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which reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, etc.; intellect or understanding; to care:<span class="illustration"> Do you mind if I smoke?;</span> to tend:<span class="illustration"> mind the baby;</span> heed or obey:<span class="illustration"> mind the teacher</span><br><div><b>Not to be confused with:</b><div><a href="mined">mined</a> &ndash; dug into the earth to extract ore, coal, precious stones, etc.; drew useful information from:<span class="illustration"> He mined all of the reports on the subject.</span></div></div></div><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Abused, Confused, &amp; Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree</div></section><section data-src="hm"><h2>mind</h2> <span class="snd" data-snd="M0308900"></span> <span class="pron" onclick="pron_key()">(m&#x12b;nd</span>) <div class="pseg"><i>n.</i> <div class="ds-list"><b>1. </b>The faculty of a human or other animal by which it thinks, perceives, feels, remembers, or desires: <span class="illustration">studying the relation between the brain and the mind.</span> </div><div class="ds-list"><b>2. </b>A person of great mental ability: <span class="illustration">the great minds of the century.</span> </div><div class="ds-list"><b>3. </b>Individual consciousness, memory, or recollection: <span class="illustration">I'll bear the problem in mind.</span> </div><div class="ds-list"><b>4. </b><div class="sds-list"><b>a. </b>Opinion or sentiment: <span class="illustration">He changed his mind when he heard all the facts.</span> </div><div class="sds-list"><b>b. </b>Desire or inclination: <span class="illustration">She had a mind to spend her vacation in the desert.</span> </div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>5. </b>Focus of thought; attention: <span class="illustration">I can't keep my mind on work.</span> </div><div class="ds-list"><b>6. </b>A healthy mental state; sanity: <span class="illustration">losing one's mind.</span> </div><div class="ds-list"><b>7. </b>The thought processes characteristic of a person or group; psychological makeup: <span class="illustration">the criminal mind; the public mind.</span> </div><div class="ds-list"><b>8. </b><i>Philosophy</i> The phenomena of intelligence, cognition, or consciousness, regarded as a material or immaterial aspect of reality. </div></div> <div class="pseg"><i>v.</i> <b>mind·ed, </b> <b>mind·ing, </b> <b>minds</b> </div> <div class="pseg"><i>v.</i> <i>tr.</i> <div class="ds-list"><b>1. </b>To pay attention to: <span class="illustration">Mind closely what I tell you.</span> </div><div class="ds-list"><b>2. </b>To be careful about: <span class="illustration">Mind the icy sidewalk!</span> </div><div class="ds-list"><b>3. </b>To heed in order to obey: <span class="illustration">The children minded their babysitter.</span> </div><div class="ds-list"><b>4. </b>To take care or charge of; look after: <span class="illustration">We minded the children while their parents went out.</span> See Synonyms at <a href="tend">tend</a><sup>2</sup><b>.</b></div><div class="ds-list"><b>5. </b><div class="sds-list"><b>a. </b>To be concerned or annoyed by; care: <span class="illustration">They don't mind that their guests are arriving late.</span> </div><div class="sds-list"><b>b. </b>To object to; dislike: <span class="illustration">I don't mind doing the chores when I don't feel rushed.</span> </div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>6. </b><i>Regional</i> To bring (an object or idea) to mind; remember. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>7. </b><div class="sds-list"><b>a. </b>To become aware of; notice. </div><div class="sds-list"><b>b. </b><i>Upper Southern US</i> To have in mind as a goal or purpose; intend. </div></div></div> <div class="pseg"><i>v.</i> <i>intr.</i> <div class="ds-list"><b>1. </b>To take notice; give heed: <span class="illustration">The back door tends to slam in the wind, mind.</span> </div><div class="ds-list"><b>2. </b>To behave obediently: <span class="illustration">I don't want to go shopping if the children won't mind.</span> </div><div class="ds-list"><b>3. </b>To be concerned or troubled; care: <span class="illustration">"Not minding about bad food has become a national obsession"</span> (<span class="illustration">Times Literary Supplement</span>). </div><div class="ds-list"><b>4. </b>To be cautious or careful: <span class="illustration">You'll slip on the ice if you don't mind.</span> </div></div> <b><i>Idioms: </i></b><div class="idmseg"><b><i>a mind of (one's) own</i></b> <div class="ds-single">A capacity or inclination to think or act independently: <i>a reporter with a mind of her own.</i> </div></div><div class="idmseg"><b><i>a mind of its own</i></b> <div class="ds-single">A tendency to be unresponsive to human will: <i>The car had a mind of its own and seemed to start only when it felt like it.</i> </div></div><div class="idmseg"><b><i>be of one mind</i></b> <div class="ds-single">To be in agreement about something. </div></div><div class="idmseg"><b><i>be of two minds</i></b> <div class="ds-single">To have mixed feelings or be undecided about something. </div></div><div class="idmseg"><b><i>bring</i></b> <b>(</b>or <b><i>call</i></b><b>)</b> <b><i>to mind</i></b><div class="ds-list"><b>1. </b>To remember (something): <i>tried to bring to mind their happy times together.</i> </div><div class="ds-list"><b>2. </b>To cause (something) to be remembered or thought of; evoke: <i>"<span style="font-style: normal; font-weight: normal">[The county's]</span> flight from creditors brings to mind a restaurant diner who declines to pay for a meal because he overate" </i> (Roger Lowenstein). <i>"a voice that calls to mind a flower wavering in the breeze"</i> (Neil Strauss). </div></div><div class="idmseg"><b><i>never mind</i></b> <div class="ds-single">Used to tell someone not to be concerned or worried. </div></div><hr align="left" class="hmshort"><div class="etyseg">[Middle English <tt>minde</tt>, from Old English <tt>gemynd</tt>; see <tt>men-</tt><sup>1</sup> in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] </div><hr align="left" class="hmshort"><div class="runseg"><b>mind&#x2032;er</b> <i>n.</i> </div><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.</div></section><section data-src="hc_dict"><h2>mind</h2> (<span onclick="pron_key(1)" class="pron">maɪnd</span>) <div><i>n</i><div class="ds-list"><b>1. </b> (Psychology) the human faculty to which are ascribed thought, feeling, etc; often regarded as an immaterial part of a person</div><div class="ds-list"><b>2. </b> (Psychology) intelligence or the intellect, esp as opposed to feelings or wishes</div><div class="ds-list"><b>3. </b>recollection or remembrance; memory: <span class="illustration">it comes to mind</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>4. </b>the faculty of original or creative thought; imagination: <span class="illustration">it's all in the mind</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>5. </b>a person considered as an intellectual being: <span class="illustration">the great minds of the past</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>6. </b>opinion or sentiment: <span class="illustration">we are of the same mind</span>; <span class="illustration">to change one's mind</span>; <span class="illustration">to have a mind of one's own</span>; <span class="illustration">to know one's mind</span>; <span class="illustration">to speak one's mind</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>7. </b>condition, state, or manner of feeling or thought: <span class="illustration">no peace of mind</span>; <span class="illustration">his state of mind</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>8. </b>an inclination, desire, or purpose: <span class="illustration">I have a mind to go</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>9. </b>attention or thoughts: <span class="illustration">keep your mind on your work</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>10. </b>a sound mental state; sanity (esp in the phrase <b>out of one's mind</b>)</div><div class="ds-list"><b>11. </b>intelligence, as opposed to material things: <span class="illustration">the mind of the universe</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>12. </b> (Philosophy) (in Cartesian philosophy) one of two basic modes of existence, the other being matter</div><div class="ds-list"><b>13. </b><b>blow someone's mind </b><i>slang</i> <div class="sds-list"><b>a. </b>to cause someone to have a psychedelic experience</div><div class="sds-list"><b>b. </b>to astound or surprise someone</div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>14. </b> (Recreational Drugs) to cause someone to have a psychedelic experience</div><div class="ds-list"><b>15. </b>to astound or surprise someone</div><div class="ds-list"><b>16. </b><b>give someone a piece of one's mind </b>to criticize or censure (someone) frankly or vehemently</div><div class="ds-list"><b>17. </b><b>in two minds </b><b>of two minds </b>undecided; wavering: <span class="illustration">he was in two minds about marriage</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>18. </b><b>make up one's mind </b>to decide (something or to do something): <span class="illustration">he made up his mind to go</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>19. </b><b>on one's mind </b>in one's thoughts</div><div class="ds-list"><b>20. </b><b>put one in mind of </b>to remind (one) of</div></div><div><i>vb</i><div class="ds-list"><b>21. </b> (<i><span style="font-style:normal;">when</span> tr, may take a clause as object</i>) to take offence at: <span class="illustration">do you mind if I smoke? I don't mind</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>22. </b>to pay attention to (something); heed; notice: <span class="illustration">to mind one's own business</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>23. </b> (<i>tr; takes a clause as object</i>) to make certain; ensure: <span class="illustration">mind you tell her</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>24. </b> (<i>tr</i>) to take care of; have charge of: <span class="illustration">to mind the shop</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>25. </b> (<i><span style="font-style:normal;">when</span> tr, may take a clause as object</i>) to be cautious or careful about (something): <span class="illustration">mind how you go</span>; <span class="illustration">mind your step</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>26. </b> (<i>tr</i>) to obey (someone or something); heed: <span class="illustration">mind your father!</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>27. </b>to be concerned (about); be troubled (about): <span class="illustration">never mind your hat</span>; <span class="illustration">never mind about your hat</span>; <span class="illustration">never mind</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>28. </b> (<i>tr; passive; takes an infinitive</i>) to be intending or inclined (to do something): <span class="illustration">clearly he was not minded to finish the story</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>29. </b> (<i>tr</i>) <i>dialect</i> <i>Scot</i> <i>and</i> <i>English</i> to remember: <span class="illustration">do ye mind his name?</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>30. </b> (<i>tr</i>) <i>Scot</i> to remind: <span class="illustration">that minds me of another story</span>. </div><div class="ds-list"><b>31. </b><b>mind you </b>an expression qualifying a previous statement: <span class="illustration">Dogs are nice. Mind you, I don't like all dogs</span>. </div></div><div class="etyseg">[Old English <i>gemynd</i> mind; related to Old High German <i>gimunt</i> memory]</div><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014</div></section><section data-src="rHouse"><h2>mind</h2> <span onclick="pron_key(1)" class="pron"> (ma&#618;nd) </span> <br> <br> <i>n. </i> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 1. </b> the element, part, or process in a human or other conscious being that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges, etc. </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 2. </b> <i>Psychol.</i> the totality of conscious and unconscious mental processes and activities. </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 3. </b> intellect or understanding, esp. as distinguished from the emotions and will; intelligence. </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 4. </b> a person considered with reference to intellectual power: <span class="illustration"> the great minds of the day.</span> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 5. </b> intellectual power or ability. </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 6. </b> reason, sanity, or sound mental condition: <span class="illustration"> to lose one's mind.</span> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 7. </b> a way of thinking and feeling; disposition; temper: <span class="illustration"> a liberal mind.</span> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 8. </b> opinion, view, or sentiments: <span class="illustration"> to change one's mind.</span> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 9. </b> inclination, intention, or desire: <span class="illustration"> to be of a mind to listen.</span> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 10. </b> remembrance or recollection; memory: <span class="illustration"> to call to mind; The party put me in mind of my college days.</span> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 11. </b> psychic or spiritual being, as opposed to matter. </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 12. </b> a conscious or intelligent agency or being: <i>an awareness of a mind ordering the universe.</i> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 13. </b> attention; thoughts: <span class="illustration"> He can't keep his mind on his studies.</span> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 14. </b> <i>Chiefly South Midland and Southern U.S.</i> notice; attention: <span class="illustration"> When he's like that, just pay him no mind.</span> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 15. </b> <i>Rom. Cath. Ch.</i> a commemoration of a person's death, esp. by a Requiem Mass. </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 16. </b> (<i>cap.</i>) <i>Christian Science.</i> God; the incorporeal source of life, substance, and intelligence. </div> <i>v.t. </i> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 17. </b> to pay attention to. </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 18. </b> to heed or obey (a person, advice, instructions, etc.). </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 19. </b> to attend to: <span class="illustration"> to mind one's own business.</span> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 20. </b> to look after; tend: <span class="illustration"> to mind the baby.</span> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 21. </b> to be careful, cautious, or wary about: <span class="illustration"> Mind what you say.</span> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 22. </b> to feel concern at; care about. </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 23. </b> to feel disturbed or inconvenienced by; object to: <span class="illustration"> I hope you don't mind the interruption.</span> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 24. </b> to regard as concerning oneself or as mattering: <span class="illustration"> Don't mind his bluntness.</span> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 25. </b> <i>Dial.</i> <div class="sds-list"><b> a. </b> to perceive or notice. </div> <div class="sds-list"><b> b. </b> to remember. </div> <div class="sds-list"><b> c. </b> to remind. </div> </div> <i>v.i. </i> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 26. </b> to pay attention. </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 27. </b> to obey. </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 28. </b> to take notice, observe, or understand (used chiefly in the imperative): <span class="illustration"> Mind now, I want you home by twelve.</span> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 29. </b> to be careful or wary. </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 30. </b> to care, feel concern, or object (often used in negative or interrogative constructions): <span class="illustration"> Mind if I go?</span> </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 31. </b> to regard a thing as concerning oneself or as mattering: <span class="illustration"> You mustn't mind about their gossiping.</span> </div> <b><i>Idioms: </i></b> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 1. </b> <b>back of one's mind,</b> one's memory or recollection. </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 2. </b> <b>be of one mind,</b> to share an intent or opinion. </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 3. </b> <b>be of two minds,</b> to be ambivalent. </div> <div class="ds-list"> <b> 4. </b> <b>out of one's mind,</b> <div class="sds-list"><b> a. </b> insane; mad. </div> <div class="sds-list"><b> b. </b> emotionally overwhelmed; frantic: <span class="illustration"> out of my mind with worry.</span> </div> </div> <div class="etyseg">[before 900; Middle English <i>mynd(e)</i>, aph. variant of <i>imynd,</i> Old English <i>gemynd</i> memory, mind, c. Old High German gimunt recollection, Gothic <i>gamunds</i> memory]</div> <div class="notx"> <b>syn: </b> <a href="mind">mind</a>, <a href="intellect">intellect</a>, <a href="brain">brain</a> refer to that part of a conscious being that thinks, feels, wills, perceives, or judges. <a href="mind">mind</a> is a philosophical, psychological, and general term for the center of all mental activity, as contrasted with the body and the spirit: <i>His mind grasped the complex issue.</i> <a href="intellect">intellect</a> refers to reasoning power, as distinguished from the faculties of feeling: <i>a book that appeals to the intellect, rather than the emotions.</i> <a href="brain">brain</a> is a physiological term for the organic structure that makes mental activity possible, but is often applied to mental ability or capacity: <i>a fertile brain.</i> These words may also refer to a person of great mental ability or capacity: <i>a great mind of our age; a fine scholar and intellect; the brain in the family.</i></div> <div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.</div></section><section data-src="Similes"><h2>Mind</h2>&nbsp;<div><p>See Also: <a href="attention">ATTENTION</a>; <a href="Insults+Insult+Similes+Appear+In+Many+Categories+Throughout">INSULTS</a>; <a href="Mind%2c+Defined">MIND, DEFINED</a>; <a href="Thoughts">THOUGHT</a></p><ol><li>(You can&rsquo;t concentrate. You&rsquo;ve got) a brain like a hummingbird &mdash;Jane Wagner</li><li>Brain as heavy as a grandfather clock &mdash;Diane Wakoski</li><li>A brain tooled like a twenty-jewel Swiss watch &mdash;Stephen Longstreet</li><li>Emptied her mind, as if emptying a bottle &mdash;Mavis Gallant</li><li>Her mind flickered like a lizard &mdash;Elizabeth Bowen</li><li>Her mind was like a one-way thoroughfare, narrow and flat, maintained in repair &mdash;Mavis Gallant</li><li>Her mind was like a rushing stream, tumbling downhill over rocks and boulders, eddying, bouncing, shifting direction &mdash;Ward Just</li><li>Her mind was strangely empty &hellip; an empty room through which vague memories stalked like giants &mdash;Jean Rhys</li><li>His brain feels like a frail but alert invalid packed inside among a lot of deep pillows &mdash;John Updike</li><li>His brain was like a brightly-lit factory, full of flying wheels and precision &mdash;Edith Wharton</li><li>His mind [Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.&rsquo;s] resembles a stiff spring, which has to be abducted violently from it, and which every instant it is left to itself flies right back &mdash;William James, letter to brother, Harry, November 24, 1872</li><li>His mind&rsquo;s like the feet of a pre-civilized Chinese girl &mdash;Frank Swinnerton</li><li>The human mind should be like a good hotel, open the year round &mdash;William Lyon Phelps</li><li>It [his brain] felt like an immense dynamo running at top speed in an empty shed in the middle of the woods &mdash;Norman Mailer</li><li>Little minds, like weak liquors, are soonest soured &mdash;H. G. Bohn&rsquo;s <i>Hand book of Proverbs</i></li><li>Mind, as clear as mountain water &mdash;Richard Wilbur <p>See Also: <a href="clarity">CLARITY</a></p></li><li>Mind &hellip; blank and enclosed as a bubble of glass &mdash;Jean Thompson</li><li>Mind flapping like a rag on a clothesline in cold wind &mdash;Saul Bellow</li><li>Mind &hellip; fluffy as a baby&rsquo;s crib &mdash;Louis Auchincloss</li><li>(He stood for a moment outside the room, his) mind jerking spasmodically, like a severed nerve &mdash;Storm Jameson</li><li>Mind like a bent corkscrew &mdash;Roderic Jeffries</li><li>A mind like a puddle. Things fall in and float around in it and she fishes them up later when they&rsquo;ve gotten soggy &mdash;Jean Thompson</li><li>A mind like a sieve &mdash;Anon</li><li>A mind like a sink &mdash;Agatha Christie <p>Christie was thus quoted by her nephew about Miss Marple&rsquo;s dark view of humankind.</p></li><li>Mind &hellip; like a sun-dial, it records only pleasantness &mdash;Anon <p>See Also: <a href="cheerfulness">CHEERFULNESS</a></p></li><li>A mind like a tattered concordance &mdash;Samuel Beckett</li><li>A mind like a wedge of iron &mdash;Louise Erdrich</li><li>Mind like dead ashes &mdash;Robert Silverberg</li><li>Mind like moths &mdash;Anon</li><li>Mind &hellip; like some fertile garden &mdash;Edith Wharton</li><li>The mind, packed away like a satin wedding dress even in blue tissue, yellowing, pressing itself into permanent folds &mdash;Diane Wakoski <p>The title of the poem featuring this line is also a simile: <i>The Mind, Like an Old Fish</i>.</p></li><li>Minds fossilized like lava &mdash;Isak Dinesen</li><li>Minds [of students] so earnest and helpless that it takes them half an hour to get from one idea to its immediately adjacent next neighbor. And when they&rsquo;ve got the next idea, they lie down on it with their whole weight and can get no farther, like a cow on a door-mat, so that you can get neither in nor out with them &mdash;William James, letter to his wife, 1896</li><li>Minds stirring like poplars in a storm &mdash;Marge Piercy</li><li>(Eleanor&rsquo;s) mind went whirling round like a wheel on the hub of this moment &mdash;Elizabeth Bowen</li><li>A mind wide open to absorb all it could teach him as the flowers of the date-palm to receive the fertilizing pollen &mdash;Honor&eacute; de Balzac</li><li>My brain is numb as a piece of liver &mdash;W. P. Kinsella</li><li>(I seem to have read so little of late, that) my mind is like a desert, devoid of roses and leaves &mdash;Janet Flanner</li><li>Our brains are like fruit stands; all the rubbish is in front and the good stuff is in the back &mdash;Carla Lane <p>Dialogue from &ldquo;Solo,&rdquo; British television sitcom, broadcast June 23, 1987</p></li><li>Our unconscious is like a vast subterranean factory with intricate machinery that is never ideal, where work goes on all day and night from the time we are born until the moment of our death &mdash;Milton R. Sapirstein</li><li>Some minds are like trunks, packed tight with knowledge, no air and plenty of moths &mdash;<i>Life</i>, January 31, 1918</li><li>There is no sea as restless as my mind &mdash;Derek Walcott <p>See Also: <a href="restlessness">RESTLESSNESS</a></p></li><li>When you have a creative mind it sometimes backs up on you like a sewer &mdash;John Farris</li></ol></div><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.</div></section><section data-src="hcUsage"><h2>mind</h2><p><b>Mind</b> can be a noun or a verb.</p><div class="ds-list"><b>1. </b><b>used as a noun</b><p>Your <b>mind</b> is your ability to think.</p><div><i>Psychology is the study of the human <u>mind</u>.</i></div><div><i>I did a crossword puzzle to occupy my <u>mind</u>.</i></div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>2. </b><b>'make up one's mind'</b><p>If you <b>make up your mind</b>, you make a decision. If you <b>make up your mind to</b> do something, you decide to do it.</p><div><i>I couldn't <u>make up my mind</u> whether to stay or go.</i></div><div><i>She <u>made up her mind</u> to look for a new job.</i></div><p><b>Be Careful!</b><br>You use a <i>to</i>-infinitive after this expression. Don't say, for example '<span class="lthr">She made up her mind looking for a new job</span>'.</p></div><div class="ds-list"><b>3. </b><b>used as a verb</b><p>If you have no objection to doing something, you can say that you <b>don't mind doing</b> it.</p><div><i>I <u>don't mind walking</u>.</i></div><p><b>Be Careful!</b><br>You use an <i>-ing</i> form with this expression. Don't say, for example, '<span class="lthr">I don't mind to walk</span>'.</p><p>If you do not object to a situation or proposal, or if you do not prefer any particular option, you can say '<b>I don't mind</b>'.</p><div><i>It was raining, but <u>we didn't mind</u>.</i></div><div><i>'Would you rather go out or stay in?' &#150; '<u>I don't mind</u>.'</i></div><p><b>Be Careful!</b><br>Don't say '<span class="lthr">I don't mind it</span>' with this meaning.</p><p>If you want to politely ask someone to do something, you can use <b>Would you mind</b> followed by an <i>-ing</i> form.</p><div><i><u>Would you mind turning</u> your music down a little?</i></div><div><i>He asked us if we <u>would mind waiting</u> outside.</i></div></div><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012</div></section><section data-src="hcVerbTblEn"><h2>mind</h2><br><b>Past participle: </b>minded<br><b>Gerund: </b>minding<br><br><select class="verbtables" onchange="SelectVT(this)"><option value="1_1">Imperative</option><option value="1_2">Present</option><option value="1_3">Preterite</option><option value="1_4">Present Continuous</option><option value="1_5">Present Perfect</option><option value="1_6">Past Continuous</option><option value="1_7">Past Perfect</option><option value="1_8">Future</option><option value="1_9">Future Perfect</option><option value="1_10">Future Continuous</option><option value="1_11">Present Perfect Continuous</option><option value="1_12">Future Perfect Continuous</option><option value="1_13">Past Perfect Continuous</option><option value="1_14">Conditional</option><option value="1_15">Past Conditional</option></select><table class="prettytable" id="VerbTableN1_1"><tr><th>Imperative</th></tr><tr><td>mind</td></tr><tr><td>mind</td></tr></table><table class="prettytable hiddenStructure" id="VerbTableN1_2"><tr><th>Present</th></tr><tr><td>I mind</td></tr><tr><td>you mind</td></tr><tr><td>he/she/it minds</td></tr><tr><td>we mind</td></tr><tr><td>you mind</td></tr><tr><td>they mind</td></tr></table><table class="prettytable hiddenStructure" id="VerbTableN1_3"><tr><th>Preterite</th></tr><tr><td>I minded</td></tr><tr><td>you minded</td></tr><tr><td>he/she/it minded</td></tr><tr><td>we minded</td></tr><tr><td>you minded</td></tr><tr><td>they minded</td></tr></table><table class="prettytable hiddenStructure" id="VerbTableN1_4"><tr><th>Present Continuous</th></tr><tr><td>I am minding</td></tr><tr><td>you are minding</td></tr><tr><td>he/she/it is minding</td></tr><tr><td>we are minding</td></tr><tr><td>you are minding</td></tr><tr><td>they are minding</td></tr></table><table class="prettytable hiddenStructure" id="VerbTableN1_5"><tr><th>Present Perfect</th></tr><tr><td>I have minded</td></tr><tr><td>you have minded</td></tr><tr><td>he/she/it has minded</td></tr><tr><td>we have minded</td></tr><tr><td>you have minded</td></tr><tr><td>they have minded</td></tr></table><table class="prettytable hiddenStructure" id="VerbTableN1_6"><tr><th>Past Continuous</th></tr><tr><td>I was minding</td></tr><tr><td>you were minding</td></tr><tr><td>he/she/it was minding</td></tr><tr><td>we were minding</td></tr><tr><td>you were minding</td></tr><tr><td>they were minding</td></tr></table><table class="prettytable hiddenStructure" id="VerbTableN1_7"><tr><th>Past Perfect</th></tr><tr><td>I had minded</td></tr><tr><td>you had minded</td></tr><tr><td>he/she/it had minded</td></tr><tr><td>we had minded</td></tr><tr><td>you had minded</td></tr><tr><td>they had minded</td></tr></table><table class="prettytable hiddenStructure" id="VerbTableN1_8"><tr><th>Future</th></tr><tr><td>I will mind</td></tr><tr><td>you will mind</td></tr><tr><td>he/she/it will mind</td></tr><tr><td>we will mind</td></tr><tr><td>you will mind</td></tr><tr><td>they will mind</td></tr></table><table class="prettytable hiddenStructure" id="VerbTableN1_9"><tr><th>Future Perfect</th></tr><tr><td>I will have minded</td></tr><tr><td>you will have minded</td></tr><tr><td>he/she/it will have minded</td></tr><tr><td>we will have minded</td></tr><tr><td>you will have minded</td></tr><tr><td>they will have minded</td></tr></table><table class="prettytable hiddenStructure" id="VerbTableN1_10"><tr><th>Future Continuous</th></tr><tr><td>I will be minding</td></tr><tr><td>you will be minding</td></tr><tr><td>he/she/it will be minding</td></tr><tr><td>we will be minding</td></tr><tr><td>you will be minding</td></tr><tr><td>they will be minding</td></tr></table><table class="prettytable hiddenStructure" id="VerbTableN1_11"><tr><th>Present Perfect Continuous</th></tr><tr><td>I have been minding</td></tr><tr><td>you have been minding</td></tr><tr><td>he/she/it has been minding</td></tr><tr><td>we have been minding</td></tr><tr><td>you have been minding</td></tr><tr><td>they have been minding</td></tr></table><table class="prettytable hiddenStructure" id="VerbTableN1_12"><tr><th>Future Perfect Continuous</th></tr><tr><td>I will have been minding</td></tr><tr><td>you will have been minding</td></tr><tr><td>he/she/it will have been minding</td></tr><tr><td>we will have been minding</td></tr><tr><td>you will have been minding</td></tr><tr><td>they will have been minding</td></tr></table><table class="prettytable hiddenStructure" id="VerbTableN1_13"><tr><th>Past Perfect Continuous</th></tr><tr><td>I had been minding</td></tr><tr><td>you had been minding</td></tr><tr><td>he/she/it had been minding</td></tr><tr><td>we had been minding</td></tr><tr><td>you had been minding</td></tr><tr><td>they had been minding</td></tr></table><table class="prettytable hiddenStructure" id="VerbTableN1_14"><tr><th>Conditional</th></tr><tr><td>I would mind</td></tr><tr><td>you would mind</td></tr><tr><td>he/she/it would mind</td></tr><tr><td>we would mind</td></tr><tr><td>you would mind</td></tr><tr><td>they would mind</td></tr></table><table class="prettytable hiddenStructure" id="VerbTableN1_15"><tr><th>Past Conditional</th></tr><tr><td>I would have minded</td></tr><tr><td>you would have minded</td></tr><tr><td>he/she/it would have minded</td></tr><tr><td>we would have minded</td></tr><tr><td>you would have minded</td></tr><tr><td>they would have minded</td></tr></table><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011</div></section><section data-src="shUnfW"><h2>mind</h2><div class="ds-single">The thinking part of the physical body.</div><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited</div></section></div> <div id="Thesaurus"><div id="ThesaurusHead"><span id="ThesaurusTitle">Thesaurus</span><span id="ThesaurusLegend"><span class="Ant">Antonyms</span><span class="Rel">Related Words</span><span class="Syn">Synonyms</span><span class="label"><b>Legend:</b></span></span></div><div id="ThesaurusInner"><div style="padding:5px;background:#DADAF7;font-size:16px;line-height:25px"><span>Switch to <a href="//"> new thesaurus </a></span></div><section data-src="wn"><table id="wn"><tr><td style="vertical-align:top"><b>Noun</b></td><td style="vertical-align:top"><b>1.</b></td><td><img align="right" src="//" width="129" height="135" alt="mind - that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings" title="mind - that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings"><b>mind</b> - that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; "his mind wandered"; "I couldn't get his words out of my head"<div class="Syn"><a href="psyche">psyche</a>, <a href="nous">nous</a>, <a href="brain">brain</a>, <a href="head">head</a></div><div class="Rel"><a href="cognition">cognition</a>, <a href="knowledge">knowledge</a>, <a href="noesis">noesis</a> - the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning</div><div class="Rel"><a href="noddle">noddle</a> - an informal British expression for head or mind; "use your noddle"</div><div class="Rel"><a href="tabula+rasa">tabula rasa</a> - a young mind not yet affected by experience (according to John Locke)</div><div class="Rel"><a href="ego">ego</a> - (psychoanalysis) the conscious mind</div><div class="Rel"><a href="unconscious">unconscious</a>, <a href="unconscious+mind">unconscious mind</a> - that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware</div><div class="Rel"><a href="subconscious">subconscious</a>, <a href="subconscious+mind">subconscious mind</a> - psychic activity just below the level of awareness</div></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align:top"></td><td style="vertical-align:top"><b>2.</b></td><td><img align="right" src="//" width="98" height="126" alt="mind - recall or remembrance" title="mind - recall or remembrance"><b>mind</b> - recall or remembrance; "it came to mind"<div class="Rel"><a href="recollection">recollection</a>, <a href="reminiscence">reminiscence</a>, <a href="recall">recall</a> - the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort); "he has total recall of the episode"</div></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align:top"></td><td style="vertical-align:top"><b>3.</b></td><td><b>mind</b> - an opinion formed by judging something; "he was reluctant to make his judgment known"; "she changed her mind"<div class="Syn"><a href="judgment">judgment</a>, <a href="judgement">judgement</a></div><div class="Rel"><a href="conclusion">conclusion</a>, <a href="decision">decision</a>, <a href="determination">determination</a> - a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration; "a decision unfavorable to the opposition"; "his conclusion took the evidence into account"; "satisfied with the panel's determination"</div><div class="Rel"><a href="opinion">opinion</a>, <a href="persuasion">persuasion</a>, <a href="sentiment">sentiment</a>, <a href="thought">thought</a>, <a href="view">view</a> - a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty; "my opinion differs from yours"; "I am not of your persuasion"; "what are your thoughts on Haiti?"</div></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align:top"></td><td style="vertical-align:top"><b>4.</b></td><td><img align="right" src="//" width="90" height="135" alt="mind - an important intellectual" title="mind - an important intellectual"><b>mind</b> - an important intellectual; "the great minds of the 17th century"<div class="Syn"><a href="creative+thinker">creative thinker</a>, <a href="thinker">thinker</a></div><div class="Rel"><a href="intellectual">intellectual</a>, <a href="intellect">intellect</a> - a person who uses the mind creatively</div></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align:top"></td><td style="vertical-align:top"><b>5.</b></td><td><b>mind</b> - attention; "don't pay him any mind"<div class="Rel"><a href="notice">notice</a>, <a href="observance">observance</a>, <a href="observation">observation</a> - the act of noticing or paying attention; "he escaped the notice of the police"</div></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align:top"></td><td style="vertical-align:top"><b>6.</b></td><td><b>mind</b> - your intention; what you intend to do; "he had in mind to see his old teacher"; "the idea of the game is to capture all the pieces"<div class="Syn"><a href="idea">idea</a></div><div class="Rel"><a href="aim">aim</a>, <a href="intent">intent</a>, <a href="intention">intention</a>, <a href="purpose">purpose</a>, <a href="design">design</a> - an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions; "his intent was to provide a new translation"; "good intentions are not enough"; "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs"; "he made no secret of his designs"</div></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align:top"></td><td style="vertical-align:top"><b>7.</b></td><td><img align="right" src="//" width="107" height="135" alt="mind - knowledge and intellectual ability" title="mind - knowledge and intellectual ability"><b>mind</b> - knowledge and intellectual ability; "he reads to improve his mind"; "he has a keen intellect"<div class="Syn"><a href="intellect">intellect</a></div><div class="Rel"><a href="intelligence">intelligence</a> - the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience</div></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align:top"><b>Verb</b></td><td style="vertical-align:top"><b>1.</b></td><td><img align="right" src="//" width="117" height="126" alt="mind - be offended or bothered by" title="mind - be offended or bothered by"><b>mind</b> - be offended or bothered by; take offense with, be bothered by; "I don't mind your behavior"<div class="Rel"><a href="object">object</a> - express or raise an objection or protest or criticism or express dissent; "She never objected to the amount of work her boss charged her with"; "When asked to drive the truck, she objected that she did not have a driver's license"</div><div class="Rel"><a href="bridle+at">bridle at</a>, <a href="bridle+up">bridle up</a>, <a href="bristle+at">bristle at</a>, <a href="bristle+up">bristle up</a> - show anger or indignation; "She bristled at his insolent remarks"</div></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align:top"></td><td style="vertical-align:top"><b>2.</b></td><td><b>mind</b> - be concerned with or about something or somebody<div class="Rel"><a href="think+about">think about</a> - have on one's mind, think about actively; "I'm thinking about my friends abroad"; "She always thinks about her children first"</div><div class="Rel"><a href="worry">worry</a>, <a href="care">care</a> - be concerned with; "I worry about my grades"</div></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align:top"></td><td style="vertical-align:top"><b>3.</b></td><td><b>mind</b> - be in charge of or deal with; "She takes care of all the necessary arrangements"<div class="Syn"><a href="take+care">take care</a></div><div class="Rel"><a href="handle">handle</a>, <a href="manage">manage</a>, <a href="care">care</a>, <a href="deal">deal</a> - be in charge of, act on, or dispose of; "I can deal with this crew of workers"; "This blender can't handle nuts"; "She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old"</div><div class="Rel"><a href="tend">tend</a> - manage or run; "tend a store"</div></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align:top"></td><td style="vertical-align:top"><b>4.</b></td><td><img align="right" src="//" width="133" height="104" alt="mind - pay close attention to" title="mind - pay close attention to"><b>mind</b> - pay close attention to; give heed to; "Heed the advice of the old men"<div class="Syn"><a href="heed">heed</a>, <a href="listen">listen</a></div><div class="Rel"><a href="obey">obey</a> - be obedient to</div></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align:top"></td><td style="vertical-align:top"><b>5.</b></td><td><img align="right" src="//" width="83" height="126" alt="mind - be on one's guard" title="mind - be on one's guard"><b>mind</b> - be on one's guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to; "Beware of telephone salesmen"<div class="Syn"><a href="beware">beware</a></div><div class="Rel"><a href="look+out">look out</a>, <a href="watch+out">watch out</a>, <a href="watch">watch</a> - be vigilant, be on the lookout or be careful; "Watch out for pickpockets!"</div></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align:top"></td><td style="vertical-align:top"><b>6.</b></td><td><img align="right" src="//" width="123" height="128" alt="mind - keep in mind" title="mind - keep in mind"><b>mind</b> - keep in mind &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<div class="Syn"><a href="bear+in+mind">bear in mind</a></div><div class="Rel"><a href="think+of">think of</a>, <a href="remember">remember</a> - keep in mind for attention or consideration; "Remember the Alamo"; "Remember to call your mother every day!"; "Think of the starving children in India!"</div><div class="Rel"><a href="attend+to">attend to</a>, <a href="take+to+heart">take to heart</a> - get down to; pay attention to; take seriously; "Attend to your duties, please"</div><div class="Ant"><a href="forget">forget</a> - forget to do something; "Don't forget to call the chairman of the board to the meeting!"</div></td></tr></table><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.</div></section><section data-src="hc_thes"><h2>mind</h2><div><i>noun</i><div class="ds-list"><b>1.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="brain">brain</a>, <a href="head">head</a>, <a href="imagination">imagination</a>, <a href="psyche">psyche</a>, <a href="subconscious">subconscious</a></span> <span class="illustration">I'm trying to clear my mind of all this.</span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>2.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="memory">memory</a>, <a href="recollection">recollection</a>, <a href="remembrance">remembrance</a>, <b>powers of recollection</b></span> <span class="illustration">He spent the next hour going over the trial in his mind.</span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>3.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="attention">attention</a>, <a href="thinking">thinking</a>, <a href="Thoughts">thoughts</a>, <a href="concentration">concentration</a></span> <span class="illustration">My mind was never on my work.</span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>4.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="intelligence">intelligence</a>, <a href="reason">reason</a>, <a href="reasoning">reasoning</a>, <a href="understanding">understanding</a>, <a href="sense">sense</a>, <a href="spirit">spirit</a>, <b>brain(s)</b> <i>(informal)</i>, <a href="wits">wits</a>, <a href="mentality">mentality</a>, <a href="intellect">intellect</a>, <a href="grey+matter">grey matter</a> <i>(informal)</i>, <a href="ratiocination">ratiocination</a></span> <span class="illustration">an excellent training for the young mind</span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>5.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="thinker">thinker</a>, <a href="academic">academic</a>, <a href="intellectual">intellectual</a>, <a href="genius">genius</a>, <a href="brain">brain</a> <i>(informal)</i>, <a href="scholar">scholar</a>, <a href="sage">sage</a>, <a href="intellect">intellect</a>, <a href="rocket+scientist">rocket scientist</a> <i>(informal, chiefly U.S.)</i>, <a href="brainbox">brainbox</a></span> <span class="illustration">She moved to London, meeting some of the best minds of her time.</span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>6.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="intention">intention</a>, <a href="will">will</a>, <a href="wish">wish</a>, <a href="desire">desire</a>, <a href="urge">urge</a>, <a href="fancy">fancy</a>, <a href="purpose">purpose</a>, <a href="leaning">leaning</a>, <a href="bent">bent</a>, <a href="notion">notion</a>, <a href="tendency">tendency</a>, <a href="inclination">inclination</a>, <a href="disposition">disposition</a></span> <span class="illustration">They could interpret that way if they'd a mind to.</span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>7.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="sanity">sanity</a>, <a href="reason">reason</a>, <a href="senses">senses</a>, <a href="judgment">judgment</a>, <a href="wits">wits</a>, <a href="marbles">marbles</a> <i>(informal)</i>, <a href="rationality">rationality</a>, <a href="mental+balance">mental balance</a></span> <span class="illustration">Sometimes I feel I'm losing my mind.</span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>8.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="attitude">attitude</a>, <a href="view">view</a>, <a href="opinion">opinion</a>, <a href="belief">belief</a>, <a href="feeling">feeling</a>, <a href="Thoughts">thoughts</a>, <a href="judgment">judgment</a>, <a href="point+of+view">point of view</a>, <a href="outlook">outlook</a>, <a href="sentiment">sentiment</a>, <a href="//">way of thinking</a></span> <span class="illustration">They're all of the same mind.</span></div></div><div><i>verb</i><div class="ds-list"><b>1.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="//">take offence at</a>, <a href="dislike">dislike</a>, <a href="//">care about</a>, <a href="//">object to</a>, <a href="resent">resent</a>, <a href="//">disapprove of</a>, <b>be bothered by</b>, <a href="//">look askance at</a>, <b>be affronted by</b></span> <span class="illustration">I hope you don't mind me calling in like this.</span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>2.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="//">be careful</a>, <a href="watch">watch</a>, <a href="take+care">take care</a>, <b>be wary</b>, <b>be cautious</b>, <a href="//">be on your guard</a></span> <span class="illustration">Mind you don't burn those sausages.</span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>3.</b> <span class="Syn"><b>be sure</b>, <a href="ensure">ensure</a>, <a href="make+sure">make sure</a>, <a href="//">be careful</a>, <a href="certain">make certain</a></span> <span class="illustration">Mind you don't let the cat out.</span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>4.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="//">remember to</a>, <b>see (that)</b>, <a href="make+sure">make sure</a>, <b>don't forget to</b>, <b>take care to</b></span> <span class="illustration">Mind you take care of him!</span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>5.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="look+after">look after</a>, <a href="watch">watch</a>, <a href="protect">protect</a>, <a href="tend">tend</a>, <a href="guard">guard</a>, <a href="take+care+of">take care of</a>, <a href="attend+to">attend to</a>, <a href="keep+an+eye+on">keep an eye on</a>, <b>have <i>or</i> take charge of</b></span> <span class="illustration">Could you mind the shop while I'm out, please?</span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>6.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="//">pay attention to</a>, <a href="follow">follow</a>, <a href="mark">mark</a>, <a href="watch">watch</a>, <a href="note">note</a>, <a href="regard">regard</a>, <a href="respect">respect</a>, <a href="notice">notice</a>, <a href="attend+to">attend to</a>, <a href="listen+to">listen to</a>, <a href="observe">observe</a>, <a href="//">comply with</a>, <a href="obey">obey</a>, <a href="heed">heed</a>, <a href="adhere+to">adhere to</a>, <a href="heed">take heed of</a>, <a href="heed">pay heed to</a></span> <span class="illustration">You mind what I say now!</span></div></div><div><b>bear <i>or</i> keep something <i>or</i> someone in mind</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="remember">remember</a>, <a href="consider">consider</a>, <a href="take+into+account">take into account</a>, <a href="take+note">take note</a>, <a href="//">do not forget</a>, <b>be mindful</b>, <a href="//">make a mental note</a>, <b>be cognizant</b></span> <span class="illustration">Bear in mind that petrol stations are scarce in this area.</span></div><div><b>cross your mind</b> <span class="Syn"><b>occur to you</b>, <a href="come+to+mind">come to mind</a>, <a href="spring+to+mind">spring to mind</a>, <b>strike you</b>, <b>suggest itself</b>, <a href="//">enter your mind</a></span> <span class="illustration">The possibility of failure did cross my mind.</span></div><div><b>have something in mind</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="propose">propose</a>, <a href="plan">plan</a>, <a href="design">design</a>, <a href="//">aim for</a>, <a href="think">think</a>, <a href="intend">intend</a></span> <span class="illustration">'Maybe we could celebrate tonight.' 'What did you have in mind?'</span></div><div><b>in <i>or</i> of two minds</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="undecided">undecided</a>, <a href="uncertain">uncertain</a>, <a href="unsure">unsure</a>, <a href="wavering">wavering</a>, <a href="hesitant">hesitant</a>, <a href="dithering">dithering</a> <i>(chiefly Brit.)</i>, <a href="vacillating">vacillating</a>, <a href="swither">swithering</a> <i>(Scot.)</i>, <a href="shillyshallying">shillyshallying</a> <i>(informal)</i></span> <span class="illustration">I am in two minds about going.</span></div><div><b>make up your mind</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="decide">decide</a>, <a href="choose">choose</a>, <a href="determine">determine</a>, <a href="resolve">resolve</a>, <a href="//">reach a decision</a>, <b>come to a decision</b></span> <span class="illustration">Once he made up his mind to do something there was no stopping him.</span></div><div><b>mind out</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="//">be careful</a>, <a href="watch+out">watch out</a>, <a href="take+care">take care</a>, <a href="look+out">look out</a>, <a href="beware">beware</a>, <a href="//">pay attention</a>, <a href="//">keep your eyes open</a>, <a href="//">be on your guard</a></span> <span class="illustration">Mind out. We're coming in to land!</span></div><div><b>never mind</b></div><div class="ds-list"><b>1.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="forget">forget</a>, <b>don't worry about</b>, <b>pay no attention to</b>, <a href="disregard">disregard</a>, <b>don't bother about</b>, <b>don't concern yourself about</b></span> <span class="illustration">Never mind your shoes. They'll soon dry off.</span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>2.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="//">forget it</a>, <a href="It+doesn%27t+matter">it doesn't matter</a>, <a href="//">don't worry about it</a>, <b>it's unimportant</b>, <a href="//">don't give it a second thought</a></span> <span class="illustration">'I'm really sorry.' 'Never mind, it happens to me all the time.'</span></div><div><b>never you mind</b> <span class="Syn"><b>it's none of your business</b>, <b>it's nothing to do with you</b></span> <span class="illustration">'Where is it?' 'Never you mind.'</span></div><div><b>out of your mind</b></div><div class="ds-list"><b>1.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="mad">mad</a>, <a href="insane">insane</a>, <a href="mental">mental</a> <i>(informal)</i>, <a href="crazy">crazy</a> <i>(informal)</i>, <a href="nuts">nuts</a> <i>(informal)</i>, <a href="demented">demented</a>, <a href="deranged">deranged</a>, <a href="bonkers">bonkers</a> <i>(informal)</i>, <a href="raving+mad">raving mad</a> <i>(informal)</i>, <a href="//">off your head</a> <i>(informal)</i>, <a href="//">off your trolley</a> <i>(Brit. informal)</i>, <a href="//">away with the fairies</a> <i>(informal)</i>, <a href="//">off your rocker</a> <i>(informal)</i>, <a href="//">off your nut</a> <i>(informal)</i>, <a href="//">not the full shilling</a> <i>(Brit. informal)</i>, <b>not in your right mind</b></span> <span class="illustration">What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?</span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>2.</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="frantic">frantic</a>, <a href="crazy">crazy</a> <i>(informal)</i>, <a href="distraught">distraught</a>, <a href="berserk">berserk</a>, <a href="//">beside yourself</a></span> <span class="illustration">I'm out of my mind with worry. I just want him back.</span></div><div><b>put <i> or</i> set someone's mind at rest</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="assure">assure</a>, <a href="comfort">comfort</a>, <a href="reassure">reassure</a>, <a href="soothe">soothe</a>, <a href="hearten">hearten</a></span> <span class="illustration">She could set your mind at rest by giving you the facts</span></div><div><b>put someone in mind of something <i>or</i> someone</b> <span class="Syn"><a href="remind">remind</a>, <a href="recall">recall</a>, <a href="evoke">evoke</a>, <a href="nudge">nudge</a>, <a href="conjure+up">conjure up</a>, <a href="summon+up">summon up</a></span> <span class="illustration">This put me in mind of something he said many years ago.</span></div><div><b>Related words</b><br><i>adjectives</i> <span class="Rel"><a href="noetic">noetic</a>, <a href="mental">mental</a>, <a href="phrenic">phrenic</a></span></div><div><b>Quotations</b><br>"The mind is at its best about the age of forty-nine" [Aristotle <i>Rhetoric</i>]<br>"The mind is its own place, and in itself"<br>"Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven" [John Milton <i>Paradise Lost</i>]<br>"What is matter? - Never mind."<br>"What is mind? - No matter" <i>Punch</i></div><div><b>Proverbs</b><br>"Great minds think alike, fools seldom differ"</div><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002</div></section><section data-src="hm_thes"><h2>mind</h2><i>noun</i><div class="pseg"><div class="ds-list"><b>1. </b>The seat of the faculty of intelligence and reason:<div class="Syn ds-list"><a href="brain">brain</a>, <a href="head">head</a>.</div><div class="Syn ds-list"><i>Informal: </i> <a href="gray+matter">gray matter</a>.</div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>2. </b>The faculty of thinking, reasoning, and acquiring and applying knowledge:<div class="Syn ds-list"><a href="brain">brain</a> (often used in plural), <a href="brainpower">brainpower</a>, <a href="intellect">intellect</a>, <a href="intelligence">intelligence</a>, <a href="mentality">mentality</a>, <a href="sense">sense</a>, <a href="understanding">understanding</a>, <a href="wit">wit</a>.</div><div class="Syn ds-list"><i>Slang: </i> <a href="smart">smart</a> (used in plural).</div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>3. </b>A person of great mental ability:<div class="Syn ds-list"><a href="brain">brain</a>, <a href="intellect">intellect</a>, <a href="intellectual">intellectual</a>, <a href="thinker">thinker</a>.</div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>4. </b>The thought processes characteristic of an individual or group:<div class="Syn ds-list"><a href="ethos">ethos</a>, <a href="mentality">mentality</a>, <a href="mindset">mindset</a>, <a href="psyche">psyche</a>, <a href="psychology">psychology</a>.</div><div class="Idi ds-list"><b><i>Idiom: </i></b>what makes someone tick.</div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>5. </b>Something believed or accepted as true by a person:<div class="Syn ds-list"><a href="belief">belief</a>, <a href="conviction">conviction</a>, <a href="feeling">feeling</a>, <a href="idea">idea</a>, <a href="notion">notion</a>, <a href="opinion">opinion</a>, <a href="persuasion">persuasion</a>, <a href="position">position</a>, <a href="sentiment">sentiment</a>, <a href="view">view</a>.</div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>6. </b>A desire for a particular thing or activity:<div class="Syn ds-list"><a href="fancy">fancy</a>, <a href="liking">liking</a>, <a href="pleasure">pleasure</a>, <a href="will">will</a>.</div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>7. </b>A healthy mental state:<div class="Syn ds-list"><a href="lucidity">lucidity</a>, <a href="lucidness">lucidness</a>, <a href="reason">reason</a>, <a href="saneness">saneness</a>, <a href="sanity">sanity</a>, <a href="sense">sense</a> (often used in plural), <a href="soundness">soundness</a>, <a href="wit">wit</a> (used in plural).</div><div class="Syn ds-list"><i>Slang: </i> <a href="marble">marble</a> (used in plural).</div></div></div><i>verb</i><div class="pseg"><div class="ds-list"><b>1. </b>To be careful:<div class="Syn ds-list"><a href="beware">beware</a>, <a href="look+out">look out</a>, <a href="watch+out">watch out</a>.</div><div class="Idi ds-list"><b><i>Idioms: </i></b><a href="//">be on guard</a>, be on the lookout, keep an eye peeled , <a href="//">take care</a>.</div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>2. </b>To renew an image or thought in the mind:<div class="Syn ds-list"><a href="bethink">bethink</a>, <a href="recall">recall</a>, <a href="recollect">recollect</a>, <a href="remember">remember</a>, <a href="reminisce">reminisce</a>, <a href="retain">retain</a>, <a href="revive">revive</a>, <a href="think">think</a>.</div><div class="Idi ds-list"><b><i>Idiom: </i></b><a href="//">bring to mind</a>.</div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>3. </b>To perceive with a special effort of the senses or the mind:<div class="Syn ds-list"><a href="descry">descry</a>, <a href="detect">detect</a>, <a href="discern">discern</a>, <a href="distinguish">distinguish</a>, <a href="mark">mark</a>, <a href="note">note</a>, <a href="notice">notice</a>, <a href="observe">observe</a>, <a href="remark">remark</a>, <a href="see">see</a>.</div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>4. </b><i>Regional. </i> To have in mind as a goal or purpose:<div class="Syn ds-list"><a href="aim">aim</a>, <a href="contemplate">contemplate</a>, <a href="design">design</a>, <a href="intend">intend</a>, <a href="mean">mean</a>, <a href="plan">plan</a>, <a href="project">project</a>, <a href="propose">propose</a>, <a href="purpose">purpose</a>, <a href="target">target</a>.</div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>5. </b>To act in conformity with:<div class="Syn ds-list"><a href="abide+by">abide by</a>, <a href="adhere">adhere</a>, <a href="carry+out">carry out</a>, <a href="comply">comply</a>, <a href="conform">conform</a>, <a href="follow">follow</a>, <a href="keep">keep</a>, <a href="obey">obey</a>, <a href="observe">observe</a>.</div><div class="Idi ds-list"><b><i>Idiom: </i></b><a href="//">toe the line</a>.</div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>6. </b>To have an objection:<div class="Syn ds-list"><a href="care">care</a>, <a href="object">object</a>.</div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>7. </b>To have the care and supervision of:<div class="Syn ds-list"><a href="attend">attend</a>, <a href="care+for">care for</a>, <a href="look+after">look after</a>, <a href="minister+to">minister to</a>, <a href="see+to">see to</a>, <a href="tend">tend</a>, <a href="watch">watch</a>.</div><div class="Idi ds-list"><b><i>Idioms: </i></b><a href="//">keep an eye on</a>, <a href="//">look out for</a>, <a href="//">take care of</a>, take under one's wing.</div></div></div> <div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>The American Heritage&reg; Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.</div></section></div></div> <div id="Translations"><div id="TranslationsHead"><span id="TranslationsTitle">Translations</span></div><div id="translbody" data-lang="arcacsdadeelesetfifrhrhuisitjakolaltlvnlnoplptroruskslsrsvthtrvizhafbgfahehiidmlpstwukur"><section class="simpleTrans"><div lang="ar"><b class="trans">إنْتَبِه! إحْذَر!</b><b class="trans">عَقْل</b><a class="trans" href="//">عَقْلٌ</a><b class="trans">يَحْتَرِس، يَحْذَر</b><b class="trans">يَرْعى، يَعْتَني</b></div><div lang="ca"><b class="trans">ment</b></div><div lang="cs"><b class="trans">mysl</b><b class="trans">pozor</b><b class="trans">pozor!</b><b class="trans">rozum</b><b class="trans">vadit</b></div><div lang="da"><b class="trans">blive gal</b><b class="trans">forstand</b><b class="trans">have noget imod</b><b class="trans">holde øje med</b><b class="trans">ikke tage sig af</b></div><div lang="de"><a class="trans" href="//">Geist</a><a class="trans" href="//">Verstand</a><a class="trans" href="//">Gemüt</a><a class="trans" href="//">sich etwas machen aus</a><a class="trans" href="//">sich in Acht nehmen</a></div><div lang="el"><a class="trans" href="//">νους</a><a class="trans" href="//">πνεύμα</a><a class="trans" href="//">συνείδηση</a><a class="trans" href="//">ενοχλούμαι</a></div><div lang="es"><a class="trans" href="//">mente</a><a class="trans" href="//">cuidar</a><a class="trans" href="//">importar</a><a class="trans" href="//">hacer caso de</a><a class="trans" href="//">molestar</a></div><div lang="et"><b class="trans">meel</b><b class="trans">mõistus</b></div><div lang="fi"><b class="trans">mieli</b><b class="trans">panna pahakseen</b><b class="trans">välittää</b><b class="trans">ymmärrys</b><b class="trans">huolehtia</b></div><div lang="fr"><a class="trans" href="//">esprit</a><a class="trans" href="//">surveiller</a><a class="trans" href="//">déranger</a><a class="trans" href="//">observer</a><a class="trans" href="//">prendre garde</a></div><div lang="hr"><b class="trans">imati nešto protiv</b><b class="trans">um</b></div><div lang="hu"><b class="trans">elme</b><b class="trans">értelem</b><b class="trans">felügyel</b><b class="trans">izgatja</b><b class="trans">tudat</b></div><div lang="is"><b class="trans">gæta, líta eftir</b><b class="trans">gættu òín!</b><b class="trans">hafa á móti, láta sér standa á sama</b><b class="trans">huga aî; hlÿîa</b><b class="trans">hugur; greind, vitsmunir</b></div><div lang="it"><a class="trans" href="//">mente</a><a class="trans" href="//">fare attenzione</a><a class="trans" href="//">giudizio</a><a class="trans" href="//">importare</a><a class="trans" href="//">memoria</a></div><div lang="ja"><b class="trans">いやだと思う</b><b class="trans">心</b></div><div lang="ko"><b class="trans">개의하다</b><b class="trans">마음</b></div><div lang="la"><b class="trans">animus</b><b class="trans">mens</b></div><div lang="lt"><b class="trans">atsiminti</b><b class="trans">atvirai kalbėti</b><b class="trans">atvirai pasakyti savo nuomonę</b><b class="trans">beprasmiškai</b><b class="trans">būti atsargiam</b></div><div lang="lv"><b class="trans">prāts</b><b class="trans">rūpēties</b><b class="trans">saprāts</b><b class="trans">uzmanies! piesargies!</b><b class="trans">uzmanīties</b></div><div lang="nl"><a class="trans" href="//">erg vinden</a><a class="trans" href="//">geest</a></div><div lang="no"><a class="trans" href="//">ånd</a><a class="trans" href="//">sinn</a><a class="trans" href="//">tenker</a><a class="trans" href="//">bevissthet</a><a class="trans" href="//">bry seg om</a></div><div lang="pl"><a class="trans" href="//">umysł</a><a class="trans" href="//">mieć przeciwko</a></div><div lang="pt"><a class="trans" href="//">mente</a><a class="trans" href="//">importar-se</a></div><div lang="ro"><b class="trans">atenţie</b><b class="trans">concentrare</b><b class="trans">fi atent</b><b class="trans">judecată</b><b class="trans">memorie</b></div><div lang="ru"><a class="trans" href="//">дума</a><a class="trans" href="//">ум</a><a class="trans" href="//">разум</a><a class="trans" href="//">расположение духа</a><a class="trans" href="//">рассудок</a></div><div lang="sk"><b class="trans">dávať pozor</b><b class="trans">myslenie</b></div><div lang="sl"><b class="trans">misel</b><b class="trans">mnenje</b><b class="trans">pamet</b><b class="trans">premisliti si</b><b class="trans">um</b></div><div lang="sr"><b class="trans">razum</b><b class="trans">um</b></div><div lang="sv"><b class="trans">ande</b><b class="trans">åsikt</b><b class="trans">bry sig om</b><b class="trans">förstånd</b><b class="trans">hjärna</b></div><div lang="th"><b class="trans">จิตใจ</b><b class="trans">รังเกียจ</b></div><div lang="tr"><a class="trans" href="//">aldırmak</a><a class="trans" href="//">bakmak</a><a class="trans" href="//">beyin</a><b class="trans">Dikkat et!</b><a class="trans" href="//">dikkat etmek</a></div><div lang="vi"><b class="trans">tâm trí</b><b class="trans">thấy phiền</b></div><div lang="zh"><a class="trans" href="//">介意</a><a class="trans" href="//">头脑</a><a class="trans" href="//">当心</a><a class="trans" href="//">智力</a><a class="trans" href="//">注意</a></div></section><section lang="es" data-src="hc_En_Es"><div lang="En"><h2>mind</h2> <span class="pron0x">[ma&#x26a;nd]</span><div class="ds-list"><b>A.</b> <i>NOUN</i><div class="sds-list"><b>1.</b> (= <i>brain, head</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">mente</a> <i>f</i></span><br><span class="illustration">a logical/creative mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">una <a href="//">mente</a> <a href="//">racional</a>/creativa</span><br><span class="illustration">he has the mind of a five-year-old</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">tiene</a> la <a href="//">edad mental</a> de un <a href="//">niño</a> de cinco <a href="//">años</a></span><br><b>it's <u>all</u> in the mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">es <a href="//">pura</a> <a href="//">sugestión</a></span><br><b>at the <u>back</u> of my mind I had the feeling that</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">tenía</a> la <a href="//">remota</a> <a href="//">sensación</a> <a href="//">de que</a> ...</span><br><b>to <u>bring</u> one's mind to bear on sth</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">concentrarse en</a> algo</span><br><b>it <u>came</u> to my mind that</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">se me <a href="//">ocurrió</a> que ...</span><br><b>I'm not <u>clear</u> in my mind about it</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">todavía no lo <a href="//">tengo</a> <a href="//">claro</a> <i>or</i> no lo <a href="//">llego</a> a <a href="//">entender</a></span><br><b>it <u>crossed</u> my mind (that)</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">se me <a href="//">ocurrió</a> (que)</span><br><span class="illustration">yes, it had crossed my mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">sí, eso se me había <a href="//">ocurrido</a></span><br><span class="illustration">does it ever cross your mind that ...?</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¿<a href="//">piensas</a> <a href="//">alguna vez</a> que ...?</span><br><b>my mind was <u>elsewhere</u></b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">tenía</a> la <a href="//">cabeza</a> <a href="//">en otro sitio</a></span><br><b>it never <u>entered</u> my mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">jamás se me <a href="//">pasó</a> por la <a href="//">cabeza</a></span><br><b>I can't <u>get</u> it <u>out</u> of my mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">no me lo puedo <a href="//">quitar</a> <a href="//">de la</a> <a href="//">cabeza</a></span><br><b>to <u>go over</u> sth in one's mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">repasar</a> algo <a href="//">mentalmente</a></span><br><b>a triumph of mind over <u>matter</u></b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">un <a href="//">triunfo</a> <a href="//">del</a> <a href="//">espíritu</a> sobre la <a href="//">materia</a></span><br><span class="illustration">it's a question of mind over matter</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">es <a href="//">cuestión</a> de <a href="//">voluntad</a></span><br><b>to have one's mind <u>on</u> sth</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">estar <a href="//">pensando</a> en algo</span><br><span class="illustration">I had my mind on something else</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">estaba <a href="//">pensando</a> en <a href="//">otra cosa</a></span><br><span class="illustration">to have sth on one's mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">estar preocupado</a> por algo</span><br><span class="illustration">what's on your mind?</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¿qué es <a href="//">lo que</a> te <a href="//">preocupa</a>?</span><br><b>you can <u>put</u> that right out of your mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">conviene</a> no <a href="//">pensar</a> <a href="//">más</a> <a href="//">en eso</a></span><br><span class="illustration">if you put your mind to it</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">si te <a href="//">concentras</a> en ello</span><br><b>knowing that he had arrived safely <u>set</u> my mind at ease <i>or</i> rest</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">el <a href="//">saber</a> que había <a href="//">llegado</a> <a href="//">sano</a> y salvo me <a href="//">tranquilizó</a></span><br><span class="illustration">if you set your mind <u>to</u> it</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">si te <a href="//">concentras</a> en ello</span><br><b>the thought that <u>springs</u> to mind is</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">lo que</a> primero se le <a href="//">ocurre</a> a uno es ...</span><br><b><u>state</u> of mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">estado</a> <i>m</i> de <a href="//">ánimo</a></span><br><b>that will <u>take</u> your mind off it</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">eso te <a href="//">distraerá</a></span><br><b>to be <u>uneasy</u> in one's mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">quedarse con</a> <a href="//">dudas</a></span><br><b>he let his mind <u>wander</u></b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">dejó</a> que los <a href="//">pensamientos</a> se le fueran a otras <a href="//">cosas</a></span><br><b>mind's <u>eye</u></b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">imaginación</a> <i>f</i></span><br><span class="illustration">in my mind's eye I could still see her sitting there</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">mentalmente</a> todavía la <a href="//">veía</a> <a href="//">allí</a> <a href="//">sentada</a></span><br><span class="illustration">that's a load <i>or</i> weight off my <u>mind</u>!</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¡eso me <a href="//">quita</a> un <a href="//">peso</a> de <a href="//">encima</a>!</span><br><i>see also</i> <b><a href="blank">blank</a></b> <b>A2</b><br><i>see also</i> <b><a href="read">read</a></b> <b>A3</b><br><i>see also</i> <b><a href="presence">presence</a></b> <b>5</b></div><div class="sds-list"><b>2.</b> (= <i>memory</i>)<br><b>to bear sth/sb <u>in</u> mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">tener en cuenta</a> algo/a algn</span><br><span class="illustration">we must bear (it) in mind that</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">debemos <a href="//">tener en cuenta</a> que ..., <a href="//">tenemos</a> que <a href="//">recordar</a> que ...</span><br><span class="illustration">I'll bear you in mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">te <a href="//">tendré</a> en <a href="//">cuenta</a></span><br><span class="illustration">to <u>keep</u> sth/sb in mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">tener</a> <a href="//">presente</a> <i>or</i> en <a href="//">cuenta</a> algo/a algn</span><br><span class="illustration">he <u>puts</u> me in mind of his father</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">me <a href="//">recuerda</a> a su <a href="//">padre</a></span><br><b>to pass <u>out of</u> mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">caer</a> <a href="//">en el</a> <a href="//">olvido</a></span><br><span class="illustration"><u>time</u> out of mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">tiempo</a> <i>m</i> <a href="//">inmemorial</a></span><br><span class="illustration">it <u>went</u> right <i>or</i> clean out of my mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">se me fue <a href="//">por completo</a> <a href="//">de la</a> <a href="//">cabeza</a></span><br><b>to bring <i>or</i> call sth <u>to</u> mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">recordar</a> algo, <a href="//">traer</a> algo <a href="//">a la</a> <a href="//">memoria</a></span><br><span class="illustration">that calls something else to mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">eso me <a href="//">trae</a> <a href="//">otra cosa</a> <a href="//">a la</a> <a href="//">memoria</a></span><br><i>see also</i> <b><a href="slip">slip</a></b> <b>C3</b><br><i>see also</i> <b><a href="stick">stick</a></b> <b>B5</b></div><div class="sds-list"><b>3.</b> (= <i>intention</i>)<br><b>you can do it if you have <u>a</u> mind to</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">puedes lograrlo si <a href="//">de verdad</a> estás <a href="//">empeñado</a> en ello</span><br><span class="illustration">I have a good mind to do it</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">ganas</a> de hacerlo no me <a href="//">faltan</a></span><br><span class="illustration">I have half a mind to do it</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">estoy <a href="//">tentado</a> <i>or</i> me <a href="//">dan</a> <a href="//">ganas</a> de hacerlo</span><br><b>nothing was <u>further</u> from my mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">nada <a href="//">más lejos</a> de mi <a href="//">intención</a></span><br><b>to have sth <u>in</u> mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">tener</a> <a href="//">pensado</a> algo</span><br><span class="illustration">she wrote it with publication in mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">lo <a href="//">escribió</a> con la <a href="//">intención</a> de publicarlo</span><br><span class="illustration">to have sb in mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">tener</a> a algn en <a href="//">mente</a></span><br><span class="illustration">who do you have in mind for the job?</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¿a quién <a href="//">piensas</a> darle el <a href="//">puesto</a> <i>or</i> <a href="//">tienes</a> en <a href="//">mente</a> para el <a href="//">puesto</a>?</span><br><span class="illustration">to have in mind to do sth</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">tener intención de</a> <a href="//">hacer</a> algo</span></div><div class="sds-list"><b>4.</b> (= <i>opinion</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">opinión</a> <i>f</i>, <a href="//">parecer</a> <i>m</i></span><br><b>to <u>change</u> one's mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">cambiar de opinión</a> <i>or</i> <a href="//">idea</a> <i>or</i> <a href="//">parecer</a></span><br><span class="illustration">to change sb's mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">hacer</a> que algn <a href="//">cambie</a> de <a href="//">opinión</a></span><br><b>to have a <u>closed</u> mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">tener</a> una <a href="//">mente</a> <a href="//">cerrada</a></span><br><b>to <u>know</u> one's own mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">saber</a> <a href="//">lo que</a> uno quiere</span><br><b>to <u>make up</u> one's mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">decidirse</a></span><br><span class="illustration">we can't make up our minds about selling the house</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">no nos <a href="//">decidimos</a> a <a href="//">vender</a> la <a href="//">casa</a></span><br><span class="illustration">I can't make up my mind about him</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">todavía <a href="//">tengo</a> ciertas <a href="//">dudas</a> <a href="//">con respecto a</a> él</span><br><span class="illustration">he has made up his mind to leave home</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">ha <a href="//">decidido</a> <a href="//">irse</a> <a href="//">de casa</a>, está <a href="//">decidido</a> a <a href="//">irse</a> <a href="//">de casa</a></span><br><b>to <u>my</u> mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">a mi <a href="//">juicio</a></span><br><b>to be of <u>one</u> mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">estar de acuerdo</a></span><br><span class="illustration">with one mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">unánimemente</a></span><br><b>with an <u>open</u> mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">con <a href="//">espíritu</a> <a href="//">abierto</a> <i>or</i> <a href="//">mentalidad</a> <a href="//">abierta</a></span><br><span class="illustration">to keep an open mind on a subject</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">mantener</a> una <a href="//">mentalidad</a> <a href="//">abierta</a> con <a href="//">relación</a> a un <a href="//">tema</a></span><br><b>to have a mind of one's <u>own</u></b> [<i>person</i>] (= <i>think for o.s.</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">pensar</a> por <a href="//">sí mismo</a></span> (<i>hum</i>) [<i>machine etc</i>] &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">tener</a> <a href="//">voluntad</a> <a href="//">propia</a>, <a href="//">hacer</a> lo <a href="//">que quiere</a></span><br><b>to be of the <u>same</u> mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">ser <a href="//">de la</a> <a href="//">misma</a> <a href="//">opinión</a>, <a href="//">estar de acuerdo</a></span><br><span class="illustration">I was of the same mind as my brother</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">yo estaba <a href="//">de acuerdo con</a> mi hermano, yo era <a href="//">de la</a> <a href="//">misma</a> <a href="//">opinión</a> que mi hermano</span><br><b>to be in <i>or</i> &gt; of <u>two</u> minds</b> (<i>US</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">dudar</a>, estar <a href="//">indeciso</a></span><br><i>see also</i> <b><a href="piece">piece</a></b> <b>A1</b><br><i>see also</i> <b><a href="speak">speak</a></b> <b>B2</b></div><div class="sds-list"><b>5.</b> (= <i>mental balance</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">juicio</a> <i>m</i></span><br><b>his mind is <u>going</u></b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">está <a href="//">perdiendo</a> <a href="//">facultades</a> <a href="//">mentales</a></span><br><b>to <u>lose</u> one's mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">perder</a> el <a href="//">juicio</a></span><br><b>nobody in his <u>right</u> mind would do it</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">nadie que esté en su <a href="//">sano</a> <a href="//">juicio</a> lo <a href="//">haría</a></span><br><b>of <u>sound</u> mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">en <a href="//">pleno</a> <a href="//">uso</a> de sus <a href="//">facultades</a> <a href="//">mentales</a></span><br><b>of <u>unsound</u> mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">mentalmente</a> <a href="//">incapacitado</a></span><br><b>to be <u>out of</u> one's mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">estar <a href="//">loco</a>, haber <a href="//">perdido</a> el <a href="//">juicio</a></span><br><span class="illustration">you must be out of your mind!</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¡tú debes estar <a href="//">loco</a>!</span><br><span class="illustration">we were bored out of our minds</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">estábamos <a href="//">muertos</a> de <a href="//">aburrimiento</a></span><br><span class="illustration">to <u>go out of</u> one's mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">perder</a> el <a href="//">juicio</a>, <a href="//">volverse loco</a></span><br><span class="illustration">to go out of one's mind with worry/jealousy</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">volverse loco</a> de <a href="//">preocupación</a>/celos</span></div><div class="sds-list"><b>6.</b> (= <i>person</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">mente</a> <i>f</i>, <a href="//">cerebro</a> <i>m</i></span><br><span class="illustration">one of the <u>finest</u> minds of the period</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">uno <a href="//">de los</a> <a href="//">cerebros</a> <a href="//">privilegiados</a> <a href="//">de la</a> <a href="//">época</a></span><br><b>great minds think alike</b> (<i>hum</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es">los <a href="//">sabios</a> <a href="//">siempre</a> <a href="//">pensamos</a> <a href="//">igual</a></span></div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>B.</b> <i>TRANSITIVE VERB</i><div class="sds-list"><b>1.</b> (= <i>be careful of</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">tener cuidado</a> con</span><br><span class="illustration">mind you don't fall</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">ten cuidado</a>, no te <a href="//">vayas</a> a <a href="//">caer</a></span><br><span class="illustration">mind you don't get wet!</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">ten cuidado</a>, no te <a href="//">vayas</a> a <a href="//">mojar</a></span><br><b>mind your <u>head</u>!</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¡<a href="//">cuidado</a> con la <a href="//">cabeza</a>!</span><br><b>mind <u>how</u> you go!</b> (<i>as farewell</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es">¡cuídate!</span><br><b>mind your <u>language</u>!</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¡qué <a href="//">manera de</a> <a href="//">hablar</a> es ésa!</span><br><b>mind your <u>manners</u>!</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¡qué <a href="//">modales</a> son ésos!</span><br><b>mind the <u>step</u>!</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¡<a href="//">cuidado</a> <a href="//">con el</a> <a href="//">escalón</a>!</span><br><b>mind <u>what</u> you're doing!</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¡<a href="//">cuidado</a> con <a href="//">lo que</a> <a href="//">haces</a>!</span><br><b>mind <u>where</u> you're going!</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¡<a href="//">mira</a> por dónde <a href="//">vas</a>!</span><br><b>mind <u>yourself</u>!</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¡cuidado, no te <a href="//">vayas</a> a <a href="//">hacer</a> <a href="//">daño</a>!</span></div><div class="sds-list"><b>2.</b> (= <i>pay attention to</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">hacer caso de</a></span><br><span class="illustration">mind what I say!</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¡hazme <a href="//">caso</a>!, ¡<a href="//">escucha</a> <a href="//">lo que</a> te <a href="//">digo</a>!</span><br><b>mind your own <u>business</u>!</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¡no te <a href="//">metas</a> donde no te <a href="//">llaman</a>!</span><br><b><u>don't</u> mind me</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">por mí no se <a href="//">preocupe</a></span><br><span class="illustration">don't mind me!</span> (<i>iro</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es">¡y a mí que me <a href="//">parta</a> un <a href="//">rayo</a>!</span><br><b><u>never</u> mind that now</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">olvídate <a href="//">de eso</a> ahora</span><br><span class="illustration">never mind him</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">no le <a href="//">hagas</a> <a href="//">caso</a></span><br><b>mind <u>you</u>, it was raining at the time</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">claro</a> que <i>or</i> te <a href="//">advierto</a> que en ese <a href="//">momento</a> <a href="//">llovía</a></span><br><span class="illustration">it was a big one, mind you</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">era <a href="//">grande</a>, eso sí</span></div><div class="sds-list"><b>3.</b> (= <i>oversee</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">cuidar</a></span><br><span class="illustration">could you mind the baby this afternoon?</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¿podrías <a href="//">cuidar</a> al <a href="//">niño</a> esta <a href="//">tarde</a>?</span><br><span class="illustration">could you mind my bags for a few minutes?</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¿me <a href="//">cuidas</a> <i>or</i> <a href="//">guardas</a> las <a href="//">bolsas</a> un <a href="//">momento</a>?</span></div><div class="sds-list"><b>4.</b> (= <i>dislike, object to</i>)<br><b>I <u>don't</u> mind the cold</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">a mí no me <a href="//">molesta</a> el <a href="//">frío</a></span><br><span class="illustration">I don't mind four, but six is too many</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">cuatro <a href="//">no me importa</a>, pero seis son muchos</span><br><span class="illustration">I don't mind waiting</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">no me importa</a> <a href="//">esperar</a></span><br><span class="illustration">if you don't mind my <i>or</i> me saying so, I think you're wrong</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">perdona</a> que te <a href="//">diga</a> pero estás <a href="//">equivocado</a>, permíteme que te <a href="//">diga</a> que te <a href="//">equivocas</a></span><br><span class="illustration">I don't mind telling you, I was shocked</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">estaba <a href="//">horrorizado</a>, lo <a href="//">confieso</a></span><br><b>I <u>wouldn't</u> mind a cup of tea</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">no me <a href="//">vendría</a> <a href="//">mal</a> un té</span></div><div class="sds-list"><b>5.</b> (<i>in requests</i>)<br><b><u>do</u> you mind telling me where you've been?</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¿te <a href="//">importa</a> decirme dónde has <a href="//">estado</a>?</span><br><b><u>would</u> you mind opening the door?</b> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¿me <a href="//">hace</a> el <a href="//">favor</a> de <a href="//">abrir</a> la <a href="//">puerta</a>?, ¿le <a href="//">importa</a>(ría) <a href="//">abrir</a> la <a href="//">puerta</a>?</span></div><div class="sds-list"><b>6.</b> (<i>dialect</i>) (= <i>remember</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">acordarse de</a>, <a href="//">recordar</a></span><br><span class="illustration">I mind the time when</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">me <a href="//">acuerdo</a> de cuando ...</span></div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>C.</b> <i>INTRANSITIVE VERB</i><div class="sds-list"><b>1.</b> (= <i>be careful</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">tener cuidado</a></span><br><span class="illustration">mind!</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//!">¡cuidado!</a>, ¡ojo!, ¡abusado! (<span style="font-variant:small-caps; font-style:italic">Mex</span>)</span></div><div class="sds-list"><b>2.</b> (= <i>make sure</i>) <span class="illustration">mind you get there first</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">procura</a> <a href="//">llegar</a> primero</span><br><span class="illustration">mind you do it!</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¡hazlo sin <a href="//">falta</a>!, ¡no <a href="//">dejes</a> de hacerlo!</span><br><span class="illustration">he didn't do it, mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">pero <a href="//">en realidad</a> no lo <a href="//">hizo</a>, <a href="//">la verdad</a> <a href="//">es que</a> no lo <a href="//">hizo</a></span></div><div class="sds-list"><b>3.</b> (= <i>object</i>) <span class="illustration">do you mind?</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¿te <a href="//">importa</a>?</span><br><span class="illustration">do you mind!</span> (<i>iro</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//!">¡por favor!</a></span><br><span class="illustration">do you mind if I open the window?</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¿te <a href="//">molesta</a> que <a href="//">abra</a> <i>or</i> si <a href="//">abro</a> la <a href="//">ventana</a>?</span><br><span class="illustration">do you mind if I come?</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">¿te <a href="//">importa</a> que yo <a href="//">venga</a>?</span><br><span class="illustration">I <u>don't</u> mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">me es <a href="//">igual</a></span><br><span class="illustration">"do you mind if I take this book?" - "I don't mind at all"</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">-¿te <a href="//">importa</a> si me <a href="//">llevo</a> <i>or</i> que me <a href="//">lleve</a> este <a href="//">libro</a>? -en <a href="//">absoluto</a></span><br><span class="illustration">if you don't mind, I won't come</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">si no</a> te <a href="//">importa</a>, yo no <a href="//">iré</a></span><br><span class="illustration">please, if you don't mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">si no</a> le <a href="//">importa</a>, si es <a href="//">tan</a> <a href="//">amable</a></span><br><span class="illustration">close the door, if you don't mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">hazme el <a href="//">favor</a> de <a href="//">cerrar</a> la <a href="//">puerta</a></span><br><span class="illustration">"cigarette?" - "I don't mind if I do"</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">-¿un <a href="//">cigarrillo</a>? -pues <a href="//">muchas gracias</a> <i>or</i> <a href="//">bueno</a> <i>or</i> no <a href="//">digo</a> que no</span><br><b><u>never</u> mind</b> (= <i>don't worry</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es">no te <a href="//">preocupes</a></span>; (= <i>it makes no odds</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es">es <a href="//">igual</a>, <a href="//">da lo mismo</a></span>; (= <i>it's not important</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">no importa</a></span><br><span class="illustration">I can't walk, <u>never</u> mind run</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es">no puedo andar, <a href="//">ni mucho menos</a> <a href="//">correr</a></span></div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>D.</b> <i>COMPOUND</i> <b>mind game</b> <i>N</i> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">juego</a> <i>m</i> <a href="//">psicológico</a></span></div><div><b>mind out</b> <i>VI + ADV</i> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//">tener cuidado</a></span><br><span class="illustration">mind out!</span> &#x2192; <span lang="es"><a href="//!">¡cuidado!</a>, ¡ojo!, ¡abusado! (<span style="font-variant:small-caps; font-style:italic">Mex</span>)</span></div></div><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons &amp; Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005</div></section><section lang="fr" data-src="hc_En_Fr"><div lang="En"><h2>mind</h2> <span class="pron0x">[&#x2c8;ma&#x26a;nd]</span><div> <i>n</i><div class="runseg"> (= <i>thinking faculty</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">esprit</a> <i>m</i></span><br>body and mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">le <a href="//">corps</a> et l'esprit</span><br>in body and mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">de <a href="//">corps</a> et d'esprit</span><br>to stretch sb's mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">ouvrir</a> l'esprit de qn</span><br>Studying stretched my mind and got me thinking &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Les <a href="//">études</a> m'ont <a href="//">ouvert</a> l'esprit et m'ont <a href="//">fait</a> <a href="//">penser</a>.</span><br>there's no doubt in my mind that ... &#x2192; <span lang="fr">il ne <a href="//">fait</a> aucun <a href="//">doute</a> dans mon <a href="//">esprit</a> que ...</span><br>There was no doubt in his mind that the man was serious &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Il ne <a href="//">faisait</a> aucun <a href="//">doute</a> dans son <a href="//">esprit</a> que l'homme était <a href="//">sérieux</a>.</span><br>mind over matter (= <i>positive thinking</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="fr">le pouvoir de l'esprit</span><br>a case of mind over matter &#x2192; <span lang="fr">une <a href="//">manifestation</a> du pouvoir de l'esprit</span><br>it's all in the mind [<i>illness</i>] &#x2192; <span lang="fr">tout <a href="//">est</a> <a href="//">dans la</a> <a href="//">tête</a></span><br>to be on sb's mind<br>It's been on my mind all week &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Je n'ai eu que ça <a href="//">en tête</a> de toute la <a href="//">semaine</a>.</span><br>This game has been on my mind all week &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Je n'ai eu que ce <a href="//">match</a> <a href="//">en tête</a> de toute la <a href="//">semaine</a>.</span><br>to have a lot on one's mind (= <i>a lot to think about</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="fr">avoir <a href="//">beaucoup de</a> <a href="//">choses</a> <a href="//">en tête</a></span><br>to spring to mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">venir à l'esprit</a></span><br>Integrity and honesty are words that spring to mind when talking of the man &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">Intégrité</a> et <a href="//">honnêteté</a> sont des <a href="//">mots</a> qui <a href="//">viennent</a> à l'esprit lorsqu'on <a href="//">parle</a> du <a href="//">bonhomme</a>.</span><br>one's mind on other things<br>My mind was on other things &#x2192; <span lang="fr">J'avais la <a href="//">tête</a> <a href="//">ailleurs</a>.</span><br>He tried the first page but his mind was on other things &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Il <a href="//">essaya</a> la première <a href="//">page</a> mais il avait la <a href="//">tête</a> <a href="//">ailleurs</a>.</span><br>state of mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">état</a> d'esprit</span><br>to close one's mind to sth &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">se fermer</a> à qch</span><br>to see sth in one's mind's eye &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">voir</a> qch en <a href="//">esprit</a></span><br>In his mind's eye, he could see the headlines in the newspapers &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Il <a href="//">voyait</a> en <a href="//">esprit</a> les <a href="//">titres</a> des <a href="//">journaux</a>.</span><br>to read sb's mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">lire</a> <a href="//">dans les</a> <a href="//">pensées</a> de qn</span><br>to put sb's mind at rest (= <i>allay fears</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">rassurer</a> qn</span></div><div class="runseg"> <i>(preceded by an adjective)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">esprit</a> <i>m</i></span><br>an excellent training for the young mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">un <a href="//">excellent</a> <a href="//">entraînement</a> pour les <a href="//">jeunes</a> <a href="//">esprits</a></span><br>a team of brilliant minds &#x2192; <span lang="fr">une <a href="//">équipe</a> <a href="//">constituée</a> de <a href="//">brillants</a> <a href="//">esprits</a></span><br>to have a logical mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">avoir un <a href="//">esprit</a> <a href="//">logique</a></span><br>to have a suspicious mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">avoir l'esprit <a href="//">soupçonneux</a></span><br>to keep an open mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">garder</a> l'esprit <a href="//">ouvert</a></span><br>the criminal mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">l'esprit <a href="//">criminel</a></span></div><div class="runseg"> (= <i>head</i>) to get sb/sth out of one's mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">se sortir</a> qn/qch <a href="//">de la</a> <a href="//">tête</a></span><br>He couldn't get her out of his mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Il n'arrivait à se la <a href="//">sortir</a> <a href="//">de la</a> <a href="//">tête</a>.</span><br>to enter sb's mind [<i>idea, thoughts</i>] &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">venir à l'esprit</a> de qn</span><br>The idea would never have entered her mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">L'idée ne lui serait <a href="//">jamais</a> <a href="//">venue</a> à l'esprit.</span><br>to cross sb's mind (= <i>come into sb's head</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">traverser l'esprit</a> de qn</span><br>It never crossed my mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Cela ne m'a <a href="//">jamais</a> <a href="//">traversé</a> l'esprit.</span><br>to go out of sb's mind<br>It went right out of my mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Ça m'est <a href="//">complètement</a> <a href="//">sorti</a> <a href="//">de la</a> <a href="//">tête</a>., Ça m'est <a href="//">complètement</a> <a href="//">sorti</a> de l'esprit.</span><br>to have sb/sth in mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">avoir qn/qch <a href="//">en tête</a></span><br>what do you have in mind? &#x2192; <span lang="fr">qu'avez-vous <a href="//">en tête</a> ?</span></div><div class="runseg"> (= <i>sanity</i>) to lose one's mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">perdre</a> l'esprit</span><br>to go out of one's mind (= <i>go mad</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">perdre la tête</a></span><br>to be out of one's mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">avoir <a href="//">perdu</a> la <a href="//">tête</a></span><br>Are you out of your mind? &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Tu as <a href="//">perdu</a> la <a href="//">tête</a>?</span><br>You must be out of your mind to go shopping on Christmas Eve! &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Tu dois avoir <a href="//">perdu</a> la <a href="//">tête</a> pour <a href="//">aller</a> <a href="//">faire</a> les <a href="//">magasins</a> <a href="//">la veille</a> de <a href="//">Noël</a>!</span><br>nobody in their right mind would ... (= <i>no sane person</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">il faudrait</a> <a href="//">être fou</a> pour ...</span><br>to be out of one's mind with boredom &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">mourir</a> d'ennui</span><br>to be bored out of one's mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">s'ennuyer <a href="//">à mourir</a></span></div><div class="runseg"> <i>(opinions)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">avis</a> <i>m</i></span><br>to my mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">à mon avis</a></span><br>to speak one's mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">dire</a> ce qu'on <a href="//">pense</a>, <a href="//">parler</a> <a href="//">sans détour</a></span><br>to be of one mind (= <i>be of the same opinion</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="fr">être <a href="//">du même avis</a></span><br>They are of one mind in many things &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Ils sont <a href="//">du même avis</a> sur <a href="//">beaucoup de</a> <a href="//">choses</a>.</span></div><div class="runseg"> <i>(decisions)</i> to change one's mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">changer d'avis</a></span><br>He's changed his mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Il a <a href="//">changé</a> d'avis.</span><br>to change one's mind about sth &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">changer d'avis</a> sur qch</span><br>She's very young. She might change her mind about what she wants to do &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Elle <a href="//">est</a> <a href="//">très</a> <a href="//">jeune</a>. Elle pourrait <a href="//">changer d'avis</a> sur ce qu'elle a <a href="//">envie</a> de <a href="//">faire</a>.</span><br>to change sb's mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">faire</a> <a href="//">changer</a> qn d'avis</span><br>to make up one's mind, to make one's mind up &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">se décider</a></span><br>I haven't made up my mind yet &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Je ne me suis <a href="//">pas encore</a> <a href="//">décidé</a>.</span><br>He simply can't make his mind up &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Il n'arrive <a href="//">tout simplement</a> pas à se <a href="//">décider</a>.</span><br>She said her mind was made up &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Elle a <a href="//">dit</a> qu'elle s'était <a href="//">décidée</a>.</span><br>to make up one's mind to do sth &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">se décider</a> à <a href="//">faire</a> qch</span><br>to know one's own mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">savoir ce qu'on veut</span><br>to be in two minds about sth (= <i>undecided</i>) <i>(British)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">être partagé</a>(e) <a href="//">à propos de</a> qch</span><br>Like many parents, I am in two minds about school uniforms &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Comme <a href="//">beaucoup de</a> <a href="//">parents</a>, je suis <a href="//">partagé</a> <a href="//">à propos</a> des <a href="//">uniformes</a> <a href="//">scolaires</a>.</span><br>to be in two minds whether to ... &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">être partagé</a> <a href="//">quant à</a> l'opportunité de ...</span><br>Roche was in two minds whether to make the trip to Oslo &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">Roche</a> était <a href="//">partagé</a> <a href="//">quant à</a> l'opportunité de <a href="//">se rendre</a> à <a href="//">Oslo</a>.</span><br><i>BUT</i> <span class="illustration">Roche ne savait s'il devait ou non effectuer le voyage à Oslo.</span></div><div class="runseg"> (= <i>memory</i>) to slip sb's mind<br>It slipped my mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Ça m'est <a href="//">sorti</a> de l'esprit.</span><br>to keep sth in mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">garder</a> qch à l'esprit</span><br>to bear sth in mind (= <i>remember</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">garder</a> qch à l'esprit</span><br>to bear in mind that ... &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">garder</a> à l'esprit que ...</span><br>to do sth with sth in mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">faire</a> qch en <a href="//">gardant</a> qch à l'esprit</span><br>with this in mind, we ... &#x2192; <span lang="fr">dans cette <a href="//">optique</a>, nous ...</span><br>to cast one's mind back to sth &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">se reporter</a> à qch</span><br>If you cast your mind back to June &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Si vous vous reportez à <a href="//">juin</a> <a href="//">dernier</a> ...</span><br>Cast your mind back to childhood<br><i>BUT</i> <span class="illustration">Transportez-vous en enfance.</span><br>to stick in one's mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">rester</a> <a href="//">gravé</a>(e) dans l'esprit de qn</span><br>One incident had stuck in her mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Un <a href="//">incident</a> était <a href="//">resté</a> <a href="//">gravé</a> dans son <a href="//">esprit</a>.</span><br>to take sb's mind off sth &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">empêcher qn de</a> <a href="//">penser à</a> qch</span><br>to put sb in mind of sth (= <i>remind of</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">rappeler</a> qch à qn</span><br>to call sth to mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">se rappeler</a> qch</span></div><div class="runseg"> <i>(intention)</i> to have in mind to do sth &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">avoir l'intention de</a> <a href="//">faire</a> qch</span></div><div class="runseg"> <i>(desire)</i> to have a mind to do sth &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">avoir envie de</a> <a href="//">faire</a> qch</span></div></div><div> <i>vt</i><div class="runseg"> (= <i>look after</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">s'occuper de</a></span><br>Could you mind the baby this afternoon? &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">Est-ce que</a> tu pourrais t'occuper du <a href="//">bébé</a> cet <a href="//">après-midi</a>?, <a href="//">Est-ce que</a> tu pourrais <a href="//">garder</a> le <a href="//">bébé</a> cet <a href="//">après-midi</a>?</span><br>Could you mind my bags for a few minutes? &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">Est-ce que</a> vous pourriez <a href="//">garder</a> mes <a href="//">bagages</a> pendant <a href="//">quelques</a> <a href="//">minutes</a>?</span></div><div class="runseg"> (= <i>be careful of</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">faire attention à</a></span><br>Mind that bike! &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Attention au <a href="//">vélo</a>!</span><br>Mind the step! &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//!">Attention à la marche!</a></span><br>mind you don't ... &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">faites</a> attention à <a href="//">ne pas</a> ...</span><br>Mind you don't burn the sausages! &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">Fais</a> attention à <a href="//">ne pas</a> <a href="//">brûler</a> les <a href="//">saucisses</a>!</span></div><div class="runseg"> (= <i>object to</i>)<br>I don't mind the noise &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Le <a href="//">bruit</a> ne me <a href="//">dérange</a> pas.</span><br>I don't mind walking &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Cela ne me <a href="//">dérange</a> pas de <a href="//">marcher</a>.</span><br>Do you mind being alone? &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Cela vous <a href="//">dérange</a> d'être <a href="//">seul</a>?</span></div><div class="runseg"> (= <i>care</i>) I don't mind what ... &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">ça m'est égal</a> ce que ..., peu m'importe ce que ...</span><br>I don't mind what we have for dinner &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">Ça m'est égal</a> ce qu'on mange au <a href="//">dîner</a>., Peu m'importe ce qu'on mange au <a href="//">dîner</a>.</span><br>I don't mind where we go &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Peu m'importe l'endroit où nous <a href="//">allons</a>.</span></div><div class="runseg"> <i>(asking permission)</i> do you mind if ...? &#x2192; <span lang="fr">cela vous <a href="//">dérange</a> si ...?</span><br>Do you mind if I open the window? &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Cela vous <a href="//">dérange</a> si j'ouvre la <a href="//">fenêtre</a>?</span><br>would you mind if ... &#x2192; <span lang="fr">cela vous <a href="//">dérangerait</a> si ...</span><br>would you mind doing ...<br>Would you mind waiting outside for a moment? &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Cela vous <a href="//">dérangerait</a> d'attendre <a href="//">dehors</a> <a href="//">un moment</a> ?</span></div><div class="runseg"> (= <i>would like</i>)<br>I wouldn't mind a coffee &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Je <a href="//">prendrais</a> bien un <a href="//">café</a>.</span><br>Anne wouldn't mind going to Italy to live &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">Anne</a> <a href="//">irait</a> bien <a href="//">vivre</a> en <a href="//">Italie</a>.</span></div></div><div> <i>vi</i><div class="runseg"> mind you, ... (= <i>but</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">remarquez</a>, ...</span><br>They pay full rates. Mind you, they can afford it &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Ils <a href="//">paient</a> plein <a href="//">tarif</a>. <a href="//">Remarquez</a>, ils peuvent se le <a href="//">permettre</a>.</span><br>I got substantial damages. It took two years, mind you &#x2192; <span lang="fr">J'ai <a href="//">obtenu</a> des <a href="//">dommages</a> <a href="//">intérêts</a> <a href="//">substantiels</a>. Cela m'a <a href="//">pris</a> deux <a href="//">ans</a> <a href="//">remarquez</a>.</span></div><div class="runseg"> never mind! (= <i>it doesn't matter</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//!">ça ne fait rien!</a></span></div><div class="runseg"> (= <i>object</i>)<br>I don't mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Ça ne me <a href="//">dérange</a> pas.</span><br>It involved a little extra work, but nobody seemed to mind &#x2192; <span lang="fr">Cela <a href="//">impliquait</a> <a href="//">un peu</a> <a href="//">de travail</a> <a href="//">supplémentaire</a>, mais ça ne <a href="//">semblait</a> <a href="//">déranger</a> personne.</span>mind-altering <span class="pron0x">[&#x2c8;ma&#x26a;nd&#x254;&#x2d0;lt&#x259;r&#x26a;&#x14b;]</span> <i>adj</i> [<i>drug, substance, effect</i>] &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">psychotrope</a></span>mind-bending <span class="pron0x">[&#x2c8;ma&#x26a;ndb&#x25b;nd&#x26a;&#x14b;]</span> <i>adj</i> &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">coton</a> <i>inv</i></span>mind-blowing <span class="pron0x">[&#x2c8;ma&#x26a;ndbl&#x259;&#x28a;&#x26a;&#x14b;]</span> <i>adj</i> (= <i>incredible</i>) [<i>experience, news</i>] &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">hallucinant</a>(e)</span>mind-boggling <span class="pron0x">[&#x2c8;ma&#x26a;ndb&#x252;g<sup>&#x259;</sup>l&#x26a;&#x14b;]</span> <i>adj</i> &#x2192; <span lang="fr"><a href="//">époustouflant</a>(e) </span></div></div></div><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005</div></section><section lang="de" data-src="hc_En_De"><div lang="En"><h2>mind</h2> <br><div class="ds-list"><i>NOUN</i> <br><div class="sds-list"><span class="Syn">= intellect</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Geist</a></span> <i>m</i> (also Philos), &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Verstand</a></span> <i>m</i>; <span class="illustration">things of the mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Geistiges</a></span> <i>nt</i>; <span class="illustration">the conscious and unconscious mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">das <a href="//">Bewusste</a> und das <a href="//">Unbewusste</a></span>; <span class="illustration">to have a good mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ein <a href="//">heller</a> <a href="//">Kopf</a> sein</span>; <span class="illustration">one of the finest minds of our times</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">einer der <a href="//">großen</a> <a href="//">Geister</a> unserer Zeit</span>; <span class="illustration">it’s all in the mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">das ist alles <a href="//">Einbildung</a></span>; <span class="illustration">in one’s mind’s eye</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">vor seinem <a href="//">geistigen</a> <a href="//">Auge</a>, <a href="//">im Geiste</a></span>; <span class="illustration">to blow somebody’s mind</span> <i>(inf)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">jdn</a> <a href="//">umwerfen</a></span> <i>(inf)</i>; (drugs) &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">jdn</a> <a href="//">high</a> <a href="//">machen</a></span> <i>(inf) ?</i> <a href="boggle">boggle</a>, <a href="great">great</a>, <a href="improve">improve</a> <br><b>? mind over matter</b> <span class="illustration">it’s a question of mind over matter</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">es ist eine Willenssache <i>or</i> <a href="//">-frage</a></span>; <span class="illustration">a triumph of mind over matter</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ein <a href="//">Triumph</a> des <a href="//">Geistes</a> <i>or</i> <a href="//">Willens</a> über den <a href="//">Körper</a></span> <br></div> <div class="sds-list"><span class="Syn">= way of thinking</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Denkweise</a></span> <i>f</i>; <span class="Syn">(= type of mind)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Geist</a></span> <i>m</i>, &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Kopf</a></span> <i>m</i>; <span class="illustration">to the child’s/Victorian mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">in der <a href="//">Denkweise</a> des <a href="//">Kindes</a>/<a href="//">der</a> viktorianischen Zeit</span>; <span class="illustration">he has that kind of mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">er ist so <a href="//">veranlagt</a></span>; <span class="illustration">to have a literary/logical <i>etc</i> mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">literarisch/logisch <i>etc</i> <a href="//">veranlagt</a> sein</span>; <span class="illustration">he has the mind of a five-year old</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">er <a href="//">verhält</a> sich wie ein <a href="//">Fünfjähriger</a></span>; <span class="illustration">in the public mind prostitution is immoral</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">nach dem <a href="//">Empfinden</a> der <a href="//">Öffentlichkeit</a> ist <a href="//">Prostitution</a> <a href="//">unmoralisch</a></span>; <span class="illustration">state <i>or</i> frame of mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">(seelische) <a href="//">Verfassung</a>, (Geistes)<a href="//">zustand</a></span> <i>m</i> <br></div> <div class="sds-list"><span class="Syn">= thoughts</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Gedanken</a></span> <i>pl</i>; <span class="illustration">to be clear in one’s mind about something</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">sich</span> <i>(dat)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de">über <a href="//">etw</a> im <a href="//">Klaren</a> sein</span>; <span class="illustration">to put <i>or</i> set one’s mind to something</span> <span class="Syn">(= try to do sth)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">sich <a href="//">anstrengen</a>, <a href="//">etw</a> zu <a href="//">tun</a></span>; <span class="Syn">(= think about sth)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">sich auf <a href="//">etw</a></span> <i>(acc)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">konzentrieren</a></span>; <span class="illustration">if you put <i>or</i> set your mind to it</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">wenn du dich <a href="//">anstrengst</a></span>; <span class="illustration">he had something on his mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ihn <a href="//">beschäftigte</a> etwas</span>; <span class="illustration">I’ve a lot on my mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich muss mich um (so) viele <a href="//">Dinge</a> <a href="//">kümmern</a></span>; <span class="illustration">you are always on my mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich <a href="//">denke</a> <a href="//">ständig</a> an dich</span>; <span class="illustration">keep your mind on the job</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">bleib</a> mit den <a href="//">Gedanken</a> <i>or</i> dem <a href="//">Kopf</a> bei der <a href="//">Arbeit</a></span>; <span class="illustration">she couldn’t get <i>or</i> put the song/him out of her mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">das <a href="//">Lied</a>/er <a href="//">ging</a> ihr <a href="//">nicht</a> <a href="//">aus dem Kopf</a></span>; <span class="illustration">you can put that idea out of your mind!</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">den <a href="//">Gedanken</a> kannst du dir <a href="//">aus dem Kopf</a> <a href="//">schlagen</a>!</span>; <span class="illustration">to take somebody’s mind off things</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">jdn</a> auf andere <a href="//">Gedanken</a> <a href="//">bringen</a></span>; <span class="illustration">to take somebody’s mind off something</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">jdn</a> <a href="//">etw</a> <a href="//">vergessen</a> <a href="//">lassen</a></span>; <span class="illustration">my mind isn’t on my work</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich kann mich <a href="//">nicht</a> auf meine <a href="//">Arbeit</a> <a href="//">konzentrieren</a></span>; <span class="illustration">don’t let your mind dwell on the problem</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">grüble</a> <a href="//">nicht</a> über dieses <a href="//">Problem</a> nach</span>; <span class="illustration">he can’t keep his mind off sex</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">er <a href="//">denkt</a> nur an <a href="//">Sex</a> <i>or</i> an nichts anderes als <a href="//">Sex</a></span>; <span class="illustration">the idea never entered my mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">daran hatte ich <a href="//">überhaupt nicht</a> <a href="//">gedacht</a></span>; <span class="illustration">it’s been going through my mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">es <a href="//">ging</a> mir im <a href="//">Kopf</a> herum</span>; <span class="illustration">nothing was further from my mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">nichts <a href="//">lag</a> mir <a href="//">ferner</a></span>; <span class="illustration">his mind is set on that</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">er hat sich</span> <i>(dat)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de">das <a href="//">in den</a> <a href="//">Kopf</a> <a href="//">gesetzt</a></span>; <span class="illustration">he guessed what was in my mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">er <a href="//">erriet</a> meine <a href="//">Gedanken</a></span>; <span class="illustration">in my mind’s eye</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">vor meinem <a href="//">inneren</a> <a href="//">Auge</a></span> <i>?</i> <a href="cross">cross</a><sup>1</sup> <br></div> <div class="sds-list"><span class="Syn">= memory</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Gedächtnis</a></span> <i>nt</i>; <span class="illustration">it went right out of my mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">daran habe ich <a href="//">überhaupt nicht</a> <a href="//">mehr</a> <a href="//">gedacht</a></span>; <span class="illustration">that quite put it out of my mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">dadurch habe ich es <a href="//">vergessen</a></span>; <span class="illustration">to bring <i>or</i> call something to mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">etw</a> <a href="//">in Erinnerung rufen</a>, an <a href="//">etw</a></span> <i>(acc)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">erinnern</a></span> <i>?</i> <a href="sight">sight</a>, <a href="slip">slip</a> <br></div> <div class="sds-list"><span class="Syn">= inclination</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Lust</a></span> <i>f</i>; <span class="Syn">(= intention)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Sinn</a></span> <i>m</i>, &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Absicht</a></span> <i>f</i>; <span class="illustration">I’ve half a mind/a good mind to …</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich hätte <a href="//">Lust</a>/<a href="//">große</a> <i>or</i> <a href="//">gute</a> <a href="//">Lust</a>, zu …</span>; <span class="illustration">to be of a mind to do something</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">geneigt</a> sein, <a href="//">etw</a> zu <a href="//">tun</a></span> <i>(geh) ?</i> <a href="read">read</a><sup>1</sup> <br></div> <div class="sds-list"><span class="Syn">= opinion</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Meinung</a></span> <i>f</i>, &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Ansicht</a></span> <i>f</i>; <span class="illustration">to change one’s mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">seine <a href="//">Meinung</a> <a href="//">ändern</a></span> (&#x2192; <span lang="de"><i>about</i> über</span> <i>+acc</i>), &#x2192; <span lang="de">es sich</span> <i>(dat)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de">anders <a href="//">überlegen</a></span>; <span class="illustration">to be in two minds about something</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">sich</span> <i>(dat)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de">über <a href="//">etw</a></span> <i>(acc)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">nicht</a> im <a href="//">Klaren</a> sein</span>; <span class="illustration">to be of one <i>or</i> of the same mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">eines <a href="//">Sinnes</a></span> <i>(geh)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><i>or</i> <a href="//">gleicher</a> <a href="//">Meinung</a> sein</span>; <span class="illustration">I’m of the same mind as you</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich <a href="//">denke</a> wie du, ich bin deiner <a href="//">Meinung</a></span>; <span class="illustration">with one mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">wie ein <a href="//">Mann</a></span>; <span class="illustration">to my mind he’s wrong</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">meiner Ansicht nach</a> <i>or</i> nach meiner <a href="//">Meinung</a> <a href="//">irrt</a> er sich</span>; <span class="illustration">to have a mind of one’s own</span> (person, <span class="Syn">= think for oneself</span>) &#x2192; <span lang="de">eine <a href="//">eigene</a> <a href="//">Meinung</a> haben</span>; <span class="Syn">(= not conform)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">seinen <a href="//">eigenen</a> <a href="//">Kopf</a> haben</span>; (<i>hum</i>, machine etc) &#x2192; <span lang="de">seine <a href="//">Mucken</a> haben</span> <i>(inf) ?</i> <a href="close">close</a><sup>2</sup>, <a href="know">know</a>, <a href="make+up">make up</a>, <a href="open">open</a>, <a href="piece">piece</a>, <a href="speak">speak</a> <br></div> <div class="sds-list"><span class="Syn">= sanity</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Verstand</a></span> <i>m</i>, &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Sinne</a></span> <i>pl</i>; <span class="illustration">his mind was wandering</span> (out of boredom etc) &#x2192; <span lang="de">seine <a href="//">Gedanken</a> <a href="//">wanderten</a> <a href="//">umher</a></span>; <span class="illustration">to lose one’s mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">verrückt</a> <a href="//">werden</a>, den <a href="//">Verstand</a> <a href="//">verlieren</a></span>; <span class="illustration">nobody in his right mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">kein <a href="//">normaler</a> <a href="//">Mensch</a></span>; <span class="illustration">while the balance of his mind was disturbed</span> (Jur) &#x2192; <span lang="de">wegen <a href="//">Verlusts</a> des <a href="//">seelischen</a> <a href="//">Gleichgewichts</a></span> <br></div> <div class="sds-list">set structures <br><b>? in mind</b> <span class="illustration">to bear <i>or</i> keep something in mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">etw</a> <a href="//">nicht</a> <a href="//">vergessen</a></span>; <i>facts also, application</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">etw</a> <a href="//">im Auge behalten</a></span>; <span class="illustration">to bear <i>or</i> keep somebody in mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">an <a href="//">jdn</a> <a href="//">denken</a></span>; <i>applicant also</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">jdn</a> <a href="//">im Auge behalten</a></span>; <span class="illustration">with this in mind…</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">mit diesem <a href="//">Gedanken</a> im <a href="//">Hinterkopf</a>…</span>; <span class="illustration">to have somebody/something in mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">an <a href="//">jdn</a>/<a href="//">etw</a> <a href="//">denken</a></span>; <span class="illustration">to have in mind to do something</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">vorhaben</a> <i>or</i> im <a href="//">Sinn</a> haben, <a href="//">etw</a> zu <a href="//">tun</a></span>; <span class="illustration">to have it in mind to do something</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">beabsichtigen</a> <i>or</i> sich</span> <i>(dat)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">vorgenommen</a> haben, <a href="//">etw</a> zu <a href="//">tun</a></span>; <span class="illustration">it puts me in mind of somebody/something</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">es <a href="//">weckt</a> in mir <a href="//">Erinnerungen</a> an <a href="//">jdn</a>/<a href="//">etw</a></span> <br><b>? out of one’s mind</b> <span class="illustration">to go out of one’s mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">verrückt</a> <a href="//">werden</a>, den <a href="//">Verstand</a> <a href="//">verlieren</a></span>; <span class="illustration">to be out of one’s mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">verrückt</a> sein</span>; <span class="illustration">to go out of one’s mind with worry/grief</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">vor <a href="//">Sorge</a>/<a href="//">Trauer</a> den <a href="//">Verstand</a> <a href="//">verlieren</a></span>; <span class="illustration">to drive somebody out of his mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">jdn</a> um den <a href="//">Verstand</a> <a href="//">bringen</a>, <a href="//">jdn</a> <a href="//">wahnsinnig</a> <a href="//">machen</a></span>; <span class="illustration">I’m bored out of my mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich <a href="//">langweile</a> mich <a href="//">zu Tode</a></span></div></div> <div class="ds-list"><i>TRANSITIVE VERB</i> <br><div class="sds-list"><span class="Syn">= look after</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">aufpassen auf</a></span> <i>(+acc)</i>; <i>sb’s chair, seat</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de">frei <a href="//">halten</a></span>; <span class="illustration">I’m minding the shop</span> <i>(fig)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich <a href="//">sehe</a> nach dem <a href="//">Rechten</a></span> <br></div> <div class="sds-list"><span class="Syn">= be careful of</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">aufpassen auf</a></span> <i>(+acc)</i>; <span class="Syn">(= pay attention to)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">achten auf</span> <i>(+acc)</i>; <span class="Syn">(= act in accordance with)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">beachten</a></span>; <span class="illustration">mind what you’re doing!</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">pass</a> (doch) <a href="//!">auf!</a></span>; <span class="illustration">mind what you’re doing with that car</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">pass</a> mit dem <a href="//">Auto</a> auf</span>; <span class="illustration">mind what I say!</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">lass</a> dir das <a href="//">gesagt</a> sein</span>; <span class="Syn">(= do as I tell you)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">hör</a> auf das, was ich dir <a href="//">sage</a></span>; <span class="illustration">mind how you go</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">passen</a> Sie auf, wo Sie <a href="//">hintreten</a></span>; <span class="illustration">mind your language!</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">drück</a> dich <a href="//">anständig</a> aus!</span>; <span class="illustration">mind the step!</span> (Brit) &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Vorsicht</a> <a href="//">Stufe</a>!</span>; <span class="illustration">mind your head!</span> (Brit) &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Kopf</a> <a href="//">einziehen</a></span> <i>(inf)</i>, &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Vorsicht</a>, <a href="//">niedrige</a> <a href="//">Tür</a>/<a href="//">Decke</a> <i>etc</i></span>; <span class="illustration">mind your feet!</span> (Brit) (when sitting) &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">zieh</a> die <a href="//">Füße</a> ein!</span>; (when moving) &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">pass</a> auf, wo du <a href="//">hintrittst</a>!</span>; <span class="illustration">mind your own business</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">kümmern</a> Sie sich um Ihre <a href="//">eigenen</a> <a href="//">Angelegenheiten</a></span> <br></div> <div class="sds-list"><span class="Syn">= care about</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">sich <a href="//">kümmern um</a></span>; <span class="Syn">(= object to)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">etwas haben gegen</span>; <span class="illustration">she minds/doesn’t mind it</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">es <a href="//">macht</a> ihr etwas/nichts aus</span>; <span class="Syn">(= is/is not bothered, annoyed by)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">es <a href="//">stört</a> sie/<a href="//">stört</a> sie <a href="//">nicht</a></span>; <span class="Syn">(= is not/is indifferent to)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">es ist ihr <a href="//">nicht</a> <a href="//">egal</a>/ist ihr <a href="//">egal</a></span>; <span class="illustration">I don’t mind the cold</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">die <a href="//">Kälte</a> <a href="//">macht</a> mir nichts aus</span>; <span class="illustration">I don’t mind what he does</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">es ist mir <a href="//">egal</a>, was er <a href="//">macht</a></span>; <span class="illustration">I don’t mind four but six is too many</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich habe nichts gegen vier, aber sechs sind zu viel</span>; <span class="illustration">do you mind coming with me?</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">würde</a> es dir etwas <a href="//">ausmachen</a> <a href="//">mitzukommen</a>?</span>; <span class="illustration">would you mind opening the door?</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">wären Sie so <a href="//">freundlich</a>, die <a href="//">Tür</a> <a href="//">aufzumachen</a>?</span>; <span class="illustration">do you mind my smoking?</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">macht</a> es Ihnen etwas aus <i>or</i> <a href="//">stört</a> es Sie <i>or</i> haben Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ich <a href="//">rauche</a>?</span>; <span class="illustration">I don’t mind telling you, I was shocked</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich war <a href="//">schockiert</a>, das kannst du mir <a href="//">glauben</a></span>; <span class="illustration">I hope you don’t mind my asking you/sitting here</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich <a href="//">hoffe</a>, Sie haben nichts dagegen, wenn ich Sie <a href="//">frage</a>/dass ich <a href="//">hier</a> <a href="//">sitze</a></span>; <span class="illustration">don’t mind me</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">lass</a> dich (durch mich) <a href="//">nicht</a> <a href="//">stören</a></span>; <i>(iro)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">nimm</a> auf mich keine <a href="//">Rücksicht</a></span>; <span class="illustration">I wouldn’t mind a cup of tea</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich hätte nichts gegen eine <a href="//">Tasse</a> <a href="//">Tee</a></span> <br><b>? never mind <i>+ sb/sth</i></b> <span class="illustration">never mind the expense</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">(es ist) <a href="//">egal</a>, was es <a href="//">kostet</a></span>; <span class="illustration">never mind that now</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">das ist <a href="//">jetzt</a> <a href="//">nicht</a> <a href="//">wichtig</a>, <a href="//">lass</a> das doch <a href="//">jetzt</a></span>; <span class="illustration">never mind your back, I’m worried about …</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">dein</a> <a href="//">Rücken</a> ist mir doch <a href="//">egal</a>, ich <a href="//">mache</a> mir <a href="//">Sorgen</a> um …</span>; <span class="illustration">never mind him</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">kümmere</a> dich <a href="//">nicht</a> um ihn</span></div></div> <div class="ds-list"><i>INTRANSITIVE VERB</i> <br><div class="sds-list"><span class="Syn">= care, worry</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">sich <a href="//">kümmern</a>, sich</span> <i>(dat)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de">etwas daraus <a href="//">machen</a></span>; <span class="Syn">(= object)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">etwas dagegen haben</span>; <span class="illustration">he doesn’t seem to mind about anything</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ihn <a href="//">scheint</a> nichts zu <a href="//">kümmern</a></span>; <span class="illustration">I wish he minded a little</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich <a href="//">wünschte</a>, es <a href="//">würde</a> ihm etwas <a href="//">ausmachen</a> <i>or</i> ihn <a href="//">ein bisschen</a> <a href="//">kümmern</a></span>; <span class="illustration">nobody seemed to mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">es <a href="//">schien</a> keinem etwas <a href="//">auszumachen</a>, <a href="//">niemand</a> <a href="//">schien</a> etwas dagegen zu haben</span>; <span class="illustration">I’d prefer to stand, if you don’t mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich <a href="//">würde</a> <a href="//">lieber</a> <a href="//">stehen</a>, wenn es Ihnen recht ist</span>; <span class="illustration">do you mind?</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">macht</a> es Ihnen etwas aus?</span>; <span class="illustration">do you mind!</span> <i>(iro)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de">na <a href="//">hör</a> mal!, ich <a href="//">möchte</a> doch sehr <a href="//">bitten</a>!</span>; <span class="illustration">do you mind if I open <i>or</i> would you mind if I opened the window?</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">macht</a> es Ihnen etwas aus, wenn ich das <a href="//">Fenster</a> <a href="//">öffne</a>?</span>; <span class="illustration">I don’t mind if I do</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich hätte nichts dagegen</span> <br><b>? never mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">macht</a> nichts, ist doch <a href="//">egal</a></span>; (in exasperation) &#x2192; <span lang="de">ist ja auch <a href="//">egal</a>, schon <a href="//">gut</a></span>; <span class="illustration">never mind, you’ll find another</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">mach</a> dir nichts <a href="//">draus</a>, du <a href="//">findest</a> <a href="//">bestimmt</a> einen anderen</span>; <span class="illustration">oh, never mind, I’ll do it myself</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ach, <a href="//">lass</a> (es) <i>or</i> schon <a href="//">gut</a>, ich <a href="//">mache</a> es selbst</span>; <span class="illustration">never mind about that now!</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">lass</a> das doch <a href="//">jetzt</a>!, das ist doch <a href="//">jetzt</a> <a href="//">nicht</a> <a href="//">wichtig</a></span>; <span class="illustration">never mind about what you said to him, what did he say to you?</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">es ist doch <a href="//">egal</a> <i>or</i> <a href="//">unwichtig</a>, was du zu ihm <a href="//">gesagt</a> hast, was hat er zu dir <a href="//">gesagt</a>?</span>; <span class="illustration">never mind about that mistake</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">mach</a> dir nichts aus dem <a href="//">Fehler</a></span>; <span class="illustration">never mind about your shoes</span> (in exasperation) &#x2192; <span lang="de">deine <a href="//">Schuhe</a> sind mir doch <a href="//">egal</a></span>; <span class="illustration">I’m not going to finish school, never mind go to university</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich <a href="//">werde</a> die <a href="//">Schule</a> <a href="//">nicht</a> <a href="//">beenden</a> und schon <a href="//">gar nicht</a> <a href="//">zur</a> <a href="//">Universität</a> <a href="//">gehen</a></span> <br><b>? never you mind!</b> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">kümmere</a> du dich mal <a href="//">nicht</a> darum</span>; <span class="Syn">(= none of your business)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">das <a href="//">geht</a> dich <a href="//">überhaupt nichts</a> an!</span> <br></div> <div class="sds-list"><span class="Syn">= be sure</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">aufpassen</a></span>; <span class="illustration">mind and see if …</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">sieh</a> zu, ob …</span>; <span class="illustration">mind you get that done</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">sieh</a> zu, dass du das <a href="//">fertig</a> <a href="//">bekommst</a></span>; <span class="illustration">I’m not saying I’ll do it, mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich will damit aber <a href="//">nicht</a> <a href="//">sagen</a>, dass ich es <a href="//">tue</a></span>; <span class="illustration">he’s not a bad lad, mind, just …</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">er ist <a href="//">eigentlich</a> kein <a href="//">schlechter</a> <a href="//">Junge</a>, nur …</span>; <span class="illustration">he didn’t do it, mind</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">er hat es (ja) <a href="//">nicht</a> <a href="//">getan</a></span> <br><b>? mind you</b> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">allerdings</a></span>; <span class="illustration">mind you, I’d rather not go</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich <a href="//">würde</a> <a href="//">eigentlich</a> <i>or</i> <a href="//">allerdings</a> <a href="//">lieber</a> <a href="//">nicht</a> <a href="//">gehen</a></span>; <span class="illustration">it was raining at the time, mind you</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">allerdings</a> hat es da <a href="//">geregnet</a></span>; <span class="illustration">mind you, he did try/ask</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">er hat es <a href="//">immerhin</a> <a href="//">versucht</a>/hat <a href="//">immerhin</a> <a href="//">gefragt</a></span>; <span class="illustration">he’s quite good, mind you</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">er ist <a href="//">eigentlich</a> <a href="//">ganz</a> <a href="//">gut</a></span></div></div> <div class="ds-list"><i>PHRASAL VERB</i> <br>? <b>mind out</b> <i>vi</i> (Brit) &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">aufpassen</a></span> (&#x2192; <span lang="de"><i>for</i> auf</span> <i>+acc</i>); <span class="illustration">mind out!</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">pass</a> (doch) <a href="//!">auf!</a></span></div><hr class="hmsep"><h2>mind</h2>: <div><b>mind-bending</b> <div class="ds-list"><i>adj (inf)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Wahnsinns-</a></span> <i>(inf)</i>; <i>drug, substances</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">bewusstseinsverändernd</a></span></div></div> <div><b>mind-blowing</b> <div class="ds-list"><i>adj (inf)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Wahnsinns-</a></span> <i>(inf)</i>; <i>simplicity</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">atemberaubend</a></span></div></div> <div><b>mind-boggling</b> <div class="ds-list"><i>adj (inf)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">irrsinnig</a></span> <i>(inf)</i>, &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">verrückt</a></span> <i>(inf)</i>; <span class="illustration">it’s <b>mind</b> that …</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">es ist <a href="//">kaum</a> zu <a href="//">fassen</a>, dass …</span>; <span class="illustration"><b>mind</b> statistics</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">schwindelerregende</a> <a href="//">Statistiken</a></span></div></div><hr class="hmsep"><h2>mind</h2>: <div><b>mind game</b> <div class="ds-list"><i>n</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">psychologisches</a> <a href="//">Spiel</a></span>; <span class="illustration">to play <b>mind</b>s with somebody</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">jdn</a> <a href="//">verunsichern</a></span></div></div> <div><b>mindless</b> <div class="ds-list"><i>adj</i> <div class="sds-list"><span class="Syn">(= senseless)</span> <i>destruction, crime, violence</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">sinnlos</a></span>; <span class="Syn">(= unchallenging)</span> <i>work, entertainment, routine</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">stumpfsinnig</a></span>; <i>occupation</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">geistlos</a></span>; <span class="Syn">(= stupid)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">hirnlos</a>, ohne <a href="//">Verstand</a></span>; <span class="illustration"><b>mind</b> idiot</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">hirnloser</a> <a href="//">Idiot</a></span>; <span class="illustration"><b>mind</b> thug</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">hirnloser</a> <a href="//">Schlägertyp</a></span></div> <div class="sds-list"><span class="illustration">to be <b>mind</b> of something</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">nicht</a> an <a href="//">etw</a></span> <i>(acc)</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">denken</a></span></div></div></div> <div><b>mindlessly</b> <div class="ds-list"><i>adv</i> <span class="Syn">(= tediously)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">stumpfsinnig</a></span>; <span class="Syn">(= stupidly)</span> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">hirnlos</a></span></div></div> <div><b>mind-reader</b> <div class="ds-list"><i>n</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de">Gedankenleser(in)</span> <i>m(f)</i>; <span class="illustration">I’m not a <b>mind</b></span> &#x2192; <span lang="de">ich bin doch kein Gedankenleser</span></div></div> <div><b>mindset</b> <div class="ds-list"><i>n</i> &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Mentalität</a></span> <i>f</i>, &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Denkweise</a></span> <i>f</i>, &#x2192; <span lang="de"><a href="//">Geisteshaltung</a></span> <i>f</i></div></div></div><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons &amp; Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007</div></section><section lang="it" data-src="hc_En_It"><div lang="En"><h2>mind</h2> <span class="pron0x">[ma&#x26a;nd]</span><div class="ds-list"><b>1.</b> <i>n</i><div class="sds-list"><b>a.</b> (<i>gen</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">mente</a> <i>f</i></span>; (<i>intellect</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">intelletto</a></span><br>a case of mind over matter &#x2192; <span lang="it">una <a href="//">vittoria</a> dello <a href="//">spirito</a> sulla <a href="//">materia</a></span><br>one of Britain's finest minds &#x2192; <span lang="it">uno dei più <a href="//">grandi</a> <a href="//">cervelli</a> della <a href="//">Gran Bretagna</a></span><br>I am not clear in my mind about the idea &#x2192; <span lang="it">non ho le <a href="//">idee</a> <a href="//">chiare</a> in <a href="//">proposito</a></span><br>to be uneasy in one's mind &#x2192; <span lang="it">avere dei <a href="//">dubbi</a>, essere <a href="//">un po'</a> <a href="//">preoccupato</a>/<a href="//">a</a></span><br>what's on your mind? &#x2192; <span lang="it">cosa c'è che ti <a href="//">preoccupa</a>?</span><br>I can't get it out of my mind &#x2192; <span lang="it">non <a href="//">riesco</a> a togliermelo dalla <a href="//">mente</a></span><br>to put <i>or</i> set <i>or</i> give one's mind to sth &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">concentrarsi</a> su qc, <a href="//">applicarsi</a> a qc</span><br>that will take your mind off it &#x2192; <span lang="it">questo ti <a href="//">aiuterà</a> a non pensarci (più)</span><br>to bear <i>or</i> keep sth in mind (<i>take account of</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">tener</a> <a href="//">presente</a> qc</span> (<i>remember</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">tenere a mente</a> qc, non <a href="//">dimenticare</a> qc</span><br>it went right out of my mind &#x2192; <span lang="it">mi è <a href="//">completamente</a> <a href="//">passato</a> di <a href="//">mente</a>, me ne sono <a href="//">completamente</a> <a href="//">dimenticato</a></span><br>to bring <i>or</i> call sth to mind &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">riportare</a> <i>or</i> <a href="//">richiamare</a> qc alla <a href="//">mente</a></span></div><div class="sds-list"><b>b.</b> (<i>inclination, intention</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">intenzione</a> <i>f</i>, <a href="//">idea</a></span><br>to have sb/sth in mind &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">avere in mente</a> qn/qc</span><br>to have in mind to do sth &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">avere intenzione</a> <i>or</i> in <a href="//">mente</a> di <a href="//">fare</a> qc</span><br>I have a good mind to do it &#x2192; <span lang="it">avrei molta voglia di farlo</span><br>I have half a mind to do it &#x2192; <span lang="it">ho una <a href="//">mezza</a> <a href="//">idea</a> di farlo</span><br>nothing was further from my mind &#x2192; <span lang="it">non mi era nemmeno <a href="//">passato</a> per l'anticamera del <a href="//">cervello</a></span><br>to change one's mind &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">cambiare idea</a></span></div><div class="sds-list"><b>c.</b> (<i>opinion</i>) <b>to make up one's mind</b> &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">decidersi</a></span><br>to be in two minds about sth &#x2192; <span lang="it">essere <a href="//">incerto</a>/a <i>or</i> <a href="//">indeciso</a>/a su qc</span><br>to be in two minds about doing sth &#x2192; <span lang="it">non sapersi <a href="//">decidere</a> se <a href="//">fare</a> qc o no</span><br>of one mind &#x2192; <span lang="it">della stessa <a href="//">idea</a></span><br>I am still of the same mind &#x2192; <span lang="it">sono <a href="//">ancora</a> dello stesso <a href="//">parere</a></span><br>to have a mind of one's own (<i>person, think for o.s.</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">saper</a> <a href="//">pensare</a> con la propria <a href="//">testa</a></span> (<i>not conform</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="it">avere delle <a href="//">idee</a> proprie</span><br>my car has a mind of its own &#x2192; <span lang="it">la mia <a href="//">macchina</a> fa <a href="//">un po'</a> <a href="//">quello che</a> vuole lei</span><br>to my mind &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">a mio</a> <a href="//">parere</a>, <a href="//">secondo me</a></span></div><div class="sds-list"><b>d.</b> (<i>sanity</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">cervello</a>, <a href="//">mente</a> <i>f</i>, <a href="//">testa</a></span><br>to go out of <i>or</i> lose one's mind &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">impazzire</a>, <a href="//">perdere la testa</a></span><br>to be out of one's mind &#x2192; <span lang="it">essere <a href="//">pazzo</a>/a, essere <a href="//">uscito</a>/a di <a href="//">senno</a>, <a href="//">essere fuori di sé</a></span></div></div><div class="ds-list"><b>2.</b> <i>vt</i><div class="sds-list"><b>a.</b> (<i>pay attention to, be careful of</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">fare attenzione a</a>, <a href="//">stare</a> <a href="//">attento</a>/a a</span><br>never mind (<i>don't worry</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="it">non preoccuparti</span> (<i>it makes no difference</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">non importa</a>, <a href="//">non fa niente</a></span><br>"please mind the step" &#x2192; <span lang="it">"attenti <i>or</i> <a href="//">attenzione</a> al <a href="//">gradino</a>"</span><br>mind you don't fall &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">attento</a> a non <a href="//">cadere</a></span><br>mind your language! &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">bada</a> a come <a href="//">parli</a>!, <a href="//">controlla</a> le tue <a href="//">parole</a>!</span><br>mind you, ... (<i>fam</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="it">sì, però va <a href="//">detto</a> che...</span><br>mind your own business! (<i>fam</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//!">fatti gli affari tuoi!</a></span><br>never mind him &#x2192; <span lang="it">non badargli, non fargli <a href="//">caso</a></span><br>never mind the expense &#x2192; <span lang="it">se <a href="//">costa</a> <a href="//">caro</a>, pazienza!</span><br>don't mind me! (<i>iro</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">per carità</a>, non <a href="//">fare caso</a> a me!</span></div><div class="sds-list"><b>b.</b> (<i>attend to, look after, shop, machine, children</i>) &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">occuparsi di</a>, <a href="//">badare a</a></span></div><div class="sds-list"><b>c.</b> (<i>be put out by, object to</i>) <b>I don't mind what he does</b> &#x2192; <span lang="it">non m'importa cosa fa</span><br>which? - I don't mind &#x2192; <span lang="it">quale? - è <a href="//">indifferente</a></span><br>I don't mind the cold/noise &#x2192; <span lang="it">il <a href="//">freddo</a>/rumore non mi dà <a href="//">noia</a> <i>or</i> <a href="//">fastidio</a></span><br>would you mind opening the door? &#x2192; <span lang="it">le <a href="//">dispiace</a> <a href="//">aprire</a> la <a href="//">porta</a>?</span><br>do you mind if I open the window? - I don't mind &#x2192; <span lang="it">le <a href="//">dispiace</a> se <a href="//">apro</a> la <a href="//">finestra</a>? - <a href="//">faccia</a> pure!</span><br>I wouldn't mind a cup of tea &#x2192; <span lang="it"><a href="//">prenderei</a> <a href="//">volentieri</a> una <a href="//">tazza</a> di tè</span></div></div></div><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995</div></section><section data-src="kdict"><h2>mind</h2> (<span onclick="pron_key(1)" class="pron">maind</span>) <div class="ds-single"> the power by which one thinks <i>etc</i>; the intelligence or understanding. <span class="illustration">The child already has the mind of an adult.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> verstand </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> عَقْل </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> разсъдък </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> mente </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> mysl, inteligence </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"> der Verstand </span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> forstand </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"><a href="//">νους</a>, <a href="//">μυαλό</a></span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"><a href="//">mente</a>, <a href="//">cabeza</a>, <a href="//">cerebro</a></span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> aru </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> اندیشیدن </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> mieli </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">esprit</a>, <a href="//">intelligence</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"><a href="//">חשיבה</a></span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> मन्थिति </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> pamet, razum </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> értelem, elme; tudat </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> pikiran </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> hugur; greind, vitsmunir </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"><a href="//">mente</a>, <a href="//">intelligenza</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 心 </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 정신, 마음, 지력 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> protas, supratingumas </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> prāts; saprāts </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> fikiran </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">verstand</a></span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">sinn</a>, <a href="//">ånd</a>, <a href="//">forstand</a>, <a href="//">hjerne</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">umysł</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> فكر كول،انديښنه كول </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"><a href="//">espírito</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> minte, inte­li­genţă </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"><a href="//">ум</a>, <a href="//">разум</a></span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> myslenie; inteligencia </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> pamet </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> um </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> förstånd, intellekt </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> จิตใจ; ความคิด; สติปัญญา </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">beyin</a>, <a href="//">akıl</a></span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 思維能力,智力 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> розум </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> عقل </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> trí tuệ </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">智力</a></span></div><i> verb</i><div class="ds-list"><b>1. </b> to look after or supervise (<i>eg</i> a child). <span class="illustration">mind the baby.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> kyk, oppas </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> يَرْعى، يَعْتَني </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> наглеждам </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> tomar conta </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> dávat pozor na </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">aufpassen</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> se efter; holde øje med </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"><a href="//">προσέχω</a>, <a href="//">επιβλέπω</a></span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"><a href="//">cuidar</a></span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> hoolt kandma </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> نگهدارى کردن </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> hoitaa </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">surveiller</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> לְהַשגִיח </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> आपत्ति होना करना </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> paziti na </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> vigyáz, felügyel (gyerekre) </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> menjaga </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> gæta, líta eftir </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"><a href="//">badare a</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 世話をする </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 돌보다 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> rūpintis, prižiūrėti </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> pieskatīt; rūpēties </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> menjaga </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">zorgen voor</a></span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">passe</a>, <a href="//">ta seg av</a>, <a href="//">se etter</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">pilnować</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> ساتل </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"><a href="//">tomar conta</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> a avea grijă de </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"><a href="//">присматривать</a>; <a href="//">заботиться</a></span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> dávať pozor (na) </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> paziti na kaj </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> voditi računa o </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> se efter, passa </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> เอาใจใส่ดูแล </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">bakmak</a></span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 留意 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> доглядати </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> خیال رکھنا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> chăm nom </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">照看</a></span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>2. </b> to be upset by; to object to. <span class="illustration">You must try not to mind when he criticizes your work.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> omgee </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> يهْتَم، يَنْزَعِج </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> възразявам </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> incomodar-se </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> všímat si, dbát </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">sich etwas machen aus</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> blive gal; ikke tage sig af </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"><a href="//">ενοχλούμαι</a>, με πειράζει κτ. </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"><a href="//">importar</a>, <a href="//">molestar</a></span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> hoolima, vastu olema </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> ناراحت شدن از </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> panna pahakseen </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">être dérangé</a>, <a href="//">se refuser</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> אִכפַּת ל-, מְשַנֶה ל- </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> ध्यान देना </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> prigovarati </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> izgatja vmi </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> kesal, berkeberatan </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> hafa á móti, láta sér standa á sama </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"><a href="//">preoccuparsi</a>, <a href="//">dispiacere</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 気にする </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 싫어하다 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> prieštarauti </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> uztraukties; iebilst </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> ambil kisah </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> zich eraan storen </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">bry seg om</a>, <a href="//">ta seg nær av</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">przejmować się</a>, <a href="//">mieć przeciwko</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> ناخوښه كيدل </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"><a href="//">incomodar-se</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> a fi deranjat de, a se supăra (pentru) </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"><a href="//">возражать</a>; иметь что-л. против </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> všímať si, byť dotknutý </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> vznemirjati se </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> brinuti se </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> bry sig om, fästa sig vid </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> คัดค้าน </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">aldırmak</a></span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 介意 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> мати щось проти, заперечувати </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> برا ماننا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> cảm thấy phiền lòng </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">介意</a></span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>3. </b> to be careful of. <span class="illustration">Mind (= be careful not to trip over) the step!</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> oppas </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> يَحْتَرِس، يَحْذَر </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> внимавай </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> ter cuidado com </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> pozor (na) </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">sich in Acht nehmen</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> passe på </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"><a href="//">προσέχω</a>, έχω το νου μου </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"><a href="//">tener cuidado</a></span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> tähele panema </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> مراقب بودن </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> varoa </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">prendre garde</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> תִּיָזהֵר מ- </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> ध्यान रखना, (किसी कि ओर से) सतर्क या होशियार रहना </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> biti pažljiv </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> vigyáz </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> hati-hati </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> vara sig á </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"><a href="//">fare attenzione a</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 注意する </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 조심하다 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> saugotis, būti atsargiam, atsiminti </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> uzmanīties; pievērst uzmanību </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> hati-hati </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> oppassen voor </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">passe på</a>, <a href="//">se opp for</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">uważać</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> په غور او پام سره </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> ter cuidado com </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> atenţie la... ! </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"><a href="//">остерегаться</a>, <a href="//">беречься</a></span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> pozor na </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> paziti </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> paziti </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> se upp för </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> ระวัง </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">dikkat etmek</a></span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 當心 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> берегтися, остерігатися </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> احتیاط رکھنا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> cẩn thận </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">当心</a></span></div><div class="ds-list"><b>4. </b> to pay attention to or obey. <span class="illustration">You should mind your parents' words/advice.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> gehoor gee, luister </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> يَهْتَم في، يَنْتَبِه إلى، يُطيع </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> изпълнявам </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> ligar </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> hledět si, dbát </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">beachten</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> lytte til </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"><a href="//">προσέχω</a>, <a href="//">υπακούω</a></span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"><a href="//">hacer caso de</a></span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> tähele panema </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> توجه کردن </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> noudattaa </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">prêter attention</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> לָשִׂים לֵב </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> ख्याल करना </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> svratiti pažnju </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> figyelembe vesz </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> memperhatikan </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> huga að; hlÿða </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"> obbedire a </span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 従う </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 말을 듣다 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> paisyti, kreipti dėmesį į </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> iegaumēt; ielāgot </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> mendengar </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">acht slaan op</a></span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">rette seg etter</a>, <a href="//">adlyde</a>, <a href="//">lystre</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> zważać na </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> پام كول </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"><a href="//">ligar</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> a lua aminte </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"><a href="//">прислушиваться</a>; <a href="//">слушаться</a></span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> dbať </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> upoštevati </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> obratiti pažnju </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> ge akt på, lägga märke till, tänka på </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> เชื่อฟัง </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> sözünü dinlemek </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 注意 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> мати на увазі </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> توجہ دینا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> để ý </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">注意</a></span></div><i> interjection</i><div class="ds-single"> be careful!. <span class="illustration">Mind! There's a car coming!</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> oppas </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> إنْتَبِه! إحْذَر! </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> Внимавай </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> cuidado! </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> pozor! </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"> Achtung! </span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> pas på! </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> πρόσεχε! (επιφ.) </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"><a href="//!">¡cuidado!</a></span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> ettevaatust! </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> مواظب باش </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> varo </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">attention</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> הִיָזהֵר </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> सावधान </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> obrati pažnju! </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> vigyázz! </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> awas! </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> gættu þín! </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"> (attento!) </span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 気をつけろ </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 조심해! </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> atsargiai! saugoki(tė)s! </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> uzmanies! piesargies! </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> awas </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> pas op! </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//!">pass på!</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> Uważaj! </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> پام كوه </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"><a href="//!">cuidado!</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> Atenţie! </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> осторожно! берегись! </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> pozor! </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> pazi! </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> pazi </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> akta!, se upp! </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> ระวัง </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> Dikkat et! </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 當心 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> обережно! </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> خبردار </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> sự xen vào </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">当心</a></span></div><b>-minded</b><i> having a (certain type of) mind, as in narrow-minded, *like-minded </i><div class="ds-single"><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> sielig, geestig </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> ميّال، ذو تَفْكير </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> разсъждаващ като </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> de mente ( ) </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> -myslný </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">gesinnt</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> -sindet </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> -κεφαλος, -μυαλος (ως β΄ συνθ.) </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"> de mente </span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> -meelne </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> فکر </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> -mielinen </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"> qui est... d'esprit </span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> בַּעַל דֵעָה- / מַחֲשָׁבָה- </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> एक जैसी सोच </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> sklon, nakan </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> beállítottságú, gondolkodású </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> berpikiran </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> -huga, innrættur; sinnaður </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"> (che ha una mentalità...) </span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> -心の </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> …한 마음을 가진 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> turintis tam tikrà protà/bûdà/polinká </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> ar (zināmu) domāšanas veidu </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> berfikiran </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> van geest </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"> -synt, –sinnet, –bevisst </span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> o ... umyśle, o ... rozumie </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> فكر </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> de espírito ( ) </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> cu mintea... </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> складом ума </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> -myseľný </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> ki je (...) duha </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> -uman </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> sinnad, -sint, -synt </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> ซึ่งมีใจโน้มเอียง </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> ...kafalı </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 有…心的(後綴) </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> вказує на склад ума </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> کسی خاص نظریہ کا حامل </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> (từ ghép) thuộc đầu óc </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"> 有...心的(后缀) </span></div><b>mindful</b><i> (<i>with </i>of) </i><i> adjective</i><div class="ds-single"> (<i>formal</i>) aware (of); paying attention (to). <span class="illustration">to be mindful of their needs; </span><span class="illustration">Mindful of the dangers, he proceeded with caution.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> oplettend </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> مُنْتَبِه لواجِباتِه </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> внимателен </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> atento </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> dbalý, dbající </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">rücksichtsvoll</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> opmærksom; bevidst </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"><a href="//">προσεκτικός</a>, <a href="//">συνετός</a></span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"><a href="//">consciente</a></span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> teadlik, tähelepanelik </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> اگاه </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> tietoinen </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"> être attentif à qqch </span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> מוּדָע ל- </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> सावधान, सतर्क </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> pažljiv, pozoran </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> figyelmes </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> sadar akan </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"> attento a, consapevole di </span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 注意する </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> …에 신경을 쓰는 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> atidus, jautrus </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> gādīgs; uzmanīgs; piesardzīgs </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> sedar </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> zich bewust van; indachtig </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">oppmerksom</a>; <a href="//">omhyggelig</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> mający (coś) na uwadze </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> پوه </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> внимательный, сознающий </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> vedomý </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> pozoren </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> svestan </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> uppmärksam på </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> ซึ่งให้ความสนใจ </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">uyanık</a>, <a href="//">dikkatli</a></span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 意識到…的,注意….的 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> уважний; дбайливий </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> کسی چیز کو توجہ دینا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> lưu tâm </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"> 注意的,留心的 </span></div><b>ˈmindless</b><i> adjective</i><div class="ds-single"> stupid and senseless. <span class="illustration">mindless violence.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> onoplettend </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> غَبي، قَليل العَقْل </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> безумен </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> estúpido </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> neinteligentní </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">unachtsam</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> tankeløs </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"><a href="//">ανόητος</a>, <a href="//">απερίσκεπτος</a></span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"><a href="//">absurdo</a>, <a href="//">estúpido</a></span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> meeletu, arutu </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> احمق </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> mieletön </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">stupide</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> חֲסַר הִיגָיוֹן </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> बेवकूफी </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> bezuman </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> értelmetlen, buta </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> bodoh </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> hugsunarlaus </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"><a href="//">insensato</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 思慮のない </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 어리석은 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> beprasmiškas </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> bezjēdzīgs </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> tidak berakal </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">stompzinnig</a></span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">tankeløs</a>, <a href="//">tåpelig</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">bezmyślny</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> ،بى فكره لوده </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"><a href="//">estúpido</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> stupid, absurd </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> глупый, бессмысленный </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> hlúpy </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> nespameten </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> besmislen </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> själlös, andefattig, meningslös </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> ซึ่งไม่มีเหตุผล </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> akılsız(ca) yapılan </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 沒頭沒腦的,盲目的 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> дурний, безглуздий </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> احمق اور لا پروا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> vô tâm </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">没头脑的</a></span></div><b>ˈmindlessly</b><i> adverb</i><div class="ds-single"><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> onoplettend </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> بِدون إنْتِباه، بِقِلَّة عَقْل </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> безумно </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> estupidamente </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> tupě </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">unachtsam</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> tankeløst </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"><a href="//">ανόητα</a>, <a href="//">απερίσκεπτα</a></span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"><a href="//">estúpidamente</a></span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> meeletult </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> احمقانه </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> mielettömästi </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">stupidement</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> בְּחוֹסֶר הִיגָיוֹן </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> मूर्खतापूर्वक </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> bezumno </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> értelmetlenül </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> secara bodoh </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> hugsunarlaust </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"><a href="//">insensatamente</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 無思慮に </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 어리석게 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> beprasmiškai </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> bezjēdzīgi </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> dengan tidak berakal </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">stompzinnig</a></span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">tankeløst</a>, <a href="//">tåpelig</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> bezmyślnie </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> ،چټى احمقانه </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> estupidamente </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> (în mod) stupid </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"><a href="//">глупо</a></span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> tupo </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> nespametno </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> besmisleno </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> själlöst, andefattigt, meningslöst </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> อย่างไม่มีเหตุผล </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> akılsızca </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 沒頭沒腦地,盲目地 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> дурно, безглуздо </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> لاپروائی سے </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> một cách vô tâm </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">愚笨地</a></span></div><b>ˈmindlessness</b><i> noun</i><div class="ds-single"><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> onoplettendheid </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> عَدَم إنْتِباه </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> безумие </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> estupidez </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> bezmyšlenkovitost </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"> die Unachtsamkeit </span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> tankeløshed </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"><a href="//">απροσεξία</a>, <a href="//">επιπολαιότητα</a></span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"><a href="//">estupidez</a></span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> meeletus </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> بی توجه </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> mielettömyys </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">stupidité</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> בְּחוֹסֶר הִיגָיוֹן </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> मूर्खता, बुद्धिहीनता </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> bezumlje </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> értelmetlenség </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> kebodohan </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> hugsunarleysi </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"><a href="//">insensatezza</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 無思慮 </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 어리석음 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> beprasmybė </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> bezjēdzība </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> tidak berakalnya </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">stompzinnigheid</a></span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">tankeløshet</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">bezmyślność</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> بى فكره </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> estupidez </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> stupiditate </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"><a href="//">глупость</a></span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> bezmyšlienkovitosť </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> nespamet </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> besmislenost </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> själlöshet </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> ความไม่มีเหตุผล </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> akılsızlık </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 沒頭沒腦,盲目 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> безглуздя </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> لاپروائی </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> sự vô tâm </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">粗心</a></span></div><b>ˈmindreader</b><i> noun</i><div class="ds-single"> a person who claims to know other people's thoughts. <span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> gedagteleser </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> قارِئ للأفْكار </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> четец на мисли </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> adivinho </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> čtenář, -ka myšlenek </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"> der/die Gedankenleser(in) </span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> tankelæser </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> αυτός που διαβάζει το μυαλό των άλλων </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"> adivinador de pensamientos </span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> mõtetelugeja </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> ذهن خوان </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> ajatustenlukija </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"> liseur/-euse de pensées </span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> קוֹרֵא מַחֲשָבוֹת </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> मन की बातों को जान लेने वाला </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> čitač misli </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> gondolatolvasó </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> pembaca pikiran </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> hugsanalesari </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"> (chi legge nel pensiero) </span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 読心術者 </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 독심술사 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> kitø mintis skaitantis þmogus </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> telepāts; tas, kas lasa citu domas </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> pembaca fikiran </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> gedachtenlezer </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">tankeleser</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> czytający w myślach </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> هوښيار </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> adivinho </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> persoană care poate citi gândurile altcuiva </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> читающий чужие мысли </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> kto číta myšlienky </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> kdor bere misli </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> čitač misli </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> tankeläsare </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> ผู้อ่านใจผู้อื่นออก </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> düşünce okuyucu, <a href="//">kâhin</a></span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 能猜出別人心思的人 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> людина, що читає чужі думки </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> دوسرے کے دل کے اندر کی بات جاننے کا دعوی کرنے والا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> người đọc được ý nghĩ của người khác </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">能猜出别人心思的人</a></span></div><b>at/in the back of one's mind</b><div class="ds-single"> being vaguely aware of something; deep inside. <span class="illustration">In the back of her mind she knew she couldn't trust him.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> eintlik </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> дълбоко навътре в себе си </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> no fundo </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> در اعماق ذهن </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> mielen sopukoissa </span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> בְּיַרכּתֵי הַמוֹח </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> अंदर गहराई से </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> duboko u mislima </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 마음 한 구석에 </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> di bawah sedarnya </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> in zijn achterhoofd </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> د ذهن او فكر په ژورو كښى </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> duboko u sebi </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> ลึก ๆ ในใจ </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 隱約知道,在內心深處 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> підсвідомо </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> ذہن میں موجود ہونا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> trong thâm tâm </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"> 下意识地,潜意识地 </span></div><b>change one's mind</b><a href="change">change</a><b>be out of one's mind</b><div class="ds-single"> to be mad. <span class="illustration">He must be out of his mind!</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> mal, kranksinnig </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> يَفْقِدُ صَوابَه </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> ядосан съм </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> estar louco </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> ztratit rozum </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">nicht bei Sinnen sein</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> fra forstanden </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> μου έχει στρίψει </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"> estar loco </span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> arust ära olema </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> دیوانه شدن </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> olla järjiltään </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">avoir perdu la raison</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> לְהִשתַגֵעַ </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> विक्षिप्त होना </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> sići s uma </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> elvesztette józan eszét </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> gila </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> vera viti sínu fjær </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"><a href="//">essere fuori di sé</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 気がふれて </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 미치다 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> būti pamišusiam, nepilno proto </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> būt prātu zaudējušam/ne pie pilna prāta </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> gila </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> gek zijn </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"> være fra vettet/forstanden </span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> być szalonym </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> ليونى كيدل </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> estar louco </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> a-şi perde minţile </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> быть не в своём уме </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> stratiť rozum </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> priti ob pamet </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> poludeti </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> utom sig, rubbad </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> บ้า </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> deli/çıldırmış olmak </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 瘋了! </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> бути несповна розуму </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> دیوانہ بن جانا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> phát điên </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">疯了</a></span></div><b>do you mind!</b><div class="ds-single"> used to show annoyance, stop someone doing something <i>etc</i>. <span class="illustration">Do you mind! That's my foot you're standing on!</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> gee jy om? </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> إنْتَبِه! هل تَسْمَح؟: تُسْتَعْمَل للتَّعبير عن الإنْزعاج </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> ако обичаш престани! </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> faz favor! </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> Dejte pozor! </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"> Paß auf! </span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> Undskyld! - men ... </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> σας παρακαλώ! (για να δηλώσει ενόχληση) </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"> ¡haz el favor! </span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> ettevaatust! </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> متوجه نیستی </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> voisitko </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"> dis/dites donc! </span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> אִכפַּת לְך...! </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> नाराजगी जताना </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> Imaš li što protiv! </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> lenne olyan szíves </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> awas! </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> væri þér sama! </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"> (ehi!) </span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> やめてくれ </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> (분노를 나타내어) 그만두지 않겠소 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> atsargiai! žiūrėkit! </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> attopies! </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> awas </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> kijk uit! </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//!">unnskyld!</a>; <a href="//">kunne du...</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">przepraszam</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> پام دى ده؟ </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> faz favor! </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> Nu te supăra! </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"><a href="//!">простите!</a>; ты что! </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> dajte pozor! </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> veste kaj! </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> pardon </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> ursäkta mig! </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> ระวังหน่อย ! </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> Hey!; biraz dikkat etsene! </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 小心一點!不要這樣! </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> дозвольте! </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> کیا آپ یہ کرنا بند کریں گے </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> anh có để ý không? </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">请注意!</a></span></div><b>have a good mind to</b><div class="ds-single"> to feel very much inclined to (do something). <span class="illustration">I've a good mind to tell your father what a naughty girl you are!</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> is lus om </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> يَميل بِشِدَّه </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> много съм склонен </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> estar disposto a </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> mít sto chutí </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">große Lust haben zu</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> have lyst til </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> έχω πραγματικά τη διάθεση </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"> estar por hacer algo, estar decidido a </span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> kavatsema </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> احساس خوبی داشتن </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> olla melkein päättänyt </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">avoir bien envie de</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> נוֹטֶה לְ- </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> अत्यधिक लालायित होना, अत्यधिक इच्छुक होना </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> imati dobru namjeru </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> (nagy) kedve volna vmihez </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> ingin sekali </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> langa (helst) til að </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"> (avere una gran voglia di) </span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> ~したい </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 몹시 ...하고 싶어 하다 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> knietėti, labai norėti </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> ļoti vēlēties (izdarīt); stingri nolemt </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> ingin sekali </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> grote zin hebben om </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">ha lyst til å</a>, <a href="//">kunne godt tenke seg å</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> mieć wielką ochotę </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> ښه احساس لرل </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> estar disposto a </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> a avea mare poftă (să) </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> иметь большое желание сделать что-л. </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> mať sto chutí </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> nameravati </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> želeti </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> ha god lust att ... </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> รู้สึกอยากจะทำบางสิ่ง </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> ...-meyi aklına koymak </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 很想做某事 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> збиратися </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> کچھ کرنے کا ارادہ کرنا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> rất muốn làm điều gì </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">很想作某事</a></span></div><b>have (half) a mind to</b><div class="ds-single"> to feel (slightly) inclined to (do something). <span class="illustration">I've half a mind to take my holidays in winter this year.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> is lus om </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> يَشْعُرُ بِمَيْلٍ إلى </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> склонен съм </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> estar pensando em </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> mít skoro chuť </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"> beinahe Lust haben zu </span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> have lyst til </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> έτσι μου έρχεται να </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"> estar tentado de </span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> (millegi poole) kalduma </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> احساس خوبی داشتن </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> olla osittain päättänyt </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"> avoir presque envie de </span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> לא מְעוּנייָן בּמיוּחָד </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> कुछ-कुछ इरादा होना </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> gotovo htjeti </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> hajlandó volna vmire </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> ingin </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> vera skapi næst að </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"> avere una mezza intenzione di </span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> ~したいような気がする </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> ...하고 싶어 하다 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> būti linkusiam </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> nebūt nekam pret... </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> teringin </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> geneigd zijn om </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"> kunne godt tenke seg </span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> mieć chęć </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> ښه احساس لرل، خوشحاله كيدل </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> estar a pensar em </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> a fi înclinat să </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> быть не прочь, быть склонным сделать что-л. </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> mať skoro chuť </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> nagibati se k čemu </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> razmišljati </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> nästan ha lust att ... </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> เกือบตัดสินใจทำบางสิ่ง </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> aklından geçmek, biraz istekli/niyetli olmak </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 想做某事,有點想做某事 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> мати бажання </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> کسی منصوبے کو خاطر میں لانا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> hơi muốn làm gì </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">有点想作某事</a></span></div><b>in one's mind's eye</b><div class="ds-single"> in one's imagination. <span class="illustration">If you try hard, you can see the room in your mind's eye.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> in jou gedagtes, in jou geestesoë </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> في خَيال </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> във въображението ми </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> na imaginação </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> v duchu </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">vor jemands innerem Auge</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> for sit indre øje </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> με τα μάτια της φαντασίας μου </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"> en la imaginación </span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> vaimusilmas </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> در تصورات دیگری </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> mielikuvituksessa </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">en imagination</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> בְּעֵינֵי רוּחוֹ </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> कल्पना </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> u mislima </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> lelki szemei előtt </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> imajinasi </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> hugskotssjónir </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"> con l'immaginazione </span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 想像で </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 상상으로 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> vaizduotėje, mintyse </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> iztēle </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> bayangan </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> voor het geestesoog </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">i fantasien</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> oczami duszy/wyobraźni </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> د خوبونو په دنيا كښى </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> na imaginação </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> cu ochii minţii </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"><a href="//">мысленно</a></span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> v duchu </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> v duhu </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> u mašti </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> för sitt inre öga, i fantasin </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> ตามความคิด </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> hayalinde, kafasında </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 在某人想像中,在某人腦海裡 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> у думці </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> تصور میں </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> trong trí tưởng tượng của tôi </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">在某人想象中</a></span></div><b>in one's right mind</b><div class="ds-single"> sane. <span class="illustration">No-one in his right mind would behave like that.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> van helder verstand </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> عاقِل، في كامِلِ عَقْلِه </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> в разсъдък </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> no seu juízo perfeito </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> při smyslech </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"> bei vollem Verstand </span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> ved sine fulde fem; med sin forstands fulde brug </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> με σώας τας φρένας </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"> estar en su sano juicio </span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> täie aruga </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> عاقل </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> järjissään oleva </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">sain d'esprit</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> בִּשפִיוּת </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> सही दिमाग से </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> u ludilu </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> ép ésszel </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> waras </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> sem er heill á geðsmunum </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"><a href="//">sano di mente</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 正気で </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 제정신의 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> sveiko proto </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> pie pilna prāta </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> waras </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> met zijn verstand bij elkaar </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">forstandig</a>, <a href="//">i sitt rette sinn</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> przy zdrowych zmysłach </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> عاقل او هوښيار </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> no seu juízo perfeito </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> sănătos la cap </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> в здравом уме </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> pri zmysloch </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> pri zdravi pameti </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> pri zdravoj pameti </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> vid sina sinnen[s fulla bruk] </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> จิตปกติ </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> aklı başında </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 神志正常的 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> при доброму розумі </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> صحیح الدماغ </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> tỉnh táo </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">神志正常的</a></span></div><b>keep one's mind on</b><div class="ds-single"> to give all one's attention to. <span class="illustration">Keep your mind on what you're doing!</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> let op </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> يُعْطي كُل تَفْكيرِه </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> съсредоточи се върху </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> dar atenção a </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> soustředit se na </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"> immer denken an </span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> holde godt øje med </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"><a href="//">προσέχω</a>, συγκεντρώνομαι σε </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"> estar atento, <a href="//">prestar atención</a></span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> keskenduma </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> توجه کردن به </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> pysyä keskittyneenä </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"> se concentrer sur </span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> לָשִׂים לֵב לְ- </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> ध्यान से </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> imaj na pameti </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> vmire összpontosítja figyelmét </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> memperhatikan penuh </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> einbeita sér að </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"> concentrare la propria attenzione su </span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> ~に専念する </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 전념하다 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> galvoti tik apie </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> koncentrēties; domāt tikai par... </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> beri perhatian </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> het hoofd erbij houden </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">konsentrere seg</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> uważać na, nie tracić z pola widzenia </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> پام نيول </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"><a href="//">dar atenção a</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> a se concentra la </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> сосредоточиться на </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> sústrediť sa na </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> osredotočiti se </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> obratiti pažnju </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> koncentrera sig på, hålla tankarna på </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> มีสมาธิกับ </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> bütün dikkatini vermek </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 專注於 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> зосереджуватися на </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> توجہ دینا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> tập trung chú ý vào </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">专心于</a></span></div><b>know one's own mind</b><div class="ds-single"> (<i>usually in negative</i>) to know what one really thinks, wants to do <i>etc</i>. <span class="illustration">She doesn't know her own mind yet about abortion.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> besluiteloos wees </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> يَعْرِفُ ماذا يُريد بالضَّبْط </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> не знам какво мисля </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> estar convencido </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> vědět, co chtít </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">wissen was man will</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> ikke rigtigt selv vide; gøre sig sine egne tanker </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> ξέρω τι θέλω </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"> saber lo que uno quiere </span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> kindlal otsusel olema </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> نظر قطعی خود را ندانستن </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> tietää mitä tahtoo </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"> savoir ce que l'on veut </span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> לִהיוֹת בַּעַל הַשקָפָה בְּרוּרָה </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> मन की बात जानना, इच्छा जान लेना </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> čuti mišljenje </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> tudja, hogy mit akar </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> mengetahui pikirannya </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> þekkja hug sinn, vita hvað manni finnst/langar </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"> (sapere quello che si vuole) </span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 心をきめる </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 뚜렷한 자기 의견을 가지고 있다 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> turėti tvirtą nuomonę, nusistatymą </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> zināt, ko pats vēlas; skaidri zināt (par sevi) </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> tindakan yang perlu diambil </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> weten wat men wil </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">vite hva en vil</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">wiedzieć</a>, czego się chce </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> نشى كولاى چى پريكړه څوك، بى تصميمى </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> estar convencido </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> a şti ce vrea </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> твёрдо знать, чего хочешь </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> vedieť, čo chce </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> biti si na jasnem </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> znati šta želiš </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> veta vad man vill </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> รู้ว่าึคิดหรืออยากทำอะไร </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> bir karara varmış olmak </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 清楚自己的想法,知道自己想做什麼 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> не вагатися </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> اپنے ارادوں اور مقاصد سے واقف ہونا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> biết được ý định của người khác </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">有自己的想法</a></span></div><b>make up one's mind</b><div class="ds-single"> to decide. <span class="illustration">They've made up their minds to stay in Africa.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> besluit, finaal besluit </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> يُقَرِّر </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> решавам </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> decidir-se </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> rozhodnout se </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">sich entschließen</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> beslutte </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"><a href="//">αποφασίζω</a></span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"><a href="//">decidirse</a></span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> otsustama </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> تصمیم گرفتن </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> päättää </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">se décider</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> לְהַחֲלִיט </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> फ़ैसला कर लेना, इरादा कर लेना, निश्चय कर लेना, ठान लेना, निश्चय करना </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> odlučiti se </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> elhatározza magát </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> memutuskan </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> ákveða sig </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"><a href="//">decidersi</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 決心する </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 결심하다 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> nutarti, pasiryžti </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> izlemt; nolemt </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> membuat keputusan </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">besluiten</a></span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">ta en beslutning</a>, <a href="//">bestemme seg</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> podjąć decyzję </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> تصميم نيول </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"><a href="//">decidir-se</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> a se hotărî </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"><a href="//">решить</a></span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> rozhodnúť sa </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> odločiti se </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> odlučiti se </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> bestämma sig [för] </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> ตัดสินใจ </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> kararını vermek </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 下定決心 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> вирішити </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> فیصلہ کرنا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> quyết định </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">下决心</a></span></div><b>mind one's own business</b><div class="ds-single"> to attend to one's own affairs, not interfering in other people's. <span class="illustration">Go away and mind your own business!</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> hou jou uit my sake </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> يَهْتَم في أموره فَقَط، لا يَتَدَخَّل في ما لا يَعْنيه </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> гледай си работата! </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> meter-se na sua vida </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> starat se o své </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">sich um die eigenen Angelegenheiten kümmern</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> passe sig selv </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> κοιτάζω τη δουλειά μου </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"> meterse en su vida </span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> oma asjadega tegelema </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> فضولی نکردن </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> hoitaa omat asiansa </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"> s'occuper de ses affaires </span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> אַל תִּתעָרֵב </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> अपना काम देखो, दूसरों के काम में टांग में मत अड़ाओ </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> gledati svoj posao </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> a maga dolgával törődik </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> jangan ikut campur </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> halda sig við sitt og skipta sér ekki af málefnum annarra </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"><a href="//">badare ai fatti propri</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 大きなお世話だ </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 남의 일에 간섭하지 않다 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> nesikišti (į svetimus reikalus) </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> nejaukties citu darīšanās </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> buat hal awak sendiri </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> zich met zijn eigen zaken bemoeien </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">passe sine egne saker</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> pilnować własnego nosa, nie wtrącać się w cudze sprawy </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> د چا په كار كښى كار لرل </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> meter-se na sua vida </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> a-şi vedea de treburile sale </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> заниматься своим делом </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> starať sa o svoje </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> brigati se zase </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> gledati svoja posla </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> sköta sitt (sina egna angelägenheter) </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> สนใจเรื่องของตนเอง </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> kendi işine bakmak </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 別管閒事 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> займатися своєю справою </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> اپنے کام سے کام رکھنا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> hãy lo việc của anh </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">别管闲事</a></span></div><b>never mind</b><div class="ds-single"> don't bother; it's all right. <span class="illustration">Never mind, I'll do it myself.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> toemaar </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> لا يَهُم! لا تَهْتَم! </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> няма значение </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> deixa para lá </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> nevadí </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">mach dir nichts draus</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> det gør ikke noget; tag dig ikke af det; det er lige meget </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> δεν πειράζει </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"><a href="//">no importa</a>, da igual, no te preocupes </span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> pole viga </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> مهم نیست </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> älä välitä </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"> ça ne fait rien </span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> לא נוֹרָא </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> परवाह मत करो </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> ništa za to </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> nem számít!, ne törődj vele! </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> tidak apa-apa </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> skiptir engu, gerir ekkert </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"> (non importa) </span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 気にしない </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 걱정 말아라 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> niekis, tai nieko </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> neuztraucies! tas nekas </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> tidak mengapa </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> maak je geen zorgen </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">ikke bry seg</a>, <a href="//">blåse i noe</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> nie szkodzi </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> پروا نه لرى </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> não tem importância </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> nu-i nimic </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> не беспокоитесь, <a href="//">ничего</a></span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> to nič, nevadí, to je jedno, na tom nezáleží </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> ne skrbi </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> nema veze </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> det gör detsamma!, strunt i det! </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> ไม่เป็นไร </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> rahatsız olmayın!, zararı yok, önemi yok, aldırma </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 無所謂,不要緊 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> нічого; пусте </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> کوئی بات نہیں </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> đừng ngại </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"> 不要紧,没关系 </span></div><b>on one's mind</b><div class="ds-single"> making one anxious, worried <i>etc</i>. <span class="illustration">She has a lot on her mind.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> bekommernisse </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> مُسَبِّب للقَلَق </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> тревожа </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> em que pensar </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> na starosti </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"> auf dem Herzen haben </span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> på sit hoved </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> που απασχολεί τη σκέψη μου, που με κάνει να ανησυχώ </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"> en que pensar </span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> südamel olema </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> اعصاب کسی را خورد کردن </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> olla huolestunut </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"> sur la conscience </span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> בְּמוֹח- </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> परेशान होना </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> brinuti </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> vmi nyomja a lelkét </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> sangat resah </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> vera áhyggjufullur </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"> sulla coscienza </span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 気にかかって </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 마음에 걸려 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> kas ant širdies guli </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> uz sirds; padomā </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> merisaukan </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">zorgen</a></span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"> som plager, som bekymrer en </span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> na głowie </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> څوك عصبى كول </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> muito em que pensar </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> pe conştiinţă, pe suflet </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"><a href="//">тревожить</a>, <a href="//">беспокоить</a></span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> na starosti </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> skrbeti </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> na pameti </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> [ha ngt] som trycker en, [ha ngt] på hjärtat </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> วิตกกังวล </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> endişelendiren, içine dert olan </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 有心事,有煩惱 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> в думках </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> کئی مسائل سے دو چار ہونا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> lo lắng về điều gì </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"> 使人担心,惦念 </span></div><b>put (someone) in mind of</b><div class="ds-single"> to remind (someone) of. <span class="illustration">This place puts me in mind of a book I once read.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> herinner my/hom </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> يُذَكِّر </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> припомням </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> lembrar </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> připomínat </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">an etwas erinnern</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> minde om </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> θυμίζω κτ. σε κπ. </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"><a href="//">recordar</a></span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> (kellelegi) meelde tuletama </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> یاداوری کردن </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> muistuttaa </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">rappeler</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> לְהַזכִּיר </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> याद दिलाना </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> podsjetiti se </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> emlékeztet vmire </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> mengingatkan </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> minna (e-n) á </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"><a href="//">ricordare</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 思い出させる </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> (남에게) ...을 생각나게 하다 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> priminti </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> atgādināt; likt atcerēties </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> mengingatkan </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> doen denken aan </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">minne om</a>, <a href="//">få til å tenke på</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"><a href="//">przypominać</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> يادونه كول </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> lembrar </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> a(-i) aduce aminte de </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> напоминать (кому-л.) о </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> pripomínať </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> spomniti koga na kaj </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> podsećati </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> påminna om </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> เตือนใจ </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">hatırlatmak</a></span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 使某人想起 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> нагадувати </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> کسی چیز کی یاد دلانا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> nhắc nhở </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">以某事提醒某人</a></span></div><b>speak one's mind</b><div class="ds-single"> to say frankly what one means or thinks. <span class="illustration">You must allow me to speak my mind.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> sê wat jy dink </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> يُجاهِر بِرأيِهِ، يُدْلي بِرَأيِهِ بِصَراحَه </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> говоря откровено </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> falar francamente </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> říci své mínění </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">frei seine Meinung äußern</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> sige sin mening </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> μιλώ ανοιχτά, λέω αυτό που σκέφτομαι </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"> hablar sin rodeos, decir lo que uno piensa </span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> suud puhtaks rääkima </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> رک و راست نظر دادن </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> puhua suunsa puhtaaksi </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">dire sa pensée</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> לְדַבֵּר גְלוּיוֹת </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> मन की बात कहना </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> izricati mišljenje </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> kimondja amit gondol </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> menyatakan dengan terus terang </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> segja það sem manni bÿr í brjósti </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"><a href="//">parlare chiaro</a>, </span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> はっきり言う </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 털어놓고 말하다 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> atvirai pasakyti savo nuomonę/kalbėti </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> izteikt savas domas </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> memberi pendapat </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> zijn mening zeggen </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">si rett ut</a>, <a href="//">ta bladet fra munnen</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> mówić otwarcie </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> په څرګنده توګه خپل نظر وويل </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> falar francamente </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> a-şi spune părerea </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> говорить откровенно </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> povedať otvorene svoju mienku </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> odkrito govoriti </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> reći otvoreno šta misliš </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> säga rent ut vad man tycker (tänker) </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> พูดอย่างซื่อสัตย์ </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> açıkça söylemek </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 直接表明某人的意思或想法 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> говорити щиро </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> اپنے دل کی بات کہنا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> nói thẳng ra </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"> 说出某人的想法,直言不讳 </span></div><b>take/keep one's mind off</b><div class="ds-single"> to turn one's attention from; to prevent one from thinking about. <span class="illustration">A good holiday will take your mind off your troubles.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> jou van jou sorge laat vergeet </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> يُبْعِدُ التَّفْكير </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> разсейвам </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> distrair-se </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> odvést myšlenky od </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"> ablenken von </span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> få til at glemme </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> αποσπώ τη σκέψη μου </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"><a href="//">distraer</a></span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> mõtteid mujale viima </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> دور نگه داشتن ذهن از چیزی </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> pitää ajatukset poissa </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"> se changer les idées </span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> לְהָסִיט אֶת תְּשוּמת הַלֵב </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> स्वयं का या दूसरे का मन किसी एक वस्तु से हटाकर दूसरी वस्तु की तरफ लगाना </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> odvratiti misli </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> elvonja a figyelmét </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> menyandera </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> hætta að hugsa um </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"> distrarre da </span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> ~から気をそらす </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> ...에서 마음을 돌리다 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> padėti užmiršti </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> novērst domas no; likt aizmirst </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> menghilangkan perhatian daripada </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> gevangen nemen, <a href="//">houden</a></span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"> få til å glemme </span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> pozwalać komuś zapomnieć o, odwracać czyjąś uwagę od </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> پام بلى خواته اړول </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"><a href="//">distrair-se</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> a distrage </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"> отвлечь(ся) от </span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> odviesť myšlienky od </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> odvrniti od </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> skrenuti misli sa </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> få att glömma </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> เบี่ยงเบนความสนใจ </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> dikkatini başka tarafa yöneltmek </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 轉移某人對某事的注意,讓某人不再想某事 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> гнати від себе думки </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> کسی چیز سے توجہ ہٹانا </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> không suy nghĩ về điều gì </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">移开某人对某事的注意</a></span></div><b>to my mind</b><div class="ds-single"> in my opinion. <span class="illustration">To my mind, you're better off working here than in most other places.</span><span class="trans" lang="af" style="display: none;"> ek dink, volgens my </span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display: none;"> في رأيي </span><span class="trans" lang="bg" style="display: none;"> според мен </span><span class="trans" lang="br" style="display: none;"> a meu ver </span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display: none;"> podle mého mínění </span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display: none;"><a href="//">meiner Meinung nach</a></span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display: none;"> efter min mening </span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display: none;"> κατά τη γνώμη μου </span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display: none;"> a mi parecer, a mi juicio, <a href="//">en mi opinión</a></span><span class="trans" lang="et" style="display: none;"> minu arust </span><span class="trans" lang="fa" style="display: none;"> به نظر من </span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display: none;"> minun mielestäni </span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display: none;"><a href="//">à mon avis</a></span><span class="trans" lang="he" style="display: none;"> עַל פִּי דַעָתִי </span><span class="trans" lang="hi" style="display: none;"> मेरे विचार से </span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display: none;"> po mom mišljenju </span><span class="trans" lang="hu" style="display: none;"> szerintem </span><span class="trans" lang="id" style="display: none;"> menurut pendapat saya </span><span class="trans" lang="is" style="display: none;"> að mínu áliti </span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display: none;"><a href="//">secondo me</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display: none;"> 私の考えでは </span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display: none;"> 제 생각으로는 </span><span class="trans" lang="lt" style="display: none;"> mano galva/nuomone </span><span class="trans" lang="lv" style="display: none;"> pēc manām domām </span><span class="trans" lang="ml" style="display: none;"> pada pendapat saya </span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display: none;"> volgens mij </span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display: none;"><a href="//">etter min mening</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display: none;"> moim zdaniem </span><span class="trans" lang="ps" style="display: none;"> زما په نظر </span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display: none;"> a meu ver </span><span class="trans" lang="ro" style="display: none;"> după părerea mea </span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display: none;"><a href="//">по-моему</a></span><span class="trans" lang="sk" style="display: none;"> podľa mňa </span><span class="trans" lang="sl" style="display: none;"> po mojem mnenju </span><span class="trans" lang="sr" style="display: none;"> po mom mišljenju </span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display: none;"> enligt min mening, i mitt tycke </span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display: none;"> ในความคิดของฉัน </span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display: none;"> bence </span><span class="trans" lang="tw" style="display: none;"> 依我看來 </span><span class="trans" lang="uk" style="display: none;"> на мою думку </span><span class="trans" lang="ur" style="display: none;"> میری رائے میں </span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display: none;"> đối với tôi </span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display: none;"><a href="//">以我所见</a></span></div><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.</div></section><section data-src="hc_mlt"><h2>mind</h2> &#x2192; <span class="trans" lang="ar"> <a href="//">عَقْلٌ</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="ar/AR/g5/g5hoflgffdgtfjh7"></span>, <a href="//">يَهْتَمُّ</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="ar/AR/gn/gngrflgofdjnfgg5ftfygh"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="cs"> mysl<span class="snd2" data-snd="cs/CS/d5/d5d3srsdslht"></span>, vadit<span class="snd2" data-snd="cs/CS/sg/sgssdhdsd7sthr"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="da"> have noget imod<span class="snd2" data-snd="da/DA/dg/dgdtdhstdtjfsgsddnd3s3jrsfsos7shgkgd"></span>, sind<span class="snd2" data-snd="da/DA/dg/dgsgdrskdyht"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="de"> <a href="//">aufpassen auf</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="de/DE/dd/dddjssdtsgddstsod7ssjod5ykshhngj"></span>, <a href="//">Geist</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="de/DE/sg/sgdydsd5sssthr"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="el"> <a href="//">ενοχλούμαι</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="el/EL/rt/rtrdrn5j5r5l5f7g5gro5hh5h5"></span>, <a href="//">νους</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="el/EL/5j/5jr35k5y5dht"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="es"> <a href="//">cuidar</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="es/LA/sj/sjdgssd5dyddsyh7"></span>, <a href="//">mente</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="es/LA/df/dfd3dssksydohr"></span>, <a href="//">preocuparse por</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="es/LA/sj/sjsksgdyshdysrssdtsrs7slj5s7s7ykgkgd"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="fi"> mieli<span class="snd2" data-snd="fi/FI/dt/dtd3drdysld3hr"></span>, panna pahakseen<span class="snd2" data-snd="fi/FI/d3/d3skdhsksjddjdssdtskdrsdsnsjshs7gkgd"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="fr"> <a href="//">déranger</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="fr/EU/sj/sjdf3rsfdfshd7d5sogk"></span>, <a href="//">esprit</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="fr/EU/sg/sgddsfshsdd3soh7"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="hr"> imati nešto protiv<span class="snd2" data-snd="hr/HR/sd/sddodndgsyd3jdsfd7dos3soj5s7yls3ygsoyyggg5"></span>, um<span class="snd2" data-snd="hr/HR/d7/d7sddnhf"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="it"> <a href="//">badare a</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="it/IT/dk/dkdhdhdsdfssdrjsdtgk"></span>, <a href="//">mente</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="it/IT/df/dfd3dssksydohr"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="ja"> いやだと思う<span class="snd2" data-snd="ja/JA/gd/gdgfyddhd5jjg5h7"></span>, 心<span class="snd2" data-snd="ja/JA/5h/5h5ghh"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="ko"> 개의하다<span class="snd2" data-snd="ko/KO/3g/3gk7fofr3yht"></span>, 마음<span class="snd2" data-snd="ko/KO/g5/g55tg3hf"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="nl"> <a href="//">erg vinden</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="nl/NL/d3/d3ddsgdojgsrdnsfd5d3syh5h5"></span>, <a href="//">geest</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="nl/NL/sg/sgdydsdysssthr"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="no"> <a href="//">ha noe imot</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="no/NO/sg/sgdtdhjhsjsgdrjssksdstsnh7h3"></span>, <a href="//">sinn</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="no/NO/d3/d3sgdrsksjht"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="pl"> <a href="//">mieć przeciwko</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="pl/PL/dn/dnd3drdylrjfsdstyjd3d7sgyhsys7glgg"></span>, <a href="//">umysł</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="pl/PL/gj/gjsddns5ssgshr"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="pt"> <a href="//">importar-se</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="pt/BR/df/dfdodnshshsssodysohds7slh7h3"></span>, <a href="//">mente</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="pt/BR/df/dfd3dssksydohr"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="ru"> <a href="//">возражать</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="ru/RU/g5/g5hhglhogghfh5hsgoffgh"></span>, <a href="//">разум</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="ru/RU/h5/h5gkhjhogsgkhr"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="sv"> bry sig om<span class="snd2" data-snd="sv/SV/d7/d7dhsgs5jgsydnd3jysyssh5h5"></span>, hjärna<span class="snd2" data-snd="sv/SV/dk/dkdtd53ssdshdsh7"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="th"> จิตใจ<span class="snd2" data-snd="th/TH/ly/lylthdkygsl7hr"></span>, รังเกียจ<span class="snd2" data-snd="th/TH/ly/lyjghhloggldhrjtklgk"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="tr"> <a href="//">aldırmak</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="tr/TR/dr/drdjd3dshfssshdyshgk"></span>, <a href="//">zihin</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="tr/TR/d3/d3srdrdrd7shhr"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="vi"> tâm trí<span class="snd2" data-snd="vi/VI/37/37sf3gsljgstsynghn"></span>, thấy phiền<span class="snd2" data-snd="vi/VI/d3/d3sfdooys7jfsddnsk5osyh5h5"></span></span><span class="trans" lang="zh"> <a href="//">介意</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="zh/CN/ln/ln55kkhf"></span>, <a href="//">头脑</a><span class="snd2" data-snd="zh/CN/kk/kkhfkhhf"></span></span><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009</div></section><section lang="es" data-src="wkEnEs"><div lang="En"><h2>mind </h2><div class="ds-list"><i>n.</i> mente, entendimiento; <div><b>___ -body medicine</b> → <span lang="es">medicina psicosomática</span>; </div></div><div class="ds-list"><i>v.</i> atender, tener en cuenta;<div><b>to bear in ___</b> → <span lang="es">tener presente</span>; </div><div><b>to be out of one's ___</b> → <span lang="es">volverse loco-a</span>; </div><div><b>to make up one's ___</b> → <span lang="es">decidirse</span>; </div><div><b>to speak one's ___</b> → <span lang="es">dar una opinión</span>; dar su parecer. </div></div></div><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012</div></section><section data-src="hcPhrase"><ul><li><span class="illustration"><a href="Do+you+mind%3f">Do you <b>mind</b>?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">هَلْ تُـمانِعُ؟</a></span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display:none"> → Nevadí vám to?</span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display:none"> → Gør det noget?</span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Ist es Ihnen recht?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Σας πειράζει;</a></span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">¿Le importa?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display:none"> → Häiritseekö, jos ...?</span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Ça vous dérange ?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display:none"> → Smeta li vam?</span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Le dispiace?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display:none"> → いいですか?</span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display:none"> → 괜찮겠어요?</span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Vindt u het vervelend?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Gjør det noe?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Czy ma Pancoś przeciwko temu?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">O senhor se importa?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Вы не возражаете?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display:none"> → Gör det något?</span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display:none"> → คุณจะว่าอะไรไหม</span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Sizce sakıncası var mı?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display:none"> → Có phiền bạn không?</span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">您介意吗?</a></span></li><li><span class="illustration"><a href="I+don%27t+mind">I don't <b>mind</b></a></span><span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">أَنا لا أُمانِعُ</a></span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display:none"> → Nevadí mi to</span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display:none"> → Det gør ikke noget</span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Es ist mir recht</a></span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Δεν με πειράζει</a></span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">No me importa</a></span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display:none"> → Ei häiritse</span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Ça m'est égal</a></span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display:none"> → Ne smeta mi</span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Non mi dispiace</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display:none"> → いいですよ</span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display:none"> → 괜찮아요</span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Het maakt mij niet uit</a></span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Det går bra</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Nie mam nic przeciwko temu</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Eu não me importo</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Я не возражаю</a></span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display:none"> → Jag har ingenting emot det</span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display:none"> → ฉันไม่ว่าอะไร</span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Sakıncası yok</a></span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display:none"> → Tôi không phiền đâu</span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">我不介意</a></span></li><li><span class="illustration"><a href="Would+you+mind+trying+again%3f">Would you <b>mind</b> trying again?</a></span> (US)<br><span class="illustration"><a href="Can+you+try+again%3f">Can you try again?</a></span> (UK)<span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">هَلْ يُـمْكِنُ أَنْ تُـحَاوِلَ مَرَّةً أُخْرَى؟</a></span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display:none"> → Můžete zavolat znovu?</span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display:none"> → Kan De forsøge igen?</span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Können Sie wieder anrufen?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Μπορείτε να ξαναδοκιμάσετε;</a></span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">¿Puede volver a llamar?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display:none"> → Voitteko soittaa uudestaan?</span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Vous pouvez rappeler ?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display:none"> → Možete li nazvati ponovno?</span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Può riprovare?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display:none"> → もう一度かけてもらえますか?</span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display:none"> → 다시 전화하시겠어요?</span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Kunt u het nog eens proberen?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Kan du prøve igjen?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Czy może Panspróbować jeszcze raz?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">O senhor pode tentar novamente?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Вы можете перезвонить?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display:none"> → Kan ni försöka igen?</span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display:none"> → คุณลองอีกทีได้ไหม?</span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Tekrar arayabilir misiniz?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display:none"> → Bạn có thể gọi lại không?</span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">您过一会儿再试试吧</a></span></li><li><span class="illustration"><a href="Would+you+mind+trying+again+later%3f">Would you <b>mind</b> trying again later?</a></span> (US)<br><span class="illustration"><a href="Can+you+try+again+later%3f">Can you try again later?</a></span> (UK)<span class="trans" lang="ar" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">هَلْ يُـمْكِنُ أَنْ تُكَرِّرَ الْـمُحَاوَلَةَ بَعْدَ قَلِيلٍ؟</a></span><span class="trans" lang="cs" style="display:none"> → Můžete zavolat později?</span><span class="trans" lang="da" style="display:none"> → Kan De prøve igen senere?</span><span class="trans" lang="de" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Können Sie es später noch einmal versuchen?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="el" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Μπορείτε να ξαναδοκιμάσετε αργότερα;</a></span><span class="trans" lang="es" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">¿Puede llamar más tarde?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="fi" style="display:none"> → Voitteko soittaa myöhemmin uudestaan?</span><span class="trans" lang="fr" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Vous pouvez rappeler plus tard ?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="hr" style="display:none"> → Možete li nazvati kasnije?</span><span class="trans" lang="it" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Può riprovare più tardi?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ja" style="display:none"> → あとでもう一度かけてもらえますか?</span><span class="trans" lang="ko" style="display:none"> → 나중에 다시 전화하시겠어요?</span><span class="trans" lang="nl" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Kunt u het straks nog eens proberen?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="no" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Kan du prøve igjen senere?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pl" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Czy może Panzadzwonić jeszcze raz później?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="pt" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">O senhor pode tentar novamente mais tarde?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="ru" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Вы можете перезвонить позже?</a></span><span class="trans" lang="sv" style="display:none"> → Kan ni försöka igen senare?</span><span class="trans" lang="th" style="display:none"> → คุณลองใหม่อีกทีได้ไหม?</span><span class="trans" lang="tr" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">Daha sonra tekrar arayabilir misiniz</a></span><span class="trans" lang="vi" style="display:none"> → Bạn có thể gọi lại sau không?</span><span class="trans" lang="zh" style="display:none"> → <a href="//">您晚些时候再试试吧</a></span></li></ul><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009</div></section><section lang="es" data-src="mghEnEs"><div lang="En"><h2>mind</h2><span lang="es"> <em>n</em> mente <em>f</em>; <span lang="en"><b>to lose one&#8217;s &#8212;</b></span> volverse loco, perder la raz&#243;n; <em>vt</em> (<em>to obey</em>) obedecer, hacer caso; <span lang="en"><b>He doesn&#8217;t mind me</b></span>..No me obedece..No me hace caso.</span></div><div class="cprh"><span class="i A cpr"></span>English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 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class="highlight">mind</span> and matter.<div class="lit_links"> <a class="LitContext" href="">View in context</a></div></div><div class="lit">This human <span class="highlight">mind</span> wrote history, and this must read it.<div class="lit_links"> <a class="LitContext" href="">View in context</a></div></div><div class="lit">Things which I didn't <span class="highlight">mind</span> at all, at first, I began to <span class="highlight">mind</span> now -- and more and more, too, all the time.<div class="lit_links"> <a class="LitContext" href="">View in context</a></div></div><div class="lit">In plain truth, she had simply taken her place in my <span class="highlight">mind</span>, to the exclusion of every other person and every other subject.<div class="lit_links"> <a class="LitContext" href="">View in context</a></div></div><div class="lit">You boast of consciousness, but you are not sure of your ground, for though your <span class="highlight">mind</span> works, yet your heart is darkened and corrupt, and you cannot have a full, genuine consciousness without a pure heart.<div class="lit_links"> <a class="LitContext" href="">View in context</a></div></div><div class="lit">This popular view of the Platonic ideas may be summed up in some such formula as the following: 'Truth consists not in particulars, but in universals, which have a place in the <span class="highlight">mind</span> of God, or in some far-off heaven.<div class="lit_links"> <a class="LitContext" href="">View in context</a></div></div><div class="lit">No change of circumstances, however extraordinary, could affect the one great anxiety which weighed on my <span class="highlight">mind</span> while I was away from London.<div class="lit_links"> <a class="LitContext" href="">View in context</a></div></div><div class="lit">DOUGLASS to address the convention: He came forward to the platform with a hesitancy and embar- rassment, necessarily the attendants of a sensitive <span class="highlight">mind</span> in such a novel position.<div class="lit_links"> <a class="LitContext" href="">View in context</a></div></div><div class="lit">Now she would be able to devote herself to large yet definite duties; now she would be allowed to live continually in the light of a <span class="highlight">mind</span> that she could reverence.<div class="lit_links"> <a class="LitContext" href="">View in context</a></div></div><div class="lit">Bearing that in <span class="highlight">mind</span>, be pleased to remember, at the same time, that I am an officer of the law acting here under the sanction of the mistress of the house.<div class="lit_links"> <a class="LitContext" href="">View in context</a></div></div><div class="lit">He is glad to see the promise of settled weather now, for getting in the hay, about which the farmers have been fearful; and there is something so healthful in the sharing of a joy that is general and not merely personal, that this thought about the hay-harvest reacts on his state of <span class="highlight">mind</span> and makes his resolution seem an easier matter.<div class="lit_links"> <a class="LitContext" href="">View in context</a></div></div><div data-periodicals="4"></div> </div> </div> <br> <div class="block width34"> <div class="heading-block"> <strong class="title">Dictionary browser</strong> <a href="//" class="link">?</a> </div> <div class="list-holder height240"> <ul><li>▲</li><li><a href="minar">minar</a></li><li><a href="minaret">minaret</a></li><li><a href="Minargent">Minargent</a></li><li><a href="Minas+Basin">Minas Basin</a></li><li><a href="Minas+Gerais">Minas Gerais</a></li><li><a href="Minato+Ohashi+Bridge">Minato Ohashi Bridge</a></li><li><a href="Minatorially">Minatorially</a></li><li><a href="minatory">minatory</a></li><li><a href="minauderie">minauderie</a></li><li><a href="minaudi%c3%a8re">minaudi&#232;re</a></li><li><a href="Minaul">Minaul</a></li><li><a href="minbar">minbar</a></li><li><a href="mince">mince</a></li><li><a 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