); Masters Degree or Postgraduate Diploma from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 80%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 70%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 60%</p> </div> </div> <div id="LBR" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Liberia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 90% or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 80% or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 70% or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="LBY" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Libya</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 85%; or 3.7 out of 4.0 GPA <br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 75%; or 3.0 out of 4.0 GPA <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 65%; or 2.6 out of 4.0 GPA </p> </div> </div> <div id="LIE" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Liechtenstein</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 5.6 out of 6.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 5.0 out of 6.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 4.4 out of 6.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="LTU" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Lithuania</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 9.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 8 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 7 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="LUX" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Luxembourg</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 16 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 14 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 12 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="MAC" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Macau</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (Licenciatura) (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.5 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="MKD" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Macedonia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Diploma of Completed Higher Education - Level VII/1 or Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 9.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 8.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 7 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="MDG" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Madagascar</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Maîtrise; Diplome d'Ingenieur; Diplôme d'Etat de Docteur en Médecine; Diplôme d’Etat de Docteur en Chirurgie Dentaire; Diplôme d'Études Approfondies; Diplôme de Magistère (Première Partie) – also known as Master 1; or Diplôme de Master – also known as Master 2 from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 16 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 14 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 12 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="MWI" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Malawi</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 80% or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 70% or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 60% or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="MYS" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Malaysia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> Class 1; or 3.7 out of 4.0 CGPA<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Class 2 division 1; or 3.0 out of 4.0 CGPA<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Class 2 division 2; or 2.6 out of 4.0 CGPA</p> </div> </div> <div id="MDV" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Maldives</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (awarded from 2000) from the Maldives National University.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.5 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="MLT" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Malta</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Bachelor Honours Degree from a recognised institution. <br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> First Class Honours; or Category I<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Upper Second Class Honours; or Category IIA<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Lower Second Class Honours; or Category IIB</p> </div> </div> <div id="MUS" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Mauritius</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> Class I; or 70%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Class II division I; or 60%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Class II division II; or 50%</p> <p>Offer conditions will vary depending on the grading scale used by your institution.</p> </div> </div> <div id="MEX" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Mexico</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Licenciado/ Titulo (Profesional) de [subject area] from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 9.0 to 9.5 out of 10 <br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 8.0 to 8.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 7.0 to 7.5 out of 10</p> <p><span>Offer conditions will vary depending on the&nbsp;grading scale your institution uses.</span></p> </div> </div> <div id="MDA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Moldova</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (Diploma de Licenta) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 9.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 8 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 6.5 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="MCO" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Monaco</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.5 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="MNG" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Mongolia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.6 out of 4.0; or 90%; or grade A<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.2 out of 4.0; or 80%; or grade B<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.8 out of 4.0; or 70%; or grade C</p> </div> </div> <div id="MNE" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Montenegro</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Diploma of Completed Academic Undergraduate Studies; Diploma of Professional Undergraduate Studies; or Advanced Diploma of Higher Education from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 9.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 8.5 out of 10 <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 7 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="MAR" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Morocco</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Diplome d'Ecoles Nationales de Commerce et de Gestion; Diplome de Docteur Veterinaire; Doctorat en Medecine; Docteur en Medecine Dentaire; Licence; Diplome d'Inegeniuer d'Etat; Diplome de Doctorat en Pharmacie; or Maitrise from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 16 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 13 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 11 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="MOZ" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Mozambique</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Grau de Licenciado (minimum 4 years) or Grau de Mestre from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 16 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 14 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 12 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="MMR" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Myanmar</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 80% or GPA of 4.7 out of 5.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 70% or GPA of 4.0 out of 5.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 60% or GPA of 3.5 out of 5.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="NAM" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Namibia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Honours Degree or Professional Bachelor Degree (NQF level 8 qualifications) - these to be awarded after 2008 from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 80%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 70%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 60%</p> </div> </div> <div id="NPL" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Nepal</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 80%; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 65%; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 55%; or GPA of 2.4 out of 4.0</p> <p>Bachelor in Nursing Science are not considered equivalent to UK Bachelor degrees.</p> </div> </div> <div id="NLD" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Netherlands</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 8 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 7 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 6 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="NZL" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>New Zealand</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) or Bachelor Honours Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> A-*; or First Class Honours**<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> B*; or Second Class (Division 1) Honours**<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> C+*; or Second Class (Division 2) Honours**</p> <p>*from a Bachelor degree <br>**from a Bachelor Honours degree</p> </div> </div> <div id="NGA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Nigeria</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 4.50 out of 5.00; or GPA 6.0 out of 7.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.50 out of 5.00; or GPA 4.6 out of 7.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.80 out of 5.00; or GPA 3.0 out of 7.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="NOR" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Norway</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> Overall B grade with at least 75 ECTS (of 180 ECTS min overall) at grade A or above.<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Overall B grade <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Overall C grade </p> </div> </div> <div id="OMN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Oman</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.5 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="PAK" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Pakistan</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 to 3.8 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 2.6 to 3.6 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.0 to 3.0 out of 4.0</p> <p><span>Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from.&nbsp; For some institutions/degrees we will ask for different grades to above, so this is only a guide.&nbsp;</span></p> </div> </div> <div id="PSE" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Palestine, State of</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 90% or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 80% or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 70% or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="PAN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Panama</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licenciado / Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 91%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 81%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 71%</p> </div> </div> <div id="PNG" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Papua New Guinea</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Honours Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> Class I <br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Class II, division A<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Class II, division B </p> </div> </div> <div id="PRY" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Paraguay</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Licenciado / Titulo de [professional title] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 4.7 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 4 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 3.5 out fo 5</p> </div> </div> <div id="PER" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Peru</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Grado Academico de Bachiller or Titulo de Licenciado/ Titulo (Professional) de [subject area] from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 17 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 14 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 12 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="PHL" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Philippines</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from selected institutions or Juris Doctor; Bachelor of Laws; Doctor of Medicine; Doctor of Dentistry/ Optometry/ Veterinary Medicine; or Masters Degree from recognised institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 3.6 out of 4.0; or 94%; or 1.25 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 3.0 out of 4.0; or 86%; or 1.75 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 2.5 out of 4.0; or 80%; or 2.5 out of 5</p> <p><span>The above 'out of 5' scale assumes</span>&nbsp;1 is highest mark and 3 is the pass mark.</p> </div> </div> <div id="POL" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Poland</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licencjat or Inzynier (minimum 3 years) - these must be awarded after 2001 from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 4.8 out of 5.0 <br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 4.5 out of 5.0 <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 3.8 out of 5.0 </p> <p>The above grades are based on the 2 to 5 scale, where 3 is the pass mark and 5 is the highest mark.</p> </div> </div> <div id="PRT" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Portugal</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licenciado (minimum 180 ECTS credits) or Diploma de Estudos Superiores Especializados (DESE) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 16 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 14 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 12 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="PRI" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Puerto Rico</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 90/100 or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 80/100 or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 70/100 or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="QAT" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Qatar</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.7 out of 4.0; or GPA 4.4 out of 5.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.0; or GPA 3.6 out of 5.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.4 out of 4.0; or GPA 2.8 out of 5.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="ROU" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Romania</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 9.75 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 8.0 out of 10 <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 7.0 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="RUS" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Russia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 4.7 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 4.0 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 3.5 out of 5</p> </div> </div> <div id="RWA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Rwanda</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Honours Degree (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 85%; or 17 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 70%; or 15 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 60%; or 13 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="SAU" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Saudi Arabia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 4.75 out of 5.0; or GPA 3.75 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.75 out of 5.0; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 5.0; or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="SEN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Senegal</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Maîtrise; Master II; Diplôme d'Études Approfondies (DEA); Diplôme d'Études Supérieures Specialisées (DESS); Diplôme d'État de Docteur en Médecine; Diplôme d'Ingénieur; Diplôme de Docteur en Chirurgie Dentaire; or Diplôme de Pharmacien from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 16/20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 14/20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 12/20</p> </div> </div> <div id="SRB" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Serbia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Advanced Diploma of Higher Education from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 9 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 8 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 7 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="SLE" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Sierra Leone</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (Honours) or a Masters degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> First Class honours; or GPA 4.7 out of 5; or GPA 3.75 out of 4<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Upper Second Class honours; or GPA 4 out of 5; or GPA 3.25 out of 4<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Lower Second Class Honours; or GPA 3.4 out of 5; or GPA 2.75 out of 4</p> </div> </div> <div id="SGP" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Singapore</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) or Bachelor Honours degree from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 4.3 out of 5.0; or GPA 3.6 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.8 out of 5.0; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 3.3 out of 5.0; or GPA 2.5 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="SVK" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Slovakia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (180 ECTS credits) (minimum 3 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 93%; or 1 overall (on 1 to 4 scale, where 1 is highest mark)<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 86%; or 1.5 overall (on 1 to 4 scale, where 1 is highest mark) <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 72%; or 2.5 overall (on 1 to 4 scale, where 1 is highest mark)</p> </div> </div> <div id="SVN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Slovenia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Univerzitetni Diplomant (180 ECTS credits) (minimum 3 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 9.5 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 8 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 7 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="SOM" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Somalia</strong><br>Bachelor degrees from Somalia are not considered for direct entry to our postgraduate taught programmes. Holders of Bachelor degrees from Somali National University can be considered for our Pre-Masters programmes on a case by case basis.<br></p> </div> </div> <div id="ZAF" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>South Africa</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: NQF Level 8 qualifications such as Bachelor Honours degrees or Professional Bachelor degrees from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 75%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 70%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 60%</p> </div> </div> <div id="KOR" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>South Korea</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 4.2 out of 4.5; or GPA 4.0 out of 4.3; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.5 out of 4.5; or GPA 3.3 out of 4.3; or GPA 3.2 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.5; or GPA 2.8 out of 4.3; or GPA 2.5 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="ESP" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Spain</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo Universitario Oficial de Graduado en [subject area] (Grado) or Titulo Universitario Oficial de Licenciado en [subject area] (Licenciatura) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 8.0 out of 10; or 2.5 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 7.0 out of 10; or 2.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 6.0 out of 10; or 1.5 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="LKA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Sri Lanka</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (Special or Honours) or Bachelor Degree (Professional) (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.5 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.4 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="SDN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Sudan</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Honours degree from a recognised institution or Bachelor degree in one of the following Professional subjects: Architecture; Dentistry; Engineering; Medicine/Surgery from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 80%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 65%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 60%</p> </div> </div> <div id="SWE" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Sweden</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (Kandidatexamen) or Professional Bachelor Degree (Yrkesexamenfrom) (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> Overall B grade with at least 75 ECTS at grade A or above (180 ECTS minimum overall); or at least 65% of credits graded at VG overall<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> Overall B grade (180 ECTS minimum overall); or at least 50% of credits graded at VG overall<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> Overall C grade (180 ECTS minimum overall); or at least 20% of credits graded at VG overall.</p> </div> </div> <div id="CHE" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Switzerland</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor degree (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 5.5 out of 6; or 9 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 5 out of 6; or 8 out of 10<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 4.25 out of 6; or 7 out of 10</p> </div> </div> <div id="SYR" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Syria</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 85%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 75%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 65%</p> </div> </div> <div id="TWN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Taiwan</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from selected institutions.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 85 to 90% <br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 70 to 75% <br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 65 to 70% </p> <p><span>Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p> </div> </div> <div id="TJK" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Tajikistan</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Specialist Diploma or Masters Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 4.7 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 4.0 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 3.5 out of 5</p> </div> </div> <div id="TZA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Tanzania</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 4.4 out of 5.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.5 out of 5.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.7 out of 5.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="THA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Thailand</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.40 to 3.60 out of 4.00<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.00 to 3.20 out of 4.00<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.40 to 2.60 out of 4.00</p> <p><span>Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from.</span></p> </div> </div> <div id="TTO" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Trinidad and Tobago</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.7 out of 4.0; or First Class Honours from the University of West Indies<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.0; or Upper Second Class Honours from the University of West Indies<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.4 out of 4.0; or Lower Second Class Honours from the University of West Indies</p> </div> </div> <div id="TUN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Tunisia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licence; Diplome National d'Architecture; Maitrise; Diplome National d'Ingeniuer; or Doctorat en Medecine / Veterinaire from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 16 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 13 out of 20<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 11 out of 20</p> </div> </div> <div id="TUR" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Turkey</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.40 to 3.60 out of 4.00<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 2.80 to 3.00 out of 4.00<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.30 to 2.50 out of 4.00</p> <p><span>Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from.</span></p> </div> </div> <div id="TRNC" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.60 out of 4.00<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.00 out of 4.00<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.50 out of 4.00</p> </div> </div> <div id="TKM" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Turkmenistan</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Diploma of Higher Education (awarded after 2007) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 4.7 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 4.0 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 3.5 out of 5</p> </div> </div> <div id="TCA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Turks and Caicos Islands</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (accredited by the Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.7 out of 4.0; or 80%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.3 out of 4.0; or 75%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.7 out of 4.0; or 65%</p> </div> </div> <div id="UGA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Uganda</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 4.4 out of 5.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 4.0 out of 5.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 5.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="UKR" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Ukraine</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 10 out of 12; or 4.7 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 8 out of 12; or 4.0 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 6 out of 12; or 3.5 out of 5</p> </div> </div> <div id="ARE" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>United Arab Emirates</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.5 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="USA" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>United States of America</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> GPA 3.2 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> GPA 2.5 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="URY" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Uruguay</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Licenciado/ Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 10 to 11 out of 12<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 7 to 9 out of 12<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 6 to 7 out of 12</p> <p>Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from.</p> </div> </div> <div id="UZB" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Uzbekistan</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) or Specialist Diploma from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 90%; or 4.7 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 80%; or 4.0 out of 5<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 71%; or 3.5 out of 5</p> </div> </div> <div id="VEN" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Venezuela</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Licenciado/ Titulo de [subject area] from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 81%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 71%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 61%</p> <p>Non-percentage grading scales, for example scales out of 20, 10, 9 or 5, will have different requirements.&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> <div id="VNM" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Vietnam</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 8.0 out of 10; or GPA 3.7 out of 4<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 7.0 out of 10; or GPA 3.0 out of 4<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 5.7 out of 10; or GPA 2.4 out of 4</p> </div> </div> <div id="YEM" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Yemen</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters (Majister) degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 90%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 80%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 65%</p> <p>Bachelor Degrees from Lebanese International University (in Yemen) can be considered for entry to postgraduate taught programmes - please see Lebanon for guidance on grade requirements for this.</p> </div> </div> <div id="ZMB" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Zambia</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 75%; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 65%; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 55%; or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div id="ZWE" class="cloak"> <div class="prose"> <p><strong>Zimbabwe</strong><br>We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) or Bachelor Honours degree from a recognised institution.<br><br><strong>UK 1st class degree:</strong> 75%<br><strong>UK 2:1 degree:</strong> 65%<br><strong>UK 2:2 degree:</strong> 60%</p> </div> </div> </div></div></div></div><div class="grid two-column"><div class="column-item grid__item"><div class="prose mt-4"> <h3>English language requirements</h3> <p>The English language requirements for our programmes are indicated by English bands, and therefore the specific test and score acceptable is based on the band assigned to the academic department within which your chosen course of study is administered. Note that for some academic departments there are programmes with non-standard English language requirements.</p> <p>The English Language requirements for entry to postgraduate taught and research programmes in the Blizard Institute falls within the following English band:</p> <p><strong>Band 4:</strong> IELTS (Academic) minimum score 6.5 overall with 6.0 in each of Writing, Listening, Reading and Speaking</p> <p>Please note, there are some postgraduate programmes with <a href="">non-standard English language requirements</a> in this Institute.</p> <p>We accept a range of English tests and qualifications categorised in our English bands for you to demonstrate your level of English Language proficiency. See <a href="">all accepted English tests</a> that we deem equivalent to these IELTS scores.</p> </div><div class="prose mt-4"><h3>Visas and immigration</h3><p>Find out how to apply for a <a href="">student visa</a>.</p></div></div><div class="column-item grid__item"></div></div></div></div><div class="slat slat--imgfade py-8" id="contact" style="background-image: url('')"><div class="slat__container"><h3 class="text-center th-s3 mb-4">Contact</h3><div class="grid"><div class="grid__item"><div class="school-info-card school-info-card--labelled" data-component="school-info-card"> <h3 class="school-info-card__title"><a href="">Blizard Institute</a></h3> <div class="school-info-card__contact"> <ul class="school-info-card__meta"> <li class="school-info-card__meta-item">Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 2656</li> <li class="school-info-card__meta-item"><a href="">Contact us</a></li> </ul> </div> </div></div><div class="grid__item"><div class="school-info-card school-info-card--labelled" 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