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As 2025 begins, a new mentality has emerged among young people in Indonesia, the “you only need one” mindset, where they embrace a more frugal and mindful way of living."> </a> <figcaption> Cheap treat: People visit Ayodya Park, a popular green space and affordable place to spend free time in Jakarta, on Jan. 27. As 2025 begins, a new mentality has emerged among young people in Indonesia, the “you only need one” mindset, where they embrace a more frugal and mindful way of living. </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="descNews"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge mb-10"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2025/02/06/you-only-need-one-young-indonesians-redefine-spending-habits.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> ‘You only need one’: Young Indonesians redefine spending habits </h2> </a> <p>Entering 2025, the “you only need one” (YONO) concept emerged as a new mindset of a more frugal and mindful approach to living, to counter the consumerist point-of-view of “you only live once” (YOLO). </p> <span class="date mt-20"> 1 week ago </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container-right col-xs-12"> <div class="newsletterBoxSide"> <div class="subscribe"> <label>Get the latest news in your inbox</label> <form action="//" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_blank" novalidate> <input class="input-subscribe" type="email" name="email" n="" id="mce-EMAIL" placeholder="Enter your email here" required> <!-- real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups--> <div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true"> <input type="text" name="b_bd0561e599b4e9f9a65093ef9_76380d5d42" tabindex="-1" value=""> </div> <input class="button-subscribe" type="submit" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" value="Subscribe to our Newsletter"> </form> </div> </div> <div class="smallHeadline channel"> <div class="listNews"> <div class="descNews"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge mb-10"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2025/01/20/beyond-the-gloss-navigating-viral-beauty-trends-and-truths.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Beyond the gloss: Navigating viral beauty trends and truths </h2> </a> <p>In the quest for ultimate beauty, many people will do whatever it takes. Unfortunately, many are blinded by superficial trends in this era of influencers and social media. </p> <span class="date">3 weeks ago</span> </div> </div> <div class="listNews"> <div class="descNews"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge mb-10"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2025/01/20/beyond-the-gloss-navigating-viral-beauty-trends-and-truths-1737296408.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Beyond the gloss: Navigating viral beauty trends and truths </h2> </a> <p>In the quest for ultimate beauty, many people will do whatever it takes. Unfortunately, many are blinded by superficial trends in this era of influencers and social media. </p> <span class="date">3 weeks ago</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END HEADLINE --> <!-- CONTAINER TWO SIDE --> <div class="jpRow mainNews lineSection channelTwoSided subCanal"> <div class="containerLeft col-xs-12"> <div class="rowAll"> <div class="theLatest mb-20"> <div class="headerTitle columns mb-20"> <div class="bordered columns"> <h3 class="titleMain">The Latest</h3> </div> </div> <div class="columns tjp-newsListing"> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2025/01/04/cosplaying-gaining-ground-inspiring-new-businesses-growth-area-in-japans-pop-culture.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Cosplay competitors take part in a rehearsal before the world cosplay championship 2024 during the World Cosplay Summit in Nagoya on Aug. 3, 2024."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2025/01/04/cosplaying-gaining-ground-inspiring-new-businesses-growth-area-in-japans-pop-culture.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Cosplaying gaining ground, inspiring new businesses; growth area in Japan’s pop culture </h2> </a> <p>For a long time, however, cosplay was seen as nothing but a pastime by some fans because many “adults” raised an eyebrow at young people dressed up in outrageous costumes, given the persistent peer pressure of Japanese society. </p> <span class="date">1 month ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2025/01/03/2025-fashion-an-era-of-self-expression-and-health-conscious-choices.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Confident color: Models present Supernova, a fashion collection by Ivan Gunawan. The collection features navy blue, silver, black and yellow colors which are deemed to be trending in 2025. "> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2025/01/03/2025-fashion-an-era-of-self-expression-and-health-conscious-choices.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> 2025 Fashion: An era of self-expression and health-conscious choices </h2> </a> <p>Indonesian fashion designers provide inspiration and choices while looking ahead to the upcoming trends for 2025. </p> <span class="date">1 month ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/10/30/ceo-of-supercute-hello-kitty-turns-50.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="In this picture taken on October 19, 2024, Helen, founder of the 'Hello Kitty SoCal Babes' fan club, poses with her collection inside her “she-shed“ in Riverside County, California, US. Hello Kitty marks its 50th anniversary on November 1, adorning everything from handbags to rice cookers and raking in billions of dollars for her Japanese creators Sanrio. "> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/10/30/ceo-of-supercute-hello-kitty-turns-50.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> 'CEO of supercute': Hello Kitty turns 50 </h2> </a> <p>The simple design of the character -- who is not a cat, but a little girl from London according to Sanrio, the company behind Kitty -- has mileage as a money-spinner for years to come, experts say. </p> <span class="date">3 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/10/29/the-colors-of-indonesia-2024-a-showcase-of-post-pandemic-design-innovations.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Fresh: Interior designer Agam Riadi sits in the middle of the living room that he designed for "The Colors of Indonesia" exhibition held at Senayan City in Central Jakarta, on Sept. 12. Large windows and potted plants provided ample fresh air."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/10/29/the-colors-of-indonesia-2024-a-showcase-of-post-pandemic-design-innovations.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> The Colors of Indonesia 2024: A showcase of post-pandemic design innovations </h2> </a> <p>Indonesian interior designers exploring various innovative trends in arranging the inner-space of a house after the pandemic. </p> <span class="date">3 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/10/05/beneath-a-boiling-sun-motogp-showdown-in-mandalika-land-of-a-princess.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Italian rider Marco Bezzecchi of the Pertamina Enduro VR46 team crashes on Sept. 28, 2024, during the qualifying round of the MotoGP Indonesia 2024 at the Pertamina Mandalika Street Circuit on Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/10/05/beneath-a-boiling-sun-motogp-showdown-in-mandalika-land-of-a-princess.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Beneath a boiling sun: MotoGP showdown in Mandalika, land of a princess </h2> </a> <p>The motorcycle race brought a modern thrill to this timeless land and was scorching in every sense. </p> <span class="date">4 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/10/03/sailing-into-history-tradition-and-camaraderie-with-the-richard-mille-cup.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/10/03/sailing-into-history-tradition-and-camaraderie-with-the-richard-mille-cup.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Sailing into history, tradition and camaraderie with the Richard Mille Cup </h2> </a> <p>Progress and tradition, engineering and craftsmanship: In the world of haute horlogerie, Richard Mille’s savoir faire is a testament to the watchmaker’s uncompromising dedication to both innovation and heritage. </p> <span class="date">4 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/09/19/the-coach-coffee-shop-and-restaurant-a-taste-of-new-york-in-jakarta.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="The New York-style ambience within The Coach Restaurant featuring an iconic yellow cab on the ceiling is seen on July 25, 2024, during a media gathering at the restaurant at the Grand Indonesia West Mall in Central Jakarta."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/09/19/the-coach-coffee-shop-and-restaurant-a-taste-of-new-york-in-jakarta.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> The Coach Coffee Shop and Restaurant: A taste of New York in Jakarta </h2> </a> <p>Jakarta and New York, while half a world apart, still share a relentless drive for improvement and a commitment to staying ahead in this fast-paced world. And now Jakartans have a place to wind down at The Coach Coffee Shop and Restaurant with a New York-inspired ambiance. </p> <span class="date">4 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/09/07/new-york-fashion-week-opens-with-call-to-vote-from-jill-biden.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="United States First Lady Jill Biden speaks during the 'Fashion For Our Future' rally to raise awareness about the importance of voting in the upcoming election, during Fashion Week in New York City, the US, on Sept. 6, 2024."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/09/07/new-york-fashion-week-opens-with-call-to-vote-from-jill-biden.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> New York Fashion Week opens with call to vote from Jill Biden </h2> </a> <p>The "Fashion for our Future" march was organized by the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) for the first day of the weeklong event showcasing looks for the upcoming Spring/Summer 2025 season. </p> <span class="date">5 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/08/28/lego-to-replace-oil-in-its-bricks-with-pricier-renewable-plastic.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Sets of Lego bricks are seen at a toy store in Bonn, Germany, on September 5, 2017. "> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/08/28/lego-to-replace-oil-in-its-bricks-with-pricier-renewable-plastic.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Lego to replace oil in its bricks with pricier renewable plastic </h2> </a> <p>Lego, which sells billions of plastic bricks annually, has tested over 600 different materials to develop a new material that would completely replace its oil-based brick by 2030, but with limited success. </p> <span class="date">5 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/08/25/pakistani-singles-defy-tradition-search-for-spouses-in-person.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Uzma (right) chats with another attendee during a matchmaking event organized by Muzz matrimony app at a cafe in Lahore, Pakistan on Aug. 18, 2024."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/08/25/pakistani-singles-defy-tradition-search-for-spouses-in-person.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Pakistani singles defy tradition, search for spouses in person </h2> </a> <p>Typically, marriages in Pakistan are arranged by parents who look for suitable matches for their children from within their communities or the extended family, making dating apps generally stigmatized and gender segregation socially and at work remains common. </p> <span class="date">5 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/08/05/bigger-and-better-chagee-returns-to-singapore-with-new-tea-bar-concept.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/08/05/bigger-and-better-chagee-returns-to-singapore-with-new-tea-bar-concept.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Bigger and better – CHAGEE returns to Singapore with new ‘Tea Bar’ concept </h2> </a> <p>Tea lovers in Singapore rejoice! Popular international tea beverage brand CHAGEE makes its return to Singapore this Aug. 2 with the opening of its first Singapore store at orchardgateway, with two other outlets in Plaza Singapura and Raffles City expected to open in the near future. </p> <span class="date">6 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/06/26/streets-that-are-made-for-walking-a-vision-of-sustainable-transportation-in-jakarta.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Institute for Transportation & Development Policy CEO Heather Thompson. (Courtesy of ITDP Indonesia)"> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/06/26/streets-that-are-made-for-walking-a-vision-of-sustainable-transportation-in-jakarta.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Streets that are made for walking: A vision of sustainable transportation in Jakarta </h2> </a> <p>Seven years ago, when I first told my family I was considering taking the Greater Jakarta Commuter Line (KRL) regularly for work, I was met with blank stares and concerned smiles. </p> <span class="date">7 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/06/03/indonesia-omega-trophy-makes-its-2024-return.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/06/03/indonesia-omega-trophy-makes-its-2024-return.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Indonesia OMEGA Trophy makes its 2024 return </h2> </a> <p>Indonesian golfers and enthusiasts from across the archipelago convened for the return of the Indonesia OMEGA Trophy on May 25, arguably the most anticipated invitational amateur golf tournament by Swiss watchmaker OMEGA. </p> <span class="date">8 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/05/22/after-singapore-airlines-turbulence-accident-flight-crews-urge-buckling-up.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="The Singapore Airlines Boeing 777-300ER airplane, which was headed to Singapore from London before making an emergency landing in Bangkok due to severe turbulence, is seen on the tarmac at Suvarnabhumi International Airport in Bangkok on May 22, 2024. A 73-year-old British man died and more than 70 people were injured on May 21 in what passengers described as a terrifying scene aboard Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 that hit severe turbulence, triggering an emergency landing in Bangkok"> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/05/22/after-singapore-airlines-turbulence-accident-flight-crews-urge-buckling-up.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> After Singapore Airlines turbulence accident, flight crews urge buckling up </h2> </a> <p>The London-to-Singapore flight hit heavy turbulence over the Indian Ocean and descended 6,000 feet (around 1,800 meters) in about three minutes, before an emergency landing in Bangkok. </p> <span class="date">8 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/04/30/in-numbers-how-women-fare-in-indonesia.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/04/30/in-numbers-how-women-fare-in-indonesia.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> In Numbers: How women fare in Indonesia </h2> </a> <p>The path to gender equality in Indonesia presents a complex landscape of achievements and ongoing challenges. This infographic series presents an overview of the strides and struggles of Indonesian women in education, employment and politics. By visualizing these dynamics, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of how women are shaping, and being shaped by, the societal structures around them. </p> <span class="date">9 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/04/22/vinyl-enthusiasts-spin-into-action-on-record-store-day.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="People queue outside indie record store Flashback Records to shop for vinyls on Record Store Day in London on April 20, 2024. "> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/04/22/vinyl-enthusiasts-spin-into-action-on-record-store-day.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Vinyl enthusiasts spin into action on Record Store Day </h2> </a> <p>Saturday marked the UK's annual Record Store Day, created to support independent outlets, and vinyl enthusiasts were eager to get their hands on special reissues and new releases. </p> <span class="date">9 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/04/16/overtourism-sparks-backlash-in-spain.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Tourist walk up and down Las Ramblas alley in Barcelona on April 13, 2024. From the Balearic Islands to the Canary Islands, Barcelona and Malaga, anti-mass tourism movements are multiplying in Spain. "> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/04/16/overtourism-sparks-backlash-in-spain.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Overtourism sparks backlash in Spain </h2> </a> <p>Rallying under the slogan "The Canaries have a limit", a collective of groups on the archipelago off northwest Africa are planning a slew of protests on Saturday. </p> <span class="date">10 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/04/04/an-honest-conversation-how-storytelling-can-make-a-positive-impact-on-yourself-and-others.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/04/04/an-honest-conversation-how-storytelling-can-make-a-positive-impact-on-yourself-and-others.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> An honest conversation: How storytelling can make a positive impact on yourself and others </h2> </a> <p>Long associated with movies and books, storytelling is one of those things that can shape an audience’s perception. A good storyteller can immerse themselves and their listeners within a narrative that will ultimately determine their own opinion and response, for better or worse. </p> <span class="date">10 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/04/04/kurt-cobain-style-icon.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Nirvana singer and guitarist Kurt Cobain performs in 1993 in New York during a taping of “MTV Unplugged.” "> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/04/04/kurt-cobain-style-icon.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Kurt Cobain, style icon </h2> </a> <p>It may have disturbed the anti-corporate icon to see how his thrift-store outfits have been repurposed into ultra-expensive garms. </p> <span class="date">10 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/03/25/must-different-political-choices-lead-to-heartbreak.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Illustration"> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/03/25/must-different-political-choices-lead-to-heartbreak.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Must different political choices lead to heartbreak? </h2> </a> <p>Political discussions can turn personal, antagonizing loved ones. </p> <span class="date">10 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/03/10/arts-practitioners-hope-cultural-endowment-fund-to-be-maintained.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/03/10/arts-practitioners-hope-cultural-endowment-fund-to-be-maintained.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Arts Practitioners Hope Cultural Endowment Fund to be Maintained </h2> </a> <p>The government's innovation through the disbursement of the Indonesian Fund has received positive responses from cultural figures and artists. They hope that the Indonesian Fund, sourced from the Cultural Endowment Fund, will be maintained. Especially by the upcoming government. </p> <span class="date">11 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/02/29/from-extreme-off-road-to-electric-vehicles-the-2024-iims-is-a-feast-for-all.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="An explosive display of drifting prowess during the Women’s Drift Challenge by the IIMS Drift Program. (Courtesy of Dyandra Promosindo)"> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/02/29/from-extreme-off-road-to-electric-vehicles-the-2024-iims-is-a-feast-for-all.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> From extreme off-road to electric vehicles, the 2024 IIMS is a feast for all </h2> </a> <p>I’m not quite a car fanatic, nor am I in the market for a new daily driver, but that certainly did not stop me from enjoying the Indonesia International Motorsport Show (IIMS). </p> <span class="date">11 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/02/27/2024-fashion-black-n-white-n-everything-in-between.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="White silhouettte: A model shows off a white cheongsam dress designed by Sebastian Gunawan. With a modest silhouette, this Cheongsam can easily be transformed into a dress to attend Idul Fitri festivities. "> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/02/27/2024-fashion-black-n-white-n-everything-in-between.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> 2024 Fashion: Black 'n white 'n everything in between: </h2> </a> <p>Women’s fashion in 2024 is following a cyclical trend by returning to the 1990s style of monochromatic hues, simple yet elegant. </p> <span class="date">11 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/02/23/digital-media-upstart-vice-laying-off-several-hundred-staff-ceo.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Host and executive producer Shane Smith and wife Tamyka Smith attend the “Vice“ New York Premiere at Time Warner Center on April 2, 2013 in New York City. "> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/02/23/digital-media-upstart-vice-laying-off-several-hundred-staff-ceo.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Digital media upstart Vice laying off 'several hundred' staff: CEO </h2> </a> <p>Millennial-focused and known for its edgy news and lifestyle content, Vice had been among the rising stars of a new breed of digital media firms but struggled as advertising revenues shrank. </p> <span class="date">11 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/01/29/the-sasa-cookbook-takes-a-gastronomic-journey-across-asia-and-the-middle-east.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/01/29/the-sasa-cookbook-takes-a-gastronomic-journey-across-asia-and-the-middle-east.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> The Sasa cookbook takes a gastronomic journey across Asia and the Middle East </h2> </a> <p>The newly released cookbook Main Rasa Bersama Sasa (Playing with Flavors with Sasa) is more than just a collection of exclusive recipes for Indonesian and international cuisine. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/01/26/thriving-in-an-uncertain-future.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/01/26/thriving-in-an-uncertain-future.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Thriving in an uncertain future </h2> </a> <p>In today’s era, marked by disruptive innovation that demands strategic acumen, leaders and managers play a pivotal role in orchestrating strategies to navigate the turbulent waters. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/01/17/new-year-new-ambiance-trends-tips-and-transformations-for-your-home-interiors.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Your choice of curtains and vitrages can enhance the whole ambiance of a room, as shown in the showroom of Forme in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/lifestyle"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Culture</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/01/17/new-year-new-ambiance-trends-tips-and-transformations-for-your-home-interiors.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> New year, new ambiance: Trends, tips and transformations for your home interiors </h2> </a> <p>Interior designers share tips on this year's latest trends to help you consider what kind of improvements you can apply before embarking on a fresh look at home. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="columns tjp-newsPagination"> <a href="?page=1"> <button class="pageBtn pagPrev">Prev</button> </a> <div class="pageNum paginationStyle"> <span class="currentPagi"> <form class="pageNumberForm" type="GET"> <input class="pagination__input" type="number" name="page" min="1" max="50" value="1"> </form> </span> of <span class="totalPagi"> 50 </span> </div> <a href="?page=2"> <button class="pageBtn pagNext">Next</button> </a> </div> </div> <div class="mostViewOnChannelMobile mb-20"> <div class="headerTitle columns mb-30"> <div class="bordered columns"> <h3 class="titleMain"> Popular in Culture </h3> </div> </div> <div class="homeJMostView"> <div class="jpmvcontainer"> <ul class="listArticleGrid"> 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