Chronology - Nikkei Indexes

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(September)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">1970</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Upon discontinuation of the TSE Adjusted Stock Price, Nihon Keizai Shimbun Inc. (Nikkei Inc.) succeeded announcement by commissioning calculation to its related body. (July)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">1971</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei subsidiary, Nihon Short-wave Broadcasting Co., Ltd, (now known as Nikkei Radio Broadcasting Corporation) started calculating and publishing the Adjusted Stock Price as "NSB 225 Adjusted Average". (July)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">1975</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Cooperating with U.S. Dow-Jones &amp; Company, Nikkei gained exclusive rights to naming and calculation of the Dow method, and starts publishing the index as "the Nikkei Dow-Jones Stock Price Average". (May)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">1982</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing the Nikkei Dow-Jones 500 Stock Average, now known as the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk500av">Nikkei 500 Stock Average</a>. (January)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">1985</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing the Nikkei Over-the-Counter Stock Average. (April)</li> <li>Nikkei changed the name to the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225">Nikkei Stock Average</a> from the Nikkei Dow-Jones Stock Average after agreeing with US Dow-Jones &amp; Company. (May)</li> <li>Nikkei started the real-time calculation (every 1 minute) of the Nikkei Stock Average. (October)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">1986</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>SIMEX, Singapore International Monetary Exchange (now known as SGX, Singapore Exchange) started the Nikkei Stock Average Futures trading. (September)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">1988</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>The Osaka Securities Exchange, OSE started the Nikkei Stock Average Futures trading. (September)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">1989</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>The OSE started the Nikkei Stock Average options trading. (June)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">1990</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>CME, Chicago Mercantile Exchange started Nikkei Stock Average Futures options trading. (September)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">1993</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk300">the Nikkei Stock Index 300</a>. (October)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">1994</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>The OSE started the Nikkei 300 Futures and Option trading. (February)</li> <li>CBOE, Chicago Board Options Exchange started the Nikkei 300 Option trading. (July)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">1995</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>SIMEX started the Nikkei 300 Futures and Future options trading. (February)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2000</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei conducted the changes in constituents for the first time based on the new selection rule. (April)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2001</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>The TSE and the OSE started trading the ETF (Exchange Trade Funds) on the Nikkei Stock Average. (July)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2002</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei changed the name to <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nkjqav">the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average</a> from the Nikkei Over-the-Counter Stock Average to after obtaining consents by Japan Security Dealers Association, JSDA and Jasdaq Market Inc.. (October)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2005</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nkj1000">the Nikkei JAPAN 1000</a>. (March)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2006</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>The OSE started the Nikkei Stock Average Futures mini trading. (July)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2007</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei separated the Electronic Media Bureau to form Nikkei Digital Media Inc. who succeeded the index operation including calculating the Nikkei indices from Nikkei. (January)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2009</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei and TOCOM started to jointly manage the "Nikkei-TOCOM Commodity Index".(April)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2010</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei established a new Index Business Office and started operating the index businesses mainly in place of Nikkei Digital Media Inc. (January)</li> <li>Calculation intervals of the Nikkei Stock Average became every 15 seconds from 1 minute. (January)</li> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225dp">the Nikkei Stock Average Dividend Point Index</a>. (April)</li> <li>The SGX started the Nikkei Stock Average Dividend Point Index Futures trading. (June)</li> <li>The TSE started the Nikkei Stock Average Dividend Point Index Futures trading. (July)</li> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225vi">the Nikkei Stock Average Volatility Index</a>. (November)</li> <li>TFX, Tokyo Financial Exchange Inc. started Exchange Equity Index Margin Contracts trading, targetted to Nikkei Stock Average. (November)</li> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nkcrs50">the Nikkei China Related Stock 50</a>. (December)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2011</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing four indices as "Nikkei Stock Average Strategy Index Series" such as <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225cc">Nikkei 225 Covered Call Index</a>, <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225rc">Nikkei 225 Risk Control Index</a>, <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225le">Nikkei 225 Leveraged Index</a> and <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225in">Nikkei 225 Inverse Index</a>. (June)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2012</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei started the real-time calculation (every 15 seconds) of the Nikkei Stock Average Volatility Index. (January)</li> <li>The OSE started the Nikkei Stock Average Volatility Index Futures (Nikkei 225 VI Futures) trading. (February)</li> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225tr">the Nikkei 225 Total Return Index</a>. (December)</li> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225vifi">the Nikkei 225 VI Futures Index</a>. (December)</li> <li>Nikkei and TOCOM started calculating and publishing the "Nikkei-TOCOM Leveraged Index" and "Nikkei-TOCOM Inverse Index". (December)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2014</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei, JPX Group and Tokyo Stock Exchange started calculating and publishing jointly developed index <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=jpxnk400">"JPX-Nikkei Index 400"</a>. (January)</li> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225in2">the Nikkei 225 Double Inverse Index</a>. (June)</li> <li>The OSE started the JPX-Nikkei Index 400 Futures (JPX-Nikkei 400 Futures) trading. (November)</li> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing the Nikkei 225 Currency Hedged Indexes (<a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225usd">US Dollar</a>, <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225eur">Euro</a>). (December)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2015</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei, JPX Group and Tokyo Stock Exchange started calculating and publishing jointly developed index, "JPX-Nikkei 400 Currency Hedged Index"(<a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=jpxnk400usd">US Dollar</a>, <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=jpxnk400eur">Euro</a>, <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=jpxnk400gbp">British Pound</a>). (January)</li> <li>The OSE started the Nikkei 225 Weekly Option trading. (May)</li> <li>Nikkei, JPX Group and Tokyo Stock Exchange added <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=jpxnk400chf">Swiss Franc hedged index</a> to the jointly developed index, "JPX-Nikkei 400 Currency Hedged Index". (May)</li> <li>Nikkei, JPX Group and Tokyo Stock Exchange started calculating and publishing jointly developed index, "JPX-Nikkei 400 Leveraged and Inverse Index"(<a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=jpxnk400le">Leveraged (2x)</a>, <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=jpxnk400in">Inverse (-1x)</a>, <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=jpxnk400in2">Double Inverse (-2x)</a>). (August)</li> </ul> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2016</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=asia300">the Nikkei Asia300 Index</a> based on the group of around 300 must-watch companies selected by Nikkei as "Asia300" from China/Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, India, and 6 countries from South East Asia. (December)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2017</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225hdy">Nikkei 225 High Dividend Yield Stock 50 Index</a>. (January)</li> <li>Nikkei and Tokyo Stock Exchange started calculating and publishing jointly developed index <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=jpxnkms">"JPX-Nikkei Mid and Small Cap Index"</a>. (March)</li> <li>Calculation intervals of the Nikkei Stock Average (Nikkei 225) became every 5 seconds from 15 seconds. (July)</li> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing the Nikkei Asia300 Investable Index (<a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=asia300i">USD</a>, <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=asia300j">JPY</a>) designed to be used as the underlying index for the financial products such as investment funds. (December)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2019</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225edp">Nikkei 225 Estimated Dividend Point Index</a>. (March)</li> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225de">Nikkei 225 Domestic Exposure 50 Index</a> and the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225ge">Nikkei 225 Global Exposure 50 Index</a>. (April)</li> <li>The SGX started the Nikkei 225 Total Return Futures trading. (May)</li> <li>The B3 started the Nikkei Stock Average Futures trading. (November)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2020</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei was granted "Recognition" as the first Japanese index provider under the EU Benchmarks Regulation. (May)</li> <li>Nikkei introduced Consultation for significant changes to its indexes. (May)</li> <li>Nikkei partially revised the constituent selection rules of the Nikkei 225. (June)</li> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nkesgreit">Nikkei ESG-REIT Index</a> and the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nkhyreit">Nikkei High Yield REIT Index</a>. (July)</li> <li>Nikkei and JPX Group changed the name to the Nikkei-JPX Commodity Index from the Nikkei-TOCOM Commodity index in line with some of listed commodity futures products were transferred from Tokyo Commodity Exchange to Osaka Exchange. (July)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2021</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>The SGX started the Nikkei ESG-REIT Index Futures trading. (June)</li> <li>Nikkei partially revised the Index Guidebbok and the Constituent Selection Rules of the Nikkei 225(Introduction of the "Price Adjustment Factor" etc.). (July)</li> <li>The OSE started the Nikkei 225 Total Return Index Futures trading. (September)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2022</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225cca">Nikkei 225 Covered Call ATM Index</a> and the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225c15">Nikkei 225 Climate Change 1.5°C Target Index</a>. (May)</li> <li>Nikkei partially revised the Index Guidebbok and the Constituent Selection Rules of the Nikkei 225(Introduction of the "Weight Cap" etc.). (July)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2023</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>The SGX started the Nikkei 225 Climate Change 1.5°C Target Index Futures trading. (March)</li> <li>The OSE started the Nikkei 225 Micro Futures trading, the Nikkei 225 Mini Option trading and the Nikkei 225 Climate Change 1.5°C Target Index Futures trading. (May)</li> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nkcdg">Nikkei Consecutive Dividend Growth Stock Index</a> and the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nkphd">Nikkei Progressive and High Dividend Stock Index</a>. (June)</li> <li>Nikkei partially revised the Index Guidebbok and the Constituent Selection Rules of the Nikkei 225(Introduction of the "Stepwise Addition" etc.). (July)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chronicle-year">2024</td> <td class="chronicle-event"> <ul> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225trle">Nikkei 225 Total Return Leveraged Index</a>, the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225trin">Nikkei 225 Total Return Inverse Index</a> and the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225trin2">Nikkei 225 Total Return Double Inverse Index</a>. (February)</li> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nkscd">Nikkei Semiconductor Stock Index</a>. (March)</li> <li>Nikkei started calculating and publishing the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225f">Nikkei 225 Futures Index</a>, the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225fle">Nikkei 225 Futures Leveraged Index</a>, the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225fin">Nikkei 225 Futures Inverse Index</a> and the <a href="/en/nkave/index/profile?idx=nk225fin2">Nikkei 225 Futures Double Inverse Index</a>. (July)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </section> </main> <!-- Application --> <aside class="idx-section idx-bg-gray"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="idx-application"> <div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-md-2 g-3"> <div class="col"> <div class=""> <h2 class="idx-application-title">Guide to make better use of the Nikkei Indexes</h2> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class=""> <h3 class="idx-application-subtitle">The most trusted gauge of the stock markets</h3> <p class="idx-application-text">Nikkei Inc. has developed and calculated its own indexes from various perspective, looking at changes in society and markets. Nikkei Stock Average, the premier and flagship index of Japanese stocks, and other Nikkei Indexes are widely used globally as representative indicators of the Japanese equity market, and financial products linked to the Nikkei Indexes are traded around the world.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="card shadow-sm h-100 align-items-center"> <img src="/nkave/assets/contract.png" class="card-img-top" alt="License Agreement"> <div class="card-body"> <h3 class="card-title">License Agreement</h3> <p class="card-text">Nikkei retains all intellectual property rights to the Nikkei Stock Average and other Nikkei Indexes. 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