CINXE.COM • Diskussion zu "phpBB File Check"

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Der Text auf den du dich beziehst, ist nur ein simpler Text der 眉ber die fr眉heren Downloads informiert. Diesen Text kann man aber nicht anklicken, der hat keine Funktion.<br> <blockquote cite="./viewtopic.php?p=1424029&amp;sid=9f1bccdb36778d66e5e798afaa33224f#p1424029"><div><cite><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=208188&amp;sid=9f1bccdb36778d66e5e798afaa33224f">Dumbo 2004</a> hat geschrieben: <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=1424029&amp;sid=9f1bccdb36778d66e5e798afaa33224f#p1424029" aria-label="Zitierten Beitrag anzeigen" data-post-id="1424029" onclick="if(document.getElementById(hash.substr(1)))href=hash"><i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-up fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><span class="responsive-hide">08.09.2023 01:06</span></cite> <blockquote class="uncited"><div>Bitte mal erkl盲ren, was genau da unklar ist. Wenn da was unverst盲ndlich ist, muss ich erstmal verstehen, wo genau es im Detail klemmt.</div></blockquote> Dieser Teil: <blockquote class="uncited"><div>da zu einem sp盲teren Zeitpunkt zumindest die notwendigen MD5-Dateien nicht mehr hier im Thema zu finden sind, sondern bei den Paket Downloads. Bis dahin gibt es die MD5 Dateien hier im Thema.</div></blockquote> Ich wei脽 nicht mal was MD1-Dateien sind - da bin ich mit MD5 schon etwas 眉berfordert...</div></blockquote> Hmm okay, das ist dann wohl zuviel Info. ^^ MD5 ist ein Pr眉fsummenverfahren das in vielen Bereichen der IT eingesetzt wird. Aber um die Anleitung erfolgreich umsetzen zu k枚nnen, ist diese Info eigentlich 眉berfl眉ssig.<br> <br> Statt:<br> <blockquote class="uncited"><div>Die Dateien von File Check sind auf 2 Archive verteilt, da zu einem sp盲teren Zeitpunkt zumindest die notwendigen MD5-Dateien nicht mehr hier im Thema zu finden sind, sondern bei den Paket Downloads. Bis dahin gibt es die MD5 Dateien hier im Thema. </div></blockquote> Nur noch:<br> <blockquote class="uncited"><div>Die Dateien von File Check sind auf 2 Archive verteilt, die am Ende dieses Beitrags als Anhang zum Download zur Verf眉gung stehen. </div></blockquote> So besser verst盲ndlich?</div> </div> <hr /> <div class="post"> <h3>Re: Diskussion zu &quot;phpBB File Check&quot;</h3> <div class="date">Verfasst: <strong>08.09.2023 19:36</strong></div> <div class="author">von <strong>Scanialady</strong></div> <div class="content">ganz bestimmt.</div> </div> <hr /> <div class="post"> <h3>Re: Diskussion zu &quot;phpBB File Check&quot;</h3> <div class="date">Verfasst: <strong>09.09.2023 13:39</strong></div> <div class="author">von <strong>Mike-on-Tour</strong></div> <div class="content">Passt so.<br> Aber das muss jetzt nichts bedeuten, ich hatte das andere ja auch schon verstanden (nichts f眉r ungut an diejenigen, die es nicht verstanden haben, als Programmierer sehe ich das aus einem anderen Sichtwinkel).</div> </div> <hr /> <div class="post"> <h3>Re: Diskussion zu &quot;phpBB File Check&quot;</h3> <div class="date">Verfasst: <strong>01.08.2024 23:30</strong></div> <div class="author">von <strong>c64persian</strong></div> <div class="content">Dieser Text wurde von Google von Farsi auf Deutsch 眉bersetzt, wenn ich mich irre<br> <br> Hallo<br> Dateipr眉fungs -Tools sind sehr n眉tzlich und ich danke Ihnen, dass Sie es geschafft haben<br> Dieses Tool sollte in der Website enthalten sein.<br> Ist es f眉r uns m枚glich, das persische Sprachpaket zu verwenden und wie man MD5 produziert und wie?<br> <br> Dank</div> </div> <hr /> <div class="post"> <h3>Re: Diskussion zu &quot;phpBB File Check&quot;</h3> <div class="date">Verfasst: <strong>02.08.2024 18:53</strong></div> <div class="author">von <strong>LukeWCS</strong></div> <div class="content">Hello c64persian<br> <blockquote cite="./viewtopic.php?p=1428135&amp;sid=9f1bccdb36778d66e5e798afaa33224f#p1428135"><div><cite><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=208718&amp;sid=9f1bccdb36778d66e5e798afaa33224f">c64persian</a> hat geschrieben: <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=1428135&amp;sid=9f1bccdb36778d66e5e798afaa33224f#p1428135" aria-label="Zitierten Beitrag anzeigen" data-post-id="1428135" onclick="if(document.getElementById(hash.substr(1)))href=hash"><i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-up fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><span class="responsive-hide">01.08.2024 23:30</span></cite> Dieser Text wurde von Google von Farsi auf Deutsch 眉bersetzt, wenn ich mich irre</div></blockquote> We can also discuss your issue in English if that is easier for you. FC is designed for international use anyway.<br> <br> I also have questions about your questions because the translation makes a few things unclear to me:<br> <blockquote class="uncited"><div>Dateipr眉fungs -Tools sind sehr n眉tzlich und ich danke Ihnen, dass Sie es geschafft haben</div></blockquote> Thanks for the kind words. <img class="smilies" src="./images/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif" width="15" height="17" alt=":)" title="L盲cheln"> FC has helped us supporters several times to locate errors that we would otherwise have had difficulty or not found at all.<br> <blockquote class="uncited"><div>Dieses Tool sollte in der Website enthalten sein.</div></blockquote> I'm not quite sure what you wanted to say. Do you mean that it should be available on<br> <blockquote class="uncited"><div>Ist es f眉r uns m枚glich, das persische Sprachpaket zu verwenden und wie man MD5 produziert und wie?</div></blockquote> Do you mean 1) a Persian language pack for File Check itself or do you mean 2) whether you can create an MD5 package for a Persian phpBB language pack?<br> <br> If you mean point 1, it was actually not intended to use a language other than English, for the reason that the reports can be read internationally.<br> <br> If you mean point 2, yes, that is of course intended and that is exactly what we do here on The checksum package contains the MD5 file for and an MD5 file for our German language packages, so that everything is checked, not just the original phpBB core.<br> <br> For point 2 we use "phpBB File Check hash Generator". However, the tool is not designed for end users or supporters, but for the administrators of the national support sites. This means that in order to create a Persian checksum package, the administrator of would have to set it up, because that is where the Persian complete packages and language packages are created.<br> <br> There is already a <a href="" class="postlink">GitHub page for the generator</a>, but no instructions yet, as we are currently the only official phpBB support site that offers phpBB File Check.</div> </div> <hr /> <div class="post"> <h3>Re: Diskussion zu &quot;phpBB File Check&quot;</h3> <div class="date">Verfasst: <strong>03.08.2024 23:18</strong></div> <div class="author">von <strong>c64persian</strong></div> <div class="content"><blockquote class="uncited"><div>I'm not quite sure what you wanted to say. Do you mean that it should be available on</div></blockquote> yes<br> <blockquote class="uncited"><div>Do you mean 1) a Persian language pack for File Check itself or do you mean 2) whether you can create an MD5 package for a Persian phpBB language pack?<br> <br> If you mean point 1, it was actually not intended to use a language other than English, for the reason that the reports can be read internationally.<br> <br> If you mean point 2, yes, that is of course intended and that is exactly what we do here on The checksum package contains the MD5 file for and an MD5 file for our German language packages, so that everything is checked, not just the original phpBB core.<br> <br> For point 2 we use "phpBB File Check hash Generator". However, the tool is not designed for end users or supporters, but for the administrators of the national support sites. This means that in order to create a Persian checksum package, the administrator of would have to set it up, because that is where the Persian complete packages and language packages are created.<br> <br> There is already a <a href="" class="postlink">GitHub page for the generator</a>, but no instructions yet, as we are currently the only official phpBB support site that offers phpBB File Check.</div></blockquote> i have made md5 file of persian pack in local computer with hashtool if I put this code with path like de language pack in filecheck_3.3.12_diff.md5 is it true?</div> </div> <hr /> <div class="post"> <h3>Re: Diskussion zu &quot;phpBB File Check&quot;</h3> <div class="date">Verfasst: <strong>04.08.2024 14:22</strong></div> <div class="author">von <strong>LukeWCS</strong></div> <div class="content">Hello<br> <br> Please only quote the exact text you want to refer to directly. Full quotes are unnecessary and make the overview of a post less clear.<br> <blockquote cite="./viewtopic.php?p=1428152&amp;sid=9f1bccdb36778d66e5e798afaa33224f#p1428152"><div><cite><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=208718&amp;sid=9f1bccdb36778d66e5e798afaa33224f">c64persian</a> hat geschrieben: <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=1428152&amp;sid=9f1bccdb36778d66e5e798afaa33224f#p1428152" aria-label="Zitierten Beitrag anzeigen" data-post-id="1428152" onclick="if(document.getElementById(hash.substr(1)))href=hash"><i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-up fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><span class="responsive-hide">03.08.2024 23:18</span></cite> yes </div></blockquote> Okay, I have already contacted I have wanted to do this for months, but something always came up and I have limited time. So your request here was the final trigger for my request to <img class="smilies" src="./images/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif" width="15" height="17" alt=";)" title="Zwinkern"> Whether also wants to offer FileCheck depends primarily on whether the supporters want it.<br> <blockquote class="uncited"><div> i have made md5 file of persian pack in local computer with hashtool if I put this code with path like de language pack in filecheck_3.3.12_diff.md5 is it true? </div></blockquote> Yes, that's right. I'll try to explain it in more detail, but please remember what I wrote: the hash generator is not intended for end users, the Persian hash packet would have to be generated directly by the administrator of<br> <br> Let's take a look at the contents of the current 3.3.12 checksum package from<br> <div class="codebox"><p>Code: <a href="#" onclick="selectCode(this); return false;">Alles ausw盲hlen</a></p><pre><code>filecheck_3.3.12.md5 333776 filecheck_3.3.12_diff.md5 14810 filecheck_exceptions.txt 160 </code></pre></div> <code class="inline">filecheck_3.3.12.md5</code> contains the primary checksums of the original package.<br> <br> In <code class="inline">filecheck_3.3.12_diff.md5</code> are the secondary checksums of the national phpBB package, in our case those of the German language package. However, this secondary file differs from the primary file in one respect: This file does not contain all the checksums of the complete national package, but only the difference to the primary file. Both files are then merged during execution.<br> <br> In <code class="inline">filecheck_exceptions.txt</code>, exceptions are defined that refer to folders. This means that certain files are not checked by FC and are not reported if their folder is missing from a phpBB installation. This means that optional components can be defined that do not necessarily have to be present.<br> <br> For a Persian checksum package, the <code class="inline">filecheck_exceptions.txt</code> file should therefore look like this:<br> <div class="codebox"><p>Code: <a href="#" onclick="selectCode(this); return false;">Alles ausw盲hlen</a></p><pre><code>ext/phpbb/viglink/language/fa/ language/fa/ styles/prosilver/theme/fa/ </code></pre></div> However, there is an exception, as I have seen. The Persian complete package includes the following additional extension: <code class="inline">ext\meis2m\jalali</code>. Is this extension mandatory for a Persian phpBB installation, or only optional?<br> <br> edit: In the meantime, a colleague has informed me what this extension is all about. According to him, this extension must be included in the Persian phpBB core. In this case, the <code class="inline">filecheck_exceptions.txt</code> remains as I have shown it here.</div> </div> <hr /> <div class="post"> <h3>Re: Diskussion zu &quot;phpBB File Check&quot;</h3> <div class="date">Verfasst: <strong>06.08.2024 10:38</strong></div> <div class="author">von <strong>c64persian</strong></div> <div class="content"><blockquote cite="./viewtopic.php?p=1428156&amp;sid=9f1bccdb36778d66e5e798afaa33224f#p1428156"><div><cite><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=190625&amp;sid=9f1bccdb36778d66e5e798afaa33224f">LukeWCS</a> hat geschrieben: <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=1428156&amp;sid=9f1bccdb36778d66e5e798afaa33224f#p1428156" aria-label="Zitierten Beitrag anzeigen" data-post-id="1428156" onclick="if(document.getElementById(hash.substr(1)))href=hash"><i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-up fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><span class="responsive-hide">04.08.2024 14:22</span></cite> Hello<br> <br> Please only quote the exact text you want to refer to directly. Full quotes are unnecessary and make the overview of a post less clear. </div></blockquote> Hello<br> <br> Thank you very much for the information you posted<br> I also had a request that may not belong here. If possible, enable the English language in the user control panel</div> </div> <hr /> <div class="post"> <h3>Re: Diskussion zu &quot;phpBB File Check&quot;</h3> <div class="date">Verfasst: <strong>07.08.2024 17:31</strong></div> <div class="author">von <strong>LukeWCS</strong></div> <div class="content"><blockquote cite="./viewtopic.php?p=1428177&amp;sid=9f1bccdb36778d66e5e798afaa33224f#p1428177"><div><cite><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=208718&amp;sid=9f1bccdb36778d66e5e798afaa33224f">c64persian</a> hat geschrieben: <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=1428177&amp;sid=9f1bccdb36778d66e5e798afaa33224f#p1428177" aria-label="Zitierten Beitrag anzeigen" data-post-id="1428177" onclick="if(document.getElementById(hash.substr(1)))href=hash"><i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-up fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><span class="responsive-hide">06.08.2024 10:38</span></cite> I also had a request that may not belong here. If possible, enable the English language in the user control panel</div></blockquote> This is not possible at the moment.<br> <br> Below is an example of creating a Persian checksum packet with FCHG.<br> <br> I looked around the forum and if I see it correctly, Meis@M is the administrator there. I also saw that you posted a topic for File Check there. So it would probably be easier for Meis@M if you linked him directly to this post here. If he has any questions, he can ask them directly here.<br> <br> Example<br> <br> 1. Create a folder with the following structure:<br> <div class="codebox"><p>Code: <a href="#" onclick="selectCode(this); return false;">Alles ausw盲hlen</a></p><pre><code>config/ filecheck_exceptions.txt filecheck_hashgen_config.php folder/ fa/ adm/ assets/ bin/ ... zip/ filecheck_hashgen.php </code></pre></div> The contents of the folders and files are explained below:<br> <br> 2. The <code class="inline">filecheck_exceptions.txt</code> must contain the following: <div class="codebox"><p>Code: <a href="#" onclick="selectCode(this); return false;">Alles ausw盲hlen</a></p><pre><code>ext/phpbb/viglink/language/fa/ language/fa/ styles/prosilver/theme/fa/ </code></pre></div> 3. The <code class="inline">filecheck_hashgen_config.php</code> must contain the following: <div class="codebox"><p>Code: <a href="#" onclick="selectCode(this); return false;">Alles ausw盲hlen</a></p><pre><code>&lt;?php /** * * phpBB File Check Hash Generator - Creates checksum packages for phpBB File Check * * @copyright (c) 2023 LukeWCS &lt;; * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0-only) * */ # phpcs:set VariableAnalysis.CodeAnalysis.VariableAnalysis validUnusedVariableNames config /* The static configuration can be defined here, which does not change with new phpBB versions. The dynamic configuration can then be passed via CLI. All config variables have the same name as their associated CLI parameters. Example: config: 'source-1' =&gt; '' CLI : --source-1="" */ $config = [ /*&gt; Primary source (ZIP or folder) &lt;*/ 'source-1' =&gt; '', /*&gt; Secondary source (ZIP or folder) &lt;*/ 'source-2' =&gt; '', /*&gt; The folder where the finished hash package ZIP will be created. &lt;*/ 'export-dir' =&gt; '', /*&gt; The folder within a ZIP, i.e. "phpBB3/". That could possibly change in 4.0. &lt;*/ 'zip-root' =&gt; 'phpBB3/', /*&gt; The label of the primary hash package. Required for various displays, including error messages. This is also used by "phpBB File Check". &lt;*/ 'source-1-label' =&gt; '', /*&gt; The label of the secondary hash package. Required for various displays, including error messages. This is also used by "phpBB File Check". &lt;*/ 'source-2-label' =&gt; '', /*&gt; Text file in which one RegEx expression can be entered per line. This file is only evaluated by "phpBB File Check" and is added to the hash package ZIP. The file name in the hash package ZIP is changed to "filecheck_ignore.txt". &lt;*/ 'ignore-file' =&gt; '', /*&gt; Text file in which one file/folder exception can be entered per line. This file is only evaluated by "phpBB File Check" and is added to the hash package ZIP. The file name in the hash package ZIP is changed to "filecheck_exceptions.txt". &lt;*/ 'exceptions-file' =&gt; 'config/filecheck_exceptions.txt', /*&gt; The filename of the hash package ZIP to create, i.e. "phpBB_FileCheck_MD5_{PHPBB_VERSION}". {PHPBB_VERSION} will be replaced with the phpBB version. &lt;*/ 'hash-zip-name' =&gt; 'phpBB_FileCheck_MD5_{PHPBB_VERSION}_fa', /*&gt; For the date display when checking the hash package ZIP. &lt;*/ 'timezone-id' =&gt; 'Asia/Tehran', ]; # phpcs:set VariableAnalysis.CodeAnalysis.VariableAnalysis validUnusedVariableNames </code></pre></div> 4. The <code class="inline">fa</code> folder consists of the Persian complete package and the Persian language package.<br> <br> Actually, FCHG could also work directly with a Persian complete package, i.e. with a ZIP, but unfortunately that doesn't work for 2 reasons:<br> <ul> <li>In the Persian ZIP, the root path does not correspond to the standard <code class="inline">phpBB3</code>.</li> <li>The Persian complete package does not contain everything, so a second package is necessary.</li> </ul> For these two reasons, the folder required for FCHG must be created manually as shown here. This means that these files must be unpacked into the <code class="inline">fa</code> folder:<br> <br> <a href="" class="postlink"></a><br> <a href="" class="postlink"></a><br> <br> The <code class="inline">fa</code> folder must therefore contain exactly the same content as would be the case with a new Persian phpBB installation.<br> <br> 5. <code class="inline"></code> is the original package:<br> <br> <a href="" class="postlink"> ...</a><br> <br> The ZIP does not need to be unpacked, FCHG can work directly with this ZIP.<br> <br> 6. <code class="inline">filecheck_hashgen.php</code> can be found in the new version 1.0.3 here:<br> <br> <a href="" class="postlink"></a><br> <br> 7. Now everything is prepared and we can run FCHG:<br> <div class="codebox"><p>Code: <a href="#" onclick="selectCode(this); return false;">Alles ausw盲hlen</a></p><pre><code>php filecheck_hashgen.php --source-1="zip/" --source-2="folder/fa"</code></pre></div> 8. If everything has been prepared correctly, the result should look like this:<br> <div class="codebox"><p>Code: <a href="#" onclick="selectCode(this); return false;">Alles ausw盲hlen</a></p><pre><code>phpBB File Check Hash Generator v1.0.3 ====================================== Version primary : 3.3.12 ( ZIP Version secondary : 3.3.12 ( FOLDER Checksums primary : 3861 ( -&gt; filecheck_3.3.12.md5 Checksums secondary: 3982 ( Checksums diff : 121 ( -&gt; filecheck_3.3.12_diff.md5 Hash package ZIP : (112237 bytes) Size Comp.Size Date Time File ------------------------------------------------------------------- 333776 108439 2024-08-07 17:55:02 filecheck_3.3.12.md5 8510 3353 2024-08-07 17:55:02 filecheck_3.3.12_diff.md5 71 57 2024-08-07 17:55:02 filecheck_exceptions.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------- Finished! Run time: 1.156 seconds </code></pre></div> Using this pattern, a new checksum package can then be created for each new phpBB version.<br> <br> 9. Automatic download of the correct checksum package:<br> <br> FC can automatically download the checksum package from the server from version 1.4.0 onwards. To do this, you must adapt the file <code class="inline">filecheck_config.php</code> accordingly. For this to work, a package archive must be available on, similar to what is available on<br> <br> <a href="" class="postlink"></a><br> <br> This means that checksum packages must be created retrospectively. As far back as desired.</div> </div> <hr /> </div> <div id="page-footer" class="page-footer"> <div class="page-number">Alle Zeiten sind <span title="Europa/Berlin">UTC+01:00</span><br />Seite <strong>1</strong> von <strong>1</strong></div> <div class="copyright"> <p>Powered by <a href="">phpBB</a>&reg; Forum Software &copy; phpBB Limited </p> <p>Deutsche 脺bersetzung durch <a href=""></a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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