Asus launches ROG Strix LC II aRGB AiO CPU coolers |
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The new Asus ROG Strix LC II aRGB high performance CPU coolers are obviously a development that build on the previous versions, and they are claimed to deliver improved performance and flexibility.</p><p>This time around Asus has decided to partner with Asetek in the design and implementation of this range of AiO CPU coolers. Asetek own many AiO CLC cooling patents, and Asus moves forward with an implementation of the 7th generation of Asetek's tech.</p><p><img draggable="false" class="img-responsive" data-original="" src="//" id="rpoypk"></p><p>The new Asus ROG Strix LC II aRGB high performance CPU coolers promise to facilitate "extreme overclocking capability and whisper quiet operation in a wide variety of radiator sizes". You can see <a href="">Asus has listed</a> ROG Strix LC II aRGB in 360mm, 280mm, 240mm sizes - but the 120mm radiator version mentioned in <a href="">Asetek's press release</a> hasn't made the product pages at the time of writing.</p><p>Whichever model you buy you will get Aura Sync RGB lighting sync control for the pump block logo, ROG 120mm addressable RGB radiator fans, plus socket mounting compatibility with Intel LGA 1150/1151/1155/1156/1200/2066, and AMD AM4/TR4 support. <br></p><p><img draggable="false" class="img-responsive" data-original="" src="//" id="xahsdo"></p><p>Checking through intergenerational comparisons of specs it is hard to spot any listed spec change between old LC and LC II coolers, fans and radiator specs remain the same, for example. However, Asetek's latest gen tech is said to deliver "superior thermal and acoustic performance," and I note the Asus comparison tool highlights a longer 6-year warranty on the new generation coolers.</p><br> </div> <div id="comments_container" class="comments" style='overflow: auto;'> <div id="comments_action"> <p class="login-link">Want to comment? 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