Elevating Relationships | RainFocus INSIGHT
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183.432 31.4259V26.8005C183.432 26.5337 183.343 26.2668 182.72 26.2668C182.276 26.2668 182.009 26.4447 182.009 26.8005V37.9193C182.009 38.1862 182.098 38.453 182.72 38.453C183.165 38.453 183.432 38.2751 183.432 37.9193V32.8491C183.432 32.7602 183.432 32.7602 183.521 32.7602H189.747C189.836 32.7602 189.836 32.7602 189.836 32.8491V37.9193C189.836 38.1862 189.925 38.453 190.548 38.453C190.993 38.453 191.26 38.2751 191.26 37.9193V26.8005Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M200.51 26.2668H193.483C193.127 26.2668 192.95 26.4447 192.95 26.8895C192.95 27.3342 193.127 27.5121 193.483 27.5121H196.152C196.241 27.5121 196.241 27.5121 196.241 27.6011V37.9193C196.241 38.1862 196.33 38.453 196.952 38.453C197.397 38.453 197.664 38.2751 197.664 37.9193V27.6011C197.664 27.5121 197.664 27.5121 197.753 27.5121H200.421C200.777 27.5121 200.955 27.3342 200.955 26.8895C201.133 26.4447 200.955 26.2668 200.51 26.2668Z" fill="white"/> </svg> </a> <ul class="nav-links"> <li> <a href="/experience" class="nav-link 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class="b1">Hyatt Regency, Salt Lake City • February 18–20, 2025</p> <p class="b1">INSIGHT includes a comprehensive event program starting in fall 2024.<br class="smart-break" /> Engage with leaders from events, marketing, technology, and beyond.</p> <div class="insight-action-buttons"><a class="primary-button primary-button-white" href="/passes">Register now</a> <a class="insight-play-btn" href=""><img alt="" class="play-btn-icon" src="" />Watch recap</a></div> <img alt="" class="parallax-img-1" src="" /> <img alt="" class="parallax-img-2" src="" /></div> <video autoplay="" class="background-video" loop="" muted="" src=""> </video> </section> <section class="program-overview"> <div class="width-constraint"> <div class="section-title-container"><svg class="circle-icon circle-icon-1" fill="none" height="20" viewbox="0 0 20 20" width="20" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 9.97701C0 15.4874 4.468 19.954 9.98 19.954V0C4.468 0 0 4.46666 0 9.97701Z" fill="#6800FC"></path> <path d="M9.9797 3.63672V16.3169C6.4777 16.3169 3.6377 13.4778 3.6377 9.97682C3.6377 6.47587 6.4777 3.63672 9.9797 3.63672Z" fill="#250058"></path> <path d="M16.3215 9.97682C16.3215 13.4798 13.4815 16.3169 9.97949 16.3169V3.63672C13.4835 3.63672 16.3215 6.47587 16.3215 9.97682Z" fill="#250058"></path> <path d="M19.9595 9.97701C19.9595 15.4874 15.4915 19.954 9.97949 19.954V16.3171C13.4835 16.3171 16.3215 13.478 16.3215 9.97701C16.3215 6.47606 13.4815 3.63691 9.97949 3.63691V0C15.4915 0 19.9595 4.46666 19.9595 9.97701Z" fill="#B1A4FF"></path> </svg> <div class="text-content"> <h2 class="h2 section-title">Program Overview</h2> <p class="b2">Discover valuable trends, data, and solutions that enhance event impact. Build meaningful relationships with peers and thought leaders.</p> </div> </div> <div class="info-block"> <figure><svg class="circle-icon circle-icon-2" fill="none" height="20" viewbox="0 0 20 20" width="20" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 10C0 15.523 4.47695 20 10 20V0C4.47695 0 0 4.47695 0 10Z" fill="#6800FC"></path> <path d="M10.0001 3.64551V16.3549C6.49109 16.3549 3.6454 13.5092 3.6454 10.0002C3.6454 6.4912 6.49109 3.64551 10.0001 3.64551Z" fill="#E71356"></path> <path d="M16.3548 10.0002C16.3548 13.5112 13.5091 16.3549 10.0001 16.3549V3.64551C13.5111 3.64551 16.3548 6.4912 16.3548 10.0002Z" fill="#E71356"></path> <path d="M20.0001 10C20.0001 15.523 15.5232 20 10.0001 20V16.3547C13.5111 16.3547 16.3548 13.509 16.3548 10C16.3548 6.49098 13.5091 3.64529 10.0001 3.64529V0C15.5232 0 20.0001 4.47695 20.0001 10Z" fill="#B1A4FF"></path> </svg> <img alt="A woman using a laptop" class="animation-image-1" src="" /></figure> <div class="event-details animation-text-1"> <h4 class="event-date">Nov. 13, 2024</h4> <h3 class="h3 event-title">INSIGHT Premiere<br class="mobile-break" /> <span class="event-type">Virtual</span></h3> <p class="b2 event-description">We’ll kick off INSIGHT with results from our Events and Marketing Strategy survey. Learn about 2025 event plans, browse the session catalog, and start earning points in our event game.</p> </div> </div> <div class="info-block"> <figure><svg class="circle-icon circle-icon-2" fill="none" height="20" viewbox="0 0 20 20" width="20" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 10C0 15.523 4.47695 20 10 20V0C4.47695 0 0 4.47695 0 10Z" fill="#6800FC"></path> <path d="M10.0001 3.64551V16.3549C6.49109 16.3549 3.6454 13.5092 3.6454 10.0002C3.6454 6.4912 6.49109 3.64551 10.0001 3.64551Z" fill="#E71356"></path> <path d="M16.3548 10.0002C16.3548 13.5112 13.5091 16.3549 10.0001 16.3549V3.64551C13.5111 3.64551 16.3548 6.4912 16.3548 10.0002Z" fill="#E71356"></path> <path d="M20.0001 10C20.0001 15.523 15.5232 20 10.0001 20V16.3547C13.5111 16.3547 16.3548 13.509 16.3548 10C16.3548 6.49098 13.5091 3.64529 10.0001 3.64529V0C15.5232 0 20.0001 4.47695 20.0001 10Z" fill="#B1A4FF"></path> </svg> <img alt="Two men speaking at an event, a phone, and a building" class="shifted-img animation-image-2" src="" /></figure> <div class="event-details animation-text-2"> <h4 class="event-date">Feb. 12, 2025</h4> <h3 class="h3 event-title">INSIGHT Preparation<br class="mobile-break" /> <span class="event-type">Virtual</span></h3> <p class="b2 event-description">Prepare to maximize your INSIGHT experience! Get a sneak peek of on-site event experiences, schedule meetings, connect with attendees, and discover pro tips for your trip to Salt Lake City.</p> </div> </div> <div class="info-block"> <figure><svg class="circle-icon circle-icon-2" fill="none" height="20" viewbox="0 0 20 20" width="20" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 10C0 15.523 4.47695 20 10 20V0C4.47695 0 0 4.47695 0 10Z" fill="#6800FC"></path> <path d="M10.0001 3.64551V16.3549C6.49109 16.3549 3.6454 13.5092 3.6454 10.0002C3.6454 6.4912 6.49109 3.64551 10.0001 3.64551Z" fill="#E71356"></path> <path d="M16.3548 10.0002C16.3548 13.5112 13.5091 16.3549 10.0001 16.3549V3.64551C13.5111 3.64551 16.3548 6.4912 16.3548 10.0002Z" fill="#E71356"></path> <path d="M20.0001 10C20.0001 15.523 15.5232 20 10.0001 20V16.3547C13.5111 16.3547 16.3548 13.509 16.3548 10C16.3548 6.49098 13.5091 3.64529 10.0001 3.64529V0C15.5232 0 20.0001 4.47695 20.0001 10Z" fill="#B1A4FF"></path> </svg> <img alt="Two men speaking to a crowd" class="animation-image-3" src="" /></figure> <div class="event-details animation-text-3"> <h4 class="event-date">Feb. 18–20, 2025</h4> <h3 class="h3 event-title">INSIGHT Conference<br class="mobile-break" /> <span class="event-type">Hybrid</span></h3> <p class="b2 event-description">Experience inspiring keynotes, expert-led breakouts, hands-on workshops, meetings, and collaborative roundtables. Can’t attend in person? We’ll have a digital broadcast available.</p> </div> </div> <div class="info-block"> <figure><svg class="circle-icon circle-icon-2" fill="none" height="20" viewbox="0 0 20 20" width="20" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 10C0 15.523 4.47695 20 10 20V0C4.47695 0 0 4.47695 0 10Z" fill="#6800FC"></path> <path d="M10.0001 3.64551V16.3549C6.49109 16.3549 3.6454 13.5092 3.6454 10.0002C3.6454 6.4912 6.49109 3.64551 10.0001 3.64551Z" fill="#E71356"></path> <path d="M16.3548 10.0002C16.3548 13.5112 13.5091 16.3549 10.0001 16.3549V3.64551C13.5111 3.64551 16.3548 6.4912 16.3548 10.0002Z" fill="#E71356"></path> <path d="M20.0001 10C20.0001 15.523 15.5232 20 10.0001 20V16.3547C13.5111 16.3547 16.3548 13.509 16.3548 10C16.3548 6.49098 13.5091 3.64529 10.0001 3.64529V0C15.5232 0 20.0001 4.47695 20.0001 10Z" fill="#B1A4FF"></path> </svg> <img alt="A lap top browsing a dashboard" class="shifted-img animation-image-4" src="" /></figure> <div class="event-details animation-text-4"> <h4 class="event-date">Mar. 5, 2025</h4> <h3 class="h3 event-title">INSIGHT Encore<br class="mobile-break" /> <span class="event-type">Virtual</span></h3> <p class="b2 event-description">Join us as we review the results of the INSIGHT event program! Gain access to detailed event metrics and feedback, and discover new best practices.</p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="alumni" id="alumni"> <div class="width-constraint"> <figure class="large-image"><img alt="RainFocus Innovation Awards presentation with award recipients on stage." src="" /></figure> <div class="text-content-left"> <h2 class="h2-lg">Nominate your team for next year’s Innovation Awards!</h2> <p class="b2">We are currently accepting nominations for our annual Innovation Awards! These awards recognize teams that demonstrate forward thinking and excellence in their use of the RainFocus platform.</p> <a class="primary-button primary-button-grape" href="/innovation-awards">Learn more</a></div> </div> </section> <section class="speaker-lineup"> <div class="width-constraint"> <div id="marquee"> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Brian Wilson</p> <p class="b3 title">CCO, RainFocus</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Devin Cleary</p> <p class="b3 title">Head of Experiential Marketing, CyberArk</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Doug Baird</p> <p class="b3 title">President, RainFocus</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Erica Spoor</p> <p class="b3 title">SVP Strategy, Impact Point Group</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Jessica Kurowski</p> <p class="b3 title">Senior Event Marketing Manager, SAP Concur</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">JR Sherman</p> <p class="b3 title">CEO, RainFocus</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Katie Lavasseur</p> <p class="b3 title">Event Manager, Ellucian</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Kevin O'Rourke</p> <p class="b3 title">EVP, Global Sales & Partnerships, RainFocus</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Lindy Dukes</p> <p class="b3 title">Director of Marketing Event Technology, IBM</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Michele Cole</p> <p class="b3 title">Head of Global Event and Experience Marketing, Esri</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Mike Bushman</p> <p class="b3 title">CTO, RainFocus</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Rishabh Dayal</p> <p class="b3 title">Head of Solution Consulting, High Tech & Manufacturing, Adobe</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Seiko Monahan</p> <p class="b3 title">Sr. Director, Marketing Programs, Sage Intacct</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Stephanie Rogers</p> <p class="b3 title">Marketing Director, Global Events, Deltek</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Travis Cushing</p> <p class="b3 title">Product, RainFocus</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Trevor Judge</p> <p class="b3 title">Head of Global Events Technology, ServiceNow</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Brian Wilson</p> <p class="b3 title">CCO, RainFocus</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Devin Cleary</p> <p class="b3 title">Head of Experiential Marketing, CyberArk</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Doug Baird</p> <p class="b3 title">President, RainFocus</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Erica Spoor</p> <p class="b3 title">SVP Strategy, Impact Point Group</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Jessica Kurowski</p> <p class="b3 title">Senior Event Marketing Manager, SAP Concur</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">JR Sherman</p> <p class="b3 title">CEO, RainFocus</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Katie Lavasseur</p> <p class="b3 title">Event Manager, Ellucian</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Kevin O'Rourke</p> <p class="b3 title">EVP, Global Sales & Partnerships, RainFocus</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Lindy Dukes</p> <p class="b3 title">Director of Marketing Event Technology, IBM</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Michele Cole</p> <p class="b3 title">Head of Global Event and Experience Marketing, Esri</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Mike Bushman</p> <p class="b3 title">CTO, RainFocus</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Rishabh Dayal</p> <p class="b3 title">Head of Solution Consulting, High Tech & Manufacturing, Adobe</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Seiko Monahan</p> <p class="b3 title">Sr. Director, Marketing Programs, Sage Intacct</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Stephanie Rogers</p> <p class="b3 title">Marketing Director, Global Events, Deltek</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Travis Cushing</p> <p class="b3 title">Product, RainFocus</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="image-container"><img alt="" src="" /> <figcaption class="speaker-details"> <p class="b3 speaker-name">Trevor Judge</p> <p class="b3 title">Head of Global Events Technology, ServiceNow</p> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="text-content"> <h2 class="h2">Join our talented community of speakers.</h2> <p class="b2">Our past speakers include some of the brightest and most influential events and marketing professionals in the world.</p> <a class="primary-button primary-button-grape" href="/speakers">Become a speaker</a></div> </section> <section class="attendee-stats"> <div class="width-constraint"> <div class="top-content"> <figure><img alt="The event room and stage at RainFocus Insight" src="" /></figure> <div class="quote-container"><svg fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 33 24" width="33" xmlns=""> <path d="M26.4 10.4664C28.3724 10.6595 29.9655 11.3675 31.1793 12.5904C32.3931 13.8133 33 15.3258 33 17.128C33 18.9302 32.2793 20.4427 30.8379 21.6656C29.4724 22.8886 27.6138 23.5 25.2621 23.5C22.9862 23.5 21.1276 22.8886 19.6862 21.6656C18.2448 20.3784 17.5241 18.4797 17.5241 15.9695C17.5241 13.3949 18.8138 10.4664 21.3931 7.18389C23.9724 3.83699 26.7035 1.64864 29.5862 0.618823C30.0414 0.361372 30.6483 0.52228 31.4069 1.10155C32.1655 1.68082 32.5448 2.19573 32.5448 2.64627C29.5103 4.51281 27.462 7.11951 26.4 10.4664ZM8.87586 10.4664C10.8483 10.6595 12.4414 11.3675 13.6552 12.5904C14.869 13.8133 15.4759 15.3581 15.4759 17.2246C15.4759 19.0268 14.7552 20.5393 13.3138 21.7622C11.9483 22.9207 10.0897 23.5 7.73793 23.5C5.46207 23.5 3.60345 22.8886 2.16207 21.6656C0.720687 20.3784 0 18.4797 0 15.9695C0 13.3949 1.28965 10.4664 3.86897 7.18389C6.44828 3.83699 9.17933 1.64864 12.0621 0.618823C12.5172 0.361372 13.1241 0.52228 13.8828 1.10155C14.6414 1.68082 15.0207 2.19573 15.0207 2.64627C11.9862 4.38408 9.93791 6.9908 8.87586 10.4664Z" fill="#250058"></path> </svg> <q class="b3">The face time with the RainFocus team, from my account team to networking with leadership, was incredibly valuable. Building relationships with other clients added equal, if not more, value, fostering, collaboration and mutual learning. It was a rewarding experience overall.”</q> <div class="quote-details"><img alt="A headshot of a woman smiling" class="quote-details-image" src="" /> <div class="quote-details-divider"> </div> <p class="quote-details-info">Heather Schneider, CMP, DES<br /> Event Operations Manager, Tyler Technologies</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bottom-content"> <h2 class="h2 section-title">What our 2024 attendees said about INSIGHT:</h2> <div class="stats"> <div class="stats-block"> <p class="stats-percentage">97%</p> <p class="stats-description">Better understand RainFocus</p> </div> <div class="stats-block"> <p class="stats-percentage">98%</p> <p class="stats-description">Are likely to attend INSIGHT 2025</p> </div> <div class="stats-block"> <p class="stats-percentage">100%</p> <p class="stats-description">Said INSIGHT met/exceeded expectations</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="highlighted-exhibitors"> <div class="width-constraint exhibitors-content"> <div class="text-content"> <h3 class="h3">Discover the Latest in Events</h3> <p class="b2">Discover industry-leading sponsors at INSIGHT, each offering innovative solutions. Choose from multiple learning opportunities with each sponsor.</p> <button class="bg-arrow-button" onclick="window.location.href=' 2025 Sponsor';"><svg fill="none" height="31" viewbox="0 0 31 31" width="31" xmlns=""> <path d="M8.34618 15.8906H21.5533" stroke="#CDC7FF" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="1.37778"></path> <path d="M16.0503 20.3622L22.6538 15.8911L16.0503 11.4199" stroke="#CDC7FF" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="1.37778"></path> <rect height="30" rx="15" stroke="#CDC7FF" width="30" x="0.5" y="0.5"></rect> </svg> Become a sponsor</button></div> <div class="exhibitor-logos"> <img alt="Adobe" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <img alt="ATWM" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <img alt="D3G productions" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <img alt="VDA" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <!--<img alt="Aquiva Labs" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" />--> <img alt="Braindate" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <img alt="Eventbase" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <img alt="Fill it Forward" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <!--<img alt="Groups360" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" />--> <img alt="LinkedIn" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <img alt="SmartSource" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <img alt="Wicket" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <img alt="Komo Technologies" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <img alt="Mixhalo" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <img alt="Storycraft Labs" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <img alt="IC Group" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <img alt="InGo" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <img alt="Walls IO" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" /> <!--<img alt="Zenus" class="exhibitor-logo" src="" />--></div> </div> </section> <section class="faq"> <div class="width-constraint"> <div class="text-content"> <h2 class="h2 section-title">Frequently Asked Questions</h2> <p class="b2">Looking for more details about INSIGHT? Get answers here.</p> </div> <div class="accordion"> <div class="accordion-item"><button class="b2 accordion-header">What is the INSIGHT event program?</button> <div class="accordion-content"> <p>RainFocus believes a unified event program delivers optimal continuous learning. In addition to the main conference, INSIGHT includes three virtual events — two before and one after — to build on experiences with peers, thought leaders, and RainFocus experts. Unlock your full INSIGHT journey!</p> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"><button class="b2 accordion-header">When and where will the in-person conference portion of INSIGHT 2025 take place?</button> <div class="accordion-content"> <p>The conference will be held Feb. 18–20, 2025 at the beautiful Hyatt Regency in Salt Lake City. Portions of the conference will also be available live and online for those who attend virtually.</p> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"><button class="b2 accordion-header">How much does it cost to attend RainFocus INSIGHT?</button> <div class="accordion-content"> <p>The All Access pass, which includes the complete event program, is available at a discounted rate of $795 until Nov. 30, 2024. After the early-bird rate ends, the price will increase to $995. RainFocus clients and official partners receive an automatic additional $300 discount on each ticket.<br /> <br /> The free virtual pass includes INSIGHT Premiere, Preparation, Encore, and select live and on-demand sessions held during the INSIGHT in-person experience.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!--<a href="/faq" class="sub-accordion-link">Still have questions? <svg width="37" height="37" viewBox="0 0 37 37" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M8.11536 19.0674H27.2869" stroke="#5C00DC" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> <path d="M19.2988 25.5579L28.8846 19.0675L19.2988 12.5771" stroke="#5C00DC" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> </svg> </a>--></div> </section> <section class="location"> <div class="width-constraint"> <div class="text-content"> <h2 class="h2 section-title">Event locations don’t get more scenic than this.</h2> <p class="b2">INSIGHT 2025 returns to the Hyatt Regency in the heart of Salt Lake City. The hotel features spacious suites with stunning views of the Wasatch Mountains. We can’t wait to welcome you to the amazing area that RainFocus calls home.</p> <a href="/passes" class="primary-button primary-button-black">Register now</a> </div> <div class="location-card"> <iframe class="location-map" src="!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d24179.975986608453!2d-111.91266337783205!3d40.751092386307604!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x8752f505bf5f4853%3A0x382d4d2e216ddbc4!2s170%20S%20W%20Temple%20St%2C%20Salt%20Lake%20City%2C%20UT%2084101!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1687534206540!5m2!1sen!2sus" width="600" height="450" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade"></iframe> <div class="insight-location-details"> <div class="insight-location-details-top"> <h3 class="location-details-heading">Hyatt Regency</h3> <p class="location-details-info"><b>$261.00 + tax</b></p> <p class="location-details-info"> <span>170 S W Temple St, <br class="mobile-break"> Salt Lake City, UT</span> <br class="mobile-break"> <span>(801) 596-1234</span> </p> </div> <p class="insight-location-details-explanation">Hotel booking is available during registration.</p> </div> </div> </div> </section><footer class="insight-footer-wrapper"> <div class="width-constraint"> <div class="insight-footer-top"> <div class="insight-footer-left-panel"> <svg class="footer-logo" width="218" height="64" viewBox="0 0 218 64" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>RainFocus Insight Logo</title> <path d="M123.117 28.2826C121.694 28.2826 120.894 28.8163 120.894 29.7058C120.894 30.5953 121.783 30.7732 122.851 30.9511L124.096 31.129C126.675 31.4848 128.188 32.6412 128.188 34.5981C128.188 36.8218 126.231 38.5119 122.762 38.5119C121.605 38.5119 119.381 38.245 117.691 36.9997L118.848 35.0428C119.737 35.7544 120.805 36.1992 122.762 36.1992C124.541 36.1992 125.519 35.6655 125.519 34.687C125.519 33.9754 124.896 33.5307 123.473 33.3528L122.228 33.1749C119.559 32.8191 118.225 31.5738 118.225 29.7058C118.225 27.3931 120.093 25.881 123.117 25.881C124.985 25.881 126.675 26.3257 127.921 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27.0674C143.938 26.6226 143.582 26.2668 142.871 26.2668C142.248 26.2668 141.892 26.5337 141.892 27.0674V37.9193C141.892 38.2751 142.159 38.453 142.604 38.453C143.049 38.453 143.226 38.2751 143.226 37.9193V28.2237C143.226 28.2237 143.226 28.1348 143.315 28.1348H143.404L149.453 37.5635C149.809 38.0972 150.076 38.3641 150.698 38.3641C151.321 38.3641 151.588 38.0972 151.588 37.5635V26.8005V26.8005Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M154.79 37.6525C155.679 38.2751 156.747 38.6309 157.903 38.6309C160.394 38.6309 161.995 37.2077 161.995 35.1619C161.995 32.9381 160.127 32.2265 158.437 31.5149C157.103 30.9812 155.768 30.3586 155.768 29.2022C155.768 28.0459 156.747 27.3343 158.17 27.3343C158.971 27.3343 159.593 27.5122 160.394 27.9569C160.483 28.0459 160.572 28.0459 160.572 28.0459C160.75 28.1348 160.928 28.2238 161.016 28.2238C161.372 28.2238 161.639 27.779 161.639 27.5122C161.639 27.3343 161.461 27.0674 161.016 26.8006C160.216 26.2669 159.237 26 158.17 26C155.857 26 154.345 27.2453 154.345 29.2022C154.345 31.1591 156.035 31.9597 157.725 32.6713C159.149 33.2939 160.483 33.8276 160.483 35.2508C160.483 36.4961 159.415 37.3856 157.814 37.3856C156.925 37.3856 156.213 37.1188 155.413 36.5851L155.235 36.4961C154.968 36.3182 154.879 36.2293 154.701 36.2293C154.345 36.2293 154.078 36.5851 154.078 36.9409C154.256 37.1188 154.434 37.2967 154.79 37.6525Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M166.265 26.8005C166.265 26.5337 166.176 26.2668 165.553 26.2668C165.108 26.2668 164.841 26.4447 164.841 26.8005V37.9193C164.841 38.1862 164.93 38.453 165.553 38.453C165.998 38.453 166.265 38.2751 166.265 37.9193V26.8005Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M178.984 36.9409V33.116C178.984 32.5823 178.807 32.4044 178.273 32.4044H175.337C174.982 32.4044 174.804 32.5823 174.804 33.0271C174.804 33.4718 174.982 33.6497 175.337 33.6497H177.561C177.65 33.6497 177.65 33.6497 177.65 33.7387V36.763C177.65 36.763 177.65 36.8519 177.561 36.8519C176.85 37.1188 175.96 37.2967 175.16 37.2967C172.313 37.2967 170.623 35.3398 170.623 32.2265C170.623 29.2022 172.313 27.3343 175.071 27.3343C175.96 27.3343 176.85 27.5122 177.561 27.9569C177.65 28.0459 177.739 28.0459 177.828 28.1348C178.006 28.3127 178.184 28.4017 178.362 28.4017C178.629 28.4017 178.984 28.0459 178.984 27.779C178.984 27.5122 178.718 27.2453 178.184 26.8895C177.383 26.3558 176.227 26.089 175.071 26.089C171.513 26.089 169.2 28.4906 169.2 32.3155C169.2 36.1403 171.513 38.542 175.16 38.542C176.227 38.542 177.472 38.2751 178.273 38.0083C178.807 37.6525 178.984 37.3856 178.984 36.9409Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M191.26 26.8005C191.26 26.5337 191.171 26.2668 190.548 26.2668C190.103 26.2668 189.836 26.4447 189.836 26.8005V31.4259C189.836 31.5149 189.836 31.5149 189.747 31.5149H183.521C183.432 31.5149 183.432 31.5149 183.432 31.4259V26.8005C183.432 26.5337 183.343 26.2668 182.72 26.2668C182.276 26.2668 182.009 26.4447 182.009 26.8005V37.9193C182.009 38.1862 182.098 38.453 182.72 38.453C183.165 38.453 183.432 38.2751 183.432 37.9193V32.8491C183.432 32.7602 183.432 32.7602 183.521 32.7602H189.747C189.836 32.7602 189.836 32.7602 189.836 32.8491V37.9193C189.836 38.1862 189.925 38.453 190.548 38.453C190.993 38.453 191.26 38.2751 191.26 37.9193V26.8005Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M200.51 26.2668H193.483C193.127 26.2668 192.95 26.4447 192.95 26.8895C192.95 27.3342 193.127 27.5121 193.483 27.5121H196.152C196.241 27.5121 196.241 27.5121 196.241 27.6011V37.9193C196.241 38.1862 196.33 38.453 196.952 38.453C197.397 38.453 197.664 38.2751 197.664 37.9193V27.6011C197.664 27.5121 197.664 27.5121 197.753 27.5121H200.421C200.777 27.5121 200.955 27.3342 200.955 26.8895C201.133 26.4447 200.955 26.2668 200.51 26.2668Z" fill="white"/> </svg> <p class="footer-optional-body-text">Experience a comprehensive event program in person and online. Engage with leaders in events, marketing, and technology, and discover impactful experiences at RainFocus INSIGHT — Feb. 18–20, 2025!</p> <div class="insight-social-media-links-wrapper"> <a href=""><img alt="" src=""></a> <a href=""><img alt="" src=""></a> <a href=""><img alt="" width="21px" src=""></a> <a href=""><img alt="" src=""></a> </div> </div> <div class="insight-footer-right-panel"> <ul class="insight-footer-menu-list"> <li><a href="">About RainFocus</a></li> <li><a href="">Request a Demo</a></li> <li><a href="">Contact Us</a></li> <li><a href="">Platform Overview</a></li> <li><a href="">RainFocus On Demand</a></li> <li><a href="">Privacy Policy</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="insight-footer-bottom"> <span class="footer-all-right-reserved">© All Rights Reserved</span> <div class="footer-powered-by-logo"><img alt="footer logo 2" src=""></div> </div> </div> <!--Google Tag Manager--> <noscript><iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript> <!-- End Google Tag Manager --> <!-- Campaign Cross Site Script --> <script> (function() { var domainsToDecorate = [ '', //add or remove domains (without https or trailing slash) '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ], queryParams = [ 'utm_medium', //add or remove query parameters you want to transfer 'utm_source', 'utm_campaign', 'utm_content' ] // do not edit anything below this line var links = document.querySelectorAll('a'); // check if links contain domain from the domainsToDecorate array and then decorates for (var linkIndex = 0; linkIndex < links.length; linkIndex++) { for (var domainIndex = 0; domainIndex < domainsToDecorate.length; domainIndex++) { if (links[linkIndex].href.indexOf(domainsToDecorate[domainIndex]) > -1 && links[linkIndex].href.indexOf("#") === -1) { links[linkIndex].href = decorateUrl(links[linkIndex].href); } } } // decorates the URL with query params function decorateUrl(urlToDecorate) { urlToDecorate = (urlToDecorate.indexOf('?') === -1) ? urlToDecorate + '?' : urlToDecorate + '&'; var collectedQueryParams = []; for (var queryIndex = 0; queryIndex < queryParams.length; queryIndex++) { if (getQueryParam(queryParams[queryIndex])) { collectedQueryParams.push(queryParams[queryIndex] + '=' + getQueryParam(queryParams[queryIndex])) } } return urlToDecorate + collectedQueryParams.join('&'); } // borrowed from // a function that retrieves the value of a query parameter function getQueryParam(name) { if (name = (new RegExp('[?&]' + encodeURIComponent(name) + '=([^&]*)')).exec( return decodeURIComponent(name[1]); } })(); </script> </footer></body></html>