Syndetic Solutions - CHOICE_Magazine Review for ISBN Number 0870995197
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A "Scientific Committee" headed by Boggs compiled this virtually encyclopedic review of the subject. The text consists of four chronologically ordered sections, each introduced by an informative essay. A detailed chronology of the period at hand follows, along with a richly illustrated and thoroughly documented catalog of the works in the exhibition. In all respects, the publication has been prepared with scrupulous clarity, both in the texts and in the handsomely rendered visual matter. Heavily subsidized, this valuable compendium is bargain-priced, hence a virtually obligatory purchase for any library seriously committed to coverage of the major artist's work. Not to be ungrateful, however, one is led to wonder whether this and other recent offerings of its kind, issued in conjunction with blockbuster exhibitions, have not perhaps come to exceed the needs as well as the purses of visitors to the actual exhibition. For all the admiration this remarkable publication elicits, many readers may look somewhat nostalgically to the more modest yet also durable publications prepared for memorable exhibitions of a former day. F. A. Trapp Amherst College </p> </div> </div> <div class="content_bottom_button_container" align="center"><form action="" name="navbar"><input align="left" type="button" value="Back" onclick="history.back();"></form></div> <div class="footer"> <div class="legal"> Descriptive content provided by Syndetics™, a ProQuest® service.<br> <a href="">Click here for Terms of Use.</a> </div> <div class="logo"> <img src="/images/newui/footer_logo.jpg" alt="Proquest Logo"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>