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Businesses are starting to adopt the "wiki", a new communication system gaining in popularity, and as always a new technology brings with it new jobs.</p> <div style="margin: 0; text-align: right; padding: 0 6px 3px;">Scale: <b>Absolute</b> - <a href="/web/20100118053653/;relative=1" rel="nofollow">Relative</a> </div> <img width="540" height="300" src="/web/20100118053653im_/" border="0" alt="wiki Job Trends graph"> <br><br> <p style="text-align:center"> searches millions of jobs from thousands of job sites.<br> This job trends graph shows the percentage of jobs we find that contain your search terms. </p> <p style="text-align:center">Find <a href="/web/20100118053653/">wiki jobs</a> </p> <div> <p style="text-align:center; margin-bottom: 0">Feel free to <a id="shareCode_bottom_link" href="#shareCode_bottom" onclick="simpleToggle( this, document.getElementById('shareCode_bottom'), { onopen: function() { var code = document.getElementById('graph_code_540x300_bottom'); code.focus();; } } ); 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