Beam Tracking Studies of Electron Cooling in ELENA

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xml> <records> <record> <contributors> <authors> <author>Veglia, Bianca</author> <author>Hunt, James</author> <author>Resta-L贸pez, Javier</author> <author>Rodin, Volodymyr</author> <author>Welsch, Carsten</author> </authors> </contributors> <titles> <title>Beam Tracking Studies of Electron Cooling in ELENA</title> <secondary-title/> </titles> <doi>10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPAF015</doi> <pages>THPAF015</pages> <volume/> <number/> <keywords> <keyword>electron</keyword> <keyword>proton</keyword> <keyword>antiproton</keyword> <keyword>simulation</keyword> <keyword>emittance</keyword> </keywords> <dates> <year>2018</year> <pub-dates> <date>2018</date> </pub-dates> </dates> <abstract>The Extra Low ENergy Antiproton storage ring (ELENA), which is currently being commissioned at CERN, will further decelerate antiprotons extracted from the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) from 5.3 MeV to energies as low as 100 keV. It will provide high quality beams for the antimatter experiments located within the AD hall. At such low energies, it is important to correctly evaluate the long term beam stability. To provide a consistent explanation of the different physical phenomena affecting the beam, tracking simulations have been performed and the results will be presented in this contribution. These include electron cooling and various scattering effects under realistic conditions. The effects of several imperfections in the electron cooling process will also be discussed. In addition, analytical approximations of the temporal variation of emittance under these conditions will be presented, and compared with numerical simulation results.</abstract> </record> </records> </xml>